HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-5-24, Page 7•Pa
�rm4'^_n':"'yn1�?[;!!6:{ • - _ _ e•.., mr..N,.m.naimm'AyL''
, a'ho Ditohee area !Vater Conreee A woman's sphere•—•a mouse. `Yallaoehur; is to have a ladies'
/re Cafes ;ie i' atn"ndp�l land iulprevnd in The feeetrito gilt of the inebriety bind.
Beaten Courier :--^-1'Vltisity is r I .,• 1 tthe5linuatrlu3ti'ulttofla 1i'01,1i(t
hi the dieeautcr, Nhriet Cherub, Montt38!, wad ane
With a bear of a lutabaud there le hnuarotl years etc! this week.
commended as n ra:uedy f,rr .$)+,,1, . ,.. tee iva h•gnate or the perfume alwoya trouble bruin. The populatlou of Quebec ie plac-
lunge. It certainly Thal a trudn tee i 131 ,l(Bl, the award ,nay be re open• 'rho matter of rents annoys both ed at 09,805, or'with St. Sttuvour
o malt) the breath strong, -',1 end r8•considered. Tho method the professional tramp and the land included, 85,000.
' e hug i11 11443 services of the en- baron. The natural gee 'iglus in Kings -
Bowe realize after marriage that villa are of au enormous Hi 80. 'filo
the "applo of their eye" is a arab, :lame i8 about 1111'ee feet wide, by
apple. els feet high.
A elle is where green feed is kept. I3lauituba follows up Ontario'e
A. solo is whore a conceited music good agricultural story with a report
Hartford `.l'i'nes :--13elvea Tree+
wood ease 411)9 le the mother of tile
Prohibition party --and we gu•'
elle did not bring it up 00 tee
l,ie. tar 1.8 6180 altered,
1 e ativorous Bi,dM Except for
ill'. prl teatiou of 111 owners of fruit
bottle. , Oared uul3 ful to plied a
'!'hero is one barroom in No•, rn1/i11 also native .rill tenets, except
h. v, • ., crows, blttolt birds and Eng.
York the decoration and furoi'1trn
of which cost $200,000. There n3'
seoree of them that aro fitted rep w
an expense of $150,000 ei1011.
TIN late 1110. Bright's drill!c was
always milk, oouoerning which ,t
Tweodsider Duan remedied to qt.
Bright: "Ye'il hae tae talc' a pe'y
pickle n' that stuff before it mete --
ye 480 double."
Ono head of a public 80hoo1 8ai 1
he could always tell when a bee
commenced to use toba00o by th •
record of his recitations. P of
Oliver, of the ,Annapolis Academy,
said he e:luld indicate the boy witn
used tobacco by hie abenlnt3' Let
bility to draw a clean straight hue.
Some one takes the trouble t .
compare the figures of Gree:
Britain's liquor bill. The ninon 1.
per head et the population i. 48
7e. ; its amount per averego
.11(1 5e. ; its weight hi Bovero'„11',
070 tons • 118 acreage, sovereie11
iail edge to o:lge, liftenu ser.,:: , -
lenvth, sovereigns lei! tete, to f,•'e,
115j• miles ; its time to count, p13-'
sovereign per emend, four yearn ;
lie amount, per letter of the Bible,
48418a, 0d.
What l 'lave Seen~
Au r,id man of experience sev4 :
I have seen a young man 8 a
farm, turn merchant, and die in a
lunatic asylum,
I have 88011 a farmer travel about
so much that there was nothing at
home worth looking at.
I have seen it young girl marry
man of dissolute habits and repeat
of it as long as she lived.
I have seen a man spend mote
money in folly than would support
his family in comfort and indepen
I have seen a man depart from
truth when candor and veracity
would have served him to it much
' better purpose.
1 have seen the extravagance and
folly of children bring their parents
to poverty and want, and them•
Selves to disgrace.
1 'i 11 r0Orv8.
1',io Publio School Act has been
ded so as to simplify the method
ainiug awards :is between two
1 neatan's.
