HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-7-12, Page 7JULY 12, 1889, THE BRUSSELS POST. 7 IDaP(_inistenweenwwwwwwwwwwe rantaseerzonweeneereasecramtemew wienwortegmageorweeeeter weemeemeneera . . ,• ..,,, ".. . .::..... ...,, . - nwal>S.t29a'Ar hYtAWlgl •*wyyye.,,or,. llBAD BUT RQT BURIED. HOUSEHOLD when once fastened un the aerator', ate diill- oult to got rid of, The mind, too, bloomer' n sora ' w t run. own" body mea a 'run-down' mind, and Irritability, fretful- an :Hines, for etoalin p net a Aad blues," become ohronio Dorn apiona, g from the other rieouers, Upon P M. Alexander Baranoff, who was a Rue -Ione oaoaaton he was un shed f p i mr soma Tie - elan army elbow, and who woe sontonued to .deed by being thrown into a darlt Dallas, Siberia for alleged oomplialty iu revolution -1 the intention belog to keep him there for ay memo, Is now in thio country. He two hours, But the ovsreeer who woo a related rooently some of hie exporlonoea ore drunken fellow, forgot him, and he waa not follows ; — retuned. Were it nob for the ohariby of the "Daring the night the other oonvfots people of Ruooia and Siberia no oonviob hoard an awful yelling miming from the Del• would oyer lion to 000 rho end t f hie journey, lar into which li etoueka had been thrown. The oharibiee of the City of Moweow, from 1 In bho morning there was nothing to bo scan whioh so many prlwoners start for Siberia, in the ooilar but Betouska's bones. The rate are Great. It 11 the custom of the convicts had eaten the rent 0f him, to choose ono of their own number as fore- man when About to earl' on their long journey, When our company of 800 mon and woman, escorted by the soldiora with fixed bayonets, left Moscow, our foreman went up and down the line of people gather. ed to wi0nees our departure. He eoileoted alms from bbe crowd, the money being put into bags and parried along to the fireb ebation, where It was divided. The amount. onllooted was so great that every man had $27. ' The Government dons nob interfere with thio alma giving on the part of the people, In every little town through which you pass each villager takes off his hat, and mosses himself, and throws in a penny for the bene. fib of the "poor unfortunates," as the con- vioto are termed by the people. "All that the 'people on this oontinenb have hoard and read aboub the sufferings endured by the prieonere exiled to Siberia io true. The HALF HAS NEVER BEEN TOLD, YON Herne AttraotiVe, Nothing will make your bonnie so attraeb tiuo and satlefying to your children ae mucic, There is u therm to ib that is !bund in nothing oleo, It awakens all the grand impulses of the soul; Ib harmonizes all the discordant elements in one n nature, and brings oub all oun bettor Noliage towards humanity. Ib hoe been truly said "thab a man woe never eo entirely loot bub than A song would redeem," Then fill your homes evibb muslo and song and let the ohildren have hooka and papers, suoh ae will elevate and instruct rather than demoralize. Thoir growing minds will not facet on dry sermons, but with the advancement of knowledge and the liberality of the peen today, there inn o lank of intereoting and ennobling bootee and periodioals within the reach of every home. Lob each book that you gob your child be a milestone that shah point to great possibilities in Ito future life, Ao far no your menus will allow fill your homes with pioturee and flowers. If they aro ever 00 simple they are attraobive and go far in cultivating a love, of the beaubiful. A small landeoape painting even though it may be poorly executed will oft, times oreato a love for the beauties of nature, and the impressions formed from that little picture may elevate one's thoughts and give one a desire bo roproduoe on oauvae other and lovelier things. Then give your children paints and brushes, Help them to relieve the dull plainness of your home, for be assured if bhero le nothing attractive ab home they will be attracted eloowhore. How Dittit Uome About? Ii a question now asked in regard bo elle marriage of a popular writer, The same question was asked five years ago when a moiety man in Boston married a eeneible home body, some yoare his senior. Tee croakers croaked well, and decided that it was an unfortunate affair or would born oub to be in the end. George Eliot nays that this