HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-5-3, Page 44 T 'F $Rtt`SELS YU iT _,-_-•.--. ,,.:,:.ate._ -„ ,, , ;:. -„. ,_ ----_._ ,,..;..:.. e ,.LYS nJ)l rct ttoLO (T c eU GINT"'” BC "ID ` 4{ vI '49 CAPS, MTLLI`T Y, 8i✓e., IIAV1"-E.1 We defy, either in the city or country, a. Store that is selliner Goods to the pia ltio to -day Prices than we are offering them to our customers and the people. We buy in quantities and at a price that no house doing business in the regular way can touch Do not be mislead by persons claiming to pay cash for all the goods they handle and are able to give you greater advantages than we can. No house in position to take advantage of the markets and place goods before you at Bankrupt Prices but ourselves We are placing goods before you bought at 60c., 70e. dollar while other houses are paying regular prices, so judge for yourselves who can sell the Cheapest Trusting to have the opportunity of comparing our prices with any opposition that claims lower prices, we are Your Obedient Servants, to 51 DY4ADE OLOTiINP MAY 13, 188D. ac. ra .: .: rr ...474.1, 1, .,...t, U(271,44 ,,,,. .....1124 (P.:2 S A T 0‘1970X000.172012....71,022IDAN Or The May district meeting for Goderioh Dr. D. B. Frazer, recently gazetted our - New Advertisements district, Methodist a,uroli, will be held goon of the 286h Bal alien, bas sent in at Heusell. At a baso ball match at Clinton 00 Tuesda\ the Blyth club scored 17 run, while Clinton piled up 27. The f•ll wheat in St.pben township looks extra well and farmers aro repent - ft g tit., they did not °ow a.are than they -'assessor Menzies' returns show tho total value of real property in Clinton in l89 to be 5581,810 ; of personal property 531,450 ; of taxable income 614,550, total 6637,810. Children between 5 and 10 year, 024 ; between 7 and 13 years 392 ; between 16 and 21 years 193, Dogs 85. L•',rly Saturday morning fire broke out in the large barn on the Britannia Road belonging to Sheriff Gihhons, and des. troyed a large quantity of hay, straw and grain, together with a number of vehicles and two horses. The now stable adjoin- ing was also completely destroyed with all its o. ntente', exoept the animals. Sheriff Gibbons, in endeavoring to save his property, had his hands badly burned. There is an insurance of 5500 on the buildings and $500 on the stook, which will not cover the loss. Tho fire is bo. lieved to be the work of an incendiary. One of the oldest and most respected residents of the township of Turnberry passed to his long, home on April 23rd. We refer to the death of Thos. Fortune, who was seized with inflammation a few weeks ago. Ho hue had several attacks of that disease during the past few years. Mr. Fortune was the first township clerk of Turnberry, which office he held for several years, then the late Jas. Johnston 1008 appointed in his place and held the office for over twenty years. When Mr, Johnston resign.•d, s ime six or seven years, ago, Mr. Fortune was re -appointed tiers told held the office up to the time f his death. He was a very efficient nfii err well versed fu municipal motto it, attentive to his duties and most obliging iu giving info mation to those who re- quired to know anything about the town- ship affairs. Licenses for the West Riding of Huron for the year 1889 have been granted as follows :— Clinton — Hotels—Immo Rat- tenbury, Mrs. R. J. Tufts, Wm. Watson, Chas. Millin, Mrs. Mary Kennedy, Rich. Bell, Samuel Pike, Mrs. Joanna 0. Kelly. Shop—Foster & Ritter. Goderioh— Hotels—Geo. P, Cox, J. Milker, Wm. C ung, J. C. Martin, John & James Mc- Caughey, Ed. Peacook, Thomas Whitely, 1Vm. Babb: Shops—Wm. Horton, G. H. Parsons. Wingbare—Hotels—Jno. Dins. I• y, 1'. liormann, Alfred Roe, J. Martin, Mrs. Hattie Oonnover, Jno. Patterson. Blyth—Hotels—J. Emigh, John Mason, R. Milne, James Scott. Ashfield—Hotels —Wm. Flannigan, J. Maltough, Goo. Erwin, Jas. McDonald, Wm, Glazier. Colborne—Hotels—Thos. Cruise, A. ids. Allister, Sohn Spooner, II. Martin, J. J. Wright, 3'. MoDonagh. Hullett—Hotels —John Bell, J. P. Fieber. West Wawa - nosh — Hotels — Owen Donnelly, John Laugbead. East