HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-5-3, Page 5111nr 3, 1s89
cwt a :x„ rig !i '' ,,,;f+.� ,t71t1gli S? fir .a cry est.. ,0, err "
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06 Commencing at Once.: „ e will offer Su?ts by the Hundred Cheaper:than the Cheapest, Men's (Baits for $8, fo
and, $73 worth $7.50, 88 and $10.
Young Man, while the money you save over that asked by the imitators for the E.ame quality will buy
you a Hat, Furnishings and leave you some Change in you pocket besides. It is an innovation -this selling Spring Suits right a the commencement of the season -that only the
• store doing the Largest Ready-made Clothing Trade in the County would snake.
The old saying, "There is time and place for everything "
8311711'S Store is the .Place, and NOW is' your Time to buy.
We will also offer nouns of Path all. wool, worth $3,50, fox $'2.25„ Also
MEN'S T C? r & CAPS FOR 250. AND ,JP AR 41
Pay us a visit and see what we eau do for you.
t';t s- v4114e.
fared tie; ie eel' ad • anced is utilise gardens
are taking the it innings now.
Mrs. Timmins, who has been very ill
for a length of time, is improving rapidly
sine. the warm weather has set in. She
has bad save al drives, made a number
of calls nod attendod the Methodist Sun.
day school entertainment Tuesday evon-
im and seems nuns tho worse of it to-
day. She purposes starting for Montreal
next week, where she will remain all
summer with her brother, Dr, Fulton.
David Maguire has rented hie farm to
Harry Atwood for this year.
Township Council will be held at
Damns' hotel, Cranbrook, ou Monday,
May 27th.
On Friday, April 5th, Albert Frayne
killed eleven largo snakes in one place on
his farm. They were sunning themselves
when the avenger swooped &,wu upon
Jo;=ept' Arden, 7th ems., has fall
wheat 14F inches long growing on his
farm. OLl heads say they never saw the
crop loo!, better at this season of the
year. The danger is now thought to be
Ove' ret;! htu't•cst.
Tii• ;t.demih School in Roe's ahnrch
has lei "0 r0 -d yet after thewinter ram -
ties, , 'There is somo trouble about rustler -
hie a liar.' inteninttt us J. A. Prune,
Superieamdeut last year, resigned. It is
to he hoped he will again take charge and
get the evivo' hoiug,
Z. Leech has been engaged as cheese.
maker for tho Belgrave factory for 1889.
Bev. Samuel Jones, of Brussels, will
oaeapy the pulpit of Duff's oburoh next
Sabbath morning.
`rnomL Rrro r.-Tne following Shows
the standing of the pupils of the Walton
school, as the result of the Easter ex.
mninatiotts : -- Senior 4th class -John
Morrison, Annie Ferguson, Susan His.
lop, Joh Oughton. Jun. 4th -Edith
Humphries, Jennie Ferguson, Rose Grigg
and Lettio McArthur, Etta Torrance,
3rd class- Mary Lamb, Maggie Hum-
phries, Lizzie McDougall, Jas. Ramsay.
San. 2nd -Janet Ritchie, Etta Grimold-
'•- Andrew Turnbull, John Ryan. Jun.
2nd --Minnie Bairnes, Bessie McDonald,
George Rmsay, Frank Flannery. San.
part 2nd -Mary McAtthnr, May Ross,
Maegie Campbell, Bonbon Grimoldby.
Tun, patt 2nd -Annie Campbell, Thos,
Jobnaton, Louis McDonald, Lao. Flan-
nery. First class -Lizzie MoGavin, Jno.
Grigg, Etta Leech, Joseph Carter.
eaten iortla-
Mf s. goott-Siddons will give an enter.
tainineni hare on the evening of Monday,
May 18th.
J. T. Ireland has had conferred upon
him the degree of Doctor of Dental Sur.
gery at the Dental College of Ontario.
Dr, Bethune, formerly of Wingham,
has purchased the practise of Dr. Maokid
in this town,
Broadfoot & Box have added one of the
largest and best sand -papering maohines
in use to their furniture factory.
Aylmer football olub will bo here to
play their match with Seaforth on the
evening of Friday, May 8rd. Thoy have
a good club and m fine game is °spouted.
