HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-5-10, Page 8----Do you know 77o ere sailing—
' Tire latest in nobby ties et Rnee Bros.
! i :.t. frame t ethernet s eo Mee and elegy, ,
Try it 1.
heavy e: ee ever before? S neo last is.
tare of Tor•. POST additional -
has arrived and with it
per roll. We bave special values in some
job lines viz., 25e papers for l6o ; 18o
papers for 100 ; 12o papers for 9e, and so
on, The need for expensive papers is
past as we eau now give you fine lines
from 8 to 11 per roll. Come and see if
what we tell yon are not fade.
G. A. DEADMAN, Druggiet,
Bookseller, &c.
eoovBELN ExrENSION, tv. O. & n. B.
Trrhisleeve Brussels Station, uort and
south as f °Rows: -
Going South. Going North.
Mail... 7:0e stmtMixed SAWa.m
Expross 11:45 a.m. I &fail3:00 p.m
Mixed 8:55p.m. 1 Biomes- ..... .9:46p.m
gacL,i Beim sterns,
A ehiel's among ye taker' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
NODDY hats ab Ross. Bros.
Cess for Eggs at MoOracken's.
TEOETATION is making great progress
jag now.
Pmetraeframingdoue neatly and cheap-
ly at Leatherdale's.
Env, R. PAUL goes to Teeswater next
Fnnezruuz at all prices. Handsome
snits at a low figure at Leatherdale's.
Ascw floor has been put in J. G.
Skene's store this week.
LEATnEEDALE ie giving great bargains
in furniture. Try for yourself.
J. T. Panne has been appointed ticket
agent far the C.P.R. for this locality.
ENsn.AOE corn, turnip, mangold and
garden seeds for sale cheap at Thomson's.
MDs. J. Weems, of Port Albert, Ont.,
revisiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Mo
CUllough, of this town.
Bear flax binding twice at 20 cents a
lb., cash. Please give your order early,
33. GERRY.
THE thermometer registered 83 degrees
here lash Wednesday. This is unusual
warmth for the Stb of May.
8,000 white brick for sale ab a bargain.
May be seen at the Central Hotel, Bros.
sole. T. O'NEIL. 31.
Ir is hinted that A.H.N. Jenkens may
resume his former occupation as school
Boennners wanted -either ladies or
gentlemen -Private house. Apply at
THE Posr Publishing House.
J. N. Museum, , is expected home
shortly. He purchased a farm in Mani-
toba and, pat in a crop.
Norulra shoddy about Leatherdele's
furniture. Big stock to select from.
Close prices. It will pay you to see the
WHEN you hear 0 man deorying the
village in which he lives you can put it
down that heowes more in the place than
he can pay,
Mas. ALCxANDoa wishes to inform her
customers that she has removed her mil-
linery and residence to rooms above the
postomce, Brussels.
Wel. A. THoarseoN intends going into
the reanufectnre of a new style of spring
mattress. If reports are true he has
etreok something good.
PAsxule.-The undersigned has a large
quantity of pasture rented and is pre-
pared to take in cows or horses. A
spring exeek runs through the place.
Apply at once to R. Leatherdele, Brus-
.&n orders for teaming left at J. G.
Skene's or A. M. Malley & Co's store
will be promptly attended to. All orders
for garden plowing left with the above
named gentlemen will receive prompt at.
tention. 30 HENDERsON BRos.
Eno Tnrs.-Mre. Kirk bas on hand e
large stook of fine wool and cotton hosiery,
in all sizes and variety of colors. Fancy
goods, a fall assortment. Berlin and
other wools. The latest novelties in
stamped goods. Ten per cent. off on
all purohases over one dollar. Stamping
on any kind of goods. Knitting to ord-
er: Agent British American Dying.Co'y,
and Oreelman Bros. knitting maohine.
Shop opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
ASSESSMENT ROLL 1889. -The following
is a synopsis of the Assessment Roll of
Brussels, as certified to by Assessor
Stewart ;-Total value of real property,
637,905 ; Value of personal property,
$55,,8,450; Taxable income, 62,100 ; Total,
'6218,455; No. of doge, 62 ; No. of bitches,
1Q; No. of cattle, 92 ; No. of sheep, 1 ;
No. of hogs, 29; leo. of horses, 102 ; No.
.7f births, 14; No. of children -between
the ages of 5 and 10 years, 278, between
7 and 18,179, between 10 and 21, 98 ; No.
of persons, 1209.
Lacks I LASES I - Cheap rates via
Beatty and Collingwood Line of steam -
ere, running in close couneotion with G.
