HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-5-17, Page 2THE 13hUSSELS -COST
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Al i, 1880
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TOWN m1`s'd"ToIi ,Eextlare or rarasiatonoy of the ballot Holland has, 1u AI 1 proportion to its { RA 1' MARKET,
depends upon the relative amounts area, wore cows than any other 1
,w mis tJ CJ
A1=4111.1.1:1tLalr:A1=4111.1.1:1 Gurncu.—sabbath Services of hard and soft fats found 1a the country to the world. It Is 03 0. 1• Aantn Street, !t• ,
I AND1Zr1V CI1RitIP; "
et 11 a.m. and 2:30 pan. Sunday Schoot mill•, and this le ii:tlueuood greatly mated that it Lae 900,000 proslaci ,
'tt p. m, ituv. "lin Hass, 13. A., by the foods of aN hioh the animal butter enough co, home use Audi f
1, I3 t is peculiar to large quantities for exhort to l,ug
nontr,TOR. STILL T )
btrta 'es. U rtn` - -•
Exox Cnt R_u.—sabbath Services at 11.1 Y
butter • when the butter LDaomea land. The Dutch d'�ir,n]^'1 ar': , �'BS Z ''u?'.
a.m. and b :Ill pan. Buu,lay 6(711001 at 2720 l a. f Salt fl/ eats
P m Rev. G. B. Bowie, M. A., pastor. rauciel, the Cause is in :,loo fact that scrupulously neat, and the butter eP the ber'ugnali4vnlwttyR a
6r. Jank'a C)ro.utn —Sabbath services the bety i.. has by fermentation, from that country is a favorite in uv . aha ,art n•
ollaune 11 y , :Pxa)R v011 fnvarnbla,
contains a considerable in largo quantities to Dutch and
quantity of bard fats and less liquid Daniell colonies, AT CATTLE VYANTED3
fats, with no butyric, unless it has At n repent Meeting of the Market Y'orxvtitiloUttte hldltest market Drion will
been added in milk or butter.
Gardeners' Association, iuelndtng n; ata.
ArnuatlxoIus.—Those are the nit- nearly all the market gardeners in.
rogenons compounds of milk, the i the vicinity of Boston, a full and
flesh and muscle formers, the twee thorough discussion of this subject
of the curd or cheese. In normal was bad, and as one of the results
conditions they are dissolved in the the following resolution was unaui-
seruni or liquid. There aro two measly passed : "Resolved, that
forms, viz., Casein and alnnmea, the judicious use of intelligently and
Some lately published investigations honestly made fertilizers is profitable
of Dr. Bnboock, of Wisconsin, tend to the practical farmer and market
to the conclusion that minute quan• gardener."
lilies of fibrin also are found in nor- A. lady correspondent writes :
"Several yef17e ago I was much
troubled with small white worms
and tiny white mires in the earth
of my plant pots. I tried many
remedies but without effect. Until
that time I had used soft water ex-
clusively for watering them, but
later I used very hard well water,
and 21nce thea tbo worms and mites
have not troubled me. If it is the
litre in the water that kills them, I
wonder why waterings of' strong lime
water were ineffectual 1'
Prof. Ormsby, director of the
Penusylvaula Agricultural Experi-
ment Station, uses the term corn -
stover to designate the residue of
the mature plant after the removal
of the ears, and corn -fodder to
designate corn raised especially for
fodder, w,ilether cnt and fed green
or put in the silo. This is better
than to call one corn -fodder and the
other fodder -corn as has been the
custom since Dr. Loring pronounced
fodder corn .he meanest food ever
given to a cow, and corn fodder the
h (ese,l anal da+
axed • p - , ' i t village frao at
at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday 100hoo1 at bee
lit ria void. Oleo- the Nuglisl market, It is also sent ottnrrd,
0:'30'2 m Rev. W. T. Mil, incumbent.
7711101IODIar c7nncit.—sabbatl1 Service
at 30:30 a.m. and COO p. m. Sunday
School at at 2:30 p.m. Rev. M. Swaim,
]haute CATHOLIC Cs t x'II.---Sahbat1l Ser-
vice third Sunday in every month, at 11
a.m. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
SALVATIOtt A11atx.—Serviees.at 7 sand 11
a.m., 3 and 8 o'clock p.m. on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 e•cloek, at
the barracks. Capt. Dean in command.
ODD Faa.Lows' Leven every 'Thursday
evening, in Gra'ham's block.
