The Brussels Post, 1889-7-19, Page 8S TO KILL use 0311' N- S' 1,yowill'r, SS I1 e 0 1? 1 V• Powder or Wilson's 141y Pauls. rreveornmeesermarzirelastmaere TOeKILLPOTATO BUl8 usour Paris Green, guaranteed to g1Ve Satisfaction. TO KEEP 'COOL use .one of our Palm Leaf or oth- •er Fans, \Ye have them at 5e, each and upwards. �T Dru�gt tC II, A, Deadman, BookseiBller. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN ESTE 3S10N. w. 0, & B. R. ' rain5leare Ern0Bele Station, uort and south -as fallow a.— Going ^loath. Going North. Mail.......... -7:02 a.m.Mixed 0:20 0.m t:EproBn.....11:45 a.m. I Mai.i,5109 p.m l0Cixed 8:55 p.m. I Express 9:45p.m ACc1t eivs tons. A chiel's amang ye takin' notes Au' faith he'll prent it. samesseartinsuketersomereeme 11+,1mi,mins 3 3 far sale 1I Oil eA pinata at McCracken 311 -.3 t\ tl.nn., of Verges, gas, is 1 isiting at J. A. Creiighton's. Itila0 Mi mi:a lt, of LnckOOS, is 038:1 1 Miss Annie Calbiok. 1101Alna to Watches and jewelry ()tompt- ly attended to at Jas. Jones'. T. 1!'LErclina and wife made a ;dolt to Seaforth on Thursday of this week. Do not fail to call and get a bargain in clothing before we move, I1oss linos. Cleo. T:Iol0SON ie getting the plate glass in his store this week. He keeps up with the tinlee, MOLK4MAKE.-Del10100Sly cold, creamy, foaming, far ahead of ice cream. Any flavor. Aeon (loop. Two parcels loft at Pepper's drug store (one contains shoes.) The owner is re. quested to call for the same. UNCLE Toyl's cabin will On02 111010 come to the front next Tuesday. A travelling troupe has the matter ie hand. E. L. DtcKENSON, of Wingham, was in town on Thursday In connection with the preparation of the Dominion voters' list, WE intend moving to our new stand, in Leckie's Blook, in about 20 days and will clear out our stock at cost. Ross Bnos. 50- A. LARGE amount of space is taken up this week with the report of the 12111 of July celebration. It will be interesting reading, however. TRE base ball team wont to Gorrie on Thnreday afternoon of this week to play a friendly game with the "Unions" of Wroxeter and Gorrie. GEo00E and Samuel Mooney left last Tuesday morning for Indian Head, N.W. T., on a prospecting tour with a view of becoming permanent settlers. Thomas Mooney has returned to his home under the stare and stripes. Ani, orders for teaming left at J. G. Skene's or A. M. McKay it Co's store will be promptly attended to. All orders for garden plowing left with the above named gentlemen will receive prompt at- tention. 80 HENDERSON BROS. ALES. STEWART, Queen street, intends taking a trip to the Northwest and Da- kota next week. He will go by the C. P. R. steamers and will be absent about 40 days. Mr. Stewart has a large number of relatives and friends in the West. A.)15 .5; was around town lately amusing some of the people, especially the boys, by sticking a bar of iron down lois throat, driving needles into his body, &c. He said he was a disabled railway employee and tool: this, unusual, style of securing a living. 1181,080 Borne of the little cubs cease their swearing while engaged in ball playing on the Park there will be trouble about it. An 000ssional visit to that locality might astonish some parents if they heard the language used by their offspring. MEASLES. 'WHAT about our civic holiday ? tDo11a Paris green at G. A. Deadman's. Moss Ino THoan'soN is home from St. elatliari nee. A. EEr.11181.0N talks of removing to Valkerton. Miss GRACE ELDER, of Seaforth, is visiting in town. BARGAINS in watches, clocks and jewel- -ry at J. Jones', W. M. Sr -smote was in the circular 'town on Tuesday of this week. MRs. nommen and Mrs. Worth and children, of Chicago, are visiting at B. Berry's. LT will pay any person to call and see ',Geo. Love & Co's Furniture Room. New Goods and new Prices. WE will do what we advertise, sell our -stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishings 'for the next 20 days at cost. Rose Betas. REV. S. JONES officiated at Listowel last Sabbath. He is away now on a .holiday visit to old friends in the north. SCARF PIN LOST. -Gold scarf pie lost •in Brussels. Finder will be well reward- •ed,bl leaving at THE POST Publishing House, Brussels. 52.31. Soo. Snow is away at Owen Sound at- tending the Grand Lodge, A.F.