HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-5-31, Page 8Yoii
uniazt Bushes
If So you will surely require home
Phis iS the best thing known
for the destruetion of the Currant
Worm, which so quickly sato the
first.leaves on rheas buf,bes. A
fresh supply of this powder at
Drug, Book and Fancy Goads Store.
sOUT1&1:N EXTENSION, W. O. & B. It.
Treinaleare Brussels Station, wort and
south as foBowe:—
Cuing South, setas North.
Mail..............7:02a.m. Mixed 0:20 a.m
Express 1135 a.m.Mail 9:00 p.m
Mixed 8;65min. I Express 0.45p.m
A. ohiel's amang ye Lakin' notes
An' faith he'llprentit.
Con for Eggs atMcCracken's,
BEDROOK Suites for 56.00 at Leather -
TO3IATO and cabbage plants at Thos.
Kelly's. 46.3'
Buoswnesr and Millet Seed at Mo.
SCHOOL Board meeting next Friday
Toouswo and cabbage plants for sale at
MoCraoken's grocery.
BEnnooas Spites worth 516 for 510 at
ADVIL Snzxx is home from College for
Summer vaaetion,
22,000 briok for sale on easy terms,
Corm= meeting and Court of Revision
next Monday evening. '
TILE down -Hour of rain this week pat
business at about a standstill.
Ir is doubtful if the 33rd Batt. will be
naked to go to damp this year.
MARS down Dominion Day celebration
for Brussels in your memoranda.
THE Enron Co. Council will meet at
Goderich on Tuesday of nest week.
derma VEAL does and will undersell
any other furniture dealer in Brussels.
ENSILAna corn, turnip, mangold and
garden seeds for sale cheap at Thomson's.
R. 11. ARMSTRONG- has gone to Bramp-
ton where he will work at millwright -
H. L. JACKSON spent several days last
week at St, Marys and Stratford visiting
8,000 white brick for sale at a bargain.
May be seen at the Central Hotel, Brus-
sels. T.O'NErx. 31.
TEEM was a very heavy white frost on
Tuesday night. A great deal of dama0e
was done.
LOADS of furniture going away from
Veal's every day, He is selling extraor-
dinary cheap.
THE Guelph Methodist Conference
will convene in St. Marye on Thursday
of next week.
ARTHUR Ware Brussels, is Selling all
kinds of furniture a great deal cheaper
than any other dealer.
CALL at Leatherdale's and examine
goods and get prices before buying else.
where. No trouble to show goods.
W. NIsIITINOALE & Co„merchaute, have
300 bushels of potatoes on band that
they are selling off at 25 cants per bag.
LEATITERDALE'6 is the best pl•._o in
Brussels to buy good reliable Furniture,
and ho will not be undersold by any man.
Mag. AimXANDEn wishes to inform her
customers that she has removed her mil-
linery and residence to rooms above the
postoffice, Brussels.
A noox agent named Roach took a fit
at the American Hotel, on Wednesday
evening. while writing a letter and in the
fall out his head Waite severely.
ALL orders for teaming left at J. G.
Skene's or A. M. McKay & Co's store
will be promptly attended to. 1111 orders
for garden plowing left with the above
named gentlemen will receive prompt at-
tention. 30 Hesumnsoir Biros.
DomnsioN DAY AT B111789E1,9.-4 public
nteeting was held oh Thursday evening
of this week to draft committees and ar-
range a tiptop program of games and
sports for Dominion Day. We hope
every citizen will lend hie aid in making
it a grand success. Partioulars will be
given next week,
WELL.Dre01Ea on Danadue.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is preppar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to isim
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in (proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
aide of Tnrnberry at., Brneeela. 4341
THE anneal meeting of the Upper
Canada Religions Traot and book Society
will be held on Friday evening of next
week, June 7th, in Melville church,
commencing at 8 o'clock. Rev. Dr.
Moffatt, of Toronto, will address the
aadience on the Past, Present and Future
of the Society. A collection will be
Manitoba Excuraion.--.yuale
.11i1, i itlz and 18th. Deloraine,
and return, $28 ; Moossoniu and
return,, $28; Glenboro' and return,
$28; Salt Coats and return, $28;
Calgary and return, $35. Good
for 4o days. For Tickets and In,
formation apply to ,7.16 M. Kendall,
e r 'to T. Pletcher, Agents G.T.R.
