HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-7-19, Page 3,I U LY 10, 1889,
Wily it is Treasured by the Vdllauoay PaHI-
ily-2 hs iitory of a Trappe.
1.,eafy Blount, Warwickshire, ie a show
place. Printed notuos warn the thoueande
of exeursioniete who pour into Leafy Mount
onoo n week of the things they ought not to
dm Bub they do them all the Beme ; they
pink the Rowers, then ohaso the deer and
carry cif shed antlers in remembrance of the
exouroione, Od these ooueelons the plaoo is
thoroughly permeated by the publio, But
though the publio thrusts its nose almost
everywhere ab Leafy Meant it has ntvor yet
sucoeodud in seeing the mausoleum of the
Vallanoay fa mily, ebill less bus it elor had
bho slightest inkling of the strange story con.
neoted with it,
The mausoleum la a hoary gray stone
building ; it is smothered in ivy, and, but
for the insoription over Ito massive door,
Mora jatuta vita, ib looks rather like an ice-
house than the last resting place of a great
'atnny. Groat yew trees overshadow it, the
gravel path is front of the entrance le
green with mala,
It io nearly fifty years ego that the curious
lnoidenb aboub to be detailed occurred. The
Earl had been married hub one short year
to a lovely girl, and he adored hie young
wife, Is ib to bo wondered at thab he shat
himeolf up with his bride in his earthly
paradise ab Leary Mount 1 Their honey-
moon had prolonged 'teen for a whole ye
for theirs had bean a love marriage; and
cloud lead ae yet disturbed the traquilli
of the romance of their lives.
The robber e•o
e''d the ringaud attempted to
remove it, He failed, Betyoung Mr, Vote
per did not atop fee trtllee, 1'r'oduain, a file
from hie u
po kat, he net to work upon the
inside c f rite hoop of the ring, In bis hate
he wounded the delicate finger of the Can.
toes, There wao a gush of blood. The
Countess suddenly rose, to Voeper'a horror,
sat hob upright in her cane, and, with a
gentle nigh, she opened her lovely eyes,
Then Vapor dropped hie file and tied with
an unearthly scream, even an OrreteN fled
when punned by the Feria, From thee
day Mr, Vapor was heard of no more in
the neighborhood.
The young Couoteas did not at Brat real-
ize her situation, but the oold air whioh
a:roanlod from the open door, and the blood
whioh flowed from her wounded finger, re•
rived her aif by magic,, She stepped from
her open coffin, and, taking the Lamm
In her hand, quitted the aharnel.house in
trepidation and astonishment, Once out.
aide in the oold night air, ohe rear):d her
position ; the wrapped her handkerchief
round her wounded hand and proceeded to
the great house as rapidly as her trembling
limbo would carry her, lieroall was wrapped
In derknesa from one room alone upon the
frrob floor there glimmered a light. The
countess seized a handful of gravel and Rung
it at the window. The casement was open.
ed instanmu indelibly, It was oof the maids whom
she had aroueed ; the girl Watsa hard.headed,
West-untry woman, and at once hurried
to her mistress' neeictanoe, Reetorativee
ar were administered, and tho Countess was
no soon little the worse for her long Bleep,
ty The Countess of Vallanoay bore a soar on
her finger, and wore her sapphire ring till
the day of her death, and elle lived a happy
wife and mother for many a long year after
she was buried alive,
The Countose' portrait, ae she was they,
hangs in the drawing -room at Leafy Mounb
—a dreamy eyed blonde full of sena.
ment and grace, the masses of golden hair
braided up in the rather formal faehlon of
the day. Tho taper hands are toying with a
bunch of white camellias, and on the en.
gagemenb finger a magnificent ring of
sapphires and diamorde le oonapicuoue.
That sapphire ring is now a treasured heir-
loom in the Vallanoay family, and to the
ring there is a history—e true history,
stranger than fiction.
