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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-6-14, Page 81t 1U-‘ 1311 the ul palior ob3001 ill rai sbreot is thl ought sono such their 11000 (00108 011 111 e,I 1- °•d Do lin If yo t do you can SAVE TIME by using a FOUNTAIN PEN I Wo are agent for what we believe to be the best make, You can write all day with one lilliug, and, with proper mare, ehoold last a lifetime. We can refer you to a dozen or more who have or aro using these peus. Do oat be misled by gotting inferior Muds. We guarantee every pen sold to give eotiefemtion, G. A. DLAID'IAN, Druggist and Fancy Goods Dealer. 'GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 808T8E1:0 EXTENSION, W. G.& D. D. Trnlusleave Brussels Station, wort and southas rollOwe:— 13ror nut"bine rel 1311 (:e8rr's<, ittoolso twine 11 coats. U 1 trey, 1 t 1 the 1 1 .t t, . 1 ]t for the 1 Nt 30 lass •\int 1 :Moot the particui us of on J num'an Day celebration I W. I'L and Miss Leah Hill, of Wing I ham, were in town last Sunday. mat buggy for Halo, Will take goo horse in exchange. B. Gerry, Lie waterlog cart has had an ens time of it for past three weeks. Mrs. lnavoo returned home from To ronto last Thursday. Too School Board did not meet las Friday as there was nota quoru. Miss TI.riE HNo(8881 e, im s visiting he brother and friends at Wiugbam. VEAL is framing large quantities of pie tures very cheaply and neatly, Try him Rev. Joe. Ross, B.A., went to Toronto this weok as the delegate to the auti•Jes nit'Conveutiou. 75 mons In advance 0080800 Tun POST for the balance of 1889. Now is the time to subscribe. Vanes furniture is unsurpassed for design, finish anti durability. Call and tremble. B1sno' Wane came home from Mani toba on Tuesday. His visit did not 'in. prove his health. 'Vol" can get any loud of Sewing Going south, Going North, Machines or Organs at Leatherdale's at Afail....., 7102 8.81. 111I1.06d 0:30 ami rock bottom prices. Express 8 65 Pau. 13 illroee.......3i45p m T ns'rt1:s.—Glen's long Boots only $1.50 1''— for plowing in and working among thistles. 1 �} Ladio-' toe SIiIplpeis 79o. ADAti Goon. n,�A il.i •z6.C(t1S ;I1.tC211. , ronto,swherei shexhasl beenn/orh010t several Misue__—_- -- -_ - --------_ To- - months ander the tubtIon of an artist. A ohiel's among ye takin' notes PAuateos, you can get all the Furniture An' faith he'll prent it. THE E1:�USSEL�5 POST Tu 14, 18!' Wm, 111 t,arnl is .'presenting Priuerss Alexandra C:1n11 No. 21, 0. 0. F„ at they to.on k - 1 1 d n: ' 1 1 ,lcthis;. tu'�1 cowl rt h t Alms lAazio tlowi't,r. who has heed living in Muskoka for the pest eighteen - months, is nary in Brussels with hot' sisters. d A rolrr(18 teller has been doing a big business iu town this week. Ise hail a y "pie -1110" with memo of the young ladies learning the millinery. Lioo::N To 2'1t1e.--T. L. Sturdy is sol)lug off his stook of gr. marlin, glass. t ware, china and crockery at cost. Call in and smite bargains while they are to r behad. A now catcher for the Brussels baso • ball club to expected hero on Monday. His name is Ryma1. A game of ball will, probably, be played at Wroxeter during tlip week. LAST Tuesday Mise Took, of Craubrook, and Mrs. Ennio, of Grey township, left for Saltcoats, Man., on the excursion. On the same train Donald MoLauchlin ween to Gleuboro' and J. Pybus to Aloe0o- 1n111, NExr Tuesday Miss Annie Ross and Bliss Menzies will start for Brandon, Man., where they will spend e. month or so. :hiss Aggie Town, of Buffalo, who is visiting in 136usaels now will accompany them as far as Winnipeg. Tun Winghanl Advauon says :—"The loyal Canadian subjects of Brussels pur- pose celebrating Dominion Day. As there is Poing to be no sport in Whig/Jain that day no doubt a large crowd will go there on tho hunt for plettsure." As will be seen theappoint meat of Rev. S. Sellery, 13. A., 13. D„ to the pastorate of the Methodist church, Brussels, was confirmed and the rev. gentleman will be here to take oharge of his work the Bret Sabbath in July. Tun Reeve is after the street ball play. are and the practice will have to stop. It is dangerous to person's driving and has already proved disastrous to windows. The park is so convenient there is no neoessity for playing on the main thoroughfare. A word to the wise should be sufficient. BLUE Rmnox Bore Ann Grans,—The Band of Hope electing was held on Mon- day evening with an attendance of seven- ty-four. At the close of the mooting the following prizes were awarded for punctual attendance during the past year :—I st prize, Leon Jackson ; 2nd prize, Mamie Shaw, Thurso, Gerry, Boa- kie Hewitt, Emma Webster, Edie Md• Lauchlin. JUNE BRlsos.