HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-7-12, Page 5mond e to ill'p l er. 11e is er. ther- Mill )OL - 1 WC the ly 1.i0 JULY 12, 180, a..-, s =-a..1.,.^,rixwart_.:..rs...:.•r -zr11r'. ori.:,e^Ir_wnsa•....r. r anOtatlf.011=2 X:47J.stnsrr.M.R. m; !NOW.. J^.^," THE BRUSSELS POST .iii=�zt�3ti:JET.• [d)ar.T�IL3�':W"rn+.^""rte-•a•.'G:- S"�-•,•,•••y 1.161.4141:0 Fresh .Arrivals in GENERAL DRY GOODS Daily, Comprising Staples, Shirtings, Cottons, Cottonades, Muslins, Prints, Ginghams, &o. In every Line we are cutting Prices to the Core. ci,00rks, Our Stock is Com- plete in all Lines and at prices that will astonish the closest buyer. OUR liEgsosiswy, Department has lines that you should see. Fine Goods and Close Prices we will offer you. O'UR ] O j' Department, both in Kid, Silk and Lile thread are extra value G R 'IE'LD EOU E. lW ra.l lou. Harvesting is to the fore. We are going to Wingham on the Jas. Smillie was aL Wingham on Tues. day at the Presbytery. lti•v. Mr. Forrest will telto his w rk, ns11511111, next Sabbath. Rev, 8. Jones, of Brussels, linea the pulpit of Rev. Mr. Forrest last nttbha.th morning, Most acceptably. Last Sunday evening an address on ',Jesuitism" teas delivered in the Metlio. t awl interested to t large 4u t r dist church audience. It tins first cines. Rev. Mr. Tart al en is solid on this topic. A.two o c Very waren weather. A large consignment of hogs were shipped from the Dominion factory last week. Rev. A. Henderson contenplates telt- ing his usual vacation at an early period. Mrs. Ayers and daughter leave this week for a few week's visit to friends near Lindsay. Rev. Dr, Henderson comes from Stanstead, P, Q., to Listowel, on Thurs- day of this week. Some four or five Methodist ministers passed through this place last week en route to their new circuits. The measles, attended with a severe cough, with which most of the children in the town have been visited are passing off now. Jr. 11. AlcBain, who has spent a snc- ceeefol term at Belleville College is home for vacation. Die many friends welcome hint back. C10.-auib rook. 1. J. Tuck is beck from New York. The masons are at work at Charles Damen' new hotel. Rev. D. 13. McRae attended a meeting of Presbytery this week. A number celebrate the battle of Boyne in Wingham to -day, July 12bh. Alfred Reymann, teacher, is home for his holidays He is training, with much success, the youth in Logan. Remember the lecture on "British Columbia," iu Knox church on Thnrs- day evening next, July 18th. John McRae, who was writing at the Entrance examination, took sick the second day and was unable to complete 'his work. John did excellent the first day, however, and will likely be allowed to finish the examination when well. The Y.P,L.M. was well attended on Monday evening. The pastor, Rev. D. B. McRae, presided, The meeting was opened by singing a number of Sunday school hymns. The program was as follows t -Beading, "A slave to the bottle," Mies Lizzie McIntosh ; recita- tion, 'Gossip," Miss Janet McNair ; recitation, "Speak Gently," Miss Jane McNair ; recitation, 'Great Temptation,' Miss Ellen McNeil. The selections were interspersed with music. All the ladies taking part did well, especially Miss Ellen Mobieil. Prc•Nrc.-A grand pio-nic for the children of Cranbrook and S. S. No. 8 Sabbath schools will take place on the afternoon of Thursday next. It will be held in a beautiful grove on the piotnr. esque bank of the Maitland river. A committee composed of Aroby Duncan. son, Allan Cameron, John Robertson, Neil McNair and Peter McNab have the responsibility of arranging a fine day and good time. Music, readings, reci- tations, swinging, boating, eating, croquet, eto., will form the program. Each family aro expected to provide a basket of eatables. Free to all and all aro invited. "Wtug husn. Some 50 candidates wrote at the En. trance Examination here last week. In- spector Malloch presided. J. H. Stuart, of Cayuga, lute been ap- pointed manager of the Bank of Hamil- ton at Wingban). Mr. Stuart is a vocalist of renown. The electric light talk has rather sub. Bided in town and a gas boom is now on. It is to be hoped it will not all end in "gas." B. Wilson, manager of the Wingham branoh of the bank of Hamilton, and his father, Crowell Wilson, left the other day per C.P.B., for a trip to British Columbia, San Francisco and other parte, rm.