HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-6-28, Page 10S TN At', it ever commit to you that id I vvritiug to a friend or au acguain- tam, , that you are 111 a measure judged 1 by the paper vett write upon and the envelopes you use i' Possibly the parson or 'Persons, who may receive your letter, ba'fo'no other means of judging you, so they do so by your letter. If the paper you write upon is poor and the envelopes aro such that you can read through, you Will naturally be looped upon as being either pc.)1•, miserly, or else a bad j edge of good 1:•te paper, aside from this it does not pay to use tin inferior article. Wo are toniug first.o]ass paper and on- volopea ro cheap now that you should have it good. We have made a specialty of this line of ons business, having had - our customers preferences in view, It is as muolt a pleasure for us to soli a good article as it is for our customers to buy it, and judging by our increased sales, our efforts to please Have not been in vain, Should you at any time receive from us any thing that may not bo satis- factory or as represented, wo would take it as a special favor if you would toll us and wo will gladly exchange it. G. A. MADMAN, Druggist and Fancy Goods Dealer. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY s lUT1IEn1 EXTENSION , w. e . & 13, n. Tre ins leave Brussels Station, wort and 50'1511 as (0110ws:— tieing South. Going North. aIail..... 7:02 aim !Mixed - 0:00 a.m Express... ..11:..16 a.m. 1 /Lail.......... •3:00 p.m snood b:65 11311.1 Express 0:40 p.m n.CIl1 •t• CCU" tC11lB. A ohiel's among ye *akin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. BEST machine oil nt Gerry's. Orn for Eggs at McCracken's. BINn1NG twine 14 cents. B. Gerry. Frnsn strawberries at The Restaurant. T. G. McOnacr,EN, of Harriston, was in town this week. BAnGAms in witches, cloaks and jewel. Ty at J. Jones'. You can get any kind of Sewing Machines or Organs at Leatberdale's at rook bottom prices. E. A. Moans, L.D.S., returned last week from a pleasant outing with rela- tives and friends in Michigan. Tan new front in the Leokie store is One of the neatest in town. The build- ing will be ready for occupation in a few weeks. "Ir you want a New Raymond Sewing Machine go to R. Leatherdole. He will sell you one for $22.00. I paid $85 for mine." Honor Fall Assizes will be held at Godericb, commencing on Thursday, Sept. 10. The Hon. Justice Robertson will preside. Tun lovers of checkers in Brussels and Luokhow played a few games by tele- phone recently. They each won the same number of games. WELL-DIOGIOG AND Dna.LmG: GOOrge Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper sbaye. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 43-tf TDS Harriston Tribune rays :—Geo. Chambers has sold his hotel, known as the Queen's Hotel, Harriston, to 1. L. Sturdy, of Brussels, for the sum of 07,- 500. The hotel is a first-class three storey brick building with large and ex- eellout stables in connection. Mr. Sturdy ab one time ran the Queen's for three years and will, no doubt, succeed here.. Burn Or Herm—The regular meeting of the Band of Hope was held on Mon. day evening with an attendance of eighty- four. ightyfour. After the opening exercises the following program was carried out :— Readings by Allie. Cormack and Lilian Ainley ; recitations by Nellie Ward, Dora Nott, Thurso Gerry, Clara Mc- Cracken, Jennie Bdwerds, Jennie For- sythe, Harry McRae, Charlie Cantelou, Lorne Dunford, Arthur Finn and Millard 'Cardiff ; singing by the Band, Miss Jennie McLauchlin organist. NAT LITTLE'S CASE,—Tho Brandon Sun of the 13th inst. contains the follow. ing amount of a case that has aroused considerable Internet in this locality :— Nat Little, charged with setting fire to a sohool house and with having killed a neighbor's cow, both alleged deeds hav- ing been committed in the Cypress die. trict, has been tried and found not guilty by two magistrates, N. F. Hegel, Q. 0., who returned from Cypress fhe other day, says the man has been grossly mis- represented. He says the alleged troubles in the Cyprese locality have been ex- travagantly magnified, apparently for glorification of Detective McKenzie. The whole trouble, so far as can be discover- ed, °onsiste in the foot that in April last