—The muslin girl, The barefoot boy.—Brides in profusion.— Rose, bugs and flies.-Butterfiiee and daisies.—Vacations and reunions.—Groet- ings and farewells.- 'Awnings and hanl- mooltA.—Rome grown etratbberries.--Tho days of the year.—Moonlight nights and promenades.—Tho linen duster and summer novel.—The ice cream and strawberry festival.—Lawn parties and sweet girl graduates.—Closod blinds, chair Covers and "not at home." TIE Clinton hews -Record says : There will be a vacancy in the Brussels post - office after tho 1st of August, Mr. 3rant, the presoot P.M., having sent in his res- ignation to take effect on that date, Thos. Farrow, e5•M.P. for East Huron, is spok- en of as a possible appointee. Should Ur. Farrow desire the position we fancy that 11e would got it. no thing we do Iknow that there is no man in the Riding who merits it more or who would more faithfully perform the duties. .Born TooaYaxrNT.-0n Monday, July 1st, a grand band to0rname11t and gen. oral athletic sports and games will take place in Kincardine. Only amateur bands allowed to compete, and tho prizes will be $75, $50, and $25. A grand re- gatta will take place on Lake Huron, open to all yachts and fishing smacks on the lake. Large prizes for athletic sports and games. Groat interest is being mani- fested throughout Western Ontario. Kin- cardine is the prettiest lake port town in Ontario, and the publio will have a splendid opportunity of securing a oheap and enjoyable outing. Cheap excursions from all points have been teamed. OUntous Poznan.—The following is a very 0urious puzzle: Open a book at random and select a word within the first ton lilies and within the tenth word from the end of tho line. Murk the word. Now double the number of the page and multiply the sum by five. Then add twenty. Then add the number of the lino you have selected. Then add five. Multiply the sum by tee. Add the number of the word in the line, From this sum substract 250, and the remain- der will indicate in the unit column the number of the wozd; in the ten column the number of the lino, and tho remain- ing figures the number of the page. 0 Caen for Eggs at McCracken's. Fn1:8II strawberries at The Restaurant, R. J, CLARK, of Arva, spent Sunday in town. ToarATo and cabbage plants at Thos. Belly's. 48.3' Oxon encu sale for the next 30 days at Roes. Bros. TOME will be no December meeting of the Huron County Council this year. Ross Boos, will sell clothing and gents' £nrnisbings at cost for the next 80 days. Sao -ma MocaTax, au old time resident of this locality, ie visiting relatives and friends here. CALL and get a twenty dollar suit for fifteen dollars for the next 80 days at Ross Bros. Aernoa VRAL wants to exohange Fnrni- turo or a splendid new Top Buggy for a good horse. ADAM GOOD will open his Ioe Cream Parlor with a special quality of loathe= On Saturday. TIM Juue session of the County Court opened Taesday. i'Iis honor Judge Toms presiding, Tun late frosts have been disaotrous to the fruit orop of this suction, so com- petent judges say. HATS and ties ono end, which must be sold during the next 30 clays at Ross Bros. Loor.00an i3 booming just now in town and the boys are anxious to cross sticks with some neighboring team. Ir will pay any person to call and see Geo. Love & Co's Furnitureltoom, New Goode and new Prices. TEE flume at Stewart & Lowiuk's mill was damaged by the flood and workmen have been repairing it this week. LEATEERDALE'm is the headquarters in Brussels for Furniture, Undertaking, Sewing Machines and Organs. A coon deal of our space is taken up with the County Council proceedings, but the Poor House is an important lenb- jeel. Roo. Jim. FERGUSON, wife and daugh- ter, of Denver, Col., are visiting relatives and friends in town. The rev, gentleman was Rev. John Ross' predecessor as pastor in Melville church, Brussels. Wenn.DI00000 ANL Dnnnn'. a,—George Birt has all the necessary maohinery for digging and drilling wells and is p85900- 80 attend to an work entrusted to Lim in 8 way tbat will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and pet iu proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 43.11 .DAN. McDoNALn is back from Sohriber, as the situation did not pan or' accord- ing to the expectation of the proprietors. We were misinformed about W. R. Stratton having anything to do with it. Dan, may go back again before long. He says there are more men, by a big odds, than there aro positions for in the West, and, as a result, scores, who have money enough to get a ticket, are coming home. Manitoba Exoursion.