HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-5-17, Page 5MAY 17, 1889. om...1,-.4=-1,22yutta,r,„5,7.:.-„..,===gre=mr.Frzormr.r.m.varaar.pm, THE BRUSSELS POST 43 Commencing at Once we will j.rertamr55=a4a2=8T;r2:0=5.1.51,M7.5==.7.-.1-=. .X1r;=11=7.art,15=510Z1.1a1;11r....444......<=!513Gatt51141171=7:1110:571=511VA , IVIRE •0•1" •;.1 s , c„;•.,q1. ge.:xls'4.nfieztgail1 '.1.1o..riV140 4.; '49471LiaL - _ _ offer Suits by the Hundred Cheaper than the Cheapest, Men'rs Buit5 and 7, worth ,'7.50, $8 and $10. Youni Man, while the money you. save over that asked by the imitators for the same quality will buy or'..'”"•10,1 for r, you a Hat, Furnishings and leave you some Change in you pocket besides. It is an innovation—this selling Spring Snits right at the commencement of the season that only the gore doing the Largest Reath -made Clothing Trade in the County would make. The old saying, "There is time and place for everything" •1 4. R. SMITE'S Store is the Race, aitZ ,,VO W16. Tilne to buy. We will also offer Dams of Pants, all wool, worth $3.50, for $2.26. Also MEN'S FELT HATS 8t, OAPS FOR 250. AND UPWARDS ay us a visit and see what we cad do for you, • strict List tto atar iv% 1. The 8.11,15880r has railroad his roll, We understand that tbo osoessmout on the whole has Mori:Awed nearly $40,00. A. F. MitoLaren, oheeso buyer, made the first shipment ot this mason's cheese from bore on Wednroday of last week. It was from the Elam Joint Stook and Sheorer'm factories. Court Mapleton C. 0. F. at their an- nual ineeting °looted the following offi- oars : P. C. R., J. G. Foster ; C. R., L. Campbell; V. C. 11., J. Gunther • Chap , G. Burgin ; R. Beoy., fly. Hayden ; F. Secy., W. Dickson. ; S. W., John Glenn ; ;7. 'W., Wni. Bierman ; 9..1.4., JohnCol- lins ; J. B., John lIiIIary ; Court Phys, Dr. Thinnpoon. Delegates to High Court to be held at London aro R. Woolle rod IL T. Hayden. Wrziton. Mica Louie Pollard is filling aluorative position in Coals & Co.'s store, London. She has been utero oho= two months I` and liketin position well. Androw Morrison, who was seriously injorod some weeks ago by the upsetting _of a !owl of hay, is able to got about 1agalix although he got quite a shaking up, Rev. S..Tonea will occupy Duff's churoh pulpit ftw the next two Sabbaths. Rev. Mr, Forr,t has accepted the call to the pastoral • of this church and the induct - tion will take pleas on Thursday 30th inet, 'Roy. ?Jr. Anderson, of White- ehoroh, will preach, Rev. lEr. Steven. 8011, moderator, prodding. Rev. S. Jones willaddress the minister and Rev. jno. Ross. B. tt.., the congregation. Fran.—Last Friday morning about 7 o'clock, lightning etraok the hotel barn, belonging to Ed. ItIoNsmaris, Leadbury, burning it to the ground. A Durham bull, binder, mower, 2 sets of harness, outtIng box, fanning mill and other ar- tioles were also consumed. Them was 6400 insurance on barn but nothing on oontento. Mr. Mao. was preparing to build a barn on his farm adjoining. The hotel had a close oall. The lightning was very olose and sharp. =11=12=4=521/11W.54===11111=1:^M=Ns....t.„=-. .11125....-#.511f5=155VA:11=5,5 • x•rt ulara.t)1(. What about tin: flax crop of 1889 is on, of the loading questions now 2 Rev, D. B. Mateo attended the Malt- 11 land Presbytery at Winghani last Tool- doy. Ro-avirminct.—C. Dames and D. 'Lim - /met. are getting their lata fixed up attar the fire. They will re -build. Township Council and 0ourt of Re.- 1 vision will be heir] at Tuck's hotel, on Pilonday, 27th MM., oommenoing at 10 o'olook a. m. Cum= NoTos.—Rev. J. T. Legoar, of Eihel, preached an excellent sermon in Xaox church last Sabbath,—Saaramont will be dispensed in atuno placo en Bun. day nth May. t1110. M0111.t08h, en old and highly re- spected resident of Gray township, has takon up his residence in Oraribrook, having marobased the hoose and lot be- longing to A.. M. McKay, of 'Brussels. VIBITING,—Mies Jennie Williams, =MO t0140110r, Clifford, ia visiting her brother,7. E. Willitions.—Miso Bolton, of MoKillop, spent last week with Mary Ourrie.—Mrs. John Knight is lousing her danghtor who is on tho sick list at E xoter. Boomoss.