HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-6-14, Page 1.4.044..7....1.7714.?ii.177.7037,11141111Filialdr.0702.1.10.717.15( 7 vx.4.s.,÷Jratirstlaar.4..unveirlizaWe. Volum e 16, COLIN IT COUNC.IL, Slane or the 'Worn or the Sane Session meld tast week. Tho Counoff was called to order at 8 p. m. on Tuesday, a good majority of the members being present. Tbo Warden whims:tee the Council Mating that the petitions for amend. menta to the Municipal and Assessment Acts had boon forwarded to the Legiola- ture ; that the alteretions ordered in the petit jury room had been carried out ; and reeoniraended an amendment as to the date of onforoiug the by-law faille: the width avert of eleigh-runners. The report of the County auditors was read and referrocl to tho Finance Com- mittee. Tlw following report of Jailor Dickson VW read and refereed to Jail and Court Houee Committee : sumo= imr.ou Lummox. Gentlemen,—Eferawith I beg to sub- mit for your consideration my report of prisoners confined in your County Jail. There are at present 7 prisoners -•5 males and 2 females ; one of the females is in- sane, her case has been duly reported on and she is now waiting removed to the asylum. The other, Mary Brady, was committed for cis months by Mayor B color. 8lie mimeo from the township of McKillop, is 57 years of age, weak mind- ed and Lae no friends that we know of. Of the males, Robt. Fletcher, of the township of Howick, is oommitted as n vagrant ; he is about 90 years of age, weak and feeble in body and mind. He has been in jail ever same the 25th of June, 1886, and his present sentence ex- pires en the 25th of this month, whet] he will have to be recommitted, and so on until death claims him. Another of the males is under sentence for larceny. The remaining three are insane, have boon reported on and are waiting removal to the asylum. Two of them, Wm. Kelly and Chas. Linguard, are harmless, but the third, Frederick Hunsicker, is ex- ceedingly destructive in his habits. We have to watch Will as closely as we possibly can, in order to keep him cloth- ed, but with all one vigilance ho destroys both tho bedding and his Mathes. I was under the necessity of getting clothes for Mary Brady when she tvout out on the lith of May last, but she was only out four days when she wee again brought back and committed for sex mouths. I also had Co get a pair of pants for Thos. Clarke, a bill for which will be presented to yon duly certified. Wm. Dickson, Jailor. An application from Sheriff Gibbons for a telephone from his office to the jail was read and referred to Finance Com- mittee. The report of Mr. Malloch, I. P. S. for East Huron, was read and referred to School Committee. Au appeal from the trustees of S. S. No. 10 of Usborne, to the County Conn. oil, against the action of the township commie was referred to Sehool Com- mittee. A. circular from thelerovinoial Associa- tion of Public and High Sohool Trustees, was referred to School Committee, A number of accounts were read and referred to Finance Committee. A motion to grant th East Huron Farmers' 'esthete the sunt of 025, they having held the usual number of meet. Lugs, was passed. Council then adjourned until 10 e. nt Wednesday. sneoim rin—Wincissm. Council resumed et 10 a. m., the War. den in the °bat% A. communication from the Canada Company, in refetenoe to the description of lot 35, Maitland con., in original eon - mance, was refund to Road and Bridge Committee. 4. coromnuieetiou from the Wingliam Board of Health, asking the Council to bear a share of the expense of removing a jam of timber in the Maitland river, was referred to tho Special Committee. The following report of Road Com. missioner Ansley was referred to Road and Bridge Committee nnrola 01 alanen ciononsmottem. Gentlemen ;—I beg to submit to you this my secioZd report for the year 1889. (1) All the bridges whith you gave orders to build at the January meeting have been duly planed under conereot, except that over the Bauble river on the boundary lino between the townships of Usborne and Hibbert. The contract for the Wingham north bridge was let to Reba jamieeon, of Fordwith, 4.or the price or sten of $898. The Do/attach for the