HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-5-10, Page 44 T if C00085 n'a,a:xurm�.+'s,'ertpn ' , J A' a Td ` %i " %7 /"'�(d�i encasirr sawwxvxaair.u'cx.rwa e¢'.,emmaawa.ietg OOER1IES tiR+�1� AISiJES CLOT 5 B I1 O �Jf' S READY-MADE CAPS, LETLZ..tI? - ,Y", &c,, AVE 'TO SAY. ty. We defy, either in the city or country, a Store that is selling Goods to the public to -day at Lower Prices than we are offering them to our customers and the people, We buy in quantities and at a price that no house cluing business in the regular way can touch our prices. Do not be mislead by persons claiming to pay cash for all the goods they handle and are able to give you greater advantages than we atm No House in Brussels is in a position to take advantage of the markets and place goods before you at Bankrupt Prices but ourselves, We are placing goods before you bought at OOc., 70c. and 76e on, the dollar while other houses are paying regular prices, so judge for yourselves who can sell the Cheapest, Trusting to have the opportunity of comparing our prices with any opposition that claims lower prices, we are Your Obedient Servants, New Advertisements. Lootely--A.. Teal, Local -B. Gerry. Local --George Birt. Locals --Adam Good. leseursion- S. Walsh. Toc-c cleaners -J. T. Pepper. v2=5=;:n0,^>a +ev+wsmnzaa35ita aTMEIM. m.1 raffia 1l e l 3., ' i=1 I' 10, 1889. Lase Monday evening's Council put the Cow By.lew in force in this munici- pality. It prohibits the running at large of cattle from S o'clock p. in. to 6 o'clock a. m., thus doing away with the posse- bility of these nocturnal visitants raiding gardens, &c., during the hours of the night. This By-law does not interfere in the slightest with these animals during 'the day. It is to bo hoped that every owner of cows will make an effort to com- ply with the terms of the By-law and save any annoyance from Impounding and the enforcing of the law. Pound - keeper Cousloy has not had much to do yob but if people don't heed this By-law his services will no doubt be called into requisition. Wurx the Scott Act was in force there was a great deal said about the unright. eousness of tlfe law, and the liquor party advocated the Crook's Act, from one end of the County to the other. We are strongly of the opinion that in more re. specte than one the Crook's Set is not respected by a good many persons hold. licenses under it. The following aro a few of the prominent clauses of the resolu- tioes phased by the License Board of East Boron, a oopy of which has been placed in every hotel, that people would do wall to carefully review : "All blinds screens or other device that "would obstruct the viaw from the out - "side by the Inspector or any other per. rem), most be removed during prohibited 'hours, under the penalties prescribed. "Nor shall any licensed tavern -keeper "allow any person under the age of 61 -yearn to act as bartender, clerk or agent for the purpose of selling liquor. "That no bagatelle table, roulette table, "Mississippi board, rouge et noir, faro "bank, dice, dominoes, wheel of fortune, "billard tables, draughts, cards, raffle or "lottery or any other device whatever for Minister of Education has signified more than once that the tnatter rested with the School Iuspeotor of the Riding, If eo we reprint Inspector elalloch's ex - premien on the subject, after a thorongh knowledge of what our school is and what its requirements are ; Clinton. Dec. 27, 1888. I am decidedly oppoe,•d to the redue. Mort of your staff of teachers, The nem. her of pupils in the municipality requires five teachers. To employ only four would overcrowd each room and the work would not be so efficient as at present. I conoider that yon require the five teachers. Yours reepeetfolly, D. M. Memnon, Iuspector East Huron. The editor of TUE Pon holds this tot. ter, so that it may be seen by anybody doubting its validity.. .A. visit to the var- ious departments of the school will con- vince the most skeptical as to the at- tendance and the thoroughness of the work being done. The question of other towns and villages doing this and doing that is not to the point, our business is to see that Brussels Public School is govern- ed according to the School Law and Regu- lations and as economically as is con- sistent with dimwit work. We have been opposed to the reduction of our staff from the flying embers and the scorching heat. 11r, Damon has fitted rip the store next door fora temporary stopping place until he can make the necessary arrange- ments