HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-7-5, Page 7i
mwwer.Y uawt +. 4...! .mare., nr..t...wkltP; , Agslsswl igFi!n!tary!ff. o».-atmr xm-^o 5l:ttesrat 4.rt n.ry.irrA", .oameIr+t ,rnJrawfwo _»trutr!Lxwor..tp E4P_a=A"!t s_L.gt.enor.t^.�_ r tky,^oosens
There are many blood meiiafnersadvar-
tised, but only i n'. drat is backed up by its
nianufacturere with a eertifioate of gueran•
tee, and throe c le Dr. Pieree'e Nekton
Medeal l)iaoevery, which ie warranted to
benefit or, cure in all dloeasoo for whioh It 1s
reoommondud, or money paid for it will bo
promptly refunded, It mares all skin, scalp
and ourofuioue affections, bores and swell=
ings, molt rheum, totter and kindred alt.
tnenA dte,
apper young kid bought a yacht,
And up on tho elorn of her gaunt,
She made a wild lunge,
Ho backward did plunge,
And down in the water ire saoht.
The Book of Lubon,
.1 Man Without Windom Lived in a Fool's
anodise. A Treatise especially written no
Diseases of Man, containing Foote For Mon
of All Agee I Should be read by Old,
Middle Aged and Young Men, Proven by
the Salo of Half e Million to be the most
because pn pul r a , arose v v
rrttun in language plain,
forcible and instructive. Praotioal torment-
ation of Modioal Common Sense. Valuable
to levalide who are weak, nervous and ex•
hauetod, showing now means by whioh they
may be cured. Approved by editors, oritioe,
and the people. Sanitary, Sooiel, Science
Subjoate, Alao gives a doaoription of Speci-
fic No. 8, The Great Health Renewer ;
Marvel of Healing and Koh•i•noor of Medi -
oboes, It largely explains the mysteries of
life. By its teachings, health may be main -
tabled. The Book will teach you how to
make life worth living. If every adult is
the civilized world would read, understand
and follow our views, there would be a
world of Physical, intellectual and moral
giants. This Book will be found a truthfal
presentation of faota, calculated to do good.
The book of Lubon, the Talisman of Health 1
Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the
body and joy to the heart. It is a message
-00 THE- to the Wise and Otherwise. Lubon's Speci-
fic No, 8, the SpirIb of Health, Those who
obey the laws of this book will be Drowned
with a fadeless wroath. Vale numbers of
men have felt the power and teatiaed to the
vi•ttte of Lubon'■ Speoifio No, 8. All Men
Who are Broken Down from overwork or
other oauaee nob mentioned in the above,
should send tor and read thin Valuable
Treatise, whioh will be sent to any address,
sealed, on receipt of ten cents in stamps, to
pay postage. Address all orders to M. V,
Lubon, room 15, 50 Front Street E,, Toren-
to, Canada,
Next to living with honor is to die with
Iced Noses,
Red nouns scorn to be the a illaotton of
many personb who take great Dare of their
health, A nose always roddleh ab the tildes
and growing frightfully red at the Cireb
touch el gold la truly a humiliation, and
When it oomes withonbuee of male oropiritu-
oue liquors, in spite of the oloaoat personal
earn, it is the saga of dory Boated internal
disorders. Uneuopeotod disease of the in.
teuhines, inilammabion whioh giver* little die -
comfort, or pilon, signal their lurking danger
by this porelatonb redline of the nose, Ab
once lay aside the use of white bread and
paotry forever, making whole wheat meal
bread, and wheaten grits the staples of diet,
without discarding moab or other aoosptnble
food, But, the use of bolted floe flour is re.
'Tensible for moat of bhe brain exhaustion
and the worse lLOommatory disorders of
modern oivilizld life. The experience of the
whore phyeiolane confirms this, and nothing
0,e this Wade
a n i b w
oda bo said too etr 1 u
og g
of vitality and atInting bho most necessary
food of the velem. A woman with a red
nose should wear a web bandage about the
hips, and take tepid eitz bathe daily to re-
lieve internal inilemmatiou, a treatment
whioh of itself is enough to Dura many ab-
dominel diseaess without the degrading and
painful praotiooe common in such oases.
Laxatives, like compound licorice powder
figs and eenaa or castor oil, should bo used
freely, beginning with a dose nightly for
three nights, then one every third night for
a fortnight or a month, as suits the person.
