HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-6-28, Page 91 UNC 28, 1889, HEA -LTH, Timely Hints 011 llottlth Many brain workers and °there of highly nervous temperaments aro troubled With iueomnia, norvoue twitchluge and Matting from ?leap, and aeusathono of falling. These symptoms indicate weak nerves, Tho via. Sin can very often iadood cure himaolf by dietetic moans alone. Tho bust dict in milk, and for a time it would 0 b Is or lm wipe I h to limit himself to that. The quantity re• (faired by an Wale to rupp0rb him well le one pint ab " moo', and Sour meals should be taken daily. The milk used ahould be up to the standard ; it it is not dream ahould be added bo ie, People with weak!nerveer ase rule, drink but very little water, whereas they usually require a larger quantity than those whose varves aro strung and not osily shaken. TREATMENT FOR 001,0 IN TRE HEAD, Thera are a number of wave of aborting a mold in the head, bub most of them are by the means of g•Iibe powerfutdruge, which a. per. Bon nnfamHlar with their use is novel juatr. fled in taking on his owe responsibility. The Swiss method of treatmeno is one of the olmpleob and meet effoaoioue, Ib la appli in 1hia wav; Half fill a jug with boiling woo and into that pub n reaopoonfui of well - powdered camphor. Fashion out of wribing peper,a funnel, with which oap the top of tho hug. The camphorated abeam ahould bo In- aled through the naso for ten or fifteen minutes, the inhalation being repeated, if required, every four or five home. if, In epee of its uupleaaantne0e, the inhalation is persisted in, it is mad tbat three repetitions will always cff•ot n cure, however nevem the "cold in the head" may be. L00ESAW Is generoliy popularly believed to be in- variably fatal. Reoovorieo aro, indeed, comparatively rare, yet they do bake plans. The proportion ot thorn is much larger now than it was a score of yore ago, and ib le safe to predict that it will grow Larger as tune goes on and the malady is better under- stood. Prof. Moral since 1882 has applied one form of treatment in six oases, with the result ot obtaining five cures. The essen0iale of his treatment are as folIowe : 1. The patient, having the that stuffed with cotton or wax, is to be kept in a quiet room and In total darkness. (2) The took room, as well as the adjoining once, is to be thickly carpet- ed in order to avoid the noise of foot steps. (3) The room is to be opened for ventilation every four hours with the greateee care. Who diet ie to coeaisb of liquids, milk, egge beaten iu broth, water and wine, eta. (4) Al light neeeaeary shall bo carefully lover - expedite matters, ho: took all of them ab o,S three, and jolued the "silent majority," Tl1E'fALVO OF OATMEAL. ea an article of food hue more than ono( been questioned, and, as a result, there le more or less prejuelce against it in the minds of many, Hoc a few holding it to be Indif. tenably uutribinuo and capable of producing dyspepsia. Says one writer, oommenbing upon these adverse oribioieme : " This le not surpelein3, as 130 food article le jueb the thing in every ease or ab all bbne9. Our daily exporienaee oonvinoe nn of euoh truth, by likes and dislikes for very common and the ;neat wholesome foods. It le natured end best to have some variation of the diet, Ona thing may bo just Adopted to the stem of the individual --bodily and ntentally- at one time and nob at aomo other; while with another preen it may never agree, The 8o -called ' eternal fltnoee of things' needs to be carefully etudiod before deciding an Important question so hastily," Oatmeal is ntquestionaoly wbolseome fend, If prop erly eaten, it is vary geuerally well borne on the stomach. To a small proportion of people it is, however, displeaeing, if nob really a burden to digestion. Wheu dys• peptic symptoms are excited by it, ib to very ed rarely, indeed, that the oatmeal itself ileal er properly he blamed ; there is almost always Homo fault fo Vs preparation or the man- ner in which it ie nerved or eaten. If oatmeal isnot well 000ked itis unfit to eat, and taken iuto a delicate etomaoh will canoe diafurbanae. So, too, will it even when well cooked If it ie eaten with mull cream and sugar ; the trouble in that instance is