Lord Valianoay'e affection for hie wile was
(xtreme, and her Duddon indisposition ono
Autumn evenin caused him considerable
alarm. 1 he tionngjeee had complained to her
bueband of fain nese• th of
e color had dieap'
peered from her rosy lips, the hand whioh
be had seized in his natural anxiety beanie
icy oold, and the fallen lido hid the lovely
"Good heavens I" shouted the Earl, as he
rang for asaietenoe, "she has fainted,"
The usual homely restoratives were ad-
ministered in vain. The medical attendant
was hastily summoned, but to the Harl'e hor-
ror and aetonishmeuthe prononuord that the
Countess of Vallanoay was beyond all earth.
ly help --.that oho wee dead.
His friends and relatives aeaerted that
Lord Vallanoay behaved like a madman, He
declared that the family attendant wan mis-
taken ; he insisted that the Countess was
merely in a trance. The phyeician from the
nearest town was called in. lie took hie fee
and shook his head, Bat Lord Vallanoay de-
clined to be convinced. He refused to allow
the body of the Countess to be in any way
dielutbee' or to be renlovedfrom the couch in
the great drawing•room whoreit lay. Re
eat day and night in the darkened room by
the aide of the oold, inanimate body of hie
young wife, whioh lay clothed in its dainty
morningdlehabllle of filmy Hai on lane ;
and ever and anon ho would stoop, Lis eyes
filled with blinding tears the while, to kiss
the poor cold little hand, upon whioh still
blazed hie love token—the engagement) ring
of sapphires.
Poe a whole week 'did Lord Vallanoay
watch by the aide of the !palmate figure of
the Countess ; he refused be leave her aide
even for an inatanb. At the end of file long
watch young Lord Vailanoay'e hair was
atreaked with gray. The friends and ram
ayes came and looked their laebupon the
lovely form ; and of eaoh one the Earl
would aek the question, still hoping against
"You don't think that she in really dead,
do you ? No, surely not dead ; she only
Bub the only answer Lord Vallanoay got
was a melancholy shrug of the shoulders or
a portentous shake of the head.
Once, and onoe only, did Lord Vallanoay'e
grief cease for an indent: and give way to
violent indignation, A cadaverous little
man, reopeotably dressed in shiny black,
had silently entered the room with a low
obeisance ; he wan the eon of the principal
undertaker in the neighborhood, young Mr.
Voopar. Ile slowly advanced to the foot of
the couch upon whioh lay the inanimate
body of the Countess, He stared ab it for
a few moments, and as his eye fell upon the
sapphire ring it wan lib up with a baleful
glitter ; then he again made a low rever-
ence, and was aboub to retire an quietly es
he had entered.
"Who is that man?" said rho Earl to the
old heueekeeper who had accompanied
young Mr. Vesper. The housekeeper whiz -
pored in hie ear the nature of Mr. Vesper's
bueineee, Lord Vallanoay sprang from his
chair with afurions oath, but the under-
taker had disappeared.
For two whole days beyond the traditional
week the Countess of Vella:may had
remained unburied, At length, ab tho
remonstrance and entreaty of his relatives,
he Earl reluctantly gave way end eoneanted
to the interment Bub his ooneent was
coupled with two ourioue stipulations : oho
should be laid in her echin jest as she was,
hndeeeorated by the touoh'of hireling and
unloving hands, and the only pieces of
jewelry she wore, her wedding •ring and
keeper and the great sapphire ring, should
nob be removed.
The Earl's demands were earned out to
the letter. The C.untees wag placed in
her refill, the funeral service wag read
over her, and she was carried to the family
mausoleum in the private ground of Leafy
Mount, and there buried, By apeofal direc-
tion of the Earl of Vallanoay the cc ffrn Wan
nob screwed down 1 for, to the dieguo6 and
indignation of hie rolativee, he had deolared
that he would daily vieit the body of his
young wife in the mausoleum until he him.
self was eonvinoed that she wan aotually dead,
How he managed itnobod
knowe, but
young Mr. Vesper, the undertaker, had
seoretly oaueeda duplicate key of the
mausoleum to be fabricated.