1: igieu8Institutions Aet. Doubts
Leon cleared up as to eon -
e. ,Ce8 and mortgages male or to
o ,, du by tho trustees under this
Ac .
11 d the boolt•Itoeper ?
Whitt did the oar look ?
1 a ball crowded with colored
erry!Ie. a blaeltberry jam, or a berry-
) 1 •,1
.al espeare said : ''There i8 a
tide+ hi the affairs of luau,” but we
il. it wppeare to be pretty mach
d back in tho affairs of a wo•
-t, ,ve3•letter may be said to be a
• it •4 eau ohmeu .
:'13iup act—Applause in a
h patisens are odorous," the
1'33;; lei said las he tested the qual-
ity .1 several bottles of cologne.
A child with three eyes has been
born iu Detroit. It will be able to
ca. au extra eye to windword for
nn e.fliee, but the greatest advent-
ag' ,-3 11lving three ere will become
apparent when the child gets old
enc n„L to a'aond the three -ringed.
A lecturer says : ''Fullness un•
der the es0 denotes language,” Ho
has probably been knocked down for
something he has acid.
"Gently the dues aro o'er me
teahng," the Detroit man said
when he bad thirteen bills present-
ed to Lim in one day.
seine Ssperetitiens.
11 is notedly to enter a house
with the le''' foot forward.
It. is unlucky to ride behind a
bib tail' d. horse at a funeral.
Itis unlucky to snooze before
breakfast or when you see the new
I have seen a prudent and 10- It is unlucky to whistle or Xing
dustrinus wife retrieve tho fortune before breakfast. It is :tisu uolueky
of the family, when the husband to tell your drums before brealcfaet.
pulled at the other end of the rope. If your right ear burns friends
are talkiug about y 111. If your left
ear burns enemies are scandalizing
The Aeeeesment AO. This has you.
been amended in a few particulars. Itis nrdecky to own n crowing
Provision is made enabling oounom, hen, a white horse, a white cow, a
where from any cause delay hae white oat, or to parry a white um•
been made in the final revision of brella,
the roll beyond the 8rd day of Dn. the palm of your light hand
cetnber, to adopt such roll notwith- itches you will receive money or
standing delay. Provision is made shake bands • If your left band
for the payment of the °Moials to 'tribes you wil; pay your debts.
aot es equalizers of the County ad If the outside of your arm itches
statements, also for the payment of at the elbow you aro going to sleep
, the judge when acting in appeal away from home. If the inside
from the Court of Revision. itches you are going to entertain .a
Public Health Act. Every sus• stranger.
pending Magistrate in the newly or If you are in search of good luck
gauized District in ex office a Medi- never let a hunchback pass you
cal Health officer, and every con without touching the hump, no
stable in such district is to act its matter how lightly—the tip of your
Sanitary Inspector, fingers will do. Then, 1f your
The Ontario Factories Act has sweetheart has for any reason grown
nudergone many amendments;; of cold or indifferent, he or she, as the
which the proprietors of factories case may be, will at once seek your
should take oare to acquaint them• presence and you will be restored
selves with. to your place In his or her heart.
The Shops Regulation Aot!;' has If you sneeze on Monday you sneeze
been improved upon and renerect for danger;
more explicit and Useful. E1xlploy Sneeze on Tuesday kiss a stranger ;
ere and employees interested in Sneeze on Wednesday, sneeze for a
early closing are iutereste7 in the letter ;
Sneeze on Thursday, something
Sneeze on Friday, sneeze for sor-
Snooze ou Saturday, see your
sweetheart tomorrow;
Sneeze ou Sunday, and the devil
will have dominion over you
all the week.
See a pin and pick it tip,
All the day you'll have good luck ;
See a pin and let it lay,
Bad luck you'll have tail the day.
Notes on Further Changes In the Law.
inn feeds his greeno8s.
Although not a Student of as-
tronomy, the cheeee•maker is able
to tell something of the mil ky whey.
CrtuadYfft,n NOwfa
Fall wheat everywhere in Onta rio
looks well.
Galt has already selected its civic
holiday, Aug. 26,
Jos. Lamarsh, of Sandwich, kill.
ed a 800 Ib. hog last week.