with the sweets, and they would have the eamo offeot if taken in any other way. nab• meal is used almost exolueivoly as mush, which one naturally (wallows quickly, with- out allowing it to remain in the mouth. To a considerable extent the saliva is essential to its rapid digestion. Hence oatmeal ahould be kepb for a time in the mouth, 00 aro other foods, and only swallowed after it has been well masticated. In the form of mush, also, as it goes down so quickly and easily, there is a natural tendency for one to eat more than he would were it In a solid form. Carefully cooked and prepared, eaten as it ought to be, and in proper quantities, beyond all doubt oatmeal is agreeable, healthful and nutritioue. ed from the eight t:. the dole. (5) If con ebipation existe, both purgatives and in jeotioue aro interdicted, Above ell, quiet nese ie nem:mart (6)Should the pains be in tense, with the object of quieting, pewdere belladonna and ergot of rye ahould be used COMMON OADBE OF DYSPEPBLt, Oae of the most oommon canoes of dyepop oto is eating heartily when the system in tired and j ,dad. When exhausted by tithe mental or pbyeioal work we are usually ravenously hungry, and, of eourao, turn bo food se the medn0 of restoration. The foo is seldom appreciated that the stomach shares in the depression caused by overwork and, hence, at elle% times le unable to per form its ordinary duty. The food taken then ie but very slowly digested, and befor the process Is oompleted fermentation often takes place. If it does, the 0on00quen00 is that we are in a worse etsto than if the food had not been taken, for the fermentation generates acids and geas, whioh in tarn no only interfere with digestion but enrolee other disturbances. In a very strong and healthy earson the ill effeo •e ofeating when the yotetn is muoh fatigued wouldnon be so marked an in one below the standard of health. Very norvoue individuals suffer from the habit, and if debilitated they are quite euro to grow more se if it is persisted in. Wben very ``tired and hungry '• itis always boat to rest for a time before eating, or to take some nuoh simple "piok up" as' hob milk, whioh ahould be alowly Dipped. That in very refreshing, indeed, and usually mete tbo rtquiremente quite as well an an taco, hello stimulant. REMEDY FOR READAOHES, When in pertain painful affeobionethophyai• elan advises bhensoof hold applications, and if the affect from them is not pleasing, then that hot ahould be tried, bhe patient is like- ly to oonoider Ib rather on uncertain sort of treatment, of doubtful value either way. It is, indeed rather a curious thing that heat and cold oan often be used interchangeably with like effects, Extreme heat will destroy the skin, and extreme °old will do the same. Now, headache le mementoes) relieved by hot applications, and yet iu some instances it ag- gravates the trouble. In ogee of the latter, oftentintoe the cold applications will effect a onto. As a general rule a throbbing head oche, with tenderness and 00100000 of the scalp, oan beat be relieved by hob applioa Sone. Whereas, when the head feels full and "bursting." 'Ef oold be applied to the head and heat to the neck and spine, the o Seat is most agreeable. Probably one of the bee external applications whioh is most service. able in the:different forma of headache is men- thol, A oolnbion of thab ahould be made in aboub the proportion of one drachm of men- thol to ten of alcohol. It can be applied on A thin strip of cloth largeenough to oover the forehead, That ahould be kept web with the 0olution. I0 is vary cooling, and the effeoh in many oases of headache Is very agreeable from, the first. POWERFUL 00000, A score of year0 ago drags were given in quite crude forme, The pille then used were large enough to excite apprehension of suffo- option in patients obliged to take them, Un- til quite recently all.medioines have con- tained more or leen oxtraneoue matter, which added bulk, but not virtue, to them. Gradually the °herniae eliminated euoh un. ne0eesary matter, until at last drugs were furnished physicians in nearly, if nob quite, pure form, Bub he did not atop there, He next applied himself to extract• ing the active principles of medicinal agents, and now