HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-5-24, Page 3MAY *24, 1889.
',Nur,,Arxnienttirtmenw ,..1..t.07..mtv=wrav,Frzctramraltas-zsentrettrEmmzztva=4
"Sonlf:bOdy" \NU a little girl
Who had 6 curious way
Of ordering all her friends about
Ten.—twenty times a day,
"0, Mary 1" the would say, "come hero
And brush my hair for ine 1"
And "Jennie, please lutug up my dress—
See, here's the wardrobe key 1"
And ,!0, I've left my fan downstairs 1
Je, fetch it—that's 11 duck 1"
And, "Where's my glove ? 3)o, find it
0, dreadful I just my luck."
Or, "Dear me: there's no water hero,
0 won't you fetch some, Rate?"
Or, "flore's a pin, just catch my dress,
Please hurry, I am late 1"
Or, "Lend me, quick, a pan, 6 stamp
I've got this note to write 1"
Or, "Whisk my dress off, will you, Bet ?"
This shoulder'e almost white,"
"Come here 1 go there I do this, or that 1"
To every one she'd say
And yet she was a charming girl,
But for this curious way.
"It's noting to me," the beauty said,
With a careless toes of hor pretty head ;
"The man is weak it he can't refrain
From the 0111.3 you say is fraught with
It was something to her in after years,
When her eyes were drenched with burn-
ing tears,
AnOt she watched in lonely grief and
And atarted to hear a staggering tread,
"It's nothing to me," the mother said,
"I have no fears that my boy will tread
The downward path of sin and shame,
And crush my heart and darken my
It was something to be when her only
From the path of life was early wou,
And madly oast in the flowing bowl
A ruined body and a shipwrecked soul.
"It's nothing to me," the merchant said,
As over the ldeger he bent his head;
"I'm busy to -day with tare and trot,
And have no time to fume and fret."
It was something to him when over the
A message came from a funeral pyre—
Adrunkon conductor had wreaked a train,
And his wife and child were among the
"It's nothing Lo me," the young man
cried ;
In his eye was m flash of scorn and pride,
"I heed not the dreadful things you tell ;
I can rule myself, I know full well."
'Twee smut:thing to him wium h priun
he lay,
The victim of drink—life ebbing away.
As he thought of hie wretched child and
And the mournful, wreck of his wasted
-!It's nothing to me," the voter said ;
"Tho party's loos is my greatest dread."
Then be gavo his vote for the liquor trade,
Though hearts were crushed and drunk-
ards made.
It was something to him in after life,
When his daughter became a drunkard's
And her hungry children eried for bread,
And 14 embled to hear their father's tread.
It is nothing to us to idly sleep
While the cohorts of death their vigils
Alluring the young and thoughtless in—
And grind in our midst a grist of sin'?
It is something—yes, all, for us to stand,
And clasp by faith our Saviour's hand—
To learn to labor, live and fight
011 the side of God aud changeless right.
Love, the true love of God, ie the
love of the truth, of Hie lielineee, of
Hie whole will ; the true love is
that witioli lefleelo itholf in abed'.
twee ; the true love is that which
Mire and purillee the coneelenceee-
For your own eake, lot year
thought rale. Bid it, force it, to
rise. Think of the face of Jeans, of
year futere home in hellY011, of the
loved (1no.) gone before you. In
0)1011 thotghts, to such thoughts,
jostle will assuredly emit inereRsing
And Samantb.a takes a To-
boggan Slide.
joeiali slept well that night in the
Windsor tavern. And so aid I. I
Ives so dretful tired after the travel.
lin' and the 311111' and the sleepin'
in the [sere that I slept right on till
about two o'clock iu Ole merino',
whoa I hoard sonic) ono routin'
around the room. I set right up in
my 110(1 and started a holleriu' at the
top of my voice aa hard as I could.
Then I hes rtl a voice lilce my Josiah's
soundin' litters° like and far away__
'For goodness sake, Satnantha,
what's the matter with you 1'
I knew by the tone that it Wit 13
'Tomah, and I thought he had been
iryin' to gat (hve the rope, and I
started hollerin' louder than ever,
Than someone caught hold of mo
and shook me and said,
'What are you making sich au
awful fool of yourself for, it- ac reeclun'
and a-hollerin' the American
And I knew 13, 3063 my Josiah and
I subsided.