A little after midnight young Vesper,
wrapped in a long cloak, quietly proceeded
to the entrance of the tomb; he plaoed the
hey in the massive look, which opened with
coueiderable difficulty. From the nature of
his trade young Mr, Vesper had no fear of
the dead. Aa soon as ito was within the
door he produced a dark lantern and pre-
ceded straight to the nioho whioh =grained
the pclietted oak raffia of the Counted of
Vallanoay. He placed tire lantern upon the
ground, andprooeeded to remove the offfin
lid with its great ailverplate,
He threw the light upon the body, and
hie greedy eyes fastened a t olio upon the
great sapphire ting, whioh glittered in the
strong ray of the lantern, for the bands
Were reverently crossed upon the breast,
The ranching Fading of a ('ase in Pollee
There arrived In Philadelphia from San
Francisco the other morning a young
man, accompanied by a middle-aged woman
and two children, They went to the Grand
Central Hotel, where they registered as
Dulles Bayswater, Sister and children,
and wore :resigned rooms. Daring the day
the party went into the country and return-
ed toward evening, accompanied by William
Chrieman, who for the past two years has
been foreman for Dr, Eeheintan, Tho two
young men were around the hotel together
in the evening, and about 8 o' olock went
up to the room of Mrs. Bayswater, who
registered as the sister of the younger
About 11 o'clock the guests of the hotel
were aroused by a terrible noise in the
lady's room, and ib was 'discovered that the
brothers were fighting, for brothers the two
young men proved to be. One of them,
the eldest, was taked to jail and the younger
one was allowed to remain at the hotel,
Complaints were filed against both boys
for dioturbing the peace before Reorder
Prince, and next morning at 10 o'clock they
had their trial. Who testimony developed
a cad story of domeotic strife, and in brief
it was as follows : The names of the young
men are WIlliam and Dalin Chrieman and
that of the woman Bayswater. Some eight
years ago William Chrieman met her and
fell in love with her. She was a grass widow,
her divorced husband being alive, and when
Ohrisman and Mrs. Bayswater went to pet
married they told their story, being
Catholics, and the priest refused to marry
them, Catholics not allowing the marriage
of a divorced man or woman. Thie apparent-
ly' made no difference to Mrs. Bayswater
and Chrieman, and they went' to living tc-
gethcr an man and wife. She bore him bwo
ahildren, both girls, and they lived hap-
pily together until two years ago, when
Christman left her.
Mrs. Bayswater keeps a tavern in Tawn-
eent Street, Francisco. After leaving her,
Chrieman went to work for Dr. Eshelman
and has continued in hie employ. On one or
two 000adon: the women has gone to him
begging Chrieman to go book to her, and
this was the purpose of this visit, th e
brother accompanying her to beg hie
brother to do right and • return to his
children, In a dispute whioh arose the line
was passed and a fight ensued.
In court Wi Ilam Chrism=D seemed to
be bitter against his brother and the mo-
ther of the children, He accused her of
keeping a dive and she denied it vehemently,
retorting with other accusations. This was
kept up until finally the mother said, in
answer to some charge made by Chrieman,
"Don'b believe him, Judge. I have raised
my children an they should be."
This was all Recorder Prince wanted, and
he said : "I1.1 teeb it, madame," and turning
to the youngest girl, a little tot no more
than "e years old, he said: "Can you say
your prayern?'
Then ensued a moat touching scone, The
little girl, without a word, climbed from her
chair, knelt on the floor of the courtroom,
with the policeman, spectators, Judge and
her father and mother around her, and fold-
ing her tiny hande and lifting her eves to
heaven, she wade the grandest defence of a
mother's word possible. Slowly, but die -
amity, and without a tremor in her voice
the innocent little darling, born with the
otain of shame upon her and discarded by
her father, llaped in childish accents the
"Lord's Prayer."
As silo proceeded, utterly oblivious to her
eurroundings and thinking only of Him who
said : "Sutler little children to cone unto
me and forbid them. nee," as she uttered
that prayer whioh many in the room had
nob heard for years, strong men bowed their
heads and sobbed aloud. Finishing her
prayer oho added: ",God bless papa and
mamma and Unolo Dulioe, Amen," and rose
from her knees.