—•,dune 4th, nth and Isla. Deloraine, and return, $28 ; MaosOnliU and retftrn, $28 ; Glerr.boro' and return, $28 ; Salt Coats and return, $28 ; Calgary and return, $35. Good for 4o days. For Tickets and In- formation apply to 7. M. Kendall, or to T. Pletcher, Agents G.T.R. Miss DIAIs11ALE is slowly recovering from the serious illness that befell her at Welland. She dictated a letter to a friend in which the says though weak the doctors have good hopes of her complete restoration. She will have to remain quiet for a very long time, She was in- vited, with her sister, to visit the Thous- and Island Park and speed the summer, but it is doubtful if she will be ante to do so this year, P12rsn'TE110.--T120 annual session of the General Astembly of the Presbyterian liboreh in Canada met in Toronto Wed nesday. Tile delegates from this section are : presbytery of Huron—Revs. McConnell, Wm, M, Martin, B.D., Robt, Tire, 10.1)., J. H, Simpson, Peter Mus. grave Elders—Arch. McNeil, James Scott, Rolm. Scott, Chas. Simons, Geo, .Anderson. Presbytery of Maitland-- .Revs, Attain 1, IianQeeen, A. Y. Watley, Angus IltcKay, Finlay A. McLennan, John McFarlane. Eldete—Thigh Cham- bers, Gilbert :McCollum, Jno. Stewart, Jame:i :imitlis, ,Tames McNair. 23nrsanro wants More energy and "got op" in positing anything for the good of the place,_ --The Cow Bylaw either en. forced or repealed. At present a good many aro going to the trouble of enelos- ing their cows while others pay no atten- 63011.�o.t&---Tho.oredi6 system ruled out. and pay as -y0tt 00" substituted.—Bx- pensen In tho town kept dawn ea low no pateible.—A boom that will waken things up in 808) earnest.—So1r1e benevolent Society to sym9athiza with the lonely maidens while 1110 bravo 0011116001'0 are away at camp.- A thorough Arousing or the enforoement of tho Creoles Act, -..-An oateide bees hall olid, to "tread „ 1 the tall of our oat" for 1(1810 innings. you want now and pay for it next winter with sawlogs or wood, at Geo.Love & Co's J. N. KNRcnTEL Is home from the Street. He will go back to Manitoba be- fore long to look after the crop he has in. Rats Davin PEmtoo, wife and daughter, of :stimuli, were visiting relatives and fiends in Brussels and lOoality this week. Srr octavo organ for sale. Oast $150, will sell for $75. Good as new. May be seen at Mrs. 3, W. Shiel's residenoe. 48.4ins Goo. HUMBLE, "Ir yon want a New Raymond Sowing Machina go to R. Leatherdale, He svi11 sell you one for $22,00. I paid $35 for mine." Ir has become a by -word in Brussels that Arthur Veal sells better and cheaper furniture than any other dealer in the county. Miss SAME MOONEY, who has been Here for several months, returned to her home at Port Huron, Miob., oa Thu8saay of this week. Amnon VEAL says his furniture busi- ness bas inoreased 100% in the last six month:. Why 7 Beoauso ho dos just what he advertises, Mos. ALEX ANDER wishes to inform hor customers that She has removed hor Hoary and residence to roams above the postoffice, Brussels. TEE Saturday exourelons to Goderieh and liincardiue are now running. Re- turn fare $1.00, good to return on any train on Monday. Br a letter received from R. G. Wilson we aro pleased to learn that he is con. siderably better, He expects to :.- hack to Brussels in a few days. Rev. MITNROE M811080 E, of Montreal, is annoanoed to preach in Knox church next Sabbath evening. air, McKenzie leaves for the mission field shortly. 11'ARxens, why pay an agent rantling from house to house $10 or $12 more for a sewing nmebine than you can buy one for in Brussels? 1t, Leatherdale will. sell yon a New Raymond for $22. G50. Love & Co. will furnish team and three -nested rig to carry the bearers for all funerals in village, free of charge, same se heretofore. W.