HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-7-5, Page 8t~ $ A4 it evor nr:'nrr,'d to you that in t. riting tet friend or nn acquaitt- n.•e y, ti tete in n inenH11r0 JU Ie''d by 11v p,l+ty y"u write upon and the u t u,,,pr+t'teal u:.„ POesilrly the person or piranha, who may receive your letter. have no other means it judging you, go ' the/ do so by your letter. if the paper you write upon is pots and the envelopes are ouch that you can road through, you Will naturally be looked upon as being e either 1 tor, miserly, or else a bad judge Of good nett parer, aside from title it does not pay to use alt inferior article. We are selling £tret.ulass paper and en- velopes so cheap now that you should bave it good. We have made te specialty of this hue of oar business, having had. •our customers preferences in view. It iH - as muck a pleasure for us to sell a good article as it is Etre our customers to buy it, and judging by our increased ealee, our efforts to please have not been in vain, Should you at any time receive from us any thing that may not be satis- factory or as represented, we would take it as a special favor if you would tell us and we will gladly exchange it. G. A. D10ADMAN, Druggist and Fancy Goods Dealer. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION, W. G. & I. E. Traiusteave Brussels Station, next and South as follow 6:- 41elai;8onth. Going 'ertlt. mane. ,........ -7:02 a.m. I Mixed 0:20 aim Express-.. 11:d5 axed Mail..... %Oa p:m nixed............ 6:55p.m, I Express— steepen ,oral'Z.civs !tans, A chief's among ye trkin' notes An' faith he'll print it. • Zeta. •HARING• • CAsn for Eggs at MoOracken's. Mien shake bas struok Brussels. :Emu strawberries at The Restaurant. THE plwnic season is to the fore now. Puna Paris green at G. A. Deadman's, Wrier, Ross, of Guelph, is visiting in 'Sown this week. Mess Cox, of Porter's Hill, was visiting Mrs. Roberts this week. IF your watch don't run right take it to Jas. Jones. He'll set it right. S.AEoux extorsion train on the "12th" to Wingham. Return fare 35 cents. STRAWBERRIES are now at lowest price. Leave your order with Adam Good. Do not fail to call and get a bargain in clothing before we move. Ross Bnoe. A OM= of base ball between the dry goods men and legal lights was to have been played last Wednesday afternoon but rain prevented. Sts octave organ for sale. Cost $150, will sell for 875. Good as new. May be seen at Mrs, J. W. Shiel's residence. 40.4ins GEo. Etienne. F. W. O'Bamx, V. S., has disposed of his business to J. D. Warwick, V. S„ who lately located here. Mr. O'Brien talks of seeing the golden west, We don't like to see him !eare town as he is a first-class citizen. ON mar WING,—As I am on my rounds cleaning, repairing and tuning organs and repairing and cleaning sewing ma• obinee, please drop me a card to let me know where to call. Second bend ma- chines on band and none given out with- out making good stitching. 544. T, MooaE, Dn. SINCLaIit, the Scottish Specialist, of Toronto, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, on Tuesday, July 16th to at tend to patients suffering from chronic or private diseases, or diseases of the brain, nerve, heart and longs. Consul. nation free. Don't forget the date of Dr. Sinolair's visit, 16th inst. WELL-DIGamu an DRm,LLVG.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to flim in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st„ Brussels, 43-11 LAST Sabbath evening Rev, M, Swann preached the closing sermon of his pas- torate in Brussels to a large congrega- tion, His diecouree was a most appro- priate one, full of seasonable advice and kindly counsel. The rev. gentleman, wife and daughter left for their new home, at Glencoe, on Thursday followed by the good wishes and prayers of the entire congregation. AN informal farewell and reception service, combined, was held at the Diose of the prayer meeting on Wednesday evening ea the basement of the Methodist church. Short epeeohee were given by a number of the members, both male and female, having pertionlar reference to Rev. Mr, Swann's pastorate here, and words of welcome to the new pastor, Bev, S. Sallery, B. A., 13. D. As A parting token from the ladies in the congregation to Mrs, Swann S. Fear presented her with a gum of money. The gift was suitably acknowledged. Revde. Mesere. Swann and Seliery and their wives gave expression to their sentiments and re- turned thanks for the kindly reference to the past and hopeful outlook for the future. B. Gerry occupied the chair. A general hand shaking was in order at the close of the meeting. Rev. Mr. Swann and family left for their new home on Thursday afternoon. ELECTION or Orroens.