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The Brussels Post, 1889-5-31, Page 7
Mia. 31 1889. MA i .q a . r.rr'r f-n.,t „ •rn .:4,. < u rr,. THE J3T-�.USSP.S POST OS -4:-•msz '•"i,'iiPn�::CT7fl•.u`+r" .:r^`!'".w"'r"+:M.7•'r'i¢.3".a' ""i' ioris EOR t'AAUESEMAAclttia Aron II.a' 11) Atter grinding or cutting,' kin, graving for menthe without natio mfti1 which cow gives butter- _ stir for 10 or 15 neinutni before � r tin by .Mile etlr,iat{ the soil, J. milk ? Aly Jannis lY, Ateberisen, I'rolessor or salting is nim• +tit initial to irrigation. Popular Oermau fad--Faderland. Dairying, Al i l 1 ' f ! f ltespoidsible for many ups and downs in tho world-l�.lovatar boy, :•ncmoarssAxnmul:tn atncnnutintxl,n. , The l f b Organ -grinders and florists are too days, varying the 1 t y engaged in e, formidable rivalryover 1. The present, not next week, alightlt accordi.n� t ld 1 t f Ic ;p than alone wh"u there the present production of %woot will bo a fitting time to see that all of rho chid ,tv to it8 In n4tllr Ie ito R till at nil I'11nr0 ie mere Violets," the drainage facilities are adequate and in good working order, Whey d d Bottles may bo easily cloaned should be put in such order that sal is t with hot avatar and fine cinders. 2 runs, spouts and tanke leaking will be prevented. aging To prevent the smell of paint put 3, If there be a leakage anywhere g g ' p a handful of hay in a bucket of from floors, spouts or tanks, which Y water, and lot it stand iu the room is not immediately preventible, pro. followers t over night. ifd be made at 011ee for 1 11 I '1 ui camphor is offensive to mice drainage, only by shallow open tb I I f dl and will keep them away from trenches- A. liberal supply of lithe s h d places where it is scattered about• end gypsum should be spread 24 heave too prssy•mlottia uu Egg shells it crushedintoo small bite, around such places. Don't fail to and turn the nheoso ui the 1o,p and shaken well in the decanters secure a barrel or two of each some every morning Le u n ch three arts filled with oold water, time this month for use during the laevo the preaa•room until cat lot, that attnn;pheric ttul olimatio non p will not only clean them thoroughly, hot weather. 1 tU fi a ditinus Heart an lmpnrtant influence bub will make the glass look like 4 If the factory buildings are not 2G Don pies new, painted and will not be painted, get th© ends of the caeeso. even ret h the uao tf spa �al fertil• When papering a room a small them whitewashed this month, If 2G jyhen the preay cloths nr, tI uditilns inn bo such apartmentbmade to appear cannot get that done by the pro- large, by being; covered with a paper pri••tors or managers, get impels. of subdued color without any partici- glen and do the rest yourself. A l ular design, wht a ashedmuring room of impar p27. Try t 1 p th temperature Gine that Jo very good cam be feet construction can be Rept of the press GO ° P h' pl t if made by dieeolving the gum to be degrees cooler in summer than one 2b. 1'ho c g ld b i found on cherry trees in water, not whitewashed. If the cheese 1 Keep water on ib all the time and it becomes injured, through excess of bntwcen Gu ° 1 ° l' lir is always ready for use, heat, neither the buyers nor the h If steamed meat is left iu the at enl whitewash your repo- of the - liquor to cool off, it will be found to tation take.. 30. Steno �h f to t i T v , have absorbed back much of the 5. y neat the tidy. Plant of the goodness of the soup, and will be so trees a neat rea tidy. owe. few much the more nutritious as food. trees and a groat many flowers, marked, The following is a good recipe for G. remise keepidgas the outside of 1, Piy t q with cologne water : Take a pint of al - tae premises as cabitsa tee to your oohol and put in thirty drops of oil tote the neat habits ae possible, tae m k conned gangway, of lemon, thirty of bergamot and aversion to inside