Rogerville bridge was awarded to John Ioorestor'of Winglmin, at the prase of $195. TbeZetlancl Creek bridge was awarded to John Forester for 586. The contracb to erect the Henftyn bridge was awarded to Robert J'amiesion, ef Ford- wieh, for the sum of 5308. The county of Perth is to pay half tbo cost of this bridge. All the above mentioned bridgea aro to be completed ab an early date. The contract to furnish the plank to re. door tho Maitland bridge was awarded to Benjamin Taylor, of Mott Wawauoth, at the pram of $14.50 per thousand, to bo delivered and piled at the bridge att di- rected. Frons the lat of January, 1889, to this date, 2 have issued the following ordeta for the satounto and purposes mentioned as follows :—(1) U053. I4th, Vanstono, for ropeiring South abut- ment of Remitter bridge, 513 ; (2) dam 2iird, Cap, Paisley, for repairing Cop. land's bridge and the approaches to the 'Heiden bridget $8.70 ; (8) jam 23rd, RalVi Kirkplieriek, ler maim to tho Cher iton imago, $2 ; (4) Jan. 28rd, Car. potation of Aelifield, air repairs to ap- proaohos to county bridges, 517.08 (6) Joel. 24th, Geo. lIawkins, for repairs to ilis approachee to Port Albert bridge, 58 ; (0) jan. 0411;, Wnu Imehem, for re. poiriug the floor of the Maitland bridge 57.66 ; (7) March 12 1;, Samuel Stanlake for le -abet for bridge floor, $8,20 ; (9) allay 18th, Attluer h'othos, for gravelling the striped:Lobes te Grieves bridge and tepearing feces, 010, 2 wag requested ERUSELS, by the commissioner of the county of Perth to meat the reeve of Fullerton and himself at a bridge on the county bowel- ary lino about a mile northeast of Kirk - ton, oa the 30th of May. I was at the plane appointed on time in company with reeves Kay and Bissett, but owing to tho eery unfavorable state of the weather the parties from Perth eounty aid .not meet us. However, we found the bridge a very otcl wooden structure elle it appear- ed about time it was rebuilt. 33y re quest of V. liatz, Men of Stephen town. ship, I met John If. Jones, engineer of the county of Lanibton, itt tbo Grand Bend, on Friday, 31st May. We ex- amined the bridge at that place and found the chords considerably decayed. It will require soma attention as soon as possible. We considered hy putting two strong beets to support the chords the bridge may stand two or three years longer. Some improveinents which I think should bo attended to thio Rummer are the following :---A stone wingwall be Egmonciville bridge, and the stonework of the Maitland, Manchester and Olinton bridges to be repaired by filling the cracks and joints with ooment. The probable cost of the vault for the registry office will be about 41600. There will likely be about the usual element requir- ed for small repairs. The amount of money likely to bo required for the year 1889 for bridges and approaches and re- pairs to the county buildings, including the vault will, I estimate, not exceed $6,- 000. All which is respectfully submitted. Jame AtonnY, Co. Commissioner. County of 1:111r011. eth. Jono, 1880. A oiroular from the Mayor of Ottawa, in reference to amendments to the Mum Mama and Assessment Aets, was referred to Speciel Committee. On motion of Messrs. Kelly and Jacques, the Connell decided by a ma- jority of 10 to dispense with the Decem- ber session this year. It was decided that in the event of any appeal from the equalizing of Use &nese- ment rolls, the final adjustments be left with the County Judge. Moved by Mn. Mooney, seconded by Mr. Thoropsoe, that Kate lidiskitning, Lizzie Miskiming and Mary Hays, all of the township of Morris, certified by Dr. Holmes to be insane and dostitote per- sons, be supported at the expense of the Comity. Referred to the Finance Com- mittee, The following statement of the County Treasurer was read and referred to Fi. mince Committee: 'REPoRT OF COMITY TREASURER. Gelltkinlen, submit herewith state. meats of collections from non-resident Iambi between Jan. /st and April 30th, also statement of cash on hand and avail. able to meet current expenditure. I take pleasere in informing you that the sink- ing funds 000 110W all satisfactorily in- vested, $14,250 having boon loaned out on first mortgages at six