HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-5-10, Page 50
n•avezezegyismerezthtn74megeremeeiMeem.tereemes'eo.iegMeesalernetss:dre:oeSweitr.e:teroests,Meemse:cessineazts.seasegeoseasz,asetsedessam,a4asessme••,": Tettarais,,,.,z,-,=„- saresattneens
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tlfe!sdEiMe°,14.:: "' ` a
vinqtji!, ,rrly)
ft , P
T.4 ty'.713' tI,M=
t„'efe •
. Commencing at Once we will offer. suits by the TTundred Cheaper than the Qheapest, MO* Stit$ for. $ay :$e •
$7, worth S7.50, $8 and $10.
Young Man, while the money you save over that asked by the imitators for the same quality will buy
you a Hat, Furnishings and leave you some Change in you pocket besides. It is an innovation7-this selling Spring Suits right at the commencement of the seasonthat only the •
store doing the Largest Readyamacie Clothing Trade in the County would make.
The old saying, "There is time and place for everything " 4. R. SMITE' S Store is the Piace, and HV1T"s yalG1' rifilC to 1)74
We will also offer Dozens of Pants, all wool, worth $3,50, for $2.25. Also
- Pay us a visit and see what we can do for you.
171i5frict 1'10135
Hams-as:a le.
Mrs. Hooper was let out on bail by the
County judge and will have to appear for
trig' at the Frill assizes,
is reported that Postmaeter Tim-
niins has purchased J. Jackson's farm
near Bluevale for 53520.
Owing to the decease, of Thos. Fortune,
3, nurgese, of this Tillage, has been ap-
pointed Clerk for the Township of Turn -
',Walton .
Miss K. Johnston is home on a visit to
her parents and friends.
Wm. Beirnes was away ou Tuesday
attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs.
Rev. S. Jones, of Brueeels, will ocoupy
the pulpit in Duff's ohuroli next Sabbath
The teachers and pupils celebrated Ar
bor day by planting trees and cleaning
up the yard.
Sonic evil disposed person sant some
atones through the school windows break-
ing a number of the panes. A magis-
trate is badly needed here to look after
Snell tricks.
Jas. Smillie and Rev. Jm, Ross, B. A.,
of Brussels, will go to Exeter next Tees -
day to proseonte 0 call to Rev. Illr. For-
est, of Bayfield, to Duff's eluireli at the
Huron Preebytery.
Scheel Is closed in the highest room
this week on account of Mists Hilton re-
ceiving severe injuries from a rnnaway
horse on Saturday last. We hope she
will soon be able to be beck with ns ful-
ly recovered. Her deter, who was along
with her, was also badly hurt.
Morris -
The farmers in the vicinity of jamos.
town aro nearly oil through seeding.
Mrs. 13rownlee, of Carleton Plane, is
1 visiting at her father's, Thos. Farrow's
ex -M. P., at present.
Last Soturday W. H. Oloakey started
for Algoine, whore he will work at his
'trade 00 e carpenter duriug the coming
Tho young men in and around Jenne.
town have organized a bnee-ball club and
theypurpose playing every Saturday
evening in Mr. Forests field.
Wm. J. Eaket, who has been sick for a
year, is gradually growingweaker. Ire
went to a Imoknow physician bit lis
don't soem any better since he came
We aro pleased to notice that Allan
EL Cothrane heads the list of successful
students at the Stratford Business Col.
lege. He will make a successful man, no
Mohan' Armstrong, 3rd loom, who
went west this Spring, bas taken up
land In the vicinity of Moose ,Taw,
Northwest Territory. He is a good
0. B. Harris and family left Brussels
for Algoma last Saturday. They went
to Owen Sound, thence via steamer. For
the present they will probably reside at
or near Day Mills. We wish thorn Mies -
parity in their new borne.
Another new top buggy on the 1st line
and the girls are wondering who is the
one likely to be the most favored. One
girl has been heard to remark "That
Will has a little dandy of a buggy."