Tho Public Sobool Board is asking the
Town Commit to provide $8,000 to have
the Sinead -Dowd system of heating and
ventilation put in the Pnblio school
Liquor Bowers have been granted to
the following hotel and shop keepers hs
Soafortli: Taverns -H. P. Kennedy, Jos.
Bell, Wm, Ilasvkehaw, Wm. Pinkney,
Jas. Weir Thos. Stephens and Butter &
Rooke. Shops -John Killoran and Ed-
ward Datvaon.
181s ills.
R. D. Dunbar intends leaving shortly
for the Status.
R. Howard has the contract to re-
build tate cheese factory at Bhievale.
*Work to be completed by June.
Wm. Lundy appearod before Justices
Kelly and Young. Lundy was ehargod
with taking goods from his employer, S.
Gidlay, mcrohant tailor, The brosaautor
failing to appear he was acrfnittod,
5, Lundy was arraigned baforo
Justices Kelly and Young on Monday
afternoon for assaulting Constable Davis
while in tho execution of his duty, also
at tho sate° tiino he was charged with
assault and abusive language to Jacob
Taylor,' Tho charges proven the de -
fondant had to pay 2 lines and the costs.
Leat Sunday morning the congre-
gation is Trinity oluirclt was taken by
abrprise when the incumbent NV, II. A.,
Thomas announced that throngh failing
health and Um largo extent of parish
work he had "Moon forced to band his
resignation into luso hands of the rhnrch
wardens, to telt° effect an; the 1st of
Mer , r,. ..M
John Harrison ani family, who have
bean residing here for many years, took
n midnight flight between Smday and
early Monday morning.
Dr. `i', Milo° is letving the Morg'n
is' mot fated up fur his office and ids
isometry where he intends oponing out
for practice.
Tho laying of the corner stone of the
now Mo:isodist church is expected to
talcs pinoe, with dm onstomnry ooremon-
ies, o„ the 24th of May. Mr. Massey, of
Torouto, the wall -known implement
mauufaoturer, has consented to lay the
stone, and it it expected that he ,will be
assisted by brethron from the surround
ing places,
C. 0. F. -At the regular mooting of
the 0.0.F., No. 80, on Tuesday evening
the following offioers were eleoted for the
next six months :-0. R., John Johnson ;
V.C.R., W. Oocicerline ; R. S., J. W,
Bell ; F S., J. T. Carter ; T.eas., R,
Somers ; Chap., J. McGill ; S.W., 3. M.
Ross ; J. W., A. McNally ; S. B., A.
Steinhoff h J.B., R. Howard ; Court
physician, Dr. Milne.
tetWotan.' .
Mr. Deemer, 0. P. R. agent, is greatly
improving tho promises by adding a iiower
Dr, Maadowdd, 31. P. for East Huron,
one of the Thirteen, returned to his home
in Winghum on Wortley.
T. Bell, of bit,, furnit „•o factory, bus
commenced Isis slew building, in compli.
arse with the loan by law.
Cnn, 319kc,ao ilas enoueasfnlly passed
his second year motions examination at
the Toronto School of Medicine.
Pipes aro being laid from the hydrant
at the eornor of Victoria and Josephine
streets to the Union furniture footory.
.Dr. Young, who was lately practising
iss Wingham, has hung out his shieglo ab
Ladner`s Landis g, a small town on the
mainland, British Columbia.
Thomas Drummond, sou., who has
been oiling for some months from the
effects of a psralytio stroke, took a second
one on Saturday morning while working
in a neighbor's garden. He was carried
to his home, where he died iu about au
hour. He was 70 years old.
I diattowa'l
Joseph Ainlay left again for Auaconda,
Montana, Thursday. Air. Ainley went
west soverel weeks ago, but was com.
palled to return through his health giv.
ing out,
A few of the friends and neighbors of
Mrs. and Miss Hodgins met at their
residence and presented them with an
address and silver pickle dish and salt
caller, previous to their departure for the
The McKenzie trial is to acme off in
Stratford, nett Juno. Application lies
been made for bail and the judge dooided
to accept bonds from the prisoner in $2,-
000 ; from his father in $1,000 and from
two other good sureties in $500 each.
