HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-6-28, Page 6New Advertir,ornents Locoln . A. Veal, Locals • Buss B'us. Foetid This oflioe. Locals Adam Gond. Local—Mrs. Alexendsr. Strein,l las, knight. Paris,,ncm--•J. T. Pepper. Iee oream--J. Y S. Kirk, Looal —W. Nightingale <C Co. Reform meeting -4. 11, Smith,, Writing material --G. A. 1)e admen. and liON.ed it up and rank it, Ae soon as it was known what he bad dune efforts I were made to give biro emetics, but he resisted, and the service of Chief Paieley was called. Ile al'reetod the man and took him to the Council Chamber, where medical aid was quickly auurinoned, and the doctors used a stomach pump, after whin!( be tune pub in the lookup. Abnnt 3 o'clock he wail found in a bad state. Ile was brought into the Council Chain, her end a doctor administered stimulants. A matrass lyes procured and a Are put on, and everything possible was done, but he quietly sank, and died about 5 o'clock. While iu the cell be had battered his head badly against the walls or bars. His friends are supported to live in Stret- ford. lix115StiZ o t. FRIDAY, <TUNE 28, 1889. A :luiinau of County Orange Lodges are firing het shot at the "soft soaping" of the Grand Ledge in oonnootion with the resolution condemning the Orange- , men who voted for the Jesuits Estates' Act, The Orange Sentinel is also catoh- ing it. AT a reuent meeting of the county conn. cil of Lambton, it was decided to erect a house of refuge. A committee was ap- pointed to take what steps it considered necessary for its erection, to select a site of 50 or 100 acres, as it may think best, to provide plans and estimates for build- ings, prepare the neoeesary bylaw for issue of debentures to raise the money require!. and in alt matters in oomeo. tion nit', the work to make snehprepara- tions as itmay think 111 its management necessary. This is a move in the right direction as an institution of this class is wanted in almost every county iu On• tario. A populous and wealthy county like Huron should not be much longer without one. Tan new Dominion Voters lists are now in course of revision, and it behoov. es every man who is entitled to vote to see that his name ie on the list. The Lists have been printed at the new Gov- ernment Bureau in Ottawa and aro said to be very defective. At any rate, names are sure to be miss polled or omitted, so that no one should take it for granted, as with municipal and Ontario lists, that' his name is on the roll because it ought to be there. And this matter should be looked after before the 1st of August. Applicationsto place names on the new Dominion voters, lists must be made by presenting declarations to the Revising Officer between June lab and August 1st. The Revising Officer is ex• pected to take from the assessment roll the names of all persons who are shown there to possess the necessary quali6e cations, i, e., owners, tenants, occupants, etc., of the value 4300 in cities, 5200 in towns, and 5150 in townships and vil- lages. The assessmentrolls will rob show the names of farmers' son., owners sons, tenants sons, theme vetei'9, etc„ as possessing the qualifications to cantle them to be placed on the Dominion voter()' lis+s; Prom; 92 9:1 >).:half of, at+ Inch (this applies (dat) td1 fawners, ten- ants, ate., into May possess the qualifi- cations, although assoased too low) de- clarations should be procured and filed with the revising Officer before the 1st of August. Get on before the first of August. It will be much easier for all concerned if this is done, and save a lot of trouble afterwards. Declarations can be made before a Judge, Commissioner, Notary Public, Justice of the Pe'ioe, Mayor, Reeve or Municipal Counoillor. It is almost certain that the Dominion voters' lists now being prepared will be used at the next gevoral election, when- ever that election may take plane. Baron County. His