HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-5-3, Page 8THE BL-tL1SSEA-..!S POST
:` ,rRROVEI«^+:+RreCCERO . . ... . ... ArV:,1.7lEF r!.:rU 7"4CISEVVI JNITSC:SSL^SOWMX.r•^-+..•'S S«.EFISii 'G•ATACi5.: ' eNCEnT it-=`"^, .:, .... woo. JO VA
! Ilevi:l, 1.;311'1' ?. (1..1, 1)nodlnan. Rias,
1 t .r lin:015• .( V'1 i'i 1.111• Pf,.;a iii e'ar'n,,, 1 _, "1':' )t'l+' r,.;.,1i
B @F f tel nt \5.• i Il
I'I 11 . r,'..., I,,1:•..: ne illy .•.1:,1 1 r
' ly It.nlhr'ttlluuo3 of o('nuper 03313 Smith's
- De 0.0 k1m4v 0.0 w o 4342 in„ ---- i Bemis and Shoes at Strachan Bros.
Ftnen t to at ail prioe4.. IIltn'isomo
suite et 341 tl' 11~131'4' at. Leet137.'1 l 1.1e, 0,
INFAN't''a Mentees and Slippers 25e per
pair Small 447/77)1 A. Cucp.
lofre 13311„14)41, t0., now and one
444.1431 hare! for e,41e. 11. thern0,
ENu(LAUE corn, turnip, moved and
garde„ eeed3 for sato uh,•'Ip at Thomson's.
ire W. J, R. Somme, of Godorlah, 0o,
Treasurer, was in iiruasols on Meiners.
day of this week,
Baal' flax binding twine ttt 20 cents a
lb„ cash. Please give your order early,
B. Gum.
.A Nzty fire engine was testees at the
Repaid %vorks last week. It was emit to
Simeoe this week.
33114. 33in rNOTN, who was with G. A.
Bondman for a foe weeks, has velem
situation in Toronto,
WoxoN's Buttoned Boots at 50.. Only
sizes 3, 0 and 7 left. Call at once. A.
8,000 white brick for male at a bargain.
nay be seen at the C'cutral Betel, Brus-
sels. T. O'Ni1L. 31
1;, 13. Belie, a former r031de011 of Brus-
sels, has gone to London, England. He
has boon at l eleittle since leaving hero.
J. H. Yoexo's residence to let, corn.
fumble 603134, good garden and stable.
Apply to MBs. Tuoursox. 42.
Nor11312» shoddy about i,aatherdl4l.e e
faruttnee Big stook to select from.
Close prices. It will pay you to see the
Mrs. S. SELLaar and two children, of
Lucian, came to Brussels on 'Wednesday
night on a short visit to her parents,
Rev, M. Swann and wife,
Jim. Bonn is having the foundation of
a stable and woodshed put in order with
the expeotatiou of ereotiug the building
'shortly. H. R. Elliot is doing the work.
le is hinted that Alex. Brook, the
lightning catcher of the Brussels baseball
club may taken situation at Owen Sound.
It would give our team quite a twist if
lee.removes from here. Alex. is agener-
al favorite.
133 had a call from J, A. Morton,
Barrister, Wingham, on Thursday of
this week. He i 1 one of the aldermen of
that town and takes a g eat interest in
the aff•,irs of the place. Mr. Morton re-
sided in Brussels souse years ago.
Mo. Scene?, of Scarff 4 Ferguson, dry
goods merchants, Stratford and Brus•
sell, was in town for a couple of days
last week. This was his first visit here.
Ile was greatly pleased with the appear.
name of the place and thinks their store
presents a better appearance than most
of the city stores. .1 o says the business
dune in their BrassdI-. store 031100 open.
ing is highly satisfautory and better than
they env cipated, lir, Scarff returned 0"
Zhu elaesio city on Frida
READ Tuts. -lire, Birk bas an 11:103d n
large stook offiuewo"ltrent cotton hosiery,
in all sizes and variety of colors. Fanor
goods, a full assorttnent. Berlin and
other wools. Tho latest novelties in
stamped goods. Ten per cent, off on
all purchases over one dollar. Stamping
on any kind of good-, knitting to ord-
er. Agent British AmericanDyiug Co'y,
and Oreolman Bros, knitting machine.
Shop opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
.10112 LIVIxeethe who went to ti,o In-
dian Territory 11141 year has r. teased to
Brtl51el8 end his family will arrive before
long. Work was 110t 113 plentiful as of
yore out there. For this and other rea-
sons lir. Livingston deemed it prudent
to once more take up his residence: under
the Union Jack. The Province of On-
tario may have seine drawbacks but
comparing it with any other quarter of
the lobe all the year round the decision
arrived at eannot but bo favorable to the
land of the Maple Leaf.
Taus 1 Lions 1 - Cheap rates 8142
Beatty and Colliugwood Lina of steam-
ers, running fn close connection with 0.