-Fire broke out in the third storey of the Wingham furniture factory, owned by Thos. Bell, at six o'clock' on Friday morning of last weelr, and having gained each headway before being die. covered it could not be euppreseed until the third and second storeys were com- pletely deetroyed. By great effort and a plentiful supply of Water the fire Dom. pany succeeded in saving the lower storey of the building, as wall as the large brick addition now being erected. There Was a large stook of manufactured ' and partially manufactured furniture in the building all of whiolt was destroyed. The loss nn the building and on the Inc. niture will reach about 35,000, mad on the inaohinery about $12,000. The in. 8nra100 is light- mill to bo in the Gore, Waterloo and other companies, Tho workmen lost all their tools. Ono nlan was badly burned about the fano and hatch ill trying to cavo 11181111. Mr, .1011 had just returned the evening before Amin Ole Norlhweet, where ho 1151 been melt- ing large contracts for the sale of furni- Umo and will ion heavily by the delay eaa5cd to his httalntees, OUR SXL,01X, Department is always complete and our prices will astonish you for Cheapness. IN READY-MADE %Him r'wt we will offer 1peeial inducements to clear lines of' Suits, Coats, Pants, Vests, &e. IN 1 ;,,,g r, we have a number of Bolls that we will sacrifice to make room for Fall Importations. Butter, Eggs, etc,, taken as Casli. teaQ. T' AUCIDI moms we are nearly giving sway. All lines are being slaughtered at panicy prices. Raving bought many lines at prices that has ruined many of the manufacturers in the past month and we are giving our customers the benefit of our cheap purchases. • XatIZI=Erir Department, is in fall blast, and all lines Inust be cleared at wholesale prices. NIGIITI GALE & Co. Photographer Meson, took a splendid picture of the volunteers on the day they left towu for camp at London. Our baso baso ball club waxed the Harrleton club on Dominion Day to the tune of 20 t" (3. It was for a $20 prize. A by-law will be voted on in Wmghatn m1 Monday, h2nd inat„ for granting e sunt of 38,000 for the erection of a now town hell. The Advance says :-Tire 11. O. church, \Vingbam was inure than crowded on Sunday lest, morning (4)1(1 evening ; in fact hi the morning several had to leave 0 t, beingab t, cutest - ea to to get inside. The oasi- no L ea was the blessing of a new altar, a magnificent piece of furniture, which was lately put in the church at a Dost of about 01.75. The collections, however, were very satisfactory, being considerably mere than the coat of the altar. W. J. Chapman hue decided to extend his premises far beyond what was in contemplation when the matter of tax exemptions on improvements made was before the conned. A new stone found- ation 71 feet by 50 feet is now well under way on which is to be erected a solid brick structure three stories high. The main portion of the old frame has been raised and occupies one corner of the building limits, the same to be bricked outside. Et1ael. Township Council was held here last Friday. On Friday the L. 0. L. will attend the annual celebration at Wingham. Rev. J. R. Gibson and family arrived lbere last week. The rev. gentleman is on the siok list and his work will be done, provisionally, by a student named Davis. We hope Mr. Gibson will soon be restor- ed to health and strength. d Last week George Dobson arrived Thome for his vacation from Stayner, Simcoo Co. He says tine Drops in that section am doing well and to prove it he brought samples of Fall wheat and bar- ley with him. The former measured 5 feet 0 inches. With all the tall blowing about crops in other sections of Huron County this locality holds its own with any of them. 11obt. Dilworth has a field of timothy, a great part of it will measure 5 feet, 3 inches, and plenty of the heads are 0 inohes long. Beat that if you