Wawanosh—Hotel—J. Nixon. Monday morning about eleven o'clock while Frank Murray, a prisoner at the jail, was engaged doing some work out- side the prison walls under direction of ,Jailor Dickson, he suddenly made a break for liberty and ran along the bank and down to the river, wbioh he crossed by fording and swimming. Alex. Dick- son, the jailor's son, a young law student, was apprised of tuts departure of the pris- oner and at once started m pursuit. From the embankment he naught sight of the prisoner crossing iho river, and at once followed him. Murray by this time had struggled to the opposite bank of the stream, and yomtg Dioltsou im mediately plunged in and swam the river and soon Dame up with his man, who at ones surrendered. Murray was completely used up by his efforts to es- cape and offered no redolence wbon • hie captor seized him. Ho was et once brought back to his old quarters, a sadder and it wiser man, Murray is under sen- tence for a year and a half to the Central Pris.•11, and was awaiting transport to that institution, Young Dickson is de. serving of great praise for mwimmiug the river and eapturing his man without as- sistance. I'.coals-•-Adam 0 ed. Loc.,,—Mrs, '1'hompso:,. Loral-11rs. Al aa:uler, Lcec'ls_-!1• T eetheni:J . Local—G, A. Detutm'tn. Wall P, Pers G. A.D adman, Mechanics' Institute -A hatter. sc„ •. sc',a-;itis.,--aa-:.a- -e•,•--mun^.T •1+ FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1889. Szvaxos Mtn;rny immortalized his name as a confirmed crack by objeotiug to Hon. Oliver Mows,' oceupving a seat on the floor of the Senate chamber at Albany recently, Because some chum of his own was not permitted to have a seat on the floor of the senate Mr. M r- pby insisted that no such privilege should be extended to the premier of Ontario. Some of the Yanks. allow how little they know by this boorishness and uncalled for incivility. The American press is raking Mr. Murphy over the coals. VERY close attentiot• has and is paid to our Public School and the school management in general and the discus- sion of the same will do no harm. Our object now, h„weVr. r, is t, direct the at- tention of the ratepayers, once m're, to the advisability , f seeming a High School in Brussels. The more this sub- ject n • loo' ad int . th more will the pen. pieet tine legality 1t • eo ,vinced that thr establishment of such an institution would prove a boon to this p ace. A new public, school building will be 8 ne- cessity vary shortly end it n Melt School were to be built the two schools could be accoun -late,1 is tho one tructtn'e. Other places in the County are moving in this t. eater and if ' e al ow the oppor- tunity to pa -s by nuimp'nve'i the lose will be irreparable. We would like to have the opinions of our leading educat- ionalists and others on the question. Evaur time a railway accident ocourrs there are columns of articles written 10 the newspapers and a united cry goes up against the use of stoves in passenger coaches. lint although this has been the case for years not a thing has been done to put this death trap out of use. Only last Sandar, from 10 to 20 persons were, as far as we ern understand, roast- ed alive, in fact cremated so that the authorities only can guess the number of the alai,. A railway accident is bad enough at any time but to have it turned in a firy furnace before im opportunity is granted to release the passengers is something terrible to imagine. We think some legislation should bo planed on the statute books of this Dominion eompell. ing railroads to diehard stoves forever. If it puts a largo share of expense on them what of that compared to the hun- dreds of thousands of lives endangered in the constant moving tido of paseengsra. Enron County. John Currie has been engaged to take the management of tho Grand Union Hotel, Clinton. Edward +barman, of Goderioh, has bean appointed Government Inspoclor on the new public buildings. The Government has reimposed the harbor tolls at Goderioh and appointed Capt. T. N. Danoey ne wharfinger. A benefit concert was tendered to James Hyslop, one of the victims of the resent railway disaster at