HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-7-12, Page 44
wilitg=atttgril=1/::H'Sarat..•,M=1=3L,1L .S: r r, .,4nstiEfit-*rr
New Advertisements.
Locat--I', Ewan,
1 oval ]hie ?trice.
i + at - dam Geod.
!Lem' - Seattle]. Pear.
i ui 1. ll S\ uwieh.
Levels els -•R 1 eatherdale.
To leill dies- G. A. headman.
Yours' het notice ---1', S. Scott,
Auction sale --Dickson rt flays.
Mortgage sale --Dickson ct Bays.
Bended wraps--Searff S Ferguson.
tl'. lac Brzzsscls rut,
FE/D.-1)", ,117L1' 13, 1889.
Ton Dominion government have pass.
ed an order•in.e.tnucil reducing the rate
of interest upon deposits in the post
office and government savings banks from
four to three.and.a.half per cent. This
step has been taken under the authority
of as act introdncel and passed in 1888,
when Sir Chas. Tupper was minister of
finance. When that act wile passed Mr,
Sproule, Peter White and other govern•
ment supporters started that while they
were willing to great the government the
power t»ednee 111e r of interest on
eevieee hank deposits they hoped the
rower would never be e * i ie 1. The
overne.ier hes t t e.el for ower :r year,
in the meantime bwrowi lig twenty
tr. r1 the a ntteipat-
1. t tl c 11 t fen Is from the savings
lettike when tho rsduction w atld take
I 1 et s eneof the recent bank
meetings complaint was made that the
government's course in paying more than
the c.arrent rate of interest of deposits
hail a te::d n y to keep up the value of
money, and this is probably what has in.
duc,d the government to act 00 the
authority given them by the act of 1839.
Tee death of Hon. John Norquay, ex.
premier of Manitoba, removes one who
was an unique figure in Canadian public
life. A. native of Manitoba, of Scotch
and Indian parentage, and with limited
opportunities of obtaicing a knowledge
of public attain: John Norquay at au
early age displayed remarkable ability and
took the lead among the public men of
his province. No matter what ob-
jections plight be taken t0 his public
policy, his geniality, good nature and
generous disposition wan for hint eon.
tinned personal popularity. Mr. or.
quay's first entrance into public life was
as a member of Louis 'tiers "rebel coun-
cil," when the ill-fated half-breed leader
undertook to form a •'provisional govern-
ment" at Fort Garry in 1809, Mr. Nor -
quay filled the position of premier of
Manitoba from 1878 until the winter of
last year, when he suffered defeat through
identifying himself too closely with the
disallowance and railway monopoly policy
of the present Dominion government, He
leaves a family of four sous aid three
daughters. Mr. Norquay's death creates
a vacancy in the Manitoba assembly, and
in the leadership of the Conservative op-
position in that body.
Perth County.
Miss Leonora Clench, the young violin-
ist, has arrived at St. Marys from Ger.
many, accompanied by her mother. She
will make her debut in Toronto before a
Canadian audience.
During the recent storm the barn of
James Hyde, Blanshard, was set on fire
by lightning and totally destroyed. For-
tunately there was not a great deal of
stock of any kind in it, so that the lose
is on the building only. It was insured
in the Perth Mutual.
A three•year•old child, daughter of
George Leak, of the township of Logan,
was accidentally killed on Sater3ay last
while running around with a sharp etiok
in her month. She fell, the stick pene-
trating to the baee of the brain, and death
resulted in a few hours.
Godericb, in doubles, Clinton, re.
presented by F. G. Peto and F. T.
Boelle, defeated the home team, consist.
ing of Geo. Drummond and 11, S. Wil.
Ifams, by two straight setts. Games :--
6.8 and 6.9. On Saturday last the same
team also won from Blyth, on their own
ground at Blyth, by two Bets to one!
Gurnee :-6-4, 2.6, 6.5. Blyth was re.
presented by Fred Tanner and Dr. W.