—Messrs, Williams & Mita= ell, of Cranbrook Carriage Works, Inc gaining a wide roputation for excellent taste and workmanshtp. Well seasoned timber stands the test. Their top buggies find a rowdy sale. ;Joseph Vanoo, of 'Osborne, obtained ono and Robert BeAlantyne, of Elma, smother. Two more are almost ready for shipment. They set up the celebrated Buchanan & Neely Bay Fork with elevator and carrier all complete. This enterprising firm evidently understand businesa. Brampton, in a very pleasing and effac- e= manner. Tho ontort domain on the ollo%ving evening woe a complete 81100088, 011 ta).11511y mud. financially. Mr. Roo Was a happy way of addrosaing the child - an and 18 also au able and solid preach - •r. an.1 accident occurred on Saturday ass to Miss Hilton and her sister the atter of whom is attending the Collegiate Institnte- They wore driving out of town when the harness gave way. The horse, became unmanageable and MEM endoavored to got out and M doing so was thrown against a gate post receiving severe injuries. Tho horse ran on o piece further when the sister was thrown vio- lently against a tree rendering her conc. plotoly unoonseious. They aro both now at homo mar Walton and we trust are on the rood to recovory. rneouivod too late for last issue.] Not much interest, outside the home- room is taken iu the opining rues: Wm. Logan and family loft for Car- berry, Man., on Friday last. We regret his removal from our inhibit. Rev. Mr. McCoy, of E,, noodville, has rotorned from his three -seeks' vacation and tools charge of his services last Sunday. Rov. Joseph Edge, of Clinton, preaches Paltextional sermono iu tho Methodist church mot Sunday morning and even - Mg. Theta: le toostdorablo sickness among the ohildroo for this season. We aro so..y to repot t the death of Rev. Mr. Do.nby's little 2 -year-old elnld. 2. B. Watson has been engaged to de- liver his celebrated lecture on "Pluck, Patienoo and Perserverance" in Cardno's Hall on Friday night next. Mr. Watson's abiliby as a lecturer is well known, anti a good and profitable time is expected. Necktie Hallett, tho veteran soldier of tho Crimea, waw badly treated on Fri- day night by some roughs who richly de- serve severe punisbnaeot. Mr. Hallet, while hard upon himself, is nevertheless a harmless and inoffensive old num and is in no way antitled to mob latv. 1E101 . Tho crops aro growing magnificently in this locality. Among the recent arrivals we notice Petor Lamont from Dakota and George Gill from Mgonsa. There's no place liko home. Mre. T. P. Simpson has been poorly for some time and has gone to her old home for a change of air. We hope she will be speedily restored to hoalth. J. A. 'Young is booming the life insur- ance business. He reprosonts a good C•oupttny, with as low rates as any. Every wan should have his life insurod. Mews. Heffernan & Bawtiohimer are doing 11, big business in the cattle line. They have several hundred mores of pas- turage and will pnt on more stock yet. They know their busineas. Tim 2 lro.—A big day's fun is on hand for the Queen's Birthday here. The bills announce athletic flames mid sports, in - eliding running, jumping, walking, climb- ing greased pole, walking spring pole, &o. Thom will also be a lood trobttug mat& A uncial hop will bo giveu in the evening at 13,nrion's hotel. A. good Band in at. tendame during tho day. The day's sport will oommonoe with a oalithumpian parade followed by a base ball matoh. Soo the posters for full particulars. 