for lrebuildiug, It is said there were some "loud" scenes on the program in the village after nightfall, fire -water being too freely indulged in by some parties. C'0011 ce mantle. The undersigned begs most respectfully to render bis sincere and hearty thanks to all who worked so bravely and heroic- ally fighting the fire which raged here last Monday. To their exertion is at- tributed the success of saving muoltprop• erty. A. McNam. bate. The stone masons are progressing fav- orably with their work on the new Metlto. fist church. On Sabbath afternoon an ash barrel at the bank door of Gidley's tailor shop took fire but was soon put out. The Sabbath School service in oonuec tion with the Presbyterian ohuroh has been °hang• d to 9:80 a. W. T. le. Johnston, lawyer, intends open- ing out his office shortly in the building lately oc0npied by R. 1). Dunbar, tailor. Friday being arbor day several of our citizens recognized it by plant. Mg beautiful trees in front of their pro- perties. Ix v. R. D. Freeman of Parkhill oflioi. elated in Trinity °hutch on Sabbath, preeobing able discourses to good emigre. of teachers and feel quite satisfied that gatfous at both services. the deoision arrived at by the Board will There is n movement on foot to estub- meet with thea approval of not onlythe Kish in our village a lodge of Sons of Eng- pl land Benevolent Society which is malting heavy ratepayers but 9 out of every 10 of the people of Brussels who Mks an un- biassed viaw of too situation and take the matter into carafe] consideration. As a hint to the Board wo would advise them to have as few meetings after the order of last Friday evening as possible, they are not the most desirable style of gatherings. We purposed giving an ex- tended report of the meeting, but as the most of the ground was covered in the nomination speeches last January we forbear. The Board is a unit on the question of compelling parents to comply with the law in reference to the attend- ance of pupils the required number of days in each year. It is a greet mistake for parents or guardians to allow child- the necessity of mare school ac0ommoda. lion. Notbin was dafin tel d n rapid Andes in this Dominion. Quarterly meeting was held in the Methodist church on Sabbath morning a large congregation being present. Rev. James Ferguson of Atwood was the preacher. A special meeting at the town Council was held in Industry hall to examine the tenders for putting down four more tanks for fire protection. James Davies' tender was accepted for the digging at 930 eaoh, W. McElroy for snaking tanks $40 each, and A. Calder, lumber at •912 per thous. and ; to be completed by the 1st of June. The regular meeting of our town daddies on Monday evening in Industry hall, Reeve Sally in ohair. Members el] preaeut. A number of accounts were presented and passed. The school true. tees were resent in a body to advocate ran under their charge to absent them- n Y n e, sev oral propositions having boon made selves from school unless through illness which are to be decided upon at some or the most pressing necessity. future meeting of the Board and mem- bers of the corporation. Councillor Symonds handed in his resignation at the game meeting but it was not ac- oeepted, after which the meeting adjourn. dd. "gambling beallowed= any licensed prem. E. Harbottle and wife left Ethel for C 1rxrfA?rook. Next Sabbath Rev. D. B. MoRae and Rev. J. T. Legear exchange pulpits. les, either for gain or pastime, nor sell- Deloraine on Tuesday, taking a car of "Ing nor auction el pools for any purpose colonist's affects and live stook. "under the penalties prescribed. Rev. SamuelJones, of Brussels, deliver. "Any license holder in the said license el a very interesting lecture last Monday "district of East Huron, who shall per- evening in Knox church under the "mit or suffer to be done any act of vin- auspices of the Y. P. 0. A. The leoture 'Mon of any of the above rules and reg- was founded on the character of Jabez "illations shall forfeit, on conviction and was full of counsel and advice, On "thereof, pay a penalty of not less than account of the exoitement over the fire "ton dollars for the Bret offence and for fire obs attendance was 'not as large as "the second or any subsequent offence not otherwise would have been. "less than fifteen dollars, besides costs in Emu -Last Monday afternoon our "each ease, which shall be recovered be- quiet little village was thoroughly aroused 'fore any magistrate or justice of the about 