per cont. since Jan. 1st. These mortgages will be laid before your Finance Committee.It will be necessary to grant to your warden mud treasurer the usual power to borrow $20, 000 to meet current expenditure until the taxes are paid. Collectionfrom non.reeident lands from Jen. 1 to April 30, 1080 : /WAWA 35 07 Stephan..0 57 84 enderleh 44 07 Tuelteremith * 20 81 urey 15 54 lurnberry 12 04 Ray 01050 WomanOaRIV.., 75 01 Benoit 7 01 13nyllehl2 01 Morris 15 24 }Myth 1 01 McKillop '5 85 Brussels .2 00 Stanley 01 00 Wroxeter 0 20 -- Total $010 40 Statement of cash on band and avail. able to meet ourene expenditure : Cash lo Ihtuk li16401 55 Co, Ent° due Myth 180 35 118440 90 Less halftime to credit Sink. 43701 in Fund 00 Duo Manuripalities lor non. 81 1102 74 resident lauds 814817 10 Commit then adjourned to meet at 4 p. m. Council resumed at 4 o'clock, Warden in the ohair. The following report of the Special Committee on the poor house question was read and laid on the table ; REPORT 021 POOR ROWEL Committee—Masers. Kelly, Manning, Proudfoot, Rollins, Wilson, Keine end the Warden. in acoordatioe with the instructions contained it the resolution of Ibis Coun. oil at its January session, your Special Comusittee hex° endeavored to obtain all the infoemation possible relating to the coat of land, buildings and maintenance of the various institutions called Houses of Refuge, for the care of the poor, in the province, and other information of a kindred nature. A. sub.00mmittoo, eon. eisting of Menem Proudfooli and Man- ning, has collected the statistics which we hereby eubmiu, and which will bo found of great) importance 10 oonsideting this sebjeet. Your oommittee have tamed tie giving to the Counoil the very fullest inforinse tion concerning this important matter, without veference to the leanings of the members of your ectramittee, Tho sub. committee thought its iamb duty was to obtain a correct account of the amount Spent by the various municipalitlea of the 00000!! under/ the hoed Of "Charity." This allows a Oomparison—though an impeder:it one—to be made between the toot of keeping the poor in our own oonnty and the cost in a county looviog te Hetleo of Refuge. Tb s returns under bhil head embrace tho yeers 1887 and '88. Amount :spent by the various neanici. palitios of the county of Mirth Ilpou ”liarliy in 1887 and 1888: Adideld llayfteld Brussels Oltoton Colborn Ikea& ffedoeith Town Boeotian noweeliet Geo 0188 at 0110 .00 08 08 04 88 4800 11047 147 73 101 68 218 81 822 05 902 50 277 10 165 60 245 72 00>007 (101 00 282 75 :118 30 202 00 3113 00 Hey, Soleiek gee D. 113 07 eu.seiewsureiteetereeeteeemeetwil ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1889. Number 42. Mullett 80 00 30 00 3101CMcii 130 CO 175 25 Morris... Hostorth 1141 57 201 95 Manley 102 OU 147 18 St0Phon 05 50 140 05 Tholtersmith 273 OH 470 00 Turuberry 171 80 024 a Lleborne 383 25 250 08 East witeranosh . 172 11 70 00 West Wawanosli 150 62 173 00 Wingham 207 26 100 08 Wroxoter Inoluding averages /or rou- ntalpaPe 000 reporting ....$4.000 CO 05810 00 It will thee be seen that directly out of the local mnnioipal exchequers has been paid the sum of 59,084 in two years. To these gums must be added the stuns of $264.16 and $183, respeotivoly, which aro the amounts estimated by the County Treasurer as spent by the county for the same perponii as the local grants in the same years', and these two make a grand total 01 110 less than $1.0,751, or e5,875 poi' annum. Every member of the County Counoil is also aware that these sums do not in any way represent the fall amount of the charity bestowed by this county. Private charity by individuals, ohurthes, and 900101i0B, is largely given to the very same parties that receive municipal 011. Another large item of expellee to the county is in connection with the running of the gaol. The manner in which this expense is paid is as follows : The Gov• eminent pays for all prisoners who are charged, with indietable offences, and the moiety pays for all others. The last quarter the Government was charged with 110 days and the county with 1513 days. Of this 1513 days, 1433 days is chargeable to the meinteunnoe of indi. gents. In