&A.M. in session there. E. E. Wade could not go •owing to eonrt business. Elsner JAMES took in the city of De- ebroit.for a few days. He had a hand in n game of lacrosse while there. "Jessie" as a good hand with the stick. Oto, Love & Co. have no goods to sell dor spite but they will do undertaking at beg combine prices and Lv311 use their theorise for the poor as well as the rioh. R, LEATHERDALE is determined to keep :up with the times and has invested in a vatic of blank robes for his horses, to be used in connection with funeral oo- oaeions. 43 t Wednesday of this week 0. Veal, 'oi'Wroxeter, father to our townsman, A. Weal, died at a good, old age. He had these ill for some time. The funeral takes place on Friday. TELE Sunday school excursion of this section is being talked of. Goderioh ap- pears to be the magnetic point. The perk at this place has been greatly im- illeaved this year and is now an attractive ,resent. Alias E. E. Keen and Fred Calbiok Swore injured in going to the pie-nio last 'Tuesday by falling from the wagons they .were in. The former caught her dress as she wee getting out and Fred' got his dump by the board breaking on which he .was seated. wax's make of Pea Harvesters leads 'the van. ' They can be fitted to any mowing me chine. All complete for $10.00 Cellist the shop, opposite Queen's hotel stables, Brussels, and see them. They are dandies and do the work in a first- •0ia90'114anner. 52 - Wm. -Dream; AND DRnI,LINo.-George S31.st.has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar. -ed to attend to all work entrusted to biro 'in •a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west .side of Ternborry et., Brussels. 48.3f t'dvss Jonas, of Wingham, was in Brits. :seta on Thursday.of this week and or - 'geared her class fn drawing end paint - lug, She is thoroughly posted in the various departments of her work and her weekly visits here will afford an exoellent .opportunity to those desirous of receiving dnakyfiotione •in this, art. Particulars missy be obtained at Mrs. W. F. Van - donate where the slain will meet for the present. Tits Posa•'eeoonde the motion: "Con- duetorquirk,in himself, attracts more visitors to Kincardine than any other -sinpto individual. He is known as a 'whole=souled gentleman far and wide. 'She friends be has would maintain a imagelfioout summer hotel. We have -often thought the town should pay him a thereinto annually of $500 es a slight 5. mognition of his patriotic service to this ,people." -Kincardine Review, '(1159.`1)10 A New Fine ST1Aymn.-A dela- r.gation.of two gentlemen from htildmey, Mr. Spitvoig, proprietor of the foundry in that town, and Mr. Rosenor, proprietor sf the flax mill, visited the Brussels 'Stearn Vire Encino Works on Wednesday to gee tested a handsome, now steamer., wlhich, for its size, made a most satin. t7"actery exhibition, throwing the great .distanoe of 270 feet with 1A inch nozzle :and using 200 feet of huge. Then, sub. sequently, two streams, each inch, the distance of 225 feet each. Then le final .grand test of four a inch streams. This engine is a small size, built upon int. proved principles, which hits fully come rl1p t0'alllexpeetations o&the builders and rs juet the engine for smell towns and viilages, for which itis speoialtydesignecl. -The above Werk was done with tipper. „catty Mho gleete51 030 as tars stash "image never registareI over one hnnttred ipoundn. THE BRUSSELS POST 1I1 Beau Ion\a 1303.11(1 home last Satinday Prim Exeter. Orn shoe stook is very tome end won• derfully chs, l). An .o (lour•, Me. Axe Bina. 1'). W. Rournre spent last Sunday in Londooboro'. Mies JOHNSTON, of London, is vioiting hoe sister, MFs, Jos, Walker. Von potato bugs get pore Paris green at Pepper's drug Ettore. See ad. Miles MINA TURNBULL is enjoying a visit wall friends at Atwood. A can load of export cattle was shipped by Joseph Clegg on Tuesday. IF your w11toh'lon't run right take it to Jas. Jones. He'll sot it right. Mise Bnowsxow, A. R. Smith'e ulfllin. er, left for her borne last Thursday. Me. AND MRs. Its. Rose, of Guelph are visiting at Melville manse this week. Miss F. E. HERR arrived Dome from Eager Oo. for her holidayo last week. Tire residence of Jno. D. Ronald has been greatly improved by the painter's brush. Mose DESNxo, of Porter's Hill was visiting her uncle, harry Dennis, lest week. ON THE WINO. -As I am on my rounds cleaning, repairing and tuning organs and repairing and cleaning sewing ma- chines, please drop me a card to let me know where to call. Second hand ma- chines on hand and none given out with. out making good stitching. 