The Brussels Post, 1889-5-17, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS HOST t�1a.�cLL�.�.;.;:,�.,r„t.r.�.•�-zate<.nL;,w.wrrru^e.k,�•!s...r�-'-^ron,w,;ru�t .H�.:..s .�L..s:tdtl. ?iIAY 1',•, 1.1 tl. ate 7 z w. , it ;: ,+e .zratr • ' 1'.ire-.rmswrr477= rttmcetiltAFct, , COODSI OOCER$h fA m-4UWCTu.ItlJY1kFRl31C910 tt', ("^F rozu�'nc. wienes.ramu - ul �(TY^Jt� �,pv^ /}, W-•���''c' f,"y�,`,±' PJ L}r�'eF,," usernucm- •cv ova :s:xn+� rmucrvu oe,stL•�., ,.�+yeeQ.Y'r�riL+nh�,•vN..•�u. �-ut, rlr.fi d\., e]'..•iY1 Cb'-1,V'/lr,:M�Ki,ff3-01Jd1L..,u.n2.itilitl..nTS Jtl:4. t�C:-.14 .'W43ttA BOTC MOOTS AND SHOESREABYMADE OLOT&U DI esZc., ECAV: +a TO SA_'a'. We defy, either in the city or country, a Store that is selling Goods to the public to -day Prices than we are offering them to our customers and the people. We buy in quantities and at a price that no house doing business ill the regular way can touch Do not be mislead by persons claiming to pay cash for all the goods they handy and are able togiveyou greater advantages than we can. Na House in position to take advantage of the markets and place goods before you at Bankrupt .1 rices but ourself es. We are placing goods balers you Nought at OOe70e, dollar while other houses are paying regular prices, so judge for yourselves who can sell the Cheapest ., Trusting to have the opportunity of comparing our prices with any opposition that claims lower prices, we are Your Obedient Servants, �t ® f rt r, in'h tli ensu New Advertisements Lo ale e, Veal. Istat B. Cerre'. StrLyed---:1, e. Les e,,. Loathe -Adam thole Wool--Ilobt Grah Lt . Locals -Ii. Leniherdalc. Allan Lina -\V. 1I. Herr. Lural --W. 11. t.t:raL'ktil. Wool teaurtd 11. B. Brook. Caw al:teed-Duncan Taylor. Goo nL,t+'s_-A. II. Hermiston. Geeeehe• vies -G. A. Dentinal. Corot of Revision -F. S..Seott. Con: r e.f ha:,..iu.: Spouts°. Iltasset$ '410.5t FR/D).1 Y, Mel Y 17, 1889. Ter, cigarette must go. The Michigan Hou.;_ ted Representatives has passed a bill which prohibits the menufaoture or sale : of only of cigarutes, but cigarette pap -r, under a eenalty of a fine of not less then 925 no more then 9100, or Om- prisourneut for les:: than ton days nor more than niuety days, or both. Mr. Jackson, tho promoter of the bill, made anelaborate report of the result of • our corn e r edeuce with e. large number of teachers end physicians, concerniug the injurious effects of eig;ieette smoking. The es, sly of these men agrees, says the resort, that the effems upon the young ie to stunt their growth, benumb their ii.ot:;l feeulties and weaken the action of tho heart. -Each nee. Is this issue of Tan Powr considerable space is devoted to the very important branch of farming viz. dairyiug, both in reference to butter and she -se. We think. the butter ntekers of this eeetion are particular, as a rule, and endeavor to present a No. 1 article to the purchaser but that cannot be said of all and ono of the best ways to remedy this ;natter is to study where the defect is and then the merchants or buyers should grade the butter so that bad bettor will not cam. mond as good a price as the best. '1 he articles given in our columns on this s'ib- jeot are from reliable men who speak with authority after many years of prac- tical experience and the careful perusal of them should do those interested no small amouut of good. TAE people of the Northwest aro cry- ing out against the present policy of the Dominion government, which permits beer to be sold in the territories but prohibits its manufacture there. The Macleod Gazette says hat in various towns throughout the Northwest, brewer. ies have been shut down by the inland revenue officers, and their proprietors ordered not to brew any more beer. Many of these breweries have been run- ning wing for years, and have been engaged in the m.mafacture of what is supposed to be non.intcxicaling beer. No mum is essigne1 for this course by the govern- ment, and it is charged that the beer now sold iu the territories under Mr, Royal', permits is manufactured in Milwaukee, Does semoborly high in authority get a commission upon all the beer sold in the Northwest ? Allowing eu increase of a half ounce in weight 111 an ordinary lett ,r is. no par- tienl'tr advantage as the teas of thousands of lettere written by business men