consequence of this the coun- ty had to pay 5042, against 546,87 paid by the Government, or :Omit 14-16ths of the whole expense. IE there had boon no indigents confined the Govern- ment would have had to pay nearly two- thirds, and the county something over one-third. In this way the 00st to the county was for indigents alone over $400 for the quarter. This quarter is not above the ,average, so that the county pays annually about $1,600 for mainten- ance of indigent; in the gaol. Tho question naturally arises—how much of this large suni would be saved to the local municipalities by the erection of a Homo of Refuge? From inforrna tion in the hands of your Committee it is quite evident that only a very small pro. portion of the charity grant to indigents would neeessarily remain. 25 bit not pretended that there would be no amount to be spent by tho local municipalities for Charitable purposes, but it is estale lished beyond all question in the counties whero Houses of Refuge have been meet - ad, that adding the Reins for charity and increased county grant for House of Refuge, together, the result is a less sem by e. considerable amount than the sum previously spent for like purposes. The special committee appointed by the coun- ty council of Ontario county to report on this same sobjeet at its Juno sossiou, and of whose report we have been fevered with a copy, on this point report 05 fol. lows : ',The erection of Rouses of Refoge appears to have obviated, except in the smallest degree, Omits to indigents by the minor municipalities." The various Houses of Refuge in the Provinoe are as follows : County of Elgin—Township of South- wold, 3 miles west of St. Thomas. . County of Waterloo—Berlin. County of York—Near Newmarket. County of Lineoln—Township of Gran- tham, a little over half a mile from St. Oatherinee. County of Middlesex—Township of .Adelaide, near Strathroy. County of Norfolk—Gore of Weod- house. County of Wellington—Tewnship of Niohol, midway between the villages of Fergus and Mora. Oonnty of Welland — Township of Thorold. County of 13rant—Township of Brant- ford. The total acreage, the acreage under cultivation, the oost of land and build. ings is as follows Acreage f Cost a ki°' 00 under (3", land & mares., • tr land Elgin 50 85 88000 00 51078i53 Waterloo /41 57 0024 00 20085 00 York 511 515 4500 00 30002 00 LI mole 00 45 Middlesex , 45 95 020900 28220 00 Norfolk., ..... :100 75 8000 00 6450 00 Wellington._ 58 00 2000 (3 8207005 Welland 50 ao 8600 00 5148 00 Brant 50 85 14800 CO Average ,075 003 3818 77 10670 56 It will One be soon that the average cost of these institutions is the sum of 915,070.66, but the present feeling of all concerned is that large farms aro a mit- teke. The Weight of evidence goes to show that 40 or 50 acres are better than 100 or over. In nianyoages the buildings are =oh more expensive e'en need be, and the officials recommend theaper and plainer ones, The smaller institution, such its would be ample for the county of Huron, do 001 average in wen over 012a 000, The Ontario (meaty oominittee agrees with ns that smaller farms and cheaper buildings would meet every want, and save a largo and unnecessary oxpenee. Kane committee would next call oaten - tion to the number of inmates, and the cosh per head, of those institutions : Coed per Male, Pinnate, Sethi, boa& lOIgtto70 83 100 4150 04 Watorioo,........ 78 30 118 40 00 113 4,1 107 67 78 York LincolnIle 88 03 Middlesex 89 .214 1027 64 0081 No rfol 6,1 10 8 40 00 42 111 63 07 Welland , 10 50 Brant Tho avetego cost of oath inmate in those Ronaes of Refuge Ives the sum of about 555. Wo have also imeartained that tho average Wet maintentheo, in. eluding Wariest, food mid olothinte, of etch inmate in five of the institutions during 1888, per WOOk, NOR as follows: Elgin Waterloo , 031 i017 MiddloseX eitelliugthe 1 23 Yore ...... , 1 173 ....... , 110 Those histitntioes, however, yieleed u eiee =ADM revenuee, which materielly de. creole the expenditme. These revenues are derived from the propitiate of the f trm and the labor °elite inmate:, : Blom the all other farm. somas. Total. S 81200 2540 00 1302 00000 1610 00 310 00 1040 00 805 00 3808 OU 001111* 11 015 00 Waterloo 1740 90 890 00 York 1305 00 Lincoln . 