Honor Judge Toms, of Goderich, has been re-elected D. D. G. M. of the Oddfellowe of Huron. Rev. R. T. Burns, deputy postmaster at Kingston, was Tuesday committed for trial on a charge of larceny. Last week Postmaster Fair, of Clinton, left for a trip to the land of brown health and shaggy wood and stalwart men and bonnie lassies. A man named MoGoy swallowed an ounce of Paris green along with some liquor, at Clinton, Tuesday, and died in spite of all efforts to save him. A baso ball game was played at Mitchell on Thursday afternoon between Exeter and Mitchell, resulting in favor of the former club, Score, 19 to 4. A meeting of the directors of the Can- ada Coaoh Ilona Society was held in the Albin Hotel, Goderich, last week. There were present, John Gillum, London ; D. M. ;Ratcliffe, Seaforth ; Andrew Young, Carlow ; John Essery, Exeter ; D. Fish. er, Jno. Aikenhead, Dr, Whitely and Jas. Mitchell, Goderich. A large amount of routine business was transacted, and steins taken to extend the advantages and claims of the Society amongst breeders of coach steak. A conitnitteo was ap. pointed to extend and complete the working rules of the Society and report at the annual meeting, which it was de- cided to hold et London on Friday, D' eoember 0th. Two young men, William Fuel Robert Fleming, were brought before Mayor Whitehead and W. W. Farren, J. P. of Clinton, on Tuesday charged with steal- ing a heifer from A. J, Courtioe, Godo- rioh township. Wm. Fleming was also charged with stealing a Iamb tho pro- perty of IL, J. Hibbs, Prisoners pleaded guilty on all the charges and were corn• mitted for trial et the next court of conn. potent jnriscliotion. Aftor the two form. er had been committed a young roan named Moffat was arrested and coin- ' witted fou being concerned in the steal. ing of tho lamb. All throe wore taken 1 up to Gabriel] jail Tuesday evening in charge of constable Paisley and Tod. ford. About 9,90 on Tuesday morning a man Warned lbleCoy, o Clinton, while under the indite/me of liquor, percbnecrl an 4ceestom til. The aunnal Caledonian games will be held oneSept. 8rd, Collegiate Institute entertainment on Friday evening of this week. Bev. Wesley Casson will succeed Rev. J. E. Howell, and Rev. T. W. Cosens will be the assistant pastor, in the Methodist church here. A little daughter of Robt. Johnston lied a very nine operation performed upon her last week. The child had been sick for about three weeks. First she had in. gemmation of the lungs, which waa fol- lowed by matter forming in the chest. This threatened to cause the death of the child from suffocation. The pus, the doctors said, would neyer be absorbed, hence the only oure was to cut in between the rib, r:id let the matter out, which was done. A tube was inserted and the matter washed out every day. The little girl at last accounts was doing well. She will likely recover all right. The Sur says:—"On Monday evening as the 0:15 eastern express was approach- ing a gentleman and lady were seen driv. ing furiously, apparently attempting to pass the moviogtrain. Spectators looked on with hover and were completely para- lyzed on seeing a wheel fly off the buggy and, expecting to see the mangled remains of the occupants, closed their eyes, and next moment were surprised to see the aged couple still sitting in the buggy, the axle trailing on the ground and the horse trotting up street. The lady and gentle- man of this thrilling adventure and provi- dential escape from instant death are Mr. and Mrs. Oke, of Hallett. The horse, becoming frightening at the sound of the whistle of the locomotive, started on a run and Mr. Oke, having had his arm broken recently, it was weak, and his wife, icnewine, his inability to hold the horse, seized the lines and succeeded in stopping the horse opposite Mr. McGinnis' store. The epeetatore seemed more hurt than the heroine of the thrilling adven- ture and miraculous escape. < PLUM, General Blacksmith, wishes to intimate to the public generally that he does all kinds of Blacksmithing in a Workmanlike Mannar. Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters made to Order. Repairing promptly Executed. I make a Specialty of Horse -shoeing. A Call Solicited. t"Iiemember the Stand. 3500 1 THE BRIDGE, 21 S. Plum,. Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in my !lands for Investment on real estato. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. GOOD NEWS TO This AFFLICTED ! No family who knows the power of —JAMES HIRST'S— Pa in Exterminator will be without it in their house. They know it to be a family physioian. It is both an internal and external remedy. Pain cannot remain where it is properly applied. The lame who have used orutall- es from 2 to 12 years have thrown them away by the use of it. Referenoes can be given that different blind persons have had their sight restored to them by the use of it when the optio nerve was not injured. It is good for inflammatory and chronic rheumatism, gall stones, neural. gia, toothache, songhe and colds, earache and all other aches and pains. PRICE 25 CENTS. Sold by druggists and coun- tlymerchants. Prepared and sold whole- sale, by James I-Tirst, 85 Park Street South, Hamilton, Ont. n813 -4m A WONDERFUL LA14EJ 02E WATER DOEIH GOOD 1.11(0 A MEDlCINc ,flu A °E„?4''J', r4.7)7,1UJ1<1J4 snttlxcl'noM Nnsv 1/01{14.u. YAM'S llespectfully, , THE 13.F USSELS POST J1oNr `28, 1889. :swz��a�s�r�z�er�vr�.,>�:r.r�•rscw�t�.,�.^tray;�u:ex��:a�c�>��cm�.�:re� -r.:_ - m,a.a: p�s,a MHECOOK'SBESTFRIEND 9 i�tj 3•nl t .-Y �s MEAT MARKET, ;Weir Street, - llrusscls ANDREW CURRIE, PROPRIETOR. Fresh AND Salt Meats Of the boat quality always on baud and de- livered to any part o1 the village free of ()barge. Terme very favorable, FAT CATTLE WANTED! Nor which the biChest market price wnl be paid, I also maks a specialty of buying rues en<i Skins. Don't forget the place next door to Fletcher'sJewelry Store, A. CURRIE• Baby Carriazes Baby( Carriaig°ek A I �- IAGBis Handsome Display of Baby Carriages in all the LATEST' STYLES, and sold at Call in and See our Stock before you order elsewhere. Buggy Rugs, Dusters, Fly Nets, TT'liips, always on hand. Splendid Assortment of Trunks, Valises and Satchels in Stock. H. Dennis, T. FLETCHER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLE.R. Thanking the imbibe for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, We are opening out fulllines in GOLD & L f 1 WaAICH a. SILVER PLATED WARE from established and reliable makers fully warranted by ne. Clocks of the Latest Desgin.s. am NV V : Wedding Rings, Ladies Gem Ringo, Broaches, Earrings, $e Also have in stook a full line of Violins and Violin Strings. &e. N. B.—Iesuer o Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, �LLr1V LINE, '89 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. '89 LIVRRPOCL AND AVON SWIM Money to Loan; Aro/10Y to Loam on Farm 1'ro- perty, at LOWEST RATES] PR1vA'rg AND COMPANY FUNDS DIOKSON cC: HAYS, Solicitors, Brussels, Ont. ONFI"rO LOAN! Any _Aracd,nt of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 cG 6 Pei'Oent. Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Cleric, Brussels. He As in past years, 1 am pre- pal'ed to buy any quantity' of GooD FLEECE WOOL, at the very Highest Market Price in CASH 1 Also Grain of all kinds. Farmers will find it to their advantage to market their Wool and surplus Grain in Brussels. I also take this opportunity to inform my Friends that during the com- ing Season I will he found at the AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS every clay (where my office now is) ready and willing to buy what Produce you may have to offer. Robt. Graham, May 18th, 1889. 