Mr. Little lied the contract for moving a sohool house, and had it set on skids ready to be pulled away, but the night before he was ready to draw it, and the *teams were engaged and ready, the build- ing was burned. Mr. Little, therefore, lost the labor of setting the building en . skid and also the contract price for the Work, which was 040, and on which there would have bean a clean profit of 025. All Mr. Little's interests were directly opposite to burning the salroolhoutie. The reasonable presumption in that it was fired by Some person interested in tho agitation to prevent the removal of the school to a new locality. As to the cow, the charge was that Little had killed the animal and thrown herbhto awell. The evidence showed conclusively that the animal had been wandering about the prairie, and had fallen, without any per- , sOtt's er.,son's assistance, into an open, disused well. No sort of oonneotion between the death of the cow and Mr. Little wan made out. The outer charges, which have been referred to in the newspapers, seem to ovist entirely in tho mind of Detective MoHenzin, as no one has ever heard of them, nor could any Ono be found who pretends to know of them, or that any melt offences as have been named were ever committed in the neigh- borhood. When Mr. Little board Of the obarges made against him he telegraph- ed from Brandon, whore he was en- gaged disposing of.a carload of horses, to the magiesrates to fit a day for the trial maim WOuld appear without a summons, Ado$rdingly, On Monday night, when he Appeared and the charges were invcsti• ,7bted,he VMS diemieged. ''That'" s d ,t r ini a Mr. Hagel, is a truthful statpmant of the whele adair." THE B -:USSELS POST Js,o, li.rnl of 1111th, wilt visiting Joe 1.11antti nc last wool, CMS. 11 ri 631, 1145 gout' t0 Port Ilnrn' 1[iu fal;iliy will joie him sliult,y, Brr.sIna to watches andjewelry prompt. ly attended to at Jae. Jones'. A Now buggy for sale. Will take good I horse iu oxcivauge. B. Gerry. 0100. 0 ni ii'r end E. Kellam spent Sunday in Brussels. Miss Pe1.emut SVnrLrroe, of Ethel, is visiting frionds in totvu. LEWIS JAO1rsON is Home for a few days from Seaforth. Mns. B. i un, of Zurich, is visiting her/ daughter, Mrs. Geo, Broker, Una. Anon Goon and daughter are visiting friends in Wingham. Mns. W T. Ifegroa and daughter Mary have gone. ou a visit to relatives at Detroit, E. Toaiprcros and family leave for Bay City, Mich., on Saturday, where they purpose making their home. Or the coming Sabbath the 130131• mention will be observed in connection with Knox church, Brussels. Steve John Ross, 13, A., will preach Saturday after- noon at 2 o'clock, the pastor (Rev. G. 13. Howie) Sabbath morning end Iter. Mr. McRae in the evening, Rev. Mr. Bowie will preach on The Dominion, on Monday at 11 a, In. Cxoaoe,—Last Saturday night as W. M. Sinclair, wife and son were approach- ing their residence a young girl, about 10 years of age, was seen leaving the house, having obtaieed admission through n window. The unwelcome visitor made a hasty exit and under the cover of night got int of sight without any trouble, not before she was recognized by Mrs. Sinclair however. As nothing has been missed from the house up to the present and considering tho youthfulness of the girl nothing will be done about it only to warn her that another such freak will not terminate so quietly. OntxaE BLoseoars.—Tho Wingham Times of last week says of a former Brueeelite :—"Our popular dentist, W. H. Macdonald, has with the co-operation of all estimable lady of 0110 town—Miss Minnie Griffin—happily worked out an "idea" which we sincerely hope may re• dound to the higbest happiness and material comfort and web being of both. The "idea" referred to was the consum- mation of their hopes and aspirations by forming a matrimonial alliance, which was neatly, briefly and effectively ao• oomplished by Rev. Mr. Moorehouee ou Wednesday morning about six o'clock, at the residence of Mrs. E. Kent, Wingham. The groomsman on the occasion was Dr. Tuck, of Belmore, and the bridesmaid Miss Ella Breokenshire, of Wingham. Presents, appropriate, coaly and num- erous, were given by frionds. Amid drizzling rain, but with an unusually blithe and honeymoon air, and carry. ing the congratulations of friends, the