The Brussels Post, 1889-6-21, Page 8.• 6 11 you do you can '1 H E BI-RJSSELS POST _ s,�tpz�caeilca�Aktirdaa.'agctl"tlar'a ,. -,..._ �sar�ttazarnxtrsxaxat.,w;seair.�,c:�r�sr.'�"+ovr:'�^,r,lrral.:a�..ctuarasrnc'rast�areamtv>:r:.. S&VE by using a FOUNTAIN PEN 1 We are agent for what we believe to bo the best make. You can write all day with one filling, and, with proper care, should Last alifetime, We can rofer you to a dozen or moro wbo have or aro using these pens. Do not be misled by getting inferior kinds. We guarantee every pen sold to give satisfaction. G. A. DEADIJAN, Druggist and Fancy Goods Dueler. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Aoer0RRN EXTENSION, W. 0. li: R. n. Treiasleave Brussels Station, wort and south as follows:— Gettig South, ollows:—freingSouth, Gulag North. ,mail......, —7:02 a.m. I Mixed 8:00 a.m F.xprees......11:46 a.m. Mail 8:06 p.m Miami 8:65p.m. 1 Express 0:45p.m K.o.rzt.t Reivs Items, A ohiel's among yo Lakin' notes Au' faith he'll prent it. BEST machine oil at Gerry's. Cass for Eggs at MoCracken's. BrNnlxa twine 14 canto. B. Gerry. FRESH strawberries at The Restaurant. FOURTH Division Court on Thursday of next week. BAoeanls in watches, cloaks and jewel. ry at J. Jones'. DON'T miss the bargeioe at Ross Bros• for the next 30 days_ Mos. Roar., BURNS is visiting her daughter at Blyth. Omae, PELnaB and family have re. moved to Preston. Mess BRACintNRIDOE, of Godsrieb, is visiting Mrs. Thos. Haycroft. Erns. TAYLOR and son, of Seafortb, were visiting friends in town this week. Ramos to watches and jewelry prompt. ly attended to at Jas. Jones'. A NEW buggy for sale. Will take good borse in exchange. B. Gerry. Mno. DUTTON, of Stratford, is visiting her daughter, hire. G. A. Deadman. Ross Boos. will sell clothing and gents' furnishings at cost for the next 80 days. ARTHUR VEAL wants to exchange Furni- tura or a splendid new Top Buggy for a good horse. Mlee GREEN, milliner at In C. Rogers', has been sick for over a week with pleurisy. Ix will pay any person to call and see Geo. Love ,t Co's FornitoreRoom. New Goode and new Prices. LEATHEBDSLE's is the headquarters in Brussels • for Furniture, Undertaking, Sewing hlaohines and Organs. lessonALL combinations are now the order of the day and considerable time is spent, or wasted, by some of our oiti- zena in guessing out the four successful teams in 1130 day's play of the Internat- ional Association. CAPT. HAYS, Lieut. Shaw and 40 red coats left Brussels station on Tuesday noon for Carlings Heights, London, to attend the annual drill. They will be envoy 10 or 12 days. THE POST has a • special reporter on the groonde. Ix reply to numerous enquirers we stats that Rev. 11. Swann will preach in Brussels the two next Sabbaths, leaving for Glencoe, where he purposes residing, about the 4th or 'aril of Jnly. Rev. Mr. Sellery will be here to tape his work on the first Sunday in July. A snEE'rrso of the Committee appointed at the recent anti.Jesuit meeting will be bald in the Council chamber on this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. The to - port of the delegate to the Toronto Con- vention will be given and other business transacted. LAST Tuesday the following ladies were tioketed by T, Fletcher for rho West ;— Miss Tamura, of Grey, to Brandon ; Miss Town, of Buffalo, to Winnipeg ; Mise Annie Ross, of Brussels, to Deloraine ; and Mrs. Joseph Smith. of Morris, to Saltooates and Neepawa. We wiob them a eafe and pleasant journey. WRLL.DI0OtxG AND DRniLye.—George Birt has ail the neoessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is proper. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in 0 way that will insure satisfaction. Wells • cleaned out and put in proper thane. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 48.11 Oniaonr.