The Standard soya: Wo understand
that Mr. Lillie° has decided to aonvert
the opera hones into an hotel, and that
the contract has been lot. Listowel will
therefore be loft without an opera house,
unless soma of the recently talked of
schemes speedily inature.
The Easter services in Christ Churoh
were very attreetive. Tho interior of
the oburoh had something the appear-
ance of a aonseevatory with the profus-
ion of calla lilies, go:aninms and other
floral decorations with which it was
Council meeting and Court of Revision
will be hold in the Township Hall on
Monday, 2711 lust.
Wm. Brydon, stone mason, le working
at Allanford, Brno° County. Ho is a
good moohanio, Old country stock.
Alton Andorson, sollool teacher, says
he has got his trotter down to 2.40.
That is coming down to time, Alton.
John Babb's, jr., horses ran away from
the Meoutchcon farm toward home but
were stopped by hie brother Jae. before
mush damago was done.
Our old friend John Angus, who is
about 70 years of ago, does nob boiler° it
to good for mento be alone so last Mon-
day ho lead Mrs. Me0ullough, of Mo.
Killop township, to thematrimonial altar
at the rosiclenoo Of J. 5, Walsh, Walton.
To Rev. W. Torrance was committed the
tying of the nuptial bots. May Choir joys
be many.
A letter from Devil's Lotto, Dakota,
says, of a formor Morrisito :-Alfred
ISaslaitl, brother of our osteomod follow
towneman,W. A. Haslam, arrivod here
from Belgravc, Ont„ last weak, and was
so bakon up with tins country that Pu
concluded to ramie, and has taken seep
a aootion of Dakota dirt at York, r Ho
might have been soon in the horning of
Setts -day lest kering for Isis fntnt'o.homo
at York, with throe sbcers attattlrbd to a
downed canvass Wagon and a O., sappily
of tiro neoossa'ies of life. On clic canvass
was printed "TO 'York Or. bort:" Tlopint
that lis nsay prospor and glow up with
the totultry is i 111 wish ,if his many
friends, here.
S. n,1 along iuterosting items of news
to Tnts P.,sr or call and tali the editor
when you are in iirtt-sols,
Albert Howlet, of Ilia 7th oon., is im.
proving fast he is able to sit up a little
evey day. We hope to ace him around
out silo soon.
R. Le,bherdt.e has routed the Mooney
farm, just west of Brussels from Wm.
Stratton, who lat ly purchased in, for
Ave years, Samuel Haggard will live on
the farm and work it.
Wm. Thuell, atone mason, while work-
ing at Josoph Grnsby's hewing a big
stone, had the misfortune to hit his left
hand with the hammer and injure it
gait° severely. He will be off work for
some time likely.
Geo. Kelly, of the 8th con., sold a fine
colt to Wm Dickson, & Oo„ of .11 cKillop,
for the sum of $162.50 mats. James
Olennan, of the 7th con, sold a fine colt
to the gimme firm for $130. These were
extra flee colts and tee price was very
C. 0. F. -et the last regular meeting
of Court Sunshine, No. 156 C.O.P , the
following officers wore electer.! : -C. R.,
dames Smith ; V.L'.R., James Seale ; 11-
11., John Kirkconuell ; P. S., James
Rob rtaon ; Treas., Jae. Sherrie ; S. W.,
P.. G. Stubbs ; J.S4,. Lawrence Wheeler ;
S. 13., Rnbt, MoArter ; .l, B,, FT, s. New-
aoDsmb r,
•:n. --On Thursday morning of this
week John Baines crossed the Jordan of
death after a brief but severe illness of
inflammation of the lams. The deceased
nr his feet "et and coneraared a cold
which aettted on bio lungs and in spite
of all that could he clone it resulted in
his death. Tho dem:v.80d leaves a young
widow, to mourn his sudden removal.
31r. Baines was a highly 'aspected man
and etra'ghtfonvard in all his dealings.
Ho was 81 yoara, 4 months and 4 days
old. Tba funeral will be held on Satur-
day morning ab 10 o'clock. Intermont
at Sunshine burying ground.