This romovoe accumulated waobee whioh in-
flame the tissues, and if the nabib of using
ooaree food has been established meantime,
nature will prevent farther trouble. Bab
few persodn have any idea of the strict regi.
men necessary to harm when nature has
onoo fallen into dinepair. Going without
coarse bread a day or two because it does
nob suit domestic convenience to provide it,
will throw a nervous person book into sleep -
leeriness, oppreeeion of the brain and very
likely neuralgia. Just no, one who is diet-
ing for complexion, which inelndes purity
of blood, will find very sliehb irregularities
of food and habits undo the good of weeks of
oaro. All athlotee know that s glass of foe
water or a rioh dieh'taeted at the wrong time
will ea deatrcy their fine physical balance as
to lose the produob of a month's (mebly train-
ing. Health and supremely good condition
are oo prooioue, so invaluable to ue'thab prob.
ably this extreme care ie nob too high e
price to impress us with Ile worth.
A red nose or a flushed face will exanse,
nay, domande the use of powder to remedy
its nnsightlinees. Farther, a good faoe
powder cools the inflammation of the akin,
and nothing is better than precipitated oar -
boom* of Moe with an equal part of Frenoh
chalk, whioh le really a fine soapstone, white
and adhesive. Bismuth powders are nob to
be recommended, delioabe as their effoat
may be. A little good powder laid on and
spread with the tips of the fingers voila the
rednees and renders the face less oily. Two
lotions are r000mmended for rod noses and
faces,one a very weak wash of white vitriol
dissolved in soft water,•say the bulk ofa pea
in a pint of water. The strength of chem-
icals. varies
hem-icals.varies so with ago and exposure that
it is only safe to judge enoh washes by try-
ing them on a moreol of skin, If they barn
or smart unpleasantly, reduce with water,
spoonful by spoonful, till only a slight irrl.
tatation is felt. The second lotion is fifteen
grab of tannic acid dissolved in five ounces
of oamphor water. These washes are to be
applied with a sponge or oloth to the face
and left) to dry several times a day, say from
six to twelve times. When the redness of
the face ie due to latent erysipelas no time
should be lost In consulting a good doctor,
and entering on a thorough course of treat-
ment by bathe and out -door living to avert
the horrors of settled disease.
A Strong Diet
Ono of bhe moab popular fallaoiea is the
idea that the consumption of a large amount
of meat is neeceeary for health or to main-
tain etrenpth. It is a faob well known that
the strongest animals are vegetarians. No
farmer would think of feeding his horses or
oxen beefsteak or roast beef in order to add
to hheir strength, even if this kind of food
wore as cheap as cern or grass. The ele-
phant, the strongest of animals, is a vege-
tarian. The sande is true of the human
raoe. The gatherers of rubber -gum in South
America, travel all day among the mouth
taloa, peuotrating dense forests, climbing
among the most precipitous peaks, oarrying
all the time upon their shoulders, a load in.
greasing in weight until It reaches one
hundred and fifty to two hundred pounds ;
yet they subsist upon a purely. vegetable
dietary, the ohief articles of food being plan.
tains and bananas. The Roman soldiers,
who built such wonderful roads, and carried
a weight of armor and luggage that would
crush the average farm-hand, lived on coarse
brown bread. They were temperate in diet,
and regular and oonetrant le exoroiee. The
Spanieh peasant works every day, and danc-
es half the night, yob eats only ole blaok
bread, onions, and tvater•melon. The Smyrna
porter sate only a little fruit, suoh ae olives,
yet he walks off with a load of a hundred
pounds. The coolie, fed on rine, is more 800
lave and can endure move than the negro, fed
on fat meat. The heavy work of the world
is not done by the noon who eat the greatest
quantity. Moderation in diet seems to be
the prerequisite of endurance.
This le rhe result of a condition of the
nervous system in whioh the cerebrum is
active, but in whioh there ie no control of
tbo bower part of the brain, -that part whioh
oontrole musouiar action. A person oan feel,
but oannot move, itt seems to be a sorb of
temporary paralysis of the musolee of motion.
It is sometimes enured by overheating of the
spinal cord (feather -bade aro not entirely
out of fashion yet), and also by preaour°
of the stomach upon the: aorta, Perhapo
the stomach is distended by a late °upper of
various indigestible viand°, and lying upon
the book this groat load impels theoir 'ulatron
of the blood to the lower part of the body.