—Last Friday evening the annual meeting for the elec- tion of officeze and teachers, in conneo- tion with the Methodist Sabbath School was field in the church, Rev. M, Swann presiding. The Treasurer's reportehowed the receipts to be 4156 inoluding s bal. anon of about $50 from the previous year. The expenditure was over 856, leaving a balanoe of about 8100 in hand. The Librarian reported about 200 in the library. Over 1,600 had been given out during the year and with 4 exceptions llad'been returned. W. 11, Kerr was, on nomination of the pastor, reappointed Superintendent. He named W. R. Mooney and D. Armstrong ae Secretaries; Miss Hambly and bliss Moore, Librar- ians ; W. A. Oalblok, Treasurer ; I3, Gerry, Assistant -Superintendent. Teach - ore, {Rev. 8, Salley, 13, A., B. D„ Rev. 18. Taal, Dr. Hanes, S. Anderson, T. Fletcher, Mies 13, E. Kerr, W. A. 011. bfok, Miss McNaughton, Mre, Sellery, 4Vm. Roddick, (leo. Love, Miss Minnie Moore, Mies Gerry, 3. T. Pepper, J. T. Cook, Geo, Mooney, idles Oliver, Mre. Andereoei and Miss Kerr. It was dada - ed to 'hold the annual grhnel pic-nin til . 3,4 ory,t,,,itt,,,. I1r,. 1V, ,.,w, of t'alt, wee in town ov.r len 1 os in teen he edoeks and ;roved. ty at .1,Jones'. • eenet7.hue tidied i1: morn for the Aunt• Char vitiation, ltat'tuts tc watches rind jewelry prompt- ly attended to at Jett. Jones'. Mae 1iir. af:N, of Pettis, is visiting her cousin, Mise Mary Howe. Ter lady teacher of Brussels school are all away this week for their summer y.l3atiun. Alta, D. WATSON and children of Brant. ford, tore visiting relatives and friends in Brussels. , Leenossu Snots: --Every description of shoes -very cheap- Mens' 015e, boys' 70o. A.. Goon. A I1oNALn steam hoe engine was tested last week preparatory to being sent to Oakville. A little on of Arthur McGuire has been very ill with typhoid fever, but he i° now doing well. No. 383 was the lucky tioket in draw- ing for the Baymtnd sewing maollte° last Monday. l n. Dreeonb, merchant tailor, had a new awning pot up last Saturday in front of his store. Ion can get any kind of Sewing Machines or Organs at Leatherdele's at rook bottom prices. Ma. AND Mna. Woonuay, of Londeeboro', were the guests of their daughter, Airs. Roberts, this week. Rev. J. S. Menne, of Holmesville, was in town on Tuesday en route to his new field of labor at Arthur, Ir will pay any person to call and so Geo. Love et, Co's Furniture Room. New Goode and new Prices. Mose Jots Ross is home for her vaOa- tion from Michigan, where she has been engaged in teaching school. LEATHERDALE'e i8 the headquarters in Brussels for Furniture, Undertaking, Sewing Machines and Organs. Miss LTzkiE JACxeON ie away at Tor• onto and may assume a new role in the musical circle. She is a fine pianist. WE will do what we advertise., sell our stook of Clothing and Gents' Furnishings for the next 20 days at cost. Ross Bnoe. BEV. S. SELLERT, B.A„B.D., will preach hie introduotory sermons in the Methodise church of this town next Sun- day. > r yon want a Naw Raymond Sewing Ivlaohine go to R. Leatherdale. He will sell you one for $22.00. I peid 835 for mine." TEE evening service in Melville church was withdrawn teat Sabbath owing to the fact that it was communion in Knox church. THE drug store window of J. T. Pepper has been the centre of attraction, the little fountain catching the eye of the passersby. TEnnz O'NEn.'s black trotting horse got two prizes on Monday and Tuesday at the Palmerston races, taking 2nd place in the open trot, and the 8 minute race. ALL ordere for teaming left at J. G. Skene's or A. M. McKay & Co's store will be promptly attended to. .All orders for garden plowing left with the above named gentlemen will receive prompt at- tention. 