Josiah said ho woke up with a
start and remembered he had forgot
to wind up the dooliand wax talook.
in' for it whoa I started a bollerine
I believe he'd have looked for it till
mornin' if I hadn't woke up.
Wall, iu the mornin' we tried to
go down.etairs, and wandered hero
way and there way until a black
man showed ua the way to the break
fast room. Such orowdiu' for some
thin' to eat yeti never SAW. I said
to Josiah—,quotha',—
'Fried potatoee with it tTell done
slice of bacon hi ear back Icitehon,
Joinala is better than a stalled ox in
the cryotal pelmet of the Windsor
Hotel tavern.'
Josiah said it wee so, teo. \Veil,
we got tired waitiu' and Josiah says
to me—
'Samantha, you jest
00 DOWN INTO TIDE 11160111111 6111151(110'and make wine dougheute, aud fry
a few potatoes and a slice of bacon,
and let's have it hero,'
But I wouldu't do it if I starved
all day, aud at 1ilet WO got into the
room and a very polite blacluneu put
up two fingers and walked along,
'Wat's that far ?' soya
'That's the '100610.11011signa says I.
And thou Josiah t up his ttvo
fingers and wallcial after him, and 1
did tho same. After We had gone
about half it mile down in that way
the man sot us down to a table with
a nine clean tablecloth on it, and I
et and Joeitth ot until wo couldn't
eat any more.
ePhose la good vittioe the Queen
liven on,' said joeiah.
'Josiah Allen,' says I, 'when you
get better griddle cakes than you got
to home, and. better pumpkin pies
in aeaeou, you esti talk about what
kings and queens eat. Josiah Allen,
au honest man with a good appetite
and plenty of wholesome food, with
o little to give away to the poor un-
fortunates, is better than an empire
with the dyspepsia. And, Josiah
Allen,' I said, risin' to the heights of
eloquence and poetry, 'you, with
nothin' to think of and your Saman•
tha to take care of you, are better
off than kings aud queens and em•
pirers and empiressos, that like as
not will be blown up by canons or
bombardments, or pizened by the
cooks, or stabbed with sharp. knives
till they are dad, Yes, Soleil Allen,
you are the happiest man on earth
and your Samantha is the happiest
woman. How would you like to
have to squeeze thru doh a crowd
as this every mornin' before break-
fast, and before dinner and' before
tea, to eat a dinner and pay a ten- with his mouth full up of snow, and
cent bill for „every mouthful. I'm makin' an awful fuss. Josiah WM
ashamed of you, Josiah Allen, to awful mad until ono of the mon ex -
talk as you do, and you a man, plainod that that was the way they
Josiah t' inishiated strangers, and that was
When' mentioned that bill Josiah the way they had bounced the Gov -
r and one of the men
C40331:4 of ThoutzlIt
No nuten pass into eternity,
for he is already in it.— [Canon
A crowd always thinks with its
sympathy, never with its roaaon.—
I am being taught never to be
disappointed, but to praise.—
[Bishop Hannington.
We cannot control the evil tongues
onion, of but a good life enables us
to despise them.-- [Cato.
Education does not mean teaoh•
ing people 10 110037 what they do not
know ; it moans teaching them to
behave SS they 1101101 behaV13.—
The Law is given that we may
bo driven to the Gospel ; the Gos-
pel is given that we may be able to
obey the Law.— [Thos. Adams.
The oldest book in the world is
fir freshest bock in the world. Tho
Bible never wears out because its
truths wear so well.— [S. S. Times.
What we do for ours while we
have them will be precisely what
will render their memory sweet to
the heart when we no longer have
them.— [Dr. F. Godet.
'While men believe in the possi-
bilities of children beteg religious,
they aro largely failing to make
them so, because they aro offering
them not a child's but a man's re-
ligion, men's forme of truth and.
men's forms of experience.— [P.
