HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-6-21, Page 7MINE 21, 1889,
Raising Flowers,
The soil boat glutted to all garden purposes
is what is known las sandy loam, with a
layer of loose oand or (travel underneath it.
Such a soil rarely rt quires drainage, (Komi -
ally if the ground slopes a little to the mouth
or 'outhooat, and the endue drainage fa
perfect. If not protected on the north or
northwoet, o hedge of arbor vl'ot or Norway
Erre planted there, would be of great advan-
tag°. They would form an evorlaabin, fenoo,
and can readily be trimmed to any clearable
height or thickneos.
It the soil conolata of a stiff, clayey loam,
with a blue or yellow, putty.like eubeoll, it
must bo drained, and, if poaaible, sand should
be added before anything is planted, or the
labor and send will be lost. It is utterly
useless to cultivate orferbiliza any soil that
door not freely carry off the surface water.
By digging a hole about three feet deep, you
can tell whether drainage is neoeosary.
Whore rubble atones are handy, a atone drain
is the oheapesb ; but where tiles are procur-
able, they are preferable.
Plowing and harrowing are nob only the
cheapest bub also the most effective way of
preparing the ground. The subsoil plow
should follow the common plow, and the
harrow should bo weighted down heavily to
pulverize the ground well. Care ahuuld be
taken not to work bhe ground while wet or ib
will be spoiled for years. All land used for the
production of crops, whether of vegetables,
fruit or flowers, will sooner or later need en-
riching. Saooulent plants, such at the foli-
age plants, need and appreciate the onoeb
manure. No fertilizer answers so well for
all purpoeoa as thoroughly decayed stable
manure ; whether procured from the horses
or cow stable makes but little difference.
The former is usually considered better for
heavy soils, and the latter for light soils.
Tho beat coil for house plants Is that from
decayed sod, mixed with sand, and watered
with aweak solution of guano, or oven oow'e
urine. A great deal of caution is here neves.
scary. Guano must be applied in homeopathic
doses, to bo beneficial ; too strong solubiono
would injure the flowers beyond remedy.
Very often the owner of a flower garden
cute it up by nnmeroua walks of minute
widths, whioh are mostly covered with weeds
daring the whole season, and the area de-
voted to flowers seems to be the timeliest
part. Thio shows poor taste. The walks
should be wide and the flower beds large,
then both are more easily cared for.
With our garden in good condition, the
next subject to be considered is what to
plant in it. My advice is, begin 4n a small
scale, bub buy the best, and those annuals
that aro of easy culture, viz : asters, baleom,
candytuft, comae, (for starting your own
bulbs from seeds), eechaaholfaia, geraniums,
lobelia, mignonette, nasturtiums, pansies,
petunia's (both blotched and striped), phlox
Drnmmondi, ten-weeka' stock, and zinnias ;
for climbing planta, convolvulus or morning
glory, oypre0a vine, and sweet peas.
All of the above named are easily pro-
pagated from the seed, and for those who
know how to make a hob -bed and how to
attend to it, it is play to robe fine, 'sturdy
plants; but in moat cases a box three
inches high and with holes in Ito bottom
to premit drainage meet be used. It
should be filled with earth composed of two
parte of decayed sod and one of deoayed
manure. After the earth has been long
enough in the worm room to have the name
temperature, proceed with the seeding.
With the finger or with a stick, draw a
drill acmes the box, push the earth gently
down and distribute your seed thickly in it ;
cover lightly with rich, sandy soil and give
a slight pressure on ton of the seed again.
Large seeds like carman, cover to a depth of
nearly an inch ; balsams, one-half inch, and
entailer seeds lees. The starting of the
Bead should take place about April first. To
cover the seed box with globe is desirable
until the planta are up, when the cover has
been taken cff and the box exposed to the
fdll light near the window, and air given
at intervals ; ctherwioe the plants will
mould or " clamp off," as the gardener
says. After the young planta are high
enough to be handled, transplant them into
another box or put them in a box oub of doors
which can be covered at night: or, if danger
of frost has passed, transplant them right
into beds where they are to grow. All
plants ahonld be transplanted before being
placed where they are finally to grow.