1131 a tbs.. On Friday, at Miltie'cl Rotel, the W. P. Scott farm was sold. to James Scott fon $2,000. ;Tomes Davids and men are busy digging for the tanks, they complet- ed one opposite tho Qucion's on Sator. clay. Mr. Manning, Barrister: of Clinton, presched egoollont sermons in the Metho- dish ohuroli here on Sunday morning and evising. A. petition is in circulation amongst the Presbyterians holo to have On organ in thoir °March to assist them in their worship. Sam. Flukor's littlo Wind, whilst play- ing with oomo other children in Mr Crawford'o yard, got "old of Some lyo and drank it, Tho mother Won hoard of it and no time Was loot in Lotting a phy- sician, under whose treatment the 113310 sufferer 15 doing as well as can bo ex• peoted. A grand Ono is expected hero on the Queen's Birthday at the ceremony o1 laying tho Corner storms of tho now Mothodist church. Mr. Massoy of To ronto has bon moored to lay ono anc MIT, Annie Coultor tho honored and old eat monison of tho ohureh tho othor,kat • which ouppor will bo provided. In tit ovening addrosoes will bo givon in link& try Holl by a tomboy of ininistoro invit oil from 5 &iota= also by 31S rogidon ministers. Tho offioiont chole of th dwelt will romlor aoroo ohoios mnolo it intermit daring the oVoning. 0 • 0 211011'XIS. Mr. Wallace, of the 713 con., lost a fine colt rising 8 years old from inflatn- motion. James McCall, son of William McCall, of the 7th oou., is on the sick list, bat wo all hope to see Jiro around as"usual. I Donald ulaok, of Day Mills, Algoma, itrrivod home on Tuesday of this week, but unfortunately was too late to see his father alive. Dan. McCallum, of the 8th con., is a hustler on fencing, having pub up 70 or 80 rods in a very short time for Harry Jaokson of the same line. Thos. Maunders' is putting up a now aro, 40x60 feet, with stabling =War- mth, on his farm south of Bravais. Re is a good farmer and will no doubt do well on this place. Last Monday Rev. W. T. Muff, of Brussels, tied the matrimonial bow be- tWe04I Moses Clark and Miot Anna Gib- son, both of this township, at the resi, denoe of Wra. Clark. 11149 Clark., sister of the f4000111, was the bridesmaid and Mr. White, of California, was the grooms. man. Mr. and Mrs. Clark have gone to Chicago when they purpose residing for a while. , Mmunto.-00 Thursday of this week bbs residonoe of Mr. Bell, 2nd con., was 4the soeue of a matrimonial alliance be- tween hi% daughter, attiso Hattie, and Donald MoLauohlin, a young man well- known on the 7th con. of Grey. The contraotiog parbies were attended by Miss Holdall Bell, sister to tho bride, and 311111,38 MoLattoblin, brobhor to the groom, triune was quite 5 number of guests present. The wedding gifts wore hand- some and nurnorono. Tan P08T joins in the oougratulations. Ono.—In Morris, on Thursday of last week Laughlin Black passed away to his reward at tho ripe age of 86 years and was buried in Brussels cemetery on Sat. urday afternoon, Rev. G. B. flowio son. ducting the servioe. The deceased was born in Mull, Scotland, and same to Canada in 1851, settling in the township of Brook, Victoria Co. Aftor a residence hero f01: about 20 yew% he rdnsoved to this township were he continued bo ro. gide up to tho Limo of his death. He married a Moo McDougall, who, along with 5 sons and 2 daughters survive him. Ho was a oonsiotont morainal: of the Presbyteriau church from his youth. The subjaot of this notice was of 0 cmiot and retiring disportition, taking no part in public affairs. Ho passed way trust. ing inthe Saviour. Nut Sabbath morn- ing tho pastor of Knox church, Brusoolo, will proaoh a sermon having reforoneo to tho doabh of lur. Black. agsatadorlan. Mr. Arnent is again on a sick bed, and bin recovery is very doubtful. The rogular Quarterly mooting cervico was hold in the Methodist °introit loot Sabbath, commonoitig at 0.30 a. in., a 'domain time wan enjoyed. On Saturday afternom as Miss Clark, of tho Horan Road, was driving into town hor torso took fright at to bioycle, opposite Hugh runic:no°, throw- ing her ant against a barbed tiro fenoo, Miss Clark received no •aavoro injuries boyond sotto doop scratches and torn olothes. Tho Sunday flohool Anniverstary nor- vloos in the Mothodiat thumb wero con. chlotod last Sabbath by •Rov. Mr. Roo, or tory and R. 0 In 00 timourco, W ou oppo-ition. 