Thos. Pentland, from near 13randon,
Manitoba, paid a short visit to friends
on the let eon. Ho came down to Ash-
field to eee his father who is dangerously
ill. Be said if he had known it was so
cold down hero ho would have brought
his fur overcoat.
Boucot, Rstrores.—The following is the
standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 6 for
the month of April and is based on good
oonduot, diligence and general proficiency:
Fourth oleos —David Caution, Mary
Mason, Jobe Perkins. Senior third elms
—James Minoan, Agnes Ireland, Lizzie
Anderson. Junior third—Violet Bone,
Mary Arreetrong, Arthur Caution. Second
elass—uaggie Caution, James Anderso0,
Ifddi Btyan. First elan, port II—Robert
Bono, Martha Othotne, Willie Bryan.
Senior first clam, part I—Lewis Reid,
Alex, Ancloreon, Thee. Bell, junior first
ohoe—AleN. Armstrong, Wm. Dimean,
llobortBowman, A, 3. MoOm,t, Toecher.
ILlstoaer el.
Last Tueedtty was Arbor day by pro.
clamation of Mayor Biker,
Geo. Gritedberger hen bought out V.
leerger'n barber businese in tide fowl),
and will continue tho business in this ola
The waramotor hag begun wok on the
Lillie° epora house, whioll is being 000.
vetted into an hotel, A license has been
gtantocl the new hotel, making eight hotels
and ono shop. in this totvn.
The following lienees were granted by
the COMMithionote :— Hotels—A. Me -
Literal, G. Zillfeet, 3, B. Patient!, le,
Zilliax, Z. 13. Conra(t
(three months' e)Ttension), 11, L, Lillie°,
(ooeditionally) 113, Shop -
8. jtltdill,fel: three mouths -1.
F. J. L. Tytler, arlist, has made ex- tV5o1a,n.
Mr. Mintage has sold out the bueiuoss
of the Brunswick House to Mr. Merlin,
of Dungannon.
Mrs. J. IL Dulmaga was presented
with a very handsome piece of silverware
bythe resident boarders ab the Bruns-
Messrs. Hutton dr, Carr are to have
the upper mill converted ilo a roller
proms., establishment with a capacity of
126 barrels daily.
While digeing under a 'lean-to" ad-
joining the stable at the Exchange hotel
on Tuesday, the workmen turned up a
tombstone, which came from 51r. Scott,
of Kincardine, twenty.two years ago.
The inscription on it is to the effeot that
a child of felines Shorrer, aged two years
died in 1867. Upon inquiry amongst the
old residents wo learn that a family by
that name lived near Zetland at that
time, but how the stone got where it was
found is a mystery.—Advanee.
The Times says : Dr. Macdonald, 11.
P., returned on Saturday from his legis-
lative duties :1,0 Ottawa, and has again
buckled on the professional harness. The
dootor was not absent a day during the
wbolo sosalon up till Saturday last. This
is a record that few representatives eau
show. He has also taken high rank -
amongst tho representatives on the Lib-
eral side of the Houseas a man of shrewd-
ness, foresight, grasp of political and co-
onomieal questions, an indefatigable
cellent photographs views of all the town
ehurches, also of the High and Public
The echelon and teachers of tho
Lutheran Sunday School made presenta-
tions to 'Valentine !eager, the retiring
Superintendent, and to August ICatoll,
Secretary, who is leaving town. Mr.
loerger's present was a handsome watch
and ink -stand combined, and Mr, Hatoll's
a watch set in it fancy lawn -tennis
The first of May has brought a number
of ohangea in the town hotels. F. Kraus
has loft the Imperial and gone to Baden.
J. B. Dinkel is the new proprietor of the
Imperial. Chris. Zilliax has removed
from the Commercial to the O'Neil house
at Brussels, which he has purchased.
M. Sullivan, late of Ilarriston, takes Mr.
Zilliax's place in the Comniercial. Val.
Ioorger, is also about to try hotel -keep-
ing, and will take possession of the Alt -
wood house, which he has purchased.