James Roberteon, the well-known
reeve of Wallace, met with a serious ae•
cident the other day that will keep him
in hie house for a time. On the day
named one of his sons was telling what
a chase ho had with some cattle on the
farm that lies about a mile from the
homestead, ann how he Dame out victor,
Mr, Robertson, in a jocular manner, told
his son that in the matter of running or
inmping he thought he could beat him,
The son then challenged hie father to a
jumping bout, which was accepted. Mr,
R„ eenlot, went to the barn and got a
couple of weights to assist him fn the
Match, and Dame swinging them one in
each hand as he walked along. Unbar.
tunately he struck ono of them against
his knee, injuring the sinews around that
joint so badly that it was at firer feared
he had broken his leg. His medical al.
riser has ordered perfect rust for the
patient as the only chance of preventing
the injury resulting in a stiff joint.
The Palmerston Telegraph deeoribes a
singular character that resides in a 10x12
shanty in the township of Wallace. HIS
etovo 10 made of as many pieces as there
aro days in a month. Two members of
the township council visited him the
other day and found a state of affairs
that almost beggars description. The
man was dressed in three artioles of at.
tiro ---a pair of pants so short in the legs
as to come below the knees ; the remains
of a shirt of which 11010 of each sleeve
and the greater part of the front W0r0
missing, and a bit of brach silk, like part
of an old necktie, round his neck. Itis
feet and legs wore bare from tiro ltneoe, ,
and so black that but for hie face Tic
might have been taken for an African, 1
The floor of his lint was strewn so thick.
'y with the remains of fowl and ashes
from the stove that It was impossible to
tin if there were heard.' beneath their
feet or wl•ether the vteftote stood On an
earthen floor, trrnugenunv were male
t for luteus his immediate wants provided
. for and the place cleaned nut T111 mesa I
j strange part of the story 1s that t110
, occupier and owner of the but is a clergy,
new it geed standing, and holds the de.
gree of Bachelor of Arts from the Univer.
Isity of Cambridge, England. Dr. Stand-
ish has informed the township coon -
1 oil that the man is not tit to be left
The Seafortb Caledonian society re
solved to have games this year as nous
With the exception of the piping an
dancing all professionals are to be barre
The hose race at Mt. Clemens, Mich
on the 4111, resulted as follows :—Sen
1 forth, first ; R dgetown, second ; Sarnia,
third. The hook and ladder race was
won by Marino City, Sarnia being
second. Our lads aro hard to bent.
The first meeting of the Board of
1 Directors of the Mutual Live Steele As.
sociation of Ontario was held here Tues-
day. All the directors were present ex•
sept Robt. Beath, of Bowmanvitle, and
Mr. Graham, of Whitby, both of mho
are in the Old Country. John McMillan, M. P., for South Huron, wa
elected President ; D. D. \Nilson, Sen
ort 1
ME/17' 31.4 RICE 7',
.]lath Street, • Brussels
d Fresh AND
Salt Meats
tee. rest eat John &000
gran", y, Secretary, and M. Y. McLean
Tres..'n .'•. The other oaicers will he
appoint. 1 at the next meeting of the
Boar 1.
1�rtrm F1;t•IT C:11,,w,.,,,—The slimmer
electing of the Friir Growers a..nei.
otion was held last week in this town.
Among others the following gentlemen
were present AMoD. ;plan, Godo -
rich ; P. E. Bucke, Ottawa ; A. Morton,
Wintham ; P. C. Dempsey, Trenton ;
T. H. Race, Mitchell ; M. Pettit, Wi-
nona ; A. II. Pettit and L. Woolverton,
Grimsby ; Thos. Beall, Lindsay, and 2.
Little, Granton. The meeting was held
in Cardno's Hall, and an address was
delivered by D. D. Wilson, of beaforth.