T,lt. train, from Kincardine and 1Wiu1
til. By this route you can reach Sault
St. M,uie, Port Arthur, Duluth, Thee
sal n, Algoma and all Georgian Bay
port,., thence to Manitoba, British Co,-
' Montan M11.1040t.1 and Dako
gt sales r tnced r,tts. I ,r i f311a
and tickets call rtt T11,8oa:ten 03)
r•IOE. i . F140Tenl.n, Agent 0.1.11 , Brus-
sel-. 41.11
(IMAMS LtN1ts.-On Wednesday of
last week some two dozen greets assemb-
led at the reeideneo of 1i. L. Scott, to
witness the union of hie eldest daughter,
Bilis. Amnia 5., and Jim. Watson, of
Elea township, Bev. A. Mendorson,
M.4., of Attwood, performed the care.
mony. The bridesmaid was Miss Donnie
Watson, sister to the groom, and the
groomsman was Frank Watt, of Pima.
The bride was taetefally attired in brown
ceshmere. A large number of handsome
and useful gifts were made. Mr. and
Mrs. Watson will make their home near.
Attwood. Tim Pon extends congratu.
Dian. -Wo regret to have to announce
the death of John Islay, from oonehmp.
tion, this week, He was a brother-in-law
to John Hargreaves and spent several
weeks in Brussels. He had nearly cam.
pleted his course as a student 10 the
ministry of the Episcopalian ohu,oh in
Wyokliff College, Toronto, but owing to
ill health had gone to California a short
lime ago with the hope of recuperating.
t apppears consumption was too deeply
eaated and the change, possibly, hastened
the end. He was in his 28th year and
was a most estimable young man, beloved
by all who knew him.
Tnnnnns BrAmTION.---On Wednesday of
this week the election to fill the vacancy
on the School Board, caused by the re-
moval of JnC, Hargreaves to Toronto,
was held. There bad been very ener etio
York done by both candidates, aided by
heir friends, and a good deal of intermit
vas consequently manifested. The re.
nit was a large vote being palled, nearly
p to the municipal election. As our
eleoti0us are conducted here on the ballot
ey8lom nothing was known, of course,
ntii after the poll closed. Both the
andiilates were sanguine of reaching the
nal. The result of the day's voting was
hat T:', S. Soots was elected by a major.
er of 18. Mellowing is the vote
Div. Ivo. 1. Liv. No, O. Total,
r},spin el I2L
w. Scott 744 70 •- 140
Majority for 8eott.18.
xhe highest vote polled last troateo eleo-
on22va8 151. 330110801e School Board will
stand the same as after the January oleo.
Mt on the question of reducing the staff
f leachers, v314., 4 against ate) s for,
`koro wore no spoiled ballots end, AS
fated above, there were 262 votes polled,
ane offroial doelar4ti011 Was trllad0 at the
own Hall'3hersday at 12 a olook.
13 t'+n YcWALL 4,14
&sewer t :an ever before" Slime il1$0 is.
sill of Tim 1'oe' additiou442
has arrived and with It
Qat' roll. We have speoial values in some
linos viz., Vic papers for 150 t 180
Were for lie ; 12e papers for 9e, and Ito
Me, The need for orpensive papers ie
peed i0 we can now giro you Eine lines
fi''em 8 to 11 per. roll. Come end eoe if
what we tell you are net facts.
c;, A. DI'IAllMIAN, 1'ruggist,
Bookeetl, r, &e.
2001311:022 ExTEssro2, w, 0. & 13.11.
Trainsleeve Brae90141 `1311300, wort and
south its follows:-
Quinlr4outh. Rol3.5 'earth.
6Ppile.. "'N'_,,.ul. Mixed 9'214 e.01
4Ypress,.....11:•45 a.'4., 19Pni1.. ,..... ,. 711 p.m
Mise.) 8:0up.m. 3 Expre48 0:48p.m
V..Q.0 It 1'4.t. t3S , i 1Il1S.
- A chiet's among ye takiu' notes
Au' faith boll prent it.
Nonny bats at Ross Bros.
Cesu for Eggs at McCracken's.
COAL oil 15 oents a gallon at B. Gerry's.
Tun latest in nobby ties at Ross Bros.
L' Ew, Jamison is home from Seaforth
for a holiday week.
Doses goods and trimmings at Strach-
an Bros.
22,000 brick for Bale on easy terms.
11. !mann/Mum. 40.
A aANOY fsn00 is being put up at W. R.
Wilson's residence, Mill street.
Loot out for special bargains in cloth
ing st Rose Bros. next week.
Smiting Boos. is Tn1 place if you
want a pair of good boots.
Patterns at Strachan BAz.\na S ran Bros.
Monthlies given away free.
Trine. Welles, of Iiarristou, was in
town this week in connection with the
Massey Mani. Co.
Wale about a base ball match with
some outside eItib to open the e08430n
FINE line of `spring and Summer
3111ti0gs at Strnohan Bros.
Leman please go and got a bottle of
Finnituro P013.b from J. 1)3•,111, only 250.
\Ve, regret to hear of the serious and
dangerous illness of Mrs. Jas. Gibson ir.
bot hope she may soon be rcetered to
health and , treugth.
Beneencs.--As I am closing out a lino
of window blinds and spring cullers I
will give bargains in same. B. Grum.
ON Tuesday of this week J. H. Sperl-
ing left Brussels for Neustarlt where he
will be mower of the butter factory.
nig genial Den. McGillicuddy, of the
Signal, Goderiob, was in town on Wed
nesday. ;?e cherishes a warm corner in
his Irish heart for his former homo in
Brussels, yet.