Sometime nightmare is due to purely ner-
vous enrolee, and oan be cured by oaring the
nervous dieorder whioh has brought ib on,
The Duke of Portland,
The Duke ie just 32 years of ago. He is
ono of the riohost man of the worm, his in,
tomo bring estimated at $15;000,000 per
annum. He le a great patron of the turf,
and Ode year added the r, blue ribbon," the
Derby, Whirr many triumphs, He rune one
of the half•dean% wonderful palacee of the
world, the range(of buildings oevering several
term, and at least half of it, kola -cling the
picture gallery, boltg built underground,
At a state dinner, suoh as he gives from
time to time to hie tenantry, 2001ackeys, at-
tired in itis gorgeouo liverios, lino the oor•
riders leading to the dining•room,
It is easier for a trust to buy opt a rival
must than to fight it out, Tho penny'+
trightfer than the sword.
wily and Leve oTI'onoter rirealee whore line
Soldier's Frenzy.
Whab is horoiem 7 Ib le more than brute
oourage. 1610 something beyond a desire
for glory, Napoleon ab the bridge of Lodi,
ewer rushing tingly on the Spanish make,
Perry ceiling through the fire of the British
Beet -are all fine heroes, bub wee their's
the highest type of heroism 7 The tore of
mansion in berolsm Is nob found In faonity,
but in the sentiment whioh climate the heel-
; the love of glory, the frenzy of the soldier
in babble, must therefore yield bho plum In
dleinboreetednooe of sentiment to the lova
of weary or the sense of duty, and the
hero as a pabriob taken precedence of bho
hero as a soldier.
No story atfsoted me, when a young led,
like the fate of the Chevalier D'Aseas.
The proud, gla I youth whose faith to Franco was
Old Auvorgae's ebild, who for her honor died,
When llfa dna Jove and Joyanuo most delighted.
Ife teas a nobleman's eon and was engag-
ed to be married to a beautiful girl, boob
when the Frenoh Revolution began and the
Sona of Prange were called upon bo defend
their native land, he late the old ano0sbral
castle in the heart of Auvergne, and with a
band cf retainers marched under Moreau
againab the Bavarian army ou bhe German
CM dark night ae his mon were on guard
and he himself was doing pioket duty,
young D'Assas was oapbured by a squad of
the enemy who managed ho gee bobwoen'him
and hie own mon.
"Not a word, or you are a dead man, my
master," was the grim whisper of his Dap.
tors, and he felb the sharp pointe of their
bayonets at hie throat. There wao a deep
plot at the bottom of his seizure. The
Bavarians hoped to surprise the French mote
post, and for this purpose they oonduoted
their captive toward the Frenoh watohfire,
threatening him with itstanb death if he
gave an alarm or refused to give the counter-
A dozen rode they advanced silontly,
when euddenly In the darkness rose a
speotre•liko form, and through the close,
hashed air came the stern oommandt
"Halt I or the counter coign!"
D'Aesee was pushed forward and two
sword points plaoed ab his boob.
"Give ib, or diol Qoickl" was the whirr -
pared threat hissed into bis ear,
He stood silent a moment, bub there was
no thought of wavering in his bravo and
loyal heart. The nexb instant hie voice rang
out full and firm:
"Auvergne, Auvergne, here is the foal"
They were his last words. In another mo•
mens he fell dead, pierced by bhe Bavarian
Bub the Damp was saved. The startled
Frenoh poured out and the Bavarians were
driven brook. Nor was the young hero's
name forgotten.
The Two Bishops.
When bhe Bishop of Edinburgh was in this
country he visited Blehop Williams of Con.
neotioub ab Middletown, Habited in the
English Episcopal oostume of knee•breeches
and blank silk stockings, he alighted•• -,from
the train, and was a6 onoea000sted by Bishop
Williams, although the two men had never
met each other before. " Tell me," asked
Bishop Williams, after the firob greetings,
" how did you know me 7" " Oh, by your
fade," replied hie Lordship of Edinburgh,
"I have one ofyonr photographs, you know.
Bub tell me in return how you knew me'„?"
" Oh, by your lege. " replied Dr. Williams,
glancing with an amused smile at the woll-
turned Delves of hie guard. -(N. Y' Tribune.
Good and Bad Parents!:
To gratify
aotil is o a goon delight, but
to make it do Ito du 6y is often troublesome.