° wish to bo dis- tinctly understood. Matters not who does the undertaking. ALL orders for teaming left at J. G. Skeue's or A. M. McKay & Co's store will bo promptly attended to. A11 orders for garden plowing left with the above named gentlemen will receive prompt at- tention, 30 HENDE1::'O0 Enos, Lan Monday Chris. ;Gillian., of Listow- el, took possession of the Central Hotel in this town, owned and managed for years by Terry O'Neil. The latter will remain In town for a while and will handle horses as usual. Mrs. O'Neil and children have gone to Toronto on a visit. Quma cariosity may be seen at the rea100n000 of T. 1'!'letoher, hire. Henry, Jno. McCallum and Jno. Robb in rustic tables, on the legs of which buds and well formed leaves have made their ap- pearance. Itis supposed to have been caused by the surplus sap in the timber, which was no doubt used while MISSIONARY SEnviona. Rev, Murdo McKenzie, who is about to prooeed to Henan, China, as a missionary of the Presbyterian ohutall, will be in Brussels next Sabbath. Mr, McKenzie has just graduated in the Presbyterian college, Montreal, and with Messrs. DoDougall and Mc -Vicar, from the same College, will reinforce the Canadian Presbyterian staff of missionaries in the field mention- ed. David Youill, of Montreal, has geusrooely agreed to pay his expenses to China and also his salary the fist year. Mr. McKenzie will preach in Melville chnioh on Sabbath at 11 a. m, and in Knox ohuroh at 6:30 p, m. ONE or Marr,—Tho following satis- factory testimony of the Wrar'toa water works, lately completed by the Ronald Werke, speaks for itself and needs no oomment:-"Mn. RONALD, DEAR SIR,—As the County Cannot! met ltero this week the members were all down inspecting the water works, and on Tharsday oven. iug we gave them an exhibition of how they work up town. They aro all highly p)eaeecl with the system and as several of their towns aro proposing getting water Works I thought I would. let you know about them. AtLuoltnaw they nee wait. iug the return of the Reeve %o "r -out nn what oar system le like. I learn from the Reeve of Mildmay that they aro about toot waterworks oras there and at Walkerton and Port Elgin, The Reeve of Tesewator visited us and seoms to think oar system is ahead of theirs after al r 1. Mays he can report when ho 'gets home that the Wiarton ovatertvorlts aro a perfect 61100sas. They (0000 sur. prisod nt the amount of stator and the silo/atm it teas thrown. I carried a litho extra pros8060, about 00 pounds. Every. th1ng is 111 ilr8t-class order and working splendidly. The extension of pipe is now antler headway 4100, we expect, will be eon:Noted this month, Plonee remelt. bet me to Mr. Watt and al! 1118 workmen who wore11o1'e building the engines, I remain, YOtire truly, I. DOS313 1, Engineer t i Watorwbrhe:" Onto:, Marton, 'lone 5, 1889. air a ues ext 1 :V ca woo; The Winnipeg Bicycle Club are an. ranging for a 500 -mile tour through Mani. toba in August. A private cablegram received at San J!rauoisoo lash Tuesday afternoon by a Chinese firm reports a hurricane at Hong Kong Imo caused a, toes of 10,000 lives and great damage to property, Eganville Enterprise 1—Two weeks ago a former resident of Eganville, Abe Boland, hada close call with two bears in a swamp at the head of Lake Nipies- , iug, and but for the unerring 511at he made with his Winchester rifle thin would probably bo an obituary notice, It appears that Abe, who is bush agent for J. R. Booth, was travelling through a large swamp at the head of the lake, in nearly a foot of water, =tying a bag and a ride. When about six 1ni1os in this lonely place 110 observed ttvo large bears, male and female, malaria for him as fast as the wild nature of the swamp would allow. Throwing down the bee, Abe took aim with his rifle, which con- tained six cartridges, and fired, The :hot 101080d. ide fired again and wound.: ed ono of the boars, but tho third shot had a fatal effect, stilling the remale animal, Tito male boar, 0000gnizing the injary inflicted upon hi: bettor half, gob mad and bounded over the dead cameos and made a spring at Abe, bet his strong norvo stood to him, and with quick aim he tont a bailee into Ids scooted antago. nis6, which staggered