ALL orders for teaming left et 3, G,
Skene's or .l, M. 33ToNay fi CO's tore
will be promptly attended to. All orders
for garden plowing left with the above
named gentlemen will receive prompt at-
tention. 30 Hut n24.301 'Enos.
WE understand that Geo. Thomson,
grocer, &e.., intends further improving
Ills business place by a plate glage
front. 11 will be a big improvement,
ae far as appearance is concerned at
ON Tharedny of this week I3iellor+
Ieft for tisia to M44nit„1:'t :old the
Nort1w:0t. Ilis health has bee :•, very
poor for some Lena but we s up• 01,e trip '
Will be pr011na1i4' of geed and ')111t be
w(li 010 her ; fully rc..ro 44,1. a
J. H. IILLt(tre Reeve of Cit -icy, and
James Rama o. nt hn same place, were
here for a couple of day- on a visit to
their old friend Oliver Smith. The first
named gentiema. is really the founder
of Chesley and is a large property owner.
MR. Joni; tLtRGIt>♦AvTs, Toronto,
says that "Pepper has the larg-
est and best assorted stock of
American and Canadian Wall
Payers; Borderings and Ceiling
Decorations, of the most hand-
sjlme designs and of the best val-
11g, that has ever been shown to
the people of Brussels," and he
advises al's who intend to orna-
ment their homes to give Pepper
(1 call. See advertisement on
pltge 8,
IN referring to the decease of the uncle
of R. Dennis and .1. Roberts, a Goderioh
c respondent says: -Jas. Cox died on
Wednesday of last week after a long ill-
s, The Panoral took plum from bis
residence, Victoria street,on Friday
1./700/7 an 103034/7 procession Om08S10n 1 .
fol ow
xxrr f the remains to Maitland cemetery.
There were over eighty carriages in line,
most of them being occupied by residents
of the township where deceased had
peeved the better half of his long life of
111 years. '1 ho rootor of St. Georges, and
St. Stephens, Goderiob (ownship, con.
ducted the burial services at the house
and the grave.
LAST I?ridgy WWI Jennie .Dickson,
se0nn t daughter of the late Postmaster
1)iokeon, and niece of Robt, Dickson, of
this place, died after an extended 111nc'35
of conulnplion, aged 21 years, The
ihncral t: ;11 place on Monday, A Corso.
rich 1101 14.1,tlent add3:-Jennie, Red
daughterr, tllu Iat0 Archibald Dickson
died 1441 t l,iny after tt long Ilh1r;84. The
funeral took place on Monday from the
family rceidunee, West street, to Molt-
hintt cemetery, where the remains were
interred in the family plot. Itevercnds
Dr. the end Mr. Anderson conductld
the funeral ceremony at the house and
grave. The pail bearers were. R. Fraser,
A, Dickson, Geo. A. Nairn, P. Mal0010.
eon 7L. Dickson, Brussels, and J. Broad.
fool, Swath. There wore severe' floral
tributes placed on the casket by friends
and. loved 0n1s, among them beings
pretty ,recall' ,.nu II11ron lodge No, 02
I.333.O.1'. Of v doh Lodge t110 late Arcbi.
bald Phlegm we. 't member,
cd 11vessels.
A es --.e't 1119 t•.•Aler 1t ,'(3'1, le'' •1 111.1
0.141.1( r.:1884
ONr. of Band. Welsh's sta;4a horses
dropped dead last week.
LnAtruntn,1141 is giving great bargains
in furn,tur,'. 'Cry fur yoltevlf,
Mus. Titteurso2 purahaeed J. 1I.
Young's 11008" and lot on John street.
ft will make quite a onnifertable little
sponte. fills ,rants to find a good tenant
for amide 38 she 11•.4. Miss Bialton:an's
houeo rented for a year.
Roeerei 15.1CNAUO0TON has commenced
hie rounds with fresh fish and during
the coming months be will be prepared
to supply the pnblio with this "Wella
fodder' regularly
A counero mfo2, 1)871iug very person-
ally, too, with a number of persons who
are in the habit of spending the Sabbath
afternoon in gambling was rooeivod by
us. Wo decline to publish it but hope
the pertle3 interested will take the hint.
Rimy. Jong Ross, B.A., will emelt two
eermens 031 the Roman Cat lobe Church
next Sabbath. The subject' in the morn-
ing will be, "Rolnanism its n religioue
syscom," and in the evening, "The' posi-
tion and power of Romani=m in Canada
and the perils to Protestantism."
W.F.11I.5.--The fifth anniversary of
the W.F.M.S, of Melville church will be
held next Monday evening, beginning at
R o'clock. Miss 111aQnarrfe, of Windham,
will read a paper o'3 Missions, anti Rev.
John Ross, 13.A., will give 1311 address o+l
the Finance of Missions. Appropriate
readings and music will ale, be given,
Tan etnnuel meeting of the Brussels
Mechanics' Institute will be held in the
reading room an Monday of next week
at 4:15 o'clock p. re. The financial re.
port and the Librarian's report will be
presented and a Board of Direotors elect-
ed for the current year. All the members
are asked to accept this notification and
be in attendance.