newly married couple left for Detroit and other points. The Times extends its felicitations and wishes long life and happiness to Mr. Macdonald and his fair partner." Tire POST joins in the chorus along with Maes. friends and well- wishers in Brussels Qtrrn Caenacrnnrsrrc,—The most of the citizens of Brussels, no doubt, saw a fly sheet bearing the name of James Buyers. Although it was presumably written to ventilate School Board affairs the public are of the opinion that the prime object was to geb rid of an over- dose of bile. The poor fellow was only allowed to write three letters on this question in Tim POST (every one of which did more harm than good to the eallsn he thought he was so valiantly defend- ing) and because his fourth epistle was not given plane to he gets out the dis- creditable little sheet. The newspaper ounce evidently did not take the trouble the editor of Tnn Pon has taken in colt. rooting his bad spelling and worse gram. mar. There is nothing worth replying to in the sheet, but there are a few things Mr. Buyers might learn and be profited thereby :-1st, If he'd pay half the at- teution to his own work that he does to that which does not particularly con- cern him his business would be in a different position than it is to day. He has no claim on the poor man's plea. 2nd, That a man who pursues the course he has in Brussels doe's more to injure a good cause than a dozen of"unbelievers." 3rd, He should cease using Shakespsrian quotations or else make better selections. The first line need this time "Who steals my purse steals trash" has lost all the poetry by being proven literally true. Mr. Buyers has our best thanks for this free advertising be has given no and he should try his hand again, only go it a little stronger. Big head and illimitable cheek are two predominant obaraoteris• tins in Mr. B's make•up. IT Loess "Flea*'."—The Godericb Signal says :—Arthur Henry Newton Jenkins, who recently figured as an un- suooeesful defendant in a libel suit in this county, is talking of bringing an action against editor Kerr, of the Bros. gels Pon, for an open letter published in that journal last Fall by D. MoGilli- ouddy, of Goderioh. The letter in question was written in reply to a blank• guardly attaok made upon McGillicuddy by Jenkins when the latter 'was in jail for contempt of court in the Grant libel case. Jenkins, like most people of hit kind, could not stand firs, and now as- damea tho air of an injured innocent, and talks of seeking redress in the courts. Poor fellow I If be had not been so "fresh" in his attacks upon other people's reputations, he would not now be seeking the rehabilitation of bis own. Tine Pots, sizes the matter up as follows ; and will neither be buldozed nor cajoled Noss Mo.adav will be Dominion Day. afros h o1,: Heol, 15 vi, ing friends in town. Din. and alis I Pelton, of 1* uogham, wore Its town over Sunday. I COUNCIL meeting next Monday evening in the Council Chamber. I Prwatoriox examinations aro in order nt Brussels Public Sohool. lo your watt& don't run right lake it to vas, Jones. He'll sot it right. 0. L. BALL, L.D,S„ of Sesforill, was. in town On Tuesday of tills week. Do not fail to call and got a bargain in clothing before we move. Ross Enos. TIM attendance at the Methodist Sob. bath School last Sunday afternoon was 100. Rev. 1ST. Sw:ANN will preach the closing sermon of his pastorate in Brussels next Snnday evening. .r Gus. GmnEL is in town. He enjoyed 'hie trip to Dakota and it evidently agreed with him. IT will pay any person to oall and see Geo. Love tit Co's Furniture Room. Now Goode and new Prices. Miss Lizzie. Dickson, accompanied by her little brother and meter, were in town for a few days last week on a visit. LEATEEEDALE's is the headquarters in Brussels for Furniture, Undertaking, Sewing Machines and Organs. BnussELs' Voters' List for 1880 is in the printer's hands andwill be completed in a foto days. OCCASIONALLY in the evenings Thos. Ballantyne treats our citizens to a few selections on the bagpipes. JAMES WILSON, of Brussels, is the first in this locality to out his hay. He put away what was on three acres. FUr.N1Tu0Emust be a good business as Geo. Love etc Co. soon got a dandy black team to hitch to their new hearse. WE will do what we advertise, sell