T;B. tOaine from Kincardine and Wier -
bon. By this route you can reach Sault
St. Marie, Port Arthur, Duluth, Thes
talon, Algoma and all Georgian Bay
epode, thence to Manitoba, British Col.
.nmbia, Montana, Minnesota and Dakota
ot greatly reduced rates. For inform-
ation and tickets oall at Taxeset1'E OF.
FTon.. T. Feneein R, Agent G,T.R„ Brtls-
sels, 4141
Goalro TO SrPEDANOU.I'sE.-At the reg-
ular meeting of the Quarterly Board , of
the Methodist church, Brnesels, held last
Tuesday evening, Bev, nt. Swann was in-
vited to return to tbie charge for the
third year. - He declined, however, as he
hag decided' to meek' a suporanneeted re.
labion. Ile entered the ministry in 1800
:and has lied not only a good run of cir-
ouits but a very succesefui ministerial
(=ea. ,A, committee was appointed to
draft a resolution to present to Mr.
Swann, and another committee delegated
to take the preliminary scope advisable in
looking out for a Batelle enemies to the
Viewed pastor. W.11, 'Kerr was elected
eopregeniatiVe to the tenurial District
meeting, to be held in Wingham on the
mot God 22nD lnste.
22,000 brick for;x
lc 0n levy tame.
,,. 1B..THrnptla_ 40.
VEAL salla rho wonderful (ale . e
hilt the i o in he World.
Loot out for special bargains in cloth
ing at hose Bros, next week.
Ir you want wen made, reliable furni
tare to to Arthur Seal's.
Mass MCQPAae1E, of Wingbam, was
visiting at Melville Inause this week,
Soren splendid mattrasees in Irish
linen bolting will bo sold cheap at Veal's.
Mee, Wer, Vase -rose and flies Fannie
Thomson were in Gait for Ieeveral clays
this week.
TBE watering cart made its appoaranoe
on Saturday of last week for the first
time this season.
Ix the report of the Fourth Division
Court the decision given in the ease of
Mrs. Alexander vs. W. NIgbtiugelo & Gm
should have read "Judgment for de-
Tun amended Cow By-law prohibits
the running at large of oattlefrom 8 p.m.
to 6 a.m, within the corporation of Brus•
sels. Impounding will be in order it the
by-law is not closely adhered to.
IF an example were made and a good
solid fine imposed the terrible and un.
called for blasphemy used by certain in.
dividuals on the street might receive a
check. It is surely somebody's business
to see that it is stopped.
Env. Jong Ross, B. A , and James
Smiths go to Exeter next Tuesday to
prosecute the call from Weituu to Rev,
1) Forrest, of Bayfield, before the Heron
DIED. -Last Friday eveneng Mre. Jas.
Gibson jr. passed over to the great maj.
ority, leaving a little daughter a week
old to be oared for. The funeral took
place on Sunday morning, the interment
being made at Belmore, where her rela-
tives reside. Mr. Gibson has had a large
share of trouble for a man of his years
and no doubt has the sympathy of the
community. The infant is progreesing
EAST Hum; LIOENae9.-The following
is a list of Tavern licenses granted by the
East Huron License Board for the license
year of 1889 and 1890 :-lOullett.-Jas.
Robinson, Kinbnrn. McKillop -Thos.
Crawford, Dublin ; James Fulton, Win.
throe; Ed. McNamara, Leadbury,
Morris -Chas. Sage, Walton ; Jno. Sean-
drett, Belgrave. Grey -Wm. Beirnes,
Walton ; J. C. Tusk and Chas, Dames,
Craubrook; Ino. Burton, Ethel ; Thoe.
MoEwan, Jamestown ; Wm. Ward,
Molesworth. Howiok-Robt. McMinn,
Newbridge ; Geo. Brown and Louie
Young, Fordwioh ; Jno. Haskett, Lach-
lan Campbell and Jno. TI. Campbell,
Gerrie ; Jno. Lamooby, Belmore. Wrox•
eter-Wm. Johnston and Jno. Gofton.
Turuberry-Bea. Saults. Brussels -
Thos. Hall, Adam Koenig, Stratton Bros.
and Christian Zilliax.