love of "finding out how 11 came about" is due to "an axons of poetry or stupidity." I don't know that that le jab fair, bub I do tbiok when a marriage ie contrary to eetab- liribed rules, croaker(' are +stupid and forbun- ately are often in bho wrong in their proph- esy. Ib le written that when a marriage was about to tr ke place Kingejamee used to sok "What ie the woman's mekdom and her fairness 1" The days of "infabnabions" are now giving plane to a keen outlook to the direction of personal comfort ; makdom and fairness stand one aide and the quoetion to be answered first will this woman make my home restful to me, and will the live on what I can earn ? Sabtle has been the pro - use that has led to thin gradual ohango, bub a change has come. yhe brilliant 000tety man re tarred to, is now a regular etayat•home for the simple reason hie home ie as porfeob as a home oan be made bo be. The sunniest, brightest room in the house is his sanctum ; here are leis favorite books, tektites he likes, the latest magazine, leaves out, and no end of pipes. When the train whiebles into the depot, in which is this fortnuate man, a fire le started on the low hearth to make the room cheer, fat although the warmth is not needed. To this room he brings bis friends, and here husband and wife sit when alone, Everything that will help thio wife to make home a means of grace oho reale ; on her table there are always to be bo found books and magazines that talk of the higher life of the home. I mean good cooking when I say higher life ; a hitherto much neglected parb of religion. This man, formerly out every evening, rarely goes to theater or opera, party or boll, because his home has greater attractions and he is really now so sensible, well-inform- ed, and amounting to something that hie friends aro rejoieod that the seemingly in. congruous marriage Dame about. When I was %eked what I considered the reason of this transformation I answered t— " Clean, well•aired rooms good food, and a a wife who is more anxious to be what a German writer malls ' a serene house wife' than to keep her weather eye oub to see if she will ever gob her rights i—and vote."— (Good Houeekeeping. An Ideal kiusband, A writer in a Western exchange gives ad- vice whioh will apply very well to the Eaet, He soya to the young man : "11 not ]parried, get a wife, a good, healthy, granger's daugh- ter, and oommcnoe to build a home. If you arepoor,pull, sing, play and eoonomizs to- gether, and ae soon as yon are in some de. gree independent, gab out of the ruts of routine and extract ail the honey there le in passing hours. But if you are already pretty well fixed, then do not compel your wife to cook for the hired men, slave over a wash. tub, make butter and cheese, hunt eggo, and raise turkeys and chickens, until her beauty fades and the sweetness of her ten par sours. Get her a piano, music and charming books and magazines to read, and try and make the obarms of the country as oheorfui and pleasant to her as possible, Never grumble at the milliner's bille. If your wife levee a nine fashionable dress, and a bewitching, daintily trimmed hat, you should be all the more proud of her. What are you for, you great, strapping; etaiwarb follow, bub to make some woman happy and your borne a little heaven to go to heaven in. ? If you love a fine horse and bright, shining har- ness, why should not your wile be gratified in the line of her taetos 1 Then do not labor 00 long and hard that you have no time for reading and intellectual improvement. Soul. wealth will out last your orchards and vine- yards." Food For Nerves, One writer attributee us ono oauee of fret- fulness the habit that some women have of underfeeding themseivee. Whether it 10 from carelessness, from a general indifferenee to food, or on account of having no appetite, or because bhey aro too busy to give the time to eat the proper quantity that their ayetom demands, many women are underfed, and the result is felt in both mind and bodiy. Many women really live on two mule a day, taking only a oup of tea and a slide of bread and butter at noon, They say it Is all they require and all they want; they could nob eat any thing more, Bub they deceive therm, solves lot this le not tree. It may be that they do not want to eat any Taro, but if so 11 is because they have not boon property trained. Bating ie a matter of training as muoh as anything else, and'no the eystem requir00 re ooneiderabio amount of food to keep the general health up to the proper standard, women should be trained to eat a tefliaionbquantity of wholesome food atrog• Mar houto, Throe mule a day, or oven four, aro nob too much for tomo women, and meat twine a day le indisponnable to good health. 