can. Bluevale. Jas.'Thmmins was palled to Winchest- er this week on account of the continued illness of Mrs. Timmins. Wm. Messer, succeeded with little trouble, to make a sale of Bluevale June oheeee, at Oc. Mr. M. seems to be the right man in the right place. Mrs. Sewell, mother of Mrs. (Rev.) A. Hartley, and her graudahild, Mies • ottie Sewell, spent a week at the manse. Many kindly messages followed them to their home in Woodetoak. • Prof. Berg is still busily engaged in training steeds for the roads. Mr. 13. ?eems to understand his business thor- oughly, and when once holding the ribbons if there is go there out it comes. Owing to illness of pastor of the Pres- byterian church, Rev. A. Y. Hartley, the elders held a prayer meeting, Duncan King reading a short sermon. As Mr. Hartley 10 recovering, it is hoped he will be able to be in hie place next Sun- day. Holidays have come. The joy of young folks. The rest and recreation of the teachers, Mr. McEwen and Mise Lowry laid down the chalk and strap on Friday evening, Miss Lowry left for her hone in Listowel, Mr. MoEwen is still in Blue - vale. Chas. Leech, Detroit, gave ua a flying visit this Week. A000mpanying him was his nephew Master Earl Loeoh, who re- mains with his uncle, A. B. Jackson, Morris. Mr. Leech is always welcome in Binevale should he wish to Battle down in life Bluevale will afford him a shelter. The ladies of the Methodist ohuroh spent one or two busy days fixing up the pareonage. Rev. Mr. Wallwin delivered his first sermon on Sunday morning to a very attentive congregation. In the even- ing also the rev. gentleman's remarks were listened to with considerable in- terest. May Mr. W. be successful in his work. Avery interesting gene of baseball be- tween the jr. team of Bluevalo captained by Master Norman Duncan and the ttohool team of No.8, Morris, captained by Joseph Casement, was played on Blue - vale grounds, Saturday last. The young people seemed to enjoy themselves and the young ladies who witnessed the game made it both interesting and lively. The score resulted in an easy vistory for the visitors. A very pleasant evening was spent nt Mrs. Nichols, Turnberry, on Friday of last week. A social being given by Mrs. N., in the interest of Bluevale Presby- terian church, Groat trouble was taken to make things pleasant and ovorythnnl, seemed to go off very cheerfully, A awing wee erected and the lovers of this pleasure enjoyed thomeelves to their hearts Content. Quoits 400(0 also provid- ed for use 000asienn. Inside the house mesio doted the heart and the merry ham of voices Icopt tante to the throbbing of the mune. Supper was er'.'vocl and by the way viands disappeared seemed to be Highly appreoiated by many of the young people, The co110otien taken at the close amounted to over $120.00. Everyone on. joyed themselves and,. should another social be given m that cighborliond, 4'1 slay look forward to a sant time. A great twiny of our people are busily enga;,ed this week in the honorable oc- cupation of working for the Queen. It is to be hoped her :Majesty will appreciate their efforts. \Vo are sorry to record the illness of Robb. McHarcly, but trust rest and quiet will allow maitre to ren)ver itself. It appears i4lr..11slla,dy was well heated 111) end stlyuding in a draft 0 unght a severe cold and sliff neck. Z.). Messer, ILufCto(. was home on a few days visit this weal:. 311.. \lesser is well kno;vn in this vicinity an l the 5 c 1 Y e man'4,•mit,n vu tildshak0s and learn wel- comes hearty ve comes stay assure him that though ab- sent he is not forgotten. . ia:Loovol. '.1laterial is being placed on the ground for the bnildin,t of the new addition to the G.T.R. station in this town. Iu the two.year-old stakes to be trotte1 at the Buffalo Pair next September, Kidd Bros. have entered Cornctaeker. J. W. Scott, banker, writes that his party arrived in the old land safely, and had a pleasant voyage across the Atlantic. J. B. Dinkel has sold out his lease of the Imperial Hotel to a former proprietor Pierce Collison, who took possession Inst Thursday. The Methodist church trouble has quieted down nicely