To the Editor of Tnn Poste,
noticed in last week's POST that some
poor nnfortnnate mortal was so utterly
oat of employment as to interfere with
°•her people's busiaeos in the form of
giving a history of a pertain atone mason
in whom this abominable enemy seems
to have great Interest. Now, Mr. Editor,
I do not think it worth while answering,
only for the purpose of informing the
public that I can prove the charges false,
oxcspb the one concerning backing a note
and having to pay it. In regard to that
I can say a great deal better than either
your miserable correspondent or I have
met with a similar misfortune. But pro-
viding I was guilty of the charges brought
against me, it plainly shows the pnblic
the ignorance of the backbiting mortal,
whose nature swarm to be to interfere
with other people's besines, to the neg-
loot of their own, and further, I think
it would be one of the greatest bles.ings
for the neighborhood in which they live
if Choy would attend to their own bud -
noes and leave others alone. Tha item
that was published is not to the aredib
of any sane person as I have heard dif-
ferent parties' opinions concerning it,
lin said thab it was a mean, cowardly
act of any porenss claiming to have com-
moi sans°. I think it is a pity for any
oommunitr that such a deranged being
should be permitted to ran at large, for I
feel eonlidenb that some of tho inmates
of the insane asylum have as mush com-
mon sense, and will attend to their own
hoaines' better than this backbiting
enemy into whose character we regaire
no fnrthe• introduction as 1 oan pass it
verdict of oondemnation judging
from their past experience, 1 will
not think it worth •while answering
anything tfurthor, but if this enemy or
any one who is as muoh interested in my
welfare will came to me, I will prove to
their satisfaobion that those charges aro
false. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, Inc
your valuable space, I remain,
Yours Truly,
A C,s ,T,tnN STONnaltOON,
Tlie following.iablo of the' somperative
quantity of °basso and butteloxported
from Oanadain the years 1860,'193, '88
and 1888 4111 show, bettor thanany
amount of Words, to what an extent thea
butter iddustry has fallen off and tho
cheese jgtorest has increased :
Onaunn yexa'onTs. Dow= Ex'sw a,
Weight Weight
Yaart.' in lbs, Years, in lbs,
18011 °,111,4821933 7018113,208
3850 08,041,087 18813 5100,417
1881 ' 76,333,300 18e13 4,100,000
1859 ' 11,050 than 781 1888 rebou t 1,000,000
million lbs.
Tho following is it eta -Lamont of th0
rovenuo and oxpensa of tho priuciplo post.
ofbioea in 1,110 Dominion :
Racoipts, Espensoe.
Toronto 0287,000' 3101,000
Montroal 240,000 112,000
Winnipeg 57,000 81,000
ilolifax 30,000 31,000
London 4.7,000 30,000
Ottawa.., ,, 46,000 15,000
Ss, t. John'N3307,000 ' 39,000
Quobta 36,000 00,000
Kingston 21,000 10,000
��a;, M1n; 6✓p °less.,- .�� ®3 �" �iy�`r C opens r
.,.Yu:mrasrar-t..ss*a iraFFSEmm^t � ztsR l .s;1.02=====i1= raXI4",,MTIFFEr:�' vaama
+s3 g g tl .i!v� , cued tceet to fila, ea Cumndntl'-, Moles.
wor h, for 11 011 ; thence wast along the
bomulary of Wallace and Grey, to W. J.
Jaoklin's' con. 1, Gray, for night. Fri-
day, will pr..cod, by way of Jamestown,
to Alex. Bryan's for mono ; thence to
Angua Lamont's, con, '7, Grey, for night.
Saturday, will proceed to the American
hotel, Brussels, for noon ; thence to
Cranbrook, then to his own stable, where
Ise will remain until the follow'taMon
daymorning. L. McKim. Proprietor.