our stock of Clothing and Gents' Furnishings for the next 20 days at cost. Ross Bnos. A. M. Km', assistant Postmaster et Stratford, is enjoying his holidays. He pub part of a weep in with his friends here. Borons says that Goo. Fitzpatrick and wife will visit the Prairie Province this Summer and visit their daughter, Mrs. Elliott. WE intend moving to our new stand, in Leckie's Block, in about 20 days and will clear out our stook at costa Roes Boos. 50. Waver makes such a rush at Ross Bros. clothing store ? Why because they are selling °lotbing and gents' furnishings at cost, PAIn of spootaoles found. Owner may Imre them by proving property and pay - for this looal. Tam PosT Publishing House. Camas. Zmr,Lix is making a number of needful improvements at the Central Hotel. He will fit out the house in first- eless style. Mns. A. G. Dragoon and daughter, of Walkerton, are visiting relatives, and friends in Brussels. Mr. Dickson was also here on Sunday. LAsi Tuesday evening Rev. Jno. Ross, 13. A„ of this place, lectured on "John Bunyan, the immortal Dreamer," in the Presbyterian church, Blyth. Sm ootave organ for sale. Cost 9150, will sell for 075. Good as new. May be seen at Mrs. J. W. Shiel's residence. 43.4ins Gno. HuunLE. GEO. Lose & Go. have no goods to sell for spite but they will do undertaking at half combine prides and writ use their hearse for the poor as web nus the rioh. F. W. O'Bnnsx, V. S., attended a meet- ing at Stratford on Tuesday, called for the purpose of forming a Provincial Live StockIneuranoe Society. FsI utnns, why pay an agent running from house to house 910 or 912 more for a sewing machine than you eau buy one for in Brussels ? R. Leathsrdale will sell you a New Raymond for 922. ON TEE WING.—As I am on my rounds putting Sewing Machines and Organs in order please let me know •where to drop in, by sending ms your pard, and I will wait on you. T. Moon, Brussels. LAST Friday Jho. N. Knechtel left. Brussels•for his second visit to Manitoba. He took 0 mules and a mare with him beside some agricultural implements and other necessaries, He is greatly pleased with the country. WM. ALDRIDos has bean circulating petitions praying for the disallowance of the Jesuits Estates' Act, They have been largely and willingly signed by the people of this section. LAST Tuesday Tnn Posr Publishing House received about a ton of printing paper from the Canada Paper Coe. mills. As it has to be paid for shortly we ask those indebted to us to remit without further notice. ONE of the attractions next Monday will bo, so it is said, a matched 100 yard foot race between ex•Beeve McCracken and Geo. E. Cooper. As they are both confident of viotoryr ythey will likely put in their best "Iiokdt ALL orders for teaming left et 0. G. Skene's or A. M. McKay do Co's store will bo promptly attended to. All orders for garden plowing left with the above named gentlemen will receive prompt at- tention. 80 HnxpEnsog Bnos. A. Koomia, proprietor of the American Hotel, is now the possessor of a matched span of "Volunteer" colts, one a year old and the other foaled last week-. Mr, Ii. thinks thorn is nothing around these parts eat touch hie sorrels and expects they will fetch him a nieo little pile of money some day if nothing happens them. 0 " The fol. lowing item ' on the snblact from the London Free Press, bears the earmarks of the facile pen of Arthur Henry Newton Jenkins:—"Mr. Jenkins, of the Brussels 13udget, is evi- dently not dead yet, for he hag entered a suit for libel against Herr, of Tan Pon, for an alleged defamatory open letter published in Tan POST of October 12tb only two weeks before his celebrated Post Officio libel suit. 1t will be et ex- pensive affair, as Mr. Dancey, barrister, of Seafortb, who entero the case for Jen- kins, has retained B. 13. Osler, Q, C., whom it will be remembered had the opposite side at the Huron Fell Assizes." It will bo observed that even before the case is entered the Claim 10 put forward that the service* of B. B, Osler, Q. 0„ have been geapred. That 1s taking time by the forelock with a vengeance, but. Jenkins has a high opinion .of the great criminal lawyer W110 S0 Ably sizedhim up in the Grant case, and evidently places more oorilldeneo in the forensic ability of the learned Q. C. than in the