'Underfeeding cannot be too 0evero' iy condemned. It woairene the eyeball, mak- rbg the victim liable to an inunterablo list Of ailments, tuck n.0 Sore throat, baokaohe, and neuralgia, balder' many, other ill, wbioh, and often broughtrnniehmcntupan himself. lin used to got 'ie )O or fi d ' 1 h d b y g The horrible Life oreoavirte 10 the Mibori. 800 ..M .1000 AT A TME How to Make Marriage a Buooeos. By observing 0e closely' ae pooaiblo the foliowing "lots " the number of homes " to leb" will be materially decreased Leb each allow the other to know some• thing, Lot each consult the other's feolioge. Lob each eealie3 the faob that they are 040. Leb the husband frequent his home, nob the club, hob his having " to see a man " wait till next day. Lob hie latch key gabher unto ibeelf rust from Meuse. Let Trim epoak to his wife, nob yell "amyl" ob her. Let him be as oourbeoue after marriage as before. Let him oondio in his wife ; there interest ie equal. Lab him aesieb her in beautifying the house. Let him appreolate her as his beet part- ner. Leb her nob worry him with petby Iron- blee. Leb her nob narrate Mrs, Noxb Door's gossip. Let her nob fret banana Mrs. Neighbor The soldiers in Siberia have a name for the has a sealskin. ooaviote which well expressos their condition, Let her melee home more pleasanb than It may be branelated freely as ' you are dead the club. but not buried.' This is the truth. Ib is a Let her dread as tastefully for him as living death. tr angora."Typhoid fever le the worst scourge of the Lt t her sympathize with him In business exiles. More convicts die of that than of anq oared, other cause. I0 could not be otherwise. Leh her home moan love and resb, nob noise The indescribable filth and frightful atmoe- and strife. pbere of the crowded Bleeping places at the station along the route are Needy and sure Lot her mesh hem wlbh a kilo, nob a frown. breeders c the disease, which makes dread- ful ravages among the prisoners. The fever The LadyDoctors of India, broke out among us when we were at To• bolek, and the prleonere died ab the rate of The EnglIshman's Overland Mail says :— thirty or forty a day. I was eiok with the In India lady 4030000 are now familiar to fever myself. Tho prieonere received medi- no, and althougb ab first they may have oat attendance, such as ib was. Tobalak was been somewhat ridiouled by those who a great stopping place for tranaiente, and ab mould not appreciate their value, they are that time there were 3000 oonviote unlined fast making their presence felt for good In in various barracks opening upon a large in - almost every corner of the land, So far as closure, which was strongly fortified. • the native women of this country are Don- "Another thing from which convioto suffer corned, It la gratifying to note thab their is Siberia is the oold. The cold of a Siberian euoaese in all braaobee of College education winter is intense, and the convicts on the lino le progreaeing to the entire ea iofaotion of of maroh, unable to walk fast and keep their their professore. Not only have bhey proved blood in circulation because of their ohain, themselves to be generally well fitted for suffer much. I remember one day, near the the arduous duties attendant on medioal ,suffer of Tara, in the Proviso@ of Tobolek, studies, but they have in some oases sue- when it was so frosty that some of the bag. Deeded beyond all ordinary expeotabion. gage horses even lay down and died. We Bombay, Madras, the Norbhweab Rrovinoea, lost three women and five men thab day who, and the Palma all return RAbtering re- chilled through and borough by porta on the eubjeob, and when we toy that P010 DREADFUL GOLD, a clava of female students oan overawe over 700 marks oub of 1,000 in a surgical ex• amination, ea we hear has recently ,been the Daae, little can be said against their power or skill or aptitude for gaining know. ledge in one of the