There is tho 8103)10 love in the 11037
Se 190 the Gospel, the differeuce is
only in expreamon, as 371160 I team
0130 against venturing into the roar-
ing flood, and when, on his leapiug
madly ill, I follow to save him. In
the Law loVe warns, in the Cross it
r00(160616,13oth are, SS I undertake
to slew, the true mirror of Him who
thus defines Hie own character--
1'00d is leto,"—Dr, Gothrie.
seseleestssossamemessmeasksamststwoorar •
tomtit people'a feet. And then said I. '1)p you think Vrn a 11/1135-
31,411111' Sidih101 hilt I meet dillo or a hedgehog or a alligator to
got a suit, tee. They didn't: have climb op lofty flights of stairs like
any one big enosigh for ine, but i that 1'
welted and they ovule it for me. The 13111 ho [laid uothin' ; only Oliver.
man said irt wee 10 the fit and he • ed, and another mail, drag,gin' a long
Idled all ovor ween he tstmi me with thing like a somata which. was a to-
' it on, foal, myself, 1 'tidal think boggau, caught mo by the arm, awl
that dreitecie made telt of [mulct:as tip we went. How we got there I
with [stripe aroun(1 them tho wroug don't lcnow, but at last I. found my.
way id haeolltill' m woLIDIA1 nigh self mann' down at the top, all IL
forty years old, though elle clava tuckered out, told Josiah wee there
look inueli younger, and weighs beside me.
elm on or over two 1111111100(1 1)01)0110. '011, Joehtha I mid, 'Hoe what you
But jo,i6li aid he never SSW naly. hev brought no to with your oaten.
thing ce handeotne and 'mania' 111 valin' and ruiniin' after royalty.
1119 life. Ho jest to pima him I lot Josiah Allen, of lever get home alive
him have his own way and kept without my bones all nal:token I'll
them ou and put on my beet bonuot. never leovo there again, Never.
Josiah got a table uapkin with a red Not for all the deka and Icinge and
border to tie hle 1111t on over hie earls, general governors in the wide world,'
1110 rod herder being to meteb the Josiah said within, He wile too
border of his now seed. Men are ovum= with his feelin's.
so proud. I WAS different. I didn't And than 1. luoked at the towerin'
want to go to any expense, and so I cliffs above one, and the bottomless
joist tied my best white handkerchief abies below me, and shivered.. And
over toy ears and put my bonnet thee the Men took Josiah and put
013 my bead and tied the strings him on the thiug, and wag gettin'
under my chip, and felt as comfort. on behind him. I tho't I'd never
able as could be. Josiah eyed me, see my Joelah again, and with a
a walk& all Rromid Llle, sez despairite cry I rushed and threw
myself on him. The man gave a
‘Samauthe, 1 never saw you look great howl, and down we stetted.
BO beautiful in all my born days. 0 JEST MUT NT EYES AND GASPED,
You loolc beautifullor and, beautiful- Faster and tauter it went, and, open -
ler all the time I know you. You in' my eyes, 1 saw the trees a rush
must wear that dress when we get in' past us, and then we guv a jump
back to home. All the folks will bo in the air and I tho't I had wiugs
dyiu' of envy to Bee yen dressed up and wuz a-fiyina But down we
like the natives of the North and eagle plump and I was er rattled all
know you have biu in foreign parts, over, and the man tinder me goy a
just like Sallie Simkins, old Bill groan. Josiah ones out,—
Simkins' darter, when abe cum book 'Hold on, Samantba—the thing's
from Europe.'broke away !'