4 o'clock by the unwelcome cry of "peace having jurisdieticn in the district "fire" and it was quickly ascertained "and in default of payment thereof at the that the summons came from the rear of "rims stated by snob justice or magic- Dames' hotel. Willing bands soon got "trate, the same shall be levied and col- to work but the stable fn which the Are '!voted by distreee and sale of the geode started was too far gone to save it and "and chatteis of the person convicted, and the wind from the south blew the Ore "in default of sufficient distress, snob into too hotel and it was soon in flames. "penalby and costa may be reoovered by Westward the Are went and consumed enforcement of the bond executed by the D. Zimmer's dwelling and then, to oom- "holder of the license and his or her sure- plate the job, the flame crossed the street, "ties to Her Majesty the Queen. destroying Ed. Fox's house. For a time "Sootion 76 provides that any licensed it seemed impossible to save the large "person who allows to be supplied in his store and hall just east of the hotel but "licensed premises any description what- by hard work, favorable winds and the "ever of Liquor to any person apparently protection of trees rho fire was kept with - "under the age of sixteen years, not being in the district named. The building was "resident on the premises or a bona fide badly scorched. Had this large frame "guest or lodger, shall, as well as the per- struotnre moo got on Bre the loss to "son whe a.ebually gives or supplies the Crarbrook would no doubt have boon "Liquor, be liable to pay a penalty of much more serious. A oonsiderable 'not less that 910 for every such offence. quantity of furniture, ate., could not be got out of the hotel. There was $1,000 insurance on the hotel but nothing on the other boil.diuge burned. Mr. Danes had recontle, completed an addition to the hotel and was finishing up the work on the day of the fie. Who fire originated by a spark from the smoke stack of the saw mill, in the rear of the hotel, blowing into the loft of the small stable and set- ting fire to the hay. When the fiery ele- ment threatened to spread eastward Jno. Bothwell and Wm. Meg wore despatched to Brussels to nee if the fire eugino oouid he secured and Team MoEay followed Tits lengthy discussion of too !notion with a team to haul oat the Bre fighter, but there was not )toes enough to reach and amendment relative to reducing the the river and a common well was no use teaching staff of out Public school, at the 00 nothing was done about it. A large la.et mooting of the Scheel Board, and number o Brnssolibte came out, liatvovdr, t o deeieion arrived at should set this willing to 0011 in staying 1110 onward match of the devouring element, but queetIon'at rest. The force of the argue- their assistance was not required, rho ment, the only one, viz., that the school Aro being eheoltod, Tho men, and wom- populntion Was deoraasing so noticeably, en too, worked like heroes and heroinee been unanswerably combatted by and thebed not give up until they had gain - ban ad Victory. The total loos will be this year's Aasassment Roll, which shows over 92,100. A, 0. Damen' cow got her the oft quoted nulnbor 811 to beaugmont. hack well scorched before Dan. Minium ed by 60, malting the total 871 at the got her out of the stable, Sparks were carried past rho flex mill.,.Che roofs of prosont time. This does notincludeHomo adjoining eenalege' wore; covercfl with 20 or more non-residents atteedin". Tho wet quilts, oto,, and were thus protected There are hotelkeepers in the Riding who live up to the letter of the law, we believe, and those who do nob should be closely Looked after by both thelnspector and all lovers of Temperance, The Crook's Aol ie a very good law and goes 0e far as a license law could be expected G6 but to make it affective it is necessary that it should bo enforced and its terms closely complied with. le won County. I Goderioh post office is yet vacant. The park stammer picnic building, at Godorich, is nearly completed, 1 B. Oonites, Belgrave, bas purchased a share in the Wingham chair factory, Ex -Mayor Forrester, Clinton, will have under cultivation this year about 400 acres of Aar. - The wife of Treasurer Oantelon, of Gadericb township, by mistake took a solution of saltpetre and medical attend - arida. Rev. R. Mobosh, formerly of Wing - ham, the new Episcopal rooter, of Pet - roles, has arrived there from Pomona, Cal., and preached lust Sunday. A public meeting is "to be