To let it offa Leeson coats only a word ; to
give ib a toy is an affair of a few pens ; to
say it is some fond and flattering words is
no trouble at all. But the moment you
begin to enforce a duty or compel the faithful
performance of a task you encounter difdi.oul•
ties. Yon have to take trouble and practise
some of the cardinal virtues :you have bo bo
pablent, firm, and video. One of the dif-
forenoes between a geed parent and a bad
parent is this -a good parent treats his child
in the way that will be moatbenefloial to it
when 1b has grown up; a bad parole thinks
only of the child's enjoyment of today.
Swallowing the Insult.
"You saw, sir," exclaimed bhe actor,
choking with wrath as he rushed into the
newspaper office after the evening perform-
ance was over and leaned over the editor's
table, "how I was treated this evening, I
was bused, air 1 I was called a contempt-
ible scoundrel, air 1 The ruffians in the
gallery threw oabbagee and dead oats on
the stege, and a cowboy in onto of the boxes
shot off a look of my hair. It's galling to
my pride as an actor, sir, but I look at it in
purely a business light. There won't bo
standing room the rest of the week. Do it
up in a column article in tomorrow morn-
ing's paper, with a mare head over it, and
give alt the parbioulare. Here's SIM
The Queen of Corea.
The Queen of Corea is no figurehead, Sho
belongs to one of the greatest families of the
oountry, and it is an open secret that rho
has at times her voice in ooancils of the
king. She has au establishment of her own
inside the palace grounds, and the king, the
crown prinoo, and the queen have each
their separate household. The queen drosses,
of mourns, in the Careen costume, She
wears fine silks and hoe beautiful diamonds.
She carrier a ohatelaine watch whioh is
diamond studded, and the smokes American
cigarettes by the thousand,
.An'Adopted Brother.
"Hullo, Black 1"
"Huilo, Whits 1"
"You're going to be a brother-in-law of
mine, I hear."
"A brobhor•in-law?"
"Sow oan that be? I'm nob going to enter
into your family, as far ae I know,"
"You are going to marry Mies Brown,
ain't you ?"
"I am,"
"Well, slide my rioter,"
"Your motor 6"
"Yes, she promised to bo a alder to mo
alwayb, as much as thre e menthe ago."
A Good Corn Sheller for 25o.
A marvel of olloepneao, of efftoaoy, and 0f
promptibudo, fo oontalued in a bobble of drab
/moue remedy, Potnam'c Painless Corn
Extractor, I6 goo right to the root of the
trouble, there note quickly but 0,e painlessly
that nothing Is Imam of Ito operation tooted
the corn is droned. Beware of snbetltuteo
offered for Putnam'o Painless Corn Extract•
or- Safo, euro aid painleee, Sold at drug-
Heiresses to $75,000,000,
There ere two little girls in Toone who
aro related, on their father a ado, to rx•Ucv
steer Fenton, of Now York, ex President
Grover Glevelend Governor 11111, Mr. h'mrgo,
of Wells, Fargo ,k Co,, and on their motbor'o
aide to ox•Preoidoue J,(ferean Davis, and
thus aro a ooanooting link botweeu the North
and South,
They eau traoe their Helfand anoestry
bank 200 years to wealthy nobleman named
Wiebor, Ile loft a will brquoat( iog i O'),COD,•
000, to be hold in truer) 200 yaara and then
to bo divided among he descendants who
Mould, et the cxpiratiotr of throe time, be
living, and, la addition, plate and j'•wele
valued eb 311,000,000 to be likewise divid•
ad in the same way,
Ten years wore, by the terms of Phe will,
to be added to the 200, during whioh time
the haire wore to be hunted up, and if all
wore found the vast sum, the plate, and the
jewelo warn to be equally divided between
tbom ; if all could nob be found this greet
wealth was to go to the crown of Holland.
It so happened tbaro one of
the heirs was a
eta captain, and he could ooh be found,
though most diligent and aoxioue search was
made for him. Ten years Dew owiftly by
and brought; no tidings of the lost oapbein,
though he was the neoeseary link in the chain
bhebeonneetel the hoire to the great treasure,
He wee never found and so the treasure was
burned over to Holland's king and green,
and these little Toccoa Jadioa will never get
their share,
The present queen of Holland is a little
dot, only a few years older than the sweet
little miens we sometimes Bea toddling along
Tome's armee, The News suggests that a
latter be soon from thee° little ladies to the
young Qveenasking her to mod overeome of
that treasure, and plate and jewels to the
rightful hairs _+Toccoa (Ga,) Newe,
Special and Annual Mooting
rniHE attendance of members of this Company at
9 ice Nineteenth Annual Meeting, In \i aterloo,
on May 29rd, 7880, though Trot quite as largo as In
some former vents, was, as usual, both influential and
The President, I E Bowman, Esq , II P. having
taken the chair, on motion the Secretary of the flora.
