HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-4-26, Page 88 CAUTION 1. 511 would caution the Public against accepting the statement of an ad- vertiser in Tint Pose who eleime, in Wall Papers, to bave "the largest and moat complete assortment in Brussels," Now, this adn'ettiartneut io mode by nue with only three month's exporienee in this line and who has never seen our stock (r its a.esortmout, and who dare not n:.60 this et ical:mut on oath. :Air. John Hargreaves is quoted as melbas e. similar statement. Mr. Pepper tells. son that before Mr. Hargreaves left for Toronto he left this statement with him to be used as en advertisement in the wall paper season. Now, Mr. Hargreaves never saw our stock of wail papers, and has no idea what we had or how much we have received since his departure. The public must readily see how worth- less is such a statement and how wroug and unjust to make it, and it is one we defy him to prove. Pioturo to youree:f man who leas never aeon a human being except himself abating that he is the largest, handsomest and most aoc'mp. Belled person to be found anywhere, Yon eau easily see that such a statement would not be worth much, but to those unacquainted with his limited knowledge it may be misleading. As for our wall papers we claim that our 12 years ex. penance in selecting and selling, we be. ing in a position to buy on the best mar• hats, enables us to gine ,on fine goods at right prices, but before we can say that we "have the largest and most complete assortment in Brussels we, would have to examine carefully that of other deal. ere in this lino of goods. We cannot do this, so we ask you instead to some and see. td. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, to. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION, W. O. m D. R. Trainslesve Brussels Station, sort and south as follows:— GoingSouth, Going North. Mali...............7:025.m. I Mixed 9:80 a.m ltxprees 11:45 a.m. `3f ali...............0:06 p.m taxed 8s6p.m. I Express 9:45p.m '.x c :J littus Pins, A ohiel's among ye takin' notes Au' faith he'll prent it. Noses hats at Ross Bros. OAsa for Eggs at McCracken's. WEnasensv next will be May day. Miss Era Bates, of Seaforth, is in town. Dams goods and trimmings at Strach. an Bro.. Miss. HonAN, of Walkerton, is visiting hiss Roddick. 22,000 brick for sale on easy terms. It. LEATnET,,DALE, 40 - LOOK out for special bargains in cloth ing at Rose Bros. next week. A sracnr, meeting of the Council will be held on Monday evening of next week. Sawi.. FEAT, spent Iast Sunday in To- ronto with his two sons, Jno. W. and Geo. A. Mits. SAWED PE.1rsoN has just return. ed from a visit to London and Port Huron, Mich. Zoe. Sann.—A desirable House and Lot, and Household Furniture. Cheap bar- gains for cash. Apply to J. R. YOUNG. AnTnzn Von! sells the best and cheap• est parlor suites and bedroom suites. Don't forget to call and see for yourself. MRS. W. M. SINCLArn bas gone to Chicago on a visit for a month. W. M. and little Master Sinclair are keeping house. J. 11. SWANN is now in a position to not only annex L. D. S.1 his name but also D. D. S., which signifies Doctor Dental Surgery. He is the youngest sou of Rev. M. Swann, of ibis town. ALL orders for teamiug left at J. G. Skene's or A. M. McKay a; Co's ttere will be promptly attended to. A11 orders for garden plowing left with the above named gent/omen will receive prompt at- tention. 80 RENnsr.-oN Baas. 305T tapped, another barrel St. Leon. Recommended by Dr. Holmes and the ablest members of the medical profession. Scores of testimonials. As good for ,hose in health as those who are sick. 40o. per gallon, 5 gallons, $1.75. Amu Goon, ON Wednesday morning Thos, Hall, of the Revere Homo, and Robt. Beattie had 55little sport over a mile trot, The fo=mer bet that Beattie's horse could not fret the distance in four minutes, on the read. The amount staked was $10.00. The horse was started at the concession line north of Brussels and covered the mile in 3 minutes, 237.1 seconds. Goon Friday was kept as a general holiday, A number of Brusselites went vaeiting, others spent a good part of the day hunting, while a good many more visited the Park and enjoyed several g,>£mes of base ball, The various games were closely contested, especially the match between Grey and Morris, the store standing 4 to 6 at the 7th innings. "Chink" Grewar in the pitcher's box Reeved quits a phenomena to the Morris - lies. ItantotemeNes.—The residence of hers, Donald Sinclair, Queen street, is under - ping quite a transformation. A kitchen will be built at the rear, the interior re- modelled, a new roof put on and the whole structure painted.. -1)r. Graham will build a naw brick stable East and South of his residence.