HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-5-24, Page 8ti
Rave YR
OM ria
Currant uohes ?
If so ytoi \Vi11 surely require some
Erse`a. 112LE13011'^ ~ G
This is the bi:8t thing idnOw11
- for the destruction of the Currant
Minn, li•11ieh so quickly eats tale
first leaves ou these hutlleS. A
fresh supelly of this powder at
Drug, Book and Fancy Goods Store.
St:MVO:AN PSTENSIO-1', W. 0. a n. R.
Treissleave Brussels Station, wort and
south eafollewe:—
d oin e'rth. Cuing North.
31xt1 .....,,re: a.ri. iMixed 0.20 0.01
t:xprees.,,..11:45 a.m. ALai1...............0:0G p.m
5Yixod 8:a5p.m. ( Express........,0M5p,m
Novi 1 Reins f tein 5a .
Corer.' u Cdevil will convCue et God-
dMiss G11101 roturltpd 10'1100, 10)U
t. tit „v ]"nt u l tr, Juni' •Ith. bnnant:ni ion la4t'Set::a1ay,
Mee. \V. li Uli ]rill: 1 N has .gone on a-` W. J. Fcinrinxn and Wile wnel v ti
t tbutt'
14 t ui ftiende in the tort t week.
ft north tb s va 1
7 lin ,a.t.tv,. and wlfl.oei 1 V: herein w of next week tinbet n LI
were to town this week, mouth of June.. Time 18 rapidly tiyin
Dir rental. of a light type has been i Tug 21th of May will be the 'let
troubling a few Brussolftes of late. ; anniversary of the birth of Queen Vi
TllN'arillolinceinent ofcheap est:Oreions tol't�
tt : Illn4tDnleOAI.O, the r,1'11l11st, sick at
1' silt Il 1,
cmtintien to improve
t•„ G
stn service in Knox church 41111 win L•
w t ] 1
hblau l L Inrb event]#
10 ' Tan +.t:.. Vf 11. ,enthereele'e
ge residence is nearly completed. A. big
h iinprovoment will be noticablo when the
0- work is all liuished.
A,.aooritn will he given in enllueetion
with the Third fatty movement, tinder
the auspices of the I,O.G.T,, in Brussels,
ee ealled(1y evening, Jtuia 10th. Some
outside speakers will be in attendance,
B.nan's A 1'oxoolso.—Tho bust scholars
aro frequently stumped for a moment
when writing by the combination of le
and oi. Mon frequently stop iu the midst
of a letter and soratoii their heads in per•
plexity as to ivhethor it should be 'receive'
or'reotsve,"believe or 'boloivo.' Now,
the foot onn be found in the very net of
scratching the head, 1Vithout a single
exception'}' always follows''I' and 'o' al.
weys follows 'e.' The key then is lice.
Don''t forget the next time you aro in
doubt to soratoh your head and you will
nave time and think.
to Manitoba is causing oons,derablc talk J. A. Yet= is booming life ihsurauee
among people desirous of seeing the in Brussels this week.. De is meotiug
goodly land, with snocess.
Reyes. M. SersaN, J. L. Kerr and 11. Ton, sae worsen have shut down fur a
Paul, and W. H. Kerr attended the Die- week. The combination is not giving
triot meeting of the Methodist church nt slltiefacbjon,
Wingbam this week. EAST Huron Teaolxors' Convention in
INSPECTOR ARNOLD, of the British Amer- Clinton on Wednesday and Thursday of
lean Insurance Company, Toronto, was this week.
in town on Tuesday on a business trip. A. 000n*sR of the members of the Brute.
He appointed 1'. S, Scott leant agent. sole 1.O.G.T. will attend the entertain -
G. A. Puri arrived borne from Toronto at Belgrave on Monday evening of next
on Saturday of last week for a few week's week.
holidays. l=ie has been attending col- OAPT. DEAN, of the Salvation Army,
lege in the Queen City in connection with has gone to bur bolus for a resb. Icor
the profession of his choice. place le supplied by a young lady from
ALL orders for teaming left et 3. G. Palmerston.
Skene's or A. M. McKay & Coes store Peorxr are wondering when the Sat.
will be promptly attended to. All orders =day excursions to leincerdfue and God.
for garden plowing left with the above °rioh are going to stmt. They will be
named gentlemen will receive prompt at- popular this year.
tontion. 30 HRNnnn'oN linos. T. O'NIEi has purohnaed the black
AN international football mauls will trotting horse from Beattie Bros. and he
be played at Seaforth on Friday after- will be started in a named race in Ses-
noon of next week between the home forth on the Queen's Birthday.
team and Fall River Rovers, Champions Wonicumx have been engaged this week
of the American Association. No doubt putting a new front .in Goo, Thotnson's
a number of Beusselites will go out end block. Plato glees will bo substituted
see the sport as it will, no doubt, be a for the present windows in the gr0oere.
gool match. Prmonowkns say tstat this fe going 10
LAHT Saturday evening the Band play- be an "off year" for plums. The prom -
ed. the following program : Salamanca ise ofbloosom is vary scanty. Other
quickstep ; Tyrone quieketep ; Calumet fruit trees made a flue blossom show.