54. T. Moonn. Loaf Friday Jas. Oliver teas repairing a fence and as he was driving the last nail, completing the job, it flew and struck him in the right eye, destroying the sight at -once. The old gentleman, who is upwards of 73 years of age, has suffered a good deal of pain but hopes to soon gat about now. The other eye has not been affected we are pleased to state. To DAME AWAY AI0sQlilr0Ee.-It would seem that the mosquito this season clad come to stay, and, besides, that his thirst for gore does not abate. He is not easily driven away but the following recipe is said to be effectual : Take of gum c)m- phor a piece about one-third the size of a hen's egg, and evaporate it over a lamp, taking care that it does not ignite. The smoke will soon fill the room end expel the mosquitoes, and not one will be found in the room next morning, even though the windows should be left open at night. Runoun says that Thos. Farrow, who is expected to assume the duties of post- master hero on Aogust 1st, talks of re- moving the postoffioe to a more southern location. If there is anything in the re- port we advise Mr. Farrow to leave well enough alone. The people of Brussels are prepared to aooept of the now ap- pointee and do all they can to make his incumbency pleasant and agreeable, but the removal of the office to some other part of the town will stir up a storm that will not be easily quieted. The present site is central, the situation good, the building erected specially for the purpose and the office has been there for over 20 years. No good reason can be advanced for a change and if Mr. Farrow wants peace he had better accept of things as they are. A canvass of the leading bnei- nese men or the general public will soon convinoe him or anybody else that the idea is far from being popular. MRs. HAnnorTLE er. and Mise Har- bottle left Brussels on Tuesday for Fox Warren, Man. litres L. Wxxx, of Newry, and Mimi McDougall, of Calgary, N.W.T., is visit. ing at Geo. Love's. A 88011x0 woman, 18 years of age, wants a place as general servant. Apply at TIME POST Publishing. House. LITTLE Jimmie Stratton had the mis- fortune to fall from the woodshed on Sunday and broke his left arm. THREE weddings are on the program in which Brusselites are interested, "Guess who if you can, nolo do." UNFORT01ATE.-Last Monday the peo- ple of Brussels were greatly surprised and pained at reading in the Toronto dailies that Mies Carrie MoRenzie, niece of Jno. Tait, of this place, and a young lady who enjoyed the. esteem of all who knew her had been arrested for lathery, in Toronto, on Saturday. She had gone to the Queen's city a year or so ago from here and took a position as governess in the family of Mr. Bonell, living with them until she went to the Parkdala Model oohool where she wan granted a 3rd ,lass certificate last year. In Janu- ary she took a position as teacher in a village named Vivian, 9 miles from New. market, York Co., and 80 miles north of Toronto, on the Lake Simone Junction railway, at a salary of 6250, and succeed- ed well in the sobool. 00 account of baying friends in Toronto Miss Mc- Kenzie repeatedly took a run to the ei33' but why she followed the Course she did (of taking.% position as a domestic anti appropriating jewelry and wearing ap- parel) is beyond oomprehonsion, The trial at the Polios Court last Monday re. suited in a sentence of aix months in the Mercer Reformatory, She was always supplied with plenty of clothing, watch, &o„ and apparently needed nothing. All the articles taken were found in her trunk.. Tt fs supposed by some that her mind may bo a little off the balaneo. Miss McKenzie was a sedate, level headed, lady like young woman wig)had a careful bringing up and was always choice in het cons Oh! though we 1illmi,s thee panione. Mr. 