him. Quick as lightning ilio beat was upon his hind logs, but another ball wax gout home 60 1110 heart and 110110010(1001,8 dead. After thio litho advontura Abe reconnect filo journey through the swamp, a distance of twelve 1ni100, when he oam0 to hie camp, and the noxi clay he, with savant others returned and skinned the animate, .Cha fist boar was widen twenty foot of him whim 0140 rotoieed tho fatal wound, and the maid was )nuoh el000r, Abe rons)ders thio a deco call, but his 1)81r. did not turn grey. - i'portill.g C'1lunln. b:18,11, :,1:110801 hart I it, 1.' ;ronto'a. Itt '9 It cvten6 of alit tier nude,' ethuslak:al 111 13)880:101(139(8100011(1(07, Umpire Iloesoher i8 greatly taiten with two of Toronto's outfielders ---131111110 and Hoover, Ile soy: they are juot snob men a9 Amon Weule, On Saturday 1t, P. Pepper gold to J, S, Coxaey, of Massillon, Ohio, his bay stat- lion Acolyte for $40,000. Acolyte's 3.year- old record is 2,30, Former residents of Bownlanvillo and S&Marti) have formed baseball clubs at Winnipeg. The former 0010810d the latter by 19 to 10 on Wednesday. Two American beaeball teams will likely hippodrome with the 'Masao 13111 show in Paris this summer. Sullivan, of Washington, will manage the affair, John McPherson, the he'inulor thrower, is iu Winnipeg, and is mi. with a chal- lenge to put the shot against any ono in the world for 51,000 to $5,000 a lido. Rants, 5.134, is now '22 years old and le beginning to allow his age, ilo has It good appetite and is as ready for his food as 6817 horse in Robert Bonner's stable. Edward Hanka arrived at San Fran. ois0o Sunday night on the CGoalaudia, after an absence of nearly three years. He says his rowing days are over, and 11e is mins,' baok to Terceto to live. Te 25th annual spring games of the Manhattan Athletic Club occurred on Saturday. Iu putting the 14 -pound shot F. L. Lambrecht broke tho record by 6;• inobes, his distance being 46 feet 8t 1(101100. Wm. Mills, the 100 yards sprinter, who belonged to Watertown, Mass., and who hoe a record 00104 seconds, was last hoard of in Johnstown, Pa.. just before the dis- aster. It is thought he is among the viobime, Ati Brooklyn M. W. Ford cleared 56 feet 74 inches for five standing broad Pumps, without weights, beating the best professional reoord of 55 feet 2 inches, made by H. M. Johnson al, St. Louis on September 2, 1888. Wallace Ross is now in England. His visit was made principally with a view to racing in road-souilere, but he may make a match on the seater with Lay000k. "The Black Brunawicker" says of the coming championship race :—"Whatever may be done with a pair of senile and a shell O'Connor can do." The disastrous flood at Johnstown has left Henry Hawes, of that place, minus throe well-known rape horses. His young trotter Commotion, for whioh he recently paid $1,400 at Cleveland ; Henry 11., the pacer., and Mohawk Jr., the young trot- ting stallion, were all carried away in the flood. Altogether Mr. Hawes is reported as Iosing eighteen horses, but the three above named are the only ones of promin- ence. BASEBALL 1213300Bha. IN'r10NATFONAL, INTRRNATIONAL. Won Loet Won Lost Syracuse 20 9 Rochester... 17 17 T010d0 10 10 London 12 17 Patron. 18 11 Buffalo . 11 20 Torvo to. ,.., 10 13 Hamilton 10 24 88080NA8• A9"aOCI&0001e. Won 8,006 Won Boston 95 9 SLos t. Louis.....,... 88 14t Philadelphia„ 24 I5 Athletics 28 10 Olevelantl ...... 04 10 Brooklyn 27 17 New Took 20 10 Baltimore 21 2t Chicago 17 23 (liuctunatti 2:3 28 Pittsburg 10 21 Nanous City.,. 21 21 Washington10 40 Columbus 18 20 Indianapolis— 11 95 Louisville 8 es Witham O'Connor is at Salt Lake, whore two rih.:i summer resorts, Garfield Beach and Lake Park, aro warring for his services in an exhibition tame. The Garfield Beach people seized the shells belonging to O'Connor and Lee, alleging that the oarsmen had agreed to row at their place. The boats were stolen from the oar and sent to Garfield Beach. O'Connor dories having any contract to row at the Beach, and, according to the Salt Lake Tribune, offered to bet 5500 that his statement was correct, tie has replevined the boats and entered a shit for damages against the Garfield Beach management and the Utah &Nevada Railroad,. O'Anersomn I—SEIELs. —At the manse, Cranbrook, on the 5611 inst., by the Bev. D. B. McRae, Mr, Angus Car. mi011101 to Miss Susannah Sbiels, third daughter of Mr. Geo. Shiels, all of Grey. =roam. Bnowx.