30 HENnEasoN Bnoe, Rev. R. PAUL occupied the pnlpit of the Methodist church last Sunday morn- ing. He has been asked by the chairman of the Owen Sound District to take charge of a mission of six appointments in the Colpoy's Bay locality, but he declined. THE Owen Sound base ball team played 8.1 Wroxeter on Dominion day with the "Unions," of Wroxeter and Gerrie. The visitors were very badly worsted the score standing 20.0. Onr old Brusselite, Alex, Brook, catcher for the Owen Sound team, has our sympathies, THE Winnipeg Free Press of June 25th says : "Harry Dennis, of Brussels, who with his son Herbie, has been visiting the city and Province for the past month, returned oast yesterday morning, highly pleased with his trip and what ht saw in this land of illimitable possi- bilities. PRESENTATION.—Last Friday evening the officers and teachers of the Methodist Sabbath Sohool and a few others waited on Miss lea Swann, at she parsonage, and presented her with a handsome photo. album and a book of poems, expressive of regret at her removal &c„ accompanied by a brief address, read by Miss Minnie Moore, Miss E. Tl. Kerr made the pres- entation. After a suitable recognition of the gift by the recipient and a few re- marks from Rev. M. Swann, Rev. R. Paul, Dr. Holmes, T. Fletcher and Mrs. Swann the company departed to their re- spective homes. THE TORONTO INnuerRIAL FAIR,—The Direotors of this Fair, which is to be held this year from the 911 to the 21st Sep- tember, are already actively at work making preparation for the same, and appear determined to make it excel in magnitude aeld attractiveness any of its predecessors. We have received a copy of the prize list, which ie very neatly gotten up, and any of our readers who may desire a copy can some one by dropping a post card to H. J. Hill, the manager, at Toronto. A large amount has again been appropriated by the Die raptors for new spatial attractions, and the erection of additional buildings, ole, A ELITE correspondent says; Rev. John Roes, B. A., of Bruesele, delivered lecture entitled John Bunyan, the Im- ortal Dreamer, in the Presbyterian rah here, on Tneeday night of lost eek, The rev. gentleman has the name being an eloquent speaker, and we are re his reputation was not injured by s a pearanoo here. The lessons he ew from the life of Bunyan were min - 3 dudes, The choir rendered socal. He is hard on me ex, silent music during the evening. They ad the organ froe,t the basement moved to the gallery for the occasion, and 10 se certainly a great improvement. The oeipts were about 812. Knox CnOaoir.--The communion ser. ce was held last Sabbath. Rey. J. ease B. A„ conducted service on Satur• ay. Rig discourse from John 1u":14 as a decided brilliant effort, reselling every nook and corner of a dieoiple'e fe. Rev, D. B. McRae preached to a go audience on Sabbath evening from al. 8 : 6. Mr. McRae went to the root the matter when he asked his audience s it always the oase that eve who pro• ose to fear the Lord do often speak one another," Por that matter Mr, Mo. ae might have aeked whether ench a ing is nor the case with some Chris. Me At all events if the congregation d not hear the ?!truth itis not hankie o rev, gentleman slid not preaell it, 'et. T3. TI' +e, 3^oacltea m oho w of EU hi dr ne an 0 1 in w re viR d w t0 li lY Of f R to th ti di tri TI B3-tLYSS ELS POST ... -.deed. .....:..,. ., ...,,,,......,..,,... z• i.:�tt,...ap.,axess9n7YrivWitex:_ 6V'cGutys• i.,.1xoNnti.ttaw.'aO.NA"'"'°ti 11,1, lint lu:•+ vieitt,l the (,Ocean oily nit I .1 u,-n'ewnt is of font int In areola for ''[,j' :Q.4-'3T72,S)CCDPtf 0 I w.1„,..„,-," "1 this +w'e'lt. the ett;xbliehmni.t of tt gener:at hospital 9. 4 Int ,n the summer unmthx, emu- i TWO Vail' '1 ,'pr tnoles found. May : them m t in i tturttay, May 1113,, 1 till earn, I +i' bq;utd at int Po -t 1'ublishhtg Mount. 1 1 L„ :;3110 :1111 or leas, to tlreatinl, l5n teear, n„ N°tur.i°' of etch Week, front .,ri: 1're-hv tart' 31 itlaitlutid meati in great eta.•" ,',' 00 t: , wheat prep titrongli tr", t, :,,e 1e, toil uud r„u''t t n t' .17 a,nf i Z' l 6 stag le v sae mend inti rotui'tl UUt'. 