'late and family, who What My 'tlstolinOw, have ha'1 thin trouble brought gupon That the Jostls ie ready p I Tothou we win dm than, are they of flOalways s done in ilio Then Wiry need pin grudge ileo, matter as they kava always dopa all in Though herd 'tie to part, their power to advance the interests of You lino new In (Here their niece. And live In ohne0008, MIse ANNIE HAIiosEAVP.3 is home from Toronto. She was away about six weeks. Miss Elsie Jackson came back with her. WHAT makes sucha rush at Ross Bros. clothing store ? Why because they are selling clothing and gents' furnishings at cost. Pereclroti beim received word that owing to a press of work the result of the Entrance Examination would not be known for another week. Tans week Joseph Watson, of Winni- peg, Man., was in town for a little while accompanied by his brother, of Harris. ton. Mr. Watson noticed a great im- provement in Brussels since his last visit. B. LEATIIEwDALo's bay mare has a tip. top "Volunteer" foal that thrl owner puts a good deal of emphasis on. P. Scott's mare presented him with a dandy "Carlisle” Dolt also. We will have come great trotting stook after a while. O0R millinery season for the spring and summer closes on Thursday, Slily Nth. 'Ladies requiring any hats trimmed or stock at wholesale prices should call now ail we are determined to close out what stook we have now on hand at a great sacrifice. W. NtenrniO.tos & Co. REVD,. DAVID ROGERS, Of Attwood, Caswell, of Trowbridge, Dr. Henderson and Gilpin, of Listowel, Smith, of Hen. fryn, Torrance, of Walton, Scott, of Wingham, McAllister, of Palmerston, McRibbin, late of Bluevale and Davis, of Ethel, were in town on Wednesday. They had been attending the funeral of Rev. J. R. Gibson, of Ethel. D. C. Ross left Brussels for New York last Monday morning where he will take up a new system of cutting at the well known Mitchell's cutting establishment. He will be away about three weeks. Jno. Ferguson accompanied him to New York for a holiday visit. They went via G. T. R. and New York Central to Albany thence down the Hudson river. Caoox'e ACT. -On Wednesday after. noon 0. Zilliax, Central Hotel, pleaded ; guilty and paid $20 and costs for violet- ing the Saturday night clause of the Act. Isaac Gill, of Ethel, was fined $50 for selling liquor without a license and 620 for keeping it for sale. The cases were heard before A. Hunter, J.P. E. E. Wade conducted the case for Inepeotor Miller and W. B. Dicskeon appeared for Mr. Gill. In the search at Gill's last week Constable Scott and the Inspector found a keg of beer. THE Band purpose holding a Barden party 011 Dr. MaFaugbton's lawn on Friday evening, July 26th. Where will be a gnesain31 match, a bottle of beans and buttons mixed, number unknown, equal for all. Prize a silver dinner cruet (Bee Jackson's jewelry. store window. Free for all who pay'613e entrance fee 1 cents. Ice Dream and other refresh. monks. A large quantity of music will be let loose on that occasion. If the citizens wish the Band to be a success they should come en masse on that oc- casion. Tos Methodist Sabbath school pi0.nio was held in "Maitland Park" last Tues- day afternoon. There was a largo at- tendance of children, parents and friends and a pleasant time was spent. Amuse. menta were provided in the way of base ball, croquet, swinge, ring laorosse, bean bags, quoits and boating. After a good supper the children were treated to 20 pounds of candy. With a few hours work the grove of Mr. Bergen's could be madean Al pie.nic ground. It would not be a bad idea for the different con. gregations to unite and'flx it up, with the owner's'permierion. PIMP OUT ono WELLS. -A medy'cai gentleman in a neighboring lown'euggests the propriety of having all the wells pumped out rn order to ecoid an epi - demo of typhoid fever. Many of the wells aro now filled almost to the top. Most of this water is surface water and is consequently more er lees impregnat- ed with vegetable matter. If this water s allowed to remain in the wells, the warm weather of July and August will breed in it the gime of the disease and its use by the people will be almost certain to spread typhoid fever broadcast over the land. A little care in ibis matter may prevent serious consequences and it is much cheaper to pump out the well, than to pay a largo doctor's bill. A'hint to the wise shell d be sufficient. Grusoe,-At the Methodist parsonage, • Ethel, on the 15th inst., Rev. Jos. R. Gibson, aged 45 years and 6 months. SAMPLE, -In Brandon, Manitoba, en aline loth, Aiexander Robertson, infant son of John and Jeno Sample, aged 1.0 months and 21 days. SIeep m, little auntie' Sweat in thy rest, With thy calm, sweet face Laid on .loss3s breast. JULY 19, 1889 nscent=020r,,w':%-..4F,,=wr,.„mss„,,,,,,,,,,,,Goa,--„-'.S"1 .: -” ... -.