nearly all the powerful remedies are used in what we might term highly concentrated from. Aeonibe furnishes WI with a ready illustration of thie great change. The powerful leaves were once given in two•grain donee, end the extract of the same in one•halhgrain doses. At, the preeont time We have aremitine, the "100011 virtue of ahonite.In highly , oonoentrated !form, and the dose of that to; from :1'100bho to 1.200ths of a grain 'Of ,acedia, a pill of aconitine - containing. . a full dose might be made exceedingly min. oto and as a mabtor of fact it is non in very small granules. The Inference to be drawn le that, in taking medicine, one must be exceedingly careful tie fellow the phy direhtion0 "to e o oialan sthe letter." Because the piffle are small one must not assume that the can be taken redkleeol . A man not Y Y longago deceived himself in that way g ab w y with mob disastrous tanks, Hie physician ordered some ten granules, scarcely larger than bin•heads, whioh contained a vary powerful drug. lie wee maimed to take only ono, three tunas a day; but, thinktnqbo DANGER OF A LITTLE ifNOWLEDOE, The average layman considers that when ho employe a physician, he hoe the right to know what drugs are used in the treatment. He oan namely be persuaded that in with• holdingg such information hie attendant has no eelfieh motive, but does so purely in the interest of his patient, Generally the phyei- oiau is ready to give such information if he le • dealing with a preen of intelligence, but In • tette laetancee it is clearly his duty to de. oline. If a person has been muoh benefited by a oertraln drug, of nourie, if he knows the d name of it, he ie certain to recommend ib to • every friend who has a complaint like his. Or if a prescription has been given him calling tor agents whioh ho knows nothing hof, he loans his friend the empty bottle, or r copies for him the number of the label ; the same medtefne can then be obwaned of the druggist who bolds the proscription. In this t way a (treat deal of harm is often done, leading, as ib does in Dema oases, to the abuse of powerful drugs, while in others to the application of the most erroneous' treatment. The same disease in two o persons often demanna quite dietinob meth - ode of treatment; a drug, or mixture of drugs, which is initiated for one might be olearly forbidden for the other. A correct application for drugs requires a diserimin. ation whioh no non-professional oan possess, We predict that the time must come, through the multiplication of these potent neurotic medicines, ea when b e,ciane will Mkt upon the non -renewal of these potent preooriptious by pharmacists without a written order. Ib ' seems to Ea quite probable that we have limp• ly arrived at the threshold of this depart- ment of chemical work, rk and that the pro fca• Bion will be oompelledto throw additional • safeguards around the unauthorized nae of Ithese powerful agents. The Origin of Toba000, Tobacco, according to an Arabia legend translated in the "La Commedia Umana," is no older than the founder of Islam. The prophet wag once travelling moron the desert of Yemen. It was winter, and all the reptiles whioh infest the degerb were asleep. Soddenly the propheb'e burse trod upon a viper, and apparently wounded it. Mohammed, full of meroy, got down from hie horse, and taking up the viper pub it into is sleeve, hoping Saab the warmth would restore it. The viper soon began to stir. Incapable of gratitude, like,the am, pent which was in the beginning, it said to Nfohommed, "Revereoa prophet, I will bite thee 1' "Nay," replied the mild prophet, "that would be the blackest ingratitude, poor repbile, to repay a good deed with an - evil deed." "Nevertheleee," said the viper, 1'1 shall do it; I swear by God the Al- mighty that I will bite thee 1" When Mohammed heard the name of Allah b he dared not prolong the dispute, but, bowing Mie head with reverence, said- " Hie name be prettied for ever ; you and I both belong to him ; from Him we both reoeived life," and he offered the viper his hand, A violent path compelled him to fling the viper from his sleeve and to' ouree it in the name of Allah. The prophet then sucked the viper's poison from the mooned and spit it out upon