toy reflect stuntidyill mord 2 g y half a gill of water. If musk or lay - dirty. everything fhe and your netg t ender is desired, add the same quan dirty. Give every part of the lite• Wolverton p to or tity of each. The oils should be put tory a thorough cleaning and keep in the alcohol and shaken well be it iu a sweet elate all summer. feed. rest o y ford the water is added. Bottle it 7. Before the curing -rows con• g y with h for use. tains any cheese, fumigate it by burning some sulphur in alcohol, That will prevent the growth of mould on the outside of the cheese, 8. The leisure hours of May, be- fore the large flow of milk is receiv- ed, should be employed putting all tho apparatus, appliances, utensils and machinery in the best of work- ing order. 0. Bo euro that the making -room is so well constructed and supported that ib will not shake or vibrato dur- ing the coagulation of the milk. 20. Apply ' en nt a ran :, from 1�. 11) f'Yly in fee month, to 2 lb. per 1,000 lb, of miltc dating the last It now. not 1 ty tc lona old sheep rimy ion m aanut;li to fill out the mneclo•t. le actua Hain wille r f n, nttt ..mall, The iniet•akn is often made •i �, e n„ti, l t>u " 1,1 ink, + • n 21. Begin to put t to curd in the true of lferiaos, as they do not pile hoops within 20 minutes after the up fat on their ribs and on their t ' s irren 10. 22. Use only pure water in band- aging. . Guard against the formation of edges or shoulders from the hoop beingtoo email Apply the pressure gradually y uuid the wholepower througha keg ever i used,after four ours I , e is not fit for any animal to eat. ,.nee It is now generallyunderstood is systematics anda finish 'neat. ' Don't s eoalobearde oil1 in the growth of crops, and that Isere 1e co ••t remnvel, use hot whey oil or better, that no resulte can be directly traced backe like the coarse wooled. Fodder porn grown three an a hall or four feet apart, and six inelees apart in the row, proluoee men earl anda large oro ofnour- ,bint; stalks. And yet there are termer., who oontinne to HOW Wo buebels of seed per acre and raise a wase of weak andwatery fodder er Him, line little uutrirnont in it an Piousehold Blots, into which h,ts boon dtseolvod a tea spoonful of •+oda or cupful of oil. o mop c room ab ,ave Pane. oaring -room anion kept tit a temperataro ouustantly and 70t 29. Provde strong smooth boxes exact size Stencil the weight n e cheese in neat figures on the side to the trio of the same. Observation meows to teach that there is no neesesi•y of a heated soil in order that the cora out mayavailitself of the fertilitydistributed within the soil. This, with a proper degree of moisture, will secure rich sosu ts. THE Reefer, 'Ut1IN. .MILK Alin MAKONC• 1. Prnonre a copy of "Milk for Cheeao Factories" for each of your patrons by applying to the Dairy Department, Ocitarto Agricultural College, Guelph, stating the num• ber required and the addrees to which they aro to bo sent. 2. Look out for "leaky" •flavors in tho milk. Don't put such milk into the vat with that of the other patrons. If yon have time, make it up by itself and send the cheese from it to the patron for his private use, 8 Make provisions for keeping a short record of each day's work, of the exceptional treatment of every vat and of the comparative quality of the cheese from the same before they are shipped. 4. Milk soma readily and rapidly for a number of weeks after a period of lactation begins. Hence milk seldom requiree to bo ripened for setting during May. 5. Uso enough rennet to wage. late the curd into a state fit for out- ing ui from 17 to 20 minutes, at from 82 ° to 88 ° Fahr. G Out it rather early, slowly and very oerofally. 7. Use the horizontal knife first. 8 Afterwards allow 'the curd to settle until whey comes over nearly the whole serene). 9 'Then begin to out with the perpe,idictllar knife. 