When taking them up, either at the first
or second transplanting, undermine the
planta to save every root, then make a hole
with a sharp stick in the new plow), and
plant the roots to their full length into the
ground. Pansies, phlox, geraniums, petun-
ias, and verbenas, can bo raised from seed
whero they grow if, before frost seta in,
the ground is raked over and a little earth
sprinkled on the beds, and then covered
light with some leaves or rotted manure.
Who next spring will find you with an
abundance all ready for use.
Some women who pose as excellent house.
wives are anything bub thorough when dust•
(oar ; they seem to think the time wasted
spent in this work, and consequently hurry
through ib as fast aa posaible. With a feath-
er duster or a cloth they owitch off the duet,
going from thing to another, until all
the articles are gone over ; then the door is
(domed, and the room is auppoeed to be in
the best of order. On entering later in the
day tbe'y are surprised to find the furniture
covered with duet, and they wonder where
all the duet Domes from. If they would think
awhile, they would surely know that the
duet they switched into the room is bound
to settle somewhere, and, of course, the
furniture will hold the largest ,hero. As a
general duster; the feather brush isnot to be
thought of, ae it is only fit for the dusting
of walls, over doors, piebnreo, &a, or any
place that cannot bo conveniently reached
with a oloth. It is not to be recommended for
the face of pioturee or mirrors, as it le apt
to scratch the glass. A soft silk cloth
makes a nice duster for mirrors and pictures,
and for nice, highly polished furniture there
is nothing nicer. Berlin makes a nine dust
ing cloth, and old callco to used by many in
preference to anything elan. A damp cloth
is the beat of all dusters, although many
woman will not use ono on any amount,
claiming that it injures the polish on the
furniture. This objection le absurd, for if
the oloth is clean it will not harm the furni-
ture in the Isnot. To be aura, it may re;
move the gloss; but dile can easily be
brought bank when the surface of the wood
is dry by rubbing hard with a dry, soft
cloth, The advantage of the damp duster
is that, instead cf allowing the dust to fly
about the room, it tapes it all in the cloth,
and thereby keeps it from settling anywhere
Mistttose mud Maid.
In adjustingtho relations the fleet thing
10 bo done fa for both miotreateo and
servants to reoolvo to roapoob one another's
righte. Thio la the attitude which will have
to be taken up if bhe domoatic wheels are to
Inn smoothiy. Let it bo understood that
the tWo parties stand toward° each other
in the piatlas. nob of guardian and ward,
or patron and dependant, but inthe-attttudo ONEY
of buyer and molter ; and let us nee how this (
FUNDS to 1 unn at
will work. The servant's otook•in-trade
10 her anility and willingness to do
certain work la a certain way, at!
osrtoin hour;, Tho mletroea has the'
right to may how and when the work
Wall be done, and alto has the right to lay
down certain taloa of do :nestle manage
ment, whioh rules ahonld bo set down': in
the bond." But with the obaervenor, of these
rules her righte end, and the servants,
rights have poseeooiun of the field. The
mtstreas may and should try to influence
on the ground of their common humanity ;
but she has no claim to command, It
is here whore mietresoee make a mis-
take ; they want oo continue to cora.
mon. Servants continually rebel against
their asoumption of authority • and the more
capable they aro, the leen likely they are
to submit to arbitrarineae, unless they are
coinponeabtng advantages attaohed to the
situation, which make it worth their while
to do Bo, The miatreseea who suffer, how-
ever, aro for the most part the mistreoeoe
who oannob accept the new regime. In the
long -run they will have to do so ; their op,
position will not alter' facto. We are not
saying that the change described ie a good
olio or a bad one; we :imply state that}t
has been effected. Therefore, what the
mistress has now to do who wants to manage
her dementia affairs eucoeeafully, is to res•
peat the rights of her servants am well as to
claim her own. Kindly feeling may exist,
bub the foundation of her relations with her
servants meat depend, not upon kindness,
but upon justice,
An English lady, over 50, asserts that her
lack of wrinkles is due to the foot of her hay-
ing used very hot water all her life, which
tightens the skin and smooths out the linea,
A celebrated beauty attributes her preser-
vation to having never need a wash•oloth or
towel on her fano, but having always washed
it gently with her hand, rinsing it off with a
soft sponge, drying 11 with a soft oloth, and
then rubbing it briskly with a flesh brush.