- V'(0-'(0 S.Sl''Cv',:=W , 1arils � te)7t I.1.e"I'31 I'48800'nl.i.l 11t:IlT 118813. I C '�•- , ,f,,k ll 1'ttll 11'lumt lib r'8 ' C�'r Spring Willett hb lis I CHEMICALLY PURE. ;,� U.11ili Ac; 11,4 I) .1. Bnt'ley 40 45 Pons ., 59 54 I -10 ._&J POTATO BUGS. •• Butter, tabs and rolls12 13 Eggs per dozen 11 Flour per barrel..,,. ,.., 5 20 Potatoes ... 30 Hay per ton 7 00 Hides per ib 2 Salt per bbl„ retail1 25 Sheep skins, each. GO Wool, per lb. 19 00 00 00' 9 00 S 00 1 00 22 E3£AW'O TWM 8.15. 88 £T0'4. 00n113CTED 0,313010114: EVERY W10431. Fall Wheat 95 98 Spring Wheat 95 Oats Peas J3arley Potatoee Butter, per 1b Eggs, per dozen Hogs, dressed Hs, dss d °Beef Hay Wood, per cord Sheepskins, eaoh 2(1 53 40 37 12 11 30 6 00 4 50 9 00 2 50 40 98 27 54 45 00 13 00 35 00 5 50 00 4 50 57 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GENERAL SERVANT WANT- ED nt once. Appmy to 1. 31115, \V. M, SINCLAIlf. S13EEI' STRAYEDFROM LOT 20 ,eon. le, Grey, between June 8 and 12, one ewe, washed and unshorn, with owe Lamb. Any inlormation lending to their recovery will be thankfully received. V AL. FOEBBTElt, Oranbrook 1,0. 51.4 STRAYED ON THE PREMISES of Lhe undersigned, lot 10, con. O. Grey, on or about June 0, one 2 year old steer, red and white in color. The owner is requested to prove property, pay 0xpen98a and take nim away. LORENZO F1RAIN. 51.4' Proprietor TirxaiY1 SION I At/ Duri-,g the summer mouths, com- mencing Saturday, May 11th. I will carry 90 0505010 on Saturday of each week from Gerrie to Sea forth and return for 91.05, and from Brussels to Seaforth and return 000. Stage loaves at usual hours. S. WALSH, Proprtetor. DBE SSMAKING: The anderalgued desires to intimate to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding country that she ie prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Satisfactiou guaranteed. Shop -Up -stairs, ona door north of Walter Jaokeon's hardware store, 00- MISS SAMPLE. GORRIE AND SEAFORTH STAGE ROUTE. Stage leaves Gone° about 0;50 0, m., reach- ing Brussels about 8:80a.m.,and will arrive at Seaforth about 11:50 a• m. Returning will leave Seaforth about 5130 P. m., reaching Brussels about 0:45, in.timo to connect with trains going north and south. Also make connections with 0. P. R. at Wroxeter and Gerrie. " S. WALSH, Proprietor, LOOS Haring done buelnesain Canada for years, our rep utatiou and responsibility Is established. IVo want three moil in your vicinity to represent ea, to whom exclusive territory will be given. Handsome outfit free. Salary and expenses paid weekly. previous experience not required. Write at once for terms. Hardy Stook for Canada o. a eoiolty. MAY BIROS., Nurserymen, Rochester, N.Y. 48.8 Tanglefoot Sticky Fly Poison Pads, Pure Dalmatian Insect Powders, FOR 1\LASy Y FLIES, AT --•`- PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels. BULL FOR SERVICE -I WILL keep on my Fatm, lot 27, eon. 0. Mor- ris ,a there' -bred Bates Bull, of the Dueheee f amity. Pedig,ee can bo seen nt the a rubles. Terme—Thoro'-bred oowe'5.1 0 ; hipll graded oowe, 88' common sows, .50, with privil. age of returning during the season. To be paid 41131n or baforJOHN BROADFOOT 880. STRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, lot 18, con.10, Grey. on or about drst weak of June, 1 yearling steer, gray iu color. The owner is requested to pay ell charges and take him away. Also strayed from nay premieee, about 101 of May, 1 two-year-old steer, chiefly red, but with other white markings and white star ou tore - bead. Any person returning or sending me whereabouts of came will be suitably re. warded. JAMES KNIGHT, 00.4• Oranbrook P. 0. REAL ESTATE. FARM FOR SALE. -TEE UN. 1Enam11ED offers for sale the north east quarto rof lot 28, oonooasion 0, Morrie, County 0f Huron, oOntein in g 50 aer00. 'Phe land Is of drat quality and In ahigh state of cultlyatiol. well Mimed and uuder-drained, L sores cleared. New train* house, 8 rooms, milk house with concrete walls, 2 walla, good barna nue ailed, orchard, etc. Eight mares of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the 0orporetlon of Brussels. Suit- able torus will be given. Title perfect. JAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 80- - Beaforth P. 0. C%•��OOD FARM FOR SALE IN J, Morrie, on reasonable tonna. In order to oioso the affairs of kilo estate of the late W. G. Flin Ston, the executors oiler the fol. bowleg valuable lands for gale North half of Lot 50, Oonsessiou 5, Township of Morris, containing 00 acres. 