Toes. Reeler, florist, is cluing a large
business this year in the house plant,
ornamental tree and shrub lino, He
taken great pride in the oultivation of the
Tan l:iarriston cricketers are expected
to play a match with Brussels ou the
Queen's Birthday. They have a good
eleven and the game will no doubt be an
interesting one.
JooN FERGUSON, of Messed. Scarff do
Ferguson' 3 store, Brussels, has boon on
the sick list this week and has had the
doctor's care. He was at his father's resi-
Rev. G.B. and Mrs. Bowie have Chang.
ed their boarding place and for the Sum-
mer months, ab least, will make their
home at the residence of Jno. Mooney,
abort a mile west of Brussels.
MISS JEserr Bose was called home to
Guelph last week owing to the illness of
her mother and sister. They were con-
siderably better when Miss Rose left on
Monday, The family aro removing to
Ayr. ,
Ix is reported that James Jones, jew-
eler, may remove to Milton owing to
changes occurring in his old hone by the
death antis mother and other relatives.
We would. he sorry to see him leave
Rev. A- McKey, of Luo}cnow, will preach
in Melville church next Saturday at 2:80
p. m. Communion service on Sabbath
morning. Rev. A. Stevenson, of Melee -
worth, will °ended the services on Sab-
bath evening and on Monday lnoruing.
Werineedey of this week Jno. Mc.
Farlane and Andrew McKay loft Brus-
sels for Delnraine, Mau,, where Mr. ilia
erlans takes charge of a gang of men
in building a Largo flour mill. They will
be away several months.
A chdel's amaog ye tat:iu' notes march ; Pasadena quickstep, Neale waltz
An' faith he'll prent it. and the Stranger quickstep. D. Mo.
Donald is now playing the snare drum
as successor to the well-known Dave
SEND along the. news.
CARR for Eggs at McCracken's.
Pouxyoun3ctt1e in the Brsse1s pound.
Mrs. SWANN hag gone to Toeswater tq
visit her dangbter.
BEDBOOIe Suites for 85.00 at Leather -
Mies. Costner was visiting friends at
Stratford this week.
Broexwazne and Millet Seed at Mc-
TouATo and cabbage plants for s1]e at
MoCraeken's grocery.
BEDoOolc Suites worth $16 for ,5,10 at
22,000 brick for sale on easy terms.
VEAL delivers furniture to any part of
the town or country free of charge.
Tan weather this week has been un-
pleasantly wet and disagreeably cold.
A. Bets -Laren and wife, of Seaforth,
were in town this week for a day or two.
ENSILAGE corn, turnip, Mangold and
garden seeds for sale cheap at Thomson's.
Lentz please go and get a bottle of
Furniture Polish from J. Bonn, only 25e.
Axon= lot of dandy Parlor Suites
just arrived and very cheap at Leather -
Tun public have found out that Arthur
Veen sells the very best furniture at the
very lowest price.
Wersoxrussr Bale, andDancing Pumps
for men. Porpoise Lane and everything
in the shoe line, A, GOOD.
IRE heavy frost of Wednesday night
:out down the early vegetables right and
left in this locality.
8,000 white brick for sale at a bargain.
. May be seen at the Central Hotel, Brus-
se1e. T. Olean.. 31.
THE Howard Clifton Concert Company
is expected here on Monday and Tues,
day evenings of next week.
Cate at Leatberdale's and examine
goods and get prices before buying else.
where. 10 trouble to show goods.
J. B. T. McCoun and family have re.
fmoved to Listowel where they purpose
making their home for the present.
M' ANIOLLA Binding Twitlo, 000 feet to
the pom-d, at,18c. Flax Twine, 000 feet
to the pound, at 20e. 13. Game.
LEArnennILO's is the best pleee ih
Brussels to buy goad reliable Furniture,
and he will not be nudereold by any man.
Lase elonday Mrs. Wm. efoCnllongh
;lead the misfortune to fall down cellar,
'' fracturing heearm and receiving other
Attrnen Vere has made a great strike
in getting a lot of extension tables which
he will be able to sail about half the ns.
nal price.
Mils. Arm:ANDmn wishes to inform her
customers that she has removed her mil-
linery and residence to 50000', above the
postoffce, Bruseoiic.