JEsurre.—On Friday evening of this
” week a public meeting will be hold in
the Town Hall Brussels, commencing at
8 c'olook for the purpose of hearing the
d'etuit estates' question discussed. Ad.
drosses are expected from Rev, John
BMA, B. A., Brussels ; Roe. W. Torranea,
Walton i Dr. Maotlooald, M. P,, Wing,_
,loam, ata others. Ladies are cordially
Invited, Roane Graham will preside as
Chairman, A collodion wilt bo taken to
defray inoidentalmxponecft. A. large nt.
tsnditnoo eepeetod,
ANorsuEn let of dandy Parlor Spites
j et arrived end very ch
en1 tit' Leather -
dela s,
1501 t our fart ittrre from Arthur 1' 1
1 r cu
he sena the best and the cheeped int de.
livers it free of oltarge,
J Ea. HARonitsv xs, of Toronto, was in
town fer several days renewing old ac..
quatnusuces. He has a host of friends
in Brussels,
NOT STOLEN,—Those prunella gaiters,
size 3, that we are selling for 25o. per
pair have not been stolon, some are only
slightly damaged, A. Coon, 46.
Ltcnosso,—Next Tuesday evening a
meeting of all interested in the formation
of a lacrosse club will be bell at the
American Hotel, commencing at 8
Ma. Elroy, of Scotland, who wee
visiting his cousin, W. Roddiak, for some
time, started eastward this week. He
purposes shortly returning to the land of
the heather.
D. M. FEnOESON, of the firm of Scarff
& Ferguson, of Stratford and Brussels,
was in town for a couple of days this
week. He is quite pleased with the sue•
cess of their venture in Braseels.
AMONG visitors in town on the Queen's
Birthday, were notioed. Miss Mont.
gomery, Harriston ; M. MoLennan, Lon-
don ; J. A. Fear, Toronto ; 1. V, Fear,
Seaforth ; Samuel Plant, Harriston.
Onn citizens enjoyed the Queen's Birth-
day in a quiet manner at home. A num.
ber of them, however, went to Seaforth,
Win ham, Ethel, Listowol, Stratford,
London, Durham and Toronto.
Rev. W. Samrxr, of the Waterloo Street
Methodist Church, Stratford, formerly
of Brussels, has received a call from the
Methodist Church, Hariistou. The
matter will not be finally settled until
the meeting in June.
LAST Tuesday Dan. McDonald left for
Schriber, Ont., where he will take charge
of a butcher shop for Wm. Stretton. The
latter is an engineer on the C. P. R. but
aA hts headquarters bas been Schriber he
will be able to have the oversight of the
business ably assisted by Dan.
Wena in Toronto last week the editor
of Tan POST met quite a number of form-
er Brusselites in the persons of A. M.
Taylor, R. Y. Grant, T. McGilliouddy,
Jno. Lee, Fred. and Jno. Hindes, P.
Jackson, Jno. Alexander and W. Crooks.
They all speak well of the Queen city
and of the improving proepeots.
Annan: VEAL, furniture dealer, intends
going into undertaking and will be able
to supply coffins, caskets, &c. also one of
the beet hearses in the Co. Mr. Veal is
thoroughly up in this line of the business
having had experience extending over a
number of years, and will be ready to at-
tend to all calls in this department.
WI1o'LL be appointed Postmaster in
Brussels is now the pertinent interro-
gation ? THE Posr thinks Thos. Farrow,
ex M. P., has the best claim, according
to the usual disposal of Government
patronage, and he would be a very ac-
ceptable man for the position. We hope
an appointment will soon be made.
, Tun Brussels Band should do better
work than ever now as Bandmaster
Whitley has now an assistant. He Dame
on Thursday of last week and has al-
ready given several vary satisfactory ex-
hibitions of his musical abilities. His
name is Whitley. May he live to scratch
a gray beadle the wish of THE Posy.
Cntnoon Norae.—"Scenes in the Holy
Land." Mr. Howie is to give a lecture
(D.V.) on "Scenes in Joppa and Arint.
athea" in Knox church at 4 p.m. next
Sunday. Tbis lecture consists of a
sketch of the localities and gardens of
these plaoes and an account of the in.
oidents which took place in them. See
Jonah 1 and Acts 10. Meeting begins
at 4 and ends at 5 punctually, Compet-
ent authorities have been agreed for a
lougtime that kuowledge of Eastern cus-
toms is useful to the student of Scrip.
turn ; this is proved in various ways and
especially by the constant publication
and re -publication and enormous sale of
voluminous works on the subject. -Rev.