nee of the briefest cliarauter, Of ',nose the young rude and his best .girl nuts save -un ecce. -i _- tit co cent -Innnp in tli' tissns- tnissiou of thoir benne y freighted epistles, but otherwise the change is of very little ilea, Ifad the rate been reduced to two ces, s, the same a- in the 'tTuited States, the i'ostoliiee enthoritiea rotild be de. serving of praise as it would mean a caving of e, good many dnllevm to a busi- nose man in a year. Then the tacking on of three cocas extra ou the registration fee is nothing, as far as we can under- stand it, but n grab game, ea no better security is offered to persons sending the money than under the old rate. It is backward, blindfold legislation, for which the people of Canada have no use. The Postmaster General has reared a menu - meat for himself by the changes which came Otto force last week. We pay for it, however. Wo believe in progressive legislation, more particularly when it is of such a character as to prove beneficial to all Masses and creeds. Tho lately appointed Postmaster General lute got in his work in a hurry and has signalised his reign by several changes, among which are the following The rate of postage upon letters posted in Canada, addressed to places within the Dominion or in the united States, will be 3 cents per ounce instead of 8 oentd per half ounce as heretofore, Upon drop -letters posted at an office from which letters aro delivered by letter Carriers, the postage rate will be 2 cants per ounce instead of 1 cent per half ounce. The rate of postage upon drop• lettere, except in the cities where free delivery has by letter carriers been estab- llalled, will be 1 cent per ounce, The fee for the regiatretim of e letter or other article of mail matter will lin five Cents upon all classes of corresponrience passing within the Dominion. For the present and until further inotsucbed the regietrationfee may be prepaid by using the n -Cent registration damp. and postage tags t0 tnalte Up t11U amount, Letters insufficiently prepaid will be charged double tho'dofloionoy, as hereto. ford, provided at least a partial pro.pay- ment has been made. Letters pouted wholiy unpaid will be sent to the deed letter office for return to the writer, TnE paper Med in the Supreme Court of lfontreal by the Mail's attorneys, as the preliminary pleas of defence in the notion for libel brought against that journal by the society of Jesuits, is en in- toreating document. The position taken is a bald one. The corporate standing of the society 15 ebailengcd on the ground that the Provincial Act incorporating it was ultra rim of that Legislature ; and that all the members of the Society in the Province ere, in virtu, of the laws of tho British Empire, absolntoly without civil rigltte ; that the rules of the Society, blurting upon its members from holding property ; that fie objeate aro extra pro- vincial, its constitution and nim, incom- patable with the Constitution of the Pro- vince and of the Dominion, eta. Il issue can be fairly joined on these points, the discussion and decision cannot help to make the trial memorable in Canadian history. Even should these preliminmv objections be set aside, and the issue joined at once on the merits of the case touching the alleged libel, the trial will still bid fair to become famous by reason of the inquest held and evidence adduced touching the tenets and practice's of the muob maligned or very infamous Jesuits. -The Waok. Huron County. Hugh Grieve has sold his hundred -acro farm near Seaforth to R. Common for 48,500. The Grand Orange Loclge of British America will meet in Coderich on the 2811 Met. Fronk Ruse, of Exeter, has been ap- pointed leader of the First Presbyterian Church aboir in St. Marys. The Londesboro Creamery commenced operations on the 1611 May, and uuder tho able management of John Hannah. The vote on the question "For the organ" or "Against the organ" in Willis cburoh, Clinton, stood 04 for and 42 against. Mr. Roth, who has been agent at Clin- ton for some time for O,trling's brewery, expects to go to Winnipeg. Wellington Fisher takes his position. Exeter has formed a Board of Trade, The following officers were elected for the current year : Pres., R. H. Archer ; Sec., E. Roberts ; Treas., B. S. O'Neil. The grooere of Clinton have