Prince of Alves will stand for mares
weekly, during the season of 1880, he,.ith
and weather pee mittiug, as follows :
3Ionday, .rill lease his awn stable, lot 8,
con. 17, Grey, and prooe,d east 2e miles,
then south le to John Rae's, con. 14,
McKillop, for noon ; thence we -t 2e. miles
then south 1f miles to Thos. Davidson's,
12th con., McKillop, for night. Tuesday
proceed south 1} ranee, then west to
John Grieve's for noon ; thence 1 miles
west, then north 1 miles to Jas. 14ion's,
12th con, McKillop, for night. Wednes.
lay, will proceed east to Leedbnry, then
north 1a• miles, then west to Hallett
boundary, then north to Gee. Kirkby's,
011s con„ Morri-, fen noon ; hence east
to Walton, then north to deo. Smith's
Hi con., .Morrie, for nigh'. Thursday,
will proceed west 11 mile , then north 2e
mile- to David Smith's, 11th con , Mor-
ns,, for 110011 ; thence north 11mil' a to
Jun. McCarter's Inc night. Friday, will
proceed west to Rola:rave for to on, then
oust to Joseph Scutt's, nth con., Morris,
for ni.dtt. Saturday, will pro:ced east
to Jno. Forbes', 8th con., Ct.ey, for noon;
then south to his own stable where he
,• ill remain until the following Monday
:miming. Geo. )'.trr, Proprietor and
'0010 toib:wing sternum wen stand :or
eke Improvement or 6toolt this
:lemon as tetio'ws :
Lord Thorn will stand for mares week-
ly during the season of 1889, health and
weather permitting, as follows : Monday,
will leave hie own stable, lot 21, con, 12,
Gray, and proceed to Burton's hotel,
Ethel, for noon ; thence to Wm. Smith's
2nd 0011„ Grey, for night. Tuesday,
will proceed east to Walter Martin's,
Elmo, for noon ; thence to Wm. Holmes'
8th con., Elmo, fornight. Wednesday,
will proceed to Alex. Struthers', nth
con. Elmo, for noun ; thence to Wm.
Linebam's for night. Thursday, will
proceed to Jno. K. Baker's, 8th eon ,
Grey, for noon ; thence to his own stable
for night. Friday, will proceed to Rabt.
McCallum's, 9th con„ Grey, for noon ;
thence to Mr. Etveu's, 15th con., Grey,
for night. eaturdey, will proceed to his
own stable, whoro he will r. main until
the following Monday morning. .7,
Buoivs, Proprietor and Groom.
Royal Bateman will stand for mares
weekly during tho season of 1889, health
and weather permitting, as follows : Mon-
day, will leave his own stable, lot S128,
oon, 8, Morris, and proceed south i,
miles, then east 2} miles 10 Andrew
Johnston's, We. lot 10, con. 17, Grey, for
noon ; thence north to Tuok's hotel,
Cranbrook, for night. Tuesday, will
proceed north 11 miles, then east to Bur-
ton's hotel, Ethel, for noon ; thence north
to Robb. Pearson's, lot 21, con. 4, Grey,
for night. Wednesday, will proceed west
87 miles, theme south 2e. miles to John
McKinnon's, lot 5, con. 8, Grey, for
noon ; thence west to Queen's hotel,
Brussels, for night. Thursday, will pro-
ceed to his own stable where he will re-
main until Friday moving. Friday,
will proceed west to Wm. Clark's, lot 18,
con. 0, Morris, for noon ; thence wast 11
miles, then south 2i miles to Morris
Smelezor's, lot 15, con. 10, Morris, for
night. Saturdty, will proceed east to
Beano' hotel, Walton, for moon ; thence
to his own stable where he will remain
until the following Monday morning.
CARTER & MILLER, Props., H. Miller,
Pride of the West will stand for mares'
weekly, duriug the season of 1889, health
and weather permitting, as follows: Mon-
day, will leave hie own stable, lot 12,
oon. 9, Grey, ab noon, and proceed east
to Jim. Hollinbsek's corner, then north
to 8th con., then oast to Wm. Tindall's
for nicht. Tuesday, will proceed west
to Keffer's sideroad, then north 2} miles
to 8rd con„ then east to Jelin McArthur's
for noon ; thenoo oast 1 miles, then
north to con, 2, than west to Duncan Mo-
Donald'e for night. Wednesday, will
proceed west to MoAllister's corner, then
north to the boundary, then west to
Jamestown, to Molilwan's hotel, for
noon ; thou east, on con. 2, 2i miles, thenolt
south to c. 3, to D. Taylor's for night.