pony, W Riddell E,q, anted as Secretary of the
Special and of the Annual Meeting,
The provisions 0f the Act weed at the last Neaten
of the Dominion Parliament. to amend the Company's
oltatter, having been explained by the chairman, on
moEloa It was unanhnously approved ot, whereupon
the Special G eneml meeting was dissolved,
of the Company was then held. The Secretary having
rend the notice calling the meeting, on motion the
minutes of last Annual Meeting were taken as
read, and confirmed, Tim President then read the
It eIlords your Directors much pie:sure, in sub.
witting the followin; statement of the alfalro of our
Company, to be able to report to the members that
the next resole ot the business treoeaoted durine• the
year 1888 exceeds that of any previous year. Tba
new tomatoes issued, amount to 02,618,050, under
7,005 policies, and the total amount in force on 81st
December ie 912,041,013 under 0,808 policies. The
regular progressive Inoreaso of the past ten yaara in
our Premium and lutenist Income hoe been tugs
Our total assets as at 3101 December last amounted
to 81,318,863 and our surplus over and above all ]la.
bilitlee Pae reaobed the handsome sum of 890,337.00.
whioh Is a very satisfactory showing after the liberal
annual distributions whioh have hitherto been made,
A portion of this surplus will be held in band as e
provision against future reductions to the rate of
Interest and other oontingenales.
Our expense account for 1858 le about 82,000 loss
than that of 1887, while the business transacted is
considerably greeter; and the ratio of expense has
been reduced to 1e 1.8 per°eat, alrowingn reduction
of 23 per sent ae compared with tho previous year,
The polioit0 in tomo at the close of the year have
been valued by the olp sere of the Government Insur-
ance Department and the reserve required to be held
has been certified as oorreob by the Superintendent of
Ioeurance for the Dominion. After the regular
annual Audit the Exeoutive Committee of the board
again carefully examined in detail all the eeourltles
embraced to thgeneral statement of ante and
found them oorroot and in proper order. The do•
tailed statement prepared
e with and duly or cued tob'
your 000dl p s herewith eubunEtedfor yourexai»
alien and disposal.
You will bo called on to slept four Directors in the
pine of B, II. Britton, John Marshall, Francis 0.
7ruoe and J, Kerr Flaked whose term of ofllee has
expired but who are all eligible for re•olectior.
On behalf of the board,
Dam Bow8AN, Proa.
Printed oMptos of the Financial Statement and
Auditors' Report for 1888 having been distributed
among the members, the President moved the adop.
Eton of the redone repotte. Eco congratulated the
policy holders on the favorable results of the year's
operations, obtained ata loser ratio of expenditure
than in previous yaara and lower than the expense
ratio of any of our0an,dian aompetitora, with ono ex•
emotion only; while the volume of busiht es has been
well ruaintafned end its quality improved. The new
business of the ouront year ens much In exuuseof that
written during the same roriod to any previous year,
evlden0ing the continued popularity of the Company
and warranting the hope 1000 the next, report the
Dtronbs 6 may have the privilege cf submitting will
be the best ever experienced In the history of the
Company. Ife had no hesitation in stating that The
Ontario was never more deserving of the support and
confldeoae of Its members and of the patronage of the
insuring Mein than it is at the present time. B
Britton Esq, y0, James Trow, E,q, aI P, Joseph
Wird, Beg, of the wholesale firm of Metiers Ward,
Garter C Co, Montreal, and others ably sup•
parted the motion, which was adopted amid 0pplruae.
Messrs Jnokson and belly having been reappointed
by vote of the members present auditors for the out,
rent year, the Sorutinecrs eppoloted to take up the
ballots having reported the reoleation of the retiring
Directors, and the customary vote of thanks to tate
Board, the Ofnosrs and the Agents having been tots
dored and reeponded to, the meeting war brought to
a close. The Directors met subsequently and re.
elected 1 E Bowman, President, and under the
amended charter elected 0 M Taylor let Vim and
Robert Melvin lad Vire• President of the Company for
the ensuing year,
--o`d A Sigh -Spirited Girl.