W. H. Fife, of Crediton, preached in the
Methodist church last Sabbath morning.
The rev. gentleman is on the sick list
from a heavy cold contracted and will
probably apply for a year's rest at the
forthcoming Conference.
Onroxir,—The Harriston cricket club
played a friendly match with the home
team on Victoria Square on the Queen's
Birthday, in which they were defeated
by 29 runs. Brussels went to bat first,
facing the bowling of Messrs. Schmidt
and White. The bowlers did their work
well, but the batters were alert and the
score was materially augmented by the
16 runs got by Dr. McNaughton and the
11 added by Jas. Ross. The innings
closed for 66. The visitors were not
successful in wielding the willow and
their innings only totalled 21, the higheet
individual record being 6. The Boss
Bros, did excellent work bowling, as the
snore will explain. In the second innings
for Brussels Dr. McNaughton piled up
another 16 rune, the remainder of the
eleven failing to "catch on" to double
figures. 44 was the total, making 100 in
all. The Harriston team had 80 to make
to win, but although Mr. Lamont batted
ont 18 and Mr, Briebin 14, the other
willow wielders fell a prey to the sharp
bowling and fielding of the Brussels club,
and 60 was all they could tally, The
only extra in this innings was a wide
ball. M. McLennan and J. Hargreaves,.
old members of the club, took a hand in
the game. The following is the extended
score :
Dennis, c Lamont, b e Briebin, bowl'd
Schmidt 9 Schmidt 8
D.Ross,ro.b White... 7 b White 0'
Cb Wli1e McMnrchie, 0 b White 9
M'Naugbton, b White 10 b hits 10
3, Bose, b Sehmidt.,,, 11 e White, b Sa'mi't o
MbLennan,bWhite,., 0 b White 0
Chuf, b Schmidt ...... 0 oLam'nt,b White 0
Hargreave6, b. White 9 o White, b Sc mi t 1
Hoye, not out 0 e Lamont, Wired
Wade, b Sobinidt 0 not 6 bid4 0
Veal, b,White 1 b White .,..,. 4
Leg 5355 '... ,.., 4 Deg byes 2
Total 35 Totai,,..,., .,, 4d
Greedtotaj .100
lam INNINes, 2tinxi 9ixas,
Atalidnrehts, b D.Ross 0 e& 5 D. Ross 2
W ps,5T,Rens,bTS, 65 1. Bone0
Lamont b J hose 2 a Dennie b D
"...555.5. sur
W. 3, Menu., 1)ietriet Manager for
the Mauna Life , Company 1t tun n of
1prt rel I
New rah, is in Bruesele for the purpose
1 1
b pl l n'-lll'i ( i.i It vont
of S t s lIbhl 4 M1 V
pant her The 1lntual LA, i pr.,t r nR
the largest Insurance Co. wt tho Ameri-
can continent but the largest financial
institatiln in the world, Mr. McNeil is
stepping at the American Hotel.
Ton illustrated Signal -Star, published
in the interests Of Goderiell, has reached
us. It is a very neatly arranged pain.
phial, of 28 pages, with very neat head
pisco and contains 43 illustrations besides
maps of the Province and town. It le a
good move for the town and the letter
prose work, oomposition, &o. is most
creditable. We congratulate the editors
on the excellency of the work. The
volume is well worth preserving.
1txsnouno.--J. 11. Grant, after filling
the position of postmaster in Brussels
for the past 20 years, placed his
resignation in the hands of the posbomee
authorities, as will be seen by a 00111-
munioatiou in another column. We aro
in a position to know that the act was
entirely voluntary on Mr. t1raut's part,
the statement by an evil disposed person
to the contrary, as the investigations of
last year fully set the matter at rest and
the Courts backed it up. Mr. Grant has
taken a good situation and his business
expsrienoe and training, coupled with his
aptnas+ for offios work, will thoroughly
qualify him for the position. In Brussels
1t.r. Grant has beet a very useful citizen
and has taken a leading part in all that
promoted the interests of the town. He
was Master of St. John's Lodge, A. F. &
A. M., for two terms ; President of the
Mechanics' Institute, and a very active
worker in connection with the cricket
and curling clubs, skating rink, do. The
handsome brink block in which the pose -
office is located was built by him in the
year 1880. His many friends in Brussels
will regret his decision to remain in the
western metropolis, but we congratulate
loin on his appointment and wish him
every success in hie work in Winnipeg.
