HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-7-5, Page 44THE BRUSSELS POST nIY :i atte r,mar7...:.----" c.sansss..r,., •.x-r-� ,a •...x .,..,,�,,�,; �a•,.,,m-,.s -... ,zs:.-,n,a .,tiF..ts szs csussanv r�sn ^^r. ..aaav ".;.=-sc .s ��sTM.r_vvcrsn.ssss - {ti , SSq New Advertisements. 1 • Local- -',. Moore. Leta.! This u'ticc. Stray+:l Val. Feeroter, I of al -0, A. headman, Strayed -Lin enzu Frain. 'ltUssds 41z5t. r''h' 1 r,: l Y, ../17/J1' 5, 1889. LAST week the repeal -vote on the Can- ada Temperance Act came before the electors of Drttnlmond County, Province of Quebec, but contrary to the rule lately governing these contests, the Act was sustained by a majority of 158. The Act was defeated in Elgin Co., Ont., on Wednesday of this week by over 900. TTIEBE is a rumour going the monde tlutt there will be a fresh gerrymander before the next Dominion election. It is hinted that Fast ai,d West Iluron will be 'Phe Shah of Persia is suffering them a low fever at Spa. Au express train un the Boston R Albany Road was wrecked on Saturday killai, intdudiug Hiss llriehsm, who was lately appointed and three people Yrineipal of the Meant Holyoke Scinin. ary. A Connecticut woman 19 suing her neighbor for damages fur putting up by screens. She claims that the thee which cannot get into the neighbor's house on account will mime to hers, nod sho will thereby have double the usual number. A male beauty show is to be opened in Vienna, and the decisions aro to be made by a jury of women. Four prizes will be awarded -one to the handsomest man, oue to the owner of the finest moustache, the third to him who has the largest nose, and the fourth to the competitor having the least hair on his head. On Tuesday Mrs. Henry Jones, of Kokomo. Ind., had born to her twin girls, inseparably connected at the hips and lower abdomen. No vital organs are connected except the spinal column, whish is continuous from one cud to the other. Each breathes and pulsates quite inde• pendently of the other, and both are per- fectly formed and have free use of their included in the changes. The former ifmbe. The infants appear to be healthy. Prof. J. H. Snow, of the Kansas State riding will likely be strengthened for the University, who has given the chinch Reformers 'and rho west riding insured bug special attention, claims that a die - for the Government candidate, if the plan ease luta made Rs appearance among ebiuch huge, which is thinning their proposed by some of the party ie carried ranks rapidly. The disease is very con - out. It is also currently reported that tagious. Prof. Snow says any field can Thos. Ii. Mayas will not be the candidate be cleared of the begs by scattering a in the t:onse vativo interest for the Local few deuce ones therein. The disease is House in this riding, prevalent all over the West. Dr. Just, of Coral, 'Mich., thinks that - Huron County. he has ono of the oldest horses M the U. S. Tw•entydour years ago he bought Mrs. GcK+. E. Pay, of Clinton, had the . him of Dan Rice, the showman, and then the horse was said to Le 22 years old. misfurtuae to slip down the cellar way of Undoubtedly he was all of that, for thehuuse on Wednesday afternoon, break. ing her collar bone. Wm. Woods, of St. Mary's, recently sold a span of heavy draught horses to Mr. White, of Exeter, for $500. They go to New York for ore on a brewery wagon. John Wilken, lately charged with for- gery, has entered suit against Banker Smith and Constable Dunlop, Seaforth, for 111,700 damages. The case comes orst the September Assizes, to Strut. f Win. McLean, of Goderieb, purchased about 900 head of cattle between that town and Seaforth, this lot snaking 700 on a total of 1,000 which is wanted. The price in some cases touched 50. per pound, and the total amount expended willbe about $12,000. - The other day while W. II. Cook, of Clinton, was working at the bottom of a well, he met with an accident that was by no means trifling. In some was a bucket of sand, that was being hoisted, became detached, and falling struck him partly on the bead, inliloting a bad scalp horses' ages are seldom overstated up to 25 years. - Tho other day State