"But if you don't love him, Clara, why
aro you going to marry him 7"
"Because he dared ma to, mamma, He
knew my high spirited nature, too, Oh I'll
make him sorry enough for it, don't you be
$500 Reward
is offered, in good faith, by the manufaotuk-
erg of Dr, Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a oaro
of catarrh which they cannot cure, It 1e
mild, soothing and healing in its effects,
and owes 11 cold in the head," catarrhal
deafness, throat ailments, and many other
complications of this diatreseing disease.
50 mento, by druggists,
For impressive eloquenoo there has never
been anything like Dannon mouths and rifle
muzzles since the world began. —
A Memory of Early Days.
Bane of childhood's tender yaara,
Swallowed ofd with groans and teen.
How it made the floah +omen,
Loabheome, greasy oestor ell 1
Searoh your early memory close,
Till you findauobher dose:
All the ohuddorieg frame revolts
At the thought of Epsom salts 1
Underneath the pillbox lid
Woe a greater horror Mel,
Climax of all inward ills,
Hugo mad griping old blue pills!
What a contrast to the mild and gentle
Ration of Dr. Ploroo'o Pleasant Purgative
Pellets, sugar•oeated, easy to bako, aieansibg,
r0oorating, renovating the voltam without
wrenohing it with agony, Sold by drug -
Mk. .T,angbry now wants to attack
"henry VIII," Sho will eertaialy fail if
elle dogs, for henry always did get ahead of
the woman.
Consumptio:t Snrely:Cnred.
To the Editor :-
Please inform your readers that I have a
positive remedy for the above named disease.
say its timely use thousands Of hopeless
oases have been permanently oured. I shall
be glad to send two bottles of my remedy
free to any of your readers who have eon.
sumption if they will rend me their Ex -
prase and P. 0. address. Reop'y, T. A.
Slocum, M. C„ 164' Weab Adelaide 80„
A. P. 450.
Wasting Diseases
s Jt
Wonderful Flesh Prodtfcer,
Scott's Emulsion is not n soak remedy.
Containing the salon:daties 1lypophoo-
phites and Pm) Norwegian clod Liver Oil,
lea potency of both being largely in-
creased. It is used by Physicians ,t11 over
the world,
002,2 by roll Druggists, $Or. and 51,00.
018703060 WANTED who have trouble with their
present systems, to visit the Toronto Cutting
School and proonre our infallible methods for produo
lug perfeot•fltting, stylish Adelaide St, West, Toronto
0,d Tumor. 0Ql0EDi no knife,
hook foo• DNS. MCx8ICHAV-gr
No.63Ntaga,•a SL, 3000.810, 00.Y,
IInoIINSdIINTS.-Sand for owL0gg Illustrated Catalogue
of Band Ipstnt
monis, Violin, Guitars, Flutes, eta„ and all kind
of Trimming. Agent for Trench0'e and DeWitt',
Playa. DEMAND'S MUM STORE, 37 Meg St
West, Toronto, Ont
Ty4.110 Ill oxo make money daring remitter
by oanvaeaing for ono °r Moro of out Last seIII nt
Book, and Bibb °, os eeially History of CandOa, bS
1y. II. Withrow, DI, latest and test edition ever
published,price low, terns literal. Write- lot
illuetrntetclrohlars and terata. .WM. BRIGGS
Publisher, Toronto.
It1nTRATiVE iOKieta STREGT 5 1
&ADVERT12LN.G� �P„T•0,
PUz5osos: �ORON�O; CA,NAD/�.
■ Irtanufeeturere sad dealers in hoofing Mahn
int and Building Papers, ,to, °Mont 4 Adulate),
S . Nast, Toronto. Proprietors of Williams' Fla.
Slated Roof. Telephone 511,
Pat, hydraulto, hand and °team elevators.
Canadian Elevator Werke Peter and Queen streets
Sailing Weekly between \IONT
4L nm
LIVRa TOOL. Saloon0 0,6 11, S fit, ldl nor
8110. Returnd Tickets, 980,o at and 9110, mediate t
steamer and accommodation. Intermediate 931
Round Trip Tickets, 900, (steerage, 020. .Apply
. E. IIIIRICAY, Genera Manager Canada Skip.
plug mo., 1 ouogon Hooao SWWANN, MOATa0AL, 0
to Local .Agents in all Towne and Cttles.
Send for Pelee Lists and D.leoolnaa,
Send or Illustrated Catalogue and
this adverti4sement with your order
IalOrloDuw your Nla\Y 1t1IIIE1Stt and we will
CREELttIItN BROS., figs.
g00ROEr01i11, ONT.