031 this lot 10 erected a good frame baro with atone fnuu- dation, good orohard, well and pump, Near- ly all cleared, mud 1s on the grave rood closely adjoining the village of Brussels. This farm is a valuable ono, is well fsesed and in a good state of cultivation. For prines and terms ripply to TH08. KELLY, Brussels P. 0., HENnY JENNINSS, Victoria Square 1'. 0.or JAt3Re 5590881, ]Maple Lodge 1'. O., Middlesex County, FARMS FOR SALE.., -,THE MISSIOStED hen severe cod Farms for sale sad to rent; easy terms, LI Townshipp! 1 of Morris and Gray, F. 8. BOUTT. Brnesols. 87-t1. ri\ANNERY .FGR SALE.- THE 1 Brauuele Tannery is offered for sale at a bargain. In it is a 15 h. p. engine and 8050. p,boaler,llvats, 2curry tables, 3etoyea, good brk mill and a full set of tools, with heating pipes to leaches, &o. There aro about 2 scree of land in connection with the building. No tannery nearer than Wingham or Listowel. Terme easy. For further par- ticulars, as to price, tonne, &o„ apply at 87. Tan Pon Publishing Rouge, Brueaols. 1.4-1A BM FOR SALE. -THE SUB - L" sternen offers his valuable 100 acre tarm,betng lot 5, eon. 18, Grey Township Huron 00., for sale. There are about raj acres cleared and in good heart. There 19 a bog house, good bank barn, beating orohard, and all the necessary ooavenienoes on the premises. For further particulars, as to pprioo,terms, etc„ apply to the Proprietor, 1iU08. HISLOP, Olare P. 0., N.:VS: T.. or to 5-11 DOUGALD STRAOHAN,-Aruseels FARM FOR SALE. -THE UN. doeoignodoffers his farm, being west part Lot 11, Coe. 18, Grey, contalning 50 acres, for sale. The Sera is about all olear- ed'and under cal iyation and is wail .under- drsteed. Tbero is nearly an aore of orchard. A 103 house 11x87 feet, a frame barn, 50x50 teat a log stable and other ou3buildinge are on tliepremiaes. Alco 2 good walls. Pos. eesrion will be given after harvest, For full Particulars as to prlos,torme, &m, apply to THOS. %V. JOHNSTON, Proprietor, FARM FOR SALE. -THE UN. N8Rne1ONED oilers kis 150 -acre farm for sale, being lot 10, and 81 lot 19, eon, 7, Grey. About 80 or 00 area cleared. Fenoot an good repair. 15 acres birth on the 60.agre lot and 10 scree on the other 103. 2 good bearing orchards. olio on each place and plenty of good water. Tbero is a good brisk voueered house containing 0 rooms. Two barna. The frame ono is 4)x00 ou a steno foundation, the other is log, The term is under good Oultiyation and is only ,3 of m mite from the stirring village of Ethel, and 6miles :Min Brnnets. For further,nrticu- lara apply 10 ELIJAH BATEMAN, Propria• tor. 45•tf 200ACRE FAR11 FOR SALE. -A erg -class farm for Salo in the Township of Morris in the county ofHnron being South half of north half tots 23 it 25 and south half of 26 in Otto eon., containing 2018 aoroe more or lees, Ice acres mosl17 clear of stump, entire a good state of that. rotten, Titania a young bearing orcharda good bolas and hank hero 85 :tag feativilh atone Stable un1Ornontil. The tette le situ- ated within a mile of the Village of Ilruseohe 11114 to a good farm for grail or stook fele• ing as ittaa,(Mind with the river_Militia nct incl novo' falling spring crook,. osttsefotl w111 he given at any Mine, For fernier 908. 11 1:1575 apply on the promises (trio AA, ON 11ru850):, i'. fl 8.11 FrOTE$'S°' /41S2", --188L. Municipality of the Pillage of Brussels, County of Theron. Notice is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mention- ed le Sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voter,' Lists 503.1890, the copies required by said sectlone to be so transmitted or delivered, of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the haat Revised As. se.sn,ent Roll of said Municipality to be en - tilled to.vobe in said muotolpality at elec- tions ler members of the Legislative As. marbly and at Municipal elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office in Brussels on the 8th day of July,188!l, and re- mains there for inspection, Electors aro celled upon to examine the said list and if any omiselons or may other error, are Lound Mamie, to take immealat° proeeodinge to have the said errors corrected according to law, 7, B. SCOTT, Clerk. Dated this 10th day of July,1880. AUCTION SALE —OF A— VALUABLE