St. George, on Friday, In the Grand Opera House, Goderioh. J. B. Doherty, Clinton, received per express from the United States two fawn colored thorough bred mastiffs. One full grown and one six months old. rho former was an immense canine and is said to be worth its weight in 0an0at,0s at fifty cents rt pound, A Daae of general filtered was tried at Goderioh on Satm'day, before the Mayor, John Butter, and Peter Adamson, J.P.te, it being the prosecution of the proprietor of the Godet.eh Salt Works by Wm. Johnston, District Inepeotor of Weights and Measures, Belleville, on behalf of the Government, for having packed and sold bards of salt which did not contain 290 pounds of salt. The evidence of Mo, Johnston was that in six places barrels of salt sold by the firm were from fifteen to sixty pounds under the standard. The defendant pleaded guilty, and on his promising to have all the salt which had boon seised, about 600 barrels, ro.paokod so as to weigh the standard quantity., the prosecution withdrew the five additional charges. The defendant was fined 510 and costs as a result of this of0eer'0 visit. Perth Qounty, South Perth has 32 hotels linensed and 4 shops, The shoddy factory in Stratford, which has been closed for romo time, will bo started again shortly. G. P. Durand, of London, has received the appointment of architect for the now heopital to be erected in Stratford this Summer. Tho annual election of ofiieere of tho Stratford Board of Trade was held on Friday night and resulted as follows ;— President, J' Il. Macdonald ; Vico-Pro. silent, E. T. Dutton ; Secretary, W. G. Mowat, There Is an allowance of 52,000 th the supplementary estimates for additions to the Stratford postofico. An addition will be built to the roar wing in order to increase the accommodation in the post• ofllco inspector's department. A number of citizens assembled et the reeiaence of It. Ilillyard, retiring man- ager of the St. Marys branch of the Bank of Montreal, on Thursday night, and presented him with a handsome rotary walnut desk ; and Mrs 1Tillyard Ms also the recipient of 11 beautiful silver tea service. his resieuation. It is rumored the' another daily news. paper in th Deform interest will be stilted 91 Stratford she tly by a joint eto,•lt company. 1'. J. Cor0in, of Winslow, Arizona, eor, of ;11,/1111 Perms, .4:ene-tor of road. nal bridges, of Perth Stratford, has, it is nndorst et disposed of his paper, the: Winslow Sunday News, The military men of Stratford are highly indignant owing to the faet that the Minister of Militia did not see fit to have a suns placed in the ah pidt'm:'nt,try estimates to repair the drillehod thee. The German Methodists, "f Stratford, have decided to establish a nhnroh in the city, and Rev. S.. G'acb, of Beamsville the appoii tee, for the city, .,111 move in next week. Itis supposed that the body will purchase the old south side Method- ist °huro't building and fix it up. The St, Marys Journal says :—The weather for the past few days has een anything l 01 favorable to the, growth of the Fall wheat in this archon. With the exception of the very early sowed fields the plant looks puny Indeed and should the dry cold weather continue for a few days longe mall fields will have to be plowed up. The lesou le more than ever pressed home to farmers this year, that to prow Fall wheat successfully it should be sowed not later than the first week in S. ptember. z esissi(ifttos N.zytm•,s:, Maisel' Bickford, of Dundas, is dead. Po t Hope i- exercised over its want of fire protection. Ile lift is having a boom and the build- ing •rale is fiun ishiug. Recent a mputati, no place the popula. tion of Owei, mind at 7,500. Dr, Bergin, 11. P. foe Cornwall, is very ill at. Ottawa a ith et s sipeb: o. The Sarnia Ste 1 Railway Cotnpaey are going to relay their road with new steel rails. The trey \vat, r tower al Kingston, the highest irou structure in Canada, was to• -ed of Thu' sd.y last. A public drinking fountain la to be ! erect 1 in Dundee. Nearly 5200 has already been subscribed toward it. The mass meeting at Montreal last weep passed resolutions demanding the disallowance