'Pho five directors Wiesen by ballot were Meyer, P, Fisher, Dr. •Powl,r, W. E. timves and Dr. Mo- Kenzio. At thio junetnro, J. Dickson de- clionig to mob as president, his resionatou was accepted and D. C. Munroe was 011080n 111 his otoad. anctain tsvv:4 Sarnia has 110W a population of 0,000. Forest fires are raging in Now York stat'. According to the returns of the Almost:or the population of Berlin is 7,811. Two prisonors, Taylor and Hart, es- ottpeci from Brantford gaol. An insane man in tho Woodstock goal tried to cut his throat with a spoon. Three thousand coal miners aro now out ou strike in the Pittsburg region. A Mexican Bishop has been arrested for wearing a cassock in the streets. Ool. MoMillan was sworn in Tuesday as Provinaial Treasurer of Manitoba. E. D. Sherwood, late deputy shoriff of Carleton county has suioided by shoot- ing Jno. 0. Wood, the Toronto druggist charged with murdor, has bean admitted to bail. Tho 0.13.11. Coon:any sold 50,000 acres more land during April than in all of 1887. The official majority for tho repeal of the Scott Jot in Oxford county was 1,029. Tho Woodstock Town Council has fix - ea liconoe fees at 9280 for hotels and $200 for shops. Windsor Town Collodi has granted $300 to,vords encouraging the loeatiou of tho military comp there. There has been some Imago done by forett fires in the northern townships of Hastings recently. The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Trus Blues opened in Toronto Tuesday. Several people were killed and a large amount of property destroyed by the cy- clone in gooses. Owen Murphy, M. P. P. for Quebec West, has been unseated by the Court of Appeals. Tho Court of Tipperary has upheld the senteuces passed on Irish M. P.'s under the Crimes Act. The Russian Special Commission has approved the suherao for building a rail- way to Vladivostok. TM Luke Erie, Fang and Detroit River Railroad mpeot to havo trains running into Leamington by May 24. Tne trial oE the West Oxford shooting case, at Woodstock, resulted in the acquit. bal of the Elliotts, father and aon. Tho population of Woodstock has in- creased 404, and. tho assessment shows the gratifying inoroase of 0122,725. The remains of the eleven unidentified victims of the Junotion Out disaster wore buried at Hamilton Tuesday. The relatives of Jonathan Mortin, of Woodstock, oue of the St. George viotims, are suing the Grand Trunk for $20,000. 3. 171511 named Perrin Elrod a blank cartridge at President Carnot when ho was starting for Versailles on Sun. day. A. serious fight 000urred nom: new Brunswick, N. J., on Saturday night over tho building of a, railway spur across a. 11.1a5'8 property. Soma miscreants the other night smashed the windows of the Presbyterian church at Oaledon Bast, of whit= Mr. Dobbin was pastor lately. Miss Myra Rumen, a typewriter of Hamilton, has alcoved a verdiot against Thomas O'Callaghan, of London, for breach of prOmise. The jury awarded her $4,000 and mats. Henry Wed, of Ridgstown, who tried to smuggle a thoro'-bred bull into Can- ada, has settled with the Government. He paid 0600 and all costs, and the ani- mal will be shipped book to the States. The trusteas of tho Brooklyn Bridge, have deolded to double the trollicfaoilities of the structure. • The terminals will bo onlargod and the trains will have plat. forms on each sido of thorn. Half a mil. lion dollars will be expended for tho im- provement. A ome was entered in the Tilbury Con. tre Polio 0o11r1 the other day, charging Eolomn Middleton with mating a dis. turbanoe in tho Salvation Army barracks, and spitting tobaced 03.1 tho floor. Mr. MoDermott was charged with tt similar offenao. Middleton was taxed $15 in all, and MoDermott 98. 117ra. Kenny, who Mt hso husband at Ottervillo sono timo slim with hor child. von, for tho allogod purpose of eloping with a man named Venner, took a trip to 14oglancl, and has returnoct Her latoband has forgiven her, anti tho 1101.1801101d 18 01100 more happy. • On fintalcy inovning 2111. Itopking loft her holm at New Glasgow to go for milk, in her absence one of her andiron attempted to light tho Aro with iteronene, itnd oo her return oho found tho ham: bo 111 ilamoo, Her yOungoot clittd, aged 1 yotrs, woo reaidoil alivo tho • budding, Wirtz, tat t. ilk. Wm. Black, proprietor of the Dexter livery, has sold hie bus business to Mr. Dulmago, late of the Brunswick honor:. 