mootfmportant branches in the medical profession. Indeed, it ap- pears not unlikely that woman inladia may prove %airw Ives by no mean inferior to men in most blanches of the practice of medium, 0 the progress made by native females in hospital work may be taken as a criterion. In many oases they have proved themselves euperior to the male students in college examinations, and In no way behind them in applioation, power of reasoning and resource. The fact that muoh of their Bao awes is due to the great intereeb taken In their studies by their Lecturers and profession is not without a certain special significance. DutohBulb Culture. The centre of bulb culture in Holland, says "Garton -flora," is still at Haarlem, as it 11 has bean during two centuries and a haif. Hyacinthe are (apeoially In favor just now, and ground suitable for their oultivation hea sold for me much as $13,500 an acre, as 'veinal' aboub $1,000 given for land of other kinds. The expense of oulbivation is plaoad ab about 6300 an sore for hyacinths and $160 for tulip, and it is noted that ertidolal manures are never used. Nucleons le also grown in vast quantifier' neat Haarlem, chiefly for exportation to England, Formerly the export' trade in out flowers was enormous, one Haarlem firm having exported in a single season 10,000 oases; bub an agreement was last year entered into by a majoriby of the Dutch fioriabe to abandon the sale of out flowerese competing wibb the inbereeta of pur- chasers of bulbs. Attempts have been made to extract the perfume of hyacinths, but only with moderato awnless, eepeoially from the commercial point of view. The Use of Eelakius, One of the queerest domonde for eel skins is that made by colored women. The pio- turttque bandannas that they wear serve another purpose than that of merely oovering their beads; they hide the eelokins that these women wear to tauten and etrotah their kinky hair. For, as long aa white men have known the colored race, the latter has boon imbued with a hopeless envy of long, straight hair, such as white persona are adorned with. Generations try to pull the kinks out of their woolly pates and fail, but other generations step into their plaoee, and try on and on to get long hair. White skins the colored folks don'b care so much about, because they see that white folks, like Italians and Span- iards, are ofben darker than mulattoes, but they do envy the rest of creation inn long looks. An old aunty, a very pinna old wo- man, said to the ohild'e mother one day :— "I'm euro of goin' to heaven, but I'd give it up wtdcut u sigh of I could tab klieg Alice's long hair."—,New York Sun. A Great Globe, The globe in the Peril; I6xhibltlon repro Death the earth on the scale of one.millionth' and is nearly 100 feeble diameter. P Brie co oupfee aboub a third of an snob. All the great linos of oommunioabion by land and 0ea are shown in detail: Who oarbh'0 daily rbta, tion will be preoieely imitated by clockwork, a point, on the globe'e equator moving an eightieth of an inch por emend,— tam For the Babies It is nob necessary to buy corn Duret, bden and women should remember that Putman'o Painleee Corn Extractor i0 the oniyeafe, sure and painless Dorn remover oxbanb. It does its work qulokly and with certainty, See that the signature N. O. Pelson tit Co, ap- pears on each bobble, Beware o0 poisonous imitations. Paris ntillinore Day that ribbon will goon get:the bettor of Rowasa as the trimming for stylish hate, Ib is need In all widthe, from "baby" up bo ten inches, and appoatw in the riohoot weaves and the most daring) yet artistic color eolnbinationo, succumbed and died in the road, their bodies being pioked up and brought along to the nexb station, " Some of the prisoners diad i a tele way every week, especially in the Bratskl etepPei and yet it was only the ordinary Siberian " Convict life in the minim of Siberia le well illustrated by our doily routine at the Coinplimente Freely Exchanged, Mee Clara," he murmared fondly, can you telt me why your oyer are like etare ?" "No, Why are they?" "Becauee they shine so brighbly," "Ah I thanks, Bob yon are like the *tare too, Mr, Dilly.' Why, may I aak?' ',Button you stay nail daybreak." And shortly afterward hie footsteps oould have been heard, 88 they pattered Mong the broad walk,"-1Bretail Budget. She