of the Jesuits' Estates Act. Conservatives of Compton have chosen Rufus Pope to contest ,he non- Theotituenoy for the seat made vacant by the death of his father. In the House of Commons Tneday evening a motion of 'Samuel Smith (Liberal), censuring the Government for fostering spirit drinking in India, was carried bile a vote of 113 to 103. Shoitly after the oecurreuc0 of the ter• rible aooident et the St. George Bridge, on the old Great Western Railway, the 0. P. R. authorities issued an order to engineers and conductors that on O. preaching the long bridge over the Grand Rivol in Gait all !passenger trains must slacken speed and cross the river at a slow rate. Robert Lena, owner of a sawmill in Carrick township, while making shingles on Thursday of last week, slipped on some material that had accumulated be. neath the machine and fell against the sew, severely lacerating his left arm. He was taken to Toeswater for medioal treatment and planed under the care "f a doctor, who has hoped of saving the arm, but it may be necessary to perform an amputation, During the past logging season there has been a f fondly rivalry among the foremen of the different lumber camps ae to who could draw the largest load of logs. Before this season the highest record was 43 pieces, and each effort has been to break all previous records, but it retnaiued for Mr, Thompson, fon man of the Parry Sound Lumber So. to beat them all. By building ug his load in tiere °reseed he managed to put on e load of 80 logs, none of wbioh were lose than ten inohes in diameter. One team drew the load almost the entire diotanoe to the water, but three were required to draw 15 up ono hill—called "Tug Hill." A horrible talo of murder and suicide i0 just received from High Bluff, a little village only a few miles from Winnipeg, the victim, being a farmer named Mc- Leod and his daughter, while another child, a boy of 13 years, is so badly wounded that he cannot remover. Mo- Lood'e house is a mile or so away from High Bluff's Station, on what is known as the "Bleak Road." lie was last seen t3'huroday night about dusk. A neighbor named Lotto visited the house the next day after dinner and was horrified to find ltroLeod on his side with his throat out, lying near the stove, 33oth children were found in the bedroom off from the kitchen. Tho girl who was not more than night yoare old, had boon etruck o11 the head with tho sharp edge of an axe and was road. Tho boy, who had his clothes on, had four deep gashes on his head. The axe with which tho horrible crimes were committed wa0 fonncl a few foot behind the dead body of the father, and the knife that lin cut his env throat with was discovered in the cellar. !Chord worn tracks of blood from the collar to near where the suicide lay. Tho cause f the deed is attributed to the financial difficulties of McLeod, whose wife diad two years ago. He was ono of the best knotitn farmers in Manitoba, and it masa respected by all who knew ihhn. iii at Lower our prices. Brussels is in a and 76c, on the Nite°htiii ale & During Sprit 4,455 immigrants passed into Manitoba. The defence fund for Donald .tforeison now amounts to 182,000. Shore fi hermea in the Maritime Pro, vinees are rem ins a rich harvest. t'Ite w it for Compton nu, to en 148101. No•„ination 1T,iy 9, poliitgym week later. Taint' vdl" was linittea nater' h •tis Ott Saturday e•ening with great mums. The liquor '(001000 in he granted in Alanitrba will b • reduced by about ouo- third, Tho Dominion Parliament wee prorogued at three cat lock 'Thursday afternoon, Itis proposol to hold a grand Stuntner carnival in is innipeg, in August, lasting a week or ten days. Mt. Forest ownos a young lady named Booze. A villainous pun -ter remarked that Mr.