—It will be of interest to our cricket loving subscribers to hear that the London C. C. propose to inaugurate a "Cricket week," from the 10th to 24th of August. As London has two 'good grounds, the "asylum" and the "London" a large amount of eriokeb will be got through with, and the ',cranks" will revel in a protracted aeries. London, 11Tfddleeer, Huron, Lambton and Perth will take part. The selection of a country team for Huron has been entrusted to the Brussels club. House or RsecaL. The report of the committee of. the County Counofl of Huron on the House of Industry hes been published in pamphlet form. The matter hes been revised by Messrs. planning, Silber and the Clerk and is made up of et large amount of of infor- mation, statistical end other, clearly showing the economy as well as humanity of pr ovndlnH Snellh an institution atio n for this county. We are indebted to County Clerk Adamson and Reeve Groben for copies of this really 880101 null intelli- gent presentation of a subject in which every resident in the county is interested. Rev. M. McKoanni gave a most hi. teroeting sermon in Melville church last Sabbath morning. Taking for This text Nehemiah 6:3, he spoke of the groatnese of rho missionary enterprise, illustrating and enforcing his theme in a manner that was mock aPp)actat ed and Will be lona rome)nbered by the largo audience whrtb lietoned to him. In the afternoon he addressed the two Proobyterian Sab- bath echoolo it; Mel villa ehuroh, and in $h3' everting preached another vigorottr 1 mission Knox rinso orae c1 missions inTi o. oh rr ot c h , •3lfj M02ienzio will bo ordained next Soh• bnllt id °resent street churth, Montreal, anal will proceed to Scotland early in July. 1Te tnpeobs to Men i-Ional, China, ' in Septemb0r, CLnnxn,t oale f•'r the next 30 days Rosa Bios 1Vt1. VANSTt111: hits boort on the si Het thi. wui Ir your watch •?ori t run right take to Pao. 30008. He'll sob It right. Mos and tics to no end, which m0 be soldduring the next 80 days at Re Bros. A noon people's service will bo hold in Melville church next Sabbath morn- ing. EAsr Huron Conservatives will meet in Convention, ttt Brussels, on Friday, 28th inst, CALL and get a twenty dollar suit for fifteen dollars for the next 80 days at Ross Bros, ALF, Lowsm went to Toronto on Tues. day. Ho will probably remain there for a time, Miss L. Onrtzn and Bliss Emma Cal. bick aro going to' Toronto ou Saturday for a visit. 75 coifs in advance secures THE POST for the balance of 1880. Now is the time to subscribe. J. W. Snow arrived home from Torou. to last Saturday. He left for London with the volunteers on Tuesday. Caer, KENNEDY and Lieut. Mulholland O,re now in command of the Brussels corps of the Salvation Army. You can get any kind of Sewing Maobines or Organs at Leatherdale's at rock bottom prices. T1fISTLEs.—Men's long Boots only $1.50 for plowing in and working among Hustles. Ladies' toe Slippers 750. An.tu Goon. FARMERS, you oou get ell the Furniture you want now and pay for it next winter with sawlogs or wood, at Geo. Love dt Co's, Now calved oow for sale, also a sot of singe harness, as good as new. Apply to Jas. Walker, Carriage maker, Brussels, BEATTIE BROS. have purohasod a very handsome running mare from a Listowel horse fancier. She carne up loot Satur- day- "Ir atur.day.Ir you want e. New Raymond Sewing Machine go to R. Leatherdale. He will sell you cue for 029.00. I paid $35 for mine." SIx ootave organ for sale. Cost $150, will sell for $75. Good as new. May bo seen at Mro. J. W. Shiel's residence, 48.4ins Goo. Rooters. Jas. Bnasmin,11as gone on a visit to his aunt, who resides in the State of Michigan. He will be absent for several weeks. Tunny O'Noix, left for Toronto last Friday with a carload of driving horses. Among the number was his own trotting horse 'Billy." AN old landmark is being removed by the tearing down of what was formerly Melville thumb. The building and lot belong to D. Stewart. ,SIXTEEN members were received into full connection with the Methodist oburoh at the close of the evening service last Sabbath. Bins. Anaxexnon wishes to inform her customers that she has removed her mil- linery and residence to rooms above the postoffcce, Brussels. MEI. PsANN VANSTONE returned from Walkerton this week where she wee see• ing her relatives off to the N. W. T., where they purpose residing. LAST Friday evening the Brussels Baud eerenaded our lately arrived towns- man, Chris. Ziliiax, proprietor of the Central Hotel, and were most hospitably treated. Ir all the pupils write at the Entrance Examination, to be held at Brussels, that say they are tbero will be a very large plass. Bolding the examination here ap- pears to be a popular move. Pea3rans, why pay an agent running from house to house $10 or $12 moro for a sowing machine than you can buy one for in Brussels 7 R. Leatherdale will sell you a New Raymond for $22. ON THE WINO.