Gall's population is now 7,180,
an it-meaee of 86 but year.
The population of Petor1ore' is
9,284, an ineroago of 295 over last
Nelson Lefler, AI(ddlet on, rejoices
in the po88eeeion this year of 7 Lambe
from 8 owes,
A liranttord doctor., Lav a patient
suffering from meas' s wh o le 45
years of ago.
Last year the G.T.R. paid no less
than $2,000,000 for coal consumed
by that company.
Elgin is now the only county in
the province in which the Scott Act
is still in force.
Block pavement is to be exten.
sively used on the main thorough-
fares of Kingston.
Amhers tburg bas an electric
light pole 84 feet high. The light
oan be seen 10 miles,
On Mary 8t„ Hamilton, there is a
hostelry which sports the name of
the Honest Lawyer's hotel.
Pour fine oattle belonging to
Wm. Stewart, a SaItfleet farmer,
died from eating some colored wall
Au eel four feet long and as large
a8 a man's arm was caught near
the tannery in Port Dover, recently
with an ordinary hook and line.
The official announcement of the
disbanding of the Seventh Fusiliers
of London has been gazetted. The
senior officers retire retaining rank.
During the 18 years the Canada
Southern railway has been built it
has never had a passenger killed in
au accident, and trains frequently
run at 60 miles an hour.
A. men. O'Donosrne, possessed ten
aures of Lend in Scarboro' township
for twenty five years, and the other
day the courts oompelled him to give
rep possession to its rightful owner,
F. W. Schwendiman, Drayton,
has received the contract for build.
ing the new barns at the 0. A.
College. Tho tender is something
like $16,400 The work will be pro
goaded with at once.
A Chinaman, who was a passes
ger by a Canadian Pacific train, was
put off the cars at Brandon, Man.,
when it wee discovered that he was
a leper. The authorities are at
a lose to know what to do with
It is reported that a young lady
(rem Toronto visiting friends near
Steam Threshing i1 aohines.
Manufacturers must pro) ide offi•
Meet spark arrestors, nand a penalty
is provided for arty om seion to clo
Fire Guardians. T11,
important net enabling 1
appoint two fire gnardia'(
a is a most
ownsllipe to
e in each
polling division, will out whose
leave no one ellen set out re to way
brush heap without the'' leave in
writing first obtained. TL e guard-
/nue aro to examine the p 400 and
adjourning lands, and grant or re•
fun) permission acemediue:to their
estimate of danger. Th • council
may impose a penalty for their neg•
loot, and also may fix their re.
nenneration. Any one set ting out
fire without leave is sni joct to
$100 fine, ball to go to th coin.
Contagious Diseases 1aino3g
Horses t&c. The council c f any
municipality may indemnif,
oaaner of any animal killed o doo-
troyecl tinder the provisions .0 the
The Line Fences /Idle Qi10 *wed
by providing that they may pay ,t11e
fence viow0re fees and charge-'etind �} y� r
collet the -same frau the p: pay in war we have an el meet reserve
r u'S [/�✓�,J l.ft� e'I e/�
liable in the same wayes any other force in the "hilliug" theirs abet was given a 0 menthe' holy(, nit t e
y et it wee et e Dna Os•I A9141 ""t"gtiL"4
tax.. ,' ' mbotrud• y oan., tl Y
Tho favorite key of the sailor's
songs is C.
The prevailing culler is the rag.
man. -
Ono of the moat obnoxious rel•
ativee ono can entertain—a carb.
A t"dwelt of a bonnet" is some,
time worn by a goose of a woman.
The man who i8 lynched will find
notice in the noses column,
Tho flower of the family frequeei.
ly happous to bo a snuflower.
Ono of the loadiug foaturee of a
blind tuedleant's life is 111e little dog.
Sbauld this country be involved
Paisley woe alarmed at the approach
of s oow. She was too frightened
to run, and shaping her parasol at
the animal, she said 10 a very stern
tone, 'Lie down sir, he down.'