As soon as a slack time occurs it is Mr.
Grant's intention, we believe, to return
to Brussels for a brief visit. The post.
office will in the meantime be looked
after by Assistant -Postmaster Bowbisr
(assisted by Mrs. Grant), who has per-
formed the duties in such a careful and
satisfactory manner for some time, and
on the 1st of August the new appointee
will probably step in,
we hold the report over until our next
At 7:30 the commodious Hall was filled
by a very appreciative audience of ladies
and goutlemen.. After an instrumental
duett on the violin and organ by R.
Ashton and Miss McLaughlin, President
McFadden gave a very appropriate ad-
dress on "The benefits of farmers' In-
stitutes." This was followed by a har-
monica relectiou by Nelson and Wm.
McLaughlin and Alf. Williams. W. H.
Kerr, of Tna POST, was the next speaker,
followed by music on violin and organ.
Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., dealt briefly with
the Henry George Land Policy and show-
ed the unfairness of it as far as the
farmer is concerned. A comic quartette
was given by Miss Roe, Miss Greer, W.
Greer and Alf. Williams, Miss Ayers pre-
siding at the organ. Hon. Mr. Drury
spoke on "'Taste on the farm," and gave
a great deal of seasonable advice, that
could not fail to benefit all who heard it.
A vote of thanks was passed to the
ladies, persons assisting in the program
and the chairman by Revds. Masers.
Ayers and Wright, after which the gath-
ering was dismissed when the National
Anthem had been sung.
Canadian Ne �4'•a.
A 17 lb. maskinonge was caught in the
Grand River, at Brantford, on Saturday.
The bridge for the 0.P.R. over the
river Thames at Loudon will be nearly
150 feet above the water.
The official recount of the ballots taken
for repeal of the Soott Act in the county
of Lambton gave a total majority of 1,229
for repeal.
At Rat Portage a German laborer
named Traynor was instantly killed in a
eaw mill by a saw breaking and outting
his head off.
Conductor Revell has resumed his
duties on the G. T. R., having complete-
ly recovered from the injuries reoeived
at St. George.
Rev. Father Bowes, Catholic mission-
ary laboring near Edmonton, recently
arrived at Calgary. He has not seen a
railroad train for 86 years.
A savage mare attacked a little 8 -year-
old child named Burke, at Arohville,
Tuesday, and from the injuries reoeived
the little one died in a few hours.
Berlin is progressing. The late census
shows a population of 7,831, an increase
of 601 in one year, which outranks the
town of Galt by a population of 900.
They have invented a new kind of
thievery up near Thameeville, where a
farmer found a young orchard, he had
planted, carried away, all but the soil.
The by-law to authorize bbe issue of
5600,000 additional debentures for the
erection of civic buildings was carried by
the ratepayers of Toronto on Saturday
A new form of tubercular disease has
broken out in a herd of cattle at Camden
near Kingston. The entire herd, num-
bering 17 head, will have to be destroy.
While hunting rata at Alvinston the
other day Aroh. 11loTaggart accidentally
shot Wm. Pierce, who was assisting in
the hunt. The full charge of shot lodged,
in Pieroe's leg.
Are the people of Ontario becoming
more litigious ? The total number of
gufte entered last year exceeded the total
of the previous year by 4,600, and showed
an increase in the amount of claims of
Geo. Law, of . Drumbo, has begun
action against the G,T.R., through
r . Haile & Swcet of Brantford
The famous Gilmore band, who are
melting a tour le i
nun t P .• t p a ,
r t1t nl .1 . t i
1 i at 1 s
< itwe will )play m Hamilton on dune 27.
r. e rc
They u : t unpnnil d by seven r te file
li' log vud tll� b Ort tltit, continent, and lot
addition to this thorn will be a local
chorus of 210 voices. The railways will
run excursion name.
The following letter was raooived re-
osntly at the Listowel Flax hills: "Doan
Mr.—Enclosed find ten dollars which is
six dollars with interest whiob was gotten
by mistake at your mill forflas. a number
of years ago." The letter was unsigned,
but Mr. Livingston wishes to say that
if the writer will etIl at the office he will
be pleased to return the interest,
A goose over fifty.two years of age can
be semi at the Wyman homestead in
Chute.a-Blondeau, near Poanb Fortune.