The town hand gave Messrs. Kraus and
Zilliax a send-off ou the eve of their de-
partute'and presented them with photos
of the band, handsomely framed. Mr.
Kraut before leaving town presented the
band with 55 to parch/Leo music,
Atwool seems to be growing toward
the North.
Atwood Flax mai will prove a grand
0000005 if the work that is being done
ZION continues.
James Ferguson is doing a good trade
since he moved into the new shop. Jas.
can make a good boot.
Atwood wants a fire company. Why
not organize a Hook and Ladder Co ? It ,
would prove useful in case of fire,
George Harvey has gone to Stratford
for a short time. We hope to see him
fully restored to health before long.
Rev. ?dr. Paul, of Brussels, filled the
pulpit in the Methodist ohuroh last Soli.
bath morning and evening, Rev. 5. Fergu-
son having gone to Blyth.
X hear that there is a pugilist roaming
round our quiet little town. We have
no room for suoh5eharacters. Onr young
men, as 0 rule, are quiet, pear:able
Alfred Day, of Toronto, was the load-
ing spirit at the Sabbath School Con-
vention hold on Wednesday in the Pres-
byterian thumb. HOW IS 10 01,00 so few
are willing to engage in the Sabbath
School work?
Miss Logear, of St. Marys, is a, guest
at the personage.
Reeve Milne will have about 140 acres
under grain this year.
A. W. Panabaker has been on the sick
list for the last few days.
Preparations are being made for a
grand celebration here on the Queen's
Mrs, Paul and Mrs. Cook, of Brussele,
were renewing old acquaintances here
last Wednesday.
Um. Dowdell is prepared to :make over
hats and bonnets in either straw or felt.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
The Methodist °hurrah pulpit was 00 -
copied by Rev. D. B. MoRae last Sabbath
evening- The pastor was preaching in
.1. sewed butcher shop is now open in
our village. Mr. Harbottle ie the new
man and is in the shop formerly occupied
by Tindall Bros.
Next Sabbath the pastors of the Pres-
bytetian and Methodist °hutches ex.
ohitngo pulpite. A very friendly feeling
exists between these two donoininatione.
This is as it should be.
Oat boys aro organizing a base ball
olub, and will no doubt 0 trying their
mettle with some of the neighboring
clubs before the season is over. Brussels
may hoar from them yet,
David Milne has disposed of a young
Durham hull to William Drager, of Mc-
Killop. Mr. Milne has it Provincial rope.
Wien for breeding and Iteephig first-class
stook. He is a great lover of anything
good in tho nettle line.
Drso.-,Leet Satmeizty night Mrs. Fer-
guson died after a long illness of eon.
eumption. She was 58 years of ago. The
funeral on Tuesday afternoon was largely
attended. Rev. J. T. Legear oondueted
the service. The funeral sermon will bo
preached in the Methodist church one
week from next Sabbath evening,
A lainau Tnicx:---Who out the horses
head ? is the question many of our vil-
lagers are tasking this week. The horee
balonge to Win. Harbottlo, who opened
outit hutither shop hero recently. Last
Tnosday morning When lie went to the
atoble, judge of his surprise when he
found {hot his hose lied two large
geeing in hie head, apparently made by
an sae 00 luttellist. A broken lantern
was found °Maid° the door which tho
scoundrel no doubt let fall in Mail];
hasty totteite. Wo ore sorry to Munk
that ant thriving. little Village has any
050 00 inalleiotudy disposed, tuta Wl10.
ever tIa sneak is he should bo drummed
out of the pinoe.
worker and one of the best debaters in .
the House. As a cool, logical and effec-
tive speaker, hie reputation is establish-
ed. The foot that the ablest members
of the Government benches have under-
taken to in:Abase hts efforts or attempted
to weaken the force of his incisive and
timely speeches, is an indication of his
ability and influence. East Huron may
well feel proud of her parliamentary rep-
resentative at Ottawa.
C.4 re:V.