called at I Godorich for the purpose of deciding on 001110 plan of oelebrating the 24th of May It is probable the opening of the water. works system will take plane then. A. live stock mutual insurance asso0ia. Mon for the province has been formed at Exeter. The provincial officers are : ,john MoMillan, M, P,, President ; M. Y. McLean, Secretary ; Trnstees, Aleb. Innes, Clinton ; D. Radcliffe, Sesforth ;. Evans, St. Marys. No little exoitement has been caused fn Teeswater by the finding of a small quantity of gold by one of the workmen while digging the ditch for the pipes for. the nets waterworks, The gold was found in a loose, gravelly deposit, mired in with gaud, Experts have made an analysis and pronounce it gold. The stone taken from the same place, coin. dared with gold quartz from Colorado, bear a great reseinbleeme. It le needless to say that the workmen are keeping their eyes open for more of the preciousmotel. At the regular monthly meeting of L. O, L. No. 1090, Lakoiat, is was moved, seconded and resolved:-"Tbatthis lodge Views with alarm the enoroaohm0nts.and influence the Roman Catholics are ob. Mining in this Dominion, and especially in the Province of Ontario, whore legisla. Mon has been framed in connection with our school system very objeotionabl'o to Protestantism, and oaleulated to deprive the tieing generation invarious localities Of the enlightenment of en English edu- cation. We would also recommend the. testing of the oonseitntionality of the in- corporation and endowment of the 7eenits by submitting the Act to the 1.ligbeet court in the realm. Our patrfotie sooiety having boon refused incorporation by the to called P1'oteetaet Government of the Domiliiott, we pisiigt ourselvos, by our voted end intim/lee, to Oppose' and endeavor to prevent any cuss or creed from gaining' any undue filfluenee or special' privilagey, Dr. Ross, Goderioh, left this week le r d th ® y7ti oa , en north to Jamestown, then east take up the duties of Itis appointment on le miles, then north to Donnan IfoPher. the medical staff of theHamilton asylum. eon's for night. Thursday, will proceed The benefit convert lest Friday even- east along the boundary 24 miles, thou ing in the Grand Opera Nouse, Goderioh, north 14- miles to Alex. Robertson's for was largely attended, and realized over noon ; thence north to toe 4th coil. of nighty dollars over and above all oxpoures. Howiok, by wry of Gilpin's schoolhouse, Dr. Coleman, of Sesforth, has beau then boot, to Jrseph Armstrong's for selected as one of three to value all thenight. I'iiday, will proceed along rho salt works ito the Tinted Status for an 411, con, c,f Groh to Js.lt Cle„g's for noon; E gliithsyndionte that is about to pur- thence on to Ethel for night, Sate d A young Mall named Piamont diel very suddenly at Goderielt on Wednesday night, It appeared to be somatbing like apoplexy, 00 doubt largely occasioned by a continued indulgence in strong drink. He was reputed to be wealthy. His wife died some time ago. This next meeting of the West Huron Farmer's Institute will be held in Clinton on the 51b and Gth of June, The Icon Chas. Drury and Prof. Robertson of 0.e. C. will be present, and a number of prominent farmers, who will give ad - Chief Justin e Galt, in reviewing a ease from Godorich, wherein the County Jude° withdrew a vaso from a Division Coure jury, holds that the defendant had a right to insist that ovary questionshould be submitted to them, and a Judge has not the power in a Division Court suit to withdraw the case from them. Tbelearu- ed Judge has power to instruct the jury es toltheir verdict, and if they net con- trary to his inotrnabione bo can grant a vow trial, but he camint withdraw the case from them ; the verdict must be theirs. There will be no costs on this motion, asI am not aware this question has been previously before the High Court. POPULAR STALLIONS r • igtee The following kitallions will stent for the Improvement of Stool, this Beason as fol'torru: TOOK CLERS. Toon Clerk will stand for mares week- ly, during the season of 1889, health and weather permitting, as follows : Monday, will Leave his own stable, lot 24, con. 11, Grey, andprodeed toBuitou's hotel, Ethel, for noon ; thence north to Wm. Brown's, 2nd oon. Grey, for night. Tuesday, will proceed north to the boundary to htsbth. ow Sbarpin's for noon ; thence west to Peter Scott's for night. Wednesday, will proceed to Sault's hotel, Blttevale, for noon ; thence to the Queen's hotel, Wing. ham, for night. Thursday, will