Broke the Enfaaement butane the naw that be had ceased to lave her. Her beauty had faded, her former high rpirita had given plane to a dull lassitude, Wham had canoed this change? Functional derangement ; she was suffering from those ailments peou'iar to her sex, And so their two young lives drifted apart. Row need- lese, how oruol ! Had she taken Dr, Pleroe'e Favorite Preeoription she might have been restored to health and happiness. If any lady reader of these lines le similarly s allot - ed, let her lose no time in procuring the " Favorite Prescription." It will give her a new lento of life, Sold by druggist's, under a positive guarantee from the maaufaoturere, of perfect satisfaction in every use, or money refunded. See guarantee on bottle wrap per. The long etrafghb scarf mantle, worn around the shoulders and falling to the hem of the areas in front, is revived among other wraps ih Lindon. It's Bad Enou,h to fool away one's precious time in experi- mooting with uncertain mediainee, when one is eill'eted, without being out of pocket as well. The only medicine of its Masa, sold by druggists, posseeaed of such positive curative properties aa to warrant lbs manufacturers in guaranteeing 11 to mere, or money paid for it returned, is Dr Pierae'a Gulden Medical Discovery. For all liver, blood and lung disarmer' it is epecifie, Jaokets are never oub of fashion. This eeaeon they have deep revers and sleeves full abcve the elbow, but they are not worn with dressy toilets. Don't hawk, and blow, and spit, but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Of druggiote. 60 ibe. Many summer dresses for street wear are without the high collars so long in vogue. They are finished instead with a fall of lace, Empire plaiting on an Eton collar. The Book of Lubon. 1 Man Without Wiedom Lives in a Fool's aradise. A Treatise especially written on gold mines of Nerebinek. We gob up at 4 Diseases of Man, containing Fanta For Men o'clock in the morning and had a breakfast of All Agee I Should be road by Old, of blank bread and a bowl of gruel. We Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by worked In the mines till noon and then had the Sale of Half a Million to be the most dinner, oonsieting of more gruel and black popular, because written in language plain, bread, and also a piece of meat. The meat forcible and inetruobive. Practical present- ation of Medical Common Sante. Valuable to Invalids who are weak, nervous and ex• heated, showing new mean by which they may be oured. Approved by editors, critics, and the people. Sanitary, Social, Science kind of soup, meat every two or three days, I Subjects. Also gives a deeoription of Spoof- potatoee or other vegetables, whioh were fin No. 8, The Great Health Renewer ; frequently rotten, and black bread, In the Marvel of Healing and Koh -i noir of Medi- minee we worked in true miner fashion with I Dines, It largely explains the myeterfeo of pink and shovel and lamp on hab. We still life. By its teachings, health may be main - wore our chains. They never Deme off, The I tamed. The Book will teach you how to convicts had to live in them and din in than. make life worth Heine. If every adult in "Bach a life, of oonrae, eooner or later, I the civilized world would read, understand caused the death of many convicts, The and follow our views, there would be a polittoal prieonere, many of whom were of I world of Physical, intellectual and moral high rank and totally unused to manual 1 giants. This Book will be found a truthful labor and to ouch a diet and manner of liv-1 preeeatabion of foots, ululated to do good. int', The book of Lubon, the Talisman of Health I Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the body and joy to the heart. It le a message to the Wise and Otherwise. Lubou'eSpeoi- fio No, 8, the Spirit of Health, Those who obey the laws of this book will be crowned wibh a fadeleae wreath. Vast numbers of men have felt the proever and teatified to the vi•tue of Lubon's Specific No. 8. A11 Men Who are Broken Down from overwork or other clauses not mentioned in the above, should send for and read this Valuable Treatise, which will be sent to any address, sealed, on receipt of tan cents in.atam e, to pay postage, Address all orders to 30. V. Lubon, room 15, 50 Front Street E., Toren - to, Canada. A. P. 