ADL our teaohers attended the Teachers'
Convention this week except Mis i3amh.
ly. There was school in her depart-
ment on Wednesday and Thursday.
WELL-DIaonio Ann Dn ce,rea.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
id a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residenoo
seemed door north of the bridge, teat
aide of TRrnberry et., Brussels, 48-tf
LAxEs 1 Lexoo l — Cheap rates via
Beatty and Collingwood Line of steam-
ers,running in close connection with G.
T.R. trains from Kincardine and Wiar.
ton. By this route you can reach Sault
St. Marie, Bort Arthur, Duluth, The,.
salon, Algoma and all Georgian Bay
ports, thence to Manitoba, British Col-
nolhia, Montana, Minnesota and Dakota
et gireatly reduced rates. For inform-
ation and tickets call at TELEGBAPII Oe•
non. T. FLETCHER, Agent G.T.R., Brun.
gels. 41.10
A Mean and enthusiastic meeting of
*be drogglete of Huron, Bruce and Grey
was hold at Palmerston Tuesday for the
purpose of forming a druggists' anode,
tion for the counties of Huron, Bruce and
Grey. The following officers were Meet.
e •—President Dr. Marlyn,Kincardine d .oa dos
1st Vice -President, 3, T. Pepper, Brus-
sels 2nd Vioe•Peesident J. M. Ilex,
graved, 1°eielsy; Secretary, it. S. Muir,
Port Elgin, The Aesooiation nominated
Dir. Wrightman, of Owen Sound, as le
candidate for election to the Pharma-
eoutioal Council to be held in Jelly.
MUST PrnLreo: Er.—Tho importance of
publishing a dissolution notice in the
event of a change of firm is shown by a
case. tecentfy'decided. A. note for 52,-
500 was glean by a former member of
the Atm and the firma name eignod to it.
It was discotlntod at the hank and the
maker appropriated the proceeds to his
own use, Meg unable to collect the
nolo when due the bank brought suit
agei0eb the firm for the a)nolr01. Tboy
Meowed that Ms cohneotien with the
5501 had ceased before he nnacfo ilio holo,
but as they had not published :lie dist
1lolution ltotieo previous to that time, as
tetIOired by Iaty, judginent was rondorod
ageing the Old luta,
Wilson now in Dakota.
50e. Boots for girls all Bold. Will try
a whaok this week at s pile of Ladies'
India Sid, buttoned; or laded, Boots in
cartoons at 81.20, worth 02.00, sizes 2 , 3,
3e, 4, 4i, 5, 5i and 6. Ladies Shoes in
Tan and Terracotta, tipped and plain.
4,000 pairs in stook. A. Goon.
Jxou r. A public meeting will be held
in the Town Ball, Bruesele, on Friday
evening of next week, commencing at
8 o'olook, for the purpose of discussing
the Jesuit question. Addresses are ex-
pected from several 'of the resident
ministers and Dr. Macdonald, M. P., of
Wingham. Reeve Graham will ooeupy
the chair. On Monday evening of next
week a committee meeting will be held
M the Council chamber, at 7:30 o'clock,
to arrange for the Friday Griming gather-
ing. Full particulars given on posters.
Friends of the cause should let the notice
of the meeting have wide circulation.
IIratexe n. Lasb Monday Jno. Herron,
implement agent, Stratford, and Mrs.
Alex. Webster, of the EDAM city,. former-
ly of Brussels, were united in marriage
at London, by Rev. Mr. Murray, Presby-
terian minister. Mise Leggatt, of Mill-
bank, sister to the bride, was the brides-
maid, and A. MoDoneld, of Stratford,
the groomsman. The wedding party
were entertained at a reception In the
evening on their return. Mr. and Mrs.
Herron and the little plisses Webster, will
remove to Brandon, Mao., this spring
where they purpose making their future
home, Mrs. Herron's many friends in
Brussels wish her many years of hap-
PliEeENTATION.--•-Last Monday evening
-it the regular meeting of the A. 0. U. W.
J. A. Creighton, who has filled the posi•
tti0n of Recorder in a most efficient man-
ner for years, and who is now aboat to
remove from Brussels, was presented
with a very handsome gold locket, bear-
ing the letters 'A. 0. D. W.' on one side
and the date of the presentation on the
other. E. le, Wade, Past Master, pre.
seuted the gift, aecouipauied by a timely
speech, expressing the regret of the
brethren over Bro. Creighton's removal
from Brussels. Mr. Creighton made a
very appropriate reply, expressing his
thanks for the gift and the kindly ex-
pression of lits friends. It is not yet
definitely settled whore he will locate as
there are several openings offered.