—As 1 am on my rounds putting Sewing Machines and Organs in order please let me know where to drop n, by sending me your card, and I will wait On you. T. Mown, Brussels. LAST Friday evening Jas. McIntosh got a bad rap between the eyes while catch - ng behind the bat in a practice game of asebalt on Viotorin Square. Pitcher Grower was in the box at the time. THE contract of supplying $200.00 worth of gravel and putting the same on he boundary between the townships of Morris and Grey will be _total; the Queen's Hotel, Bruossls, on Friday aftornoon of his week. ALL ordero for teaming left of J. G. keno's or A. M. McKay R Co's store ill be promptly attended to. All orders or garden plowing left with the above amed gentlemen will receive prompt at. ention. 80 HENDERSON BAWL Goo. Love (4 Co. will furnish team and three -seated rig to carry the bearers for 11 funerals in village, free of charge, awe as heretofore. We wish to be dun inotly understood. Matters nob who oes the undertaking. J. L. STURDY, who has been engaged in he grocery business here for the past ear, will remove to Harriaton, whore ho ill take charge 01 the hotel formerly euaged by hem. Mr. Sturdyhae proved ineself a very worthy citizen while reef. ant in Brussels. A JOINT meeting of citizens and Dom. ittee, to arrange final details for the lebration of Dominion day in Brussels, ill be held in the Council Chamber to. igllt (Friday) at .8 o'olook. D81 ' the tizens turn out iu large numbers and ake this celebration worthy of Bruin is, Tits program of Dominion Day at russets promisor to bee most enter- ining one. What with baso ball, lac. see, athletic sports and n grand con - art, with plenty of Braes Band 'vusto tersperoed a good day's amusement and mute should ine.enjoyed. See posters. Jxo, Rr11.0L, the new baseball catcher, rived in town last Monday. A praotiae ma as played credo on Tuesday ithstanding the disedyantags ofd° ore ger, Mr. Rymal did very satisfactory 0rlt and promises to fill the bill, He is biackernith by trado and will work in T, Hunter's shop, Tun Stratford Herald says :—Tho a rages of the new' grub which has • at. cited the onto aro evidently not oonfin. to ibis locality, as the following from o Sarnia Canadian will show 1•—The 0rm tbat Ipso been doing so much mage In tho arm ids in this locality 1s more a cut rm than ro wire worm. It is a grub out a half or three fourths of an inch ug, a0 hinge round Its a elate pencil and r0wn in oollor, It Works in fields where (1 or etU b ihlClns'h V t lrnedOVC' 1 las t 11 Ta , e latest advices indicate that it lots mmeimed to work in wititor Wheat, s'11080 of p10oednr0 is to 001 of/ the ado doss to the root and make a clean sop wherever it goes, at Tr is expected that Thos. Farrow, ex - 1 w' two, of th I I 111 r t a YDst 1 stet 11I na s p n el atlitul:::olaulhca. Iirs appuuhtmtnt is` lt( anti factiu•y to the pu)r111 gmn, .ply it and is a thousand fold butter than per. witting the office to 11111 into the 'tempo of et some of the applicants. as Rev. admix F snerson, the first pastor of Melville church, anti now of Denver, Colorado preached to his congre- gation last babbetbn veningoldHienoe mon, 2.111011 was based on Philippians 2 12-10, Wee a powerftl exposition of Goo. pel truth and will set not a few thinking for many a day. Tho attendance at the service was large. M. Ferguson visited the General Assembly in Toronto this weak and leaves next week, a000mpanied by Mrs. Ferguson and Miss MoCalmel, to visit old frionds in Montreal and the East. Fnloar of next week is the day set apart by the Trustees of the Brussels Cemetery .when persons owning lots or baying friends interred are asked to go and aid in straightening up head stones, planting flowers and shrubs and improv- ing things generally. People are caution. ed against digging sod or removing earth from Dither the walks or plots belonging to another. By eaoh family giving a helping hand once a year in beautifying the cemetery a decided and vory neves. nary improvement could soon be made. Take note of the date, Friday, June 28th. Donrylox Dar Ar Bausssns Tbere will be a big day's sport on Monday, July 151, at Brussels. Iu the morning a metal game 01 base ball will be played between Ethel and Jamestown. Al 1 o'clock a game of lacrosse, Listowel vs. Brussels, tattoo place, to be followed by what pro. 