Veterin- arian Grange made a careful examen• atiou of the 46.year-old and pronounced him perfectly sound of body, wind and limb, and apparently gond for twenty years more. Dr. Just uses the old fellow daily in his practice and he shows not the slightest signs of his great age. 4 C:s uaclietu iNTe-,Pe Port Arthur is now lighted by electri- city, Port Dover wants telephone communi• cation. Silver ore has been discovered near Puslinch lake. Grimsby Paris was sueoesefully opened for the season Monday. The Woodstock Hospital scheme is beginning to assume definite shape. About 150 persons so far have joined the Equal Rights League of Kingston. Spring wheat is M head on Sir John Lester Kaye's farm in the Northwest. The Hustler is the nacos of a news• wound,eind iujnring his skull. • paper published at Keewatin, Ont., and E. Dawson, of Kincardine, an, S. ti. a scrutiny of its columns gives proof that Williams and T. Linklater, of Wengham, it will keep up to its name. were the delegates from Huron county at the Grand Lodge of I.O.G.T., of Canada, held in Toronto last week. 'This organi- zation has now 303 lodges, with a mem- bership of 12,598. The Grand Lodge owns in halls and equipments $22,110 and the last year's receipts were $5,251. A few Jays singe J. W. Hill, who re- sides on the gravel road, just "outside of Clinton, met with a painful accident. He had attached several feet of chain to the halter of his horse, which was out pasturing, in order that he might Catch it easier. After he had caught hold of the chain the other day, something fright- ened the horse, which caused it to fork, fastening the end of the chain M Ur. 1 -Till's thumb ; at the same time he was thrown down, and dragged in this ex- cruciatingly painful position for a few yards, while the hoots tore itself from the cords of the thumb, Monday, the first day's races of the Heneall Driving Park ahs Race Course Association brought out a large concourse of people. Following is the summary of the races .•-2.45 trot, four entries -Gen. Hulda, W. Lee, St, Mary's, 1, 1, 2, 1 ; Rosewood, W. J. Thompson, London, 2, 9, 1, 2 ; Maud B., E. Bossenbery, Hen- sall, 4, 8, 3, drawn ; Ruby, T. H. Don- nelly, London, 3, drawn. Time, 2.36, 2.43, 2.41. Two thirty-five trot, two entries -Topsy, 11, MoConkey, Tara, 1, 1, 1 ; Molly B., R. S. Digert, St. Mary's, 2, 2, 2. Time, 2.87, 2.88, 2,44. Colt' race, three entries -Capital, N. G. Ten- nent, Exeter, 2, 1, 1 ; Fulton Trick, R. 13, McCartney, Exeter, 1, 2, 2. Time, 3.30, 3.19, 3.20. Running race, half mile, three entries -Donald Goft, Ed. Bussen- burry, Hensall, 1, 1 ; Devonshire Lady, J. A. McDonald, Henson, 3, 2 ; Devon- shire Lass, John Snell, Exeter, 2, 3. 'Time, 1.03, 1.00. &Federal Now., Large quantities of gold coin are pass- ing through Antwerp for Russia and Austria. Favorable weather in Russia has dis- pelled the fears that the crops would prove a failure. waiter Hamp, a Lancaater, Pa., butcher, shot his wife dead and then fired a ball into his own brain, The San Francisco schooner Annie is supposed to have been lost in Behring Sea with a Drew of eleven men. In the County of London there are 65 theatree and 500 music halls, and they provide accommodation for 325,000 persons. The public debt of the U. 5, has been deoreaseed 815,0000since June 1st n55, making a total reduction for the year $88,000,000. Despatches from Delagoa Bay report that the railway troubles cause a serious situation there. Additional British war vessels are to be sent, Edward Levy, an Omaha millionaire, aged 60, and Annie Fackler, aged 50, who escaped ham the dohnstowu flood. were married on Wodnseday. It is altogether probable that there will be a world's fair in New York in 1892 to celebrate the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America. A man who seems to have been m some way connected with the Cronin murder int his throat while on a train doing from Wichita to Arkansas City. At Charleston, S. C.. on Saturday, Dr. It'IcDow, who was rharged with the murder o1 Capt. Dawson, editor of The Charleston News, teas acgxitttd on the ground of self-defence Mmo Christine Nilsson is making a sojourn in London It fa