the mond. A magnifl• eenb plant immediately sprang up en the spot where the prophet's sacred relive had fallen. Ono of his disciples gathered some of ibe leaves and burned them ag an offer- ing to God for the rescue of Hie prophet. Mohammed and .his oompanione were de• lighted w bin the splendid aroma of the burnt offer ng as its smoke ascended towards heaven. .From that day to this ail the faithful of I81am have taken pleasure in the plant whose taste and ?cont partaker' in au equal degree of bhe bibternoee of the viper'e poison and the sweetness of the holy prop)), eb`o spittle, Tho Bishop's Mistake. Scene -A batter's shop at the Wesb•end of London. Enter a welirkaown man about town, who hands his hat to an attendant to he ironed. While standing bare•hoaded at the counter, in comes a oerbain bishop, The latter, mistaking bhe club man for one of the ehop•walkere, gives him ,his hal,-, with the I inquiry, Have you a hot like this 4„ Tbo club'inan; in the welted pootih)d 0100000, takes the'hob, turns Ire 'ovor, examinee it closely, looks ab ib inside and out. , then,. In slow and measured tones, remarks, ” No, 1 have not; and," he adds redeobivoly, "If I had, I am hanged ff 1 would wear ib 1" Tableau I The Viot 's or (frown Should adorno the brow of the inventor of the groat Dorn cure, Putnain'e Pedaloes Cotn Extractor. It worhe quickly, novo± maims a sono spot, and is Vet the thing you want, Soo that 'poli got'utnam'e Painless Corn Extractor, the sure, safe and painless mare for corer, THE BRUSSELS POST. SHAT K% Iraveaoaa Chpreeter 01 the y',,ite and llanuner-elopded Varlet lea, Ib woe ropertcd the other week that a sailor engaged in aoruping the aides of 1 troopship In the harbor of Siorra Leone was drawn into the water and promptly devour- ed by a shark Thi" is not an uneemmon experience tool the "Standard " reminds as Ih At n boetrn io lute hens bittenin the ahort e t time i took him to dip lop a pibaher of water while hie ?rete wen under f all rail. We are aosured that it ie nothing uncommon for ravenous fish to spring a foot oat et the in order to ammo weir prey. For in they will follow a yraool, on the lookout anya t N r unF ru o nae t t who to maytumble t b or ml thrown overheard, and Bo deep do 6 swim under the surface that it requires p100010ed ay m of the natives to aeteub t presence. Many of the Wset India liar are 0o bounced by the WRITE AND RAMMER HEADED titlarks -the leash amiable of the 150 different kinds known toznolopieba-lhaoiele danger. one to bathe even a few yards from the shore without an outlay being posted. It in a well aseertaine,i fact that the akale- tons of theist), pigs, hogs, and out 'e which have fallen or been thrown overbour.l have boon recovered many days subsequently to their being swallowed ; and 10 by on 'roarti that in a stomach of a shark killed in tha Indian:ocean a lady's work -box wits found ' �14talinftraelurerw;un• - ;lira iaaoh --- . .�....-...^.-,�-._�_.,... ft10"t4Gk.f+r'x.iiiai A Bloody Affray. le often the reaulb 0f r'bad blood" In a lewdly or community, put nawhote fa .hath blood more deoruotive of heppineso and health than in the human eyqetom, When the life ourronb is foul and eleggieh wibh impurities, nod le aiooey distributing its poieone to every part of the body, the peril to health, and life even, Js )mnr]neub, ,Carly syrnpoems aro dull and drowsy feeling, severe head- aches, a o t• corolla' o a u ua appetite, [ i r rte led ee cion and general legal tad°, Delay In treat- ment may entail the meet serious cense. thelquenoes, Drn't lob disease get a strong 001 l hold nn your ooeoIlrutioo, Ifni TREAT YOUR.I flee 8EL1 by using Dr, Ptorce's Golden tried 041 for Dteoove and ho restored o t rY, e t he blemein 8 e be e of health , The Diauo er " v is OD Re • A rEED' 9 N bey t Duro o In n)] oases of dlsea e for r whin It h the heir boro a renommondel, or money paid for it will be refunded. Gents' trousers aro becoming ao wide that ib will soon be the proper thing for a lady to bake the lead In ascending a stairway. DtPierce's Pollees (the Original Little Liver Pille) have to -day the largest eale of any pills Bold by druggists. For all de rangemente of the liver, etomaoh ane] howels, they are unequaled. One a deee, 25 cents