made ar- rangements to close their places of busi- ness during the summer months at half. past coven every evening, moot Satur- day. D. McCuaig, of Clinton, the other day completed a shipment of seventy carloads of elm timber secured in this section during the past winter. The timber was shipped to Point Levis. The Bishop of Huron has appointed Rev. H. A. Thomas, of Blyth, to bo locum trnena, in the Parish of Warwick, for Rev. Rural Dean Hyland, who has obtained leave of absence for a year, Westfield LO.G.T., East Wawanosh, is agitating a grand pionio to be held there ore long. A grand program will be given by eight separate lodges. Speakers from Toronto and brgss band from Goderich, Ileputy-reeve Manning, of Clinton, le spoken of as a possible candidata in the interest of the Reform party in West Hnrou, when Hon. A, M, ]toss stops down and out -ao says tlte, Clinton News-Rec. ord. The Seaforth Mechanics' Instituto has Chosen the following officers ; Dr, Camp- bell, Pre:Admit ; James Craig, Yiee•Presi- dent ; F. Ilohneetead, Treasurer ; Wm, Moore, booming and Librarian ; John Darwin, Assistant Secretary. A yotaitf wotuan uanrc,l Rose Mooney, whose habit, and reputation for the past ten or eleven years loam been anything but good, wan found head in bed at her inotltm t"e place in Lueknow t+tt Wednes- day morning of last week. Itis rnusored that she had taken an overdosoof 'btud- allam cltlring the night, - F. Metcalf, of Blyth, ono of the repro- sentativme of the Grand Lodge of Canada, of the I. 0, G. T:, gees to Chicago 10 at- tend the Right Worthy 'Greed Lodge of the world. The session opens en May 2,e, and will lust abont two weeks. C. A, liartt, of Clinton, lost n number of valuable legal papers, by the accident errs Iinmil ten a foss* days s;o. 'Cu•. =one the mail matter that was burned. A registered letter forwarded by Menniug d; Scott was also burned. The ordination and induction services of Rev. Mr. Anderson, B.A., intotbe pas- torate of the oougrogations of St. Helens and Last 1Vawanosh, took place in Calvin church, St. Helens, on Monday evening, May 13. After the induction e, tea -meet- ing was held, nhon addresses were de- livered by several of tho leading local clergy and others. A severe thunderstorm pawed over Exeter about noon Friday. The dwell - lug house of Isaao Handford was struck by lightning, the chimney was totally wreaked and the floor and carpet were torn up. Alfred Allen, market gardener, who was about ten rods from Handford's house, was knocked down, but was not hurt much. The barn of Sanders S Har- vey, about six miles out in Stephen township, was also struck and was burnt, with about 600 bushels of oats and 300 leushols of barley. Insured in the IIay & Stephen Mutual Co. The MoKillop township ammo? has completed the roll, the best ever made yet, and the following items may be of interest to the ratepayers :-310. of acres assessed, 12,07'e, valued at 131,799,705, and income and personal +xle00. 13xemntions for school 5i acres, for churches 31} acres, burial grounds 8 , acres, and three ehnrebe, there are ro exemptieue mado for. There aro 3,860 days statute labor, 323 doge, 8668 acres of fall wheat, 3003 persona, 815 children between 5 and 16 years of age, 5603 cattle, 1 ass, 0020 sheep, 1088 hogs, 1768 horses, 10 steam boilers for mills and machinery. At the Blyth Council mooting Frank Metcalf, chairman of the School Board, accompanied. by his companions in labor, was present, to urge upon the council the necessity of doing something in the mat- ter of searing additional school accom- modation. N. H. Young, Secretary, pre- sented a lot of statistics bearing on the question, inoluding e. letter from the in- spector, urging that an additional teacher be secured, or eleo adopt the half day system. A report presented showed the average attendance for the past four years in the junior department to be about eighty, at least thirty too many for one teacher. Water in Lake Huron is two feet or more lower than usual at this time of the year. It is three inches lower than last spring, and the lowest record for fifteen years. Vessel men anticipate difficulty at points where there has been just suffic- ient water hitherto for vessels of deep drareht, Either heavy draught vessels must load light or be lightened over these