—In Grey, on the 8th fust„ Emma, wife of James Brown, aged 32 years, 2 months and 17 days. asm'et ssmns ' .a.R=mvx.m, CORRECTED OARENOLLY EVERY WEER. Pall Whoat 85 90 Spring Wheat 85 90 Barley 40 45 Oats 26 27 Peas ... 50 52 Butter, tubs and rolls.... 14 16 Eggs per dozen 10 00 Flour per barrel G 00 00 Potatoes ,,.,,, 20 00 Hay per ton 9 00 00 Hides per Ib 2 8 Salt per bbl., retail,..,1 25 00 Sheep skins, each 00 1 00 Wool, per ib 18 20 01 l4..'S'OEOTT3 ST.f4.. XC351'rs. 001(0ROTED OARENDLLY EVERY WEEN, Fall Wheat 85 Spring, Wheat 85 Oats 26 Peas 50 Marley 40 Potatoes 20 Butter, per 1b.., 15 Eggs, per dozen 10 Apples, per bushel 80 Hoge, dressed 6 00 Beef 4 50 5 50 Ilay ......... 9 00 00 Wood, por oord 2 50 4 50 Sheepskins, each 40 57 00 90 27 52 45 00 00 00 85 00 THE PEOPLE'S COUJIVIL. �C ENERAL SERVANT WANT. � 110, Apply at once to AII28, W. Af, SINCL AIR, 41.8 ULT.. FOR 8E11,V.t0B.—'TRE und000)ggped win keep a ther0ug114b1'ad bull for eel nee, on lot 5, don, 11, Grey, 'forma 81: , payable at Vino of ecrvloo with 91001100 of 101000d119, if 1200000417, WM. BISHOP . 474f 13'8 0111101/ AND SEAF033,Tli STAGE 1lonTE. StageIoaves Odrrle about 8130 a, m., loan - lug Brussels 81102110:00 0.111„ and (8111 OT100 at 8oatortb about 11:00 a, m, Returning 17111 Nave 009,161081 abodt 0:00.9, In:, rdaabfng Brussels about 0:45, in time' to 00110068 With treble going north and eolith. Also make 0053100618e0 with O. 1' 11. a.t Wroxoor mid Gerrie, 8. \slAL8H, 1'rot:MMotor, `tOW I4TP,AYE1) ON 'P1111 J pr 101-+ e, f 11, lull Curd bot 4 I (',in s i r , u :Way Nth, She I l in odor nit! 01;i1) 1011 1 t1a1 13 re. 01)0,1)0016,5.luoprrO 7 ..1,.. .., au,: ' inko her aoaf. 1/LSCA A' lrtl'LUfl, TLP XO111-10 IC.)1V1 1 .1Lia During tho 04(0(m01' rnonths, Coln - 20000109 Satu1 tuy, May 11th, I will cunt, 11a'100000ra on1aturday Of (71011 week tram Gerrie to Sea forth and return ter 31.05, and from I(ruosola to Soafnrtll and return 0013, Simla (014800 at usual 010ura, 0. 1VAI,511, Proprietor. RESSAIAKING,-- Theundorslgnad destrcn to Intimate to 1310 ladies of Brussels end surrounding country that she is prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to her, Satiefaetiou guaranteed. Shop—Up-stairs, Ono door north of Walter Jackson's hardware store, 10- MISS SAMPLE, O Miming done business in. Canaria for years, our rep utatiou and responsibility id eatabliahod. Wo want 111800 61011 11) your vielnity to represent us, to whom exclusive territory 1011( bo Siren, Handsome outfit 1100. Salary and expenses paid weekly, previous experience nob required. Ti rite at oneo,for terms. Hardy Steak for Canada a spoor0lty. 9130 231008,, Nurseryman, Roehostor, N,Y. 48.8 Q TRAY,ED F1dOhi THE PREM L1) nue Or 1110 undersigned, lot 10, eon. 5, Grey, on or about April 80tb, 5 head or cattle. Two yearlings one it wbito bail, the other a ret. heifer. The other three are 2 -year-olds, two steers and a heifer. The largest steer has white star in forehead and TWO blue legs white over fetlocks. Any .information leading to their recovery will be thankfully received. JNo. LO018, Brussels, P,O. 44 TBAYED FROM THE PREM.iJ,rsns of the undersigned, lot 11, con. 11, Gray, on or about May 20, 3 head of cattle. Cue is a steer riaing 2 years, red and white in color with white star le forehead. The other two are yearling steers, ono is rad and white in color with white stripe down its back, aid 1110 other is dark gray color. Any information leading to their 0500068Yy will be thankfully received by 111ABLB of SW1TZI41t, Oranbrook, P.O, 474 Volunteers' .Attention ! Tlhe Brussels Company (No, 0 Co'y, 38rd Butt.) has been ordered to go into Camp on Tuesday, the 1801 of JUDO next. Members of Company and new recruits will can at earliest convenience on the undersigned, It. S. HAYS, Oaut. No. 5 007, 83rd Batt. REAL ESTATE. TIARA'S FOR SALE.—TRE tIN- DE1114108E11 has severe 0od Parma for rtlo and to rout, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F. S. SCOTT. Brussels. 37-tf. TANNERY FOB SALE.