a vial• 1 A lawyer fo described as having a hard mb0allio voice and speaking with irony. Pro bahly that is Wien he le on hie mettle. A. P. 455 I while in another the incriminatory paper» which had been thrown away by a hotly - (Malted slaver were reoovered from the maw of an involuntary witness thus (seriously 1•roughl into court oa the barb of a pork. baited book. Ruyeoh, one of the moat trust- worthy of the old noturaliste, affirms that a man in mail-homo lorioatue, be calla him - was found in the etornaah ofa white shark; and it is r000rded by Blamonbaah that in one case a whole horse was found. It is un- deniable that many have been killed with ample capacity for end uodeeirable oontents; and Basil Hall Celle of ono oub of which was token TICE WHOLE SHIN OFA DDFFAL% beeidea a host of other trifled whioh had been dropped severe in the course of the previous week. Sailors are full of euperetitions whioh touch the euporhaman eagaoity and incar- nate fiendishness of this fish -how, its a00800 being sante far beyond what we can have any idea uf, it will follow abipo for days when a death le likely to ocher, and desert the wake of the vessel when no euoh good fortune for it is in the wind. Vatea, the shark god, la the lord of the ocean in the Hervey ,eland mythology, and it fa ie ere wh d th p at even the Ohrisbianized Hawaiians will still, wben in the direst ex. wawa procured, Patent Attorneys. and experts. tremity, invoke Mooaru, the shark demon • Feta 1807. Donald O Rlrlout .ti Co., Toronto. to whom their pagan forefathers erected temples and offered sacrifice. The pearl CANCER°ear°°a aclmEn, °a;etre, acok free. Dam unurrv. n divers of Ceylon employ shark oharmero to protect them while engaged in their dam. MALINS 1NTS.-Send for our 17.1 LargergoIllustratedlee Catalogue of Band rostra. manta. Violins, Guitars, Flutes, ,to., and all kind of Trimmings.Agent for 0Trenahe's and IoW 80, Playa. DEMAND'S MUSIO STORE, 87 Bing St. Wert, Toronto, Ont OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HYPOPHOSPHITES, Almost as Palatableas Milk. SO disfndcad that that -lost delicate stomach cart take it. Xternarfcablo as a8? rap- idly o p- l PRODUODIt, Persons 0.1IP rap- idly while taking IT. aeEadnepatlnoto to bhe PN80 and preparationof its. Wase for the relief or CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, Wasting Diseases of Children, and CHRONIC COUGHS. 5000 by all Drityviets, 50o. and $1.00. garotte work, Marco Polo speaks of these officials ander the name of the attire nani, who received as wages A TWENTIETH OF TILE DIVERS 041NE. At the present day they are called hal• bandi or shark -binders, and as the divers EACo1Dns oan make money during vacathin would not anter the waters without being I T by anm•aeaing for ono or mora of our loaf selling g ry ane a, W. II. Withrow, 1).11, 100006 and era0 edition ever published, prf000 low, terms llherah Write for Illustrated eironlara and terms, NM, BRIGGS, Publf:ber, Toronto, certain of their 0010±000 the chief operator 1100±060 a government subsidy of ten oyetero per diem, The Tahitians deified the blue shark under the name of "A.rkua maoo,” dedicating 10 to shrines and priests, and in west Africa rabbito•are eaorlficed to "John," while, if not sharply watched, it has been tffirmed tbat some of the tribes about the Niger delta will, at fixed times, bind a child daaerated with flowers to a poet on the beech at low tide and leave it to be devoured by the sharks which come in with the flow, drowning its cries with the noise of drums. -(Newcastle (Bag.) Chronicle • A Woman's Sweet Will. She is prematurely deprived of hercharms of fare and form, and made unabtraotive by the waiting effects of ailments and irregular- ities peonitar to her sex. To cheek this drain upon, nob only her strength and health, bub upon her amiable qualities as well, is her firth duty. This is safely and speedily ao oomplished by a course of self treatment with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Preeorlption, a 0010±00 andtont° of wonderful efficacy, and prepared especially for the alleviation of those suffering from "dragging -down" pains, sensations of nousla, and weakness incident to women -a boon to her sox. Druggists. Female