'vises to be a very closely contested and exciting game of base ban between the O. T. C's. of London, and the Brussels club. Athletio games and sports are also on the program and a Band concert at night. Cheap faire on the railway. If you want to spend a pleasant day vi sit Brussels on the 1st. b tl S t a s d Y w m 11 a xn 00 N el SO 13 to TO 0 in pl ar ga r. fin w 0, W r to ed th w de de 1v0 ab la b. SO Th It er bporting Column. • Hamilton has not won a game fro Detroit this eeasan. Brodie, of Hamilton, threw a ball 18 yards on Saturday. The American Derby will be run a 'Washington Park, Chicago, next Satu day. Wm. O'Connor, the champion oarsma sails for England on the Germanic on th 20th. London has fined Diokeisou $100: an laid him off, without salary, for intent peranoe. Rochester is the first club of the Inter national League of 1889 to bo abut ou without a hit. Manager Chapman has promise1 t take the Syracuse Stara to California i they win the pennant. Oo Saturday the Wroxeter Club playa two matches, defeabiug Jamestown by 1 to 6 and Harriaton by 6 to 4, a very ere ditable day's work. Sanderson an Kaeeke were the Wroxeter battery. A player named Gregory, of the Back worth Cricket Club, near Newcastle Eng., accomplished a clever feat 111 other day. In a match against New castle East End he took eight wickets i eight overs for no runs. There was a large gathering of• sport on the baseball grounds of Dundurn Park Saturday afternoon to witness race against previous records by Boyd the Woodstook sprinter. Boyd covered 100 yards in 9 4.5 seconds. If the attendano in Boston continue as at present the 73 League games there will attract 370,000 people. Boston has paid visiting g s In club 12 0 00 this e $ season and netted biorself 050,000. She has also won 19 out of 23 gamos at home. John Teenier bus taken up his quarters at Boston, Mass. He is said to be look- ing and rowing well, and to bo confident of surprising the world before the soason is out. He contemplates challenging the winner of the O'Connor -Searle race. At the athletic meeting of the Schuyl- kill Navy in Philadelpbia on Saturday, W. L. Condon, of the Now York Athletic Club, broke the record by throwing the twelve -pound hammer standing, onehand, 110 ft. 11, m. W. J. M. Barry's record throw was 114 ft. 8 in. Wm. Arneson, Toronto, Athletic Club, won the running high jump at the West. ern championship meeting at Detroit ou Saturday, covering 5 ft, 5 in., D. F. O'Brien, of Detroit, being second with li 11, 4., and J. Van Inwagon, of Chicago, third with 5 ft. 8 in. There were eight contestants. The Tecumseh base ball club of Lon- don visited Brantford on Tuesday and played with a picked team from that and other places, among whom were Young, of the Indiana State League ; J. Hewer, of the Ohio League ; Hayes, of Philadel- phia; Cookman, of Guelph; Livingstone, of Toronto ; 1Vhetmoro, of Michigan, and others. The game resulted in favor of the London by 29 to 3. BASEBALL RECORDS, INTnnNAT10NAL, INTERNATIONAL, Won Lost WOn Lost Syracuse.,,.., 24 0 1ooheetor „. 18 20 Toronto....., 10 18 Loudon . 15 18 Toledo,....,,.. 10 19 Hamilton 12 25 Detroit 10 14 Buffalo,..,..,, 11 25 NATIONAL. Aeoa01ATIoN. Won Loeb wbo Loeb Boston 90 30 Bt, Louts,.,..... 85 10 Clovulaud . ,, 2O 15 Athletics......... 82 10 Philadel bra25 17 Brooklyn 80 10 New York...—. 02 17 Baltimoro 27 22 Ohioago 10 25 Oinolunatti..,., 24 25 Pittsburg...