FARM, IN THETOWNSHIP OF GREY IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. In the Matter of Peter McDonald, Insolvent Under and by virtue of an assignment for the bo :fit of creditors Made by the above lamed Insolvent to Robert Gibbons, Esq., Sheriff of the County of Huron, Assignee, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at Tuck's hotel, in the Village of Cranbroola, in the County of Huron, at the hour of 12 O'clock, Noon, of SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1888 BANKING. tINTOSH W McTAGGART, AMA BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Traniao•ct a t3-oxaoro,1 =o.x,.]car:4. omuaiaono, NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian. and UMW States Drafts bought and Bold. Interest allowed on Doposits. Collections made on faro,'aGle terms. Canadian Agents - MEnennxr's DAVE O1' CANADA, New York A9tents-IMnifTnns AN11. T1tAD- Eite NATIONAL BANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. �� / M. SINCLAIR, ' r • Solicitor, Conveyanocr, No tory Pub- lic, &e. Once-Grabnm 8 Block, I door north of Popper's Deng Store. Private Funds to Loan. �j E. WADE 1.J • Barrister, Solicit,r and Eatery Pub - 110. Conveyanclug. Collections aud Loaning. Mr. Wade will attend In Gerrie every Wed- nesday at two o'c look, DICKSON & HAYS, Late with Darrow & Prondfoot, Gode- rich,) Biarristers, Bolieitore, Conveyancers. &c. Omoe-Grant's Block, Bniasole. Money to Loan. u, e, HATS. w.13,DIOE0ON. The following valuable form property,viz., Lot number Fifteen (15), in the Twelf(13) Concession, of the said Township of Grey, , excepting thereont three and ono -half acres of lend heretofore sold and conveyed by the said Peter McDonald. The property is very favorablyy situated, adjoining the said Vil- lage of Oranbrook and 5 miles from the Village of Brussels, situated on the W.G.513. It'y. The soil ie n rich loans, and is in n good state of cultivation. There aro athlete on the property the following buildings; A grad frame house ,about 20x80 foot, and a good barn with stone stabling underneath, 40x00 feet. There 150 good boarlog orohard on 1800 property, also two good wens. The property 1, well fended and drained. TERMB00 Som. -Ten per Cent. down on day of sale and the balance within thirty days. thereafter, without interest, when the. purchaser will be entitled to a conveyance free of expense. The property will bo sold subject to an existing lease, which expires on the 1st day of December next, with privilege to purchaser to enter to do fall plowing and put in fallorep.' The property will be offered for sale sabjeot t0 a reeeryed bid. The Title is Perfect. For further particulars apply to Romer Grenoxe, Esq., Bhoriff Huron County, Goderioh• Messrs. J.C.Tuox and Jona Mo - 081705n, JR„ Cranbrook, or to the under- signed. DI08808 & HAYS, Solicitors for -assignee, Dated at BrnseoleJnly 4311, Brussels. JI/ORT(.1 GE SALE —GF— .A Valuable Farm —114 Township of of lMorris, County of Harron, Ont.. Under and by virtue of a power of gala oontalaed1a a certain Mort -Pee, which .will be produced at the time of Salo, thorn 'will bo offered for sale by Publio Auotloe, by F. 1, 3001T, Esq, Auctioneer ,el the American Hotel, Brussels, --5x-- Saturday, July 27, '89, at the Hoar of Three T o'clock In theAfter.After. The south half e fr of Lbt numbesee,pinrth'0vdtq Con, of the said Township of Morris, known as the Harris Farm, eontainteg 100 nem, Save and except 1 30.100 acres heretofore Sold and ooavoy00 to the W. G. & B. 13'y for a right of way. There aro about 18 acres cleared and fn good state of oultiyation ; yery well tenCed and underdrained. The buildings ponaieb of a mod frame home, 2003 feet, with kitchen and waodsbed at- tached; also a good bunk barn, 40660 feet, together with nn implement bongo. Uppob the premises and neer the beildin40 10 a never -failing spring. There is also a good orchard, This in an oxoollent term, and it satiated within two and 441041 1111109 of Brussehte a thriving viliagd cu the W. 0i & B, hallway. Psmts or BALL -Thin farm will he sold Subject to 0 Fleet Mortgage snow :tub 038ting thereon t r 1)80 prinoipal alto of 52,800, to - other with lateroe t tuereon , fell particulars of which cue be had from the Vendor's Solicitors. The balense over and novo sal it First MO1tpa10 shall b. paid fie"ollode- Ten po• omit. tllero0l 0nl)L1g11 day too sole, and t),3 bnlanco withie 80Jaya thereafter, w11o,3. the pure),o:ol' wail bU e::be lob inro pnseeo ion, The above propority will be bleared fey rale Mb(mit to a reserved 111,1, Por further ftsrtlolll,rs an con:Utious of sale apply to the Alleti0nocr er to DICKV1111. DO 's 0OL10M'0110, Doted lit ]bassets Mit day of Jahy,1818 A� M. TAYLOR, B. 0 L Barrister, Setie(tor, 55„ of tin arm of Taylor, McCullough & Burns, Barristers Solicitors, &c., Manning Arcade, Toronto, Money to loan, ALEX. HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agaut. Funds invested and to loan. Collections mad°. 