10. Immediately after the mulling is 0..ntpleted, begin to stir the mass slowly end oontinueuely, until the curd 1• cooked, 11• )Leat should not be applied until 10 minutes after the stirring is bacon. 12 The Beating should be. effect- ed gradually, at the rate of about 1 degree for every four or five minutes until 98 Fahr. is reached." h Snarl 18. Draw most of the whey 'early, and eo guard against being naught unprepared for the rapid develop- ment of acid. 14. Don't dip the curd until the preeenos of acid is dieoernablo jby the bot iron teat. Sweaty flavors result' from too early dipping i<n May. 15. After dipping the curd, stir it gently and !maple ut a temper tare alcove 04 ° . 16. Don't attempt close matting high piling or peeking of the curd Soo that the whey is eoparated from it. • 17. When ib begins to feel 'slippy' and smalls like fresh made butter, it should be put through the .otlabet. or grinder. 18. Acid drivel ape so rapidly that caro must. bo token to keep tb. ' treatment well to advance of the change in the curd. of every box. mem. o et each patron to take a personal interest in the mare of milk. Encourage every fanner in neighborhood to sow a small area of oats and pease or oats and vetchoe for summer supplementary Persistent) endeavor to in- duce every patron to plant at least 5 acres of fodder corn in row;; three feet apart. 4. Send to the Dairy Department O.A.C., Guelph, for a bulletin o inelruotiou on the planting of foil der corn and the curing of silage. Ii arm. 1NOtCsi. Do not feed old half -rotten yoga. tables to stock. If they have been down cellar they are laden with ab sorbed diseases. Thinning plants and giving plenty of room tends to early maturity ; crowding makes Lite crop late and also inferior. To • arm and loosen stiff olay anis, plow toner lung manure. To keep light soil cool and moist put the manure on top. A man with a good, sharp hoe will do almost double the work he nun an while tieing a dull. one, and hie work will be twice ae effective. Tbo attempt to organize a "trust" of produoers of barbed wire has failed. Prices, therefore, will not be put up any higher than now. The old grindstone is the hest of Something about the Way Queen Vie. er u rues. 'Tho Queen's Train,' it may be is a misnomer, to start t. There is no such train. Two saloons there are, (lose -coupled and ted bya that are reserved for Her Majesty's exclusive and personal use, which never leave except to carryher from Balmoral; but that is all. The f the royal train es made up i such saloons or ;other vehicles of the company's ordinary rolling stock as may ou any particular oc- eaeion be required, Nor are the royal saloons themselves in any way very remarkable. One thing to be noticed is that they are entered by a folding carriage -step -a survival, doubtless, from the days when plat- forms were not yet of a uniform and sufficient height. The floors are deeply ciirpetsd, and the sides and roof thickly padded with quilted silk, to deaden the noise and vibra- tion of 1110 train, from which, as is yell known, Her Majesty suffsrs. To reduce dins to a minimum, she, by her own desire, travels to and from Seetland et is speed markedly below that which the meanest of her subjects esu command any even• ing in the week for the modest pay• meat of a good deal less than ouo penny per toile. One of the saloons is fitted as a bedroom and between the two is a lavatory, whose basins and fittings in metal, chased and gilt, deserve to be mentioned as a real work of art. These saloons are, it should be added, now more than twenty years old. Since they were garden tools. A few minutesuse built the art of railway carriage con - twice it week in sharpening holm struation lima advanced with rapid saves much time and weariness of (Arida and the Northwestern author - ilea would willingly, if permitted, replace them with new ones. ITASERALL BREVITIES. Foul tips -Ostrich feathers. Out at first -A young quail. In the box -Pills. Behind the bat -Its tail. Good batter-Bnokwheat. High flyer -A balloon. A. daisy cutter -A. scythe. A liner -A. fisherman. Homo run -From school at noon. Three balls -A. pawnbroker's sign. Out on strikes -Burlington mag - veers, the muscle. The first 100 pounds of growth coats less than the second, and the second leas that the third, and so on all the way up for cattle, sheep and swine. Oottou seed meal will not do for hog feed, as the lint balls in the stomach and cannot be avoided. This objection to cotton seed meal is not applicable to domestic animals other than hogs. At this season all fruit trees will bo benefited by a wash of some kind. A gallon of strong soap Buds, to which te teaspoonful of carbolic acid is added, is excellent. Scrub the bark well and apply the wash liber- ally. Asparagus and spring chickens come together and go togl•thsr on restaurant tables and are demanded by lovers of good eating. The May market for broilers hue never yet been overstocked. If you have any sell thein. A nurseryman says : "Don't fool away your tune putting on grafting wax by hoed the old way, huh have the vessel fitted over alt ht t o keep ? it hot and put it on with a brush, You can do it faster, easier and better," Dehorning cattle hap been de- clared illegal in England, by the Oourt of Queen's Bench. The prac- tice, it seems, haft been in operation in Norfolk some 80 years, but was dieaoutiuued 1111 throe or four years ago, when it wee revived, The powdered hellebore titled for t MONEY TO LOA\! Any Amceent of honey to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 & 64. Per Cent. Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. T41nps Not Found 1u Museums.. The spur of the moment, The horns of a dilemma. A. nick of time. A. bone of contention. Parliamentary whips. A man of straw. A. grain of truth. The threads of stories. A ship of state. Aflo la wheel. fly A. bee in a bonnet, The point of a joke. The dark horse. A political warming -pan. A mote in which mon argue, The historic sword and pen. The silver tongue of an orator. Tho feathers of a plunked candi- date. • COMBO. destroying the currant worm Is a i On thefence-Pickets. less virulent poison than Paris \Vitluing cards --Wedding iu green, In tho smell ttitotnrte node) vjttttione, edto effect a clearing of time pests Iu tlovor-Daisies. there is lest danger from careless ' Favorite feminine dlshos-b'aehiion handling than ther'e ie from any plates. mineral poison, i Daurerone key to handle -Donkey. If drought comes on cultivate all 1 A tail of whole --Tho horse's. MONEY TO LOAN. PRIV ILTE FUNDS. aOq :0) ETA YORK fj(t j ft UROOEd.aY1 LOO at tau rPakn a liazgttinz7. Dinner Sets $0.00, formerly sold at $11.00, China Tea Sets $9,50 to $7.50, formerly sold at $13.00 and $9.00, of Private Funds have just been placed in my hands for In- vestment . AT 7 PER CENT. Borrowers can have their loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory. Apply to E. E. WADE. GOOD NEWS A TO rFit, AFFLICTED Decorated Tea Sots $4.00 to $1.50 formerly solei at $5.50. White Stoneware Sets $2.00, formerly sold at $2.50. Chamber Sets, 1) pities, $+3,00. Glassware of all kinds sold at reduced prices. Also a large quantity of Tea. which we will sell at COST. Tea from 12,1 cents to cents. - Call in and see the Goods. O'. X.. tsiTTJU313-X', .17 es 7 It CrJOK'S BEST FRIEND Money to Loan, :4foneyto Loan on Farm Pro- perty, at LOWEST RATES, PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS DICKSON d. HAYS, Solicitors, Brussels, Ont. PHOTO& TINT YPES, 1:. - $ Ot• • :'st) • Cent1 Ail Work from the Smallest to tire size done in lirsl-class nommen 117 X w of Residences, Etc., :it Rcaaenebfe irlltes• Y. W. J•. Fairfield. New York Grocer NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Tho Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public that they have