•17 15 Kansas City,,, 21 26 Indianapolis.,19 28 Columbus 18 28 Washington.., 1t 98 Loui0vi110 8 43 The dight from St, Thongs, distance 100 miles, for the gold medal given by the Ariel Homing 01176, took place on Saturday. The birds w0ro liberated at Ileal -past two by S. 0. Perry', of St, Thomas, and the first bird owned by Mr. Hugel, Guelph, , was ro s g , s utod in two sv 0 hours aux thirty-five mrnules after liber. onion. This woo followed two minutes later by one of Jamas Wright's birds, and the third bird was presented by Alex. Do La Porte six minutes after tho win - nom, Tho ran wa s a most s ' atlafactory one, not one bird being lost, and the time Was exoolieilt, tri'(: lid r'161 Net Wm). The exports of gold from Now York loot week amounted to $4,580,848. Three employees of the train wrookod near Armagh, Ireland, ,nre beingltoee. outed on a Oliarg5 of felonious killing. Thom Was °heavy main on BIonday nn Wooten Minnesota and Bodoni Dakota, It will vote ova of great benefit to growing grain, Jolo1 B, Bonny has boon arrested at Boston, chargged with embezzling 14,800 from Ma Wells Pitrgo Express (.o'n an at San Franelsmo.. p p y u ,5_..,,,T o i•»titttcfb4lm IST 4" gra, iCI0W i'.1'11AY1!iD ON TITIN 1 J phurey, of May pili.und81,. ed Lot 10 enter3, Oro'-, on lhc, lrt 1' hh 1to0 tui unFMP and ',MOO 1111'S. '1'h•.r c , u to r,'. 01555/55 to Provo property, Bait (tion pans and tak0 her away, 1)UNCAN TAYLOR. nr't 1 :. and ell a fever are u1 1 r S ti16 1,1 1 3 !.'.1�. Sixteen loaves of bread for a donor in W innipeg, L ambton Comity Council will erect a house of refuge. ' The '(tel Bruce Destitute lh L ue Lnrlhot lu., rt to s ) it ( 51Wu1 ra T pi o m iso 1 I se l u nesdny. American horse buyers aro nerol)00. ing largely in Uha vicinity of Bo110- .011e. The sawlog drive on rho Moira will this year exceed tbat of any former year. Tie County Council of Wentwortl, voted $300 to aid the flood 'suiforel's in Penusylvonia. T. A, Russell, of Petrolea, fell from the top of an oil derrick or Tuosday and died Boon afterwards. At Brougham, Ont., on Monday a rail fell on the hood of Robort Hughes, ohs- ing his death twolva hours later, Tho Windsor police have notified the hotel•licepere that chairs will not bo al- lowed on the sidewalks in front of the hotels. Walker & Sons aro baying a toot well for oil and gas sunk on tboir estate of Marshfield, in the township of Colohestsr, Essex county. A "Tabernaobe" is being emoted in the Damp ground at Moorefield, 50x20 feet, and it is said that Sam Junes is expected to be there for two days. Most of the members of the Toronto Methodist Conference attended the com- mencement oxeroises at the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, Monday. The wife of Samuel Turbutt, of the M. O.R. shops, St. Thomas, gave birth to a babe last week which has seven toes on each foot and two thumbs on each hand. A man who gave his name as Burke WAS arrested at Winnipeg on Sunday, and is supposed to be "Williams," one of the principals of the Oronte mug. der. Application hoe been made to throw out a oonviotion in Montreal bemuse one ui she jurors got out of thejury room sur- reptitiously and wont home to get a bottle m of whiskey. Chinese immigrants arriving in the O country during May were considerably fewer than last year. The money collect- ed was 55,075. All the now arrivals were r. registered at Vancouver. On Saturday Rev. IL W. Williams, of v, Guelph, arrived in Toronto in search of e his 10.year-old son, who had left his home in Guelph without the knowledge d of his parents. By making a free use of . the telegrapb wires Mr. Williams was able to looate bis boy in Montreal. It is understood that the Canada t Southern railway directors, besides pur- chasing the Leamington and Comber ran - o way, have also decided to buy up the f Erie and Huron railway in order to pos- sess a competing line with the C. P. R. d when that completes its line from London 0 to Windsor. Some ladies, wllila walking along Tal - d bot street, St. Thomas, on Saturday afternoon, observed a four.year-old child carrying a quantity of Paris green on a shingle, while its cheeks and lips were e covered with the poison. The ladies lost . no time in rescuing the little one from n its peril. 5 8O Z15', • Tnouom.—In Brussels, on the 1st inst., the wife of Mr. Geo. Thomson, of a daughter, Ross.—In Brussels, on the 171b inst., the a wife of Mr. D. C. Ross, of a daagli- ter. VtscENT.—In Brussels, on the 15th inst„ the wife of Mr. John Vincent, of a daughter. =xaa. LArs.—In Grey, on 111e 1'3111 inst., Eliza- beth, beloved wife of Wm. Lake, aged 48 years, 7 months and 27 clays. Boom—In Neepawa, on June the 40, Gracie, daughter of Robert and Jean Burns, aged I) years and 2 months. SANDsrts.