013100 in Graham's Block, Brueaols. BUSINESS CARDS. WH. MoORACKEN, • lecturer of Marriage Licenses. Office at bas Grocery, '1'urnberry street, Brussels. ' MISS O'CONNOR, Teacher of Piage and Organ. Terms on application. WAfroti CLAog heats ovary Thursday and Friday at airs. D, Oumpbell'e, Walton. .' MISS HARGREAVES ,Desires to roueivo pupils for lustrun- tion on the. Piano and Organ. Nino years experience. Residence with Mrs, Harxreav- es,over Popper's Drug Store. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, I entitaNCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. BN. BARRETT, • Toneorinl Artiel' Shop -Next doe south of A. hI. Mo8ay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and ohlldron's hair cutting a t pecialty 1J -A choice stook of cigars kepi. A• MoNAIR Iosuror of Marriage Llcoveos, by appointment of Lieut,-floveruor, Commis- sioner, &e.,Q,B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Oo. Office at the Oranbrook Po5t.Cfdoo, DENTAL. ID=1TTSST R 1'1 G. L. D. B., Honor Graduate and M, R, C. D. 5. Toronto. Vitalised Air given,. 00100-MRYnna 130008, SaAFOMMI. ££21T800T I W. J. Fear, L. D. 8., Graduate of Toronto School of Dentistry. All operations guaranteed. ea'Artldcial teeth, that quality, and a gnaraateed fit, for $12.00 per set, Omoo-0ADr'e BLOOt,.8EAFon111. A)10)PiTYL+iT1 s. - . T6A3ZTSIS- z, Tz. s.. Honor Oroduet° of the Royal college of D ental8urgeons, Toronto. Nitron Oxide Gas a dn,laistered for the Painless Extraction of t oath, Odloe-- ISSI*ONn DOOR HOSTS OF HANN, Bs neel,Ls AUCTIONEERS: GEORGE KIRKBY, Llcsnsod Auctioneer, Sales conduct. ed oil reasonable forme, Farms and farm stock a apeolally. Orders lot at THE Po8T Publi nh tag House, Bru see l a, or sent to Walton P. 0., w111 receive prompt attention. AIiAYMANN, • Auctioneer, 1s always ready to at- tend nates of farina, farm stook, situ, Tarsals cheerfully given. Oranbrook P. 0. Bales may b0 err timed et 'Tun POST PubllabIne Hous., Bruseele. MEDICAL CARDS. ill. F. CALE, M. D,3 0,1,1,, T V alt m er of the setts a of Pb s'atcian II a b g y and Surgeons of Ontario by examtn1ast,1503 Uflioo and Reodouoo.-Main street Ii Ethel, O u tariq. A. MoNAUGHTON, �I. D. • C. DL L. O.P. Edinburgh, M. C. 1'. T g, S, Ont. At rappers rug Stto from te 11190 a. in, anti from 1:80. to 4 p. m, At other lame may be Pound at his residence, krill. olly oacepied by Dr. Gutehiuson, 01i1: rt, VETERINARY, NO. I. )ARWI01 V, B .V fW It 7!U F, W. (reDinh, V.60, � yO U 1 lUCCLB Vradhna ynii HgnMW11 beliow 60 a t. x. Veterinary with the retell 00 epleasedtir ss' atonuowttli the 03000 cure crud. press, atonal, ()Moo 105 n cy-013ri re big okay�ta, ril0coand in6rmnry--t)'lirtnu•d oil stahil,2 floors north of bridge, Taroborey 1 At„ ltuese13. (WI The e ,Vocines 11 2 an nuoh.te about tt along or ill Mag number ,^.torsi 3.1 'tutees, bowers, rentn, maples, of Giles Free ' few w tllriv unctionI on and brew d !Mani rmerli tors it re chars Grai 10 rest Jyre, R wheat, 1is31n01 :his yet sample, is littlo harvest formaai sowing '1 (snore even o Manito back -ac work w misted 1 ilfiat so The, is but withou -Iengt head w With ges. hes arm, t papers "G, L Laud 0, of whet !aq., 0. proviou my diet 1t Bnmpl Press a, Ridges hoard 0 nolo of 1 o'olool The oter, a 11 whet judges 3d mer determ 3earan the lart merely tminat arrived and tb, )store aid the wn ord edges 1101037 Airs. Pl Ed. 33r 1nd3'er ohn I The Text: 81. M. S. Hie Gra Jas. Gi 1. Lan obnec Tho Ample onbt 1 J be o arty u Jain( Tror Sep' Sep. . \t Jred Johr r: rat: John Jag, Altb ao alt cry Ill 'dung 011n. cant a Two so 8h 4, 26 t'10,1 The re els, ,spbm inrrml )011 al 1tt1o0 tic. 0, rahar 1305 M.( Ii• lin Oth tee y lead, O01, tl to be r ber 80 ,t3 Fra Atte: Brae 0 om 1 ore, t hnee t i, P. 1 Sam the, Sas 'led oc f