REv, ALruED DAY, who is announced
to ocoupy Knox ohuroh pulpit next Sab-
bath is to conduct the children's service
at 2.30 in the same 0110roh. He will also
take part in a missionary meeting to be
held on Monday evening at 8 p. m. A
suitable program of music, readings and
addressee will be presented.
A 8PE01AL meeting of the Village Coun-
cil was held fast Monday evening to ap-
point an Inspector in conneotion with the
Boa d of Health and to look after repast. s
to the sidewalks, owing to the removal of
J. B. T. McComb to Loudon. On 03011'./7
the By-law was amended by the substitu-
tion of Walter Smith's name, No 0:110,1
business was transacted.
OtIANGE ADM. -Mange advertisements
must be in by llooday noon or they cau-
not be used until the next week, Where
a hal dozen changes came in on Tuesday
and Wednesday, with other worn to be
attended to, the business men will see
the necessity of 11e adhering to this rulo.
Please bear this in mind and get your
advertisements reedy by Monday noon.
TnlNos WE'vo Norrcrn.-Last Winter
was an easy "ne on coal, --House-clean-
ing in all its "glory" in here. -People
are getting their yards, cellars, 1420„
cleaned up ready for the Health Inspec-
tor.-Tilat we mis-s1a'ed the number of
years 3. B. T. McComb was a resident
of Brussels, as he has lived fu town over
0 years. -Tho big emigratiou this spring
will tell on the pepulatiou of our town.
-Some people will sign any petition or
paper presented to thom.-Brussels is
losing trade by the limo kite not w0rk1ne
this year. --Boating is becoming popular
on the Maitland as the weather gets
warmer. -An overcoat was not out of
Plane a portion of this week. -The Jesuit
qu. etion ie not quieting down. --Seeding
will -oon be through. -The Cr,T,R. has
bad a big run of accidents this year.
Onn FELr,owaxrr.--Tho annual sermon
to the member's of Western Star Lodge,
No. 149, I.0.0.F., was preached in St.
John's church, last Sabbath morning, by
Rev, W. T. Cluff, incumbent. Abont 80
of the three -link brethren marched from
the lodge room to the obureh. The ser-
mon was a very appropriate ono, the
text being taken from St. Matthew's Gm.
pel With chapel. and 40tH scree: "Inas-
muoh ne ''e lilt"e dello it 1111t11 one of the
least of those mybrethre", ye have done
it auto me." A society di300u080 is not
the easiest hind of a sermon to prepare
and expo old, especially when the midis-,
ter here +'reached recently t-, some other
Order, but although Rev. Mr. Cliff was
i11 this position Its discoursed in a most
sweep able manner and with pleasure and
profit to his auditors. Tihie was the sev-
eutioth anniversary ofthe Order in Amel•-
For Meeneoee.-Last Tuesday noon a
large number of relatives and friends as.
sampled at the Bruescie depot to say
"goodbye" to another contingent for
Manitoba and the Northwest. In the
party wore : J. H. Young, wife and fam.
ily, for Moosomin, N.W.T, ; Miss Blake-
man, for Virden, Man. ; Mrs. Thomas
Pierce and Wm, Pierce, for Portage-la-
rPrairie, Man. ; Mrs. Delgatty and family
for Moose Jaw, N.W.T., and Miss Tier-
nan, for Deloraine, Man. Mies Blake-
man and T11re. Pierce go out to visit rot,
%byes, tho others with a view of making
their homes in the West. Mr. Young
is well known in this locality having re-
sided in Brussels for upwards of 21 years.
He is very affable and obliging in his
manner and will make hosts of friends
in hie new home. In Brnseele he has
been a very useful citizen and in the var-
ious positions occupied by him his tenure
of office WW1 most euaoosslul. Ho was
six years on the School Board, 3 years
village councillor, 1 year Reeve and 4
years on the Board of Health. It is safe
to Say he wee one of the most 'popular
men in town, In the 1,.C.L. ho filled all
the offices, carrying with him the rank of
Co, Master of Nort1, Miran. Last week
the Gray District Lodge presented him
with a largo lodge banner bearing the
usual figures, to be presented to the first
lodge he orgenizs8 in his locality, Mr,
Young gave the lithograp`1 picture "The
Capture of Batoobo," to the Brnss015
Lodge. On the Quartorly Board of tho
'Methodist 03114Oh he did his work mods
acceptably and aoonrately es envelope
etowarcl, rind altlo filled the bill as one of
the tethers in tiro 031131.011.. He was ill the
employ of B. Corry, hardware merchant,
for great many years and thoroughly
understands all the details of the hum -
noes, We dont think Mr, Young will
farm many years but expect he will stop
into soma Government of3oo in the moan.
try. itis Brussels friends will be well
pleased to'know of (moans following him-
self and family, We hop% to bear from
Mr. Young 000aslenally and will be pleas-
ed to give piano to hie 1ettore in tree col-
lman of Too Fon,. Brussels Oan110(1 s,f.
ford to Tree r;itizons 11100 Mr. Young.
1 4..b ll.v) tW w 11e home from 1,314.30.
J... t .+L'. ?')y and ebeelay.