points. In either case the loss to ship- ping will be serious. It ie stated 1 tat the water of the lakes decreases for seven years and then increases for the same length of time, and that ibis year is the last of seven in which there has been a decrease. Tops of boulders can be seen off the shore at Stoney Island that have not been uncovered for over thirty years. Perth County. Dolton se Sona, of the Stratford Woolen Mills, have just aonciuded the purchase of the Mitchell Woolen Mill lately owned by D. R. Dorman. The barn of George McKenzie, of West Sorra, was burnt to the ground, the fire, it ie supposed, being caused by lightning. The stable was saved with diflioulty. The Stratford herald says :-A spot- ted snake was killed near the Bank of Montreal on Monday, It was left on the corner and 17 trepan who saw it aro supposed to be running yet. A truthful farmer told a efbizen the other day that the eleotric light in Strat- ford did away with the necessity of his using a lantern when going to the barn in the nighb. Ho lives three miles out. The question of buying a new organ for the Home Memorial oltumb, Stratford, having been left to a oommittee, it has been decided that it is desirable to pur- chase a now pipe organ. The church also is to bo repaired, and 11 and the grounds are going to 50110tve a ream vati lbug.s Mitchell meyorality law. suit, Dougherty v. Maclay, has been ended by Judge Woods accepting the reaigna. tion +,1 Mr. Maclay as Mayor of Miteholl. Itis likely, says the Advertiser, that each man will have to foot the bill for his own costa, which will bo about 3500 to Dougherty and 000 to Maclay, A funny case came up at the Stratford Police Court, Richard MoArdel appear. ed before the beak, charged by Donald Quinlan withiusing threateninglanguage. The gist of the ovitlence was that McA.rdel has maid he "could Bell a whole black- smith shop full of fellows like (Quinlan" The fuel blacksmith shop not having bean on band at the time the utngietrnte die. missed the case. During the last tlmncleratnt n `.aq house o. David Kennedy, of the third coneee,ion of Downie, was strack by lightning and set on fire: The alts 31rlcity teciclad the ohfmney and from that glid- ed along the riilga.board, evitenee 'it die. 'appeared into tho roof, loaning a row of torn ehingloa.to mark its path. The fire was oxtinguiebed with trifling lofts, cover- t od by insurance in the Downie Mutual, S. R. Hasson, M. P., has been inform- ed that 91,000 have beets set anal fir the repair of the etratford drill shod. Samuel Redman, of the township of Ialen::baad was relieve, of 1;107 while driving beats e- n St, llarye and Stratford with a young t„lloty named MaokStewart, of the former place, and who was forme-- ly :t hostler in lir a ^h,fric tb ,• Au ieforinatioa was sworn out against Stew. art and nosy both lie dad rho motley aro missing. A slander enc from St. Marys teas tried on Wednesday at the London assizes. The plaintiff llrs. Henry was given 467 damages. She claimed 32000, the suit being based on stories alleged to hove been told by Richard T. Gilpin about her. They related to the burning of hor plane of business and insinuated that the had sot it on fire, The caw -mill of John Loilgowey, seven and a half miles north of Mitchell in Logan township, was burned on Friday morning last. Che loss is total, and the machinery is useless except for old iron, Mr. Lo leeway's loss is fully 33,000 with only 31,000 iusuranoe, 3500 in the Perth Mutual, and 3300 in the Waterloo Mau - al. The cause of the lire is unknown. Sir Alexander Campbell, the Lienton. aut.Geveruor, has accepted for Miss Marjorie Campbell and himself the in- vitatioi, of the Hospital Trust Committee to become the patrons of the entertain moats to bo given in Stratford on June 6 by Capt. Clarke' of Guelph, and his cadets. Acoompaayiug his acceptance Sir Alexander forwarded a cheque towards the hospital fund. At a meeting of tiro llxeoativo Com• mittee of the Western district of the Canadian Lacrosse Association hold in Stratford the following schedule of „aures was adopted ;--May 24, Stratford at St. Marys ; June 4, St. Marys at Seaforth ; June 21, St. Marys at Stratford; July 1, Seaforth at Stratford; July 12, Seaforth at St. Marys; July 19, Stratford at Sea - forth ; July 30, Ss, Marys at