Among the subjects discussed were the
following :—"Grapes for Market," "Cul-
tivation of the Currant for Home use
and for Market," "Strawberry Culture,"
and the "Culture and Propagation of
Gooseberries." One very important
subject was that concerning the "Judg-
ing of Fruits at Fairs," introduced by
Thos. Beall, of Lindsay, director of the
Association for Agricultural Division
No. 5. lie claims that, in order to secure
uniformity and fairness in the awarding
of prizes, it was absolutely neeessarythat
a scale of points should be carefully pre-
pared, and that instead of three judges,
as at present employed, the one judge
system should be introduced. Iu this
way the best talent conld be employed
and suitably remunerated. It was also
recommended that a card, with the
scale of points marked mately on it,
should be filled out by the judge and at-
tached to the prize fruit. The following
list of points was suggested, viz.:—(1)
Commercial Value ; (2) Productiveness ;
(8) Ilardiness : (1) Quality ; (5) Perfect
Growth, each of these to count five
points, esoept the last, which was to
count ten. The whole question of ar-
ranging a scale of points, however, ryas
passed over to a committee -ehioh will
report at the next meeting, which will be
held at the City of Windsor, in Decem-
ber. A very practical address was also
given by the President, A. McD. Allan,
of Goderioh, upon the best methods of
culling, packing and grading apples for
market. He said that buyers should ar-
range a scale of prices for perfeot fruit
in proportion to its commercial value in
the British markets, and thus encourage
the growing of only the most profitable
varieties. Re recommended some such
scale of prices as the following ; —When
the Baldwin is worth 61 the other
varieties should range somewhat this
way, viz, : Ribeton Pippin and Blenheim
Pippin, $1.50 ; Ring, $1.50 ; Spy, 61.30 ;
American Golden Russet, $1,25, and
Greening 51. In speaking of strawberries
John Little, Canada's Strawberry Ring,
said that he was satisfied that the Haver.
land was four times as large as the Cres-
cent and just as early ; that the War.
field was a valuable berry and would
yield more and larger berries than the
Crescent. The aim of the Aseoeiation is
to advance the fruit•growing intereeta of
Ontario, and thus increase the wealth of
the country, and to accomplish thie end
the better it has beet determined by the
Government to Bond the most skilled
specialists in fruit culture, whether di-
rectors or members of the Association,
to address the meetings of Farmers' In-
stitutes upon the best methods of con-
ducting with profit this industry.
Of the bust quality alwaee on hand and de-
livered to any part of the village free of
Teams very cavo table.
For which the highest market price will
be paid.
I also make a specialty of buying Aedes
and skins.
n1 don't fMesathe plane nest loon to
Fletoher'sJewelry Store, A. CURRIE.
General Blacksmith,
wisher( to intimate to the public generally
that he does all kinds of Blackemithing
in a Workmanlike,
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters
made to Order.
Repairing promptly Executed.
I make a S ecialty of Horse -shoeing.
A Gall Solicited. la -Remember the
Stand.—Neon TEE Munn.
2d S. Plum.
W1150714Eoo IEA04ATTER G 0117013
Baby Cai'riazes
Baby. eat' i 1 e
Handsome Display
of Baby Carriages in all the
and sold at
Nzasvafians Poria! t
Carl in and See our Stock
before you order elsewhere.
Buggy Rugs, Dusters,
Fly frets, Whips, c&c.,
always on hand.
Splendid Assortment ofTrun s,
Valises and Satchels in Stock.
H. Dennis,
Thanking the publio for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure your
patronage. We are opening out fulllines
from established and reliable makers
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Desg iris.
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem Ringo,
Earrings, gee
Also have in stock a full line of Violins
and Violin Stringe. &c.
N. B. —Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
T. Fletcher,
811001 LiaE11mmm, 1 eewu01nn, 1 sone G111EDE0.
May 28 *Oireaselon 8510038
May 30 Parisian urn 20
Juno 0 Polynesian June 27
June 18 .10.arthagenian
June 20 Sardinian July 11
Jun e27 *Circassian July18
July 4 Parisian July 25
July 11 Polynesian Aug.1
July 18 }Carthagenian
July 25 Sardinian Ang,10
Aug,1 *Ciroaestan Aug.22
Aug.B Parisian Aug, 20
Aug. 10 - Polyyeeslan ,,.,,,,,,pept.5
Aug. 22 ,,.,.,..,,, t0artha enlan
Aug. 20 Sardinian
Sept, 5 *Clrsaeeian
Sept, 12 Portents'
Sept. 19
Sept. 10
Polynesian .......... ,oet.10 t a large stock. This year having
Money to Loan,
fMoney to Loan on Farm Pro-
party, at
Brussels, Ont.
re i7 ONE TO LOA ;5!
Any _lam t.nt of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty, at
6 ce 6z Per Cent. Yearly.
StraightLoans with privilege
of repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels,
eul 1 ''' 001
As in past years, 1 am pre-
pared to buy any quantity
of Goon FLEECE WOOL, at the
highest Market price in CACS
Also Grain of all kinds.