She leaves the flock to whioli she belongs
twice a day, and seeks soft food at tho
homestead, as she cannot put up .with
the fare the others are accustomed to.
If not attended to at onto elle calls loud-
ly in her own way, for what else empires.
A little lameness is the only psrosytible
appearance of old age, the plumage be-
ing 5.0 goal looking as over it was,
It is said that Duncan Couleou, cashier
of the Bank of Toronto, at Toronto, who
receives a salary of 010,000 50
year, bas
already or will soon lie offered tbo
cashiorship of the Bank of Montreal at
a salary of 680,000 ; that if he deoidee to
accept, the Toronto will offer him 680,-
000 to remain with them, and that thou
the Montreal people will raise the offer
to 040,000 or 060,000, as they want him
to do the heavy work in the place of
General -Manager W. S. Buchanan, who
is not in the best of health.
The following is from the Sank Rapids
(Minn.) Sentinel ;—"We apologize for
mistakes made in former issues and say
they were inexcusable, as all an editor
bas to do is to hunt Rowe and olsan
rollers, and set typo, and sweep floors,
and pen abort items, and fold papers,
and write wrappers, and talk to visitors,
and distribute type, and carry water,
and saw wood, and read the proofs, and
correct mistakes, and hunt the shears to
write editorials, and dodge the bills, and
dun delinquents, and take oassinge from
the whole force, and tell subscribers that
we need money. We say that we have
no business to make mistakes while at-
tending to these little matters, and getting
our living. on gopher -tail soup flavored
with imagination, and wearing old shoes
and no collar, and a patch on our pants,
obliged to turn a smiling face to the man
who tells us our paper is not worth 51
anyhow, and that he could make a better
one with his eyes shut,"
In a certain family in Renfrew there
is a cat wbioh is very much petted. One
day the lady of the hotter; sat down for
a minase and either to relieve her feel-
ings or as a bit of innocent diversion
gave vent to a little whistle. Immediate-
ly the pet cat sprang up on her lap, and
with its sheathed paw struck her a blow
in the face. The lady thought this a
strange performance, but at first hardly
connected it with the whistling. How-
ever, a little tines afterwards, in another
room, she happened to repeat the whistle
and immediately the cat sprang up and
struck her again. This time the lady
thought it must be the whistling which
was giving pussy offence, and so, with
"malice aforethought," whistled again,
Sure enough the oat chastised her with
another blow, square in the face. At no
time did it show any inclination to
scratch, but simply, as it were to offer a
rebuke. About the only possible ex.
planation of its strange conduct is that
in the whistle it fanoied a oall_was being
given to the pet dog and was jealous
WHITLEY.—In BYasssls, on the 23rd inst.,
the wife of Mr. H. J. Whitley of a
Messes. y
for 62,000 damages for the loge of his
mother and daughter in rho railway
aboident at Paris on Marsh ist last,
Arthur Enterprise :—A. white sea gull
as large as a go0110 passed over Arthur
the other evening. He had either lost
r inose 18 his reckoning or was taking 8. obeli cut
Goin o, 51), Rosa ... 0 b J, Bos 0 for the upper ]altos, Ib is said to'be
'Harv'aw,ro,bJ, Ross 25 D. Bo 0 o pl
Harvey, r br b J.ROsm 1 r •051 o J, BOsg 4 vary seldom they pass over the Ontario
9ohmfdt, b J.ltass ... o mut 1 pontnsula,
Briebin b D.R000 5 b 1).11oas ,; 14 Tila Mrtahell MayOrality Contest Mao'
st•rford b D. pees ... 1 b 3. Rcga r, day resulted in g tie, The Contestants
Coapor, ), J: Bose 4 b J,Itose r,
(3lanni%, not out .., .. 4 o 001010 , •
ii. D. were ex•lktayor 11feGiary acid names
tees.,,:,.;...,1 Dougherty, There was not mucin outhu•
Byes 1 Vide .....,.,.... 1 alum. `Tho town Oakgave the oinnin
_ xilas l g
Total . 21 Total C7 vote for Douglbeoj It Nicely intens
Grand total71 another legal Squabble.
SWEENEY—ROEERTsox.—In Saginaw city,
Minh., by Rev. Mr, Brunkie, Mr.