'Not by a lung eight, Josiah, I And down we went like litenite,
won't,' I sed. don't mind makin' and the people a cheerine Then
a fool of myself here where nobody the thing omit to a stop aud I got
knows me and everybody is =kinofr. The man groaned and groaned.
fools of thoirselves, but to get on 1 axed him if ho didn't enjoy it. I
that way amongst sensible people never felt so happy and thankful in
that knows mo,—not by a long my life. I wouldn't have missed it
sight I' for anythine and I asked him if he
We didn't walk to the Toolco Blue wouldn't bring us down again. And
toboggan slide. The snow was in Josiah sed so too. Bathe man ouly
such drifts and so deep that the groaned a.hollerecl. Than some men
horse oould hardly pot us there. We came and carried him into the cabin
druv over a, high bridge and saw at, the bottom They told me he
the toboggans had a fit end was tuk very bad. I
elICOTIN' UNDES 03 61813 LITENIN', 1601E 80 sorryful. WEIS Et Wee
Saye I, arosiati Allen, do you ex. man. They said he had no bones
poet Inc to get onto a thing lace that broken. But why ho should keel(
thee shoots like liteuin' tea. never his bowie in a 'fit I don't know.
stops 1 If you do you are mistalcen, They aro [twful queer people here.
30,311th All3u. If yo11 went to get Then me aud emit' thorn
anybody to do that gut Betsey Bib. 361111 no more fail, tvent right hack to
bets, or the widder Bump, or some the hotel, feelin' as joyful as we
other like fatuities, But I'm a litecould over be.
ary woman and my life bo valuable.' If there's One thing I like more
But, 1 mud say thee I had heard so than another it is tobogganine
much 01 11130 toboggauin' that I did
36(1111 10 try it a little and when
8111(1— 13rockt3n, Masi., has 80 shoe
'Now, Samantha Allen, don't book
out now when you're so near there,'
New Zealand has exported 70,
I iut ocrewe'a up 107 courage and 000,000 of rabbit skills.
walked to my fate as brave as a The miut at Birmingham, Eng.,
polar boar. is the largest in the world.
When wo got into the yard where The product of watobes in the
'the elide wiz we saw a lot of people United States is about 3,600 daily.
dretsed like MO and my Josiah, and There are 8,000 women in charge
as soon as they saw Josiah a lot of of postoffices in the United States,
them took hold ou him and said, A. Norwegian savant estimates
'LET'S 1100211011the e,go of the world at 1,000,000
And they threw him up into the 1010' 703100.
so high that I thought rd never [leo Grand Rapids, Mich., has the
him agaiu. I got frightened that largest furniture factory iu the
Josiah would be kilted and 1 run
right into them, knookia' one 01 111801 lrliob.ert Bruce held his first par-
dowu, and Josiah clone phimp onto liament at St. A.ndrows, Scotland,
my back, tafellin' me to the earth, in 1309,
right down into the snow, a cioverin' Sewing machines are rim by elec.
me all over and over. I spluttered firicity at the rate of 3,600 [ditches
and spluttered Red thought I was
goin' to die. But when I was about Aum ien4teer.i
ment recently made in
expirin' soma one pulled me out and Scotland proves that the tortoise
I breathed agaie. can walk a mile in four hours.
I put on my severest and most A triple wedding was celebrated
awful meen and said in an awful at the C.P.R. station, Winnipeg: on..
oold tone as follows: Saturday between newly arrived
'Men of the frozen North. Myrmi' immigrant,
drums of foreign power that knows A. little girl in De Kalb county
not freedom, air you aware of what Ga.,rejoioes in the name of Susan
you have dun ? Do you know that Julie Melinda Maria Savannah
you have Sophia Eliaabetla Ladybug Towers.
INERTIAS» THE AISIEItIOAN EAGLE, Aaphalt was used as buntline
which iabald.beaded, and that Josiah material in ancient Baylon. The
artificial asphalt obtained from gas
then I remembered that works began to bo used for pave.
Josiah had never been seen. Ho had 10063 in 1888 -
Bud, Out of milt. He might bo There is ft German new spaper
dead, smothered in the deep snow, published at Jerusalem, load it says
and I began a-hollerin' an' a -mourn. that the oily is growing in size mid
in' for Joaiah. Then the men began Population at a remarkable rate,
a-sorapin' about for him, and ono of which 18 800prising,because neith-
them pulled him out a-eplutterin' er its situtation L101 its trade is fay.
arable to rapid inerease. The
Jews take the lead in building, fol.
lewod by the Russians and Ger-
mans. The Greeks and Armenians
are also busy building cafes, bazaara
and elope.
eeeta nee rat IV se Wes.