She toned motile soap and very warm water
every night, with oold water in the morning,
and if she were awake late at night she al.
ways slept as many hours in the day an she
expeobed to bo awake at night. Another
student of the toilet asserts that she prevents
and obliterates wrinkles by rubbing the face
towards the nose when bathing.
THE CZAR, RELTSTL•S BIS MIND, I Come all to The Elysium of Health and
Joy at St. Leon Springs, Quebec.
Trio 010pr,eeion er His Convlellens 1.'11000 0 a
Sensation. caption of visitor's ; 300 comfortable rooms,
The rigor with which the Roseau minor. Bathe in Natured viroln, life toning, °harm.
ship of she press 10 exercised is well known,
When, therefore, certain words aro put in
the Czar's mouth by a St. Petersburg jour.
nal, we may bo euro that the words were
uttered by Alexander 1II. Now, according
bo the " Oilieiat Measouger," a newspaper
published in the 1 Cestan capital, the Czar,
at a dinner lately given in honor of the
marriage of Grand Duke Peter to a Ma
of Montenegro, deolarod that the brido'a
father wan Russia'a only sincere friend in
Wo are not surprised to hear that this ao
revelation of the Ruasian ttnbacrat's ayl°.
tions has caused a sensation in several
European capitate, and particularly at
Berlin. In one dad the same sentence the
Cz or
M A large amentorTRU$ o
IY r v
tow 'moot interest en Ib
emaximiss eines security, Apply to
Makes Childhood Sweet. •
Wait not till the little hands are ab rest
Ere you fill them full of floweret ;
Wait not for the crowning tuberose
To make ewoen the last sad hours ;
]int while in the busy household -band
Your dealings still need your guiding
Oh, fill their lives with sweetness I
Wait nob till the little hearts are still
For the loving look or praise.
Bot while you gently chide a fault, •
The good deed kindly probes.
The word you would speak besides the bier
False sweeter for on the living ear ;
0 fill young lives with eweetmeeo !
Ah, what are kiesee on cold•clay lips
To the rosy mouth we press,
When our wee one flies to her mother's
For love's tenderest caress
Let never a worldly babble keep
Your heart from the joy each day should
Circling young lives with sweetnen.
Give thanks, each morn, for the sturdy boys
Give thanks for the fairy girls ;
With a dower of wealth like this at home
Would you rifle the earth for pearls ?
Wait not for Death to gem Love's crown,
Bab daily shower tile's blessings down,
And fill young hearts with sweetness.
Remember the homes where the light has
Where the rose has faded away ;
And the love that glows in youthful hearts,
0 cherish it while you may I
And make your home 'a garden of flowers
Where joy shall bloom through childhood's
And fill young h Barts with sweetness. .
It Had Become an Old Story.
Many and many a time the little boy had
made an honest little dime of pocket money
by getting himself in the way when George
Dame to court hie sister. He had gob it
down to a science, Bub one night he was
pub to bed after having been taken in to
take a look ab his sister in a bridal veil and
orange blossoms. He had caught eight of
the minister and a lob of prettily-dreesed
people gathered, and he ,vas told that his
sister was to be married. They went away
on their weidtng trip and then came back to
live with the old folks while a new house
was being built for them. The email boy
missed his dime while they were away, and
ib was with great joy he hailed their return.
They had hardly unpacked their traps before
they noticed him prowling around =lap -
peering suddenly from behind curtains and
sofas ab odd =mean. They did not under.
stand until her mother carne and told them
that Freddy had approached her oonfiden.
