HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-5-24, Page 5MAY 24, 1-b() THE .131'WSSEL5 POST erveeneuve.cieetellectraterceezeszmeeeeteeeeeiee e,.,eeeeeteeteeteecc-eeeeeeeaeteceae-xreetreereeeretrtereetreexe ewe, teeetteleev"ete tecter=erte=rwireveettreeeetteereeente tieretteetetTeret:eletze eet.et Tele ertezeree.ritereeltre - — - • e.....,,eeeleee'leatia.1,1241.11.7.....11:4101,111e=1;2=511==kg'.71.441,1Y.:,:c.....,:,...;:eetezeeme riimir'eli 1 I iv "Iv et 19 Commencing at Once we will offer Suits by the Hundred Cheaper than the Cheapest, Mezes Suits for $5, $6 azaa $7, worth $7.50, $8 and $10. - Young Man, while the money you save over that asked by the imitators for the same quality will buy you a Hat, Furnishings and leave you some Change in you pocket besides. It is an nnevatiou—this selling Spring Snits right at the commencement of the season—that only the store doing the Largest Ready-made Clothing Trade in the County would make. The old saying, "There is time and place for every thing." 4. R. $,.11.1171'S Store, is the Place, and .APC) TY is your Time to buy. We will also offer Dozens of Puts, all wool, worth $3.50, for $2.25. Also MEN'S FELT HATS ex,OAPS FOR 250. AND UPWARDS, Pay us a visit and see what we can do for you. Dir,tritt Ce, tele inChtenceterf R. F. Cameron is home ior it few daya from Clinton Collegiate Institute. Ile likes the school well. Bible Ono and Sunday xchool will be dispensed with an eabbath next on account of Facramont. A. C. Dames, the veteran cattle buyer, is on his rounds again. He is . good buyer and does a largo business. The seventieth anniversary of our Queen will not bo celebrated here this year. A. number will take a trip. Bean Beeve—There are 0 number of first-elays players in the village and surrounding neighborhood. Could uot a club be organized, boys ? Y. le C. A.—The rain prevented many front attending the youug peoples' not. in on Monday evening last. A number of limo and psalms wore well sung by members of the choir. treth A brio ball olab has been organized here fuel the outside base baniste better keep their oyes open. Mrs. Totnpkins is quite poorly this week. The old lady in failing quite rot. She ia over 80 years of age. Rev. Mr. Thompson and wife, of Van- couver, are expected hero next week. 1 They have been in the wont for onto yeare. Last Sabbath evening the funeral ser- mon of the late Mrs, Ferguson was preached by Rev. Mr. Legear. It was an =Oka discourse. On Wednesday J. A. Young went to Waimea./ to attend the annual meeting of the Ontario Mutual Life Assurauce Co. of which he is an agent. Mrs. Fisher and daughter, of God°. rich, were visiting at the Parsonage this week. hire. Legoar and son purpose re. turning with them to the County town. The service in the Presbyterian ohnrch hero next Sabbath will commence at 3 o'Mouk p. m. instead of 2:30 owing to the sacrament being administered at Gran - brook in the morning. /Seal ore. h. .A. large crowd is expected in town on Friday. The 8eaforth football club went to Galt on Saturday last but were defeated. Rev. T. Glover was iu town this week iu the interests of the Nowoombo Piano Co. Tbo electric light by.law wan carried on Monday by a majority of 51. The voting wan very quiet. Dr. Makid loaves for Banff, his new field of practice, on Monday. Dr.Bethnno has boon in attendance the past week. F. G. Sperling and Miss Louie Sper- ling were in town last week. They are looking web and like living 50 Wingbam. Jos. Leatherlancl left on Tuesday night for Manitoba, where he has gone to build a house and other buildings for Wm. Logan, who removed there reeently. W. M. Gray and G. L. Ball Were ap. pointed by the Sabbath School Board of the Methodist church to soled another $60.00 wheel library at the Book Room in Toronto this week. Many of the °Weans ere interested in the controverey <tarried on in the Cana- dian Advance between Dr. Campbell, of Seaforth, and T. of Dawn Mills, on Robbie Barns' life and character. J. 13, Watson delivered his renowned looturo on the.3 Po on Friday night to a very appreciative audieeoe. Mr. Watson's health, spiritual and pliiysioal, is greatly improved and by the aesisteuee of the Divine helper ho hopes to bo of some service to weak •Immauity. liVianeyeliature. A. new gas pipe fence is to be put around the park. H. W. C. Meyer generously donated $5 to the boys at the school to equip th cricket club. The District meeting of the Methodist °Introit was hold in town on Tuesday end Wednesdny of this week. C. D. Williams, of Wingham, bas boon chosen captain of Company No. 2, of the 313rd Battalion, instead of Wzm removed front Wingham and resiglled. While some boys wore bathing