ANC F.13 R
'rho Ondersigned having conipleted the change. from the tO
tho celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, MS now the Mill in
groaned and stopped eatin and we ernor. ono a1 ,
170123 out. came and soothed me down. no
When we got,down and wont into said he respected the great eagle very
the rotunda Josiah saw a man 13111011 and all the little eagles. I was
IN A KEW MESE 13ED BLANKET, mollified. Than ho asked fin to
with its blue sash tied rend his talca slide. I didn't like it, a bit,
waste, and all I could do he would but as he was so very kind I could
have ono liko it. A.nd so wo went only consent, and be took me by the
down towo and Josiah got him ono arm and lea me off.
with a pair of pantaloons that didn't When I got to the bottom of tho bottom of the glese. Tongues of
First -Class Running Order
and 16111 be glad to see all his old customers (11 61 as many new
ones as possible.
Fire under water may be probe.
cod by placing a small piece of
phosphorous in a conically shaped
glees filled with water and somo
crystals of ohlorato of potash cover.
ing the phosphorous, and then pour.
ing through a long tulle funnel or a
glass tubo a few drops of sulphuric.
acid. doon on the mixture at the
go any lower down than his knees. long stews, slippery witI i i co 11/11d 31 be s 101130 oan o flashing up
His etookin's wasul long enough to snow, aud leadin' up to sleet the top through the water, tho intense
moot them,. but he sod ho didn't 0( 10 high mottntein, .1. 'stopt still, chemical action producing suffleietit ,
mind it, and ho would do without a I sea,— • . heat to inflame the phosphorous
stockin' on Ido hod either. It tV53 'Where's the hoist e' under the water. When there is 1
on the hod when they wore made foes 'I ain't raga. to climb op thoer,' hare whether in air ot water. Posrovrrmo BLoux, BRUssus,
. .
Iolvar and Gee. Always on Lana.
Highest Price paid for (1513'quantity of Good (110111.
and llama Baskets
:FE 7-
All the necessary School Supplies
kept in Stook.
AIIACIMIRSCIAIRIXCE=111.131.211......A011.e..191121. ••••
d 401,
(I_ '_))71
who were unable to get served at our counters dur-
ing the past two weeks. Our store was not ready for oc,
cupation in time for us to have our goods opened and placed'
in stock before our opening day, and we therefore had -to
start selling goods as soon as they were taken out of the
cases, which caused great confusion in our store and as: we
have been so busy serving customers ever since our open-
ing, and with new goods arriving daily, we have not been
able to get our counters cleared up, and therefore ill was
impossible for us to serve all who were desirous of buying
our cheap goods. We are now pleased to say that we are
in a position to serve all and quote below some of our bar-
500 yards ofkMoiro Silk, 28 inches wide at 60c worth e1.00.
1,000 yards of Moire Silk Ribbon at 80 worth No.
25 pieces of Fancy Wool Dress Goode at 12,10 Worth 15o.
15 pieces of Cream Seersuckers at Oc worth 10o.
10 pieces of Cardinal and Mauve Cashmere Print at 121e worth 100.
200 pairs of Lace Curtains, all taped edges, at 00o, $1,35, $1.50, $1.00 and $2,50,
worth $1,25, $1.75, $2,00, $2.50 and $3.50.
500 yards of Cottonade at 20c worth 25o.
2,000 yards of Checked Shirting at So, 10o, 12 and 130, 160(111 leo, 12,3o, 11 and 16c
Table Linens at 20c, 220, 250, 17,3, 45 and 500,390011) 250,28o, 33o, 60o, 60 and 75u
The above quotations will give the public some idea of the.
bargains to be secured at the City Dry Goods Store,
Brussels. We hope to be favored, however, with
a call from you that we may prove the genu.
ineness of what W03say. Bargains in
every line,
)7..(1402 2. Ce°
(-7t) •
heatheniabehe sod, to woar stookin's 'There ain't leo,' the Man Sea. sufficient heal, aud oxygen, eV; 4 ,1114 GintS.
fire will TAB ST IN1)