Thursday, will proceed west to gravel
road, then loath 2e. nnilea, then west on
4bh line, Morris, to Joseph Scott's for
noon ' then south to Gbh con., to ,lames
Broacifoot'e for night. Friday, will pro-
ceed east on eon. 12, Grey, to Tnak's ho-
tel, Cranbrook, for noon ; thence to hie
own stablo for night. Saturday, will
/wound to Brussols, Amorican hotel, for
noon ; thouco to own stable, whore be
will remain until the following Monday
11001. Wats Il meta c, Proprietor and
r'; roost.
Young Calleugoit,w'ill+stand for mares
weekly throughout iia scasotl of 13800
health and weather pdt,;titting, as fol.
lows : Monday, trill loavo his own stable,
lob 17, con, 11, (troy, and pr6tced to Bur-
ton's Hotel Ethel, for Mout thence east
to Glias. Pa•kar'v, you. 10, Elmo, for
nitght. Tuesday, will -mooned along the
12tH lino of blunt, to S ynn'a hotel, New••
ry, for noon ; theme to J. Hantmond's,
lot 31, con. 3, Elm, for night, Wodnos.
day, will primed to Samuel Bement,, Ind
con. bloc, for noon ; thenoo to Grand
Central hotel, Lietowol, foe ono hon.,
from 4 to 5 o'clock, Ekon along tho bound-
ary between Wallace and Rims,to Amos
Weaver's for night. Thursday, will prn-
Take a jgU at talo
Dinner Sets '$J.00, formerly sold'
at .$11.00.
China Tea Sets $6.50 to $7.50,
formerly suld Int $$.0O and
Decorated Tea Sets $4.00 to $4 50
formerly sold at $5.50.
White Stoneware Sets $2.00,
formerly sold at $2.50.
Chamber Sets, 9 pieces. $2.00.
Glassware of all kinds sold at
Also a larger tan
ntity of Tea.
which we will sell at COST.
Tea from 121i cents to
-u0 cents. --
Call in and sea the Goods.
lf.:J;,.. 'IL` LT IR, $'STs''.
New York Grooerer.
e d who were unable to get served at our counters dur-
aleing the past two weeks. Our store was not ready for oc-
cupation in time for us to have our goods opened mud placed
in stock before our opening day, and we therefore had to
start selling goods as soon as they were taken out of the
cases, which caused great'confusion in our store and as We
have been so busy serving customers ever since our open-.
ing, and with new goods arriving daily, we have not been
able to get our counters cleared up, and therefore it . was
impossible for us to serve all who were desirous of buying
our cheap goods. We are now pleased to say that we ars
in a position to serve all and quote below some of our bar-
500 yards of Moho Silk, 28 inelies wide at tion worth 71.00.
1,000 yards of Moire Silk Ribbon at 8o worth 30o,
25 pieces of >: anoy Wool. Drees Goods at 1210 worth 15o.
15 pieces of Cream Seersnckers at 80 worth 10o.
10 mem of Cardinal and Mauve Cashmere Print at 121e worth Ito.
200 pairs of Lace Curtains, all taped edges, et 000, $1.85, 51.50, 31,20 and 72.50,
worth $1,25, $1.75, $2.00, 72.50 and $3,50.
500 yards of Cottoned° et 20e worth 250.
2,000 yards of Chocked Shirting at 8o, 105, 12 and 13c, worth 10e, 1212c,111 and lis
Table Linens at 2,0o, 22o, 250, 87,1, 45 and 50°, worth 25e, 280, 330, 801, 60 and 750
The above quotations will give the public some idea of the
bargains to be scoured at the City Dry ' Goods Store,
Brussels. We hope to be favored, however, with
a call from you that we may prove the genu-
ineness of what we say. Bargains in
CV( r5- lnio, -
.eClc✓ � Gofe �066-4/41(44,6C�
REMEMBER THE S.'rt n: •,,W'/G.ii'i38S.
`7 .li BLOCK' B12Ussl:l.;i.
1.o81O1�ITC BLOCK')