W. he Be, S. -The fifth anniversary of
the W. F. M. S. of Melville ehuroh, which
was held last, Monday evening, proved an
exceedingly interesting meeting and was
muoh enjoyed by the audience. After
devotional exercisee the following pro.
gram was proceeded with : Music by ten
little girls, "0 the good we all may do
while the days are going by ;" reading
by Miss Richardson, "Why we did not
disband ;" Anthem by the young people's
choir, "Rejoice in the Lord ; ' paper by
Mies eloQuarrie, of Wingham, "Woman's
position and work in the ohurcll ;" Root-
tation by Mrs. Silas Jackson, "Dying and
none to help them ;" quartette by Misses
Kate Wilson, Mabel Jackson, Annie Ste-
wart and Maggie Robinson, "There is a
work for me ;" address by Rev. John
Ross, B. A., the Finance of Missions ;
collection ; closing hymn. It was stated
during the meeting that in the 5 years
of its existence, the society had °entri-
buted 6520 to missions.
Wmrmo's Wono.-On Monday evening,
being the anniversary of . Rev. Mr.
Howie's ordination, a missionary meet -
Mg was held in Knox church. The chair
was occupied by Thos. Straohan who
gave a most seasonable, clear and im•
pressive address on the duty of ohuroh
members, the pleasure of public worship
etc: Mrs. Howie then read a paper on
Missions and pressed the obligation of
Christian people to carry forward Christ's
work. Miss Betz, Miss Webster and
Mr. Pickard gave admirable reeitatione.
Mr. Day addressed the meeting at con-
siderable length and with much accept-
ance. He disooursed on Home as well
as Foreign Missions. Mr. Day's work
is mainly to organize township and
county S. S. Associations and see that
every effort be made to oovsr even the
remote parts of the Province with Sab-
bath Schools. He is an expert in preach-
ing to children and his visit, said Mr.
Howie, will long be remembered and the
hope of having him again in Brussels,
REsoLUT1oN.-The following is a copy
of the resolution presented to Rev. M.
Swann by the Quarterly Board of the
Methodist church of Brussels:
Bev. M. SwANN, DEAR Pesmon, -Know-
ing that at the close of this Conference
year you have deoided to retire from
the native work of the Christian ministry,
in which you have been engaged for near-
ly 40 years, we, the members of this
Board, think this an opportune occasion
to give expression to our sentiments. We
desire to place on record our high appre-
otation of your services during your pee•
torate here. In the pulpit your minis-
trations have been not only pleasing but
pointed, practical, popular, profitable and
carrying conviction to the minds of a
goodly number of your auditors. In your
pastoral"work and attendance to the other
duties incumbent upon you, you have set
the church an example worthy of imita.
tion. We would not forget Mrs. Swann,
as she has always taken sash a kindly
interest in the work of the ohurole and
its various organizations, notably the
W. C. T. U., Women's Missionary
Society, and the Sabbath school. Her
consistent Christian life has exerted a
powerful influence, bothin and out of flim
ohercll. To your highly esteemed daugh-
ter, Miss lea, we owe a debt of gratitude
for the valuable assistance rendered in the
Sabbath school and °berate choir, We
heartily sympathise with you in the new
relationship you will soon occupy is the
ciaurch, and .hope to often have the
pleasure of seeing you in Bruseole and
enjoying the rivlle a of hoaxing
rall We treat that in you now home
yourself and good lady may be spared for
years to enjoy the evening of life, proving
the truthfulness ot the Soripturb, "At
eventide it shall be light," and that at
Last an abuladent enlran50 may be
ministered to 'you and youre into that
hetet not made With betide eternalit
the bei',veua,
11011 BIAGI:, of Gerrie Waif' ill town ,
last Sunday.
lin 1 ry bob farnitnne• rt'the r t1
lowest meet
l N at 't
1-1511, 18 rushing ontlhe imbiture, h poi
Nix btuuhfal Parlor Suites in Nix weeks,
Lizzie please go and got te bottle of
t'nrnituro Polish from J. Dron, only 25o.
Mem 1N11 Presbytery will meet at
Wingham on Tuesday next at 11:45
a. In.
Baer Pett, about 2 yeare of age, fell
off a chair mid broke one of her arms a
short time ago,
Mem (De.) SLOAN and Mre, McKinnon,
of Blyth, were the gueste of Mrs. Jno.
Shaw for a couple of days tittle week,
SAME, Wwstr will run excursion trips
with his stage to Ssafarth every Satur-
day. One tare, (00 cents) pays the re-
turn trip.
Morernon, daughter of F. 8. Scott, went
down in their garden to where the bees
are kept on Monday and was badly stung
on the fees and body by the inseots.
Luxe Harms is home from Toronto
having completed his term at the Busi-
ness College is the study of phonography
and type writing. He 'is now ready to
accept Some good opening.
TEE estate of Chas. Hingston, an in-
solvent, has been wound up and the
oreditors awarded 20 omits on tho dollar.
J'. M. llolntosh was the as,igueo and
looked closely after the business.