— THE Brussels :001111067 ie eiferod for safe 01 a bargain. In it is a 1011,p, engine and 8011, p, boiler ,12 rote, 2 curry tables, 2 stoves, good bark mill and 4 full sot of tools, with heating pipes to leaches, ,to. There aro about2 00900 of laud in connection with the building. No tannery nearer thou Wiugbam or Idstowol. Terms easy. For further par- ticulars, as to plica terms, .4c„apply at 37. Ina Poor Publishing House, Urns sole. !41ARl11POR SALE. THE SUB. sonmzn otters 1110 valuable 100 mire farm,bciug lot 33, eon. 13, Grey Township, Etyma Co., for sale, There ace about 50 acres cleared and to good boort. 'Share le a log horse, good hank barn, healing orchard, and all the neoossary conveniences on the premises. For further particulars, as to 1nloo, terms, etc„ applyy to the Proprietor, TAOS. HISLOr, ware P O., N, W. T,. or to 9.4f D(1UGAL37 STIt301AN, Brussels 1ARM FOR SALE. THE UN- nnnerOa'En oltors for sale the north east quarter of lot 80, concession 0, Morrie, flaunty of Huron, aontainiu g 50 acres. The Iand is of first quality and in a -high state of oaltlyatfon, won 1onood and under -drained, ':0 soros Gloated. New frame house, 8 rooms, milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells, goodbarns and amid, orchard, oto. Right aoroe of fail wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation 01 Bruges's. Suit- able terms will be given. Title perfect, JAMBS G11110V90, Owner, 30. 8eaforth P. O. 11ARl1i FOR SALE.—THE UN- NDER0I0NRD offers hie 150 -sero farm for Bale, being lot 10, and Si 1ot 19, eon, 7, Grey. About 00 or 00 aures cleared, 1t'enoos 311 goodropair, 10 acres bush on the 50 -aura lot and 10 aures on the Other lot. 2 good bearing orollards. one 011 each plaoo and plenty of good water. Timm is a good brick veneered house containing 9 rooms. Two barns, The frame one is 41x00 on a t' 1 foundation, the otheris log. .ho farm is under good 00ltiVation and is only it of a mile from the Stirring village of 180t'hol, and 0 miles from a e apply to 11LIJAH ] A.T81, N th =Prop fe- tor: 40.61 20ri AORE FARRFOIE, SALE. V A erot-olaee farm for sale in the Township of 9lurris in the County of Huron being south half of north half iota 25 & 20 and south holt of 20 in 5th con., containing 203 aures more ex less,'ea mostly clear of stumps and In a good state of multi vation. Thore is it young bearing orchard a good house and hank barn 00 x 50 feet with stone stable underneath. The term is sitn- atod within a mile of the Village 01 Brnseels and is a good farm for grain or stook rale' iug as his watered with the 05706 Maitland and never failing epriug creek. Po0eo0sion wilt be given at any time, Far further par. tioulars apply on the .premises or to Asa. 3051018T1301T Brussels, P. 0 54f (100D FARM FOR SALE IN LA Morris, on •ensemble terms. In order to close the affairs of the estate of the Tato W. G, !Uneaten, the executors offer the fol. lowing valuable lands for sale North half of Lot 80, 0oneea0ion 5, Township et Morrie containing 90 Ceres. On this lot is erected a good frame born with Who foun- dation, good orchard, wen andp imp. Ne' 1y allole0red, and 10 On the grave road 01o001y adjoining the village .of Brueeo This farm its a va uablo one, is 'well fenced and In a good state of cultivation, For Urines and terms apply to T00S, 111411110, 1313050610 P. 0., 11010105 ,TEN1101320, Victoria Square P. 0.,. or JAZOM $001241, !Maple Lodge P. 0„ Mfadlooex Oouuty, ARE DUDS DS AND —CHEMICALS, NITS AND BATIKS, S' t6 —TOILET ARTICLES, RTIC 5ay T CCTe AND BIBLES, �Q fw'ATrd,A3-1 PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, GIGv Opp. Queen's Frolel, nUiigELS 11111A1)-tj11AB7'ls`11S 1'011 tw �y t 1 t t i^k i, , { 1 b+ ^ R \111..1 W v, AZ..._ PEWS Oil1RA l'iTORE Naw Season's sponges Prole Graeae, Turkey, Florida, and Cuba, BLEACHED MMC UNBLEACHED. Price, from 5 cents up, as high as you wish to go. PEPPER'S Drug Store, /app. Qnrwra MAO.Brussels. RANKING. M 4NTOSI-I & i1o.C1AGGAItT, BANKERS, , BRUSSELS, . Tro,=.coa.ct a etextozo 1. na,TAIciug 'sue? saece, NOTES DISCOUNTED, Canadian and Unita] lStates Drafts bought and 001,1. interest allowed 011 1)0500114. Collections Node on favorable terms. Canadian Agents—A8En0nANr's 13ANn o1' CANADA. Now York Agents—Iemon'rltns AND TeAn- ens NATIONAL BAER, LEGAL MW CONVEYANCING. '% bi. SINOLAIR, • Solloitory .!141,7ConveyancerNo • tic, eco, Otfce—Grabam'e Block,, 1 doortrary north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Nuude' to Loan, E. WADE, a ' 1 e llarrieter, Soiioltor and Nota: y Pub- lic. Conveyancing, Colleetionsand Loaning. Mr, Wade will attend In Gorrio every Wed- nesday at two o'clock, T\IOI{SON & :FLAYS, (Lato with Darrow 42 Proutifoot, (lode- rioh,) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyance's, tee, Oiltoe—Grant's Bloek,Druesele, Money to Loan. it. 0,0855, W. D. 01CNSON, A111. TAYLOR, 13. 