B,cLI..—The annual assembly was held
in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening
of this week and was largely attended,
between seventy-five and a hundred per-
sons being present. The Hall was neat-
ly decorated for the occasion. Dancing
we) kept up until about 4 a, m. The
moolo was furnished by an Italian Band
from London. Among the outsiders io
attendance were :—blies trays, of Gods•
rioh ;. Mrs. Curtis, Misses Shane, Kelly
MCKillar and Taylor and Means. Tanner,
McKinnon and Dr. Milne, of Blyth ; Mr.
and Mrs. Bauslaugh and Messrs. Whitney
and Talbot, of Seaforth; MissesBiggsand
Marshall and Messrs. Hay, Riggs, Wat-
son, Brooks and Kidd, of Lietowel ; Mr.
Gibson, of Wroxeter; Messrs. Kay, Gas.
eels and Barnett, of Stratford. Supper
and refreshments were served in the
Council chamber.
Ice Cnosu Somer.—On Friday evening
of last week the ladies of the Methodist
church gavean iota Dream social in the
basement of the church. After refresh-
ments had been served, Rev. J. L. Kerr
took the chair and tbefollowing program
wee presented :'—Music by the choir ;
chairman's speed' •,duett, Bev. J. T.
Leper and T. •
P. Simpson ; speech, A.
Good ; solo, Rev. J. T. Legear ; reading,
Mrs. Swann ; quartette, Mieeoe Gerry
and Kerr, A. Langdale and W. H. Kerr ;
speech, Rev. R. Paul ; solo, Mise Lottie
Hill ; duett, Rev. J. T, Legear and T. P.
Simpson ; a few remarks from Rev. Mr.
Swann. Ahearty vote of thanks was
given to the ladies and to those assisting
in the program, particularly the two
gentlemen .from Ethel. Proceeds of the
social .about 516. The ladiee of the
committee return their thanks to Mr,
Goodhis or courtesy f con ea to them.
inc.G. B. Home, L. A., took hie text
from Genesis 16; 8last Sabbath morning,'
and having sketched the life of Abraham
and pointed out ite failute and triumpghs,
said :—"Nod even the greatest of Abut-
ham'e deeds, but hie faith in the promised
Messiah which waereckoned to him for
righteousness, saved him, There souls
to he a conconsus of opinion that Laltcb-
lin Bleak, lately departed, was a poac-
able man and a consistent member of tho
Proebyterian Church, but he, like Abra.
ham, or the moat illustrious of martyrs,
or the least known Christian, has boon
justified, not by works, but by the grace
ot Melee The hand of death ought to
bo 08 'potent as any other 05,11 which •
comes from God to call sinners to repen.
tapes and extender to Christ." A num.
her of oircunistemcee in the life of Abell,.
Man were compared with °there in the.
life of Mr. Bleak, Next Sabbath horn.
lug Mr. Ifowio' expects to 01000000. on
"Three Perpetual Miracles."'
I Ram. G. IV/Leon, wife and sou start
p11is week for Iowa, where they will visit
or a few months. Mr. Wilson's health
has been very indifferent of late and his
physician advises a eteange of climate.
e hope the visit will bo productive of
good results,
Tug Pose is in receipt from Wm. Edgar
Gen. Pace. Agent G. T. By, of a copy of
the company's guide to the fishing and
bunting resorts along the lines of the
G. T. Ry. and their vicinity. The little
volume contains much of interest to
Tun Walkerton Telescope of last week
says :—John D. Bonald of Brussels, man.
ufacturer of fire engines, is in town talk-
ing up fire protection. Mr. Ronald Bold
au engine to Mildmay, on Tuesday he ro-
oeived a telegram here, that leo had been
suocessful in selling to the town of Sim.
coo after a oompetition with the Water -
ens engine of Brantford,
Mamma °annob do better than patron-
ize Brussels with their wool this year.
Between the woolen mill, A. H. Vermis.,
ton's store, and Reeve Graham the
highest price may be expected nue goods
given in exchange by the two former if
desired. Read over their adyertieements
in Brie issue and then try Brussels wool
market and prove to your eatiefaobioo
that they meam business.
DrvxaxoN CoronT Rienunoe.---From the
report of the Inmpactor of Division Conrte
for 1888 the following figures are taken :
In the 12 Courts in the county the total
number of suits entered was 1860; total
amount of olaime entered, 568,292.63;
*umber of suits entered when the amount
claimed exceeded $100, 909. Seaforth
has the largest number of cases entered,
259; Brussels next, with 267; Clinton
next with 248 ; Wingham next, 210.