1013 re aiddloses030 00 Norfolk ... 0:30 ea Wellington . \emitted Brant .... ROO 00 000 00 A tabulated statement showing atneunt of calories mid all other charges of main. teuanee, le.s the revenue in ettola CORD, and the yearly cost of eeoli institution gives the follo-wing retinas-; prat, mune osmium a pre p5705A.115 150107es..2,-eareetssee 1(0 ,11 RafpntOxe ,7!.4. Br, eg iesuadxo, selves. pima .1, 8388? -5.3 muJAGE `4,1,5Tar, ggr.P.,gstp, swot) aeeeeesetenee 8888SPele emetelee. FAEL"§gec8, 1.1 r• .8 it".'*teiese0 Frain the information before your Committee we aro of opinion that a House of Refuge, providing for 150 in- mates, with an average of 100 per annum in keeping, the first cost of which was 012,000, would cost the County of Huron yearly about an follows: intermit on 010,000, at >0000 sent 8 GOO 10 100 inmates at 005 (this iteito includ- ing sal/trios, 0241iot4Danco, ota,)„. 000 00 86100 00 Less any milli Sotroveuu a, sp 1010 00 Bantus° emooTo It will thus bo seen that in the matter of municipal grants alone the amount ex - needed would be less. If to these grants be added it proportion of the amounts spent privately, as undoubtedly should be clone, then 0 very meth larger saving Gan be showu. It must also be borne in mind that tho present system is very un- satisfactory and insefficlient. Under it one munioipality must frequently oars for the poor of another, but with a House of 'Refuge the burden wonle. be equitably borne. At present many deserving poor really suffee rather than go to gaol, which might be their fate if they te "lied for aid. We tako the liberty of °alum; your at. toution to the following extracts from the report already referred to of the Speoial Committee 14 Ontario County, The Warden personally visited the Houses re- ferred to, and he states that, though le has always opposed the buildiug of a House of Refuge, this trip has made thorough convert of him. In describing the different places visited they say : County of Elgin. --The Heim of Refuge of the County of Elgin is situated about 3 miles from St. Thomas. Tho farm contains 50 acres of lend, nearly all under cultivation. Tho products of tbo farm are hay, corn, oats, potatoes and other vegetables for the stook and inmates, little or nothing being sold, all being Con - Sewed on the premises. The building is a fine two.storey structure, and basement of white brick, with accommodation for about; 60 persons. This being insufficient, Small frame cottages have been erected, and others are to be built this year. About 100 were lodged for a longer nt shorter time during the year 1888, it por- tion of tibia number being eerier 90 days. The cost of the property was : Parra Alaietiding 018006000 0050 n b 7115 01 (gn tt-tglelsilings , .1000084 Drainage, fencing & orchard.. 1030 31 The oftleials in connection with it are an inspeotor, salary $80 per annum; a pbysi. elan, 200;$keepur, 550;0matron, $200 ; assistant matron, $1.20. The last throe live in the inetitutitsn. Nearly all the work on tho farm and in tho house, with this exception, is done by the inmates, No less than 21 of the inmates were imbecile, idiotic or insane, and 7 blind. The average coat of maintenance, inelnd. ing salaries, food and olothing, of eaoh inmate during 1888was $1.07 per week, which is a little higher than tho average during the previous years. County of lffiddlesex.—The House of Refuge for the Comity of Middlesex is situated nearly two melee west of the town of Strathroy. It Was ereoted in 1879. It is intended for the °Amon:mods. tion of 154 imitate% although At the time of the visit about 100 were in it. The city of London formerly sent a number of inmates to it, but they have now been withdrawn, the city having nocommode- tie's at home, The farm contain& about 46 acres of land, the produoe of Which is oonsurned by -the inmates. The mist of the land was $8,300, and the total cost of land, buildings, eth. to the present time is $28,820. The total number of paeans sheltered last year for a 000115 011 lest; time was 127. The house is heated by steam, and in addition to tho until officials 0051 engineer is 'tope to Manage the