proceed to Robt, Currie's, Wawanoeh, for noon thence south to Bobt. Casemore's for , night. Friday, will proceed to David Breckenridge'a for noon ; thence east to Donald McDonald's, Grey, for night. Saturday, will proceed to Oranbrook for noon ; thdnoe to bis own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. GONRAD Montan, Proprietor. YOUNG TASTESALL. Young Tastesall will stand for mares weekly, during the season of 1889, health and weather permitting, asfollows: Mon. day, will leave his own stable, lot 16, con. 5, Morris, and proceed along centre side. road to Jas. Seal's, lot 14, con. 6, Mor4 rid, for noon ; thence west a of mile, then north 2 miles, then east 1e to his own stable for night. Tuesday, will proceed east along 4th lino, Morris, to gravel road, then songs to American hotel, ;Brussels, for noon ; thence east 1e miles along oon. 9 and 1, Grey, then north 24 miles, then east 1e miles to John Lowes, lot 10, oon, 5, Grey, for night, Wednes. day, will proceed north 1# miles, then west to gravel road, then west to John Elliot's for noon, lot 21, 2nd line, .Mor. ris ; then wort to Jewitt's church, then north to Bluevalo•hotel for night. Thurs- day, will proceed north If miles, then east along oon. 4, Turnberry, to Harris' school house, then south to Lovell's corner, then west to Robt.'Yeo'e for 01000; thence east 1} miles along B line, then south to Mnffat's earner, then east to gravel road, Prank Wight's, lot 9, 2nd oon., Turnberry, for night. Friday, will prooeod south along gravel road 8'4 miles thou west along 8rd line, Morris, 1 mile to James Ireland's for noon ; thonoo west to centro sideroad, then south to his own stable for night, Saturday will pro - coed ootth to 3rd line, Morris and re- turn to hie own stable for eight, where he will remain until the following Mon• day morning; A, F. Enmity, Prop, and Groom. OSPREY. Osproy will steed for mares weekly, daring the season of 1880, health and weather poretitting, au follows;: Monday, will leave his own stable, lot 28, eon. 6, Morris, audpraeoed west to Thos. Mill or'e for noon ; thence to the gravel road to BoTgrave for 'Agile Tuesday, will proceed along 5th non., Morris, to, Joo. Sectt's for noon, thence to his own stable for night, Wednesday, will proceed north IS mike, than oast 1 nilloe,'then north 24 miles to Dungan Ilaylor's, eon,. 4, Grey, for nosn; 0110110 west 00 pawl, will proceed along 8th con., Grey, to American hotel, Brua.ele, for noon, and remain until 5 o'oloelc ; thence to his own stable for night, where he will remain yeti! the following 1iouday morning. i-dnnsxnn ib Gomm, Props„ J. Webster, Groom. LORD TRORE. Lord There will stand Inc mares weak- ly during the season of 18811, health and weather permitting, as follows ; Monday, will leave his own stable, lot 21, eon. 12, Grey, and proceed to Burton's hotel, Ethel, for 1100n ; thence to Wm. Smith's 2nd con.; Grey, for night. Tueeday, will proceed east to Walter Martin's, Elms, for noon ; thence to Wm. Holmes' 8th con„ Ehna, for night. Wednesday, will proceed to Alex. Struthers', 12111 con. Elora, for noun ; thence to Wm. Lineham's for night. Thursday, will proceed to Jno. 10. Baker's, 8th con., Grey, for noon ; thence to hi.) own stable for night. Friday, will proceed to Robb. McCallum's, 9th con., Groy, for noon ; tions to Mr. Eweu's, 15th con., Gray, for night. Saturday, will proaeed to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. J. Bnower, Proprietor and Groom. ROYAL L'UTEMAN. Royal Buteman will stand for mares weekly during the season of 1889, health and weather permitting, as follows: Mon- day, will leave his own stable, lot Se28, con. 8, Morris, and proceed south 14- miles, then east 24 miles to Andrew Johnston's, W4 lot 10, con. 17, Grey, for noon ; thenen north to Tuck's hotel, Cranbrook, for night. Tuesday, will proceed north le miles, then met to Bur• ton's hotel, Ethel, for noon ; thence north to Robt. Pearson's, lot 2I, oon. 4, Grey, for night. Wednesday, will proceed west 84- miles, thence south 24- miles to John Molbinnon's, lot 5, 0013. 