Mason° Leman Tuesday at or before
full m000, in Garfield block.
A. O. U. W. Lotion, on firs: and third
Monday evencngs of each month.
FOMENTER&-LODOE2nd and last Monday
evenings of each month, in fiinale's. hall.
L. O. L. Yat Monday in every mouth, mal milk. Casein, which passes in
in Orange Flails to the cheese, is thrown out of aolu•
POST Oei'.cr.--OfliC0110876 from 8 77.07. lieu, or'coltgulatsd by acids and by
to 7:30 p.m. rennet i ,albumen is in excess, but
M11c:aws' Ixs•rirrrt `'wading; Room in the after milk, as we use it, the
and Library, in Holmes' block, will be u,sein ism excess ; the casein forms
open from C to 8 o'clock p m. Wednesdays f
and Satsrdaya. Hiss Minnie Shaw, Li. about •;1 8 per cent., the albumen
brarian ' about. O- 7 per clout.
Bersas.Ls W. C. T. L. hold monthly Snuan.—Milk sugar, Or lactose
meetings on the rd Saturday in etaeit has the same competition as ordin.
month, hat , o'clock p t Mrs. Swann,
Pres.; Mrs +:ti alt n `xrc ary cane sugar, but is loss soluble,
Tow-. Gov I .—li.obt Graham Reeve 101•s eweeteniug in its effect, gritty
D. Strachan, .1. 37 'McIntosh, Wm. Stew the taste. It forms about 4.5
art and We. iulc y ('„unaillot l
C 1 ri 1loasurel . INT cont. of mill:, and is liable to
S SOetr '1'll > + liv, ,
D. Stewart Ar. cst t t., 1 Jas. T. Ross, 'speedy change. During ratio for -
Collector. Beard meet, the 1st :1l,aday ;mentation, by exposure to the air,
in each month. the milk sugar changes to lactic
SonooLBoalU—T.Pletcher chairman), ac.id, i,e., the mutt sours. As a
H. Dennis, A. Hunter, J. Hargreaves, J.
J. Denman and Jas. Buyers Sec.-Treas., result of the formation of the acid,
W. H. Moss. Meetings 1st Friday even- the casein is thrown out of solution,
ng in each month. i e., the mills uaagulabeo or curdles.
Pyretic SCHOOL Tr.onrns.—Jno. Shaw, Ass,—Tl ere is bub little variation
Principal, sties Richardson, Mies Ratably, inthe quantity of salla or mineral
Miss Abraham and Miss Taylor. q Y
BOARD or HEALT:.—Rocca Graham, matter above or below 0.7 per cent.
Clerk Scott, Joe. Wyttn, A. Stewart and From thirty samples we got an ay.
3. G. Skene. Dr. Holmes, Medical Health erne of 0 098 per sent. The ad•
Officer. dition of such substances as borax,
soda, salt, give a large increase in
VIE COMPOSITION OF MILK. the ash. In 100 lb. of milk, there
are about 0 20 ib. of phosphoric
21y C. C. Jamas. ILA., Pro1•cssor of Client- acid, 0.17 Ib. of potash, and 0.18 lb.
of lime, all of which are intended
for the building of bones and the
ash material of the animal body.
The milk produced at the Ontario
Experimental Farm tray be takeu
as an average of pure milk, produu
ed from fairly good animals of all
the varicus breeds and grades, with
coded but good feeding and good
care. Our average of 92 samples,
taken from five years' results, will
therefore be a little above what is
produced en many farms and sup-
plied in many towns and cities.
Water 87.10
tat 4.08
Albnmiuoids endaugar 8.08} Tot. solids 12.81
Ash 0.80
ln” titan N otee .
The constituents of normal cow's
milk are the following ; 1Vater, Eat, A pig requires plenty of water in
albuminoids, sugar, and ash or tutu- its food but not in its bed.
oral matter. We shall briefly refer ; The horse with a weak stomach
should rest an hour after eating.
'.Puree carrots a day will do a
hone good. They will help digest
the grain.
Good tools are eesential to good
to 20 per cent. In our experiencefarming, a saving in time and cost
here me have found the water of 1 of labor.
normal milk to vary from 83.0 per The way to lift the mortgage is to
cent., the lowest to 00.0 per cent., hitch two goad breeding mares to 1t
the highest, and the average from
all animal, under all eircumetauces,
to be 87,19 per cent.