A gaudy butterfly one now bo seen
at the residence of Adam Robertson,
Guelph. Mies Robertson took the
chrysalis from an apple tree last
fall and planed it on a bracket in
the house, and the fly emerged the
other day. It is very large and
Says the St. John Gazette : A
young man from Luneburg arrived
on schooner the other day for the
purpose of marrying a young girl
in this city. When told that the
license fee was $4 he said he would
not give so much and bas 'actually
refused to marry the girl.
There le trouble in the English
Church at Watordown. The Rentor,
Rev. D'(r. Francis, will neither offi-
ciate nor give up the Obert h, which
he appears to hold on some legal
ground which empowers him so to
do, He will not give way to a
younger and very popular clergy
man, much to the annoyance of the
congregation, which's in (lael' ofi g
breaking up,
A broozydisoussion took place ill
the Toronto commit on a by.law to
provide against the throwing of
banana skins, orange peel and simi-
lar fruits and pickings of such fruits
on the sidewalks. It was heavily
opposed by Ald. Baxter, who
claimed that though banana skins
wore a decided nuisance when mot
in personal experience, it was un•
p0ssible to enforce) such aptly rule.
Tho Council n'ig'h as well forbid the
smoking of cigars, tobacco chewing,
whistling and eating peanuts en e (Jbl�VT,
public thoroughfares. The bylaw
that she hae 25 per cont. more land
tinder crop than in 1888.
They have invented a now kind of
thievery up near Thamesville, where
a farmer reoontly found a young or
chard he had planted carried away,
0,11 but the soil.
The largest speckled trout ought
in the county of Waterloo for many
Pars, was captured by Walter Icon•
week, on SaturdLy, in the Speed
river, a conplo of miles up stream.
It measured 15 inches fa length and
weighed slightly over 2 pounds.
Mr. Strowger, of 99 Queen street,
Brantford, has quite n cnriOsity.
Two weeks ago he prebend a
rustics table on the market and the
other day 11e noticed that one of the
lege began to show signs of life.
There are 11039 110 less than 16 bode
sticking out on the leg through var•
nieh and paint.
Tho Stratford Beacon says : —We
were shown a piece of the limb of
an apple tree, the other day, which
was taken from an orchard on the
farm of Henry Schaefer, of South
Basthope. It was literally covered
with black knot. P. Lawraeon, a
tree grafter of this city, states that
ho hae seen numbers of eases of this
hind in the country. If the farmers
are not careful and look after their
apple tress, there will be a scarcity
or apples in a few years. This is
the identical fungus that has killed
off the cherry trees, The matter
should be looked after by all fruit
Any it) ,t,nt of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty, at
6 c1= 6 Per Gent. Yearly. -
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Cleric, Brussels. ,
L11 Bay tt lltt.
Take a
Dinner Sets $9,00, formerly sold
at $11.00.
China Tea Sets 80.50 to $7.50,
formerly sold at $8,00 and
Decorated Tea Sots $4.001(784,50
formerly sold at $5,50.
White Stoneware Sets $2.00,
formerly sold at $2.50.
Chamber Sets, (1 pieces, $2.00.
Glassware of all kinds sold at
reduced prices.
Also a largo quantity of Tea.
which we will sell at (i0$T.
Tea from 121 cents to
--50 cents.— •-
Call in and see the Goods.
. .F. L...iT1MR,31[2'S.,
Now 'York Grocery.
of Private Funds have just been
placed in my hands for In-
Borrowers can have their loans
complete in three days if title is
Apply to
No family who know', the power of
Pain Exterminator
will be without it in their house. They
know it to be a family physician. It is
both an internal and external remedy.
Pain cannot remain where it is properly
applied., The lame who have used erutah-
es from '2 to 12 years have thrown them
away by the use of it. References oan
be given that different blind persons have
had their sight restored. to theta by the
use of it when the optic nerve was not
injured. It is good for inflammatory and
chronic rheumatism, gall stones, neural.