BleyeL s? leeHeaona•llu4d, aY'a'i'.7t ha„d for lteb
A. 7', L A fti E,
M60811000, Qr0
F-stabll,hrdfor the prevention of 06emu holler explo-
elan ay proper 1001,00tiun0. 0110 08,00 CAUNtolL,
10 8 .10
1.6.4120. of Ontario, Ps 01110,1. Demi
0111 es, 2'Jornn in St., Titivate, Ont. CONSULT
INC 120081NEEItn uud
Oso, 03.1tc0,,, Chief Engineer. 1 A, Fame, See y',.
Soottisb., Manitoba and North -Wont
W J Akin, Mgr, 357 Hain St, Winnipeg
lands In all puts of the Previnoa, Law Prloos. Easy
Terms. Lists Sent and Fullest Information Per-
nfebod on Application. Send us 'our name
nod we will mall you our descriptive catalogue
Hair Magic
, Betbores Orey IIair, Sto{ppts9,
,y Ito,po ee J)vnd0,0 tofltaild.
•l uee, where cite root, are net
one MOglo 0,411 pro0uoo a
i8ine f6t, All , It la unfaillog
.wise It, Alf druggists every.
Bolo Manufaoturer,
W1ialey Royce& Ce
Dealers in all kind, of
Agents the BESSON �•
and HIGHAat Band In• m
Torments. &39.803300
1300103. Manufacturers
f the
Beet In tbo world, BRIO
Year' Guaran tee. Send (D
Illustrated Catal ague
and Testimonials, fir,
283 Tonga St., n
! The Penberthy
r0,„rs, J i Automatic Injector
'1 10,000 in we in°anode ; 26,000
'i .0, m0, In nee in the trotted Stater, They
me.v are simple and cost less than
other makes, white performing the same work. They
start easy at 25 lbs. steam, and work to 150 the ; Lift
water ib to 20 It and work from a head as well,
Automatlo and restarting when current to banal' le
broken. Send for circular to Main Moe,
Ponbertlly Injector Co., Detroit, Mieli.
Factories, Windsor, Can. and Detroit, Mich
Mention thls paper.
The Farmer, The Merchant,
The Stockman. The Laborer,
The:nner The hunker,
The )Eanutiact,u'er.
An Empire Opened for Settlement,
Comprising Holt agricultural and grazing lands, gold,
silver, copper. lead, Iron and coal mines. Climate un,
surpassed, Made easy of accessby the
Petra.DINaeroma & MANITOBA RT. which places
service, beginning Nev. 1111h, a train equip•
meat unexcelled, furnishing splendid Day
Conches, Palaoo Sleepers, Free Colanlst Sleepers and
Superb Dining Cars of latest design, running Mein
through eolld from St. Paul, and Itinneapolla to Great
Falls, Itelena and Butte, Montana,
For Slaps and general information Inquire of your
own Ticket Agent, or B I Whitney, Gen'! Pass, end
Tk't Aet., St, Paul, Minn. ; .l, 111. Rucking, '4 Pal.
mer House Black, Toronto; or, Y. C. Russell, 8 Pum la worse
Masonic Temple, London. ping
far Stock,
IVIDNEy Alnr oanaenutofTRU
�''O1'tlf,)oS924Loeua{,,, V
torr 1+610 of Ioeteroot on R
easoot nal olada eacurily, Apply to ...:
llnrrlalert as 1 Soltcltord,
Wellington St, cot, Church, (over Junk of Toeeoteb
Parties wishing to purohaoe improved Memtero
Panne, from d0 noise upwards, with immediate
possosoloo, call or write to 4. 0. MAFLSOIff, Ka.
Arthur's Block, Main ea, Meeting. information.
furnished tree of charge, end settlers assisted in
making eele0Elon.
304011'2' T O L 0.,a, TV'
f'iino ,e s0000 PALACE at the ST. 3E07
STRINGS, Quebec, Is new Open Ter Um
mceletton of Ylhttot'x 2 300 come tremble rooms..
Baths in Nature's virgin, Retorting, charming ale-
menta, 1108 or col8, hates moderato, amneemento
plenty and enticing. Write Ix paroiculera. to
springs, or to Ageneles at Toronto, 5i e.1,
Provident Life and Live Stock Assoen
A Mutual Benefit Association,
in to the above
SOLID Association iNYR3T ENT P Ry' ppay g ed
trenywONS CENT PER ]d¢person aged
foot '1 ur and two cents per day per
ersonweek aged
disabled through moa eslok Five Donnie per work while
and cents per day, er acoa eat, ago for can
and three their per day, ts, Five aged ,o : Dove can
atonia for thou dependants, Five Huod:ed �DoI(nre in
event of death.