Bally and said :—
"Mamma, George don't put his arms
around Emma and hug her as ho used to do,
at all,"
Servant Girls in Lively,
An odd fusion just introduced from Eng-
land is being taken up by those who have a
maid, but keep no manservant. The fashion
is to pub thio maid into livery, snaking a sort
of female butler of her. The livery consists
of a smooth cloth skirt of any color that the
mistress may prefer. This is corded around.
The bodice is a coat of the same cloth, out
something in the shape of a gentleman's out
away, and it is not meant to be buttoned
in the front. This coat Is close•fitting, and
is corded with red with big metal buttons.
The waistcoat to of blue and white stripes,
like the ordinary butler's waietooab, had no
lapels and opens over a high white collar
and flab tie. Sblff white cafe with link boot
tone aro worn with thief and neat laced shoes.
The maid is expected to wear her hair
smooth, clone braids, and altogether makes
a very nice appearance, making the same
agreeable impression at the opening of the
door as does a well-dressed butler.
Struck with Lightning
Neatly describes the position of a hard or
soft corn when Pubnam'a Painless Corn Ex•
tractor is applied. It does its work so
q»ickly and without pain that it seems
magical in notion. Try it. R000lleob the
name—Putnam'° Painless Corn Extraobor,
Sold by all druggists and dealers every.
The next competitor for Atlantic, honors
will oomo from France. Ib will be La Tout.
acne, of 11,000 horse power instead of
7,000, the figure of the other boats belong.
ing to the Compagnie Generale Transatianti.
June lcb—The Nalaoe opened for the re•
of Francois Joeoph and WIlliam TI., and
chilla the hopes of those who have been
counting- upon a Franco Russian alliance.
Tt seems that, in the judgment of her
aovereiga, Rueeia is a sorb of outlaw on the
Continent ; with the exception of the head
of a petty principality, the hand of every
ruler is against her, and the inference is that
her hand is responeivoly against tbonm.
Phare is ground enough for bhe opinion,
allhoush the wisdom of proclaiming it may
be open to doubt. The grandson of Czar
Nichol:3a could hardly be expected to put
much faith is the vary member of the Hape-
bt rg dynasty who rewarded Rueeia's in.
terposition on his behalf iu Hungary by
taking sides spinet her in the Crimean
war. Nor has the eon of Alexander 11 any
reason to believe in the friendship or grati-
tude of the Hohenzollern. it was Ruoeta'e
warning attitude that hold book Austria
from seeking in 1870 revenge for the humil-
iation incurred in 1866. Had the Vienna
of the first mentioned year, the German em -
Flee might never have existed in its present
corm, It would, therefore, be hard to over-
rate the obligation under whioh William I.
and Biamarok were placed by Alexander II.
They paid the debt by convoking the Berlin
Congress and helping England to strip.
Russia of the major part of what she had
wrung from the Turks at San Stefano
There to a deeper reaeoa for the suspicion
and antipathy with whioh the majority of
Russians regard Germany. It is mainly
Germans who have profited by the attempt
of Peter the Great and his eneceseors to
introduce the civilization of western Europe
in their dominions. According to the
Slavopbils, who were
by Katkoff,.and who include the present Czar
among their aonvorte, Russia ought to tarn
her book on Western standards and ideals,
and evolve a civilization of her own on
native lines. To these Russian nationalists
the Germane are odious, both as representa.
tativea of Western notions and because they
have hitherto mon,polized most of the best
places in the army and bureaucracy. Nat-
urally, therefore, Alexander III., who is a
fervid Slavophil, and who has inarrled a
Danish wife, neither likes the Germans ab
home nor trnets them•abroad.
The Alien Lab)r Iaw•
OTTAWA, June 13 —The sub-colleobor of
0n0toms ab Rockport, Leeds county, Ont.
reports to the department here that the
Ualted Staten authorities have put the alien
labor law into foroe ab Alexandria Bay
againet those Canadians who are employed
as oarsmen and caretakers of American is-
lands. A number of Canadians, resident ab
Rockport and thereabouts, were sent back
by the New York State cfficiale on Tuesday
last, and considerable feeliog has been
aroused at this nnneighborly action.