Far.—Wheu fresh mills is observ-
ed under the mime cope, it is found
The euorplous production Of milk
en the farms of ir'u'ariu and its daily
use in every household are ,lulls
sufficient 12(1so')'•. for 010 issuing of
a bullF 1 , 1p011 2 11,1`1110 or coin
posltiol [e..l ly at this lane of
the year, tta 0010 ine❑t1:meut of dm
milk producing 10118o71. The faces
are based 11po11 the w•)rk clone at
this institution da' in, tae past five
years, where gait have 111.1 special
oppOrtnulties for studying the sub•
jeer, as well as ripen acctlIllulating
work 0n milk amtlysi 7 +x111011, muco
published, becomes the Codman
prnpetty of all iliters. tel
to then.
WATER.—This constiLttte:4 from
80 per cent. 111.90 per cent. of the
whole milk, and Leine the tubal
sonde constitute from 10 per cent.
and bid them go.
Have the fences up good before
the stock are turned out and so save
yourself a world of trouble.
t1. live farmer will make his hogs
to be a clear liquid in which are their own doctor by giving them
floating olusterr of fat globules, these grass, sulphur and charcoal to eat
at i11.
If you are a dairyman put your
brains, hands and feet into it. There
thousandth of an iueh in diameter. is no crop which will bring up the
farm like butter.
A successful grower of trees claims
never to fail to dispose of the black
knot finally if ib is cut off in an early
stage and turpentine applied,
Don't forget the grit—cracked
fat globules varying in size from
less than cue ten thouaaudth of an
inch in diameter to about ono two -
The largo globules aro observed in
Jersey milli, and the shall in Hol-
stein. Tho fat, being lighter than
the liquid cr serum in which it is
floating, gradually comes to the aur•
face in the form of cream, and
among the many circumstances af• 1 oyster shells, or even glass. The
feeting the rising of the cream tbo hens have no tenth, but must have
size of the fat globule is very lm- something to grind their food.
portant. The larger the globules, Old roosters aro generally cross
the more quickly and thoroughly birds. When they have reached
they will separate in it layer at the their fourth anniversary, the pot
surface. There is a variation an is the most profitable place for
different animate, and in the same them.
animals under different treatment, Planting of young trees ie to be
in the amount of total solids, and urged, because they grow more
there is oleo a variation in the re. rapidly than old ones, and their roots
spective amounts of the constituents are comparatively much less injured
that make up the total Bolide ; the in taking up and resetting.
variation, however, is principally The Dutch -belted cattle are pro -
due to the quality of the fat, i.c., greasing in the United Staten. In
the fat in the milk of different ani- color they are black, with a charas.
mals and of the same animal varies teriatic broad white band around the
far more than the albuminoids, sing- centre of the body. They are not so
ar and ash ; hence it is that in mak. largo as the Holsteins.
ing or stating an analysis of milk, Potatoes may be planted as early
the water, fat and ash alone are as the ground eau be made ready.
generally oonsideretl. The fat may Even if a late frost should cut the
vary from 2 per cont. to 8 per osnt. tops down to the ground after they
of the total milk. We have found Have come up, ib will only result in
it to vary from 2.4 per cent, to 7.5 causing diem to ripen up a little
per cont„ and the average of all later.
classes of milk to be 4 08 per Cent. At the Uuadilla, N. "t'., Farmers'
The fat, however, is far ]Wore camp- Instituto the subject of killing grubs
heated than at flret is apparent. It in the backs of cattle we brought up,
is in reality, a mixture of fat or oils, Secretary Woodward said that in
of which the four leading kinds ars : England a mixture of tar, catholic
stenr£ta, paintitifr., olein and lneiyrin. acid and linseed oil is s'ecessfully
The two former aro hard fats, the need to prevent the flips from laying
two latter soft or liquid fats. 'Phe their eggs on the rattle.
Good 'Words.
The childhood shows the man, as
morning shows the day.
t1 man is never so much a master
of himself as when he lass given
himself up.
The wise prove, and the foolish
c0nfese, by their oonduet, that a life
of employment is tbo only life worth
We aro not saved by nations, or
by churches, or by families, but as
individuals through a personal In-
terest in a personal Saviour.