(1113, toothache, soughs and colds, earache
and all other aches and pains. 1'11108
26 Ot8N' 11th. Sold by dl'ng.fists and 00003.
try reerehenta. Prepared and sold whole-
sale, by .l sone`' MirI.:t, 88 Park
Sheet booth, Ifamilton, Ont. 038.4m
, t f. ' 15111ti
r a>Fwt�y'°' Hsni� " cat
Jen .z.r� 41i 'la,�d 1,,
3) V'tJidrtbfil• Ela. LAKEI
iiit.c,Nt .,..fi 2,0001: 0000 LIKE a M3Olnitle
�e <"i
a k ince•
Money to Loan.
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty, at
Brussels, Ont.
A --5....46.. O ,.A.. O S.
4, - d rai• - .50 • Centre.
.3:11 Work front the Smallest to Life slat)
none In a first-class 01(33313411'.
of Residences, Ilte., at Reasonable
W. J. Fairfield.
The Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public that they have
formed a co -partnership, under the Firm name of
Turnbull ez Ba11ai.ty� e,
and aro now conducting the Stove and Tinware Business formerly
Our aim will be to please those favoring us with their
&1'v i US A CAT L
and ascertain our Prices.
T UIf,iVB GILL S' Bt1 LLr/ n'TYX.'.
r11HE Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public
generally that they have Removed to the
Brick Block Upp, We Nightingale & Des Store;
—and are prepared to Pay the •--' --•
Iighoet Market Prise, in aa„ 1'h,
for any Quantity of Fresh, Eggs.
0-17- J US A OE& Li .t-
Mrsr Ballanl,yno & SOD.
Brussels Egg E777poriu772. -
le; tit
w GU ren
a _ I �:. , p1 f•�3 1t+Ne� ay>s-•, �i
tk.;: o JCd l6 a rii' LI ,
,..,, lar,rclion,
Who aro 8'013(11 dna., , 1, , • , i ,t t f , I vi lit, t it 111•11.801 0)33111)1. nervous
1'l , : , , 1 . 1 143. t. c..
`TOTTo\18 '33013 t rtlr'1 No..5 tl , e i i cif 4.!rept w, ret 01 41111410310,
a(ma)ss at X'(,11:tt titat•1 e f 1 r -11141410 or ,onverSatiot,
dealr°for 0ohl) 1, , ,' f 3' (,,.I no P,ftiMl41,rei1bje414
eoevardlco, t 1'.+ 1 t e to f 314hir a ten,l,or, 81ur.
llo a, o1 t"or 11ti. ,,t 1.;1.1.1. e r n r n1a1 se.t excess—im410.
tenoy, innutr1000, a11,.., n. 1' 1 r, i e Iail to.atl r tim ^1 (ye'rio foolingsin
females,, Srotnb111nS 10 11 1 t3, 0,131,43m; l' , t 1. 1 , .aws nof Cilia 'farragobola, oat,ntimoa i 1, ,c nrly avoid 1 10 Slim tbt 1. , 1111,3 force bn.vin31oat ft:
tension, every (un0tln t S ans-in en t pie , 1 uC'. , 13(41 gra sed the superintendents
of 108,4310 aoylnt, rel �, 331 , ,cr1 , - > : c 4 r 1i, t -' filo great majority of
warted 11vos 4082811 004,10 nailer ra 04r. nor., 1 y t WO to emprtcnt for 111e artluoaa
duties Of bnalrlu03, illi a3 matte i 1 ,...I.,1:11./1/1.• e i lito, No. 41 otters all as0a3,e /row
oho nAeeteofearly viu,. It pat am r041n4(0Pb.vol ri00904110nvlpornn(
etrengtb. 133301141131 1 reiteu dawn, 1i. -.,'311y and morally i1 411 tunnyfudieo1Otton, the
rneult of ignorance u 11 1 div, r.crta n 134,141,1ent ' i .. s N tt, for 3A, V I,vno�'r,
Treatise Su Book Porn: un 113 cat) ae Man. S4.,it : c1' to frim nb45rvation,
Addo080 4111 colnlnuuilatirina to 11.1 A v4104 M 1'.4. T,aa t aal,tnrs N8. Ht,, 7r0rotuto,
A Mos 33343.802 :vted.,e Byes Pam (oafs paradle1, 181118 (s1.,AtO1lSoa. t1SAt. SHE SIC!.