A Question and Answer,
The following question and answer are
said to have been genuine in an Old Country
general intelligence paper :—"What do you
understand by physics, electrioity, and
magnetism ?'—"Phyaios is pills and things;
elocbrioiby is the telegraph -wires ; magus•
tiara is what you bake in connection with
They Are Legion.
Sarsaparillas and other advertised blood
medicine are numerous, bub the only one
possessed of such superior curative properties
as to warrant iba manufacturers in selling is,
las they are doing, through druggists, under
a positive guarantee, is Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Diocovery. If it don't benefit or
cure you get the money bank which you pay
for ib, Ib is recommended to aura all chronic
liver, blood and lung diseases, as biliousness,
akin and scalp diseases, scrofulous sores and
awelliogs, salt•rheune, better, erysipelae and
even eorofula of the hinge (or consumption),
if taken in time.
A remark is always rned when it gets a
follow into trouble.
Chao! C•h-oo11 Chool!I
Don't sneeze, &Dear, hawk, hawk, spit,
blow, and disgust everybody with your offen-
sive breath. If you have acrid, watery
dieoharges from the nose and eyes, throat
climate, causing choking sensations, cough,
ringing noises in head, eplitting headache
and other symptoms of nasal catarrh, romem•
bar that the manufaotureru of Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy cffer, in good faith; 5500
reward for a case of catarrh whioh they can-
not cure. The Remedy fe gold by druggists
at only 50 ciente
Order is Naturo'e first law, and it; has
never been repealed.
Good -wife G, undle grieves and groan,
Day and night with sighs and wens,
Wears her 1110 awnv,
Good.wile Clay heart singe and smiles ;
Time, the gray cid thi, f, beguiles;
Keeps as trash no May.
The two women aro of the name age but
Good•wife Gruudle looks fully fifteen years
the older, She is tho viobim of ills which
might be oared by the age of Dr, PIerce'e
Favorite Prescription. Pain, "female weak-
ness" and low spirits aro bor constant nom.
paniona. Good -wife 01 yheart, thanks to
the "Prescription," enjoys perfect health
and menu to grow 'more young, vivacious
and agreeable every day. There is nothing
equal to thio remedy for all female disorder'.
Not every ono who has the gif of speech
understands the value of oilenoe.
Consumption Surely Cared.
To the Editor :—
Please inform your readers blast I boob a
positive remedy for the above named diseaao,
By Ito timely 000 thousands of hopeless
oases have been permanently cured. I shall
bo glad to send two bottles of my remedy
free to any of your readers W110 have eon-
aumptlon if they will send mo their Ex.
$roes and 1?, O. adclreas, Iteap'y, T. A.
locum, bf. C., 161„ West Adelaide St„
Whisky is good antl.fat medioin°, Ab any
rate, it has been ltnown to make a man
lean—against a lamp•poat.
lug elements, hot or cold, Rates moderate,
amusemonto plenty and enticing. Write for
Here the suffering masses, even pronoun.
oed inourableo find rosy checked health and
robust etrength. The whole organism lo
perleoted drinking from Nature's fount, till
sweeter life and heights of pleasure never
before experienced are enjoyed. St. Leon
is safe and offeo'e permanent curds. Firstly
absorbing ail deadly waste, blood
poisons, &a., &r, Toning the blood, atim-
ulatiog and regulating bhe digestive organs.
—Even Diabeteo and Bright's Disease, those
twin terrors, aro allayed na water geeacheo
fire. '' Bt. Leon is inimitable, unapprcaoh.
able by art, impooaible to say too much in
its praioe." So say learned Dootore, Profee.
sore, Analyoto, &a., &a. Sand orders to Se,
Loon ivfioeral Water Co., Lt'd, either ab the
bead a ice, Si, Leon, Quebec, or the brauah
cfiloes at Montreal or Toronto.
If you aro out in a driving storm, don't
attempt to hold the rains.