The Daae was settled, and had William
Chrieman sworn a thousand oaths that hie
wife was bad he would not have been be-
lieved. It was several minutes before any-
one spoke, and then the Recorder fined the
two brothere $10 each and diemiaged the
last What She Wanted,
Lady Jane A
Pcello tot e
Bore —"Might I P
help e you i
to a
little mon
• li
of this oto Y
"Oh, thank you, my dear Lady Jane; ani
any, I thank you, It is excellent, indeed
but I teeny am afraid you would hear no
sermon from me thio afternoon wore I to
eat the least bit more."
" Oh, do have a libblo more—let me per.
suede you.o
To Otue a Corn.
There in no lade of so.called mute for t1 e
common ailment known an corns. The rage
table, animal, and mineral kingdoms have
been raneaoked for cures, It le a nimplt
matter to remove corns without pain, for
if you will go to any druggist•or medicine
dealer and buy a battle of Putman'e Pain.
lean Corn Extraotor and apply has ditooted
the tilting is done, Geb "Putman's," and no
Europe on NRllonx Yielding tor Terrltere-
Panfillrnee In IIre ie turn et one Dara
COn Wtent,
The avidity with whioh the I`htropoan no.
done are now grabbing for allose of Africa
demeoetratoe a growing belief In the future
of the (lark Cohtlnenb, Ragland, Prance,
Germany, lbaly, Belgium and Portugal are
all engaged la the otruggle, TIIe experiouee
of Great Bitola with India holds out the
hope of profit for like entorprisee in Africa,
and web nation is trying to get j act as largo
a aharo as poaailelo. I'logland, of aurae,
conies in for the Iion'e aharo. She ie ruling
Egypt and Z u Mbar up to the % unbar, thus
padding herenlfof a territory which, inolud•
ing the Dutch Jto, ublioa, now oiaimcd by the
British under tee influx of settlers, is equal
to five times the area of France,;
claims poeeoaaion of the upper valley of
Niger, a e000ad is pretending to rule from
Mombasa, to Leko;Ieegenyika , and tt third
ie about to ponces itself of the :matey
stretching from the middle of the Z on bee
up to the corner of Lake Tanganyika, a
territory as largo as Spain, and because of
the elevated ground said to be oapeolally
adapted to European settlement, Italy is
trylog m grab Abyssinia, France has in
veiled the West Wad and seized Bey Sleet -
bra, inadditioo to its possessions in Algeria,
while the Germane have issued new and
revised maps extending their claims in the
South and Etee so as to take in a vast
territory between Bechuanaland sad the
Zsmbeei, In fact, there does not seem to
be much of Africa left excepting the great
Sahara desert that is not claimed by some
of these European powers, and even the
desert is olaimed by Turkey.
There is no reason to referee this ocramble.
Africa, left to itself, will never shake off.
the ignorance and euperabition that 0011te
ouch a valuable territory to be useless to
oivil'zation. But the rivalry of European
powers may civilize it and
The natives are capable of being made val•
cable aids in this work, as is shown by the
reports of what Emin Pastan had acoomplieh-
ed right in the heart of the continent.
This wide recognition of the vase possibili-
ties in store for that country ie, to fact, a
eouroe of gratification. Railroads aro being
built), crenate dog and rich mines opened
The Loando Ambala Railroad, whioh is be-
ing built by native labor, will do consider•
able in developing the Congo Free State,
and another road le projected in whioh some
Americans are interested, thatpromises great
results. This road is to overcome the ob.
structiono to trade by the cataracts and
rapids of the Lower Congo. Ib will be 203,
miles long, and ib is estimated thab it oan be
builb for $5,000,000. With the aid of this
road and of the eteamera nearly an entire
continent, almost) wholly undeveloped, will
be opened up to the commerce of the world.
Aboub 7200 miles of navigable wateroouraes
can be utilized, running through a territory
with 40.000,000 population. This
whioh if carried out can not tail to benefit
mankind and help rid Africa of the cursed
slave trade, Several thousand Atricaas
along the line of the proposed road are now
engaged as carriers, and wonderful etoriee
are told of their transformation from idle
savages to fairly industrious workmen.
This would seem to make it olear that they
oan be utilized in other industrial enterprises.