11r7nghanl ill Tuesday. the 9(h of July, at i out the County of Coen. Some Of them stage leaves at ndual ilelire. l r 11 1:r•a, m• i have wings and same have not, the let. ! H. \VA,LS1I, Proprietor. j 1d I ter being the most prolific, ;t being eail. ' �.i 11YALr, PELTos, of Tnnerldp, made a visit here ti:is week. He tame to two his „Rioter." Beet'f11: Boos, running roam won, the open running roe at Teeewater on Do. Iltllli„n !lily, Bliss S•rt:ysesot, of London, a Iormar teacher in brussels Public: School, levisit- ingold friends in town, Atm'. LAn°I,aLe has gone to Kemble, Grey, Co„ Slaving completed his terns of apprenticeship with W. T. Hunter.. THE Jubilee curlit:g modal wen by Brussels came to hand this week. It is bronze and appropriately engraved, loot casually learned this week that ]3rnest S. Cooper, a farmer Breceselite, ie•now a happy bemediet, residing in Ohio. We intend moving. to our near stand, in Leckie's Brook, in about 20 days and will clear out our stock at cost. Ross B,sos. 60- A LA (10 number of people went to the depot on, Thursday afternoon to say good. bye to Rev, M. Swami, Mrs. Swann and Mise Ise. Waal makes such a rush at Noss Bros. clothing store ? Why because they are gulling clothing and gents' furnishings at cost, Tse regular monthly treating of the Brea, els School Board will be held this (Friday) evening in the Connell Chamber. D. Pannone of Meeers. Scarff a Fer- guson, dry goods mon, of Stratford and Brussels, is in town this week, pnshiug the business here. Tacna are 45 pupils writing at the Entrance Examination held in Brussels this week. Mr, Dickson, of Seaforth is the presiding, examiner. MRs. J. 0. HALLIDAt and her son Geo., of Soarff & Ferguson, left on Tuesday for a holiday visit to Detroit.. They will be away for a few weeks, INe00000n Mamma was. visiting Brue. eels school this week. He was in the primary department last Friday. He re- ports things moving along wool. G o. LOVE & Co. have no goods to sell for spite but they will do undertaking an half combine prices and w111 use their hearse for the poor as well ae the rich. E . W. Gun, of Kingsville, was home for a few days this week. He was with the Brussels Volunteer Company at Lon- don fillieg the position ofbugller emanate up with the boys. P ARAfERs, why pay an agent running from house to house 310 or 812 more for a sewing machine than you can buy one for in Brussels? R. Leatherdale will sell you a New Raymond for 822. Rev. Jas. litmus and wife were in town this week. The rev. gentleman was pastor of the Methodist church in this town for 3 years. He will be locat- ed at Benmiller, near Goderith, this year. THE Misses Fleuty, of Wingham, were in town ou Monday. D. B. O5'albick and wife of the same plane were also in Brus- sels visiting at W. A. Calbiok's. bliss Annie Calbiok returned to Wingbam with them. IllELvixxt church Sabbath School pic- nic wee held in A. Delgatty's grove last Friday afternoon. Amusements in the way of swings, croquet, ball, boating, &c., was provided and a very pleasant time was put in by all. Ar the opening of the Manitoba Metho- dist Conference, convened at Winnipeg last week, Rev. W. L. Rttttledge, pastor, of Grace church, in the above mentioned city was chosen President. The rev. gentleman is Mrs. (Rev.) J. L. Kerr's youngest brother. Leo Sabbath afternoon in connection with the Temperance lesson, in the Methodist Sabbath school, a recitation was given by Robbie Maunders, a piece of music by Nellie Ward and Ella Love, a reading by Reggie Fletcher, and a few words by Mrs. Swann and the Saporta. tendent, Alcove the crowd on Monday we 310110ed former Brusselites in the persons of Thos. Ainlay, of Listowel ; D. Fer- gueoo, of Teeswater ; G. L. Ball, L.D.S., W. Rartry and Jas. Jones, of Seaforth ; M. MoLennan and little 'Murdie," of London ; R. Blaok, of Gorrie ; Harry Matheson, of bVoodstbck, T. Watson, of Harriston ; Albert Fitzpatrick, of Ar- thur; John Anderson, of Chicago ; Jas. Drewe, of London ; Robb. Wynn, of Mit- chell. ALFRED DEADAIAN, youngest son of A. Deadman, was married a few days ago to Miss Louise, second daughter of G. Gilbert, of Delaware. The marriage was celebrated at the residence of the bride's