Farmers will find it to their
advantage to market their
Wool and surplus Grain in
Brussels. I also take this
opportunity to inform my
Friends that during the com-
ing Season I will be found at
every day (where my office
now is) ready and Willing to
buy what Produce you niay
Ii.ave to offer.
Robt. Graham,
May 19111, 1689. 44-11
For Season of 1889.
I am prepared to pay the high-
est Cash Prices for good fleece
Wool delivered at the
Listowel Woolen Mills.
Having been 15 years in business
here, it has always been my en-
deavor to pay higher prices than
the market allows, and in the
past years have paid city market
prices. Wool being so low in
price, it will afford me pleasure
to pay the highest price going.
In exchanging wool for goods will
allow a few cents more. Will
also guarantee to sell my goods
at cash prices. I don't have two
prices—cash and trade—my rule
one price only. Running the
year round enables me to carry
ERS.—Qnnnna TO ntvnnnoot,
0a1inCO, 70,and 80 dollars according to
a000mmodation. Servants in Cabin e0 dol-
lars. Intermediate, 80 dollars, steerage,
20dollare, Bettina tickets. Cabin, 110 180,
and 150 dollars, Intermediate, 00 dollars,
Steerage, 00 dollars.
*fly Oireassin) or other extra etoamore.
Cabin, 00, 00, and 70 dollars aeoordina to ac.
eonrnlodation, Intermediate, 80 dollars,
Steerage 20 dollars, Return tickets, 00, 110,
100 dollars, Intormotdinto 10 dollars. Steer.
ego .10 doll are,
ITko OART'IXAGRNIAN will not earo•y
passengers from thie Milo. There will he no
steamer carrying passengers from Quebec
May 50th, July nth, Aug, 81111 end Sept. 12th
as lin viehiilig to oembark at Mo treal, will
Ioave Toronto by 'lesoday morning's Ex•
press, arrive at Montreal about 8 p,m„ and
no en beard may time before midnight.
ALSO All ----ENT ian aq
a larger stock than usual, will
offer you
The Rest Stoehr orTweeds iu the Dentin.
Ion to Choose 11050,
Double and Twisted F I11 Cloths
,411 4e0irs or the Newest leattcens and
Lilteet beel,fne,
Come earlywith your Wool and
you will find us ready and will-
ing to give you our best atten-
tion, We will be happy for you
to Inspect Goods and Prices be-
fore disposing of your wool, I
,�crx,: rl; f WNI E STAR AND INI AN LINES, 10101' lours Respectfully,
A I HA11,1ST:11ROM NEW roux. 13. Ir.](ET[•dhCD , )
ss-ly l£l61f11o'lel)fef.t.N, 'K'`;T. )Fall'. UCCA i;; , Agcat, i 4d-9ms tnlWl'OWt:f,.'.
r, t. 4. 1/P,'7.J.J1l,-r,A'
r.:� t�:That., ,rdt. 2: -.:nae.'; -
JULY' 12, 1889.
The tulderrignod leaving completed the change from the stone tell
the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has new the 11fi11 11
First -Class Running Order
and will bo glad to see all his uld customers and as many net
ones as possible.
Flour and Feed Always on Hand.
Highest Pries paid for any quantity of Good Grain.
nrlaiit 10 Frniers
See the New IN oxon Binder
Davis Sewing Machin es,
Stoves, Tinware, &c., at
The Brussels Woolen Mill
wants to get
500,000 LBS. OF WOOLI
either for CASH or in exchange
for Goods.
The Highest Market Price Paid in rash
and a Few Gents More in Trade.
We have a Fine .Assort-
ment of Tweeds, Cotton,
Flannels, Blankets, Sheet-
ing, Knitted Goods,
Tarns, &C.
All Wool left with ns for manufacturing, whether Polls or other-
wise, will have our prompt attention.
We wish to remind tho Farmers that the "Woolen 71)11
Store" in Brussels is not connecter] with THE BR
FN MILL, but is sclttitrq Goals trolls the Dewed Mill, which We 1
consider a great advantage to the Farmers of this Locality, as the
two Stores aro side by side and the Goods and Prices can easily Lo
compared. We art,
GEO. "'OWE S Co..