Manitoba Bxeursion.--,u ne
4010, ritlt and 18th. Delorairte,
and return, $28 ; Moosemiu and
return, $28 ; Glenboro' and return,
$28; Salt Codts and return, $28 ;
Calgary and return, $35. Good
for 40 days. For Tickets and In-
formation apply to y. M. Kendall,
or to T. Fletcher, Agents G.T.R.
Tug Gerrie Vidette refers to a former
Bruseelite as follows :—Wm. Hill, who
has been running a barber shop in Gerrie
for the past two menthe has sold out his
chair oto. toS. T. Pennell and olosed up
business. r.
M H, wo undoes
tends going to the Northwest shortly.
While in Gerrie Mr, Bill proved himself'
not only to bo a good Workman but a
thorough gentleman end made many
friends who will be glad to Bear of his
future prosperity.
Femmes' INeraruos.—On Tuoaday of.
next week a meeting of the Bast Baron
Earners' institute will be hold in the
Gerrie Town Ball, commencing at 10
o'clock a, m, Addresses are expected
from Tl. AlcFadden, President of the In-
stitute, on"The Driving horse;" Thos.
Btylie, on"Pigs for Profit yt' Veterinary
Armstrong, on "Rhoumatios in young
Colne;" Thos, Gibson,, M. 1'. P,, on "The
Laud Question," and Hon, Chas, DSury,
Minister of Agt'loulturo. A mooting will
be held in the evening, at.wbich Wroth,
ea and inttele will constitute the program.
All the sessions of the institute aro open
to the pnblio. :farmers, - their wives,
daughters and sols, are specially fu.
S horses -tit IN 5)%9 ,4,
Capt. Josiah Lawlor, with Hans Han.
pen and Edward 5. McKinley, has sailed
Inc France in the sailboat Never Sink,
which is only 80 feet long,
Au Easter egg, in the malting of which
an enthusiastic German patriot has spent
no lees than six months, hasbeen pre-
sented to William II. by a oonfectionor
at 11'iesbaden. The egg is meds of re-
fined sugar and rests on the head of two
white sugar statuettes representing
Prince Bislnarole and Comlt Moltke.
On the on beide of the shell appears a
group of the Imperial Family, all dis-
tinctly done in colored sugar, and from
the interior of this wonderful egg, when.
over a spring is touobed come forth, in
the limpid voice of a musical box, the
sounds of the German national anthem.
A new scheme to induce warm-heart-
ed persons to open theirpookst-books has
been exposed in r Atlanta, Ga. The
scheme was worked by a man and his
wife. The latter went from house to
House asking for money with which to
bury her husband. She reosivsil several
oontributions, but one lady doubting Jeer
story said :—"I'll go toyour home with
you." She did so, and, to her earprise,
found the husband laid out on a table
with a white sheet drawn over him.
She was much moved by the sight, and
taking out her purse, gave the "widow”
several dollars in small change. After
leaving the house the lady disooveree
that she had forgotten her handkerchief
and returned to got it. 'Upon re-enter-
ing the room elle was shocked to see the
"dead man" sitting up counting the
In the death of Obas. Fiske, of Wichi-
ta, Ken., on Saturday an interesting bit
of romance was revealed. 35 years
ago at Buffalo, N. Y., he fell is love with
his cousin, Harriet Fiske, but she reject-
ed his suit and married Albert Stage.
A few years of happy married life en-
sued, and then Stage went to the war
and was heard of no more. Fiske, hav-
ing accumulated wealth in Colorado,
again renewed his snit. Mrs. Stage,
thinking her husband was dead, married
him. They came to Wichita and lived
happily until the son of Albert Stti„ e,
learning the mystery of his father's life,
determined to solve rt, After several
years search he found his E cher alive
in Florida. Oorreepondenos wee opened
which resulted in the return of Stage and
his marriage secured him to his wife.
After the separation Fiske went abroad,
but -returned broken in health and purse.
His former wife found him and took him
home, where he received the tenderest
Care and warmest sympathy from both
hie wife and her first husband until his
lamincoo—WEmerEo.—In London, on the
20tH inst., by Bev, Mr. Murray, Mr.
Jno. Herron to Mrs. Alex: Webster,
both of Stratford
Howe,—In Molesworth on the 13th inat„
Cbristime Howe, aged 14 years, 10
months and 20 days.
