HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-5-31, Page 3MAY 31, 1880 fila:: y.., rirl'Lle3,..j,= -N, ..:..1171 ':•e^:.t1,4 =.7-tl: irr;)70,1'.95 va"w.T:'^^' NOWria s of Joy, Ipeldgu ; 0 tr i dt t�f c hint book. Tat hatpin, tier; 1 D " 1 '• t a t 1 ',Vial , 1(r nt .t , THE BR LISSELS POST ...� ,uWal+®7 happy. Carr, dl L'tl him aor000 the with malaria boll •grin, ! of water '� . I ", 111 1 1'Llk t your x!011(1 tt' i o obtcic at tbo corner up ono ctrl + r th 1 +phi 1 uta!-• and I t S;, •1.... LL. lop A 4h . ill' :aztt o ony 1 f l l L l llrnnd dnaG lin dnlu 1Ll + sinalow •.f Lhn • (1 hvsi- Immorally wall, t11 c 11 , . jasper, 1 , 7 lip. lInw tb,w utast pity no as' they 10"lir over :uhd tool down mot ', Bao un, andalio. : "lout thing away 1,Iwtl i., t]r1 l+i 1 11'::1 .3,.::1 tanto Christi in i� herbal tutu a fatal IiIEA 18th. the Dol nrr t ,1(l L „ rex and I, F , way, and o;a ilio agliulsu pv r;k 1 lar ':w tal,r!t, tilt etas „'flood, ho to 1I tx Caleb, ilia gamer, gave anima 41 al. egnomiae. Your hankers, your in tho groin' of orn•ribl, Um Mita of 1 coming 1" 1 a d when we ',tend leelable x.,md 10 Llre 1n, HO Gad ItaxI suranca men, your importers. your sardonyx, Hai fire of j niiutll: nrnund the email! of s ,1(h+a lov+ 1 unu jtv11Ap1oxalery -!Lod y�.nr rataiinrs, as a { (whose strength 1 :;oino, away) and 10 sig Allo We w,trld,a Goodly Ai01aC I 1tAl'Pr IN Lim ANI, GLAb 1S LV.AriI. .vlAlett to 6Nre1t' I elle,+— av 0 ulaos, are the happy ? w0 shako 'O1 eelslo forebodingly, „ r stege pnud, 1 wish T. ^null muk • yott under- they sty : ' I am glad h+' i.+ wosso ; 1110 und(reigu(•41 hating e•imp1-tt•d the halal ro noon tli, .44 4. to Tho ltuv. T. Do Witt Talmage, No. Coro d..„a th.l i , makin_, no nppn Ll to God for help J l le 11ao boon down then long uuon•.1h. D. I)., pre"Naw on Suuda3+, oMayy,' or comfort, they aro tweed Avory. 1 l There, ho is dead 1 Conmo home 1 18th, on "Now Springs of Joy. I wlnther. How hits 11 been with you, Conte home !” 011, if we would only The tort was : "Thou haat given mo my hearer ? AN yon luoro eon• A got our blotto about that future a squill land ; give mo also speiuge touted in the house of fottrtenn rooms fi world untwioted oar thought of of water. And he gave Ler the upper than 1(u w• re in the two rooms you transfer from hero to there would be springs, and tine Mother springs." — yi !" I Its pleasant to Ms as it was to a little had in a house whoa you started ? i 1 .... s:�tt.',....,. r!:Y.),:T.• :3: mai.: ' I-IEL .r,. U8T,: i '� I? LS. stand the .n r,ai:ti .n in 1,, SMSt. of IIS 11 010100 1 n (1801( ntnpv n'i; e he livoa aid glad wh a lin dios. With two teat upon 1. chair and burotiu with ilrnp+1�'s, I heard 01( old man in the poorhons.* cry out, "Bless the Lord, oh. my soul looked around and said, "What hag this man to thank God for?" It makes the lamo matt to len as a hart and tho dumb to Hint;. They any that the old Put•ita n religion is a juiceless and joylsse religion, blit I remora er reading o r. oo - Joshua 15 :1a. 13nve you not Uttd morn acro and Tho oity of Dobie was the Boston worriment ohm you won that fifty "Papa, when will I go home ?" of antiquity—a great pisco for brain thousand dollars than you slid be- A And he said : "To•day, Floronee," and books, Caleb wanted it, and the torn ? fiomn „f the l,.:nrost mon 1 "To -duty ? so 9000 ? 1 and 10 glad." offend his daughter Achim!' as 14 have ever Iwown have been those of for Caleb to do, and you the man that w c , a l t x , could take tho city would have, a1 but the to of all ombarrays• to the hightail pogsiblo exhilaration. Huy rate, two elements of manhood dying Why my bow nbules In Tho day of your dolivoranee is --braver and patriotism. With g coming, is coming. It is rolliug ole S 1 mh i f of y g with the shining wheels of the day for, ero1 Otdaughteb ie 'L prize ntfight Ii f and the jet wheel; of the night. for, General Otll ie9 rod.a into werere t 1 3 I 1 p A Every thntup of the heart is ony a battle, Tho gates of Dolor hammer drake striking all anothsr tbuutlnred into the dust, and the city 1 the left. 1 l l ' 11 d chain of 010y. Better auour the q books lay