—was gate oft m "booze." The Pacific Postal Telegraph 00a1- pany's wires 110w extend from Vanoouv. or, B.C., 9, Los Angelos, California. The Sarnia ministers hay, decided to hole a public mec'tirti on Friday, May 10, t' discuss the Jesuit's Estate Act. A Montreal restaurant -keeper named Lafora' was fined $200 l',Iomday for a third offence for selling liquor on Sun- day. R. S. Williamson, of Guelph, has pur- chased from Andrew Laidlaw, Wood. stook, a very fine great St, Bernard dog for $100, The International Baseball League season opened Tnesda). London ,vita' the only Canadian club to win, but all the games were olose and exciting. There were 4,700 fewer emigrants from 13 stain to Canada in the past fo months than in the o,•rrosponding period of last year. John Florin, of Belleville, has been awarded by tit, Ontario Covcrnmeut the contract for building the Asylmn at Oril- lin, the c. et of which will be from 6100, 000 to 5170,000. Tho building will take two years to erect, will have dormitories for about 200 pa'ients.and officers, and a ohiof medioal superintend ant's residence. Tho materiel will be brink and -love, the latter to be used for basement and first storey. An action has been entered at the Simco° Assizes against Dr. Dote, of Waterford, charging . him with causing the death of 'tuella Doan, of the same plaoo, through neglige.ce, default and wroi gful eats. The plaintiff, the hue. band of Mrs. Dean, claims 55,000 damages. The negligence, etc., is said to nave been committed by Dr. hose while he was extracting tenth from !ire. Dean, le patting Jur under the infli1euee of chloroform, Prairie fires have consumed several dwellings and barns throughout the Province of Manitoba, owing to the dry. nese 1f the ground. Rain fell this week, however, and no further damage is ex. pected. At Balmoral the stables and barns of J. Jefferson and Mr. Holt wore destroyed. J. E. Maynard's buildings, eight milds from Dolomite, were burned with contents ; loss 53,000. At Stony Mountain the barns and hay stacks of Alex, 13e11 were destroyed. Tho stables of Peter Cameron, at t5'estbonr'no were burned, with nine valuable horses and seventeen head of cattle; partly insur- ed. Sunday afternoon a max well known in Collingwood and also in Barrie, named Bob Fletcher, was fonncl hanging from a tree in a small bush a few miles from Oollingwood. A week ago some boys saw the man from a distance, and sup- posed that he 1000 standing upright. Sunday it was disoovered that the man was actually dead. He had tied the line, which he need for the purpose of taking his life, to a low limb of the tree, anti then climbed the tree and put the line over anothor limb and let himself drop. When found decomposition had set in, and the body presented a most horrible speotaole, his eyes almost protruding out of his head. No action hits boon taken to remove the body, and the man still hange to the tree. No muse is assigned for the rash not, but suppose d temporary insanity. Caird of Thanks. Citizens of Broads, I sincerely thank you fox the honor you have done mo by again Bloating me a member of the School Board, and by such a handsome majority, not on account of myself, but for the sake of our teachers, our children and out school. I know you believe in rewarding principle and duty, whether in a trustee or teacher, but ospeeially the latter ; that you are willing to pay for a good and offioient school, in other words you. endorse the action of iho. Board for the past few years and eonilomn the action of those who virtually etolo their seats last January by both elections being mixed ftp together, and by 0Muer- ough misleading 0anvasa on their side. We have new had a square fight on the main issue, single hounded, and I and all lovers of the school 81101115 be heartily satisfied with the result. In Um future myaim iI vvllbe to role tl a to oonfldon e repay c you, have again placed in ate. ' are, :Respectfully yours, May and, '8c,. F. S. SCOT'T'. 0. The *olden Padlock.' Every Housekeeper should. Call at McKay & Co.'s HARDWARE STORE slid See the .New Cetrn et S tr et o h er. it is a Dandy ltnd may be secured at a L; u' Price. 21 Stock of Lath, Shingles and builders' Supplies always on Valid. We have a Handsome Line of ISI i. VL•b' Tr ill/LE, very Suitable for Birthday -or Wedding Presents. 5N CALL IN AND OE US. A. M ]V1cKAY & Co. Express CARTS, CROQUET SETS amid Pad Bulpto 'Pv _tDO iI V jo Ar11"TivEtrnycal CI jl jy1]i7 I.s i a 4. Tt RE. Kr All e necessary School Supplies 40 kept in Stook, 1