0. J. Reading, of Bluovale, has pur- chased the grocery business of H. 1118 - cooks. Ho will run the express and tele. graph office as well. Nelson Ritohio, provincial land our. voyor, well known iu Kincarcline, is about to locate in Winghatn. Mr. Rieltie's parents reside in Kincardine. As the mon train on the London, Huron and Bruce was nearing the junc- tion last Monday a break was noticed in the engtue. A stop was made and as Engineer Brown was working putting the angina in shape to complete the journey his hand got caught and the top of his thumb was amputated. He fainted and had to be hauled to the Drs. in the bus, The train was about an hoar late. at tho meetiny, of the Presbytery of Maitland held here on Tuesday the fol. lowing resolution was passed on motion of Rov. Mr. clutherland, seconded by Rev. Mr. Hartley :—"That this Presbytery m- imeses iu the strongest terms its disap. proval of the Acts incorporating the Jesuit Order and endowing the said Order from the public% Toads, asd therein reoognising the authority of the Pope of Rome in Canadian legislatio I. That this Presby- tery farther strongly disapproves of the conduot of those members of the Rouse of Commons who have opposed the die. allowance of the aforesaid AM of Eudow. mein, who by so doing have violated their sacred duty, ollegianoe to the Crown, and havo rendered themselves unworthy of the oonfidence of their oonstituents, thus giving a standing in thio peaccifrd and prosperous Dominion to an Order MIMI, for over three hundred years, has proved a ours° to ovory conotry where it has obtained a footing; and this Presbytery further ex:proms its appreciation of tho paiotio oonduot of the thirtoon who had proved faithful to their trust ou that occasion.. Moonagras' IttoTiturit.—At tho annual mooting 03 31110 institution the following report was read :---Tho total reooipts for the year wero $505.23 =loop as follows : —Balance on hand last year, $44.73 ; Members' fees, $00.60 ; Legislative grant, for membership, $50 ; for library, 9150 ; for reading room, 960 ; Munioipal grant, 9150.. The expenditures wero rant, light and heating, $83 ; ortlarios, 078 books, (riot fiction)' 9120.27 • books, (bison) 970.10 book binding, 011,25 ; magazine% nowspaEltnis, &c., 980.15 miscollancoms, 93, leaving a balance on hand of 997.08. Donations to tho value of 331 worn made. Tho total assets amount to 9882.00, motto up of—furniture and applinncea $70 ; booko, 9700 ; Mbar assoto, ;75 ; balance) ou hand 607.09. There aro no ljitbilftis, Tho present membership is 121. Thoro wore poroluto• ad this year 1'20 volninos. Mossre Marton and Dickson worn nmninatod for prosident and Air, Morton declining the porition, 1410. Dich•ooti W.14 dnolttr.t.1 elonted l‘l0 2tomt0ti Waa 01103011 00000 ('C'•••R b°11,1' 2' If E 1.1 0 11.1T E ALLAN LIN 14] O/ steallishi,,,s rattko the fastest tint° on reeord. For Sailings, Rates and all Information apply to. RP. R. Kggis, Agent. Most' PublIskina BrusseLs. POPULIJ STALLIONS 1m -41zig:f„: • The renewing main:v:15 wilt moan i'ar the emnrovement or stork ad, 00115011 115 follows TOON CLERK. Toon Clerk will tand for marcs ly, during the season of 1849, health and weather permitting, as follows : Monday, will leave his own stable, 14 20, oon. 11. Grey, and proceed to Burton's hotel, Ethel, for noon ; thonce north to Wm. Brown's, 2nd con. Grey, for night. Tuesday, will proceed north to the boundary to Matth- ew Sharpin's for noon ; thence west to Peter Scott's for night. Wednesday, will proceed to Sault's hotol, Bluevale, far noon ; thanes to tho Queen's hotel, Wing ham,for night. Thursday, will proceed to Robt. Cungo's, Wawanosh, for 000n ; thence south to Robb. Casemore's for night. Friday, will proceed to David Brookenridge's for noon ; thence east to Donald. McDonald's, Grey, for night. Saturday, will proceed to Cranbrook for noon ; theism to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. 