father, Rev. W. D. Hughson officiating. Jas. Laurie aoted as grooms. man, while Miss Martha Lynn did the honors of bridesmaid. The ceremony over, a short time was spent in pleasant chat, after which the guests repaired to the dining hall and sat down to a sump. tuous repast. The tables were tastefully arranged, and abounded with all the delicacies of the season. Immediately after dinner the bride and groom stetted on their wedding lour, amidst the hearty congratulations and well wishes of their numerous friends, Part of the honey- moon oney moon was spent with G. A. Deadman, brother to the groom, Canadian Noor*. St. Tbomae policemen will in future receive no fees, only actual expanses being allowed them, John Rose Robertson's name is flirting with the next mayoralty contest in To- YOnAll to. the victims of the poisoning at the West Zorn pio•nic are reported as having fully recovered. A turtle weighing 127 lbs. 8d oz, was rooentiy captured in Puelbeeh lake by two Guelph men. Archbishop Tache, of Winnipegg, has reoeived from the Pope a silver thaltoe, being one of the jubilee gifts received by hie Balinese. Jae, Karn of Boaohville was struck b lightning last Thureday at noon and in- stantly t stantly killed, Mr. Ram wag deeming a load of hay from his farm near Beath - villa to his hotel in the village, when the heavy thunder storm came on. On passing the woods he took shelter there, in. The lightning etruck a tree under which he Waif standing, and running down it took Mr, Karn as its next victim, Jag. Rare, was one of the beet-ltnown and meet popular men in the county, having Boar ., 1 for n•^t'ardr ;,( n7 , nodal that they 'traduce four yomig emelt 111$SSSi1TA1i'NG,- ee day, N,o remedy bee been found to pre- - Thenn,lerstgnod (Wires to intimate��Fhd vent tl,c•tleetrnution by these poste. They to the mien or 11000ae:e and surrounding ; are provitlttl with sharp ported bilis, e0a)hp that aha to proiare . t0 attend tn• with t1'lirlt they 151., am the leaves and alt or ore tntrustol to ire, Satisrneti0u ' d Moths and suck the juice of the grain. guaranteed. 11 alt.. Jaokuoln's lliirdware et rono `iour north 1 The pests have a natural enemy in Rev. oral apeeies of parasites and ,ho "long - - - bug:' i�-,C1iRIIIAND SEkFURTIf STAGII elit -- a kt.74 Rome. �1,1,• cog, 11! 5 3105 1'ONg13Mtt1'Rlif lt'Eg. Mai/GleamGerrie about 6000 a, u1.. reaoh-- I' T lug Brussels about 8:80 a, an„ and 0111 arrive 1. The Liberal Ctnlsorvntivu Association a'" Settrortll about 11:30,,. uo. itotnrniug will leave Seaterth about 'r,80 p, m., reaching �. of !last I£nroe met 001 the Town Hall, ]Brussels about 0:45, in time to column; with Brussels, on Friday of last weelc. A tralue go ng north suit south. .150 make rnnnoatJr lth U 1' R Kelly, el Blyth, President, occupied the ------------ V, ��• chair, 1 98 00 Having clone business in. The following leading men vete Canada,for ,n1•s, our rept, present:: --Jas. Perkins, H, Perkins, B. ututioa and responsibility a astnb llshod. 0lo want three nlau to your - S• Cook, R, MalroOd, T. K. Roddy, M. viednity to represent us, to whom exehteiver Dano„ W G. Strong and W. Nash, territory will be given. Handsome outfit Ilorviak.;;D. \$air, William Wilson L0O• Salary and ospensee laid weekly,. Wrontter ; W. I,"le , Riellard S Arlin 0050105. °aperients net required, Write• got P g, at ones for terms, '„(-ardy Ststl for Oanatla Wingham,; Geo. JOhneon, George, PArlc a sboeaolty, MAE' 131 0S., Nursrrywotr,. er, John Gardner, Mortis, Wm. Smith, ileo eater, N.T. 48,8 Turnberry.; T. E: Hays, MoEillop ; B. Gerwy, Geo. Baker, E. 0. Rogers, J. D. n ULL FOR SERVICE—I WILL. Ronald, Thos. Selly, Dr. 4r. G. 11Tolmes, hoe ou m lrarm,lot 27, can, 5, more. Jae -Maxwell, J. J. Denman and A. 13. risen Ieesp 11107 ForotBull, of the Duchess. N. Jenkins, Brussels, r^•^� Relit. Birmingham, of Tosouto, was also present, andlaid.before the meeting a number of rules as guides to at thorough organization, which were fully acoepted, and acted upon, The following executive, eomlnittees, were seleoted ::—For Hawick,. James Peer kiss ; Wroxeter, David Weir ; Turn - berry, Richard Potter; Brussels, Gee. Bicker ; Morris, W. J. Johnston ; Blyth, P. Kelly ; Wingham„I1 