B. GERRY received a note from J. H.
Young on Wednesday of this week stat-
ing that they arrived at Moosomin on
Saturday of last week, right side up but
very mush fatigued.
TEE street scraping was never done
better than this year. Thee, Stewart
worked faithfully at the job and did his
work in a most satisfactory manner.
The old gentleman is getting up in years
but he is both able and willing to do n
good day's work yet.
Jona LIVINaSTON received word last
Friday that his wife was dangerously ill
and left at once for Indian Territory.
He was expecting his family here shortly
when the unwelcome message summoned
him back to where his wife and children
Ira few of the persons who get on a
deck load of "tangle -leg" and make
themselves a general noisanoe on the
street were allowed to cool off in the
look -up it might have a beneficial effect.
It appears that men getting drunk "ac-
cording to law" does not alter the case.
BRUSSELS Lodge, No. 138, A.O.U.W.,
intend presenting J. A. Creighton, the
efficient and painstaking Recorder of
the Order for the past 5 years, with a
Lodge emblem as a token of fraternal
regard and remembrance on hie removal
from Brussels. fee will be greatly miss-
ed in the Lodge room.
DON'T INJURE THE Tnnze.-Complaints
have been made of parson tying horses to
shade trees and the trees being damaged
by the horse's teeth. The Council will
make an example of the offendere if the
practice is not .stopped. Tho trees cost
money and should be taken care of.
WEnoo-DSoelxo AND Dun:Lrxo.-George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and flrillrng wells and is prepar-
ed to attend bo'all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry se, Brussels. 43-M
CONSTABLE SOOTY arrested a ma17
named Kenner, of Wingham, on Tues-
day, charged with the paternity of an
illegitimate child belonging to a young
woman named Bloomfield, The matter
was settled between the parties by the
payment of 625,00. The man denied the
charge in toto but to save law and
trouble consented to above settlement.
Wtium a. -It is said a number of
pedlars are carrying on operations in the
adjoining sections of country without the
necessary license and it is said an ex-
ample will be made of diem if the license
fee is not speedily forthooming. This
appears to be only fair to the men who
have Bewared the necessary qualification
and the hint should be taken and farther
trouble and expenee saved.
SAMMuEL LAM and family removed to
the Spring Bank cheese faotory, tlowiok,
near Lakelet, on Tuesday of this week.
This is a good factory and Mr. Laird is a
good maker so we will not be at all sur-
prised to hear that the results of the
season's operations will be highly satis-
factory. The output of the factory is
about 100 tons. Wm, Mooney has gone
with Mr. Laird as his assistant.
THE daily papers of Tuesday contained
the following item of interest to Brus-
selites :-A Ronald steam fire engine, test •
ed at Simcoe, doing four times the water
throwing of a new opposition engine,
working double quantity hose and using
50 pounds less steam pressure, giving
highest satisfaction to our citizens ; un-
disputedly maximum water -throwing
with minimum steam 'pressure ever at.
tained. No yibration of machinery.
Citizens now feel protected from fires,
all declaring the Ronald fire steamer a
marvel of power and proteotioo.
CHURCH NOTES. -Rev. J. Ross, B. A.,
preached two excellent discourses in Mel;
villa church last Sabbath bearing on the
Roman Catholic church. The text iu
the morning was II Theesalonians, 2nd
chap. and 7th verse, The evening dis-
course was based on Rev. 18th chap., lst
and 2nd verses. Next Sabbath evening
the rev. gentleman will take up the Tem-
poral Power of Rome with spsoial men.
tion of the Jesuit question. -Thera was a
large number of communicants at the
sacramental service in the Methodist
church on Sabbath morning. The pas.
for preached a very suitable sermon from
"Walk about Zion, and go round about
her, etc." Rev. J. T. Lsgear, of Ethel,
ocoupied'the pulpit in the evening and
preached a sermon' out of the usual line
from Eon: llth chap. last clause 14th
verso. He` is a good preacher anrd is
deservedly popular, Fobowehip meeting
following after the public service.--
ervice. .Last Sunday afternoon the two' Presby-
terian and Methodist Sabbath schools
united, meeting at Knox ohttroh,to listen
to an address from Alfred Day, Provin-
cial Secretary of the Sabbath sohool as.
sometime of Ontario. After devotional
moraine Mr. Day delivered a very inter.