in the river on Bellamy morning, ono of thorn, Arthur Long, a tinsmith, aged 10, took a cramp and wee downed hofora assistrutoo cold he 'whiled. Ho was got out Jive minutes after, bet it was too late ; the boy was doal,r The ,,Unions" of Wroxoter and Gerrie played a game of base ball with the town olub on Thersday afternoon of last week. The visitoro took a big load on our lads at the dint but at the dorm they wore only 8 ahead, tho score being 18 to 21. W. Grower, paella of the farnesols slob, umpired the game. Mogrove, Mooney atallolIardy triel their hand behind the bat for Wit/glum while Duffield and Mellarcly alteveatod in the piteherei box, We will give Brussels 1, hack sorno ni these bye, The Scripture selentions havo been dig' oarded by tho Pablio School Board of nie town. Wo have a very religions pot of Trustees in Whigham. A-Isesser Foster luta returned hiernlI to the clerk. Wingliam's total aseep,3• ment this year is to follows ; Beal estate, $4.39,696 ; personal property, $34,685 ; income, 018,300; total $517,713, Last year's revised assessment was $500,- 855. J.. J. Anderson, of Wingham, lumber and stave manufacturer, has, after look- ing over the Province of Manitoba ao. companied by N. Attwooe, of the C. P. R., purchased four entente of lend from the C.P.R. in tp. 1, re,. 27, at $4.87 per acre, near Melita, Tile Winnipeg Free Press says :—Ile is returning to Ontario to close out there, and will come out at ono with his whole family, luoluding several grown-up sons. /31e th. W. Montry has got his brick yard rue - nine now in full blast Court of Revision is to be held on Monday next in Industry hall at 10 a. In. Mores. McKinnon and Powell shipped seven oar loads of barley front this station to Buffalo this week. Rov. H. A. Thomas officiates for the last timo 05 pastor of Trinity church con- gregation on Sunday morning next. Queon'a Birthday on Friday is to be observed here as e generel holiday the principal attraction is the ceremony of laying theicorner stone of the now Meth°. diet church. Ou Saturday afternoon the youngest child of Michael Boyd got one of its bandit severely lacerated with itt saw while its brother was sawing wood. Five stitches had to be put in its little heed by the physician. On Saturday evening Amon Davies met with a rather serious accident, which will no doubt lay hint up for some time, throuch the 'caving in of the hole for the teak on Morris St. Tbo men were working tato for the purpose of getting the tank in before lenvine it theta being a considerable amount of quick- sand. This cued in covering ono of Mr. Davies legs so that it was impossible for him to extricate himself. He was, how- ever, dug out by his follow workmen when it was found that the limb was seriously injured. He was taken home anti medicine aid called in when it was found that his knee was out of joint. 4G -re. The potato patch is the centre of at- traotion these days. The milk wagons are now going their rounds for the different cheese factories, Township Council aud Court of Re- vision at Tuck's Hotel on Monday of next week, 9711 inet. The fruit crop will be small in com- parison with last year. The early var. iety dapples promises a fair yield, but winter apples will be a light orop. R. Bennett, Lot 31, Con. 0, had e olony of bees swarm on Sundity, 12th nat. This is very early in tho season 'and is, possibly, another proof of the fast age in which we live. The high price of binding twine ie the comae of muoh comment in this section. The geueral impression seems to be that there is a oombine somewhere. If some of our farmers had the oornbinaters in their ship yards they would either have to buret the combine or die in the fray. All power to the mall who is inventing the machine to bind with straw. FATAL AOMMINT.—Last Wednesday mornieg, shortly after 8 o'olook, Alex., the 18 year old eon bi John Moffinnote living on the eido road just eaet of Ge0. Crook's (801 oon.) farm, met with an ao. ceded that resulted in his almost instant death. A yearling colt had been sold to Mr. Ryan, near Walton, and the boy was taking it to Brussels. He bad oonte out the side line to the Oth eon., and about 0 o'olook his body wee found lying on the road about 50 yards east of the side road by James hlonzieo and Henry Taylor. It is supposed that tho youth had the halter strap wound around his hand or arm and was either kicked by the colt or the lad stumbled and fell and was un- unableto get on his feet. The boy's mitts and hoe were found west of the Bide road and merits on the vend showed where the animal had twined and dragged the boy east about 40 rode, Here the colt ovidettly stood for n hitblo time as there was a