967. was often horse meat, and young horse, let me tell you, ian'b half bad, eapeoially if you are a prisoner in Siberia, "We worked in the mines again until dark. Supper consisted of cabbage or some other SUFFERED THE MOST, and snaoumbed generally the faatesb, The ordinary cffenders, thieves, common malefae- tore, eco., who came from the lower classes, stood prison life much bebtel, for it more nearly resembled in IN diet and daily toil theft former life, I have known ordinary offenders, men from the lower Muses, who were stout and strong, who had lived and worked in the mines for twenty years. " The women prisoners at the mines were employed in eorubbing, mushier/ and elotheo- making. The delicately nurtured ladies among them who were political cffenders did not generally live long, ' " There is only one chance in 100 of aver getting back to Raabe when one Mono gent to Siberia, for 1f a convict is suspected of having further political schemed ft destroys hie hope of a pardon. "Many of the convicts, as I have said, are deaporate men. Here is a story of the re- venge some of them took upon a Siberian who had murdered one of their number Thio Siberian was on of the Mongolian race palled Bratsk[, and he had a farm about 200 vorata, from Nerehinek. Ib lay in the way by which oonviote escaping from the mines generally yawned. The region was 1410001Y A DRY DESERT, but thio Brataki farmer bad a good well of water which abraded the oonviote, aspe- oially the green ones who had never beard of him. "It was thls farmer's ouatom to oall to a oonviabwhom he saw passing by wearing A good pair cf oboes or a good coat and entloe him within reach, and then shoot him from a round hub which he had loop -holed all about. He killed and robbed a number of convicts in thin way. "One day a party of seventeen oonviote went by the farm, and some of the younger ones were for stopping. The more experie enoed convicts dlasuaded them from doing this, saying than they would surely be shot. By means of stratagem five of the oonviote captured the farmer unarmed and away from his loop -holed hut, Then the beat me lie of putting to death the mur- derer were d sowed. Sento were for hang. ing him, but one convict; mid: 'I'll thew you a bettor way than that.' Tho farmer's legs were ripped up with a knife, from the inside of the ankle, and a lot of finely chapped horsehair was rubbed into the wounds . Tho hair was obtained from the tail of a horse, which was out off. The finely out hair irritated the wounds mutt a w d m and pub the victim in great agony. The oonviote at Norohinak later hoard, through the oonvlob system of sign, and oommuai• cation, whioh is spread all over Siberia, like the tramp language in this country, that the farmer diad of hitt wounds. "I remember a °dnviat at Noreilinok positions, Addeate i WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S EMULSION 0r COD LIVER OIL wlTn HYPOPHOSPHITES. It is Palatable as•12i1k, It is three times as efficacious as plain Cod Liver Oil, It is far superior to all other so- called Emulsions. It is a perfect Emulsion, does not separate or change. It is 'wonderful as a flesh producer, It is the best remedy for Consump- tion, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast- ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Colds, Soft by all Druggists, LOc. and ,'41.00. PATENTS procured, Patent Attorno e, and axperte Eet'd1807, nonahl CRidou6 C 0. Toronto, CANCER- ('bNo0kTmO.RMt1nokMie, d NiagarrtSt„ nosle, I% COIIJIF oUJt,LLAND $11011TItAND EDUCA.- T10N is a valuable nequlromen0 for every young man and woman. Address OANAntaa BV5,1000 ONnilooltr, Public Library 'Building, 70,0006, for partldnlare. THOS. nN00UGHiOHM, 0110008, 100008, President, Seley &Mann er , G1101LPn BUSINESS COLY,liGE, grtelpi,, 11f' 000,—Thorn are no vnoaileno, the College being In cession througbont the entire year. Its graduates are mooting 'With dietingulebod 0000000 00 Gook -keep - 00e, lnlelneee tatoagere, ehorthand•wrlters, 6ourt reporters, etc, IndivednalInetrnotion Is la tontine of the Insulation, Graduetoe 81100ed le chtalang named iluboutka, who woe an unruly fellow 1 11, lfa00oalt101I, Prtnofpai, BARKER'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 46 Ring Street Ilast, Toronto, Formerly, Inc ovor lite ,oars, Prin0ipli 0l the Mort. hand