It will be fortunate if this road le built, and
an impetus thus furnished to the develop-
ment of the Dara Continent. If all the
powers who are grabbing, for territory will
aid in the work of civilization Africa will
perhope befcre many years have civilized
governments of its own.
Never Bets On Ilia Own Horse.
They tell a good story of a man who has a
fondness for fast horses. A year or two ago
he bad one that was said to be a''flyer," and
marvellous stories wets told a bout what she
had done, and was capable of doing. But an
intimate friend noticed that the owner of the
wonderful horse never staked any money on
1tWhy don't you bank her for a pood,round
sum if aha oan do what you olafm she oan 1"
he asked. "That would prove thab you had
confidence in her, bub as it 10--."
"See here, my friend,". did the other,
with a twinkle in his eye, "don't you know
me well enough to know that I'm too modest
to bet on my own nag, especially when I feel
euro that she oan'b come one ahead 1"
When a man knows -he can accomplish
what he undertakes he doesn't feel too
modest to say so. When Di, Pierce pub hie
Favorite Preeoription before the publio as a
certain remedy for all female diseases, with
"eabiefaotion guaranteed or money refundhd"
on every bottle of it, it proved that he had
entire confidence in the preparation. He
felt sure of its merite, and the testimony of
thousands of women who hove been cured by
It of "weakness," "irregularities," and all
bho distressing diseases from whioh their sex
suffers so much, proves that hie faith was
well founded.
The Book of Lubon,
1 Man Without: Wisdom Lives in a Fool's
aradiee, A Treatise °ape:ially written on
Diseases of Mon, containing Faote For Men
of . All Agee I Should be read by Old,
Middle d Aged and n Young Men. Proven by
the Sale of Half a Million to be the most
popular, because written is language plain,.
forcible and insbrue:ave. Praobloal presenb
ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable
to Invalids who are weak, nervous and ex.
heuated, ebowing new means by which they
may be oared, Approved by editors, oritios,
and the people. Sanibary, Social, Science
Subjeote. Also gives a description of Sped.
fie No. 8, The Great Healbh Renewer ;
Marvel of Healing and Koh-f•noor of Medi.
oinee. It largely explains the mysteries of
life. By its teachings, health may he main-
tained. The Book will teach you how to
make life worth Heine. If every adult in
the civilized world would read, understand
and follow our views, there would be a
world of Physical, intellectual and moral
giants, This Book will be found a truthful
ptco nta
a tion of fate, calculated to do good.
b k oLubon,the Talisman of Health
Brings bloom to thcheek, strength to the
body and joy to the heart, It ie a tnoeeage
to the Wise and Obllerwiee. Lubon'e Spool.
fie No, 8, the Spirit of ITealth. Those who
obey the laws of thio book will be Drowned
with a fadeleee wroath. Vast numbers of
men have felt the power and testined to the
vietue of Lubon'e Spoolfio No, 8, All Men
Who are Broken Down from overwork or
other odds hot mentioned in the above,
should send tor and read this Valuable
Treatise, wheel' will be sent to any reddrees,
sealed, ote receipt of ten ants in stamps, to
pay postage. Address all orders to M. V.
Luba, room 10, 00 Front Street E., Toren
to, Canada,
Many summer drawee for street wear are
without the high oollareeo long in vogue,
They ale finiehed instead with a fall of laoo,
Umpire pleating or an Mon Dollar,
There is no better or ahaapar way to bond
weed than by ateamfr,;. (lueetocke, if Dent
at all, are steamed aurl bent in the rough.
The trimmings are pas on after the stcck is
ft Dished,
.8000 Boward for an Incurable cavo of
ohroulo (,latarrh in the Head offered by the
manufaeterersof lar. ti tee's Catarrh Remedy.
Sold by dreyglets, at 00 ots,
Sime persona cover get further out of
their own little circle than the wooden home
in a merry go.roaad,
Dr, L'leroe'e Peltate are anti -bilious and
Laxative or Cathortto according to aiz0 of
The man who hath no music in hie sold
should curb his eager chin when it comoe to
congregational singing.