pool of blood. The body was than dragged back to whore is was fond. The boys 1a00 and hod were very badly bruised and ant, no doubt by the colt' hied feet, as the animals logo wore smeared with blood, and dragging on tbo rough road.. Life was extinct when the body Wan Loutil, The colt went home and was the first notification to the role - Lives Of something being wrong. The funeral took place on Thursday morning, the interment being made at Irisittown, east of Seteforth. The relatives and friends have the sympathy tit the entiro oommenity in their allbotioit. AUX. was the oldest eon in the family and we 9111(1 to bo a clover boy, Int MI 6,3 _ • __ _ _ _ 1 Spring crepe and hay Ptro growing rap- idly. The proepects are better now then hay been for the past two years. 4Mrs. Iingh Mel/Quaid and family have , gone to Melbonrne, elan„ where they 'will join Mr. McDonald who wont wept some little time ago. John Robertson, leth con. received word a few dap; ago from Sootland in- forming him of the death of the last of his brothers. The deceased was pos- sessed of o. strong and vigorous consti- tution, characteristio of the family, bay- ing attained the age of nearly 80 years. He resided in Edinburgh whore he had been in business for many years. Robe Scott came very nearly losing one of his beet cows one day last week. She got into the large open ditch bythe =deifies on the 1401 eon., and got mired. The ground is very soft there and the ditch is a regular oattle-trap. It should be covered in some way or fenced in, or the Connell should be made to pay damages in owe/ any cattle lose their live, there. Mr. Scott's cow in trying to get out got under the new culvert somehow and was there a day and a night before found. She was very weak and had to be hauled out by a team of horses, but she has a good appetite and will likely be on her feet again in a few clays. leitetoerw A meeting of the Listowel Boo -keepers' Aesoointiou will be held at the Royal Hotel on Saturday, May 25th, commenc- ing at 2 o'clock p. m. Cy. Hacking, for many years connoted i with (wicket n this town, left Monday to take up his permanent residence in Chicago. Before going his followmom bars of the drioket club presented Mr. Hacking with a magnifieent . bat. Lis- towel'a great loss will be Chiea go's great gain. The Banner says :—On eloudey last week sixty-seven broocl mares wore ship- ped from Listowel for western ranches. They were purohased by James Lowry and Wm. Riddle and were sent to the ranches of Wilson Bros„ Roulston Broe. and Sir John Lester Kaye at Clalgary and the Northwest. They were u fine lot of animals. At the Quarterly Bleating of the official board of the Methodist church here, after the uenal routine business, the platform of the Laymen's Convention at Woodstock was discussed and adopted. The chief points in this platform aro the appoint- ment of an equal number of laymen with the elerioal members on the Stationing °emulate°, the reoeptiou of delegates from interested churches before the Com- mittee, and the holding of thumb proper- ties in trust for the Circuit instead of the Conference. The annual meeting of the Listowel Rink and Park Company was hold in the Queen's Hotel, when the following wore, on ballot, elected directors for 1889 :—J. W. Scott, J. A. Hacking, J. 0. Hay, H. H. O'Reilly, B. F. Brook, D. D. Camp- bell, P. Lillie°, John Nichol and Wni. Ohmic). A by-law was passed authorizing the directors to behove $2,800 on mort- gage on the real estate of the Company to pay off the existing mortgage and present floating debt. A. meeting of tbo direotors elected was then held, when John Nichol, M. D., was Mooted Presi- dent, and 0. Y. Donaldson Seoretary, and J. A. Hacking, 13. F. Brook and Wm. Olimie were appointed a committee of management, Tho annual meeting of the Listowel Deirynien's Board of Trade was held in the Greed Central on May 001 and was very.well attended. Tho minuto of the previous meetings were confirmed and the report of the Auditors for 1888 was read and adopted. This report showed receipts of $126, all of which was expended. John Menelee, of Gerrie faotory, was then elected President for 5880, and a cordial vote of thanks was carried for the retiring President, John Frain, of Harriston. Wm. Climie was re.oleoted Sem:stay- Treasurer. John Riggs and M. IffoGilvary were appointed auditors Inc 1889. It was arranged to hold fain fortnightly, tho next to bo on tbo 28rd of May. The meeting then adjoarned. The bay crop of the Kingston district promisee to be most abtmdant. Old.orop hay has already dropped $2 per ton, The phosphate mines in the Ottawa district are being worked briskly, and h good doal of ore has