Institute in conneetiOn with the (yaradtan Buel note Univereity. Ty vewrsting department under the management of lir (2100 isENGVO4IJ, agent ter the Remington Typewriter. Aisp.y for (Ocular, Ideation thin paper 10 writing AUTOMATIO SAFETY ELEVATORS Pat. hydraulic), hand and steam elevators, LEITCH & TURNBUJLL, 00adJao en weber works, Peter and Queen strobe, anti LTON, ONT EAYEB. LINE STEAMSHIPS. Saltier Weekly between 0ONTRE IL and � . VE IlR TOOL, saloon aol1310 ft, rdt, and Ste, Return Tickets, 010,uat and 8i1te *mediate 3c steamer and awommndatlou, intermediate $80 Round Tr'p Tickets, 800, Steerage, 825, Apply to II. .11111111M 1.14 General Reneger l'nnaIte (Ohip- p111g 1;0., 1 Cue'rON Mesa Stomas, RDNTRaAL, pr to Local Agents in all Towne and Woo. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.—Send for our Large Illustrated Catalogue of Baud loetru• mimes. Violins, Guitars, Flutes, eta„ and all kind of Trimmings. Agent for Tronabo'o and DeW1tt's Playa. BIJI0 AND'S MOS10 STORE, 07 fling 60, West, Toronto, 000 TEAC0IFRS 010 make money during vao men by canvassing for one or more of our fast selling Books and EMI. s, es anally History of Creeds, by W. H. Withrow, D.D , latest and beet ecltlon ever Jlubllehed prices low, tonne Mend, Trite for luetrated circulars and terms. , WR, BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. ENGRAVI'NG 1 FOR ALL ILLUSTRATIVE &ADVERTISIN PURPOSES G. WOOD ENGRAVER, 10,14 WIG STREET EA S7. TORONTO; CANADA BICYCLES 150 Second•lland, Send for net. A. T. LANE. MONTHNAL, QUN Arti.cial Limbs FOR CIRCULAR A ., DRESS, J. DOAN 'a•;c CO., Norilreole A{•e Torootth, Out, ARMS l�f IN MANITOBA Scottish, Manitoba and North-West REAL ESTATE GO., LIS. W J Akin, Mgr, 357 Main St, Winnipeg lands In all puts of the Province, Low Primes. Easy Terms. Lists Sent and Fullest tntormitioo Far Malted on Application. Send us sour name and we w111 mail you our descriptive catalogue Merchants, Butchers, and Traders generally, We want a GOODMAN in your locality to pick up CALF SKINS For ns, Cash Furnished on satisfactory guaranbr Address, 0. S. P$Q E'7, Hsu Pans, Vermont, U. S. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M'OAUSLAN D & SON, 76 Hing St. W.0 Toronto. ALL THE WORLD OVER Johnston's Fluid Beef Is need as a STRENGTH GIVING FOOD for INVALIDS, UONVALESCENk•S, and 'for ATHLETES when train- ing and in Domeatie Cookery for making Soups and Gravy, A GREAT LIFE -GIVER ST. LEON WATER. Loads at testimony as follows; I bare used St Leon. Believe it Lobe both curative and refrorhiog,—$av Join Parva, D D. Bone, Muscle Sash and blood—nothhng cn the European oonlinent to equal this bu11100-up of poisoned, wasted humanity; St Leon is to such better 11 as gold.—Da Moen. Oared of dyapepeia. Was asMlatoo; am now at and strong,—W E Pott's*, Q nbeo. Send in your orders or go to the Springs in Quebec Use fountain of fresh life, vigour and joy. TIIE ST. LEON MINERAL CO. Termite. Montreal. mrd Quebec. MONTANA'S WEALTH AWAITS The Farmer, The Merchant, The Steelman. The Laborer, The, Bitter Tim Banker, The Manufacturer. An Diupire Opened for Settlement, Comprising rich agrtoulbural and gracing lands, gold, filter, copper. lend, Iron and opal mines. Olimateun, surpassed. Mrdo easy 01 00000s by the Sr. PAIL. bhozsarmat & MANITOBA Rr., which places In service, beginning Nov. 1000, 1l trait equip- ment rgtexcolled, furnishing splendid Day Uoaohes, palace Sleepers, Free Colonist Sleepers and Surporb Dining Ones of latest desigo, sunning train through solid from St, Paul, and Minneapolis bo Great Falls, Helena and Butte, Montan. For Maps and general infnrotation inquire of your own Ticket Agent, or I'' I Whitney, Oen'l Paso. and Tk't Aut., St, Paul, Minn ;J. ill liuekina,'4 Pal. mer House Block, Torol.to ; or, V. C, Russell, 8 Numbs Temple, Loudon, 0 E A 11u' a antounter'TRt! ,'13' ralenor f0 teroot OIL 00 0011000 n5 e11ta0security. Apply to BEATTY, CHADINJCK, BI.ACKSTDCK & CALL Bnrrletere at 1 salmon, Wellington St., nor, Church, (over honk o1 Toronto! TORONTO. ONT. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS IW MANMANITOBik Partfeo wishing to puree:me Improved M,pnlbara Panne, from 80 acres upwards, with irn,nedtate possession, roll or write to 0. 0. 