eating addreeeusing the word Spirit as
an acrostic. His subdivisions as to the
leading points doeirable in Chamber
were :-Simplicity, Promise,
bilfty, Roli acus priVilego, Influence and
Tenderness, This gentleman hoe been
engaged in Sabbath sebool work for yeere
an has been very successful in. discharg-
ing the ditties of hie ofltot.-Secretary
Alfred Day, Provincial 8, 5, Association,
oboupied the pulpit of Knox church last
Sunday, morning and evoning, die- -tree-
ing eloquently encs fervently to the e•on-
Mars.. C. A, Direnes,00 and dahyhter are
visiting at lbtlarford, iV„t>:Istuo'1, and
ar c n sal
Itt1 daily rrY
of belie ball matchese
of the lttlrn,, al
league aro rcut'ived
every evening '
at tile Am'rionn
W- A[. Sorwe,tut has added a very neat
oabinot to be need in connection wills hie
type writer, Mr. Sinclair has 'his oil'ioo
and library fitted up to °ampere with
any city law office.
ALES. Birder 't me to Owen 50011,1 this
week. He takes a position in the Polson
Werke and will be the °atelier for the
town baro ball club. Alex, will prove a
source of strength to any slab.
G.Soatue Marines, of Wingham, line
appointed 13. Gerry, Bruesols, as agent
for the sale of his brooms, wholesale to
retail merchants only. A dozed will be
sold atths samo rate as ten dozen. A
stook always on hand.
Mit. KENDALL is thonew station agent
at Brussels, Ile carne here from Ilder
ton, Middlesex Co. He bas leased the
house recently eeettpied by J. Il. Young.
THE POST extends a hearty wslsomo to
himself and family.
Wince in Windsor reoeutly, Senator
Ces'rain stated that there was every in-
dication Hutt the camp would be hold et
Windsor. No trly all the officers etre in
favor of it. Sir A. P. Caron, Minister
of Militia has promised a visit.
Tuenn was some little hitch in the
closing up of the bargain between C.
Zilliax, of Listowel, and T. O'Neil in the
proposed purchase of the Central Hotel
but the former is expected to take pos-
session on Priday of this week.
THE school population of Brussels has
increased 00 during the past year. and
now numbers 871. There is a large at-
tendance of pupils at the school. Quite
a number expeot to write at the Entrance
Examination to be held in Brussels next
POSTAL CuoNers.-The pri ueipel oh ang e
is that so freeitrutly condemned in ad-
vance -the two -cent drop letter, 'which,
being expanded, moans that in future it
will cost two carte to send a letter from
one part of the village to another. Other
changes are :•-Lor letters addressed to
any other plane in Canada or the U. S.,
three cents au ounce, instead of tbree
coats a half ounce, as formerly. For
registration, five oeuts will be charged.
The old two vent registration stamp may
be used, and the deficiency made up by
ordinary stamps. 'Tho regulations went
iubo fordo ou Thursday of this week.
Mnizms.-In. Grey, on the 28115 ult., the
wife of Mr. Adam Manzie, of a son,
Mexrsoo sac-QIIRIscenn.-Ab the Metho-
dist Parsonage, Brussels, on May
8th, by Rev. M. Swann, Mr. Thos.
Nelson Montgomery, to Miss Laura
Ohristsou, both of Wingbam.
Gm sox.-Iu Brussels, on the lard inst.,
Minnie, beloved wife of James Gib.
son jr., aged 84 years and 2 months.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
... 90 93
40 48
20 28
Peas 60 62
Butter, tubs and rolls.... 15 00
Eggs per dozen 10 00
Flour per barrel5 50 00
Potatoes 20 00
Hay per ton.... .. 11 00 12 00
Hides per lb 2 3
Salt per bbl., retail1 20 00
Sheep skins, earth 60 1 00
Wool, per 1b 17 22
0F7Ar^Oen no MARw'J-'TS..
Pall Wheat 90 08
Spring Wheat 90 98
Oats 90 28
Peas 50 52
Barley 40 48
Potatoes 20 00
Butter, per lb 15 00
Eggs, per dozen ' 10 00
Apples, per bushel 80 85
HogsBee' dressed 4 00 00
Beef 50 5 80
Hay 11 00 18 00
Wood, per cord 2 50 4 50
Sheepskins, each 40
A- mime Ewes strayed from the promis-
ee of the undersigned, lot 11, con. 10, Grey,
on April 22nd, Their tails h,..ve never beim
out. Auv information leading to their re-
ctory will be suitably rewarded by WPL-
LIAM,TAYLOR, Brnesele P.O. 41.2
underetgnedwill keep for eery' le, 011
101 10, eon. 9, Grey, the -thorn'-bred Short.