a the feat of the Dolt• T deck and coil tho rope, the harbor comes s. The warm done, O Hey- 11 3 is only six m'tle1 away. Jeune will ing Lack to claim chity, bride - Ira oomo down in the "Narrows" to b conquered too oncj0 it it the great p d b d P t f t t meet you. "Now is your salvation job for him to conquer girl's wealth al s y nearer than when you believed." holm ; for however be, elm faint-hearted s 11 b] Unforgiven man, unpardonod woman herself may be, oho always eighty th passed 'th man, will you not to clay make a loves an exception in a man. 1 novoe choice between these two portions, saw an exception to that. The out a y g wedding festivity having gone by, of body and fatigue d great between the "Booth land" of tine T1s e world, which slopes to the desert, 01Umer and home.opeHo about to go f 1 th future e and l 1't 1' anti this glorious iand which thy to their new However an . thedly m 1 th 1 land," " T can supply Father offers thee, running with the hymUan may clash and the S eternal water courses ? Why let laughter a o, ly cherents aro always 11 e your tongue bo consumed with thirst sad goes a fondly cherished ab, Ili when there aro the nether springs ter goes off to stay and An11snh, tin father Caleb U y' motto tUxn G d P U 0 1 U and the upper springs, comfort here daughter of Caleb, avows that now and glory hereafter ? 1s tho time to ask almost anything 1 she wants of her father. It seems that Caleb, the good old man, had given as a wedding present to Uig daughter a piece of land that was mnuotaiu0ua, and sloping southward toward the deserts of Arabia, swept with some very hot winds. It wee called 'a south land: But Aclhsah wants an addition of property ; she wants a piece of lend that is wall watered and fertile. Now, it 1s 1110 TIIE PURE J)Y al, RELIGION. world ; but, more than All, 1 thank wonder that Caleb, standing amidst Whore shall 1. find words onouttl1 thee for the upper springs in heaven. the bridal party, his eyes so full of t threaded with i, light 1c sot forth ilia prize t0 any one who would chfid that was dying. She said : Oaptur0 TUU INH Ul' 001,LVIMINCis' Id GUM MI. great fortune. A. man of small moans I tvisil I could stimulate you with that city. It was a strange thingb d' f D G d ties th0u(11a ell Christian loan may be put in great business straits, i 1 the celebrated Paritan, who, fu moots is that of the man who hat his last momenta, said, "Is this strength 1 I am swallowed up in God 1" "Her ways are ways o leaeltutncas and all her ttha are 1)0000 " Oil, .you who havo been trying to satisfy yourse vas with 'south land' ofthis world, c. o you not fool that you would, this morn- ing,litre to have 0ooese to the nothor springs of spiritual comfort Would you not like to havo Jesus Christ bend over your crate andase your table and heal your wounds, and strew flowers of oousolation all up and clown the grayss of your dead ? religion that can give ,5'weotest pleasures while a w0 ive. isreligion Swoetost oomfort when we die. But 1 have something better to toll you, suggested by this text. It seems that old Father Oaleb on the woddtng day of hie daughter wanted to moire her just as happy as pos Bible. Though Othniul woo talking the nether spriuge." her away, and lids heart w09 almost Blessed he God. Wo have more broken because alio wat going, yet advantages giveu us than tvo con ho gives her a'south land ;' not only really appreciate. We have spiritual that, but the nether springs ; not largo estal01. Tho loon who com- mit 0010110 because a monetary losses aro those who cannot bear the bunion on all ' more because they have only a hundred tllensand dollars OnBJwlitlg Groot, Now York, there 1s a house whore 'i1 eyraod used to go. Ho was a favorito man. All the world knew lm, an he a !not unlimited' et at tho close of his life he says: "Behold, • rex years have wl • u practical result, save fatigue u ue ofmind, discouragement for e u ur groat disgust it tho pox friends, this is "a son a , and it slopes off toward deserts of sorrows ; and the prayer w io Achsa1 made to her a er n o we dayto our Father o : "Thou bast given me a southland; give me also spring) of water. And ho gavo them tea upper springs, and blessiugs offered us i0 this world, which I shall pall the nether springs, and glories in the world to came, which I shall call tho upper springs. only that, bat tho upper springs. O God I my Fattier, I thank thee that thon 111114 given rue 1. 