formed a co -partnership, under the Firm nu.me of No family AMBS1cnPIIRST'S power of Pa in Exterminator will be without it in their house. They know it to be a family physician. It is both an internal and external remedy. Pain cannot remain where it is properly applied. The lame who have used crutch- es from 2 to 12 years have thrown them away by the use of it. References can be given that different blind persons have had their sight restored to them by the use of it When the optic nerve was not injured. It is good for inflammatory and chronic rheumatism, gall stones, neural- gia, toothaohe, uoughe eural-gia,toothache,uoughe and colds, earache and all other aohes and pains. I'IUCL 25 011el ate. Sold by druggists and coun- try merchants. Prepared and sold whole. Park StreetySouth, Hal mil on,Ont, 86OO.4m Turnbull allamb31ne and are now conducting the Stove and Tinware Business owned by HAYCROFT R TURNBULL. Our aim will be to please those patronage. formerly favoring us with their GrIii H, ITS A c! la:Li and ascertain our Prices. TURNBULL 6•BdLL�q�NTY�'V . Jos. BALLANTYNI3. JAS. TURNBULL. 5�,,�� �EL FIG&�F ; PORI .. 1111HE Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public S. generally that they have Removed to the Brick Block Opp, W. Nightingale t Ool's Store, -and are prepared to Pay the Highest Market Price, in garb, for any Quantity of Fresh Ea's. GIVE Us A c viz_ Mrs. Ballantyne-) & Soy.. Brussels Eye Emporium. M • reeler Lee A WONDERFUL LAKE, 00500 WATER METH MOO LVISt9 A MEDICINE the crops every afternoon if you j Oold coutfort---Ice•water. C, ,,/1'. • j). j+,",rJ �)J):, /Jti have to borrow the neighbor's horses I Ought to be Ticked -Postage ;�`Iy lte Wg1r>'�Ii. SJR to do it with. After crops one get t etamps, will sterni, 10051 of them can be Sour tonsil ---tailing a strange , A Poa j i t , 'a'rttinn'��rt; 11 b�•+. �p �y (t 9 ¢�� jfrtyt ALL (� �W FACTS.. .iaP a ai t Cm.9t4'� ,Jt.t4•r'.7.a';ii!•,3 AGESO• JJL . C? Iii. e.a e:reelO i .:c'.':i.G 1"1"0. 1 » FE'S 7 7tL"e3.. 5i^n who are broken down n1 +t,ilr+-anieweakness invotuuuoey itallosses,oleirefor nervous dnbil[ y, �'e 9' dimmest sent sight, o' hn• s `, tnv i + 115 resit 08 co� of eune avoidance o , wnuit of purpose, dimness s night„ u*4t ii t r ,:ninety, want• :f x the a to o.01 conversation., desire 00(00, i0 t e +.. e, t inability to asf the cry, attention on a pnrtf eubipur. s t0• rdico, , 011000 of of 5J.i t e.s pt +din•aaa, loon of f memory, excitability Of temper,000-aper- t000y Bilin ort( fl of ne .•l0I , t Elrod -0e8, j, ants of sola t the is i, tiy&l exan8 011850xi- tenoy, ivuutrltiin, ,n,iiu udoc, barrenness, palpitation or the heart, hyst081 feelings in tamdos trembling, mclatrhnmy, aitatnrbingp short, , oto„ aro ell symptoms of this terrible Habit, oftentimes innocently acquired, lm short, the spring of vital foxes having lost its. tension, every function wanes in ceasenaeneo• Seimitife writers and kilo s motoudants et insane eo whoa unit., nh aserih•n to the °°Goats of self-abuse the groat - majority ot. wasod eves wince% conte under their notice. If ,you are incompetent for the arduoan duties of business, incapacitated for rho onloymyntr of life, No, 8offers an escape troll• she effects of early vivo. If yon. aro advanced in years, no. Swill ggine yen full vigor ant resul• tth. i0you aro 1 Imiln down, 04610611y and morally from. early indiscretion, the 05 f noranoo and folly, 0,011(17mm address and 10 coots in stamp( for M. t'0 L0`nox a Treatise it Boole 1?orin on niso118.' of Man. Sonail secure from , T*t-wtfen.. Adttross all communications to 111. V. H,'V110ItT, 47 Weil st. re, ereee es.. A Men withtut151ed•.,0 ayes in c tool's paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE 01Cg. iet el re. i'? at'n'iv 0'x1„ 'ixcrnx=• 7111.9..-2.r. 741riL ti..A lE P$'SEI1, 111 sena, and Sohl mer of Medlclnes, .,,,tuerrt Ajzli. warn an,l ! almwt Ilr.enretiwn,