horn Durham Bull,',Defiance,. (0078) Dom-
inion Shorthorn Herd Book. Terms, to in-
sure, 8,1.25 for grade sows ; 53,00 for them, -
brads, Fee to bo paid Feb, 1st, 1800. Pedi-
piopx etor HUGH. lloRAYplioatlon414xthe
If you want a goon situation write to MAY
Bnoruuns, Nurseryman, Roobester,N, Y., as
they arab' want of honest anduprlght Wes -
me n, to sell their choice and hardy varieties
of nursery stook, either on salary or commis.
cion. Many Inew and valuable varieties to
offer. Write there at once for tonne; de-
lays are daemons. 87.8
During .the summer menthe, corn.
mewing Saturday, May lith, I will carry
.passengers on Saturday 'of each week' from
Gerrie to Seaforth and return for 01,05,, and.
from Brussels to Beaforbh and retire. 00e.
Stage loaves at usual hours. On the Queen's ,
Birthday a epectal conveyance 10111 be run to
)Seaforth, 00 cents for return trip !tom Beats-.
eels, S. WALSH, .proprietor.
Btagoletivos Gerrie about 080 n.. in., reach-
ing Brussels about 8:80 0, m., and will arrive
at Seaforth aboat 11:80 a, 111. Returning will
leave Seaforth about 0:80 p. m., roasting
Bruesols about 0:40, intime to 'oolen set with.
trains going north and south, disc make
connections with 11.. P. R, ab Wroxeter and
Gerrie. 3, WALSH Proprietor,
Jeer u
Lot 20, Con.4 t will keep for oorvido en
Durham Co 4, , orrie, "h(11382),
38 ), regi bred.
peigra Bull, ',Barney," (11082 , tct [store,
17o Tree, Dominion )Short Hord 5, 880, Ibm
'orm6, far. 1,0 , withavid oowg, .8,e0, for
Ong if sees 003'. with 1lredgr ler bull ie
ing U opt on the
a well , Terns,1 c 0 bull e
wit lto ri li gem same iot, 1!ot,0 boots,
Pith privilege n1 returning if naas sti 011
Tl7onoclogrbs of ''Barney" maybe soon elf
'sneerer,tion to the owner,
8.21r. PETER I3A1111,1'roprioter.
'1 1 t
Ali lin 1 ()lt SALE. iII , C
nl.x,.r.,.;I t , , 1
1 , x r utt ,
re71n sad to rent ms' v 101311/1,in 'l.'ou cal i 7 '
of Morrie and I10
.1, B, SCOTT. . rusee,.'
On the corner of N.'nry and ale/lanae
Streets, in the village of Brussels. Thin pro.
party is very conveniently situated andie a
lrnrgafn 80 SOY person having a family of.
young children ne it is ea near tbo School..
Good stable and well on the premises alae'
some young fruit trees and a quantity of
smallmises. fruit, Ann)),to 8110 OW101, on the
154f MRS. TUILNBULL, llrusaols.
A. being lot 14, eon, e, Grey, containing
60 sans. There ie a frame ]zonas bank
barn, orchard, &e, 095 the premises, 40 aor00
of the laud ie cleared and under cultivation,
and 10 aoree of the Balance is well timbered,
The tam is conveniently located, being
utiles from Brureels, 11. miles from Oran -
brook and 0a miles from-eithel. For further
uartloulare apply, on the promises, to
20.4 ROBE. HALL, CranbrookP. 0.
Brussels Tannery is offered for 8111s at
n bargain, la it is a 15 h. p. engine and
80 h. p, boiler, l5 vats, 2 curry tables, 2 stoves,
pond bark hill 107,1 a full set of toolswith
heating pipes to leaches, &a. There ars
about 2 acme of land in commotion with the
building, Notaunery nearer than Wiugham
or Listowel. Terms easy. For further par-
ticulars, as to prior, terms, &o„ apply at
87- Tun POST Publishing House, thus sob,
eonumi offers his valuable 100 more
farm, being lot 3, con, 13, Grey Towr-ahip
H uron Co., fox sale. There are about 60
soros cleared andIngood heart, There 10 a
log house, good bank barn, howling orchard,
and all the neoessary conveniences ou rho
premises. For further partioulars, as to
price, terms, ata„ apply to the Proprietor,
1HOS. HISLOP, Clare P. 0., N. W. T.. or to
2-11 DOUGALD STIL1CHAN, Brussels
doraigned offers his 100 acre farm for
sole, being lot 25, con, 4, Morris. There aro
abouts acres of bueh, all the feat cleared,
Good house, Ostler, cistern, pump, 80.