not probable AGENT, that she will ever again sing in public, as ri A. DFAD7144A, sheg from loss of momox ase and aafl'er. 1 38.1y BUT.)9 Wm, Gannon, of Windsor, on Friday caught a colored man, and covered his bead and fade with green paint. Gannon was arrested for assault, and will have ilia trial soon. About midnight Saturday night a party of eight persons, consisting of Patrick Shea and his wife,I. K. Cameron and bis wifp, together with G. B. Loses, his wife and two little girls, left the Gravenhurst Book in a large boat in which was stored the usual camping ont• fit, The atmosphere was rather thick, but the party proceeded as usual till almost entering the Narrows, When they mot the steamer Oriole, In the excitement of the monleht the party turned their boat to the left, directly across the Oriole's bows, which crashed through the small boat, cutting her near. ly one-third of the way through and precipitating the occupants into the water on either side of the steamer. Captain McAlpin, of the Oriole, was proceeding cautiously along, when he discovered what he thought to be a large clump of floodwood was a boat, and he immediately gave a bell to reverse, but too late. The helm of the Oriole was turned hard starboard ; the occupants of therowboat seemed to have turned her bows in the same direction. The Oriole was stopped as soon as possible and life - preservers were thrown to the struggling and drowning pleasure -seekers. Patrick Shea, Mrs. Shea, L K. Cameron and G. B. Loeee and the youngest Loose child were rescued, but neither Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. Lome nor Myra Losee, the child, were seen, The body of Mrs. Cameron and that of little Myra Losse were sub- sequently picked up. Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCL AIR, Solicitor, Brussels. A WONDERFUL LAKE OSE WATER DOETH GOOD LIKE A 300510INE 1 MEDT,nr-Abs so E Diss' EDY fir. a °y� PIORE.A t S QTE!i%'•T SOLD EBV,I ,MJ r GGIS,TS, TDTEAttr11' , NDON,ONT. li T HECOOICS BEST FRIEND MEAT MARKRT, Main Street, Drawls ANDREW CURRIE, PROPRIETOR, Fresh AND Salt Meats Of the best quality always on band and de. livered to any part of the village free of charge. Terms vory favorable. FAT CATTLE WANTED: For which the highest market nrloo will be paid. I also make a specialty of buying hides and Skins. Don't forget the place next door to Fletcher'sJewelry Store. A. CURRIE. Baby Caxria.ago ? Baby- Carriages ARRIA.GES Handsome Display of Baby Carriages in all the LATEST STYLES, and sold at Call its and See our Stock before you order elsewhere. Buggy Rugs, Dusters, Fly Nets, Whips, cCe., always on hand. Splendid Assortment of Trunks, Valises and Satchels in Stock. H. Dennis, T. FLETCHE R, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. Thanking the public for past favors and 'support and wishing still to secure your patronage. We are opening out fulllines fn GOLF & SIVA WATCHtS. SILVER PLATED WARE from established and reliable maker fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Desgins. J 3WELRSr: Wedding Rings, Ladies Gem Rings, Broaches, Earrings, .80 Also have in stock a full line of Violins and Violin Strings. &o. N. 13. -Issuer of Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, ALLAN LINE. '89 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, '80 LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE, ,PROM LIVER1100L, 1 STEAMER. 1 FROM WHIM. May 28 "Oiroaeeion Tune 13 Tfay 30 Parisian lune 20 June 6 Polynesian Juno 27 Tune 18 e-Oarthagenian Jane 20 Sardinian July 11 June27 *Circassian July 18 July 4 Parisian July 29 July 11 Polynesian Aug.1 July 18 +Oarthagenian July 25 Sardinian Aug,15 Aug, 9 'Circassian Aug, 22 Aug.8 Parisian Aug. 29 Aug. 16 Polynesian ..... .,.....sept.5 Aug,22 +Carthsgenian Aug. 29 Sardinian Sept, 55 Sept. 0 . *Circassian Sept. 20 Sept, 12 Parisian .. Oot. 3 Sept. 19 Polynesian act. 10 11&TTIs OF PASSAtOO 10Y MAIL STiIAM- nRS,-Quenne To L1vnnroo2, Cabin 60, 70, and 80 dollars according to accommodation. Servants to Oabin 6e dol- lars, Intermediate, 30 dollars, Steerage, 20 dollars, Retain tickets, Cabin, 110 130, and. 150 dollars, Intermediate, 00 