1 sl y semi. et mss now chi, et
7 ,see lc ,, 144, Thn b1)3 '1. 44 ream
11/7.1 i- 1•u1.,1 ter that purpose,
t)DN'T forget that the. Bete:moo 1'3x.
amiiultiou to the High Sollnnl will bo
held at Br0445413 next July, l,y 1 er-
n)eelee.of the 1lluieter of Jddue141i0u.
7 hc1'O 3honld ben good big 0144343 of cap-
\V1tT. It. 13,183, of Guelph, formerly of
I ru,suls, lets •ocently obtained 11n 11x003
lent sif uatioe. at au increased %dory, in
the woll.known tailoring eetabliehment
of l0111g 1k Benham of that oity. Will ie
to be congratulated o31 the 8000481 he ha't
met 0.1313 since going to the Royal City.
L304r1E.-At 38 Earl St„ Toronto, on
April 98t11, the wife of Mr. John
Leckie, Iuepeder Freehold Loon
and Savings Co., of a 8011, (still born.)
Gnesov: -In Brunette, on April 251.13, the
wife of Mr, Jas. Gibson ' 1 a dough.
ax.e_7'.. e12E177.
Axone -1aCoubonntt.-At the reeidonoe
of 11r. J. 13. Welsh, Walton, April
20th, by the Rev. Wm. Torrrnloe, 11r.
John Angus, of Morris, to Mrs.
Enema MoQullongh, of MoKiillop.
Rose STAcrr,-Ab the Salvation Army
Barracks, Denver, Colorado, on
April 1011t, Mr. (1, M. Roe , of Dell-
eer. Col„ to Miss Jeanie, 4th +laugh.
ter of th•' late Richard Stamey, for-
merly of Brussels.
WATe'N-SCOTT.---In Brussels, at the re-
sidence of the bride's parents, o31
April 24th, by Rev. A. Henderson,
M. A., of Atwood, Mr. John Watson,
of Elmo tamable, to Mies Fannie
eldest daughter of Mr. P. L. Scott,
of Bru.sels.
D10030.'t.-In Goderioll, on April 20th,
Jennie, second daughter of the late
Arch. Diok-on.
Berms. --At Sunehino, on May 2nd, john
Baines, aged 81 years, 4 mouths and
4 days. Funeral on Saturday at 10
MI-WZ'SS7S37-,121 7A2A^`'vT_•'--73'S i,
COMMUTED CAl1EP11LLT x474:1111 W1iEi.
Fall Wheat , 93 95
Spring Wheat 93 95
Barley 40 45
Oat8 27 28
Peas ... 53 00
Butter, tubs and rolls.... 10 17
Eggs per dozen 10 00
Flour per barrel 5 50 00
Potatoes 20 00
Hey per ton. ., 11 00 12 0'1
Hides per ib....., .... 2 8
Salt per bbl., retail...... 1 25 0"
Sheep alone, uaoh........ (i" 1 00
Wool, per 11) 17 22
Pork. 0 I10 00
..^7.c TSS 10EAmazr. .--.. ..-
Fall Wheat 93 95
Spring Wheat 313 95
Oats 217 28
Peas 313 00
Barley 40 40
Potatoes 2 1 00
Butter, per lb 111 17
Eggs, per dozen 10 00
Apples, per bushel 30 35
flogs, dressed 6 00 00
Beef 4 50 5 50
They 11 00 18 00
Weed, per cord 2 tri 4 50
Sheepskins, each 40
The animal mooting of the Bres0els I10-
ohanios institute win behold in the Bead-
3ug Itoom (over J. L. 8turdy's (..444003~) o0
Monday, May 0th,'30, at 4:15 o'oloee u in. A
largo attendance asked tor. A, IIUNTEI4,
41.1 Secretary.
OESTE2 F,wes 31111 80 fro"1 the remis-
0000 too uudorsigued,100 ll, corp, le (trey,
.•n .S psi! ',na, fill= sells 11 • ..•0rr 15
cut. Anviulnrmatloulealint 0', 11,3,31. ro-
r1 4.1.'w 1
V it b5 bll FWbI ,?e { ,
i rowA , . f v -11
1.L l IA
:MIR, L2 •IYY.UIt . rusaol0 PAL .l 4L3
Tile uuderolgnad desires to intimate
to the ladies of Brussels and s0rreuadiug
oonntry that she is prepared to attend to
all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction
guaranteed, whop -Up -stairs, ono door north
of Waiter Jackson's hardware store,
1,0- MISS SAMPL21,
uudels13000 will keep for servile, on
lot 10 con. 9, Grey, the tboro'-bred,Sbork.
horn Durham Bull, "Defiance," (0078)' DOM -
talon 8bortnorn Herd 110010. .Germs, to in-
sure, 81,20 for grade 4400.3 1 58.00 for thoro'-
brods. Fee to leo paid Fob. let, 18110. Pedi-
gree may be seen on application to the
proprietor, 1311(3$ M0Ii0Y. 41.4x
If you want a good eituat)on write to Max
Bnomn0 0,0, Npr8erymon, Rochester, N. Y., as
they aro in want 01 honest and upright sales-
men, to eon their choice and hardy varieties
of nursery stook, either on salary or commis-
sion. Many Mew and valuable varieties to
agar. Write them at once for tonna; de-
lays aro dangerous. 87.9
Stage leaves Gerrie about 6t90 a, m„ reach-
ing Bruesele about 0190 a. m„ and will arrive
atSeodorth about 11180 a, in. Returning will
leave Boatorth about 0430 p. m„ teething
Brussels abeut 0145, to time to a0nnoot with
trains going north and south. Also make
Qonnoations with O. Y. B. at Wroxotor and
Gerrie. 8, WALSH, Proprietor,
undersigned will keep fort service on
Lot 20, 0011.4, Morris, the thorough bred
Durham Bull, "BBrnoy," (110821 registered.