Splendid bauk barn,. 02x45 feet. Fences in
good, repair, nearly all straight rail. 500 rods
of underdrainon the farm, Two and a -holt
miles from Brussels, Terms and conditions
of sale ma do lmowu ou applleatiou to
CHAS. ROZELL Brussels P.O., or at Tux
P OST Publishing house,
40-tf C. B. HARRIS, Proprietor.
11 oxmsro.YEn offers for sale the north
east quarter of lot 28, concession 0, Morris,
County of Huron, containing 60 ems, The
land leaf drat quality and in a ]sigh state of
oultiyation. well ,snood and under -drained,
:5 sores cleared. Newlrame house, 8 rooms,
milk house with concrete walls, 2 voila,
good barns and shed, orchard, etc, right
Bores of fell wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels, Suit-
able teams will bo givyen, Title perfect,
80- Seaforth P. 0.
tl 4 flrat-class form for solo to rho
Township of Morris in the Oonnby of Hemel
being south het/ of north half Iota 254700
and south half of 20 in 5117 con„ containing
200 sores more or less, 125 acres mostly
clear of stumps and in a good state of culti-
vation. There is a young bearing orchard,a
good haulm and hank barn 00 0 56 feet with
stone stable andoraeatil. The farm is situ-
ated within a mile of the Village of Brussels
end is a. good farm for grain or stook rais-
ing as lbts watered with rho river Maitland
and never failing spring creek. Possession
will be given at any time. Per further par-
ticulars apply on the promises Into 0,15..
ROBERTSON Brussels, P. 0 0•tf
tieing the south half of lot number
80 in the 4th concession of the township of
Morrie, known as the homestead of A00111 -
bald Taylor, containing ninety-nine acres.
301058y acres aro cleared, the balene° wood-
ed with valuable timber. Exaellont build-
ings, large orchard of choice trees, soil in
good condition and is situated ono and 7t
quarter miles north of the Village of BT'tle•
eels, an the main gravel road This is olio
of the finest homestead farms in the oounby
of Huron and will be sold at a bargain and
on terms to suit purchaser. For further
partioulars apply to the Proprietor. A. M.
24055015, ManningArcade, Toronto, or- to
ARCHIBALD TA05OR, 8e„ 011 the prela-
`Morris, on reasonable terms. In 00050
to aloe° the affairs of the estate of the late
W. G. Hingston, the exeoutors offer the 101
lowing valuable lands for sale North
hall of Lot 85, Concession O, Township of
Morris,00ntaining 00 acres. Ott this lot is
erected a good frame barn with stone foun-
dation, good orchard, well andpnmp . Neer-
ly alleleared, and is on the grave road
closely adjoining the village of &easels.
This farm adjoining
valuable ono, is well towed
and in it good state of cultivation. Per
prises and terms apply to 'PHOS. KELLY,
Brussels P. 0., HENRY .1E:mi 30s, Victoria
Squarer. 0,, or JAMES SUPPLE, .Maple Lodge.
P. 0., Middlesex Oountr..
Pursuant to chapter 110 section 00,R, 8.0.,
tho creditors etHxNRY REV, yeoman, 1 ato
of 111 lot 10 eon. 8, Grey Township, in the
County of?lluron,who . died on or about the
Fifth Day of December, A. D. 1888, and other
having claims fu respect to hie estate ere
hereby nOtifled to send, on or before the
1st Day of June 18eo, to AAnoN W. PARA -
BAKER, of the Village of Ethel, in the County
of Huron ,accouter of the estate and effects
of the said. deoeased, .their names and ad-
dresses and the full particulars of their
claimsand of the securities (11 any') held by
them, and also that immediately after the
saiddate the assets of the said deemed
will les distributed among the parties, en-
titled thereto hang regard only to the
blaims of which he executor bas,. then
nobioe, and ae
the santor will not be liable
for any assets so distributed to any person.
of whose claim he shall nob have had
Ethel, April 10114'89. Executor, Ethel PA.
Vf Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduot-
edon reasonable terms, Farms and farm
etreka oneoialby. Orders belt at Tun PosT
Pobit thing House,BrueSele,or sentto Walton
P. 0„ will receive prompt attention..
1]l • Auctioneer, le always ready to at-
tend 0alesoffarme,farm steak, &c. Terme
oheerlully given. Oranbrook P,0. Sales
may he arranged at Trial POST Publishing.