LIVE STOCK. 0 W ERS can provide against las
by death through disease or accident of their stock,
at easy ratite, Thominterested, send far prospectuses
Oto, Reliable Agents wanted in unrepresented die-
'WILLIAM JO'kils,"Managing DlreetoF..,
1000 Total Attendance first 2 years.
All branches tough' -Instrumental and Vocal music;.
Elocution, Languages. Scholarships, eertifientes,diplae
Inns. Free Theory, Violin, Concerts and Lectures.
Next Fall, organ students, besides the use of several
complete church organs, can have lesson.. practice ¢mL
recitals upon a GRAND CONCERT ORGAN, hullo.
expressly for the Conservatory, in Association Hall,.
O ,J v Pro,
FALL TERM OPENS Seot. 4. Send for free
Calendar. Address EDWARD FISHER, Director:
con Yonne St. and Wilton Ave., Toronto.
For supplying oonstantly pure and fresh water for
the following purposes, viz-
er. They are
perfeolly con-
trollable legatee
and uniform to
Geared Mille
for chaff cu Nag
root pulping,,
threshing, saw-
ing wood,grind-
fug corn, .eta,.
eta. Also mann-
tae6ntereof teed
'?`netboole, iron and
j,$t wend pumps,
e.03j,,' R 'Olwoy, Towne,,.
b'ernt, andGron-
$ •
mental Water
als. Catalogue
and Price Lite,
with references,
mailed free on
pf. ncatioo to
P"' Y
r�i cr'DER
Manufactured by
Ellis & Rclghleyf - Toronto,
Green Houses,
Town 8r Village
Pumping for
Railway I
Plre Protection,
Sewage, Mines,
Low Lands.
These cele•
!rated 1VInd•
Mils are made
forty horse•pow•'
Mention this paper.
Savo all the lateat Improvements and are unequalled
for durability,
style aid eouvautmtoe, The leading
00rriage Builders 5e11 them. ASN FOR TEEM and
BUY NO 0011ER.
Ulan Lino Royal Mail Steamabips
Sailing daring winter from Portland every Tbaredny
and Halifax everyea6nrday to Liverpool, and in sum.
mer from tvuobeo every Saturday to Llvorpool,aalnns
atL .donderry' to lend mails and passengers her
&Masud and Ireland ; atom from Baltimore, ria Halt
tax and St. John's, N, F., to Liverpool 'lode:tightly
luring rummer months, The 00000050 of the 011aa,
Crow itt' 0 sell during winter to and from Halifax,
Portland, Boston and -Philadelphia ;and during sum•
mer between Glasgow and Montreal weakly • alas.
gow and Boston weekly, rind Glasgow and Phlladol.
phta fortnightly,
For freight, passage or other lntorma0ion appply to
A, Sohumnahor a 00., Baltimore ; S. Cunard A Om,
Halifax Shea A 00., St John's, Mid„ Wm, Thomp-
son At 0o, SE, John, N. 13.; Allen A Co., Obiegao 1
Love A Alden New York; H, 810001 er, Toronto,
Altana, Rao d Alden,
Quoboo •'WM. Broekle, Philadeb
phis H. A. Allan Portland Boston Montreal.
when I say Cram T do not mean merely let
stop them fora time, and then Lay° them re,
ttmt again. I sung A RADICAL 001011,
I have made the disease of
A life long study. T WAnBANT my remedy to
Orcom the worst oases. Because others have
failed is no reason for not how receiving acme,
Send at onus fora treatise and a Foam Boman
of goy bermarinetad ItitIRP,DY. Give Express
and Post Office. It costs you nothing for ae
triol, and it tv111 euro you. Address
8.0. BOOT, 1 ,0., 164 West Adelaide St. "y
nfo w>,
ENGINES, Gang Mills,
In14..qy CIRRIri!8R MILLS
Wrtlt Stott Carriages
OsiOnv0Lllt, ,rdwr62 ane/
WE.PN.NIER, i08bio bine.
Vi1!( SELlMSaw3"se
,'2tore, Corp -.0r4, Carriers
{ 1NAA'i 6ZRbSElfgine 'Works Co,,UV