MaXxxxon.—In Grey, on the 22n01 hist„
Alex., eldest son of John MoKinnon,
aged 13 years, 11 months and 19
R'43TTMO2E11 2: avE.l.mm.n m,
Fall Wheat ....,....... 90 91
Spring Wheat • 90 91
Barley......... 40 45
Oats 20 27
Peas ... 50 52
Butter, tube and rolls,.. 14 00
Eggs per dozen 10 00
Flour per barrel 5 50 00
Potatoes .,. 20 00
Hay per ton.......,..... 9 00 00
I3idee per lb , •., 2 8
Salt per .bbl., retail•:,.,. 1 25 00
Sheep skins, each 60 1 00
Wool, per 111. 17 21
Fall Wheat 00
Spring Wheat
Butter, per lb
Eggs, per dozen
Apples, per bushel
Bogs, dressed
Wood, per cord
Sheepskins, each
90 91
20 27
60 52
40 48
20 00
15 00
10 00
80 85
6 00 00
4 50
5 50
0 00 00
2 40 4 50
J1..' mems]*Nnu offers hie 150 -acro -.farm
for Halo, be1ng lot 18, and S1 lot 10, eon, 0,
Grey. About 80 or 00 soros. essayed, Tomes
iu good0Opair, 10 'teres bush on Ito 00•a4ro
lot anal°aerate on the Minn lob. 9 good
Tearing orobartlee ono on cinch place and
plenty of good tenter. Per further partners
Jars apply to T;LTIAII 13AT005,01, Propria -
ter. 45410
.reneof the undoreignod, lot 00, 000, 0,
Grey, on of about Apell 00t}1, 0 bene] of (Settle,
lheo year/Inge Ono a 'Otto bail, the other
Is reit heifer, The abet throe ere 9•yoar•olds,.
fevo Steer9 end a ]leiter,' The ingest ecce1',
has white etar in forehead Mud two hind
legewblto over ietleeke, Auy information
loading to their toe 0005 will be thankfully
raooived, ,0NO. f,OWlit, mussels, Pee, 44
OT1 f 111 1
10 Connell. T 4 n it of the c oc oa5 +
t f a
4t t c the
county, Y
nut of Low
i+ will Y I meet t i+l tb, t: 'r
1{unnu iu lb.1# n of t}v 1 t frit 0 n '1`1'I;IJ
1.1.11.Y Ohl 1111 Qty of 'NUN La]t P.41%.11.
{ ALIA18074 00, cleric. 153
premises of the u# lu:olgoeol, Lot 4,
Con. 0, Croy ou May 19th See is rad in
color and giving milk. The owner f8 re.
qua stets to 10008 property, nay expenses and
take her away. ;0111NCAN TAS5011,
d During the sumbur ,unildln, com-
Manaing Sainrday, May lit}#, 1 w'111 roory
Passengers an Flaturd,y of eao11 week les,
Gerrie to 8eaforbh and return for e1,05, and
from Breesele to eoaforth and return 00e,
Stage leavee ut usual hours. On the Queen's
itirtbday a 811001,1 cenrnyauce will 00 run to
Seaforth, 00 Dents tor return trip from Brus-
sels. 0. WALBH, Proprietor,
Bo o,n.
Stagelsnvoe Gerrie about 0:00 0, in.. ro0a12-
ing 1Jruoeebs about 8160 a, in , and \v111 arrive
ab Seltiortlr about 11:30 a, in. l0otur 11
soave Beaforth about 8:10 p, in., ,,q
Brussels about 0:45, in o t0 connect reach
trains solos nnri]1 end
seed#, Alen make
connections With C. P. 11, at Wroxeter and
(lords, 5, WALSB, Proprietor,
undersigned will keep- for service on
Lot 20, Gen.4, norris, the thorough bred
Durban] Bull, "Barney," (11285), registered
1' edigree Dominion B}am't Mord 1fer,) Rook,
Perms, for tltoroughbced sows, 30.00, for
grane•oows, 01.00, With privilege of ret#irn-
ing if he0sssery, A well bred grade bull is
also kept on the same let. Terms, SO Dante,
with privilege of returning if noeeesary.
The pedegroo of • 'Baruoy" may he 00011 011
application is the owner.
38.21r. :PETLB mum, Proprietor,
11811 IS FOR SALE. -'3'1:101 UN-
DERBIONEn has severe pod Perms f or
sale and to rent, 0105 terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. T. S, SCOTT. Brussels.
On the corner of Mary nue emehanie
streets, in the village of Brussels. This pro-
perty is very oonvouieotly situated and is 0
bargain to any person having a family of
young children as it is so near the school.
Good Mello and well on the premises, also
00018 young fruit trees and a quantity of
small fruit. Apply to the owner on the
10-01 MBS. TIIBN131JLL, Brussels.