heating itud pumping apparatus, ab calor of $400 per annum, 'The to' ei salaries paid aro $1,800 poi annum, es little other labor is peid for, and no assistant to Om matron is employed, the whole work being done by the inmate& Tho anneal cost of maintenance in this irinitution, including the eateries, is $1,06 par week forsohcaunintyomtat‘ev.m000 0. --The lloeso of Report, would respectfully Dell your at. Your Committee, before OlOsing thsir Refuge of the °Minty of Waterloo is tendon to the repotetod recommendation% situated notte Boelin, and is tho oldeet made by the MMus Grand /tidos and institution in the province, having been Judges; in peat years. 21 is wall known Opened in MO, Tho term originally eon. that those Geand Judea wore composed sistea Of 141 mores, of tvisith 10 have to. et mob representing all seotions of the eontly been sold for team las. The Coenty, and thow represeetationst are building is a Mtge brick etrnoture, Impel* ceetainly worthy of the Men careful eon. 01 containing about 125 newtons, tho sideratioa, Those Goma Juries hays. average number of inmates being 83. The repeatedly urged the erection of a lime mist of the land miginally was 50,021, the ot Refuge and their waellitinetielatione Mitlffing, stables and out4108es "316,088 have boon strongly banked tap by the ad. p to tho present, =Icing a tote/ melt al &Catlett of tho presiding jadges. They 43/..6?13•1,M191111.1011,M.31,411,1111#.11.1i1A13.,`.^^.,,^.^ len titan 528,1100. The oGoi,ol employed are :-- Inspect:re salary of $100; tease, Fian, $200; keeper, 5560 ; matron, $140 teamster, 511)0; aseistent keeper, /flee ; two female servents, $100 eaell. Total $1.e50. The met of maintenance of each poraon is a fraction ovor 05o, per week. In addition to Lite produce conoumod on the premiss strawberries and other fruito are misted and Pohl ID the town of Bet:linL County of Wetlingtote--The House of Refuge of the County of Wellington is situated nearleergue, and was established in 1878. The form 10 abont 50) acres in extent, The building wits originally in- tended to aocetuntodate 65 palms, but additions have beim recently made, in. creasing its capacity during the year. The average number of inmate') was 711, The total cost buildinge and land to date, including improvement% is $20,390. Tho officials ars: Inipector, $100 per year; phyeician, $150 ; keeper, 8300 ; in-tron, $200; other ageistente, 101.88.10 ; Making a total cost of $1,e38,50. The average cost of inainteuance for mule 101. mate was $1.03 per weelt. County of York.—The one at New- market le 105 feet long by 40 broad, and originally cost about $17,200, and there has been added by way of outbuildings and otherwise $8,802, making a total of 626,002. It was built with the intention of accommodating 100 inmates, but they have load there at one time as many 120. Those in charge of the institution strong- ly recommend a small farm, of oay about 50 sores, as being much better than a large one, and much more profitable in the management. They also think float cheaper and plainer buildings alight be used, and thus save a large and unneces- sary ' expense. They have 51.4 acres, which cost $4,500. The ipmates do all the labor OD the farm, and attend to all the work. They raise principally gar- den stuff, thole es celery, cabbage, toma- toes, strawberries, potatoes, and other vegetables, for sale. They have three horses and five Mitch cows, and use all the milk on the plaoe, and no butter is made. They also raise and dispose of each year a number of fat bogs. The officers consist of a keeper, salary 5800 ; inspector, 8100; physician, $175 ; mat- ron, $200 ; two dorneatios at 5108 and en a year. The average expense per week last year for each inmate, exclusive of interest on capital anomie, including salaries, was $1.17e. Total expense, in. cludiug 5 per oent. interest on capital account, per week for each inmate, 51.83e. oENERAL. Houses have been established in the counties of Elgin, Waterloo, York, Mid- dlesex, Norfolk, Wellington and V7el. land. According to the returns sent to tho Ontario Government, these Houses contain 779 inmates. Of this number 420 were over 00 years of ago, and 122 children under 