0AULSON, Bo - Arthur's Moak, Main ea, Winnipeg. Information furnished free pi charge, and settlers aaale0ad In. making selection. MON" -Sr TO X.,0ei.7L`T AT (OuaaaNT RAMS OP INranee'r. The Penberthy IMPROVED Automatic Injector 10;000Ie u ( to Canada ; 26,000 .01 In u,e in the United State,. They are elmp'e sod poet Jean than other makes, while performing the taco work. They start ea y at 25 Ibe, steam, and work to 160 lin ; Lift. water 1 to 2n ft, and w rrk from a bead as well, Automatic and restarting when enaent to boiler it broken. Send for circular to Alain Office. Peiibertliy Injector Co., Detroit, Mich.. Factories, Windsor, Can. and D3brolt, Mioh Mention this paper. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships Soiling during winter from Portland every Thursday and Halifax every8nturday to Liverpool, and in num. mer from Quebec every Saturday to Llverpoof,nallfa0 at I .donderry to land mails and paeeengere toe 50oo,snd and Ireland ; also from Baltimore, As Hall fax and St. John's, N,0„ to Liverpool 'lortnlghtly denier summer months. The eteemore of the Glee. gow 11r s ,ail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ;and during sum. mer between 0largow and Montreal weekly • Mae.gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phbadel. plata fortnightly. For freight, passage or other information apply, to A. Sobumaoher!t 00., Baltimore; 8. Cunard Sr Om, Halifax Shea & Co., S0. John's, Ned., Wm. Thomp- sou & Co. St. John, N. B.; Allen & 00., Obiegao, Love & Alden, ew York; H. Boruller, Toronto, Pm Altana, R 10 o., Quebec; Wm. Brookle, Phfiadol• phis If A. Allen ?amend Boston Montreal. CPW Provident Life and Live Stock Assoc CHIEF OFFICE, ROOM D, ARCADE, - TORONTO, CANADA (INCORPORATED ) A Mutual Benefit Association, SOLID INVESTMENT—By paying t0 the above Association ONE CENT PER DAY, a person aged brenty-two, and two cents per day a person aged fort) four can secure F,ve Dollars per seek while disabled through sickness or accident, also tar twa end three Dents pot day, persons aged as „hove can secure for their depeadaote, Five Hand ed Dollars in 0teut of death. LIVE STOCK OWNERS can provide against loos by death through disease or accident of their stock, at easy rated, Those interested, send to proepea0usee etc, Reliable Agents wanted in unrepre0enteddis- tricts. WILLIAM JONES, Managi ag Director. TORONTO ONSERVATORY �GOVnHN alRNT OF MUSIC. CHARTER. OF 977 a l HON, G. W. ALLAN - - PRESIDENT. 1000 Total Attendance first 2 years. All branches tough' —Instrumental and Vocal cosier Elocution, Languages. Ocholarships, certificates,diplo- mu Free Theory, Vioiln, Concerts and Lectures: Next Fall, organ students, besides the use of several complete church organs, can have lessons, practice and recitals upon a,CRAND CONCERT ORGAN, brat expressly for the Conservatory, in Association Hall. SUMMER NORMAL TERM, July to Ang.mc FALL TERM OPENS Sept. 4, Send for free Calendar. Address, ODWARD FISHER, Director, cot. Yong(' St. and Wilton Ave„ Toronto. IIALLADAY STANDARD WINDMILLS For supplying oonetantly pare and trash water tar the following purposes, viz— .1 t ; 00. They an- perfectly lcon- trollable 00- trollaoilale le gales and uniform fa -4 ep0,ntid dMule for chaff meeting root pulping, threshing,eaw- iog wood,griod- ing corn, sta, eta. AlsorrleRtt- feature:sot teed gclndere,haylna .. tools., iron and wood pump& Nand a full line of B,,ilway, Town, (- Pamo, anmar nteo0al WdOater ayauppty Materi- als. Catalogue. and P, fee Lists, with reteroneoe, ,nallOd (roe on hpylieati0h to Pumping Water for Stook, Parra Buildings, Iianefons, VnlaResideoees Public Ioatitutione, Gardens. Green Houses, Town & Village Waterworks, Pfctols,College9, Pumping for Rallway Statio,ce, hire Proteetion,�. Irrigation, Tanneries, Dreworlee, Sewage, Mines, Draining Low Lands, These mile. braced Wind.? mills aro made- from one rano to forty horse - pow.' ONTARIO PUMP CO,. TORONTO, 0NT., CANADA. Mention this paper, THRESHING BELTS Guaranteed not to crack, split, puff, break, or part between the plies' Send for descriptive circulars and prides. The Wateous Engine Wolin Coil Ltd., Brantford, Corfeerationa, ifc T O EZ O NTO_ T$"3ESE:1£A ... on, 144E .£. e' PO a-" _a. I!7•' ". OVER ASSETS R i 1F. AND CAPITAL, 8I1, W. P. HOWI,AND, ,l3rooident. ;. Mkt:DONALI/,1 WM, TOL'GIOT, E. G00P01t, J. k1. MACDONALD. .i.0raaat, f Vtes.pnastoavrs. M1NA0mo i itAimon. •