Fall wheat is doing first class and
Spring crops are showing through the
A. little son of Daniel Glasser's broke
hia arm lot Wednesday evening. He fell
out of it little wagon with which he was
This township is not behind the most
foremost in. Ontario. Only last week
Thos. MoGregor, 9th oon, had a "mess"
of new potatoes. True, his dM not have
them planted out -doors but in a pit they
went to work themselves with the above
mentioned result. With new potatoes
end a saw set "all wool and a yard wide,"
Mr. Mao. should be happy.
Sootaz,—A sooial will be held in the
Whitfield church, 1201, con„ next Monday
evening. After tea an interesting pro-
gram of readings, recitations, addresses
by Revd. J. T. Legoar, Rev, J. H. Dyke,
and W. H. Kerr, of Tun POST, and musi-
cal selections by the Ethel choir, assisted
by Mrs. and Mr, Legoar. Miss Jeckson,
of Brussels, will preside at the organ.
Proceeds for Sabbath school purposes.
There should bo a large attendance.
INTnunternle STATISTroS.—AsSesSer Roy.
mann has furnished us with the follow-
ing interesting summary of the assess.
meet roll of the township for this year:
—Value of real property, *1,710720; Per.
aonal property, $6,500; Ineoree, $400;
Total, *1,717,6130; No. of acres, 84,714f ;
acres cleared, 87,074; sores of woodland,
7588 ; aores swamp, 19,448 ; eons in
orohn,rd, 207; mores 10 whent, 3,594;
No. of dogs, 881 ; bitehes, 14 ;• °male,
6,858; sheep, 2,795; hogs, 1,168; horses,
1,864 ; N. of steam believe, 21 ; No. of
births, 63; deaths, 21; No, of ohildten--
betweed 5 and 16, 1,005, between 7 and 18,
5960 between 16 and 21, 800 ; No. of male
persons between 21 and 60, 797 ; Total
No. of peteone, 8,750.
dlise following hes oome to our heating
during the past few days 1 6. number of
young num on the 7th and 8th cone., met
together on Easter Sunday and ro-orgat-
ized their Athletic Society, which was iu
progress last summer, We have not
head Who wore °looted to fill the various
offices, but there wag u gooaly number
preeont. Sonic of last you's leading
members wore absent having bit glees
parts, but they are honorary members of
tho proseut club. The neeeseary plant
and tools were brought from their winter
quarters and re-initiated. The program
in general 1510 counoil of war 10 the fore,
hoom games and sports at about 2. ri-
nanoudly the Society seenis voty as
they hove no trammel: as yob. Of come
the grounds itre freo to all as they aro
municipal property generally, being °odor
park on tho lade toad, although they
aro said to have trespassed on- 50100
adjoining property. If the Salvation
Army, or stem zeelous missionary, woe°
to come that Way they would 1113 0 good
field instead of going to Atria et India
for heathens; rind iaolators. Fill infor-
motion can be lead from some of the
hired Men ha that Vitinity. Wo teed
they may bo persuaded to do soroothing
more in keeping With Oar 000104 and
not b000me it by -word and reptofteh to
vory toopoestAble lioO Boyo, reran:,
bor the Sabbath day to koop 10 holy...•
X. Y. Z.
"6.Vin. Taylor found life three °wee, ail.
vertisod in Tin Peer, near Ethel. He
also found three tenths with them,
Tho advt, found the animals Ur. Taylor
Frederick Hunsicker was brought be.
fore Squires Hunter and Graham, of
Brussels, last Wednesday forenoon, on
the °barge of being of unsound mind
and ooneequently dangerous. Ho was
committed, le, S. Scott taking him to
Goderich on the afternoon train.
The Grey and Morris cheese factory
will commence operations for this
season on Monday of next week, Cheese
maker Edgar has everythiug lu ship
shape at the factory ready for work.
The factory should be well patronized
this year. It is a well managed insti.
tu Won.