15 years of age. The number is made up of persons helpless through disease, accident or mental infir- reiby. It will thus he seen that the very large proportion of the inmates are through ago unfitted to °aro for them- selves, and bereft as they nearly always are of porous able to eerie for them, without the presence of a home must suffer severely even when granted the municipal and charitable assistance com- monly given. The conclusions drawn by the Commit- tee from theta investigations are 1. That, so far as could be aseertained, the people 01 these counties were satis- fied with the result of tho operation of these Houses of Industry, and that the opposition at the time of their erection had now died out, notwithstanding the fact that in one or two cases the annul cost of maintenance hut exceeded the too low estimate of the promoters to a very oonsiderable extent. 2. That their erection appears to have obviated, except in tho smallest dogiso, grants to indigents by the smaller muni- cipalities ; and matorially lessened the number of tramps and vagabonds ; and hadl provided a comfortable home for the helpless, who otherwise would hey° suffer. ed severely, oven under the best means available to minor municipalities. 11. That from the information obtained by your Committee, the erection of a House of Industry would appear to be an act of economy as well RB one of humanity. Frain the report of you Committee furnished at the January 855 - 0100, the amount granted to iudigonts in 1887 was 05,864. This is but a portion of the cost, as it is well known these gran s ate largely supplemented by pri- vate contribution% Tho annual smet of maintaining an inmate in tt Menge of In- dustry may be set down at $55. This County would probably supply 125 la- ma -too, mid the annual cost would be $6,- 875, or an excess of 51,000 above that now paid by the municipalities, but this suni is certainly yes than that whioh the insuffioieut aid given by the munioipal- Wee. oompels the °limitable to contribute to the suppose of the indigents of the C°411.nTfiY11.0,t respeeting the extent of farm required, the opinions of the officials materially differ. Li nearly every in- btance the keepers of these Efouaes visit- ed wore in fever of largo farms, while the inepeotors believed Silty aeras ample. The extant desired depended upon the ohmmeter of the keeper. When ho prov. alt to be an energetic farmer ho desired a large acreage, and wished to establish something him a model farm ih 000000 - tion with the House ot Nanette:. In most oaeoe fifty acres employ all the in. mates able to wank, and above Mutt extent hired help must be employed. The weight of opinion appears to be that 60 aorea is suffielent, f6a,17t rolor in tilau'rettrian)nr tivelaultghtlyag&t?intlitye of Huron virtually Mare their Unforttln- ato poor on s level with those gully of crilmteus.peatfully submitted. P. litmus', Clutirtnem. A communication from Mr. Tully, architect of public worke, in reference to the registry aloe, was referred to Ff. name Committee, The report of the Equalizittioe Com. mitre° was read arid laid on the table. Moved by Mr. Eilbor, seconded by Mr. Keene that the Mork procure the opinion 02 1115 comity solicitor if this Caution has the power to equalize the respective municipalities this year for personal property, in view of the Act 11 Vice, Chap. 20, Carried. Moved by Mr. Either, remanded by Mr. Kelly that the clerk ascertain from the treasurer of this coenty if Dr. Williams, Police Magistrate, ha, pail the said treasurer the soon of 9100, being the amount for a. netts reported by seal Dr. Williams to said treasurer of one Patriok Hell, taken in Nov. 15, 18S7, for Scott Act fine ; and in the event of such sem not being paid, the olerk instruct the county solicitor to take such legal action. Oslo him :seems advisable against the said Dr. Williams, Polies liagnitrate, to recover said sem of $100. Carried. Moved by tdr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Keine that the warden and olerk memo- rialize the Legislature of Ontario, eo enact such legislation as will compel all sleighs to be so oonstruoted that the runners will be of a uniform width of three