'south land' in this world, and the nothor springs of spiritual comfort in thio tears because she was going awaypleasure of roligion 9 David, unable ono caoares o1(•• R ACEN. that he 001(1(1 hardly see her at all, I to describe it i1( words, played it on It io very fortun:Lt:., we cannot BOO gives hes more than she lolls. She `a harp. 1Irs. humans, not finding betweu uutil we get iuto it. Oh, said to him : "‘Thou haat given me enough power m prase, sings that Christian wan, 1f you could sec of southand Audgive hmegaalso her tho pratse i0 a canto. Christopher Wrou, whet a plae0 1t ds, WO ,10111(1 never get you back again 1 i 1110 office or upper springs, and the nether spriog1.' non RA:: GWWEN lis T1111 210(11. 1. What a suggestive paesag0 1 The faot te, that as Galsb, the father, goats Achsah, the slaughter, :t south laud, so God gives to us his world. I ant' very thankful ho has given 1t to us. But I am like Ached' in the foot that I want a larger portion. Trees, and flowers, and grass, and bluo skies are very well in their places ; but 11e who has nothing bot this world for a portion has no portion at all. It is a mountainous land, stop• ing oil toward the desert of sorrow, swept by fiery siroccos ; it ia'.L south land,' a poor portion for 0uy man that. tries to put his trust in it. What las boon your experience? What has boon the experience of every man, of every woman, that has tried this world for a portion ? Queen Elizabeth, amidst the surroundings -of pomp, is unhappy beoause the painter sketches too minutely tho wrinkles on her face, and she in- dignantly cries out, 'You must strike offmy likeness without any shadows.' Hogarth, at the very height of his artistio triumph, is stung aimost to death with chargin because the paint- ing he had dedicated to the king doos no seem to bo acceptable, for George II cries out, "Who is this Uogarth ? Take his trumpery out of my presence." Briusley Sheridan thrilled the earth with his eloquence, but hail for his last words, "I am absolueoly undone." Walter Scott, fumbling around the inkstand, trying to write, says to his daughter, "Oh, take me book to my room; there Is no rest for Sir Walter but in tho grave." Stephen Girard, the tvealtht- est man in kis day, or, at any rate, only second in wealth, says, "I live the life of a galley elavo ; when I arise in the morning my one effort is to work so hard that I Dan sleep when it gots to be night." Charles Lamb, applauded of all the world, in tho very midst of his literary triumph, hays, "Po you remember, Bridget, when we used to laugh from the shilling gallery of the play ? There aro now no good plays to laugh at from the boxes." But why go so far as than? I used to go no farther than your atroet to find an illustration of what I am saying, unable to describe it in language, sprung it into !.U, sheens of tit. Paul's. 2ORL0INee AM NOT 12EAL01 nark. Pick me out.ton sitoeessful world• lingo --without any religion, and you know what I moan by thoroughly sticoessfttl worldlings—pick ole out ten suocesefttl worldlings, and y1,, store or shop, and the datum you John Bunyan, no able to prosont it ought to perform would go uogleoted. in ordinary phraseology, takes all I am glad I s11a11 not see that world the fascination of allegory. Mandol, with ordinary 1)1001c unable to reach the height of tho theme, rouses it up in an oratorio. Oh, there is 110 lifo on earth so happy as a really Chris- tian life 1 1 do not mean a sham Christian life, but a real Christiau life. Where there is a thorn, there is a whole garlaud of moos. Where there is olio groan, there aro three doxologies. Where there 11 one day of cloud, than is a whole soasou of snnehiue. Tales fila humblest Cbris tiau man that yon know—augols of God canopy lint with their whitdi whip ; tho lightnings of hoaven aro 1118 armed