—In Grey, on the 19111 inst., Minute, daughter, of Thos. Sanders, aged 10 years, 3 months and 29 days. SAIip tt,—At Brandon, Men., on the 15th inst., Alexander, youngest son of Jno. and Jennie (Sample, formerly of Morris township, Huron Co., aged 3 years. iseit VSBET.,S S2A.3mKF1Tp, CORRECTED CAREFULLY 5VL•'RY wrest. Fall Wheat 88 90 Spring Wheat 88 00 Barley 40 45 Cato 20 27 Peas .,. 50 52 Butter, tubs and rolls.... 12 Eggs per dozen 10 Flour per Darrel 5 00 Potatoes ., .. 30 Hay per ton .. 9 00 Hides per 113..............2 Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 25 Sheep skiue,each ..... ... 60 Wool, per 115. 18 13 00 00 00 00 8 00 1 00 22 S ]AFO ,'X'fi S.CA.R13C m. 0000a0TED CAREFULLY EVERY NEER, 88 88 20 40 80 00 12 18 10 00 30 35 ... 4 000 55500' 0 00 00 2 50 4 50 40 57 Pall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats Peas t larley Potatoes Butter, per lb Eggs, per dozen Apples, per bushel Hogs, dressed Beef Hay Wood, per cord Sheepskins, eaoh 00 00 27 52 45 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. f t MORAL SERVANT WANT. BINOLn17, Apply at 01100 to 3808. W. 111 QULL FOR SERVICE.—TIIE 11-J. anelelo) nod velli 10e00 a thorough Isted bull s tor o. o wren, on lot 6, onto 11, Cray, Tonna, 01.00, y)(into Of oe sa• th p 1eef iouvting, 1 necessary, B003, 4740 1 ORRIBAN7) SIDAFORTtI STAGE' Rout. SStagelolvos Gorrie ab011t 6:80 A. 01, reach- ingBrr100014 eh/nail:80 a, m., and 0111% arrive at Boaforth about 11210 n. m. Damning will lfavoSleattorth about 8:3011. 0,, reaching 1110804 0 about 5:45, in tlmo to 50»1/001 with twain; ping north and moth. Also mono eolneo5lO110 With C, P'. 1t, at .sVroxotor curl Gorrle. S. `IVALSH, lroprlet6t, Ir :.CTJXE"ITON During ibo oumntoh• months, Oslo- monolog slo- mon uSaturday, u o0 ,Rift 1 t I it t b will o r g I n x Y Y for010 to on a$haunt ay of moll 'v 3.0 !rola Gornto to s /Ns to noel return for t1.r0, and from Bross/Ns us al boors sad return (lite. Stage laavos at usual hours, 5, WALSTI, Prop rletor. DRESSMATIINNG.— The undersigned desires to intimate to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding country that oho is prepared to attend to all, orders intrusted to her, 36Eletedlon guarontood. shop—Up-at,irs, oto door north of Walter Jackson's hardware store, 00- MISS SADIPLE. LOO Having don° beainooe In Canada for yoare, our rep, station and rosponaibility is established. Wo want three mon in your vioinity to represent Us, to whom oxeioslva territory will be given. Handsome 05151 free, Salary and e1120u900 held wookly, previous oxperionoo not roquirod. Write at on0o for terms. Hardy Stook for Canada a slmcielty, MAY BROS., Nureerymon, ltoohostor, N.Y. 48.8 STRAYED FROM THE PREDI. num of the undersigned. lot 10, oou. 0, Gray, on or about April Nth, 6 Load of oattl0. Two yearlings ono a whit° bu51, the othor a rod heifer. Tho other three oro 2-year-old0, two steers and a heifer. The largest steer has whlto star in forohoad and two hind logo whito over fetlocks. Any information loading to Choir 0001IV0ry will bo thankfully roceived. DSO. LOWbl, Brussels, 3.0, 49 LYTRAYED FROM THEPREDI- 1n0s of the undersigned, lot 11, oou, 11, Croy, on or about May 20, 8 head of cattle. Ono 1s a steer rising 2 years, red and w111to In color with white star in forohoad. Tho other two aro yearlingetoors, ono Is red and white in color witwhite strip° down J'UNI; 21, 1.81' O, IIl AI> QIl1IITl;lll3 I O1't Cr CR S —AT— PE AT-- PEPPJt WS 0 It IT0 ST01t1 New Season's Sponges from Greece, Turkey, Florida, and Cuba, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED. Price, from 5 cents alp, as high as you Wish to go. PEPPER'S Drug Store, 'Brussels. Opp. Oneen's Jtetol. BANKING. 1 J,INTOSH DIoTAGGART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Trarlae,ot a 0-extera1 8aaalcimg 8uo1.10.ema. NOTES DISCOUNTED. nauadien.and Coital Status Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Denealty. Collections made on foror6Ll(' terms. Canadlau Agents—MEnCH.tsr's DAxx oy o41ADA, New York Agents—Ittponrens AND '005». Una NATIONAL BANK. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, M. SINCLAIR, to hook, and the 0tiler to dark gray color: • solieltor, Cooveyanenr, Notary Pub. Any information leading to their r000very. lie, &o. Ofpoo—Graham's Block, I door north will bo thankfully received by CHARLES of Poepor'e Drug Store, Priyittn Fllnrlil to SWITZER, Cranlsrook, p,0, 47.1 L0811, BULL FOR SERVICE—I WILL keep on my Farm, lot 27 con. 0. Mor- rls,atboro'-bred Bates Bull, of the Duchess family. Pedig,oe can be seen at the stables, Terms—Tboro'-bred °owe, a0 ; high graded cows, 88 ; common oow•, 01.50. with prlvil. ego of returning during the ssasoe. To no paid for on or before 0 rot of Deoember.1880. 40•tf JOHN BROADF0OT. REAL ESTATE. T1ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- DEnIowan has severs 0041 Farms Ycr sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Croy. F. S. SOUTT, Brussels. 27.01, TANNERY 1"OR SALE.— THE Bruoaels Tannery is offered for sale at a bargain. In it is a 15 h. p. engluo and 8011.p boiler,15 vats, 2 curry tables, 2 stoves, good bark mill and a foil eat of tools, with boating pipes to leaches, no. There aro about nares of laud in connection with the building. No tannery nearer than Wingbam or Listowel. Tonna easy. For further par- ticulars, as to price, terms, &a., apply at 37. THE PosT Publishing House, Brussels. pARM FOR SALE,—THE SUB farm, being 0011. 18, Grey ora his lTowrabh� Huron Co., for sale. There aro about 60 mares cleared and in good heart. Thore is o log house, good hank barn, healing orobard, and all the necessary conv0aionooe on the premfees. For further particulars, as to prioe,terme, oto, apply to the Proprietor, THOS. HISLOP. OIare P.0,, N. W. T.. or to 2.tf DOUGALD STRACHAN, linnets E.+lARAI FOR BALE.—T1118 UN. nERSION,,D offer's for sale rho north east quarter of 10t 28, ooncoseion 5, Morris, ()Minty of Huron, containing 50 aures. The fIn d to of Bret quality audin a high stato of c ovation, well fenced and under -drained, If oloarod. New frame house, 8 rooms, nl lk house with concrete waits, 2 wells, g dbarna and shed, orobard, ate. Eight amen i ,s fall oat.corporation Thea desirable property able Mimsilegivof Bruaerio. Silt• able Mims will be given. Title perfect. JAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 80- . 8oafo,th P. 0. FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN• NDER.IONED Were kis 150'acro farm for sale.being lot 18, and 21 lot 10, oon, 7, Grey. About 80(or 00 moms 010arsd. Fences in good royale. 11 acme hush on the 60.aoro lot and 10 norm on the other lot. 2 good bearing orchards. ono on each place nod plenty of good water. There is a good brink Veneered hone° containing 0 rooms. Two barns. The frame ono is 45100 on a atone foundatica,the other 10 log, .rho farm is under good oultivatiuu and is only f of a mile from the stirring village of Ethel, and 0 milers from Brussels. For fartherpParticu- lars apply to ELIJAH BATEDfAN, Proprie- tor. 45-tf. 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. A drat -ohms farm for sato in the Township of Morrie in the County of Huron being south half of north half lots 20 & 26 'and south half of 20 in 5th oou., oontafning 300 acres more or loss, 125 aoree mostly Maar of stumps and in a good stato of oulti- vation. There is a young boaring orobarda good house and back barn 55 x 56 loot with stone stable underneath. Tho term is situ- ated within a mile of the Village Of Brussels anal to a good farm for grain or stook rais- ing as Itis watered with the rivor Maitland and mover failing spring creek. Possession will be givon e,t any time. For further par- ticulars apply on the premises or to.4.1,,. ROBERTSON Brusoele. 