dollars, Steerage, 40 dollars. "By Oiroasaian or other extra steamers. Cabin, 80, 00, and 70 dollars, according to are oommodation. Intermediate, 80 dollars, 88503050 20 dsllaco, 'totem tickets, 00, 110, modellers. Iutermedtate 00 dollars, Steer. ago 40 dollars, Tho OARTISAGENTAN well riot carry passengers tram this stile. There will be no etoamer Carrying pasoengsrs from Quebec 1tay 00th, July 4511, Aug. 8th and Sept, 12th Paseeugers proceeding by the Trfali Steam- ers, and wishing to embark at Montreal, will leave Toronto by Taosday morning's 103 - press, arrive at Montreal abouts pan,, and go on board any timo before midnight, AT SO AGENT 9 011 t1II1a WHITE SFAs ARD INMAN LIRA SAILING 350001 IOW YOI9X. W. Ifs. 'll,t]C[fi rt, Agent, Money to Loan. Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty, at LOWEST RATES, PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS DICKSON 3 IIAYS, Solicitors, Brussels, Ont. oNE]"ro LOAM Any .nct,nt of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 d 6Ar Per Cent. Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. ooi I '' 001 As in past years, I am pre- pared to buy any quantity. of GOOD FLEECE WOOL, at the very Highest Market Price in CASH! Also Grain of all kinds. Farmers will rind it to their advantage to market their Wool and surplus Grain in Brussels. I also take this opportunity to inform my Friends that during the corr- inn' Season I will be fouil,d at the AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS every day (where my office now is) ready and willing to buy what Produce you may have to offer. Robt. Graham, May 19th, 1880. 44-tf 900,000WOO Lhs. Wanted v For Season of 1889. CASH PAID. I am prepared to pay the high- est Cash Prices for good fleece Wool delivered at the Listowel Woolen Mills. Having been 15 years in business here, it has always been my en- deavor to pay higher prices than the market allows, and in the past years have paid city market prices. Wool being so low in prioe, it will afford me pleasure to pay the highest price going. In exchanging wool for goods will allow a few cents more. Will also guarantee to sell my goods at cash prices. I don't have two prices -cash and trade -my rule is one price only. Running the year round enables me to carry a large stock. This year having a larger stock than usual, will offer you The hese Stock of Tweeds In the Domin- ion to Cheese from. Doubts and Twisted Full Cloths 1+LAMP ELS. 1el,ANnCF.TS, Alt (peals of the Yervest Patterns and Latest Designs. Come oarlywith your Wool and you will find us ready and will- ing to give you our best atten- tion. We will bo happy for yon to Inspect Goods and Prices be- fore disposing of your wool, I remain, [1HE 1ST A iI ➢ trW F 1I L UR 1Vf, The u-nderrignod leaving completed the change from the stone to the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has new the Mill in First -Class Running Order 1 and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many 11555 ones as possible. Flow and Peed. t Swavz EaL Highest Pricy paid for any quantity of Good Grti1. VT M. 1VII_LN E. iIVIl0�i8111 iG "�l'IVEI'S See the New Noxon Binder CC CC CC CI Drill Noxow RAKES AND MOWERS. WHINE WILKINSON PLOWS, -:- Davis Sewing Machines, Stoves, Tinware, &c., at tif- mJAG wSOTS BETTED NEWS POR THS F°�RMMRa The Brussels Woolen Mill wants to get ® 00 LBS. OF WOOL 0,0 either for CASH or in exchange for Goods. The Highest ylarket Price Paid in rash and a Few Cents More in Trade. , We have a Fine Assort- ment of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blankets, Sheet- ing, Knitted. Goods, Yarns, &c. All Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or other- wise, will have our prompt attention. SATISFACTION GUARANT'D We wish to remind the Farmers that the "Woolen Mill Store" in Brussels is not connected with THE BRUSSELS WOOL - RN MILL, but is sallang Goons frons the Listowel 31111, which we consider a great advantage to the Farmers of this Locality, as file two Stores are side by side and the Goods and Prices can easily be compared. We are YOUR OBEDIENT SERVANTS, Yours Respectfully, IG3UOO w, 44.31118 LISTOWEL.' GEO. HOWE 80 Co., BRUSSELS,