44.12 100,000 Lhs.'OOL Wanted For Season of 1889. CASH ��`�- PM • • I am prepared to pay the high- est Cash Prices for good fleece Wool delivered at the Listowel woolen !Mills. Having boon 15 yearsin business here, it has always been my en- deavor to pay higher prices than the market allows, and in the Purer myaniworr. ramAainn• 1 ,queer gonna°. past years have paid city market 1171-29 OSfroassion Juno 19 May 00 Parisian , prices. Wool being so low in June 0 one 20 Polynesian Juno 27 price it will afford me pleaSUre June A f0arthageaian price, Sardinian July 11 to pay the Highest price going. rano 27 *Circassian Jul 19 July 4 Parisian July 20 July ll PorAug.July 18 1.Ua yagOslou Au 1 July 20 Sardinian Ang.is Aug, 1 *Circassian Aug, 22 Aug. ug,10 Parisian Aug. 22 Aug. Polynesian Sept.O Aug.22 •, Oarthn genian Aug,0 Sardinian Sept.10 Sept S.— .............. ',Circassian a Sept. 20 Sept. t. 12 Parisian Polynesian Oat, 1t 0 RATES 0P PA805510 BY MAIL, STEAli- )0115 —Qin n o To LIvEnPoiL. • Cabin GO, 70, and 00 dollars a:cording to accommodation, Servants in Cabin 50 dol- lars, Intermediate, 80 dollars, Steerage, 20 collars, Return tickets, Cabin, 110, 100, and 150 dollars, Intermediate, 00 dollars, Stoorago, 40 dollars. *sly Circassian or other ostra steamers. Cabin, 00, 00, and 70 dollen, aocordina to rte. uourmo,itdetion, Intatmodsate s0 dollars. 190dollars, `Ilsitoormeciiatoi00 dollars. Ott110, Sten - ego 40 dollars, ITho CAn'l'I1AMONTAN will not carry passengers from this side. There will bo no steamer carryingpassengers from Quebec May 80tH, July 41, Aug. 9th and dot, nen Moron - emend wishing to emb embark atom retreat, will leave Toronto by Tuadday morning's Ivx- i 'css, arriveatMontreal about 8 t,,m„ find go on board any time befuro midnight, AT,80 AGENT Pion Till: UTE STAR ADD WEAN BINDS In exchanging wool for goods will allow a few cents more. Will also guarantee to sell my goods at cash prices. I don't have two prices ---cash and trade—my rule is one price only. Running the year round enables rue to carry a large stock.. This year having a larger stock than usual, will offer you The Best Stock of Twc 1 In Ike Donate. ton to Clwescfront. Double and Twisted Full Cloths Itf,ANN;1LS. BLANKETS, All (loads of ilte Newest Patterns and limiest Designs. Colpo early with your Wool and you will fincl us ready and will- ing to give you our best atton- tion. Wo will 1)c happy for you to Inspect Goods and Prices be- fore disposing of your wool, :f remain, otrlleo of Palle recti tock it le a hotel r Y". I��a(1103, green, eyly ItEI.a1[1 �o it<�� ?, 1,V, tic 'itt-Iriat, Agent. 4:1-31118 LISTO' EL. ETHEL ST AO FLOUR LLL The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in First -Class Running Ordei and will be glad to see all his Old customers and as many now ones as possible. P1Q11.r alld Fend „4.11Wa7s nand. Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. �IlO('i�ll i@ WIVE. MILJ-'V _L'-1. �rmers See the New Noxon Binder Drill 1- AXES ANn MOWERS. CC CC I\ OXON CC CC GEMINI ¶ILKINSJN PLOW8, -:- Davis Sewing Machines, Stoves, Tinware, &c., at JAG SO �R, Se LS. BETTER IE%VS FOR TilE The Brussels Woolen Mill wants to get 500,000 LBS. OF ', OOL either for CASH or in exchange for Goods, -,- The Highest lIarket Price Paid in Cash is and a Few Cents More in Trade, We have a Fine Assort - anent of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blankets, 'Sheet- ing, 1nitted, Goods, Yarns, +h, e, All Wool loft with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or other- wise, will have our prompt attention. SATISFACTION GUARANT'D 11° Wo wish to remind the Farmers that tho "Woolen Mill Store" in Brussels is not connected with THE BRUSSELS WOOL - 111' MILL, but 28 sellt)arl Goons I')'ont the Listolucl 11.Iill, which we consider a great advantage to the Fanners of this Locality, as the two Stores are side by side and the Goods and Prices can easily bo compared. We nu 'YOUR OBEDIENT SERVANTS, GE O. HOWE & rC� foo f {� BRUS'7L.,L.iJn •