A. P. 454,
Ci' P,1 r C H I T 1 S
After spending Ton Winters South,
was Cared by Sentt's Emulsion.
1le Centre St., New York, t
Juno 251h, 1044. ,
The Winter after the great fire
m _'''ticago I contracted Bronchial
affections, and nlnoo then have
been obliged to epond nearlyovery
Winter South. Last November vvas
advised to try Soott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil wlthHypophosohltes
and to mysurprisewas relieved at
once, and by continuing its use
three months was entirely cured,
gained flesh and strength and
was able to stand even the Bliz-
zard and attend to business every
Sold by all Drrr0018t8, GOc. and $1.00.
OVUTTERS WANTED who have trouble with their
present systems, to visit the Toronto Cutting
School andp•oouro our Intal Dole methods for produa'
tug perleat•flltiog, stylish garments,
4 Adelaide St, West, Toronto,
TEA(IIIEIts nen make money during vacation
by canvassing for one or more of our fast selling
Hooke and Bib1 e, especially History of Cr nada, by
W. H- Withrow, D,D , latest and beat edition evor
published, pion low, toren liberal, Trite for
illustrated circulars and terms, . WM. BRIGGS,
Publisher, Toronto,
Write for choutars from the lerge,t Commercial
and Shorthand College In Canada, Over three hun-
dred pupils last year. Reopen 000 Monday, Sop.
"nd, 188!6 Meilen-('ANA DIAN it6KthEO3
LN11'ERS' 1Tr, Public Library Building, Toronto.
Taos Bs:moron, CuAs. H. Bions,
Prealjeot.. Secretary and Manager,
Pat, hydraulic, hand and steam elevators.
Canadian Elevator Works, Peter and Queen strode,
H a Manufacturers and dealers in Mater
lel and Building Papers, , to. Orrice 2o
0 Adjelaide
F . East, Toronto. Proprietore of Wiilieme' Flat
Slated hoot. Telephonebll.
Loads of testimony as follows:
I have used St Lnoo, Believe it tobe both curative
and refro'hiog.-Rim Jona Pores, D D.
Bone, Muscle flesh and blood -nothing en the
European oo0tlnent to equal this builder -up of
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Elan gold, -Da Weaeu.
oared of dyepepE1a. Was askeleton; am now .at
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Send in your orders or go to the Springe in Quebec
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Se.se T. LANE,
MO0Tncea, Qoe
Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday
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mar from Quebec every Saturday to Llverpool;ealllne
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fax and SI. John's, 04,F., to Liverpool 'fortnightly
during summer months, The steamers of the (limn
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For freight, passage or other Information apply to
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Ariane, Rao & Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookle, Phtladel.
plata B, A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal.
Send or illustrated Oatnloguo and
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eurpaseed, Meda Baty of access by the Sr. Pim,
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Servlc0, beginning Nov. 1000, a train 0010011,.
Ment unexcelled, !Whittling epleodid Day 1
Cnnohes, Palade sleepers, Free Coloolat Sleepers lad
Dining Cars of lateet d e
i n,
train from St. Paul, and diileaio0le to Groat
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Meanie Temple, Louden,
Gnarantted Pura.
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EATER LANE'i'd'(;AItlkfitIIp9.
Sailing Weekly beta eon MONTHS:►1, and
l.*EE POO Saloon nolo 11 R t tl $.a pea, and
a^'. Return Ticketet s a a s:e' and ill, , aexording to
4Vym,nreaN,P Steamer sad tet, 46 ,datwn intermediate cap
cuakrnrt. OF IiltiiSiC 0,00 Trp Tkkata, erns, StOera-e, 53!1. .Apply ee
� It, Y, 111PKICLy, Otnrral Alauar,ec 19uindu e41tl•
NON. A. W. ALLAN • • PREeinENr. f7itly, t'"•+ 1 Gl ,00,, Hopes lq tel-, MoteraRAI„ or
1000 Total Attendant:a Emit 2 4o Leca0A110Otanr sJl Towax audr;,t,ee.
yours.-- ,_�._.,-...__ ._ _ __ .-. _.-._ .._. _-...