1P, 0 5 -Et GOOD FARM FOR SALE IN Vf Morrie, on reasonable torms. In order to close the affairs of the oetate of the late W. G. Slageton , the executors otter tho fol- lowing valuablo Janda for ealo North half of Lot 80, Ooneoeeion 5 Township of cro0to,1 a good frame bare with stone foun- dation, good orobard, well andpnmp. Noor - 1.,Y all °leered, and is on the grave road closely adioiniug the village of Bruosols, This farm Ie a va uablo ouoi Es well fonoed and h1 n 80011 state of onitivation, Por prime and terms apply to THOS. IinLL Y, amnion P. 0., RIMER JENiuNBs,. Victoria Pito.,eP.O.,sorx ComsStunt, .Maple Lodge E. WADE, lin• Barrister, Solicitor mud Notary Pab- Ile. Conveyaucing. Oolloot,ona and Loaning. Mr. Wade will attend in Gorrlo every Wed. nesday at two o'clock, DICKSON it HAYS, (Late with Carrow & Proudtoot, Code - rich,) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancer, &c. Ofli.00—Grant's Block, Brussels. Money to Loan. R. S. sots. w'. A. D10000N, M. TAYLOR, B. 0. L,, Barrister, Solicitor, &c., of tho Arm of Taylor, McCullough & Burne, Bartletore Solicitors, &o., Manning Amada, Toronto. Money to loan. ALEX. RENTER, Clark of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Inaurnnao Agent. Funds+ Inveotod and to loan. Collections made. ONoo to Graham's Block, Brueeols. BUSINESS CARDS. H. DMoCEAOIU1N, • I1Ourer of Dfarriage Lloeuees. Omce t 1)1% Grocery, Turuberry Stroot, Brussels. MISS O'OONNOR, TOaob or of PIano and Organ. Toms Tlhu s day and Friday at Ws �l Campbell e Walton. MISS HARGREAVES Desirso to receive pupils for instruc- tion on tho Plano and Organ. Mao years experionco. Residonoo with Mrs. Hargreav- es, over Popper's Drug Store. R• N. BARRETT, south MA, Tonsorial0, MaArtist. 21 Ca slhardwaretstore, Ladles' and aliUdron's hair matinee specialty I '3, aholeo stook of oigars kept. A. D1oNAIR, Isomer of Marriage Licenses, by apl,ofutment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis. Firm Ito &o logo (lo. OfIlaelat the Cralband sook Post Office. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE, FIRE AND MAR1NF. GUELPH AUCTIONEERS. �{'v EORGE TURKEY, LA Ltoeneod Auctioneer. Solos edam roneonabto terms. Farnlsaulnfarm stooka 000eialt1, Orders left at Tun .POST Publishing 8ouso, Brueeols, or soot to Walton P. 0., will reach•° Prompt attention. ARAYDIANN, • Auctioneer, 18 always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, &c. Toms ohonrfully given. Cranbrook P.O. Solos may bo arranged at Tun POST Publlohing House, Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. M. F. CALE, M.D., C. Al, member of the College of PLyeteian and Surgeons of Ontarlo by examination. Onloe and Residence—Main etroet East, °A Ethel, Ontario. T A. AIaNAUGHTON, M. D. • O. M„ L. R. 0. P,, Edinburgh, M. C. P. S. Ont. At Pepper's Drug Mae from 0 to 11:80 a. m. and from 1150 10 0 0, m, At other hoots nlnybofound at hie reaidono0, form, only oesapiod by Drop utobiason, 08111 st, Morris containing fl0 acres. n this lot is a --- VETERINARY. Li 13 W. O'BRIEN, V. , • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet. urinary College, is proparocl to treat all disclaims of domoetloatod animals of soloatlne and approvedprinoiples, 0010e—Two doors north of bojjlge, Turnborry ttroot, P IJRE DRUGS AND -CHEMICALS, OOTS AND BARKS, .-TOILET ARTICLES, pERFIJKRY, WOKS AND BIBLES, PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, 0». Queen's llolel. DRUSSELS.. J'N0. D. WARWICK, V. S., Graduate ..of the Ontario Veterinary nonageor s aped 8o , 1 00 o dloc in Brussels u 1 and is now ir 0 r• o pnro d to trout as diseases oo of and a irovecl mne]animals o, tho 11 eat andoci 10 day or night. poke in , Xll herd's d t0 day or night. O W co iu I.O. Itioltard'e Bar - nose shop, opposite (numb r Hotel, Brues,10 DENTAL; a �711)'031'ST :L'I DI�18, 0 D118 L.Do tO,I Vitalized. (Air giv u Oslo`—liint its Tinton, 21001'onru, M B7SC x£1'3'1 W. 3. Font., 5,, 1), S„ Graduoto 0f Toronto School of 138nti51ry. 511 op orations guarautood, f.' °5rblfloial tooth, first quality, and n g81510tto440 01, for 018,00 per dot. Otil"o0--0Anv'a 111 ,tax BEn fovrn, 1i /i .EN alt" t2x aJCA.xtt,X a, Moor G1•atluato of tbo Royal College of Donto( surgaots,Toronto. Nrtroe Oxldo or mitt i0iaterod for ih0. 1'nlntose. 1xtrootion of tooth. office— raTtre Don Nono O8BANx, Bn nnint.s 18 at to bu 11i tie Bi th a1 t de at. lh e1• 01, Se lda oh an PS Pc ei rig fel otl OV E To 13 C1 P1: No Pll In Wi. to •F an at( th, 011 alt: etc 1e cit lie wl 101 nu 1ta tl 1s ra( Sc die p0 ren ab. thr 0' fol ro fro 1111 the ha hi. f'1 ca of •Ch tit( TON lh( At47.4 1811 5114 wi .Sex ful sea ext ar 05131 rpt am 001 110E th COT the baa no Se but go t0 tak is 1 elft Iw the lin am ing the, goo W01 tlha. owl, 'for pro he Ito kno boo bot, ' iril live poo Tile •1110 the, $30 abo for ma( Aut Tee for $50i Toe won TTnr line 1110 for