00NRADIVIU111.111, Proprietor. OSPREY. Osprey will stand for mares weekly, during the season of 1889, health and weather permitting, as lollowe : Monday, will leave his own stable, lot 28, am. 6, Morris, and proceed west to Thos. Mill- er's for noon ; thence to the gravel road to Belgrave for night. Tuesday, will proceed along 5th con., Morrill, to Joe. 8cott's for noon ; thence to his own stable for night IVodnesday, will proceed north 1 miles, then oasb 17 miles, thou north 24• miles to Duncan Taylor's, con. 4, Grey, for noon ; thence wast to gravel road, then north to Jainestown, tbon Gast 17 miles, thou uorth to Duman MoPher- . son's for night Thursday, will proceed oast along the boundary 2i miles, then 1 north 17 milea to Alex. Robertson's for 1 noon ; ilsenoe north to the hth oon. of Howiok, by way of Gilpin's sohoolhouse, than book to asseph Armstrong's for night. Friday, will proceed along the 413 con. of Grey to John Clegg's for noon; thence on to Ethel for night. Saturday, will proceed along 8th con., Grey, to American hotel, 13ruseels, for nooks, and remain until 5 o'olock ; thence to his own stable for nigh., where he will remain until tho following Mond* morning. Wall0TER tt GCEBEL, Props., S. Webstor, Groom, YOUNG TA.STESALL, Young Tastosall will stand for mares weekly, during the mason of 1880, health and weather permitting, asfollows: Mon- day, will leave his oWn stable, lot 16, oon. 5, Morris, and proceed along centre side - road to J11.11. Seal's, lot 14,, con. 0, Mori. ris, for noon ; thence west 2 of mile, Oxen north 24 miles, then east 11 to hit; own stable for night. Tuesday, will proceed east along 4th lino,Morris, to gravel road, then south 10 American hotel, Brossolo, for noon ; thonee east 17 miles along con. 0 and 10, Grey, then north 91 miles, then east 13. miles to John Lowes, lot 10, con. 5, Grey, for night. Wocinea- day, will proceed north 17 miles, then west to gravel road, thou west to John for noon, lot 21, 2nd lino, Mor- ris ; then wast bo jowitt's church, then north to Bluovalo hotel for nignt. day, will prooeod north 17 milos, then cast along eon. 4, Toroborry, to Harris' school house, than south to Lovell's corner, thou west to Robb,loo's for noon; thonce 003 1.3.101100 along 11 line, then south to Moffat's corner, than east to gravel road, Frank Wright's, lot 9, end con., Tornherry, for night. Cridny, will pro0':31 ,auth Wong gravid rott.1 11.1 1111105 '111011 wad along Ord lino, Morrit, 1 milo t11.0.5,4ataonowegntrloretiltintirsul,f t41'1.c:11171:1111311‘;(11:Vs own stable for night. Saturday will pro. coed north to :hal liiio, Morris, mid ro. turn to his own stable for night, where ho will remain until the following 2300 - day morning. A.I. E.:or: ;iv, Prop, and Croom, r. 150 As in past years, I am pre- pared to buy any quantity of Coop FrAmos Wom,, at the very Highest kket he in WU Also Grain of all kinds. Farmers find it to their advantage to market their Wool and surplus Grain in Brussels. I also take this opportunity to inform my Friends that during the com- ing Selman I will be found at the AMERMAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS -ov ery day (where my office now is) ready and willing to buy what Produce you may have to offer. Robt. Graham, May 13th, 1080. . 44-33 100, 000 LIi Wanted, 7, For Season of 1889. OPSH*PAID. I am prepared to pay the high- est Cash Prices for good fleece Wool delivered at the Listowel Woolen Ells, Having bean 1) years in business hore, it has always boon my en- deavor to pay higher prices than the market allows, and in the past years have paid city market prices. Wool being so low in price, it will afford me pleasure to pay the highest pried going. In exchanging wool for goods will allow a few conts more. Will also guaranteo to sell my goods at cash prices. I don't havo two prices—cash and trade—my rule iB One P1ie0 oily. Bunning tho year round enables me to carry ft large stock. This year having a larger stoek than usual, will offer you Irtte 1130ti1 Stook 60Tiveri0s In the ?D911till• IOU to ('lleOtie 000111, Don1)1 and Twisted 1°111 (110tlit VLANNMS. VO,LAIVICUTS. • .111 0)(1414 tho Newest Pailvvn awl Lstest Designs. Como varlywith your W and v.») will find 7134 ready and will- ing to give you our .1)01,4 Atm - tion. \V' ))vili 1)3 happy for you Impact Coals and Prit,e% fora dispwing of your wo romain, '*0111'- 11ttOpCrtfllily, 13. 777'. t•no•s LISTOWEL,