barbers are not having much sue - one. Gentlemen will nob go to them be- came they diob,ke to be oue It • a lady. Conaumptio:l Surely Oared. To the Editor :- Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the shove named dimesao, By its timely use thonoande of hopeless oases have been permanently oared. I, shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have con. gumption if they will send me their Ex- press 'and x•press'and P. 0. address. Reep'y, T. A. Slocum, M. C., 164. Weer Adelaide St., Toronto. An exchange notes that "the smile is the same in all languages. Hardly. In Alexi- oan it is pulque, in Indian firewater, in E••g- lieh benzine, eto,, eta. The:Book of Luton. i Man Without Wiodom Lives in a Fool's. aradise. A Treatise especially written on Diaeaeee of Man, containing Foots For Men of All Agee 1 Should be read by Old, Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by the Sale of Ealf a Million to be the moat popular, because written in language plain, forcible and inetrnobive. Praotioa] present. ation of Medloel Common Sense. Valuable to Invalids who are weak, nervone end ex haysted, showing new means by whioh they may be Cured. Approved by °clitoris, oritioa, and the people. Sanitary, Socials Science Subjeote. Alao.gives a description of Spoof iia No, 8, The Great Health Renewer Marvel of Healing and Koh-l.noor of Medi dues. It largely explains the mysteries of life. By its teachings, health may be main- tained. The Beek will teeth you how to make life worth livin', If every adult in this civilized world would read, understand and follow our views, there would be n world of Phyoioal, Intellectual and moral Aleuts. This Book will be found a truthful presentation of facto, ohlouleted to do good. The hook bf •Luton, the Talisman of Health 1 Brings bloom to the cheek, etrongth to the body and joy to the heart, It is h message to the With and Otherwise. Lubon'oSpedi- fie No. 8, the Spitit of if math. Those who obey the law0 of this book will bo Drowned with a fadeleoo wreath. Vast numbers of men have felt the power and toetiiled to the virtue of Lisbon's Specific No. 8. All Mon Who are Broken Down from overwork or other causes nobanti e m on d in the abOY o` should send for and read this Valuable Treatise, whioh will bo send to any address, coaled, on receipt of ton Dente in stamps, to PAY pbOtago. Address all orders to M, V. Wham, room 15, 50Fronb Street E., 'Torahs. to, Canada. Backe and 01bl a especiany Histo of 0 d b CO111MEBCLtLANn SHORTHAND ROCCA° TION is a valuable acquirement for every yo mg mac and woman. Address CANADIAN Bvsrxsss 0iNtvnoDnr, Publto Library Building, Tomato, for parttonlars. THOS. UNCOMIC, ORAS, IT. 1311.00118. Presidonl. Sony & Manager, ENGF;AVING., -FOR •AIN ' 11.1.11STRATI Vit'\ &AOVER71SING ) PURPOSES.-, J. LJONES WOOD ENGRAVER_, 1'0,KING STREET EASY.* TORONTO,CANAD 4'N VSILPIL DII$INE4S COLLEGE, Guelph, A Ont. -There are no 3aoatien', t0e uollege being in nation throughout the entire year. Itseredu,,' o are meeting with dist ngniehed 0000000 es book -keep. am, business malingers she thand.writrra, court reporters, ate. Iodivid ,at Instruction ie a feature of the inst!tuftoa. Graduates a elated to obtaining positiooe. Address M. AIAo0ORMIGIC, Principal, ArtiiicialgLimbs, FOR CIRCI11AR ADUIIESP, J. DOAN & CO., 87 Northooto Ave., Toronto, Ont• AUTOMATIC SAFETY ELEVATORS Pot. hydraulic, hand'and steam elevators, LEITCH & TURNBULL, Oanadlon El ,tater Works, Peter and Queen streets, 00A21I12000, ONT Merchants, Butchers, and Trailers generally, We want a 0000 MAN. in your IooWity to pink up CALF SKINS For us, Cash Furnished on eatielaotury guorn to Address, tO. El. P8G{77, Halm Pang, Vermont, U, S. BEAVER LINE STEAMSHIPS. Sailing Weekly between 'MONTREAL and LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, M. $50, and 000. Return Twists, 880, 800 and 0U0, according to steamer and aocmmmndatioa. Intermediate 800 Round Trip Tickets, $00, Steerage, $20. Apply to IN. E. n1100R AV, General Manager Canada Ship. ping Co., 1 OueTon House S0uooe, Monra0A,, or to Laoal Agents in all Towns Ana O101es. OHJ`IS-CONS ruJiDt5EEF � THE GREAT STRENGTH GIVER is P1RFECT FOOD Ott FOR THE SICK' 'DI WARMING 18 11TRITIe1S ; EVERAGE A