and it is expected that Rev. Dr. Hoederson will have a very successful term here. Rev. Mr. Ayers, of Gorrie, preached two old-fashioned sermons in the Methodist church last Sunday. A largo cumber of friends of the Rev. Mr. Nneent, of the Methodist church, gathered at the parsonage before the rev. gentleman removed to Mitchell, and pm. sentod him with a gold.headed clang and gold watch and firs. Nugent with a sil- ver sugar bowl aud a dozen spoons. The Banner says ; Mary Habarmehl is 20 years of ago, her home is in the town- ship of Howick, and she is proseoutiug John Beall, jr., for breaoh of promise of marriage and criminal seduction ander 1 the Charlton Ad. The preliminary trial was held on Wednesday in the town hall before J. A. Hacking, J'.P. ; Mr. Morphy appearing for the informant, and Mr. Mabee for the defendant. The only evi. donee taken was that of the informant, Mary Habermahl, who sworn that Kraft bad promised to marry her and had bought a license for that purpose. That he used to oome to see her at her father's house "most every Sunday." That on three cemasions he had improper relations with her, she not objecting because site thought it was all right as they were to be married. She gave her evidence, of which only a short summary is publish- ed, without apparent shame for her dis- grace. She expects her child to be born in August. After the counsel had ad- dressed the court, judgment was given committing the prisoner to stand his trial at the October Assizes, at Goderich, the offense having occurred in Huron Co. Bail was accepted, 0500 from the prison. er and 0500 from his father. Mot-t•i+- A number of the farmers are into their hay. lMiss Carrie Laughland, of Oshawa, is tatting relatives and friends in this ooality. Wm. Whiteford is making a big ins. Iprovement on his farm by levelling the gravel ridge near the road. There will be a large representation from this township at the Orange cele- bration in Wingltam on Friday. 44 Last Tuesday James Aitkine arrived Peek from Manitoba. He bas been in the west for a number of months but has suffered from what appeared to be 1 paralysis. Mr. Aitkins does not give a very glowing prospect of the coming har- vest, the lack of rain doing great damage to the Drops. Thousands of acres of grain will not bo cut. DIun.-Last Friday Elizabeth Jane, daughter of Hugh and Annabelle Hanna, eth con., died rather peculiarly and somewhat unexpectedly. She had been ailing with climbable for some time but had been able to move shoat and was in Brussels on Dominion Day witnessing the games and sports. On Friday morn- ing she fell into a sleep or unconscious condition, out of which she could not be aroused, death following during the even- ing. She was in her 17th year and was a promising young woman. The funeral on Sunday afternoon was largely at- tandad. OosltloN Smtrsn.-A number of people are very good at finding fault with the Council and wonderingwhy they do this and why they don't o something else, but, as one who once sat at the Council Board, 1 say to those growlers go to the Commit and state your case or cases and if they don't loop into your complaint squeal then, but for goodness seise exer- cise a little oomman sense and doin'b ex- peat impossibilities. Our Township dads may be a little close Bated but it is bet. for after all to pay your debts and economize all that is possible. There is, perhaps, a clanger of growing too miser. ly, bub any report of the Connoil pro. =dings will shote thathendretls of del. lars are expended in implovementa, and 1 I know that when 1 warned it eclat at the Board we expended the Annie as impar. flatly as wo knew how,- 1 back up the Reeve and Council, and while 1 say, boys, don't be 1445001 or skimp things too fine, save all the money you can four the town. ! shi, Excuse my writing at this time routyen may perhaps hear front mell! u' again. Yoe, C'„ soto:l S5Nslt. i Mr. Forest is erecting a new house at Jamestown. GARDEN Peurr.