FATAL A.00IDENT.-011 Thursday night
of last week while John Barker was re.
turning home from Oranbrook hia buggy
was upset at the Otis eon. and he WU
thrown outthpon his head, inflioting such
injury that he died on Friday afternoon.
He was found on the road aide by Mr.
Knight on Friday morning about 7 o'clock
and removed to his home. He did not
return to consciousness. The funeral
took place on Sabbath afternoon, Rev. J.
T. Leper conducting the service at the
house and. Rev. 3. L. Kerr taking the
service at the cemetery. There is a, sad
warning in lir. Borker'e untimely do.
Pauremear AND VAGUANTS.—That the
township of Grey contains a number of
poor who claim public: attention is evi-
deut frow personal knowledge. That the
Council of Grey supports its own poor is
an honorable foot. That tho presence of
those pour end the charitableness of the
Council calla forth two distinct actions
in this matter is certain, viz., the levy-
ing of a poor rate tax by the Souocil and
the lawful payment of the same by the
electors of Grey. Now this motion of
the Council and the people is as it should
be, and all other townships should do the
same. But, if on the other hand all
other townships do as Grey does, why is
it that our people have forced on their
charity paupers and vagrants from sur-
rounding townships ? Why is it that
molly farmers should be bound to house
and bed disreputable and vermin cover.
ed. vagrants, who oome in with ovary
show of right, being travellers of the
tramp kind, and next thing to demand
your hospitality for the night ? Why
should wu be posted with these vagrants
who olefin to come from the vioinity of
Toronto, in search of work ? as if no
work meld be got between here and
there, and when offered a job on con-
dition of which they are to got shelter
they shoulder their traps and clear,
when only a minute before they wore la -
mooting about the storminess of the
night and the fatigue of their bodies
brought on by overwork? In answer to
these questions 1 would say that we who
support our 0000 poor are imposed ou
and unjustly so when the above einem.
stanthe occur and they do occur, and
that very often. As an example some
twenty tramps have °Riled at or passed
near Robt. Elliott's during the past nine
or ton menthe. I believe in bestowing
charity on deserving persons end X also
believe that it is possible to entertain
angels unawares, but no ono ever oxpeots
to see or even hear tell of such visitants
coming with a train of attendants of the
vermin class. Only those who have been
put to the ineonvenienee of bedding such
oharacters osn form any Judi idea of the
trouble to which they aro pet, and it is
the women who have to suffer in these
drama:edemas. I venture to say that is
good halt day of haul work will no more
thamstraighten things to say nothing of
the dieeomforturo of doing such work.
Its wrong to have our oh:teens exposed te
such vagrants and it seem to be eon-
trary to our constitution to allow de -
°aptly° ohmmeters, for such they are, to
go eauntering around the country with
no other object 111 View, than to gain
livelihood by the charity of others,
Wherein lies the remedy ? Surely not
in housiug Siam with the best of care
and treatment as is the usual autism ?
Yes, house them up, but let that house be
O Poor House, What the 000007 08 iltiron
wants is 09000 honee, and what Iluron
WILMS, it good memy more oonnties want.
A. poor 'tense would prove tho moans of
reforming many of the vicioue oharacters
who loiter about the ooentry, at any rate
they would get diet:nod, A. poor house
would have the very desirable offeot of
making tho tromps strangers to oto'
county. Waterloo County hits a poor
house of long standing and the citizens
are not bothered with tramps, They
shun it aSn great enemy becalm every
vagrant found within the county is at
onto arrested and soot to the poor house.
GIVO tig a peer 11011So under well organiz.
eel plane and principles and it will go tt
long way towards eupporkIng itself and
we will no longer be bothered With
vagrants. ilobt. b8.hlfott wishes to tette
thie,onportunity of themking sono of
Mende iutd naighbora for their kindness
110 sending tramps to hie door which they
themselves mold not
Capt. Pepper, of the Salvation axmy,
Fort Erie, is home ou e furlough for a
week. His work evidently agrees with
him judging by appearances.