Boberb Sweeney, of Merrill, Mioh,,
to Miss Jessie Robertson, of Grey
DADR.—In Grey, on May 281.11, Elizabeth,
beloved wife of John Dark, aged 21
years, 2 months and 28 days.
11toOurclsoozu—In Morris, on Wednesday,
May 29th, Martha, beloved wife of
Jobs UeOutcbeon, jr., aged 82 years.
Soorr.—In Grey, on the 29th inst., Bar-
bara, youngest daughter of Robb.
Scott, aged 27 years, 7 months and
11 days.
Fall Wheat 88 91
Spring Wheat 90 91
Barley 40 45
Oats 26 27
Peas .., 60 62
Butter, tubs and rolls.... 14 16
Eggs per dozen 10 00
Flour per barrel 5 50 00
Potatoes ... 20 00
Hay per ton 9 00 00
Hides per Ib 2 8
Salt per bbl., retail1 25 00
Sheep skins, each 60 1 00
Wool, perm 18 22
MaMAFOI-I.Mx01 S6AR,Sr.3=0„,
Fall Wheat 90 91
Spring Wheat 90 91
Oats 20 27
Peas 60 52
.Harley 40 45
Potatoes 20 00
Butter, per lb 15 00
Eggs, per dozen 10 00
Apples, per bushel 30 85
Hogs, dressed 5 00 00
Beef 460 560
Hay 0 00 00
Wood, por cord 2 6O 4 50
Sheepskins, each.... ... ,40 4K
1\7OTIgl 1
�r t( l +un•il of 11e Corporation
t P the
meet inix Court
lienar in rho town of (10iforic.fl on lU] S•
ip Al ku -0b', d,,?' of Jute; next, ll i1 )t
ADA91001 , Ca, (Hark, 45-a
north of Brussels, on Saturday, nth
Inst„ a parceleoortainiug a parr of corsets.
The nudes will kindly loivo tho seen- at
THE POST Publishing Iionee, 40 Ix
Meg of the undersigned, let 10, eon, 0,
Gray, on or about Apr1l30tb, 6 hoed of Cattle.
Two yearlings 000 0 whits1,011, the other
a red heifer. The other throe are assent.olde,
two steers and a heifer, The lurgeat steel'
halt white star (u' forehead and two hind
logs white ever fetlooits, Ally information
tending to their recovery will be tbahkfully
reeeivel. JNO. LOW17, Brussels, P.O. 44
N. J premisrn of the undersigned, Lot 4,
Con, 9, Grey on May 121h. She is red in.eulor and giving milk. 'lIs owner is re.
Mangled to prove property. Pity lxpeiisss ani
take her away, ll
irXou1-3 .4101 " 1
4 During the summer months coin-
menolug Saturday, Afay Ilth, i will 0nrr1
passengers on Saturd ay o1 each week ft'om
Gorrls to Seaforth and return for 61.06, nod
from Brussels to Seaforth and return poo,
Stage leaves at usual hours. On the Qeeau's
Birthday a special conveyance will 50 roe to
Seaforth, 60 coots for return trip from lirus-
sol0, 8. WALSH, Proprietor,
Sta0eloaves Gerrie about 6190 0, in. reach-
ing Brussels about 8:90 a, m„ and will arrive
at ,)eafortlt about 11:30 a. in, Returning will
leave Seaforth about 8130 p. in., reaching
thine goingunorth fur d ecutb. Also make
connections with 0. P, Ii, at Wroxeter and
Gerrie. S. WALSII, Proprietor,
..h.1' undersigned will beep for service on
not 20, Con,4, 1orrie, the. thorough brad
Durham Bull, "Barney." (11983), registered
P edigree Dominion Short tiara Herd Book,
Terme, for thoroughbred cows, 88.00, for
grade cows, SI.00, with privilege of returu-
ing if necessary. A well brad grade bull is
also L -opt oe the same lot. Terms, 60 manta,
with privilege of returning if ncesesary.
The pedegroo of "Barney" maybe 85011 011
application to the owner.
9e'210.. PETER BARP., Proprietor,
nEnsteNEn has severs nod Farms for
sale and to rant, easy terms in Townehitps
of Morris and Grey. F. S. Sb OTT. Bromine.
Onthecorner of Mary and Mechanic
streets, in the village of Brussels, This pro.
party ie very conveniently situated and fe a
bargain to any person having a family of
young children ae it is so nom the acbool.