been shipped to Jil u rope. The by-law for enabling Toronto to give Another $600,000 for tho now Court Homo and mtudoipal buhlrlitsge was oar - tied Saturday by a majority of 1,258. The ehectmor Cynthia, of the Donald. non Line, Was sunk in the St, Leevrenee a short distanee below Montreal Wod, nodal by collision with the Polyneeitut. Seven Of her crew and itt stowaway woo drowned. Word has boon received at Winnipeg of e ferocious fight which took place neer Fort MeLood last week, batmen a baud of Mood Incliene on otto side and it force composed of eoldiere, cowboys and fires Ventre:3 on the othoe. Tho 13loode have lately been }dealing horst from the Gros ' Yontrect, anl the latter, imitated by sold. lore and cowboys, made tie effort to re- cover the stolen aniniale. As !anal, the stories to the number of killed aro con - fleeting, but it in certain that a largo num• bor were elate. Most of the bedice, were carried away by friends of the fallen, but three or four were discovered on the field, minus scalps. The Bloods appear to havo gotten the woist of the eueounter. They got away with mot oE Ole stolen horses, and are now being closely followed by Mouuted Polka. Auother encounter is likely to take place when the pollee come upon thorn, and serious trouble is leered. It ie alleged tbatAnhorioan Indians in Montana are going to the Woods as- sistance. TIlk FAVORITE ALLAN LINE —OF STEAMSHIPS -- make the fastest time on record. For Rates, Sailinge mut all Inferno, tion apply to Ile II. IVBRI?, Agent, Pen Pah. House, Brussels. Agent for the 'White Star and Inman Zino, stating from hew Torn. Bir Ciarriazos Bodb,y Ciargigeol, 13A_E-37" Ali RIA 61- ES ! Handsome Display of Baby Carriagesin all the LA TEST STYLES, and sold at ,FM.160.11/AtS 9itiCARS. Call in and Sao our Stock before you order elsewhere. Buggy Rugs, Duster, Fly Nets, Whips, de., always on hand. Splendid Assortment cf Trunks, Valises and Satchels in Stock. H. Dennis, °el 1.1 NI: As in past years, 1 tun pre- pared to buy any quantity of Goon FLEECE WOOL, at the very Highest Market Priee in UM 1 Also Grain of all kinds. Fanners will find it to their advantage to market their Wool .and surplus Grain in Brussels. I also take this opportunity to inform my Friends that during the com- ing Season I will be found at the AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS every day (where my office now is) ready and willing to buy what Produce you may have to offer, Robt. Graham, May 13th, 1889. 45-tf vemaramersaromaremmr.onort.proz. Wanted, T. For Season of 1889. CASH • PAID, am prepared to pay the high- est Cash Prices for good fleece Wool delivered at the Listowel Woolen. Mills, Having been 15 years in business hero, it has always been my en- deavor to pay higher prices than tho market allows, and in the past years have paid city market prices. Wool being so low in price,"it will afford me pleasure to pay the highest price going. In exchanging wool for goods will allow a few cents more. Will also guarantee to sell my goods at cash prices. I don't have two pricos—cash and trado—my rule is ono Nice only. Bunning the year round enables me to carry a largo stock. This year having a larger stock than usual, will offer you The hest Stock of Tweeds In Inc lhomtn. ion to Cheese from. Doubleot11 aiit Twisted t11 loth VILANWELS. BLANKETS, Oslo (a the Neirest Patterns and Ifintegt upshots. Como early with your Wool and you will foul us ready and will- ing 1;0 give you our best atten- tion. Wo will bv happy for you to Inspect Goods and. Prices be- fore disposing of your wool. 1 remain, Vonrs llespovtfully, itittoolti, 1,0yroWEL, TEE CITY DRY GOODS' BTORE --is offering special bargains in SILKS, DRESS GOODS, CASH- MERES, PRINTS, G -ERM - AN FLANNELS, SHAK- ER FLANNELS, Scc. TRIMMING -S TO MATCH ALL OUR DRESS GOODS. .....1=321.10.11711120.10VIENEMESSISCECII Gent's e,nd '''`oys' Cricket Mirth, Wilt $hirts, and, a Sull nange of Neck- ties, Collars, Ivas, ac. Spada' Bargains , For This Week Only 1,000 yards Navy and White Print at 90 worth 121. 5,000 yards Scotch Zephyrs at 100 worth 20c. 2,000 yards plaid Gingham at Oc worth 10e. 500 yards French Challio, lovely patterns, at 10e worth 15e. 5 pieces of Huck Towelling, at 5c worth 0e. 500 yards Fancy Dress Goods at lac worth 12ic. 10 pieces Colored Cashmere, 42 inches wide, at 25c worth 35. 10 pieces Henrietta Cloth, good shades, 17 inches, at 30c cheap 1 n 10 dozolt 5)°aier's Ladies' Corsets at 25c per pair worth 40v. 50 dozen Ladies' Black Hose al 10e. And hundreds of bargains too numerous to tillotte so pet must 00111e 0,11,(1 See for Setitreelves. FERGUSON & HA I DA Y, AL lava GERS. 'Remember the Stand Posrovrien •