1h l'.,nlw,tough; 1.-tmenial nod l cal music ■
] l ..un I 1 „400.4;... b, lure..,... rnfr nt ,,diplo:
I F Lecture
- —
1411 u , modems, besides the 13-e .f acvera1 nu VALUE IN TILE DOMINION.
mrol r o0+, can hove le -. es womb.* and
for Or. G :u 0050. ry, to A.;:o..wucn Hall. Send for Prima Lists sad Uleocunta.
BLAMnMER 000)08844 TERM, July*i to Aug. to.
'. Tango St. and WViftm Ave I'0.r'.,t,.
Free Theory, Vimm, a to and
Cone r
Provided Life and Live Stock Assoc n
CHI l‘',11' OFFICE,
A Mutual Reedit Association.
some 1N1'I:STHENT- Hy paying to the above
Association 0510 LENT PER I)oY, a person aged
twenty-two, and two oenta per day a porton aged
forty four oan secure Five Ddlars per week while
disabled through sickness or accident, oleo for two
and three oats per dav, persons aged as above can
soouro fur their cependauts, Five IIunrlrrd Dollars in
event of death.
0,11,E gYU CK OWNERS can pre vide wind ices
by death throws disease or aoeids00 of their eta k,
at mass rates, Those interested, sent to; prospectuses
etc. Reliable Agents wanted in unrepresented dia-
WILLIAM JONES, Managing Director.
For supplying constantly pare and lroeh water for
the (olluwing purposes, vle-
Pumping Water er, They are
for Stock,1,, perfectly cons
Fenn Buildings, l ^' trol:able in gales
Moutons, and uniform In
Villa Resldenoes - speed.
Pablio Geared Mille
Iaotitutlone, for chef( cutting
Gardens, rest pulping,
Green Iloveeo, ill W' threshing, saws
Town 0 Village p log woad,grind-
Waterwmrke, Ing corn, eta,
Ifctela,eollegee, .h , I• eta, Also menu.
Pumping for a tacturaleaf feed
Railway "; t grindere,baying
Stations, - hxrjy:�vtr'T tools, Iran and
Fire Protection, rA.1?'�+.,I--,�,; tl;^f,�',' wood pumps
Irrigation, y,.� , l-� �gnnd a lull line of
Tanneries, �1jj lttta It dlway, Town,
Breweries, nior. vil�i7 Farm, and Oma•
Sewage, Minim ,l .mental Water
Draining i.g �_ Supply liaterl•
Low Lands,• �(I{00 "".` ale. Catalogue
These celes and P, ice Late,
bra'ed Wind � e' :with references,
mills are made` : 'f\ ' - ironed tree on
from one man to �'" } _..__ spy llcation to
Menem, this paper.
Nair Magic
pee Grey Hate, Stops
Fallln v Out of the Hair.
Removeswhe tbo roots
is ald.
h nese where the roots aro not
fine granth. o It la nn ailing
Try it, All druggists every-
Sole Manufacturer,
ON EY Alnr eautonntoPTRW
IV' FUNREciiacsl030
1(ri• rate of IulerOxt ou 4
close e0eurit ' Apply p
Barrister% at 1 Solleltors,
Wellington 50., car. Church, (over Bank of Toroa(oi
IVIA t'li' 1 ■ .
Pardee wishing to purchase Improved Manitm 0
Farms, from an acre, upwards, with immediate
pogsosetoo, rat l or write to C. 1. MAULSON, lea•
Arthur's Bloak, Maln at., Winnipeg. Information
turnlehed tree of charge, and settlers roomed le
making selection.
The Pellborthy
YAutomatic Injector
10080 in u e 1n made : 35,000
;w In
use in rho United State,. They
are eiurp'e and coat lees then
other makes, while pert waling the Dame work. They
start easy at 25 Ibe, steam, and work to Li,) lbs ; Lift
water 1+ to 2011, and work hem a head as well.
Automatic and restarting when current to boiler Is
broken, Send for circular to Main Clflce,
Penbertliy Injector Co., Detroit, Illicit.
Fa:Aoriea, Windsor, Can. sad Detroit, Mich
Mention We paper.