POWERFUL, INVI0`ORATOR IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH 4 n d Inoreaee Your tfueaular D valopment by tutting regularly JohnstonsFlnid Boo Stained Glass FOR OHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, M`OAUSLAN' D •. & SON, 76 Bing St. W.. Toronto. ARMS lo IN MANITOBA Scottish, cottlsh, MaOitoba aid NorthwWest REAL ESTATE OO., LDS, WJ Akin, Mgr, 457 Main St, Winnipeg laude in all perk of the Provineo. Low Prleee. Edey Terme: 1,1014 Sent end Fullest Intonnatfon Fur• of toed on Appllontlon. Seud ue 'nu lame end we will lean you obi deeortptive oataloguo BARKER'S SHORT AHD CHOOt,1 40 iingslrnet Cuat, Toronto, HNEY lFauwVr;aat0rSantn1narng8 00 tefvri t. Formerly, ler over Sin snare,Pdnolpe'of tate Short• 03000e0Out'lt.., A l hand t setltotoiu MD, Winn with the 0auedfan Suei i y 1•p y d 0000 00 UulvernlEy. Tyvrx rininNg do1mrtmunt order life 1 BEADY, 1, CRAMWICK, DIAKSTOCK &-CA.L ge non a btr. OLO, s,10 (00 041, a ant for Wse OAT To 8 l Dartl»ierti at , (0"00Itars, Unit I writintar. Appy for oiruular. Neutron wdllogba tla, nor. Church, fOs'or Uauk of Toronto) thte paper In welting. TORONTO. ONT. �- I 11,, pT►} The Paiubef U ] CHAR FARMS FOH SALE IN ALL PARTS pP p 1MPRGVED ,*' ;• t l : IVIANIT„ 1 • I Automatic Injector. a Parties wtohing to purel.ee Improved 31Omt010 10,0001" u • in mode ; 20.000 Fares, from 80 60000 upward(, with immediate ,r ;n u-ein the Nutlet State, They poueurelo0, call or write to C. 1. 83.(L'g$01, 00. ere aim r0 told met p a work. they furnished tree Male lee, o . IWinnipeg.tntormaWon Otho r r00ye1 while p tem, sod owe soma 10th• Thus ,urning s Erse of charge, Hud eettiura misted to start en0ynt 25 lbs, stem, and work to ]SU lbs ; Lift making selection. wa - ter 1' Out matte an renter16ng when eon rent to bollix el Id broken, Send for circular to Main ;''hilae, Feliborthy Injector Co., Detroit, Midi. Ar 00par6T ROM or INTea00T. Factories, Windsor, Can, and Detroit, Miob. A GREAT LIFE -GIVER Mention thle paper, Rept In Stook by Wateroue i -18 - Engine Co„Brantford, Ste Leon Water, Leads of testimmry an follows : I have u'ed St Lvo”, Believe it to be both =Me and refreshing. --Ray Joule Parra 1)1) Bone, mole flesh and blood -nothing ing on the European continent to equal title bulller•up e7 pW0' nod, wasted humanity; St Leon ie to snob tastier than gol4,-Drs. Witten. Cured or D ipepti6 Wes a .kaktoo, am now fat and strong,- w E Powers, Quebec. Sand lu yo r orders or 00 10 t. a Ppr1Oge In Queb. el the hunt of freak lite vitro, and joy. TUNy r LLON '. (A t 014.0 CO. Toren o. 1n. ,trent. and /towhee. Ili'd6NTANA'S WEALTH AWAI'T'S The Fanner, The Iterelutnt, Tue Of oe$nuun. The Laborer, The Miner The Dunker, The Manufacturer. An Empire Opened for Settlement, Oompdsing ria'h agricultural and grazing lands, gold, envoy, copper. lead, Iron and cool mines. Climate uo, surpassed. Mf do easy et occas? by the ST. PAUL. MINN0000Uo ec MANITOBA RT„ whioh pluses In service, bepirmieg Nov. 10011, 11 train °qulp- ntrat rrrlexee AM, furnishing' tlslendid Day Onaobeo, PAWN) ole. pars, -Free Colonist Sleepers and Surporb Dining Cara of latest design, mooing tr-In through 0011,0 fro .. St, Paul, and miaow/Ale to Great Falls, Melena and Butte, Montana, For Maps and general Information ,(quire of your own Ticket Agent, or F 1 Whitney, Gon'l Paso. and Tk't Aot., St Paul, Mice ; .1 :14 i0ucklrts, 1 Pal- mer House Brock, Too to ; or, V. C. Bussell, 8 7,1 manic Temple, Lnndon Provident Life and Live Stock Assoc'n (INCORPOlit ITE» ) hOMl, OFFICE, ROOM D, ARCADE, - TORONTO, CANADA In the Lite Department tide Aesooi,tio0 provides indemnity for ,loans, and Aoki fdr end 'u"stantial assistance to the relatives of deceased members at. terms avaitobie to all, In the Live Stook D pertinent Two Thirds in- demnity for lose of Live Storm of its members. Stud for proepeotus, claims paid oto. IYILLE M JONES, 1'onagf•,g Director Allan Line Royal Mail Steanjorips Sailing during winter from Portland every Tbureda) and !Tallier overySatnrdny to Llverpnrl, and in sum. mer from gushed decry Saturday to Livorpoohcallioe at I .donderry to laud mails and passengers tot Sco...nd and Ireland ; also from Baltimore. via HMI fax and St. John's, N.F., to Liverpool fottnlg, ly