House, 13ruae016,
0, L.tall, 'L. D. 8„ Hose Graduate and
er, et, el. D. S. eleronbo, Vitallzod Air given,'
estes-Mn1Ene Berme, S0,10sOnTir,
em em sT 83 m tD 1
W..1'. rear,: 0, D. 0., Graduate of
Toronta,.Beheol of Dentistry. Alt
oporatione guaranteed, i::s-Artitlolat
teeth, hest quality, and a guaranteed
et, for 312.00 per get, Otllco--Opnv's
11,301 lW ;rXtriTs
Mahar CI to of the Ity
osl Colt, of
Dental gorgeous, Toronto. Nitrag Oxide (las
administecod for the P6191055 Extraotloti 61
teeth. Office --
fa -Own Mon Sown opi3ANz, lanrf5r11Le
MAY 10, 1880
oue Clan
I would particularly invite
your attention, at the
present 00118011 of
the year to the
fact that I
Save TOUT M0110y
for you if you give me an
opportunity to do so.
I have Wall Papers of
every style and price, CAN-
K 9
• x
as high as you wish to gc.
No trouble to show you what
we have for we have jut
what we advertise to have.
(Successor to .1. Ilargreaves .0 00,)
Oppomble Queen's Betel, Brussels.
Traacact e. C#oneral aHanitixaN-
Canadian and United states Drafts bought
and Bold.
Internet allowed on Deposits.
'Collections made on favorabL' fermi.
Canadian Agents-MEnc1IANr's Batik OF
'V . Solicitor,Couvoyanoor,N0toryPub-
lic &a. Ofilee-Graham's lllook,1,loornorth
of Popper's Drug Store. Privet., Freida to
e Barrister, Solicitor and 14 otary Pub-
lic. Convoyaeeing. Colleetlons a nd Loaning.
Ur, Wade will attend in Gerrie every Wed-
nesday at two o'clock,
mato with Carrow & Proud foot, Gode-
rioh,) Barris tem, SoUoitors, Conveyancers,
&c. 08]ce-Grant's Blookk,Brussels. Money
to Loan.
n, 9. HAY6, W. D. 111C'EaON.
M. TAYLOR, B. C. L.,
Barrister, Solicitor, &e.. et the Rrnl.
of Dickson, Taylor & MaCuilou at,Barritters,
Solto:tors, Sm. ,MonningA roailo, Bing Street
West, Toronto. Money to Loan..
Clarkof the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Enron. Oonvoyanoer, Notary Public.
Land, Loan and Insuraoeo Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made.
Office in Graham's Block, Brussels.
Iv/ II. \loOltAOKEN,
, . Issnrer of Marriage L e0113Ce. Ofllae
at his Grocery, lurnbomry street, Brussels,
Toaoborof Plano dud Oran, Terme
on application. WALToo C0Ass meets every
Thursday and Friday at Mrs. D. Oampbell's,
Desires to receive pupils for instruc-
tion on the Piano and Organ, /vine years
experience, Residence vita Mrs. Hargreav-
es, over Popp or'e Drug Store.
. Tonsorial Artist' Skop-Next door
south of A. M. McKay & Cate hardware store.
Ladles' andohllaren's hair cutting a speoielty
ra-A choice stook of cigars kept.
AMoNAIR, Issnrer of Marriage Lioenaes, by
appointment of Lieut; Oovornor, Oommie-
stoner, &a., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Iasuranee 00. Ciba at the Oranbrook
Poet O1Boo.
The underelgned desires to intimate
to the ladies of Brussel,' and surrounding
country that she is prepared to attend to _
all orders intrusted to her, Satisfaction.
guaranteed. Shop -Up -stairs, ono door north
of Walter Jaokson'e hardware store,
10- MI83 58MPL3,
UTbi. F. CALE, M.D., 0
member of the College ofPhysielans
and Surgeons of Ontario by examination.
()Mao and Rdsldenoe•-Malo street neat,
T0the1, Ontario.
e 0,M. L 1L. C.P,,..Edinburgh, M. C. P,
S. Out, At Popper's Drug Store. from 0' to..
11:80 a, 111, and from 1:50 to 4 5, m, At Other
hours may bo found at his residenoe,form-
erly occupied by Br. 13 utchiueon, 01111. sit
i 1 W. O'BRIEN, V. S.,
e I'Ituor Gratitude of the Ontario Vet.
orinory Onlloge, le prepared to trod all
&seance ofdomeotleatodantmttleon sotentifio
and approved prluoiples. OIOee-Two doors
north of bridge, Tu171berry street,
'1" NO. D. WARWICK, V. S,,
!:l Graduate of the Ontario Vbterinar
Oo)lege,ba3 opened an deoe in 73russsle and .
is now nrontont to troab nil disoappss b1
domesticate() animals on the latest soiodtle°
and ,reproved prinolptes, Clefts attended to
day or night. OVUM
nese Shop opposte Qu eon's Rotel, lI usBtt le,