Good stable and well on the premises, also
Some young fruit trees and a quantity of
small fruit. Apply to the owner on the
13-11 MRS. TURNBULL, Brussels,
Brueeois Tannery is offered for sale at
a bargain. In it is a 19 h. p. engine and
90h. p, boiler 45 vats, 2 curry tables, 2 stoves,
good bark mill and a full sot of tools, with
heating pipes to leaches, &a. There are
about 3 acroe of lend in connection with the
building. No tannery nearer than Wiugham
or Listowol. Torras Quay. For further par-
ticulars, as to price, terms, &5„ apply at
07- Tan Poor Publishing House, Brussels,
1(i'iAR1kIFOB, SAL17.--TL-IE SUB -
A 5011113En offers his valuable 100 acro
farm, being lot 3, eon. 13, Grey Township,
Huron Co., for sale. There are about 60
noses cleared and In good heart. There Is a
log house, good Sault barn, bearing orchard,
and all the necessary eenyenlences on the
promisee. For further particulars, as to
pique, terms, eta, apply to rho Proprietor,
71105.11151,03, Aare P. 0., N.W . T'.. or to
DEnsIONEn offers for sale the north
east quarter of lot 28, sonaes510n 0, Morris,
County of Hurst, containing 60 acres. The
land is of first quality and in a high state of
onittyation, well fenced and uudor-drained,
:'6 acres cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms,
milk house with concrete walla, 2 wells,.
good barna and shed, orobard,ate. Eight
acres of fall wheat, This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit.
able terms will be given. Titleperfeot.
30- Seaforth P. 0.
NnEnsIGNED offers his 150 -acre farm
for sale,beiag lot 18, and Si lob 10, eon, 7,
Grey. About 80 or90 acres cleared. Fences
in goodrepair. 13 teres busk on the 60 -aero
lot and 10 ao1MS on the other lot. 2 good
bearing orchards, one on each place and
plenty of good water, There is a good brick
veneered house containing 2 r001ne. Two
barna. The frame ono is 40'00 on a stone
foundation, the other is log. The farm is
wider good cultivation and is only At of a
mile from the stirring village of Ethel, and
e miles from Brussels. For further partiou-
]ars apply to ELIJAH BATSMAN, Proprie-
tor. 46.11
i®i� ll —d Qrat-plass farm for kale to the
Township of Morrie in the County of H nron
being south half of north half lots 25 & 211
and tenth half of 20 in 6th con., containing
200 acres mors or less, 123 aoree mostly
clear of stumps and in a good state of culti-
vation, Therein ayoung bearing orchard,a
good -house and bank barn 66 x 66 feet with
stone stable underneath, The farm is situ.
ated within a mile of the Village of Brussels
and is a good farm for grain or stook rail.
ins as Itis watered with the river Maitland
and never failing spring creek. Possession.
will be given at any time. Far further par -
Maulers apply on the premises or to A.A.
ROBERTSON Brossels. P. 0 G-tf
Morrie, on reasonable terms. In oidm
to olose the affairs of the estate of the late
W. G. Megaton, the executors offer the fol-
lowing valuable lands for said North
half of Lob 80, Concession 6, Township of
Morris, containing 90 soros. On this lot is
erected a good frame bare with atone fours.
dation, good orchard, well andpnmp. Near-
ly alleleared, and 1e on the grave road
closely adjoining the village of Brussels.
This farm is a valuable one, is well fenced
prim] in a good state of cultivation. For
Brussole P. 0., BENET y JaNTUII ss, Viieboria
Square P.O., or JAnns 8anma,;Maple Lodge
P, 0„ Middlesex County.
lJf Licensed Auctioneer. Bales uonduot-
edon reasonable terms. Panne and farm
stooks specialty, Orders loft at TEE Poem
Publishing House,Bruesols, or senttO Walton
P.O.. Will receive prompt attention.
.,CS. • Auctioneer, to always ready ,to at-
tend rains of farms, farm stook, &c. Terme
cheerfully given. Cranbrook P.O. Salon
may he arranged at THE Poem Publiepiog
House, ilrussols,
= a11TT 2fpTS2,x-1
G L.13al1 L. D. S., Honor Graduate and
M. 11, C.D. S. Toronto, Vitalised Ala given,
11108—METEtte Bronx, Snnro1 n..
=:)3E1 SS'TTS'7:1
W. T, Fear, I'„ D. S„ Graduate of
Toronto Scilicet . of Dentistry. All
operations guaranteed. la -Artificial
tooth, first quality, and a guaranteed
lit, for $112,00 per get.', Oihoo—OAn1's
13000x, SEAt811 rn.