L. Dickenson ; Gey, Thos. Ennis,. T., Denman ; M°- Billop, T. E. Hays=;, Hnlfett, Charles Ploody. Tho, following resolutions were aribpt- ed:, Mtfved by T. K. Roddy, eeeonded by • REAL ESTATE. Jas. Perkins that this meeting of the Liberal-Conseryative Association oSEaet Huron desire to place•ou record the con- fidence in the excellent management of affairs of the country by the Govern- ment of the Hon. Sir Joen Macdonald, and hope that our honored leader may long be spared to maintain oar national polioy and British ennneotion. Moved by T. E. Hays, seconded by B. Gerry that we also express our great approval of the course pursued by W. R. Meredith and the members of the Local Opposotion in the Ontario Legislature, and pledge onroelvee to use every lawful effort to return him a supporter at the coming local elections, which we confi- dently believe will result in the defeat of the immoral Government which has so flagrantly abused every prinoiple by whish they obtained offioe, and have held themselves in position by a system so corrupt that all true Canadians should wish them defeated. 11103 SAMPLE. ' A small representation was resent. P. ••na iv nt liroxettr and P P Gbrio. S. 1{'AT,SH, Prn rtetor . Pedigree oanbms$0; viae tables.. Chemically Pure. IIs eialg' Terms0 cowmen cows, ee; high gradtable,. cocas, 03; nommen °owe 01,60, with pldvil'• age of returning daring the season. To be pardlfor on or bdere drat of Deo ern bar, 188h 40.06 50115BHonuyootr, I▪ TRAYE- D ON TRE PREMISES of the undersignedfirst, Jot 18, con, 10, Grey, on or i yearling steer, grayt80 color.e ek ThelownerJune'is rennested -to pay all charges and take him away. Also strayed from my pr emises, about 1st of May, 1 two-year-old steer, chiefly red but, with other white markings and white star on fore- head. Any person returning or sending mo whereabouts of earn° will be suitably re- warded. JAMBS KNIGHT, 50.40 Oraabraa8o'. 0. Jur,,; a; X8SO --"u'n'tr"y'i.'.'�a yr•::'�t'al'+aaatb A1S C C•HEMICALL.Y PURE,. DART( SHADE.. , I have thoroughly tested; my Paris Green, and find. it MARi.S2=7D. SHEDDAN—WILSON.—In Los Angeles, Cal., on Juno 19th, at the residence of the bride's parents Mr. James Sheddan to Miss Ella Wilson, both of Cali- fornia. Huuii—Couxrte.--At Wingham, on the 26ta June, by Rev. W. T. Cluff, Mr. Wm. Hudie, of bfcKillop township, to Miss Annie I., daughter of Mr, Jas. Coultes, of Morris township. Summit—CLaac.—At Wingham, on the 26th inst„ by Rev. John Scott, M. A., Mr, Morris Smeltzer, of Morris, to Miss Emma Jane, adopted daugh- ter of Mr. William Clegg, Of Wing - ham. WILSON—STONES.—On June 19111, at the resideuoe of the bride's father, by Rev. W. T. Cluff, Mr. Matthew Wil- son, of Morris township, to Miss Janet A., daughter of Mr, T. W, Stokes, of Grey township. a.v'aTxoiv sa i mss. Web tsenee, Joxr 11t11.—Farm stook, Furniture, etc., on Lot 18, Con. 11, Gray, to commence at 1 o'clock p. m. Mre. Hiram White, proprietorees, Geo, Kt.rkby, auctioneer. meare'sSFt=+S S¢AR.7iaTs, OORoEOTED CAREFULLY EVERY WEEK. Fell Wheat 93 95 Bar Spriley ng Wheat 93 '95 40 45 Pegs OAte 26 • 27 50 52 Butter, tubs and rolls12 13 Eggs per dozen, 11 00 Flour par barrel 5 00 00 Potatoes .., 30 00 Hay per ton Hides per lb..................... 29 3 Salt per bbl , reile'iti..... 9 00 00 1 25 00 Sheep skins tech........ 60 1 00 Wool, per 111 ........ 18 22 10.'T510' S41.41.1,2=51T2.. annum contain. 1Inal r w0010. Fall Wheat 93 95 Spring Wheat - 98 95 Oats 26 27 Pine 50, 52 Harley 40' 45 Potatoes ,- 81) 00 Butter, per lb 12' 18 Eggs, per dozen 11 00 Applee, per bushel 80 85 Hogs, dressed 6 00 00 Beef 4 50 5 50 Hay 900 00 Wood, per cord 2 50 4; 60 Sheepskins, eaoh 40 57 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. BULL FOR SERVICE.—TH Undersigned will keep a tltoroligk-bred, bull for 000,100, on 10t 6, eon, 11, Grey„ Terme, 81.00, payable at time of eorvloo with privilege of r° tu nrni , Wee. 8108103''. g, if 147 46 Bary, Cr1E1]P STRAYED FROM LOT 1177 20,00n, 19, Grey, between Juno 8 and 12,one owe, Walled and unshorn, with owe 800h. Any information loading to their •osoycryy 10)11 bo thankfully received, VAP. POEriSTialt, OMubrcok T',0, 01.4 RAYED ON THE PREMISES IJ' of the Undersigned, 30110 8, Grey, or iJuno 6, one year old steer, ted Nod white icolor.The 'Avner 15 repotted t0 prove pYoptr•-• inti' n, n,pfl 110 5: ARMS FOR SALE,—THE UN- noinsreNeD has severe, owl Farms f or sale aad:to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Mone and Grey. F. S. SCOW -Brussels. 