merits of his otter, LAST Friday afternoon olio following contracts for gravelling were let by Reeve Mooney, of Morris, and Roovo Milne, of Grey ; —A. McNichol, 120 yards at Wal- ton, at 33 Dents per yard. C. Alderson, 208 yards at what is known a1 Burns' swamp, at 29 cents, and 120 yards nearer Brussels et 84 cents, II, Attwood, 150 yards at Fraliok's swamp, at 30 cents. On 91000 of business will be open on July 1st (Dominion Day) till 12 o'olook (noon) after that hour WO will oload our Shop to take in the base ball mateli and other amusements: We timid our num• emus customers will Soo lit to melee their pnrnboasoo in tho forenoon and go with us to tho Pork to eco the sports which pro. miso5 to oxoocd all former holidays, Your Obolliont Servants, W. NIca7INaAL1.1 & C o. Til, Offloera eppoiuted Monday night in aennec*ion with the Young Peoples' Association,. Of the Methodist 011ur013 were no follows :--Iron. President, Rev S. Sellory, 13,A.,B.IAA; President, Geo. Bogus • 155 Vico President, Elimi 254 M Vide Pl'osident, Miss Maggie Me: Naughton ;.Seo.yi'roas., 'Miss Minnie Corry, Pointed pro rains for the 00in. ing throe months tviil be placed in the hands of the members shortly. PLENTY Of rain. Aso A,(1 t1,W, ;remits to m'l,.t lel, T4 no, Monxnr, of Ohio, is here on a A1'. F. 1'ANe'tux1: has 20 acres of has to "TM: volunteers are cxpeoted home on Saturday. Tlloe. \Vs' sox, of b1trrriston, woos in town this week. W. Roomette was laid up for several clays with a badly sprained ankle. SrnAwm,mmos aro now at lowest price, Lents) your order with Adam Good, CnxennvATIVE 0011veution on Friday of this week. Mao, Gn 1135 and son, of Alma, are visiting in town. SxIt,*eooEltnnEs and ice 0002101 o0otlpy a front seat at present. R. G. Wilson was greatly improved by his visit to the ]Vest. 1)n'Is101 Court on Thursday of this week, Judge Doyle presiding. A out load of eggs was snipped from the Brussels Egg Emporium this week. Tnn Enterprise Salt Works is shipping over a ear load of salt per day this week. Bor. F1Li10 Sw.3ox, wife and children of Monkton, were in town for few days this week. A mom excursion train will he run to Wingham on July 12th. Return fare 85 cents. Enrosnoe Examination on Thursday and Friday of'next week in the. Brussels public school. Vim, still continues to sell furniture oheaporthan any outer dealer in Brns- sele• :LAososec Snoze.—L'yory do lription of shoes -very cheap. Mons' 86e, boys' 700. A. Goon. HANG out your flags and bunting on Dominion Day and give the place a regu- lar holiday appearance, Minor Dim= and Herbie will be home o11 Saturday of this week from Winnipeg. Minion Von would like to exchange a new top buggy, an organ, a piano, or furniture for a good horse or colt. BEATTIE'S bus is receiving an over- hauling and an open rig is being used in the meantime. Mns. Amma r=n wishes to inform oustomers that she has removed to the place lately occupied as the Budget 013100. DOMINION DAY ORLEoBATION.—Elevated seats (free) will be reserved for the ladies in the Park. This will enable them to have a good view of the games. Rims. J. FEncosoN and D. Rogers were in Brussels on Wednesday en route to their new circuits. They have ex- changed places, Londesboro' and Att- wood. Ian CREA➢r.---Something extra in ice cream at Mrs. Kirks. Also oonfection- ary and lino cigars. Try them, they oan,t be beat. Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels. Dox'r forget that Friday of this week is set aside as the timo when persons owning lots or having friends interred in the Brussels cemetery are asked to go there and aid in making improvements in this property. BY notice olsewhsre it will bo observed than Mrs. Isaac Hodge died.on Wednes- day, at Henfryn. The deceased was the mother of Mrs. Thos. Watson, now of Harriston, and was known to a great many in Brussels. Mns. J. L. STURMr, daughter and eon left Brussels for Harriston on Wednes- day. Mr. Sturdy followed on Thursday. He purchased B. Carry's blank horse and R. Leatllerdale's handsome covered phteton and took them with him. A MEETLY° of tho J.ie£orm Association of Brussels, will be held next Tuesday evening, at 8 o'olook, in the rooms over Deadman's.drug store. 6. large attend - alum requested as business of importance. will come before the meeting. 