Have all the latest improvements and are unrgnelled
for durabilit • tbyle and convenience. The leadenly
Carriage Builders sail them. 553 FOR THEM and
Whaley Royce&Co
Dealers in all kinds of
Agents the BESSON
and 111011451 Band In
etrumente. ear SH EST ,._,
BOOKS. Manufacture re, tQ
Beet in the world, En 03
Year; Guarantee. Send
for Illustrated Catalogue ;•.,7,
and Teaamoniale.
283 Tonga St. 1 Q
THRESHING BELTS Guaranteed not to crack,
split, puff, brEak, or part between the plies.
Send for descriptive circulars and priOBsl The
Weans Engine Wokrs Co , Ltd., Brantford,
The Only Appliances
A New Lease of Life, A Cure Without Medicine,
All 01508006 aro Cured by our Abdicated Electric Bolt and Appliances. On the principle that
Iillootrboity is Life, our appliances aro brought directly into contest With the diseased part.
They not as porfoot absorbents, by doetroyfng the germs of disease andromoving all
impurities from the betty, Diseases aro successfully treated by oorrospon-
donee, an our goods can be applied at home.
HENRY CONWAY, 41 Centro Street, cured of intermittent fever in ton da9c, ono year's stand-
tanding; used Aatina and 13016. loltO, s. 1i, \77IITEKFs1.D, 578 Jarvis St„ a sufferer for years, could
not bo induced to pub with our Pliocene Boit. 000..1. FELLER, 44iCentro Street, .coughed,
eighteen mouths, ourod in two treatments by Acbina. J. McQUAIG, grain merchant, cured of
rheumatism in the shoulders after all others failed, JAS. WEEKS, Parkdalo, sciatica and lane
bank, cured in Moon days, IVA1. NELLES Thossalon, cured of lame back, pain in brcoot and
dyspepsia, after being had up all winter. AIRS. J. SWIFT, 87 Agnes Street, cured of ootatica
in six weeks. D. K. RELL, 185SinecooBtreet, cured of ono years sleeplossnose in throe days by'
wearing Lung Shield and using Aotina, L, R. IIo1L\Y, Queen Street, tobacconist, oltrod of head.
aoho after years of suffering. MISS ANNIE WHAT, Manning Avenue, tnuStc teacher, hada
Aottna invaluable, AIR, (1RL`EN, Thcsealon, cured of pain in rho bade and kidneys..
Said to bo Bright's disease, 11. RIGGS, 220 Adelaide Street West, cured of catarrh
by Acting. ((. 5. PARDEE, 51 030vorloy Street, oared of lame back after all medicines
had failed. 51188 DELLA CLAYTON, Toronto, cured of paralysis atter being in the
hospital nine nlontbs, MRS. A.YIIIMER 'S Thessalon, cured of rheumatism and hip disease ;
0001.1d nob walk without n caro. .IOON TDOHPSON, 109 Adelaide west, mod Of a tumor fu
tho o cin
two weeks y b
Y Ao' )t
ALss 18. Ar FOl5YTK1 rgot Strout, Merin alump drawn
Bent her hand 12 years'standing, NOM IL\T t, 841 St, Clarorico Annum, Toronto, cured of
"Your Ben and Suspensory have aura.100 of lmpotouoy," writes G.A. "i would
not be without yourBoltand Suspensory for $50," writes J.
IIeg. "For general debility your Bcltand Suspensory aro
cheap at any price says Mr,S, 70C, Tltone letters 8100n filo.
5111, til00],Iy05*Y, Thossaion, cured of rhonmatismiu had
mid logs. very bad case; laid up a long timet Many more
doh t0otimoutals en filo.
Catarrh Impossible undo' the tnai(eitee ofAotina
Aotina will end all dlnoasa, of the eye.
Send for Illustrated Book and Journal giving full list, From
No Fanny I'i'ieee,
Oontbined Belt and Suspensory, only $5.00—Certain Oure.
NO t•iNR(OAlt 00 MID CBED.
W. T. BAER, & CO.,
IIIENTION This 944.PErt, 165 Queen Street West, 1'orontek.