87.180, TANNERY FOR SALE.— THE Brussels Tannery is offered for safe at Ugh. p, boiler 17 van ts, 2 curry tebs,, engine oyee good brk mill and a full set of tools, with heating pipes to leaches, eve. There are about sores of land fo connection with the or Listowel, Terme eanearer y re For further Centers, nn Polto i, Publishing House, Brat ussels, j1ARMFOR SALE.—THE SUB- farm,beinglot3,mrs his 000, 35, valuable Township Huron Co., /or sale. There are about 50 los house good! bank ban,, beasinghorcharl, and all the necessary conveniences on the premises, For further particulars, as to price,terms, etc„ apply to the Proprietor, THOB.HISLOP,Olare P 0., N.W. T.. or to 2.tf DOTIGALD STRAOHAN, Brussels J. ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN - east quarter t of 28, eonooseion 0, Morris, County of Huron, containing 60 ems. The land is of first quality and In a high state of cultivation, well forced and under -drained,' o0 ao roe cleared, Now frame house, 8 rooms, milk house with oonoreto waits,' 2 wells, good barns and shed, ember'', etc. Eight Wee of fail wifeat, This desirable property adjoine the corporation of Sruseels. Suit- able tonna will be given. Title perfect. JAMES GRIEVR owner, 00- Seafortb P. 0. TO ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN - for sale being let 18 ffOud 9d lot 1b non m3, irlrgoodrepalr80Or 90 15 mores on the 5(1 acre Iot and 10 acres ou the other 100. 2 good hearing oreharde. sae on eaob place and plenty of good water. There is a good brink veneered house containing 0 rooms, Two borne, The frame ono is 43x00 ou a stone foundation, the other le log. The farm is under goad cultivation and is only 5 of a mile from the stirring Village of Ethel, and inn 0 miltBJfurther portion. Brussels. ATD1N,Proprie- tor. 4611 200 ACRE FARC FOR SALE. k first-elaee farm fox sale in oho Township of SOOrrie In the Oounty of B iron being south half of north half lots 26 & 26 and south half of 26 in 6th eon., °entailing 205 acres more or less, 135 aoree mostly oloar of stumps and in a goad abate of mini- vetton, There is a young bearing orohard,a good house and hank baru 6S x 60 feet with stone stable underneath, Tho farm is situ- ated gdafhrnlorostktndisa800frm for grain steal rats - Big as itis watered with the river 8fabtiand and never failing spring °reek. Possession will b0 given et any time. For furtli'or par- ttoulars apply ea the premises or to .5.. 110SESTb01 Brneesls, P. 0 6-01 C1,..00D FARM FOR SALE IN VI Morris, on'reresotable terns. in order to close the affairs of the estate Of the late W, ng$valuablet the mouton Tesale Noftb half of Lot 80, 00ndelte!'on 1( Township of Morrie containing 00 aoree. 0u tble lot is erootet{ a good frame harp with stone faun. .dation, good orchard, well'andwimp . Near• ly all oleared, and 18 ofit the grave road closely adl9ainingg the village of Brussels. This farm 3e a valuable one,. is well fenced prides to n good auto of cultivation, For Brussels P. 0e,, BENPR JBNNINSe, • Vlotoo BELLY, Square P.O., or JAlS° S,a1 u, ;Maple' Lodge P. A,, Middlesex county. BUSINESS CARDS. VET H. MoORACKEN, f 1 . Usurer ofMarriageLloenses. OOloe at his Oroeery, Turnberry street, Brussels, MISS O'CONNOR, Teeelter of Piano and Organ, Terme hspdiayiemAseIaTuray and IriratD OmpbI, Walton, MISS HARGREAVES De°Iran to reoelvo pupil° for instrao. tion on the Plano and Organ, Nina 'tsar experience. Beeidooee with 1005 Hargreav- os, over Popp or'e Drug Store, N. BARRETT, . Tonsesilal Artiet• Sh° t - Next doer 1,000 of A, Malay& pot°1 hardware start, e8 Ladles' and klaren's hair cutting a owningis 'A aholee gook pt.:Agars kept, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, thio t2N0n, FIRE AND MARINE, CUM—PH • 1410NA1'Ii,, had considerable experience in testing mauy.tons•of Paris. Green ilii the Wholesale busi- ness, I anon in a position, to judge what good Paris Green, should be like, and the- peo- ple may rely upon getting a PURR Paris Green at PEPPER'S, DRUG STORE;, Otip. tntteahs Motel. BANKING. BR,tf.