Brusl,ols Tannery fe offered for sale at
e bargain. In 11 le a 15 h. p. engine and
1011. p, boiler,15 vats, 2 oarrytables, 2 stoves,
good bark mill and afull sot of tools, with
Beating pipes to leaches, dm, There are
about. soros of land in connection with the
bulldog. No tannery neerer than Wingham
or Listowel. Terms easy. For further par-
ticulars as to price terms, &o„ apply at,
37- Trus rosy Publishing Houee, Brus sola.
sonmltu offers his valuable 100 mere
farm, beinglot 3, non. 13, Grey Towrahip
Huron Go., for sole, There are about 50
auras cleared and in good heart, 'Alters le n
log house, good hank baro, beating orchard,
and all the necessary conveniences on the
promises. Por further partioulars, as to
}price, toms, eta„ apply to tits Prot/rioter,
'CHOS,HISLOP, Clare P. 0., N.N.T.. or to
nL'neIONED offers for sale the north
east quarter of lot 28, 0Ofeeenlon 0, 5.01018,
County of Huron, containing 50 acres. The
laud is of first quality and in a high state of
0ult1y:diem well fenced and uudor-drained,
P5 acres cleared. Newlrame bailee, 8 rooms,
milli hogso with oonerete walls, 2 wenn,
good bare and shed, orchard, oto, Eight
acres of fall wheat.This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit-
able terms will be given. Title porta et.
80. - ' !loafer tit P. 0.
A first-clessfarni for Belo in the
Township of Morris in the flaunty of H neon
being south half of north half lots 25&:20
and south half of 20 in 5th con., aontatning
500 acres more or lees, 125 acres mos015
010008f stumps and in %good state of culti-
vation. There is a young bearing orchard, a
good house and hank barn 55 x 50 feet with
stone stable uuderneaba. The farm is situ-
ated within a mild of the Village of Brussels
and is n good farm for grain or etOoa rain-
ing as leis watered with the river Maartend
and neva: failing spring oroolr..Possession
will be given at any time. For furtbsr pt,
ticulare aptly on the promisee ortoA.11,,
5.013Ei8T5014 Brussels, P. 0 0-10
being the south half of lot , number
30 in the 4th eon0ession of the township of
Morrie, known as the homestead of Amide
bald Taylor, containing ninety-nine pores.
Ninety acres aro cleared, the balance wood-
ed with valuable timber, Excellent build -
tugs, barge orchard of eluieo trees, soil in
good oontliden ad is situated one and a
quarter mantle Worth of the Village of Beate
men, 010cup main gravel road This le ono
of the finest homostenefarms le the County
of Huron and will be sold at a bargain and
on terms to suit puxollaesr, Pm further
particulars apply to the Proprietor. A, M.
TAYLOR, Mnning Aroade, 'Toronto, or to
l0BOHTBALD elAYLOB, Sn., on the prem.
Morris, 011 retir:mai d° tonne. In order
to close the affeere of the estate 0f the late
W. G. Megaton, the executors offer the cob
lowing valuable laude for sale North
half of Lot 80, 000seeo100 0, Township of
Morrie,00ntaining 00 three, Ou this. lot is
emoted a goadframe barn with atone Mune
dation, good orchard, well andpnmp , Near.
ly allolearod, and xe on the grave road
closely 'stabilising the village ot Brussels.
!Phis farm Is a valuable one, is well framed
and In a good- state of cultivation. For
noes and terms apply to THOS. BELLY,
BBrnsseis P. 0., HENRY Juntxs:s, Victoria
Square P. O„ or JAuns SKIM, ;Maple Lodge
P. 0.. IstidL,esex County.
VI Licouted Auctioneer. .Sales conduct-
ed en re,sonabie terms. Farms and farm
et elta epeoiaity. Orders lest at Tun Pose
Pabllthing House , Bru ag01e, or eontt° Walton
P.O., will receive prompt attention.
A ,
.L3 a Auctioneer,
tend taloa f arsfarm stock,r4s. Terms
cheer/ally given. Oranbrook P. O. Babe
May bo arranged at Tun POST Publfebtug.
House, 01050015.
000000001313'05 1
G. 5,13(01, L D.8., llmiox Graduate and
PT. B, C.D. S. Toronto. Vitalized Air given.
0ffl e-•-MEYEnsSJLcox,Slanronx0L
;'0001`4 ,:050,0
• W, J. (Pear, -1,, D: 5„ Gradoato of
Toronto -School of Dentistry. All
oporetlone gun -meiotic/. 00(��Artiflcial
fit, forS12.00pertygeti pd0glco Oeuo'Y
I Beet's, eineeo0Tn.
leeEINIrd:'If"a;e r;
3E.' .4., 1vc.A.re,r118', 00, tD, 0„ •
Bonet Ciraduato O1 tbo, nand College of
DentalElugor 4,'rm'onto. Nitro Oxide Sas
adminiero+ ler (henaininsn 7'Ixtreetion of
teeth, 'OD :,,.-.
savor*, rl`On Neaten er DANE, BRUSSELS
MAY 24, 18,v
c, h •vyt
hi km., I
Polio io t4ui'o sen
i1 'RS'EXO1 j10NS
To Delortl,ine and return, i28 00
To S, alteoata "
To Moosonill "
To Glenboro' `g
To Calgary "
28 ,..