0. R. SYITn, O11airnlan, 3�6ARR_T�D, MACnoNALD—GnIYeox.—At Wingham, on the 19th inst., by Rev. Mr. Moor - house, Mr. W. H. Macdonald, to Miss Minnie Griffin, both of Wing - ham. =xa=_ 11IAnsUALL.—L1 Blyth, on June 15th, Mrs. Jas. Marshall, aged 61 years. Honoo.—In Hsnfryn, on the 20th inst., Reb000a, relict of the late Isaac Hodge, aged 70 yours, 5 months and 17 days. 31a381 -0-0$2=12..,S Ia2A72,2=1,0. C0n0E0TED munstLL*' EVNEY w5011. Fall Wheat 8890 Spring Wheat 98 90 Barley 40 45 Oats... 25 275 Peas 60 Butter, tubs and rolls.... 12 Eggs per dozen 10 Flour per barrel 5 00 Potatoes 30 Hay per ton 9 00 Hides per lb 2 Salt per bbl., retail1 26 Sheep skins, will ..... ' 60 Wool, per ib 18 62 13 00 00 00 00 3 00 ` 1 00 22 iSM-a.FORTf1 S,SAFv }7'1'F.f. 00051000ED OAn1FOLDY EVERT SEEK. Fall Wheat 88 Spring Wheat 88 Oats 20 Peas 60 Barley. 40 Potatoes 33 Butter, per lb 12 Eggs, per dozen 10 00 Apples, per bushel 30 Hogs, dressed, Beef Hay Wood, per cord Sheepskins, each 90 90 27 52 45 00 13 85 0 00 00 4 50 5 50 9 00 00 2 50 4 50 90 57 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GIINLRAL SERVANT WANT - En, Apply at once to 0I118, w. 31 SINCLAIR. 48-tr.. PlitHLL FOR SERVIOE.—rTHE undersigned will keen a thorough bred Min for servle0, on lot 6, con. 11, Grey,. Tornio, 81.00, payable et *11110 of sorrier, Willi o iotm•ning, it 4smY,Wt.BISSHOP 74 taste TRLYED ON 'TI]'LPBEMISES , of the mldorel ped lot 38 eon. 10; on or about 01001 week of aSmo, 1 yearling(t „Alcor, gray in color. W11s owner isregtlestild to pay all 011arges and tape him away, Also strayediram mypremisn5 about lilt Of May , 1 ttvo-yoar.old steer, elliodv red but with allot White markings and wblte Star on fore. head, Any portion returning Or Sending me wh01•oabente of 5a1Oo *0311 bo suitably to. warded. JAM1.8 HNIOBT, G0.4+ Cratabroolt 1'. 0, 1 .4 i1)11011(3 the ie snulcr months 0411^ j manning Satnnday, May llt11 L uoii) ousts i posse ngurs on l,,tnrds j, 0f tacit wrek 1,x00, Itorria to 8eafo't11 and 1'Otuut fol. 51,02 and � {10111 Brussels to Hastert& and return' 5101. stage barns at usual hours. 8, WALHII, Proprietor. pRESSAIAICING.— rho undersigned awakes to Intimate ko oho wino of Brussels and surrounding country that sho io prepare.1 to attend to all orders intrrsbotl 00 her, Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop—Upstairs, ono door north of Walter JorksOn'e hardware store, f.0- 31188 SAMPLE, t" ORRIS AND 6PAFORTII STAGE ,X Bourn. Stageleaves Gorrio about 5:30 0. n1„ recall- ing Brussels about 8:90 0..101., 51,11 1•X11 o't•R'o let Seaforth about 11:80 a. 01. itetarning will leave $oator*h about n:83 p, 1n„ read hug Ilrussele about 0:46, in time to oouno0t with trains going north nod south. Also make oeaoectious with 0. P. 11. at Wroxeter and Currie. 8, WAL$I'f, Proprietor, LOOS0100000 dots business in Cemadafoe }o0rs, our repo lte tiou and responsi billty is established. We want .three mon in your vicinity to 005)10sent us, to whorl exclusive territory will be given. fiautlsono oatllt free, Salary and expenses paid weaklyy, previous experience nob required. AVrla0 at 'moo for terms. nerdy Stools for Canada 'a specialty. MAY BROS., .Nwrseryntoi, ,Booboster, N.Y. 48 8 STRAYED FROM THE PRE AI. ISEo of the undorsigood, lob 11, con, 11, Grey, on or about May 26, 8 head of cattle, One 1e a steer rising 2 years, red and white in 0010r with white star iu forehead. The ether two aro yearling steers, ono is rad and white In dolor with white stripe down i is back, and oho other is dark gray color. Any information leading to their recovery will be thankfully resolved by CHARLES SWITZFII, Cranbrook, P.O, 47-1 3 ULL FOR SERVIOE —I WILL keep on my Parm,lot 27, eon. 6, Mar - xis, a tlioro'-brod hates Bull, of the Dubose family. Podigoo(' cat be soon at the s tables. Terms—Thoro'-bred cows, e0 • high graded cows, $3; 00M111011 sows, 31,56, with privil.. ego of returning during tho season. To be paid 45 tf erbOforJOHN B OAUmPOOT $8p, REAL ESTATE. T'ARMS --HUN- n131l00 ir7rn hasFOR seversSALE, codTFarmsE f er sale andto rant, only terms, in Townships Morris orris 1151 Grey. F. S. 00CTT. Brussels. 87-tt, r1f1ANNERY FOR SALE.