Without a Sabbath, 110 worship ;
without worship, no religion ; and
without religion, no permanent free
Let the thought of Christ rest on
auvthing about us, great or small,
and it will forthwith reflect on the
awakened soul some new image of
his power and love. What ever is
was made through him and subsists
in him. ,
We do not want to go to heaven,
but heaven comes to us. They
whose inner eye is opened to see
heaven, and they who see it, are in
1t ; and the air to them is thick with
angels, like the background of
Raphael's "Mother in Glory."
There is it peculiar and appro-
priate reward for every act, only re-
member the reward is not given for
the merit of the act, but follows on
1t as inevitably in the spiritual lung.
dom, as wheat springs from the
grain, and barley from its grain in
the natural world.
By shaking the magnetic needle,
you may move it from its place, but
it returns to it the moment it 1s left
to itself. In like manner, believers
may fall into sin ; but no sooner do
they wake to reflection, thou they
repent, and endeavor to mend their
ways, and resume a life of godli-
There are many ways in which it
would be well for us all to carry our
childhood with us, even into old ago,
if it were possible, in its trustfulness
and open heartedness, and willing-
ness not only to love, but to show
that we love as well. Why, that
alone would cure many a heartache
of to. lay.
Beauty is akin to joy, and the
beauty of heavenly things has the
same effect of making us unworldly.
Much of worldliness consists in
mental and moral atmosphere ; and
the beauty of Divine things, bring.
ing with them their own especial joy,
surrounds us with a supernatural
atmosphere, which assimilates our
inward life to itself after a time.
Fresh and fowl—Fowl eggs,
Foul and fresh --fresh dudes.
Always dry and never thirsty—
Dry goods.
Iiard'of bearing ---An ear of oorn.
Latin is not only a doadlanguago,
but a deadly one when the ignorant
drug clerk fools with ib.
Pat, O'Hare, of Morrickville, is
102 years old.
All great mon are attentive lis'
toners. :Reny of them acquire rho
habit by being married,
I also make a Rpootaaty or buying Aides
anti Skins.
Won't forgot the plaoe next door to
tletolwr'sJewelry Stara. A. CURRIE.
Private Funds to Loan.
Have beou placed in any hands
for Investment on real estate
No Commission.
E..9..12' +....9 .9.'d .1L' O R
the Popular utak] D., Tailor, of Brussels, desires to
announce that he has °pulled out a largo and varied stock of Nuw
Spring Goods and is well prepared to receive and execute orders.
Talo Stock now on hand is 11 most excellent ono and everybody
can he suited.
Scotch, English and Canadian TWeeas, English
and French Worsteds, ice
"' A Perfect Fit Guaranteed -:-
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if titlo
Solicitor, Brussels.
General Blacksmith,
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that he does all kinds of lilaoksmithing
in a Workmanlike Manner.
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutlers
made to Order.
Repairing promptly Executed.
I make a Spooialty of horse -shoeing.
A Call Solicited. I1omsinber the
Stand—Nsto 77)15 Brrnolx.
94 S. Plum.
—Just arrived at—
Publishing House.
Every Business Man
Should have a
Thousand of
W1706EWATER 00°.711 GOOD UI<114 IA£DIr•INe
G. el. .DE.A D.}I' ✓1v,
38.1y 3suctUfsa1 2iLt .
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure ytiue
patronage. We are opening out full lines
from established and reliable makers
felly warranted by us.
Clocks 0,% the
Latest D
Wadding Rings,
Ladies Gem Rings,
•Larrings, t&c
Also have in stook a full lino et Violins
and Violin Strings, dia,
N. B. --Issuer of Marriage Lien See.
All Goods made lip in the Latest NEW YORK Stylus.
A SPEC'I:1L flango of new Goods just to hand and big bar-
gains will he given, although they are not Bankrupt Goods.
!._1? �'' tJ1e
0 FM and 0(1CP3,
See the New Noxon Binder
Davis Sewing Machines,
Stoves, Tinware, &c. at
We, the undersigned, gall the Attention of the Public to
the fact that we have put in some
and are now able to dobetter Work than has been done in
the past and as good, if not better, than most
We will endeavor, to the best of our ability,
to Please all Customers and fill all Orders at
Shorte stNoti ce.
Those Parties having WOOL would do well
to give us a call before going elsewhere.
• We have a fine Asosrtment of
BLr tiuV ZET ,
aP,i ALL clay rll LS,
TWEEDO, tuts
Hoping you will favor us with a Call, We
are, Yours Truly,
GEO. HOWE & Co.,