during summer months. The stammers et the Gies g0W sr t .,ail during winter to end from Balltax. Portland, Beaton and Philadelphia And during ,oto mer between Giaegow and elentreal weeklyPhllr • Gla. Env and Ho. en weakly, and Giaegow end el - Mlle fortnightly. For freight, pa8eage or other Inforraatloa apply A. 9obumnabor68 Do„Ilaltlmore; S. Canard y Co. BaAfas Shea k Ce„ St. Soho's:Nada Wm. Thump eon k Co., St. lob, N. B.; Allen ' Co., Obligee; Lav Arden Took; .ti 1 or Lars , ,few oto B. Ho 1 l Toronto., Aliane, Bee h len 090lloo i nos HTCOb18, Pbtqel. ui p+la H. A. Allan tsnrptm,d Rneh.n Honarnnl. I T. FAN E&C %, COMET N°2 TORONTO. F $6521. B I CYB E (.‘, (1A5. T. d uA q 6, MaNTnaA1, Quo TORONTO ONSERVATORY GO06RNINENT CHARTER. i 1 l0” MUSIC. MON. 0. W. ALLAN - • PRESIDENT. 1000 Total Attendanao first 2 years. All branches tough' -Instrumental and Vocal music; Elocution, Languages. Ocholarsllips, cortiecates,diplo, mos. Free Theory, Violin, Concerts and Lectures. Next Fall, organ students, besides the use of several complete church organs, can have lesson°, practice and recitals upon a GRAND CONCERT ORGAN, built expressly for the Cnnsorvatory, fn Association Hal/ SU We IJ1 ER NORMAL TEEM, July8 to Aug. re. FALL TERM OPENS Sept. 4, Send for free Calendar, Address. EDWARD FISHER, Director, tor, Yonge St. and Wilton Ave., Toronto, IIALLIDAY )SP iYDA1U) WI;YDMILLS' For eupplytng ranntnntly p_re and fresh water ,lar the totiowing purposes, via-_ Pumping 'Vater for Steak, Farm eull3Jngs, Monotone, VIIlaResidenoes Public institutions, Garden?, Green Houses,!' Town k Village 3 Waterworks, Rotels,OWleges, Ai Pumping for +'3 Railway 0±011000, P Fire Protection, .11' Irrigation, Tonoerlea, it Brawerleo, tltlra'Yr$ Se+age, Mock -- Draining Low Lands. 111.80 Me - Meted Wind. mills are made• front one man. to 5.- _:. _. forty hon rep w• .,'.., ..`". orirAmo PUMP 030.. TORONTO. ONT., CANADA. let mttlni tilts paper. er. They are perfectly eon. trallnble in galee and uniform 1.4 speed. Geared Mills for chaff cutting root, pulping, Unwiring, tow. ingwoad,grind- Ing core, otc, etc. Aleo roan. facture. sof teed grinderd,boyinl,' -tools, iron and "wood pumps and a full line of 1?. dl ,ay, Town, Farm, and Circa. meatal Water � Supply Mater;, tala Ctealogue and P. foo Llate, (,mull rdtree en, mailed tree en ?spl llcati^.n to hal; d.. 1:Al CURE HTS! • When 1 56100na 1 do not mean merely uW stop them for a tlmo, and then have them re- turn again. I artt1N A RADIUS. CURE;. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS A lite long study. I WARRANT my remedy t8 mita the worst eases. Beeauso others have tootled is no reason for 'Mom receivingacure. Send atones for a treatise and a FREE BOTTLE. of mVINFAi,r,inme $16arEDy. Glare Express and leoat Ofllce. 10 costs you nothing ler a Wel and it will cure you. Address H. G. ROOT, 80,0 , 164 West Adelaide et.. q TORONTO, ONT, illlilll ,i IIF vim im IN01rIIG Ililltllllllllitlll 01111111110 111,111(1 AGENTS WANTED. A GENTS 'tV4.701'l(b—Wo bavo Sold over a°-5 000 .t1I- worth cf the bnivereal Cooking C. ricks In Ontario, 90 qui, fly that you hove never beard of it, and the Bale 001]1 oontinuoa April end !fay bare been the btet tomtitsthat we hove ever had Canoe. One reason of this Immo Is that we have lost begun to reach the forming communities. For two yenr0 we have been confined to the cities and larger towns, where we have met with deserving sue. eves. The UN1000108AL 0800005 enperesdes -Il other ,towingf, end br7Hng cooking utensils 11 YOU SVANT EMLPLOYMENT,. or a Nen•Durntrg Acid. Proof Kettle. send for our circular, fully explain- ing its use nod oonstruoWm,. Remember tbiif le a Standard Artlole, not anovelty. TARBOX BROS., 611 KING ST. W:, (O'd N0, 483) TORONTO ONT. • 0.8.—Wo sell the "Triumph Salf-WriugingMope,". Somplee85c, ENGINES, BOILERS, i WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS 00.1 BRANTFORD AND WINNIPEG. SAW MILLS. ONE OF MANY BATTERIES OF LiOtLERB FURNISHED LUMIREMENI 00' ve SEND Pon 0± ROU LA P3 AND ESTIMATES. Confebcratio 'I'ORONTCO., OVER •e $ AND CAPITAL. SIR, W.' p, R O W L AN D, President. !I. e, 1 itienoNAto, Wm, 0LL10T, F„ 0000(38110, , [ de fi 24.4.0RONAMA Aarcaat. 1 Vtow.,P0001 mrrs l 1t Natr;xa 0hX010fQbu. ,