The Book of Lubon,
A Man Without W Iedom Lives in a Fool'o
aradiee. A Treatise especially written on
Diseases of Mao, containing Facto For Men
of All Agee 1 Should be read by Old,
Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by
the Sale of Half a Million to be the most
popular, because written in language plain,
forcible and fnct:motive. Prelatical preeeno.
alien of Medical Oommon Sense. Valuable
to Invalids who are weak, nervous and ex.
haustod, Wowing new moans by which they
may be cured. Approved by editors, critics,
and the people. Sanitary, Social, Science
Subjects, Aleo gives a description of Speci-
fic No. 8, The Great Health Renewer ;
Marvel of Healing and Koh-i.noor of Medi.
eines. It largely explains the mysteries of
life, By its teachings, health may be main-
tained. The Book will teach you how to
make life worth living,. If every adult in
the civilized world would read, understand
and follow our views, there would bo a
world of Physical, intellectual and moral
giants. This Book will be found a truthful
presentation of facts, calculated to do good,
The book of Lubon, the Talisman of Health 1
Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the
body and joy to tho heart. Ib le a message
to the Wise and Otherwise. Lubon', Specs.
fic No. 8, the Spirit of Health. Those who
obey the laws of this book will be Crowned
with a fadeless wreath. Vast numbers of
men have felt the power and testified to the
virtne of Labon'a Specific No, 8, All Men
Who are Broken Down from overwork or
other causes not mentioned in the above,
should send for and read thie Valuable
Treaties, whioh will be sent tc any address,
sealed, on receipt of ten cents in stamps, to
pay postage. Addreos all orders to M. V.
Lubon, room 15, 50 Front Street E., Toren.
to, Canada.
To owe fa human, to pay divine.
• A large head does nob a'waya hold brains
—the hoga.head, for instance.
Generally the Case Tao. —Mother—
Johnny, you mnen'b play with that Robinson
boy any more. Johnny—Why nob, ma?
M.—Because he is a bad boy. J.—Well,
mother, he airi't half as had as mo, I can
tell you.
A. P. 454.
After spending Ten Winters South,
was Cured by Scott's Emulsion,
116 Centro St., Now York,1
June 9001,, 1888, 1
Tho Winter after the great fire
m i'ticago I contracted Bronchial
affections, and since then have
been obliged to spend nearly every
:"linter South. Last November was
advised to try Scott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver 011vvith Hypophoephltes
and to my su rprise was relieved at
once, and by continuing its use
three months was entirely cured,
gained flesh and strength and
was able to stand even the Bliz-
zard and attend to business every
Sold by all Druggists, 509. and $1.00.
Na 6 Nia book free.D Stl,BunelgNkn1EY
■ Sli101ug turere ,tu.nd ,o',ers in RoofingAd Slater
eland Building Paper%stn, ()FMCS 4 Adelaide
S. East, Toronto. Proprietors of Williams' Flat
Slated Roof. Telephone 611.
Dowell OarmentDrattiog Machine, le the most
Styl'eh, Simple, Complete, Artistic, Rapid and Dim -
able Method ever invented. Write for circular with
full articular% Solo Agents, TORONTO OU
SC IOOL 4Adelaide St, e t Toronto, Ont.
Large Illustrated Catalogue of Band [whir.
menta, Violins, Guitars Flutes, eta„ and all kind
of Trimminggs, Agent for Trenoho's.and DeWitt's
Plays, BUPLAND'S 311.78I0 STORE, 87 Ring St.
West, Toronto, out,
T1AC11RRe eon make money during vacation
by canvassing torono or more of oar fast selling
Books end Blbl, o especially History of Canada, by
W. N. Withrow, .i),1) , latest and beet edition over
published,prices low, terms 11• ernl, Write ice
illustrateofroulora and terms, . WM. BRIGGS,
Publleher, Toronto.
Send for Price Lists and Dlecuunto,
Flair !Viagic
Restores Gray Bair, Stoge
Palling Out of the Haft,
Removes Dandruff; in Bald.
nose whero the roots ere not
gone, Maggiew•itl produuo8
fine ggrooth. It to unfailing
Try it. All druggists every-
Solo Menutaeturer,
Sond or illustrated Catalogue and
adv ertleemont with your order for
our NEW 1t11tB)liti nod Wo will
VAtl91{iL11A1A11 ,, ltl'fIgs.