Seaforth; August !h, Sasfor+h at Stratford ; August 12, St. Marys at Stratford; August 22, Stratford at St. Marys; August 29, Sea - forth at St. Marys ; Sept 8, Stra ford at Seaforth. A rule was adopted allowing each club to tape its own gate receipts, the visiting club to pay its own expenses. The home club is to pay the acting of- ficial referee 82 and expenses, and oaoh olub is to play two ]tome games during the season. Grey. Miss Celia Calder has gone to Mani• soba on a visit. Thos. Whitfield and wife aro visiting friends in Sanlao Co., Michigan. Mies Jessie Robertson, 9th con., has gone to Saginaw City this weak where she will make her home for some time. Metiers. Reid, Calder and Hodgson, of England, aro visiting at Thos. Calder's for a few weeks. Court of Revision and Council mooting will be held at 'Peek's hotel, Oranbrook, on Monday, May 2711, commencing at 10 o"cloche, a. m. Mies Berrie Bishop has gone on a visit to friends in the southern part of the County with the hope of improving her health which has not bean good for some titne. Mrs. L. W. Panabaker, 12th can., is on the sink Het and her condition causes anxiety to her friends. It is a lung trouble with indications of consump- tion. James and Alex. McDougall left for Niche, Dakota, a few weeks ago. They purpose farming and as they are both hard working boys they will get along all 115111 Mrs. T. B. Hill, who was visiting rel, ativoe here for the past three weeks, loft on Thursday noon train for Toronto, from which point the will go to Regina, N.W. T., to ficin her husband, who fs residing there, A oorrespoudent to the Algoma Aare. este writes from Day Mills ; L'Wo being 1Honda of W. D. Hill, of Brusaele, On- tario, were sorry to hear of the demise of the above-mentioned person, but agree ably surprised to learn that W, D, has risen again, and has favored hie friends in that village with a piece of music at a recent entertainment." The Nommen, (Man.) Register of May 10th says of Mrs. Walter Govenloolt, a former resident of this township; -lire, W, Govenlook, olio lives about three miles east of the town, dropped dead as she was passing out of her own door on Wednesday evening. Site had taken supper au usual and was going about her aocnstomed duties svlten death so sudden- ly overcool. her. Heart disease is sup- posed to have been rho cause. The attendance at the Sabbath School in S. 9, No. 8 is good, and over 311 has been oollected for getting papers, loason leaves and an addition to the library of the sohool. Jas. McNair, jle, of the 14th eon„ ham lately been added to the staff of extollers, mud so ler has proved him. self able to fill the position well. Taking internee he Sabbath School work always benefits one. II does good to both teachers and piffle. ]Rev, Mr. Logoar preached in Knox church, Craubrook, haat ,"5undayforenooit, taking as his tent tho nmatnphor,"For the Lord God is a sou," which le pax, of the lltit verso in the teltlt Psalm. Tho sermon was able, iftterestiog and in. steuotive, the many points of oompgrison implied by the text wore well brought out and explained. Reference also vas made to othee striking and appropriate terms treed its the Bible to rapt'eeent the oharaetor of the Deity, thole ata rock, it HATS9 at Lower our prices. Brussels is in a and 70e on the consuming fire, a shield and Mel) tower, oto. It was it fide day end there mac a loo eo attendance of the uoegr geotlon. 1'bc Fstueni (leerier., (N,ebr;islia) sera of a former resident of this t rwnship :- Meerut- -•lhcliewei.c.-Aa the liouto of - tete bride's parents, in frontier county. Neb., A•a•il 12th 18,49, Mr. Lui.L,i tl ...lies: Hood 1liss .liouto il[<:Llwai❑ weer-• united in wedlock by the Rev. W. Wcolmen •amid it large company of friends. Ilappy Jerry and his lovely bride were esc trte:t over the bomnlary lino by Miss Mina Whitman end Joseph Tillots ,n. Minty valuable and useful presents were made, and at the ennelimon of a bounti- ful supper the ecmpauy cn,oyed them - Selves in various diversions. Jerry brought hie bride to the cosy ltetne one Mile south of Fortnum wi.ere we sincere- ly hope their lives may prove them, "Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts which boat as one," Samek, ---Last Monday evening a Sab- bath School social was hold in Whitfield's churoln, 