&SELS: �(I aINTUSH & MoTAGGART, BANKERS, - BRUSSELS, Txtaneact a ate r.ura1 8aca.]ciag .S13tl1�.Otl4.- NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United States Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections made on ftnorabfe term r, Canadian Agents—MnaurA5r's BANS: Or OANan.t. New York Ageute—lotMnnwns AND Tach. F.Iie NATIONAL 1SANK, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 3' M. SINCLAIR, e Solicitor. Conveyancer, NotaryPah- lie, So, Olffae—Grabam'e Stook, 1 door north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan. E. WADE • Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic. Conveyancing, Oolicettous and Loans° . Mr, Wade will attend In Gerrie every Wed- nesday at two o'clock, DIOKSON & HAYS (Late with Darrow & HAYS, (lode-. rich,) Barristers, SolIoitore, Conveyauoe-'o. de office—Oren fe Brook, Brussels, Money to Loan, 5. a. Rare. w.n.nIClsON. A. TAYLOR, B. 0. L„ .• Barrister Solicitor, &o., of the firm of Taylor, Mo0uliough & Burns, Barristers Solicitors, &e„ Nnbuiug Arcade, Toronto. Money to loan. A HUNTP,R Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Loud, Loan mud insurance) Agent, Fends invested and to loan. Collections made. Moo in Graham's Block, Bruasets, AUCTIONEERS. ('I.-7 ORG + IURKBY, N.A Licensed Auctioneer, Sales eonduet- etaon reasonable terms. Farms and farm stooka specialty, Gaolers leib At Tun Potr Publishing Honse,brussels, or gentle Walton P. 0.r Wit1 receive pro0pt attention, ARAYMANN; • Attelioaeer,•15 alw°ye ready to at. tend palmi el forme; farm stook &o, Terme &tearfully given. Oraobrook P. 0. SAWS may be arranged at Trra POST Publishing Houser Brueeole. INIEDICAL CARDS. 'WM. P. CALE, M. D.; 0, M„ Member of the College ofPhynlelen and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. Otlioe and Rosl(1enge—Math street East, E thele Ontario, A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D; • O. ht„ L, R. O. P„ Edinburgh, M.O. P, S. Ont. Al Pepper's Drug Store from 9 00 11/110 a, m, and from 1;80 to 4 p, in, At other hours may be found at his resldenoe, form- erly ooeupied by Dr. Hutchinson, MIL et. VETERINARY, LI W. 0 3RIEN, V. S., ' J-' • Honor Graduate of the Ontario yet- 'eelnery College, le prepared to treat all rdlBowleg ofdomestioatedanimate ongalenite) and appr0Vedprinciples. Office—Two doors north of bridge, Turnberry street, INO. D. WARWICK, V. S Oollo Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Se, hos opened an office fn Brussels and is now Prepared to treat all disc ses of and approyod P animals 3 p10sn bhCallaaattendeed to day or night. 05105 in T. O. Riehard's'H'ar- nose Moe, (mycelia Queen's noted, Brussels DENTAL. .....MnX717'1^151 Z" G. 0, %a11, f L, D, S„ • Honbr earaaaatd a1u1 Iv” ,H O,ll , ,S.T O22____inxnugiiicbxrSlVunLonra Alr giVon. x+a1�i•'.z+ms's•1 W. J, Near, L. D, S., Gradento of . Toronto Sohool of Dentistry. All operations .guaranteed. 0R Artldeial t°°th,ArstSualfty an,0_ 0guatantosd 111,for 01200 per set OJSoOr-OAnr,g BLocxr SEArtItT'n, Mi. A. 1 t'A1$ '113 Ser ,.C' • lsenrer Of Marriage Lieengps, by honor.Go'aduato of the R� �eg appointment o0 Lied livoya rnrt etoti , 0 . i D u Spey ",.,..,00115, Towne, Nile,' College Girt t ), 1A n sort.. .7110Pd The HOC ogioa Ope, 1 x 11011 ,ode u aerate, The 1 gotta oro 1 tho 2 1st lo orod coo We is e rail 'yfo • .S- and of get t her Ito s tai sick •ed 1 lb a. arm t. be a '1w, A tither iso fo Fall w ems, a (�fla sp e. 1a 1p, an, -,3 Teri( .dd wi tined up has • tatoee moat a 11 be a e Wes Pugh wing i. onto in rat! •er to (nee. FY 1)00 s eragr,, te •10 th rok n ,O. A y 31.' &uoof a r%a 1 ono .title r lest ; sem lerabl year ainet 113,0 ag lines hoe .8. ar 18 ve. ,r •nt 01/Fee free ,,oqre tits b f 0, neat 1tt 7.8•. ('t D' h 7.0 tHt nt9. rgus tad ,8,G 1, Ca d 8. l°' C. trey 1, St 51, Z e) -Mc flays ,Rothe $2 at 11s t iks r R i g ole ther r, ga fit or only (cent re ar ing 0( lea wth, mss ens out. rest ie a 0. tepL fobs Or pl he c pl, 00 d f, rail w,e yt 51)01 0 , 005 vitt; {tttio 1 o at 1111 thl s1 Pall ...al