0. L., Dar..ster, Solicitor, fie., of the limn of Taylor, MoOollougb R Burns, Barristers Solicitors, dm., Manning Arcade, Toronto, Money to loan. A 4EY. HUNTER, Cleric of the Fourth Divlofon Court, Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Pub'e, Land, Loan and Insnren00 Agent. L'uuds invested and to lone. Collections made, Moe in Graham's Block, Broasels, BUSINESS CARDS. UT II. 9IcGiACKLN, Usurer ofAlarriage Licenses. °aloe at his Gregory, l'urubcrry street, Brussels, /SS O'CONNOR, Teacher of Plano and Organ, Terme o t applicatien. WALTON' CLASS moots eve ' Thal ,day and Friday at ]tare, 1), Campbell.,, Walton. 158 ilA.RGREAVES Desiree to receive pupil( for instruc- tion on the Piano and Organ. Mae yours experdance, Booldonoe with Mrs. Jiaroroav- ea, over Popp er'0 Drug Store, N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist' Slop—Next door south Of A. M. Morley & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and ohilaretes hair cutting a specialty 1 '3. 0horoe stook of cigars kept. • AIoNAIR, Ieaurer of AIr-'riago Li008550, by appointment of Lieut,.Governor, Commis. alone?, &o,Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent VireIuuai ranee Co, Mee at the Oranbrook Post ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, 1800186800, FIRE AND -MARINE. GUELPH AUCTIONEERS. (1EORGE I{IRKBY, LioeneodAuctioneer, Solos conduct- ed on reasonable terms. Forme and farm stooka specialty, Orders left at Teo POST P ubs{ehingTionee, Bre seals, or sent to Wal ton P. 0., will receive prompt attention. A BAYMANN, Auctioneer, le always ready to at- tend sales of Sarnia, farm stook, &e. Terms eheerfully given. Oranbrook P. 0. E -'^a maybo- arranged at TEE Pon P11blleb'11g Hoene, Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. M. F. CALE, 11.D., 0. AC, r Member of the College 001'141110Jan and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. Oittoo. and Residence—Main street Hasalethal, Ontario. TA. MaNAUGLITON, • c. M., L. R, C. P., Edinburgb, M. O. P. S. Ont. At Popper's Drug Store from oto 11:00 a, m.. and from lab to -4 p, m, At other. hours may tiefound of hie residenee,.form- erly 800091od by Dr, Butohiuson, Mill at. VETERINARY. 11W. O'BRIEN, V. S., • Honor Gradnatoof the Ontario Vet- erinary Oollogo, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals on scientific cod approvedprinoiptos. 011loe—Two doors 11800110f bridge, Turnberry street. TNO. D. 'WARWICK, V. S., Graduate .,6 the Ontario Votorhnary College, has opened an oltlee in 131000310 and is now Moneyed to treat all MOOS 611 rt domesticated animate On the latot scientific and appl'oyed principloe. Calle attended to clay or night. Otnco 111 I. C. Riehard'0 110. noe0. Shop, Oppoefo Guam's hotel, 2rus-:1e DENTAL. 0 X,.13a1I.IL. D. 0., Donor and M it, 0. D, S, Toronto. Vitalized Air given. Olioo--MEYEno 1'1880x, S17.l1(Vw0E. St 1,1",t, : oo 1 W, T, Pear, L, D. S,, Graduate o1 Toronto Boboo). of Aeuti0007, All 09orat10Da gcaran(00d, 1c3Artifloiol to0t11, arm; quali60 , and a M28108100 O t, for 1312.00 per sot. 0itco—OADY's 11800x,:18navonTn. 1.)16:.‘ ,LN rJC Jur;1311' 20.IVe.n.Tz'a: xsr. 2 . =, 0,4 :300(150' 0136110008 M. ttio Royal C011ogo 01 DentftI flurgeobo, Torotlto, Nitioo Osf40 (gas adminisiotoll fur the 9810104, 1dxtreetlon Of tooth, Oftoa—• . 108'C' 1i 10 on No'4Tn 01'BANY(, 13ntfeogr,o, 4; I Ju 9'b tl DEA pali expel 1ei00411 9oulb tre'0 t1(855 to all no t boon II ' bJ116oia10dol'1l fpoa r 9tb0ie 1 5408r this r getltooyli , 50610 look, 00010 10 be .toad icn 1no0611 made 80100 pr0ae ;rabid Iota recti J3 AI T1 Jud. the f as 81 Jr; Jas. rise' Bigg Cric' lij, be 11, of an OD .a1 1111 00 E1 T an a 3I. Prot ' agai wit liis Gar plff. (1117 sten tem row, T a 0a lain Holy , eel tlud. Coy 1.1000 8110) 1'711= • ,. H enc Fri : in t sfeet 0 i' NZ g flwh. 1'' deft Fre i, chit ('n Rei sen I Mo see' ' 'l 'Sen Qu :has lthe I Of iJ •; asy ea 100 )yet Va. of r Dat 1 iAi col 614 1111 '1111 111 a 11)': 1