31) ktiTStids.r�Yd
. .Ls. i,d 12,W2 Z.•
Honor Graduate of the loyal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nitres Oxide Gas
alar ihistered for the Painless Extraction of
teeth. Onleo-•
a41'ONE Dean N01,100 00 5A/n, 13nroeenbs,
10 6v'te
' ii 01.05.
Pario a":120011.
To Deloraiue earl return, ?;28 00
To Saltcoats " " 28 ...
To Moosomin " f' 28
To Glenboro' " -' 28 ...
To Calgary " 85 .,.
June, 4, 11, 18, 1858.
:;enure Your Tickets at
(Bneceseor 8. J. Ilargreaven .k Co,)
Opposite Queen's Hotel. • Brooch.
Traasaot o. C+enora.l )Ban]cino
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and 130111,
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Collections arcade on favorable terms.
Canadian Agents—Mumma:T's BANN ov
New York Agents—Inronnate ma) TnAn-
• Solicitor, Couvovaucer, Notary Pub-
lic, &a. Office—Gnahmn's Block, door north
of Popper's Drug Store. Private Funds to
Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub.
tic. Co1voyaucing. Collections and Loaning.
Mr. Wade will attend in Gerrie every Wed.
nesday at two o'clock.
Late with Ganrow & Prourifoot, Godo.
rich,) Barristers, Soltoitors, conveyancers.
&o, 011les—Grant's Block,Brussels. Money
to Loan.
s.11AT0. w. B. 0102s5N.
AbT TAYLOR, 13. 0 L.,
.Barrister, Soiielte', &e., of the arm
of Taylor, McCullough & Burns, Barristers
Solicitors, &a, Manning Arcade, Toronto.
Money t0 loan.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Go. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public.
Laud, Loan and Insurance Agent. Ir'unds
invested and to loan. Colleottons made.
Oifloo in Graham's Sleek, Brunets.
H. 11o0RA01IEN,
• Iesu:crofMarriageLiconees. Oillco
at his Grocery, lurnberry street, Brussels.
T'oaeher of Piano and Organ. T'ermo
On applimttian, WALTON GLASS 1n5et15 every
Thursday and Friday et Mrs. D, Campbell's,
��-�• Desires to r000ivo pupils for instruc-
tion on the PIano and Organ, Nino years
experience. Residenoe with Mrs. Harareav-
ae,over Pepper's DrugStore,
Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Nextdoor
south of A.14, Malay & Oo'e hardware store.
Ladies' and ohillron'shair cutting a specialty
W"A cholera stook of cigars kept.
• Insurer of Marriage Licensee, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commie -
stoner, &e., Q, B. Conveyancer and Agent
PiroInsuranceCo, Oinae at the Oranbrook
Poet Office,
The nnderetgned desizes to intimate
to the ladies of Brueeels and surrounding
country that she is prepared to attend to
all orders intrusted to her, Satisfaction
guaranteed. Stop—Up-stairs, ono door north
of Walter Jackson's hardware store,
00- MI88 SAMPLE,
M. P. CALE, M.D., 0.M.,
v r Member of the College ofPltyetofaal
an4(tt Surgeons of Ontario by examiltatiou.
o and Resideuoe—Main street East,
13tllliii el, Ontario.
C/ 8 0. M, L. R, c. r., Edinburgh 81,.0.3,
S. Ont. At Popper's Drug Store from 0 to
11:80 a,.In, and from 1;50 to 4 p, to, At other
hellr%may bo found at his r'oSidenoe, forts-
oriy occupied by Dr. a utobineon, Mill St.
T. 1 W. O'BRIEN, V. S.,
Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet.
urinary College, is prepared to treat all
!diseases of loesstiaatted animism telentinb
north of bridge, Turnborry send,and approvedprinbiplee, Office—TWo ctabrs
NO. D.WARWIOI1, V. 8.,
1) Graduate of the Ontario Vet:rn:me
College, bas peened an niece 311 Ttrnssols and
is now • prepared to treat 1,11 diemisee Of
donMetioate t animals On the Iciest solontifie
and approyodtprineiplos, Calle atomise/to
day or night, 01008 in T. 0, Richard's Hera
x1055 Shop, opposite Queen's lie Lel, Bruakels