8, Grey, for noon ; thence west to Queen's hotel, Brnssele, for night. Thursday, will pro- ceed to his own stable where he will re. main until Friday morning. Friday, will proceed west to Wm. Clark's, lot 16, con. 0, Morrie, for noon ; thence west 1e miles, then south 24 miles to Morris Smeltzer's, lot 15, con. 10, Morris, for night. Saturday, will proceed east to Beirnes'.hotel, Walton, for noon ; thence to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning, ()AMER & limn an, Props., H. Miller, Manager. i YOUNG .CHALLENGER. Young Callonger will stand for mares weekly throughout the season of 1889, health and weather permitting, as fol lows : Monday, will leave his own stable, lot 17, 000, I.4, Grey, and proceed to Bur- ton's hotel, Ethel, for noon ; thence ale -t to Chas. Parker's, con. 10, Elmtt, for night. Tuesday, will proceed along the l9tlr lino of Elora, to Wyntt's hotel, Now. ry, for noon ; thence to J. Hammonds, lot 31, con. 5, Elms, for night. Wednes. day, win proceed to Samuel Brown's, 2nd con. Flinn, for, noon ; thence to Grand Central hotel, Listowel, for ono hour, from 1 to 5 o'clock, thou along the bound- ary between Wallace and Elma to Amos Weaver's for night. Thursday. will pro- ceed west to Haeoo Cummings, 110oles• worth, for noon ; thence west along the boundary of Wallace and Grey, to W. J. Jaolrlin's' eon. 1, Grey, for night. Fri- day, will proceed, by way of Jamestown, to Alex. Bryan's for noon ; thence to Angus Lamonb's, con. 7, Grey, for night. Saturday, will proceed to the American hotel, Brussels, for noon ; thence to Oranbrook, then to his own stable, where ho will remain until the following Mon. day morning. L. MoNnm, Proprietor. PRINCE Ole AL'VES. Print of Alves will stand for mares weekly, during the season of 1889, houltb and woather permitting, as follows : Monday, will leave his own stable, lot 6, con. 17, Grey, and proceed east 24 miles, then south 1} to John Rae's, con. 14, MoEillop, for noon ; thence west 24 miles then south 1± mike to Thos. Davidson's, 12th con., Mcltillop, for night. Tuesday will proceed south 1e miles, then west to John Grieve's for noon ; thence 11- miles west, then north le miles to Jas, .Rhin's, 12th con, McKillop, for night. Weenoe- day, will proceed cast to Leadbnry, then north le miles, then west to 1lnllott boundary, then north to Goo. Kirkby's, 9th con., Morrie, ,for noon ; thence east to Walton, then north to Geo. Smith's 8th eon., Morris, for night. Thursday, will proceed west la miles, then north 24 miles to David Smith's, 6th con., Mor- ris, for noon ; thence north le miles to Jno. itlo0artor's for night. friday, will proceed west to Belgrave for noon, thou east to Joseph Scott's, 4th eon., Morrie, for night. Saturday, will proceed east to Jno. Forbes', 8111 con., Grey, for noon; then south to his own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Oeo. Telt, Proprietor and Groom. Baby Cay s ayes Baby Oarria ez PABY PRIDE OF THE WEST. CARRIAGES Handsome Display Pride of the West will stand for mares weekly, during the season of 1889, health and weather permitting, as follows t Mon- day, will leave his own stable, lot, 12, oon. 0, Grey, at noon, and proceed east to Jno, Holinbook's corner, then north to 8th eon., then east to Wm. Tindall's for night. Tumidity,' will proceed west to leffer's sideroad, then north 24 miles to 3rd oon., then east to John MoArtbur's for noon ; thence east 11 miles, ,then north to eon. 2, then west to Duncan Mo. Donald's for night. Wednesday, veil] proceed west to Maellieter's corner, then north to the boundary, then west to Jamestown, to MoEwan'e hotel, for noon ; then east, on 0011. 2, 24 miles, then Muth to con. 8, to D. Taylor's for night, Thursday, will proceed west to graver road, then south 24 miles, then west on 4111 line, Morris, tq Joseph Soott'e for noon ; then south 10.6th oon., to James' Broadfoot's for night. Friday, Will pro- ceed east on oon. 12, Grey, to Tnok'a ho- tel, Oranbrook, for noon ; thence to his own stable for night. • Saturday, will proceed to Brussels, American hotel, for noon ; thence to own stable, where he Groom. will remain until the following Monday, noon. Wit, Hamm, Proprietor and of Baby Carriages in all the LATES2' STYLES, and sold at Neaps' fig'..fb° dt'll °rs. Catl in anti See our Stock before you order elsewhere. Buggy Bugs, Dusters, Pip Nets, Whips, etc., always on hand. Splendid Assortment of Trunks, Valises and Satchels in Stock, H, Dennis, NOTICE TO TI -TE PUBLIC. The Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public that they have formod it co -partnership, Uncler the Firm name of Ttx rbia11tit Ballantyne n and are now conducting the Stove and Tinware 13nsiness formerly owned by P LLOROVT tC TURNBULL. Our aim will be to •.,please those favoring us with their patronage. IVEIJ US ^�- C.A,.ri.,J�l AOALL a1 d•u,8ee1'hail'1 our Prices. .IriT.RXBU.L.G ' BAL.Lz4,NTYJVE"., Jos. BALLA.uoprN71. SA.S+ Tu11N171'T.T., 0 T