feet nine inches apart: from each other at the bottom, and that at a speei- fied time all sleighs at present in nae shall be so changed as to make them. conform to the before mentioned width; farther, that the dark shall correspond with the clerks of oaell of the comities of this Provinoe asking co-operation towards securing this legislation. Carried. A motion by Means. Wilson and Keine to repeal the by-law passed at last see- der] relative to sleigh runners, was laid on the table. Council then adjourned to 10 a. m. Thntsday. REPORT OF TEE EQUALSEATIOR 002I51ITTRE. Your committee bog to state that in view of the feet that next year the equal- ization of tbis and other counties will have to be gone into extensively and de novo, and a different beefs of crier disation fixed for future yenrs, your committee deem it inadvisable to make changes this year. Your committee therefore recom- Mend that the schedule attached to the equalized values of the raunicipalitim for the current year. All ot whieh is re- spectfully submit/ed. J. 4.. Romme, obeirmen. Ceeeeteeral Iefileasra. • A. cable from Ostend to Amortise is pro- posed. A oyeloue did much damage in Arkan. eas City on Saturday night. Several places in New York were 835(3. el by a destructive wind storm. Sitting Bull is rocoverieg from his attack of pneumonia. The town of Seattle, Washington Ter- ritory, was badly scorched last week. Tim Hungarian wheat crop is repelled lair and other crops better therein 1888. It is rumored that some monied men. are talking of catalog a twine fattory in lblitohslh A hurricane and waterspout at Reich- enbaoh, Germany, having caused great loss of life and property. The National Bement' Assoeietiou of the U. S. has contributed 510,000 to the Johnstown sufferer, The steamer Palestine, Stone Liverpool for Roston, reports lowing passel eight icebergs of an average length of 200 feet and a height of 100 feet in her voyage. As evidence 000080 forward it is found that the lossof life by the Johnstown flood will reach from 12,000 to 15,000. A large proportion is made up ot child- ren. J. Se C. Ayer cte Co., of Lowell, Mass., have entered a claim for 9125,000 dama- ges against the Dominion Government for loss sustained through the illegal seizure of their preparations. Tho visible supply of wheat in the U. S. aud Canada bas been reduced to 18,- 802,181 bushels, the lowest point for some years. A. year ago the visible was 25,753,000 and two years ago 42,112,000 bushels. At a recent meeting of the Boys! Meteorological Society the records of the Register General were quoted to show that the total number of deaths froth ." lightning, in England during the last twenteamne years amounted to 546, of watch 442 Wore males and 104 females. In consequence of their greater oxposuto the inhabitants of rural districts suffer- titewnniso.re from lightning them thoge of Crowland Township boa been tendered ,* the gifb of a baby, but refuses to assume the paternal role. It seems the yousigsEer was left with a Mrs. Davis, of'llumbee- etone. Mrs. Davis teasel in need of a baby herself, and, it is alleged, it order to gob it off her bands, gave another patty ' $20 to adopt it. The other party adopted it the S320 worth, then returned it. Reeve Headerson was next flaked to tole 11 10 oherge, but refund to accept the revolt. sibility, and whether, like John Idrocvn's soul, the unwelcome waif is still ellerch. ing en," or hag yet found a resting plane the oworoirtaerhil,icntoowmetr1.1 7noot. nst000m, 01 Bor. lin, Germany, the entire length of tele. graph Rime in the world 15 580,140 miles, equel to about 20 time the world's air'otimfornce, The length of ell the winos , Nominate to 1,684,400 miles or about eighty tithes this flame, Of those 580, , 140 miles, 215,100 miles aro looated jo lemma 170,400 in Amerioa, 48,750 in Aga, 20,212 in Australia and 19,561 in Able. Besides the telegraph lines there ere 950 cables, '764 of those, :mounting 'to 12,1132 nautical intim{ M length, ere in leueopean teeters; under govern. reent control. There are 170 great mat °Able% 100,553 mutilate milts long, Work. ed by privets or Mentos. There arc together 160,000 tilegraphie instruments In StrYiee.