a1110s; tho Lord is his shepherd, picking out for him green pastures by still waters ; if ha walk forth, heaven is his body guard ; if he lie down to sleep, ladders of light, angel blossoming, aro lot into his dreams ; if be be thirsty, tho potent- ates of hoaven are his coup boners ; if he sit down to food, bis plain table blooms into the kiug'e banquet. Men say, "Look at that old fellow soul apreacle! out both wings, and with the worn out coat ;" the angels claps them in triumph at the of God cry, "Lift up your heads, yo everlasting gates, and let him 0010 in 1" Fastidious people Dry, "Get off my front stops;" the doorkeepers of heaven cry, "Oome, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom 1" When ho domes to die, though ho maybe carried out in a pins Vox to the potter's field, to that potter's field theohariots of Christ will comp down, and the cavalcade will crowd all the boulevards of heaven. until I enter it. Snppnsa tv0 woo allowed to go on an escnraion to that good land with the idea of re- turning. When too got there and hoard tho song and 1101(0d at their raptured faoos and 01iaglc(1 in the supernal society, We would cry out : "Let us stay 1 We aro coming hero anyhow. Why talo the tenable of going back again to that old world ? Wu tura hero now ; lot us. stay Aud it would take angelic violouoo to put nB out of that world, if 01)00 we. got thnro. But its pooplo who can- not afford to 1)03' for au outartitiu- moot sometimes C 000 arauud tt and look thronail the door ajar, or through a holo in the fence, so wo come and look through 11x0 evokes into that good laud which God luta provided for, Wo can just o0tc11 a glimpse of it. We oomo near enough to hoar the rumbling of the eternal orchestra, though not near enough to know who blows the cornet or fingers the harp. My 10 SIAKES A 0141,1 'ALL RIUMT.' 1 bless Ohrist for the present satis- faction of religion. It makes a man all right with reference to the past ; it makes a man all right with refer. ono .to the future. Oh, these nether springs of comfort 1 They aro por- onnied. The foundation of God standetlh sure having this seal, "The Lord knoweth them that aro hiss" Tho mountains shall t'lopart and the hills bo removed, but my 1012(111oss shall not depart from thou, neither shall too covouant of my peace be removed, smith tho Lord, who haul moot; np0n them," Oh, duster of diamonds sot in burnished gold 1 Oh, nothor springs of comfort bursting through all the va11oys of trial and tribulation 1 When you ea, you of tho world, what satisfaction there is en earth in roligion, do y011not thirst in ovary chalk. There' is spring -in 1 out new. Care must, however, be after it as tho daughter of Caleb Ivory foot.. There is majesty .,on taken to have it proj�orly dont, 'Pilo thirsted aftor tho water springs ? 11 ovory brow. There is joy in every i .,urot lies in quickly drying and • canno', find more than ono that loots is 110, stagnant Pond, scummed over heart. 1.1.1tot is hosanna on evo1'y pressing. thought of those upper springs. Ono of them breaks from beneath the throne ; another breaks forth from beneath tho altar of the temple ; another at the door of "the house of many mansions," Upper springs of gladness 1 Upper epringo of light I Upper springs of love 1 It is no fancy of mice. "The Lamb ehich 18 in the midst of the throne s11a11 lead them to living fountains of water." 011, Saviour divine, roll in upon ottr souls one of thoso an- ticipated rapturos 1 Pour around the roots of tho parched tongue ono drop of that liquid life • 1 Toss bo - fore our vision those fountains of God, raili1toweil with eternal victory. Hear it, They are never sick there ; not so mu* as n headache, or 121111gle rhoumatic, or tbrtist neuralgic, The inhabitant never says : "I aro sick." 