(i0ontitr0wN, ONi'.
0 Iterristers as 1 Solicitors,
, Wellington St., Dor, Ohuroh, (over Bank of Toronto;
Parties wleblpg to purohase Improved Monitor s
Farms, from 00 acres upwards, with immediate
possession, call or write to G. 1. MAU1SON, Mc,
Arthur's Block, Main st, Winnipeg. lnformattoe
furnished free of charge, and &eaten aseletod to
making selection,
AT CnRRaNT RATRe eT lsrsRa0T.
',,PuR8osEs TORO T cA.
Pat, hydraulic, hand:and ,team elevators.
Canadian EtrvatorHAMILWerke,TON, PeterO
NT and Queen streets,
Scottish, Manitoba and North-West
J Akin, Mgr, 357 Main St, Winnipeg
laude In all p arta of the Province, Low Prices. Easy
Tenni. Luta S •n1 and Fullest Information Fur-
nished on Application. Send us your name
and we will man you our descriptive catalogue.
Have all the Meat lmprovemtoote and are nnegnalled'
for durability, style and convenience. The leading
Carriage Builders sell them. ASK FOR THEM and
Whaley Royce& Co
Denton) In all kinds of i•I
Agents the B,ESSON 13"
and HIOHAN Band In- na
Hellmann). OOTSHEET
BOOKS. Manufacturers ea
f the
Beat In the world, Elcht 0
Year.' Guarantee. Send m
for illustrated Catalogue
and Teedmonials. fro
988 Tonga St.. F^i
1000 Total Attendance first 2 years.
All branches taugh' —Instrumental and Vocal music;
Elocution, Languages. Geholorchips,ccrtffcuuos,dfpto-
mos. Free Theory, Violin, Concerts and Lectures.
Next Fall, organ students, besides the use of several
complete church organs, can have lessons. practice and
recitals upon a GRAND CONCERT ORGAN, built
expressly for the Conservatory, in Association Hail.
51)33MER NORMAL TERM, JnlyS to Aug. ra
FALL TERM OPENS Sept. 4. Send for free
Calender. Address, EDWARD FISHER, Director,
tor. Yonge St. and Wilton Ave., Toronto.
Agents Wanted
We have Bold over 555,000 worth of the 11
Universal Cooking Crocks
In Ontario, 00 qui. fly that yeti have never heard of
it, and the sale ;till oontinuee, April and May have
been the hest months that we have ever had in
Canada, One reason of thin inorca ° is that we have
just begun to reach the farming communities. For
two years we have beon confined to the cities and
larger towns, where we have met with aeserving sac•
surpasses all other stowing and boiling 000king
It You Want Employment,
—on A—
0 E L
Send for our circular, fully explaining its use and
construction. Remember thin is a Standard Artl•
0te, not a novelty.
(0:d No, 412) TORONTO ONT.
P.S,—Wesell the " Triumph Self Wringing
Mops," Samples 85o.
None genuine but rho RoyalPrepared by
Ellis & Keighley, Toronto,
Sailing Weekly between MONTREAL and
LIVtittPOOL. Saloon Tick,ts, 410, 010, And.
£W. Return Tieketa, 800, £90 and 8110, aceord)ng ta,
Hemmer and accommcdatton, Intermediate yl3l
Round Trip Tickets 800 Steerage, 820. ,Apply, to
1I. P., MOM (Y, General Manager Canada Shipp..
plug 110„ 1 OcamAt HoeoR e4oARn, MONTeRAI. as
SO focal Agents in all Town: end O,tlea.
Provident Life and Live Stock Assoe`n
In the Life Deportment this Association prmddea
Indemnity for dtokness and Accident and substantial.
aaaletanec to the relatives of deceased member.) at
terms available to all,
In the Live Stook D partmeut Two ThIide- in-
demnity for loos of Live Stook of its members. S. nal
for proepeotus. claims paid etc.
WILLIAM JONES, Managing Director.