— THE 3- Bra:Well Tannery is offered for sane at a bargain. In it is a 15h.p, engine and 80 h. is, boiler .16 vats, 2 curry tables, 2 stoves, good bark ,pill and a full sot 01 tools, with heating pipes to leaohea, eke, Theo aro about2 acres of land in connection with the building. No tannery nearer than Wingham or Listowel. Terms easy. For further par- ticulars, as t0 price, terms, 80„ Imply at 87- TEE roaTPublishing House, &nasals. Li7ARMFOB SALE.—TIE SUI3• sonmos offers his valuable 100 acre farm, being lot 8, eon. 18, Grey Township, Iiurou 00„ for solo, There aro about 50 acres cleared and in good heart. There is n log house, good hank barn, beating orchard, and all the necessary conveniences on the premises. For further particulars, 55 to u7,ric5,15rnls, Oto„ apply to oho Proprietor, 'L'I108.HISLOP, Olen P 0„ N, W. T.. or to 0-tf DOLGALD STItACIIAN. Brussels 'WARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- nitn5lGNEn Offers (3Or sale the Horth east quarter of lot 28, concession e, Morris, Court ty of lluron,ecutaiutug 60 acres. The laud is of first quality andln a high state of cultivation. well fenced and under drained, 116 acres cleared. Now frame house, 8 rooms, milk house with concrete walla, 2 wells, good barna and shod, orchard, etc. Plight acres of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit- able terms will be given. Titleperfdot. JAMES 0BIEVJ6, Owner, 80- Seaforth P.0. FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN • 1DE115001E1) o1ers .his 150 -acro farm for sale, being lot 18, and 81 lot 19, con, 7, Grey, About 80 or 00 amen cleared. Fences iu goodropair. 35 acres bush on the 50 -acre lot and 10 acres on the other lob. 2 good bearing oroharda,. one on each place and plenty of good water. Thoro is a good brick veneered house containing 0 rooms. Two barns. The frame ono is 43x00.011 a stone foundation, the other is log. Oho farm is under good cultivation and is only '1 of a mile from the stirring villego of Ethel, and 0 miles from Ilrussele, For further part! cu-. lags apply to 1301.1041; 1BATEMAN, Proprie- tor. - 10,11 20,,AORE FARM FOR SALE. A 4ret-olasa farm for Salo to the Township of at0rrls in the County of Unroll being south half of north half lots 25 elz 26 and south half of 20 In sob co,,, containing 000 aoree morn or less, 125,,, acres mostly clear of stumps and in a good state of cnlbl- vation• There is a young bearing orchard,a good house and bank barn 50 k 56 feet wih stone stable underneath. Tho farm is situ- atodwithin a mile of the Village of Brussels units a good farm for grain or stock rale- ing as His watered with the river Maitland and never failing opr'ing crook. Possession will be given at any time. Por fm•thor par- ticulars apply on oho premises or to A.R. ROBERTSON Brussels, P. O 0•tt. 00I) FARM FOR SALE IN . LMorris, on rca50nable tonne. In order to close the affairs of tho estate of tho lath W. 0. Hingetou, the executors offer the fol- lowing valuable lands for sale North half of Lot 80, Concession 5, Township of Morris,00ntaining 00 acme. , On this lot is erected a good frame barn with stono foun- dation, good orchard, well 13003175331». Neat- ly all cleared, and 19 on the grave road closely adjoining the village of Ornasals. This farms a valuable ,Ons, is well fenced and in a good state of cult•vation. For prices and terms apply to T11108. ILIOLLY, Brussels P. 0,, Emmy 41.1E111E853 Vlotoria Square P. 0,, 0r JAttns Sniaru, ,Maple Lodge P. 0., Middlesex County, BUSINESS CARDS. TAT H. MoORAOKEN, IssurerofhdarriageLicensce, 001ce at his Or000ry, Turnbarry street, Brussels. ivf ISS O'CONNOR, Toaohor of Piano and organ. Toms Thursday mncu. tl Friday at Mee. 1) lCnmpbell s, Walton. !rI.SS lIARGREAVI,B Desh'os to rocodve pupils for inatrlio- biono0n 5110 piano and Orson. 10no years bxpeblonoe. Rosldonee with rare, HnrgrpaV- 05,over Popp Or'sD08gStore. • N. BARRETT, s Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next dour south of 4, 27, lifoltay It Co's hardware store. Indies' andch ildron's lialr cutting a speelnity 13`A choice stools of cigars kepi, ROBERT oUNNINGHAIVII 1N5011AN013, .. giros AND MARINO. GUELPH by M°NAIR, /- eolb0 f A.,.1300 o TdOor, Coos,: (s. stoner, 1te31t _ef Li001lv•1yvnrllr, d Agent stoner, u a, 00 (J Ofilse t the Gt' bgent Niro Omoe, lio0 Co. ,ilfllco at the Oraubrook Post (1t0oe, JuNJ; 28, 1889, CHEMICALLY PURE, DARK SHADE. I have thoroughly tested lay Paris Green, and find it Chemically Pure. Having had considerable experience in testing many tons of Paris Green in the Wholesale busi- ness, -I and 111 a position to judge what good Paris Green should be like, and the peo- ple may rely upon getting IL PURE Paris Green at PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, Opp.Queen's Itotc1. BRUSSELS BANKING. A/i-gINTOSII t� MoTAGGART, 1V1 BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Transact a. Ga .e.. .1 Haavlcin.s' euslazeoe. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian analetta.l Staten Drafts bought and sold. Ieterest allowed on D,10104ts. 00110:U0718 'Mad(' on favorable terms. Canadian Agents—ME1iwnoxr's 13211311 o1, CANAnA. New York Agonts—Iursnrt.ns AND TaAn- mn'e NATIONAL Battu. LEG IL AND CONVEYANCING. VT SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, 00nvoyaneer,Nobary Pub. Lie, leo. Ounce—Graham's Block,1 door north of Popper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan. PP( E. WADE, s 1 ", Barrister, Saiortor and Notary Pub. lie. Conveyancing. Collections and Luanlug. Mr. Wade will attend in Gores every Wed- nesday at two o'clock, 'f' IOKSON & HAYS, JL!' (Cato with (Garrow d: Proudfoot 0ode. rich,) Barristers, 00Holtors, Conveyancers, 130, Mho—Grant's IS lock, Bross els. Money t0 Loan. E. e,EATS, w.n, D3C1SON, ,% AI. TAYLOR, i3. 0. L. •Barrister, Solicitor, aka, of the afar of Taylor, McCullough S Burns; Barristers Solicitors, deo., Manning &000ado, Toronto. Money to loam, A 1•IUNTET Clams of .the Fourth Dlvnsiot Oourt, Oo Sinton, Conveyancer, Notary Publio, Laud, Loon and I05nr01305 Agent. Rands im+oats'] 011,1 to loan, Oellecttous notch Office in Graham's Sleek, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. • � EORGE KIRKBY, LiconaodAuctioneerr. Salon uondltek- oilon reasonable terms. Parma and farm stock a epooinity. Orders left at Tnn Posy P ublish{ng House, Brussels, or gout to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention. A RAYMANN, • Auctioneer, is always ready to at - to ud sales ct farms, farm stook, ho: Torras cheerfully given. Cranbloolc P, 0. Salon may bo arranged at TEE POST Pnbltnhtng. Nouse, Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. '( TM. I'. GALE, M. D,, 0.115., ]geons O of tha r olloge of amina iau and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. Oilloother, and Besidonoo—Main street East, 1]11101, Ontario, T A. MONATJGHTON, WI. D. . 0. M. L, It, 0.1., lldinburgh, M, 0, P, 8.011*. At Pepper's Drug Store from 0 to 11:00 a. In. and from 1:80 to 4 p, m; At other honr0rimy beYouud at his residence, form- erly occupied by Dr. 13 utoninson, Mill et, VETERINARY. ) 1 • W. O'BRI1N, V.'S., liamr Gradfieto-of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, 10 prepared to trent all dioaasosofdomeotieatedanimals an scientific and approved prinoipins. 011100--Ttvo doers north of bridge, Turaborry street. TNO, D. WARWICK, V. S , Graduako .of 5110 Ontario Veterinary 061 lege, hps openod an 00(310 iu Brussels 515.1 15 now prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animalo'o.n the latest solenttile and Improved principles, Cans attended to day or night, OJBoe in X, 0, Richard's MO, nose Shop, opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels DENTAL. ab2 TzS¢cx z t "0, L Balld E. D.'3„ honor 'Graduate and a1.30, 0. B. 8. Toronto. Vitalised Air given, Ofliae—]tun*'Ens BLc3E, SeAron0fr, W. 0. Pear, L, D. S„ Graduate Of Toronto 800001 of Dentistry. All. operations gahranteocl, r -Artfdoial tooth, first quality, and gn¢awltoed fit, for $12.00 210r set, 06100--0ADy'o 111300x, HRA eltSx A9Vo, JN't7Xa17Cf 57..A. 312.fs.1.''."10T7.1, 'Ser, =p.a.. Boner Gr t aloof, o the Royal Colidee Geo Dauta1811rgol Ie Toronto. No 1221 oxide Goo teeth. 0 iee-o olio Palblass l/xtrtiotioa of tooth. Oi110o--• ffs'0No DO03* ROAM OP ISAX*, BRI7Sikts are D ri di th 811 h "3 ed w1 Tl in ba to +In tui du wi th pr inl 40 er a1 tilw: E lax Ni, Me Re no 1305 d 'e an pir 5C0 the all the CTO toe the as: an 111 41 n 11 ay 1011 rt1r, 1'C, PN Stat Vyo to14 ou all T Ise d n. T1 ri' 811 ale er el m 10 ,gh t1 sal rag 1105 And tddr 04 Dn. we Die ilii our furl' earl ave ens moo ho s 1081 ver SDI1 Lalli AN 01 •ac I 1 J3z; 005 40 01 M1 10 ianl otl nd my 11511 nd1 V0' Lis oto 101 e;+l