pedigree Dominion Short tiara i 'erd stook,
3)8rm0, for thoroughbred oowe, 80.00, for
goaclo 000.5, $1,00, with privilege of return-
ing if neo08sary. A well bred grade bull 18
also kept an the same lot. Tonus, 00 omits,
with privilege of returning ff necessary,
The pedogree mf "Barney" may be seen on
npi1110ation totheowner.
00.20'. 311T1010 BARB, Proprietor.
i!JJ-`1ARMS FOR SAL 2.--1'.H i` UN-
.3.1 Dm aster = lute severe. ood Panne for
sale and tO rent, one~ tortes, in Townships
Of north and Gray. P. 5, SCOTT, Brussels.
OUSB A W LOT 111011, SAL1!1,
JL 0» tlleeornor00Afar and 14f1o11auic
Streets, 111, the village Of Brll,sols. This 7128•
1i1t1801~ is vary OOnyenl'ontly 0)10)033 hind is a
yo na101to any pet ie having a talon~y of
Goons to le an as Well
is so near the 00hoo1,
Good Stable and Well ort the a lit e0e, also
some youngfruit trees and a 1101 on1 Orf
gtnail fruiApply to the owner on the
10.11 31135.'1111t141'317L7i, 30ee03)8.
MAY 3, 18bi)
awNsaa ante ,pr,0-'p4), d0)004.1. r
ape; liorderinge
- Decorations,
Arnot ican Lind. Canadian.
Al'li'li ly,l„'1,•n.',li'li"b•li,lr'llll,i Illllilllt't''6"li filly'IV'ield'I,'In,ln't,'le'lu'6rtr'I.r
-aof the 0110(08042 and prettiest daelgne to eeleet from. This is the iarg030 and most
complete assortment in Brussels. Call and she at
(Successor to J. Hargreaves is Co.)
13Ru1Molli:g.: ,
1102111 Local on Page 8.
, n
t 03041 t , can0Oloy, cm.dniug
110 310105, 1•hore1413 a. frame
, 17011344,ltbalk
barn, orchard, Rem, on t110 premiss, 40 acnes
of the laud ie cleared and unarm eultivatlon,
and 10 acres of ilto balance is 11.4111 tt",ber,d.
rho farm is conveniently 1503100.), being
0) miles from Brussels, 1i miles front Cron.
brook and 91 311)00 from Maud, For further
our, tculars appyou the premises, to
29.4 `10B I3, 1HALL, c'ranbreak P, n,
Ilrusnola Tannery is offered for sero 3,t
a bargain, In It Is a 10 h. p, engine and
80)1 p, boiler ,13 vats, 00urry tables, a stoves,
good baric mill and a full set of tools with
heating pipes to leach08, hm there are
about acres of land in connection with the
building. No tannery nearer than Winghanl
or I.istowe I. Terms easy. Por fartherp,4r-
ticulmrs, as to prf00 terns, R:o„ apply at
Tun l'o
07. Tiem Pu4lishiugn'oase, Brussels.
Manna Offers his valuable 100 wore
farm, being lot 9, con. 10, Grey Township,
Buren Co., for sale. Thorn aro about 50
acres cleared and In good heart, There is a
log house, good hank barn, beating orchard,
and all the necessary conveniences on the
premises. Per further Oartle3333lrs, as to
price, terms, eta„ apply to tire" Proprietor,
CHO8. IIIOLOP:Clare P 0., N. W. T,. or to
2-tf DOUGALD 8TRACHAN, 8rneso)8
1AR1r FOR SALE. -Tai ri
derslgnod offers his. 100 acre farm for
sale, beteg lot 20, con, 4, Morris. There are
about G acres of bush, all the rest cleared.
8000 house, cellar, cistern, plln'7., 310.
Splendid bank barn, 02.045 fent. 7.014000 in
good repair, nearly all straight rail, 000 rods
of undordrain on the farm. T,vo and a.half
miles from 80)35430. Tonna and conditions
of sato made known on application to
c•.HA8.11031]1113 stank, P, 0,, or at Tn5
Po8r Publishing `House.
40.01 U. B. r1A1(RI8, Proprietor.
DEBS10NEn offore for 00,10 the north
east quarto 0 of lot 20, 00110es0i00 0, Morris,
County of Huron, containing 011 gores. The
land 30 of first quality and in :1 high stat." of
o1ltdvatinu, moll fenced and under -drained,
'.6 gores cleared. New frllln4l house, 8 rooms,
milk pons., with concrete wails, 2 wells,
gond barns and shed, orchard, etc. Light
acres of fall wheat. Phis aosiralae prel.=.rty
adjoins th 0 corporation of Brussels. Snit -
able toms will be Eiren. Title perfect,
JAMES 011.11:V10, Owner,
9%- 444efortll P. 0.