The Farmer, The Merchant,
The Stockman. The Laborer,
The Miner The Hunner,
The Manufacturer,
An Empire Opened for Setticiaet,
Comprising rich agricultural and grazing lands, gold,
Elbow, copper. had, Iron and coal minss. Climate un,
turpassed, Mtdo asy of access by the ST. Penn-
bitts0: Poste & MANITOBA RT., widen, !)lanes In.
service, begilutleg Nov. 1001, a train erLnlQ-
00 ,alt Isn.teceled, lurnlehing eplendla Day
Coaches, Palace hleepera, Free Cclonist Sleepers and
Superb Dining Cars of latest design, running IT; is
through solid from St. Paul, and lafonoepolia to Great
Falls, Helena and Butte, Montane.
For Slaps and general information Inquire of yaw
own Ticket Agent, or 10 1 Whitney, Oen'l Pass, and
Tk't Aot, St. Paul, Minn ; J 71 lratnklne,'.I Pal-
mer Hauge Block, T ,ro. to ; or, V. C. RnseeLLB
Masonic Temple, London
For upplyihe conlowntlgy ppu'rpseasnd ifz—
e0 water for
for Stock,
Farm Buildings,
Villa Reeldeooes
Groan Houses,
Town & Village
Pumping for
Fire Protection,
Sewage, Mines,.
Low Lands.
Three cele-
brated Wind.
millsare made
from one map to
forty horde -pow.
er. They are
perfectly Con-
trollable Le galas
and uniform: Ire
Gear.d Mille
tor chs f[au'theg
root pulping;
threshing; met-
ing wood,grind-
hog corn,. Re„
cto, Aloo nuau-
faeturesof feed
tools, iron and
wood pumps,
and a tmlllrmof
1, Jlway, Town;.
m.lhrm,Water Water
Supply Materi-
als, L1gne
and Pace
ice LL'tsk
with references;
maned tree oh,
epi Remicnta
Mention this paper.
roRoNTo. $ 65-S
160 Second-tlantl.
Send for Set,
A. T. LANE.).
Mom am, Ws
Allan Line Royal Mail Steamshipta.
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thnredtiy.
and Halifax every'letarday to Liverpool, and in sum-
mer from Quebec every Saturday to Llverpool,catnng
at L .,denderry to land malls and panengere fast
Sooc,and and Ireland' oleo from Baltimore, vle Holt
fax and St. Johne, N, F., tc Liverpool fortnightly
during emu= months[ The steamers of the Gras.
gow 1rr a %mail during winter to and from Haltfaz,
Portland, Boston an Philadelphia ;and during sons,
mor between 0largow and Montreal weekly' Glae.•
gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadel-
phia fortnightly.
For freight, manage or other information apply
A. Sohumnoher a
Co.,Oo., Baltimore ; S. Cunard Coq.
Halifax Shea a Co., St. John's, Nfld., Wm. Them'g-•
sou es co., St. John, N. B.; Allen a Ca, ;Magee;
Love es Alden New York; H. Boruner, Toronto;.
Allan,, Rao le bo., Quebec; Wm. Brooklet, Philadel-
phia H. A. Alien Portland Boston Montreal.
When I say CORE I do not mean merefytai
stop them for a time, and then have them• ter:
turn again. I MEAN A 1tADIOAL CURB,
I have made the disease of
A life long study. I WARRANT my remedy to
Cunoo the worst oases., Because others laws
fatted is no reason for not now recolvins,C,a cure,
Send at once for a treatise and a Pam BommL0
of InvIRPALLrnuo R1tao2Dv. Give Exprengt
and Post 000100. It costa you nothing for es
trial, and it will cure you, Address
H. G. ROOT, 31,0,, 164 West Adelaide 8t.
With Upright or Horizontal Boilers.
12, r6, 20, 25 l Suitable for all worts.
and3 o I3,P. J Threshing Sawln�Lr*,
�ricitrnaldng, 000,
Traction Engines
t2, x6 and 20 horse -power,
Por the Notth•tVcst.
Sena! for Catmint.
I aterolls Engine Work Co.
BikANTrOftb AND 1f1f1NNIPLtii4