28 ...
28 ...
85 ...
_ Ox --
June, 4, 1.1, 18, 1889.
T EER 0008 FOR 40 DAg01
secure Ionr Tlckel8 nt
(Successor to J. Hargreaves at Co.)
Opposite Qpcea'e lintel. , itrose,ls,
Traaaoaat a
0+osaeso1. me.oalrSnag
Canadian and 'Suited States Drafts bought
end sold.
Interest allowed oe Deposits.
Collections made ottfavorable terms.
Canadian Agents—Manana-'tree BANx o8
Now York Agents—Ili roars:us ANn TnAn-
1177 Al. SINCLAIR,
0, a Solicitor.,0oaveyancor,NotaryPub-
lic, So. Anise—Grolunm'e Block, l door north
of Popper's Drug Store. Private Puede to
.1 E. WADL
Barrister, Solicitor and Notary nib.
tic, Conveyancing, Collections and Looping.
Mr, Wad° will attend in Corrie every Wet -
nesday at two o'clock,
(Lata with Garrott eProudfoot,Gotic-
rich,) ld nrrisrars, Solicitors, C0uveyaneers.
&c. 0flioe—Grout's Iilock,Brussote.. Money
to Loau.
R. O. HAYS. w. n. nlCSsoN.
A 111. '3'AYLO1, 73. C. L.,
Barrister, solicitor 40, of tho 3co,
0f Dickson, Taylor &01oCulfou0h Berri store,
Solicitors, &c.,1110 vying Arcade, fiivg Street
West, Toreuto. Money to Loan.
Clerk of the Preoral, Division Court,
Co- Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loon and /neurone° Agent. Puede
invested and to Ioan. Odleotioue made.
Office in Graham's Blook, Brussels.
�] ] 11.• AlcOli.ACI0PN,
YC' ,
Ismer of Marriage 'Accrue. Otllea
a1 his Grocery, J ::o'nbex'Yy street, f3roeeo]S.
L�JL Teacher of Men° and Organ. Terme
011 appiioattoc, WALTON CO3Aee meets every
Thnreday and Friday at Aire. D. Campbell's,
Desires to receive pupils for inetruo-
tiononthe Piano and Organ. Nino y°aro
expiirienee. Residence with Mrs, 3argreav-
0s,ovor Pepp er'e Drug Store.
• Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door
south lei A. ef. Msitay tic Co'e hardware eters,
Ladies! andchileren'a hair cutting a epeolalty
r. 5'ib..bolos stock (If otgars kept,
A b5oNAIR,
/murex of Marriage Lk:ensue, by
appoilrimenb of Liadt,-Governcr, Commis-
goner,. do., Q, B. :Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Op. OSlce at the Oranbrook
Peet Ofl11o. .
r E SS11AN;ING.—
The undersigned desires to Intimate
to the ladiee of Brussels end surrounding
aounbry that she 1e preparers to 'attend to
all orders intrdsted to- her.-Satisfaotiml
guaranteed. Shop's hardware
of Walter Jaollrloa'abardware store,
Al. 1' ALL, M, D.,, 0. M.,
Y 6 Mo bar of the College of Physicians
and Surge ns ofOntario by °nomination.
031100 andReside ee —
a Main street t
r Beet,
Ethel 0ata to,'
p Y e (1,1tf,, L. B. 0, 5„ Edinburgh, M. O. P.
B, out, At apparel Drug. Store from 0 to
11:80 a, en. etre front 1:00 to 4 0. m, At other
boors may etre
found et his roeidaoeo foe'm-
orly oocup' pts by Dr. B u tehioeon, Millet,
V. . O'BRT11;N, 'V, y.
.a. e ' ]Door Gr:.
ocular Coup, la prepared to treat
y go, is to:1a ion to trent ace:
cttsonsosafclemosttentpclanimalson sot entitle
and app ovedprineitrlos, OBlee—'Two-doors
neetle o bridge, Tutneerry street.
N(s, D. WAR"4VICK, V. 5„
ea radua e f
{ 111 Octane owns anti
Oollop5 hoe opened an office in Drowns and
5* no v prepRrod to tt'oat ani likeness 01
emno boated wheels ou the latest ssientine
and *, preyed priuni,r}0e, (falls attended to
day c. night. Mice in I.0 Riobard'o Bassnest hop, oppoeite 41100)1 a Ilotol, 8111555515,'