A drat-olaes farm for sale i4. tiro
Township of 11151((5 in the County of T3 neon
being south half of north )calf lots 25 25
and south half of 20 in 5th eon., containing
100 acres more or toss, 125 mores mostly
ether of stumps and in a good state of culti-
vation, There is a, young bearing orchard ,(1
good house and hank barn 00 s 50 feet with
stone stable underneath. The form is situ-
ated within a mile of the Village of Brussels
end is a good farm for grain 04 .stook rein -
Ing 311. It Is watered with the river Alaitland
and over failing spring creel:. Possession
will be liven at any time. Per further par-
ticulars apply on the premises or to A, h.
111BEItT8ON Brussels, P, 0 0-tf
being the south halt of lot number
Be is the 4th ooneession of the township of
Morris, known as the homestead of Arehi.
bald Taylor, containing ulu0tyni11e. nares.
Ninety nares aro cleared, the ba auea wood -
ori with valuable timber. Excellent buil'.!•
Intoe, Large orchard of 0boiee trees, soil in
gc.oe esodltion and is situated a010 and a
quarter initee north of the V,Ilt1, of Brno.
3410, on too Main nasal Tea o phis is ono
of the rioe,t homestead farms i,, Elio Cgntery
Or Huronandwill bo1,411 rt a bargain and
on terms to twit intrelim,e 1 15t further
ryllicnl31rsl.]ply i4. tbo Propiloter, :r, M.
'r4YT,Olt, 1738/7093 +remit 1 ma tc, or to
A1te.HTib'.1LD 1AY11,411.-,n., on the prem.
Meg. tf.
N.../1'ilforris, on reasonable scams. To order
to close the affairs of tb0 estate of the late
W. G. Iliogstoo, the executors Direr the fol-
lowing valuable lands for solo North
half of Lot 00, Concession 0, Township of
31or110, oontaining 00 sores. On this lot. is
Greeted a good frame barn with stone foul,.
dation, good orchard, 23011 audpnmp. Near-
ly allcleared, and i0 on the grave road
losol adjoining the village of Brussels..
Thisl arm 1s a valuable ono, is won fenced
and iE a good state of 031ltivatina. Por
prices and terms apply to TA00. IIp1LLY,
Brussels P. 0„ 1303"/7'4 •TENNINIOS, Victoria
Square P.O., or 38.0103 Siam, Maple Lodge
P. 0,, Middlesex county.
Exmerte ototte, 1889.
Sewed and third elms nomprofossional
examinations at the 0o)10glateInatltetea and
Mob eohoola in tho Oounty on Tuesday, bth
July, 8140 a,m. First 0., July 10th, 0140 a.m.
Candidates who wish 1.o write at either Olin.
ton or 8eafor112 must notify D. TL 141alloob,
s 'ter1ttnghteDuInspector,d Clinton
two schools they intend 10 write at, and
those who wish to write at Goderich must
notifyJohn D. Tom, ]944. I
q. P,, he notteo
must be
moo p the sb a onto, The notice
10141 Candidate ndniedimps es afee of it0. or al0
a two lesSecon implies lax thnation . No
01wellae- 01000. (led I9tbs Department of
nacos will 0o forwarded ie file Madr6m0n-
ers o Weitiea000mate Institutes it. tsoa0d m High
ors of the dolsesen0 oapli or ne03
their 440 )1111 please t o Bond ,op ctor the of
then iaud11014. 31 the egfate for of the div.
Binnh in School
sit bo110gfPe 13 00 )1 or
Binh 8m y 18 103 from
Forme of )pplio
cation may hehaafl'onithoBeorotwry,
P T39B ADAMSON, Soo. 10,10xame,
Goderiob, April 32, 188)6 41-9
"rem. C'zan,zaVe"es
Pursuant to she .ter 1)0, motion 81,11. 5, et.,
the 0roditnrs of ElsarlY 10Ev3, yeoman, 1040
of N1 101 di, con. 8, Groy Toweshtp in the
Oountyy of llurou,wllo died en or 44im111110
Fifth D ay of De1amllar, A, I). 113111 ,said other
havingelaim8 in raspe01 t1 ids estate :1.o
hereby notified to 0880, on or before the
Pitney of Juoa, lee:,,. to Lunn W. 1'AUA.
13AB1111, of the Village Of 1101101, in tho County
of Doren1']x4 1 -
01too of the 0 011 aad 1,0 313.
effete fetid d 11,o 1) t foil• a)mos and sir
dresses and the, full particulate Of their
themeand of lethe aa1131 00 (if immediately
hold he
then), and also that immodiatall+ actor the
said date the assets of the 00id deceased
will be distributed among the purtleft en-
titled thereto 1laylug regard only to the
claims of wbieh.the executor has then
notice, eget the exoeuter win not be liable
for any assets en distrdmind 1,0 any pergo))
of Whose Wake h,. 'hnil net have had
netie0, AARON IS PANABA1014B,
Ethel, April10tb,'81, '''00011001, Ethel l',qf,
INTOSEX (C MoTA(r(4.1 RT, =.z
Wrax.bact a C+oaac+ra1 19ltsaLi,rafr
Comalipu mull/Mtn] 31tate3 Drafts b,ught
nail sok0.