Ou Thursday evening of tliia week a
lecture was delivered in Roe's church by
Bev, F. E. Nugent, of Listowel, on "The
age we live in." ChOiee music was sup.
plied by the Ethel their.
Eight thousand emigrants left Liver.
pool last week; 1,388 cams to Canada.
Hamilton Board of Trade is moving ie
the matter of u sumer carnival iu
Chief of Police :McKinnon, of Hamilton,
has had 5400 tacked onto his weary,
whichjo note 52,00o per annum.
There is said to be a young lady living
in Tingtvioh, Quebec, who has been living
on water for the past eight years.
The Ontario Government has appoint-
ed a Commission to inspire into the con-
dition of the Reboots in Prescott and
Duesell and Essex.
The Court of appeals et Quebec has
ordered e new trial in the Salvation Army i
test case, on the gronud Mint the evidence 0
did not sustain the verdict, of the jury.
It is reported that Col. O'Brien, M. 2„
refused to accept the medal offered him •
as a reward for his action on the Janis 1
queetion on learning that it was an ativer.
tieing fake of a nowepaper.
The annual meeting of the shareholders i
of tho 0.3.11. C01111)11113' was held. OOJ
Montreal on Wednesday. Mr. Van Horne I
was continued in the Presideney and only ;
one change was inade iu the direetorato.
The outlook for the Canadian lumber
trade this thrum is good. There are a
billion logs tied up in the woods of Mich -
Isom for wont of writer to drive them to •
the mills. Not one mill in ten in Michi-
gan has a simply for the season.
Take a LOOK 1.11!,.t.
j Dinner Setsa,41t 06.10,
10.00lo.rnierly sold
China Tea, Sets $0.50 to $7.50,,
formerly sold at $8.00 and
Decorated Tea Sots $4.00 to $4.50
formerly sold at $5.50.
White Stoneware Sets .$2.00,
formerly 'sold- at $2.50.
Chamber Sets, 9 pieces, $.2.00..
Glassware of all hinds sold at
reduced prices.
.6.1st)it large quantity of Tea.
which wo will sell itt COST.
Tea from 12 cents to
• .-50 cents.-- •
Call in and see the Goods.
J, L. ....4-rula,-Eryer,
iggiv Nark .Grooery..
who Vero unable to get served, at 0112 counters dur-
ing the past two weeks. Our store was not ready for • oc-
cupation in time for us to have our goods opened and placed'
in stock before our opening day, and we therefore had to
start selling goods as soon as they were taken out of the
cases, which caused great confusion in our store and as we
have been so busy serving elastomers ever since our open-.
hag, and with new goods arriving daily, we have not been,
able to get our counters cleared up, and therefore it was
impossible for us to serve all who were desirous of buying
our cheap goods. We are now pleasecl to say that we are
in a position to serve all and quote below some of our bar-
500 yards of Moire Silk, 23 inches wide at 600 worth 51.00.
1,000 yards of Moire Silk Ribbon ot 8c worth 30.
piecee of Fanoy Wool Dress Goods at 123e worth 15o,
15 pieces of Cream Seersuokers worth 10o.
10 mem of Cardinol and Mauve Cashmere Print ot 123o worth Ifie.
200 pairs of Len Curtains' all taps eagog, at e0c, 51.85, 51.53, $1,90 and 32.60,
worth $3,26, $1.76, 52.00, 52.60and WO.
600 yards of Cottionade ab 20o worth 25o.
2,000 yards of (booked Shirting at 8o, 10e, 12 and 18e, worth 100,1290,1f and leo
Toble Lioens at 20e, 22o, 25o, 873, 40 and 50o, worth 25c, 28o, ligo, 60e, Baena 760
The above quotations will give the public some •idea of
bargains to be secured at the City Dry Goods 'Store
Brussels. We hopo to bo favorod, however, with
a earl front you that we may prove the genu-
ineness cit what 000 sa.,v, Bargains in
very lite,
y •
PosroyFron )3r.00rc, 131Iu13sms,