-Last Tuesday evening there was held a garden party at the residenos and grounds of Alex. Nicholl, 0th line, and a most enjoyable time was spsnt by the large company. Edibles, ice cream, ,@c. were generously dis- pensed. The following musical ancl liter- ary Program was presented: -Music by Knox church obeli', Brussels ; reeitatiou, Miss Betz ; music by four little girls recitation, hiss 310[e tohlin ; tunsio by choir; recitation,3. Hodgsond gs on music),io Mr, and Mrs. Seel ; recitation, Miss Mo. Qnarcie ; address ni reoitrLion, Rev. G. 13. Howie ; music by the choir. G. A. Deadman performed the duties of chair- man. A large number of Brusselites were brought out in conveyances belong- ing to the people in this locality. The whole company voted Mr. and Mrs. Nicholl a first-class host and hostess and hope to sometime soon have another snob spree. Onrr.-On Sunday an old resident of Morris, in the person of Mrs. Edward Bryan, sr., passed over to the great majority at the good old age of nearly 90 years. The deceased was born in the County of Fermanagh, Ireland, and was married to her aged partner, who sur- vives her, in the year 1885. They came to America in 1849 and settled at Cope. town, not far from Hamilton, where they resided until 1855, when they moved into Morris, settling on the farm upon which Mrs. Bryan died, viz., lot 30, 2nd con. By hard work, economy and frugality, success attended the efforts of the family and the bush farts was transformed into arable acres. About five years ago the subject of this notice was greatly troubled with a cataract on one of her eyes but it was successfully removed and the old lady retained her eye sight up to a short time ago. The funeral on Tuesday after- 0 U aim noon was a 1.irge one, notwithstanding the very hot weather. Rev. W. T. Cluff, patronage. incumbent of St. John's (Episcopalian) church, of which deceased was a member for years, conducted the service. The only daughter of the family died in the spring of 1860. There are still living, in addition to Mr. Bryan, who has attained to 87 years, three sons, William and Alex. residing in this township, and Edward, one of the Deputy Reeves of Groy town. ship, all well known and highly respected men in this locality. PHOTOS. TINTYPES, • E'oi,- • r;O (.)eertss. All Warn from the Smallest to L1re stir done In n na [-r h /ill Y manner, er, IJVal- of Residences, tate., at. Reaaanittllr nares, W. J. Fairfield. Apply p to E. E. WADE. MONEY TO LOAN.. PRIV✓l2'E FUNDS. of Private Funds have ,j:1st been placed in my han;li- f r'n- vcstmellt - AT 7 PER CENT. - Borrowerscan have their loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory. NOTICE TO TIDE PU l3LIC. The Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public that they formed a co -partnership, under the Firm name of Turnbull & Ballantyne, have and Lire now conducting the Stove and Tinware Business formerly owned by HAYCROPT & TURNBULL. will be to please those favoring ii wi a their GIT Hl US A CAL,L..1 and ascertain our Prices. T URXB ULL BALL4IN TYNE. 3. Os. BALLANTYNE. JAS. TL'RNBULL. 90c69.1 377 CC X 94C GGOO ?2,. WE HAVE JUST RECEIV- EU a Very Large Purchase, the balance of a Wholesale Stock of LADIES' - BEADED - WRAPS - IN ALL VARIETIES, worth from $4 to $8, which we are going to sell all at one Price, $2.51. FE1 GUSON tG 17ALL1DAY, 11ANAGLRRS. Private Funds to Loan. $2O,OOO Have been placed. in m3 hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. Aro L`ot11ntuss80;1. Borrowers can have loanscom- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCL AIR, Solicitor, Bo'ussel8. Brilliant! Durable! Economical! Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are just as good, Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give • poor, weak, crocl:y colors. To be sure of success, use only the DtAAIOND Dias tor coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, 12ibbons, &c., &c. We warrant thento color more goods, t a cc - age for pa l age, than any other dyes e\'01 m-ttk:, and to give more brilliant and dural,l.. colors. Ask • for the Diamond a;, . tali -et 110 other. A Doss Dyed 'ply A Coat Colored ICarnlenfs Renewed cENTs. A Child can use thetxll At irnghlsl metfS ,; 1.., tlyel41;,.11)4400. j WELLS, CI^IIAfIDSON & Cdr, lrloni.ronl, P. Q.