Interest allowed on Deposit,,
Co3lectioas made en favorable ter•nw,
Celi31d3331 Agents -44 0)3clo4vr's 43ANa 05
Now York Agents-raietu,Tii30 ANn Tuan•
Solicitor, Oouveyanoer, No tory Pub-
lic, &o. Oihao-Graham's 111ook, 1 door north
51 Popper's Drug Store, Private Fuuds to
• Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub -
Ile. Conveyancing. Collections and Loaning,
Mr. Wade will attend la Gerrie every Wed-
nesday at two o'clock,
DX01i130N & IIA'YS,
(Coto with Darrow k Proucifoot, Gods-
rfell,) Barristers, Soiiaitors, Conveyancers,
to, CA1ce-Grant's Block, nrueeole. Money
to Loan.
n, 5.MAYe, NY.11,DIOE80N.
kr TAYLOR B 0 L.,
Barrister, Solicitor, @c., of the firm
of Solicitors,11:0Taylor
Manning ,rode, King Street
West, Toronto. Money to Loan.
. A. 01003( of the Fonrt)i DINWon court,
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan and Insuranm, A>1,.o1. lhnlao
1017.00red an,1, to 10nn. Collections 12:,11,'.
Onion i,, Ornham's Block, Brussels.
( 1E0130E I{II11iI1Y,
Lieeusua Auctioneer. +734741 ac'nduot.
ed on reasonable tares. Farms end Pam
stook a suesinit4, orders 1u10 at Tun Poor ,
Publishing lieu se, Brussels, nr sent to Walton
P.O., will receive prompt attention.
Auctioneer, is always ready to at-
tend Salam of farms, farm stock, ,fie, 'terms
eheorfully given. Ornnbr,o4 P. 0, Sales
n.ay bo air toned at 'furs Poen Pabliahmg
House, Brussels,
C• INOS ems.
H. M.aCi'I1.AKli N,
• Insurer of lfarri n1. -' I lactams. ()Mau
at ilia Grocery, 'rilrnborry3.truct, tirn33018,
Teacher of Piano nod Or15n, 'COMA
011 appl(cttien. \VALToN ''Lams 111uot0 r+very
Thursday sad Friday at Mrs. 1). Campil0)l'o,
Desires 00 ro0oiv0 pupal 32,r Instruct -
Mon on the Piano and 00 114 :slue years
experience. Residence wit, Mrs. lIarn,ouv-
es, over Poppers Drug Sturm.
N. 11411RETT,
1b •
Tonsorial. Artist. ,`7 Fga )car
south of ,1, 11. 3I01iac,C n ha A.)tyle 4.a.
Lades' and children's heir c uttitl.l - :menially
am7A o&dca.stock of cigars
.• Issuror of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment 0P Lieut,-cioverner, Commis-
sioner, 1ex,Q,10, Conveyancer and Agent
1 ioaost TOg
us ue.uo3 Co. Office at the 0ranbrook
I'3• W. O'BRIEN, V. S.,
• ITonor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary ()tillage, is pprepared to treat all.
dleoaoesofdomesticated animate oa galantine,
aad approval priuclploe, O1(loe-Two doors
north of -bridge, Turnberry 311.806,
N0, D. WARWICK, V. S.,
Graduate .,f the Ontario Veterinary
College, has opened au office in Bruesela and
is now prepared to treat all diseases of
domesticated animals on the late01 scientific
and approved orluoipios. Calls attended to
day or night. OOloe in I. 0, Diehard's Har-
ness Shop, opposite Queen's gotta, Brussels.
M. F. CA.LE, 141 D., 0 M.,
r ),IOmber of the College 0E1'1iyooelans
ted surgeons 01 Ontario by examination.
Ogee and Malddute-Main street hast,
11th01, Outarie.
J A. MoNAUCHITON, 83.13.
o 0,M„T,R,O.P., ltrlinburgh, 111. O. P.
13. Ont. At Popper% Drug Store from 0 to
11:10 a. m, and from 1100 to 4 p, m, At other
hens may ba found at his reeidonca, form-
orly occupied by Dr, Ilutob(neen, Mitt et,
7:/171.7' 4G',i.oTm-'yr• I
G. L. nail, I,. D. S., lim,80 Graduate end
141, It, C. I), 0, Toronto, Vitalised Air given,
Oilice-•ll l•1rEne BLo0E, SEAF'oxvr> .
77 S71R''S3(7T 1
W, J. Fear, L, D. 5,, Graduot,o of
Toronto Sohool of Dentistry A1)
Operations guaranteed. f3•Arti$olal
tedtw, heel (Mali EY. and naaxa116eOd
tit, for 012,011 per hat. 011100-0Anr'n
Bunce, SEAwonc'u.
%)u TNhl'I Cf
H..4..1vO,n, s'31at. ,1). •.E„
Bolter Graduate Of the Boyar Collage of
Denial Surgeons, Toronto, "11000 Oxide Gab
adtninivtorod for the Painleeo )xtraot(on of
,tooth, O03oo-'
Molts Dom Renee 01' Bart , liniments