'Lilley 11r0 novor tired there. Flight to fat. Stoat world is only tiao play of a holiday. Thoy never 44,i! there. It is as easy for them to 1t' ' oly as 11 is for us to stn. They tovar die thorn. You might go through all the outskirts of the great c. iy 1411(1 mutton ohop, before cooking them. find not ono plan whore the ground,and you will not Cavo the woolly colo 1larrtl. Wo fief: was broker for a grave. The oyes taste that so Many complain of. eight of the rodeotytod is novo l 11 your black eashmoro 'is much •1'U1?1! O.t3T+,1111.N'I' SERVANTS, l.),.» o.1 tvftli tears. .there is hoalt11 soiled, have it toothed. It will come 00 NOT REJECT 0101100. Let mo tell you, my dear brother, that the silliest and wickedest thing a man 0110 does is to reject Josue Obrist, The loss of the soul is a mistake that can never ho corrected. It is a downfall that lkllowa no al- leviation ; it is a rum that is rema- diless ; it ix a sleknass that has 1(o medicament ; it i:, a grave into 8/111011 a luau g001 but nom. comes out. Therefore, putting my haute on your shoulder as ono other puts his hand on tho shoulder of a brother, I soy Ibis day, bo maul,• AJ] and surrender your heart to Midst. You have been long enough eorviug the world ; now begin to sorve the Lord who bought you. You havo tried long enough to carry these burdens ; lot Jesus Christ putt Ula shoulder under your burden. Do I hear any ono in tin audience say : "1 mean to att4ncl to that after a while ; it ie not just the timo 9" It 18 the time, for the simple mason that you aro stun of no other ; nal God feud) you hose this morning, and ho sent me here to confront you with this tnoseage ; and y0C must hat Christ clioelt thocelobrltt0tl 11lili;l0ria11 system 0i 110 (111111g, 1:1'14 1311. 111 2,1 ill in First -Class Running :der a1ht1 will bo glad to s0cs all his 091 customers and as Iu:t:'r new 021 tui! as 1iussible. 271,our and reeds s t rays oD, Highest Priya paid for :tut• qu:0 tit;- of Good Grui 1. MILNE. . ons CARTS, CROQUET SETS and. liana 3askets "nu POST" 1�OIi(STORE0 hear now t o save your soul, and that i' you want to bo savod you may ba saved. "Who. soovor will, let him coo o." Yon will novo find any mora convem1ut 00119011 than 111i1. `Some of you have been waiting ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty mod s1:ty 3•o•tro { 0a some of you the hum had 1(11,11), ' 1 Boo it on your brow, and yet you have not attended to those clotted which belong to the very springtime of lifo. It is September with you now, it is October with you, it is Decombar with you. I am no alarm- ist. I simply know this ; if a man door not repent 1n this world ho novor reponts at all, and that now is the accepted time, ,and now is the day of salvation. 011, put off thin matter no longer. Do not turn your back on jeans Christ, who comes to 5510 37041, lest you should loose your, soul, Ono Monday morning a friond of mine started from New York to cele• brats her birthday with her dangh• tor in Virginia. On , Saturday of the same week, just after sunrise, I stood at 111e gate of Greenwood waiting for her silent form to 0olno In. It is a long journey to take in one week—from New York to Phila- delphia, from Philadelphia to Balti- more, from Baltimore to Washing- ton, from Washington to Virginia, from Virginia into the great star' nity 1 "What thy band flndelh to do, do it." Clothespins boilod a tow minutos and quickly dried, once or twico a month, 1000010 morn durable. Silverwaro can bo kept bright for months by being placed i1( au air tight 0as0 with a gond-sisod piece of oamp11or. Out the thin shin from tiro out- side of the leg of mutton, or tho the necessary Schoo Supplies kept in Stook. TIP NEWS 1 �. THE The Brussels Woolen Mill wants to g e d..F 500 F WOOL either for CASH or, in exchange torr Goons. The Highest Market Price Paid in Cash and a Few Cents fore in Trader We have a rine Ass®rt- ment of T'eet s, Cottons, Flannels, Blankets, Sheet- ing, Enitted Goods, Tarns, Sgo. eoogotosotratoortootottot All Wool left with as for manufacturing, whether rolls or other- wise, will have our prompt attention. SA'TISFACT'ION GUARANT'D h We wish to romiud the Farmers that the "Woolen Mill Store" in Brussels is not connecter) with THE BRUSSELS WOOL- EN MILL, but is selling Goo tis front the Listowel aiidl, tvhicll tvo consider a groat advantage to the Farmers of this Locality, as the Iwo 8'tore1 aro sidle by si110 and the Goodsand Prices eon easily b1 GEO1 HOWE & Oo L3R US$ELS,