12th con. A ltheataaut time was enjoyed although the attendance was Dot nearly as large a» it should have Won. After refresh/nods had been dis- pensed the following program was pre- sented, Rev. J. II. Uyke, pester, in the chair Chorus, "Tho Kinds Highway," Ethel choir ; recitation, 0. Buttery ; solo, "The Model Chureli," Rev. J. T. Legear ; recitation, 1.. Monroe ; duets, "Three buzzing bumble bee,," T. Stutz 011 and Re:. J. '1'. Legear ; reel-. ration, ;Hiss iUaadson ; dialogue by two buys; quartette, "We'll have to mortgage the farm ;" renal sg, Maggio Carnochan; rccitati.,n, May Dougherty ; chorus, "Be happy as you cat'," choir recitatio.i, Ida hedge' reading, Mr. ;oTaggart ; recitation, llobo. Dough_ rty ; dialogue, "Country aunts \isit to Lite city ;" ganrtette, "Prettttd° Dagen," Mrs., Mies and Rev. J. T. Legear and T. P. Simpson ; recitetiou, Thos. Dougherty ; duett, "Larboard watch," T. P. Simp- son and Rev. J. T. Legear ; recitation, sir. Stubbs ; votes al thanks : duett, "Allow me to move a vote of thanks," Miss and Mr. Lattear ; National Authum. Tho school was reported to bo in a healthy condition and ie carefully super- intended by L. W. Panabaker. Pro- ceeds of the social 810.40. Rev. W. W. Miller, a superannuated minister of the Montreal Conference, after family prayer, walked into his yard at Napttnee and fell over dead. Goo. Leaoh, a farmer of Bruce County, has been missing since February last, and there are suspicions of foul play in connootion with hie disappearance. The steamship Abyssinian, wbioh loft Vancouver Tuesday, had 1,210 bales of cotton for Shanghai and 13,400 sacks of flour for Bong Kong. • 0ouRT of REVISION. lJ TOWNSHIP OP C*RRY. Notice is hereby given that tho Municipal Council of the Corporation of the 'Town ship of Grey, County of Huron, will moat as Court of 1toviston at Tnca'a Iioxnn,Oltee nnooir, on MONDAY, 00030 97x0,1860, AT 10 A.M. Parties interested will govern themselves accordingly. 44-205 1011, BPRNOB, Clerk, ESTATE NOTICE. ri i OM:TR FGD VIMEA "?t GES Pursuant to chapter 110, goatee 80,R. B. 0„ tba creditors of Ibanez iistxs, yeoman, 1 ate of Ni lot10, eon. 8, Grey Township, in the County of Huron, who died es 00 about the Fifth D ty of December, A. J1, 1008 , and other having claims iu raepoet to his estate Oro hereby notlaed to sent], on Or before. the 1st Day of Juno, 1860, t0 AARON W PANA- xexun, of the Village of Ethel, in the County of ]:furon,l:xeoutor Of the estate and effects of the said deceased, their names and ad- dresses and the full particulars of their elaints and of the soonrities (if any) held by them, and also that immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will ophagRionitttit en- titled inranytohe claims of which the executor has their notion, and the oaeoutor will not be liable for any aeeete so distributed to any pets00 of whose claim lie shall not have had notice. AARON W. PANABAI:CRR, RMel, April1011,'80, Executor ,RtholP,0. Money to Loan. Money to Loan on Farm Poo. perty,at PRIVA'1'r AND COMPANY r11rlos DicKsoN tip NAYS, Solicitors; l3rusuels, Out. GO § TO § FARPFIERS § The Woolen Mill Store, BRUSSELS, is the Place to go and trade —your—? Zi Za or get it manufactured into Tweeds, Flannels, BIan keis, Yarns, ckc. We will try to give cus- tomers good satisfaction. —Please give u9 a m11. - 8101E1 OF THE RESTAURANT. A. H. Hermiston, May 19,'89, 44.1f PROPRIETOR. Baby Oarriazes Baby Caa5ria'os BABY A�.-RIAGES i Handsome Display of Baby Carriages iu all the LATEST STYLES, and sold at N, arca ave1 E Pawns. Carl in and See our ,Stool, before you order elsewhere. A Buggy Bugs, Dusters, lily Nets, Whips, always on hancl. Splendid Assortment of Trunks, Valises and Satchels in Stock. t 1. Dennis, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Tit b"ii'dcrsignod desire to intimate to the Public that they have formed a co -partnership, under the Firm name of 1 Pi alloztyneg and are BOW e0t1(111Ctiliy the Stove and Tinware Business formerly owned by fAYCEOI� T`tt TURNBU.LL. Our aim will bo to pleas:° tlioio favoring no with their pat1t113age. • .:1 t a'7 ,:' ;, -tn ,r,"". -...f".�,. '6/�....,.a 1..✓ t _.t e,�. �.,.,r...4..t_,..A..l._.i and neeel'ttSill ou1 • I.'1:'iCeS. TU. t 'BULL f5' 13tl.T,1.,tL7VT1'X.2 } T -, Jfly: l3 %LAN'1 Prig t o. lAs..ltJ1tN1111X,%i