—J, J, Gilpin in- tends painting and improving his resi- dence. --The brick store belonging to ino, Leckio bas been leased to Ross Bros. The whole front will bo torn out, stairway removed and plate glass windows will be rent in, Tho verandah will bo consigned to the wood pile. CLosn CALL. ---Last Tuesday Ellie, the 10 year old daughter of John Scott, was assisting Mrs (Dr.) McKelvey in caring for rho the atilt -Iron. Ellie lyes troubled with a cough se Aire. Illelielvey said she Would give her a dose of her little boy's cough miltere. The bottle MS got and a teaspoonful administered. Imagine the alarm when the ellild complained of her mouth and throat and it was ascer- tained that the bottle contained caeboljo acid instead of the cough medicine. Pfonea cleaning was in operation and sone how the bottlee were misplaced. ;Dr.1f5olielvey was away from home at the tithe bat medical attendants wore :Speedily letonglit and although it appear- ed to be a very dotthtftul ease at iiret we are pleaeOd to state that the little girl Ss Doty in a fair way to complete ; 'coy risasiterrreaewtter sem, ('.ns, oil 15 eons ttg'ellon at B. Ger Fie el Cloter and Timothy seed sale et Thoulson's. Kollin ling of airing and Qum saitings at Straohau Bros. 150, I , 91cOnsi: was home ,hest week for a few days from Toronto. alias IZonnneeoN, of Kincardine, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Malcolm, Craw. JAeasoN, of Whlgham, ate Ida Easter eggs at the parental home. Lizzie please go and get a 'bottle of b'urni.ure Poli it from J. Dron, only 25e. Mns, J.silse Oliver is visiting in To- ronto with her daughter, Mre. Joliin L, clue, 1Dnsw1 garden seeds, Dutch seta and clover and timothy in abundance at AloCracltene. ON Thursday of this weok H. Dennis and J. Roberts attended the funeral of an uncle at Goderich. Dos genial showers of rain time week will do a great deal in advancing the growth of Spring grain, meadows, te. BEAU the story "blaster Eve" on page 7 of this eeek'e issue. Rev. Dr. Tal. mane's sermon may be read on page 6. Wiewruon permit'iog the town Band will eminence their weekly out -door cunesrts on Saturday evening of this week. Joie received at A. Veal's furniture store, same dandy sideboards, centre tables, lounges, ext, 'talon tablee, spring beds and mattrttssee. Ala otter was caught in Geo. Mc- Taggart's trap down the river last Satur- (ley night, It measured 3 feet and 8 inches from tip to tip. ON account of a good deal of space being devoted to School Board discussion several interesting matters are crowded out. They will appear next week. THE money found and advertised in last week's POST was claimed on Tuesday. The sum was three dollars, the finder E. Tompkine and the owner Peter McDon- ald, Cranbrook, Ws learn that Miss Jeannie Stacey, who went to Colorado, some time ago, was married recently to a youug gentle- man in Denver. We wish het many happy years of married life. THE Public school re -opened after Easter vacation on Tuesday. Atisrles Richardson, Bembly, Abraham and Taylor were visiting relatives over Easter and Principal Shaw spent a few days in Torouto. IT is stated that Geo. Love Lb Co. will have a show room fitted up and will handle furniture manufactured by Messrs. Smith re Malcolm. They will also like- ly take charge of the uodertaking de. peremsnt and hearse. AT the Easter vestry meeting of 81. John's ollnroh, held last Monday, H. Dennis was re-elected Minister's Warden and Thos. Maxwell re-elected People's Warden. Thos. Pierce and Jas. Cardiff were elected Sidesmen. Thos. Kelly Delegate to the Synod. ENentamn Ex. AT t3Enssitre.-..Inspeotor Malloch says the Minister of Education has consented to Brussels as a point at which Entrance Examinations will he held, consequently candidates will be allowed to write here on the 4th, 5th and 0th days of July next. Parenteand teachers should make a note of this. A REPORT was Current in town that A. H. N. Jenkens and the editor of the (lorrie Vidette were going to form a co- partnership and move the printing plant to Brnscels where one half of the sheet would be devoted to Gorrie and the other half to Brussels. Mr. Nash was in town last week spying out the land. I. 0. 0. F. AiNlvensnnx.—The annual sermon to the Members of Western Star Lodge, No 149, I,O.O.F.,will be preach- ed on Sunday, 28111 inst., in St. John's church, commencing at 11 as m„ by the incumbent, Rev. W. T. Cleft The Brethren are requested to meet at the Lodge boom et 10:80 a. in. J. 0, Sssscs, E.S. W. A. CALsmn, N.G. 37-4 ALFRED DAY, Secretary of the Pro- vincial Sabbath School Aneosiation, is announced bo occupy Knox ohuroh pulpit on Sabbath, May 5th. He also may conduct the children's service in the afternoon. Friends interested in Sabbath sohool work in this distriot may TSE I31-LTSSELS POST APRII0 20, 18,'0111. y's. t Tlu:latest in nobtly tir't at Ross 13 fur t 1')ti. Metonym, of Cal, was hone Sabbath, Iver Ole„. Creme, of Attwood, wee in t 011 Sunday. Seirom, Board meeting 0(1 Friday el ing of next week. Atrss lease is made a visit to her si at Toronto last w •ell, Miss Gces oi, of Southampton, is 51 ing the Misses Vanst nae. ST1otcoAN linos, is TUR plate if want a pair of gond boots, BAcots Patterns at Straohau 13 Monthlies given away free. A nun ea5ape ladder has been 101 position at the Queen's Hotel, Tames buggiee, two new and second hand for sale, 13, Gator, Fam, line of Cooper and Smi Boots and Shoes at Straohau Bros. .LvsnYONR says Voal's is the cheap spot en earth to buy good furniture. Messes. Tuontrsc and W. H. from Gorria, spent Sunday in town. Rev. 1..1/, MCCA1tearr, of Calodon was visiting at A.1iruoe's this week. ENsu,AaR corp. turnip, mungoldThoriumgarden seeds for sale cheap at Thorium Wo. DowNnt Ieft Brussels on Mon to take his place on the Campaua, Bea Line. JAMES Jonas was called to Milton Wednesday owing to the illness of mother. M-. Rev, FRASWANN, wife and childr of Moekton, were in town last week a few drays. BEST flax binding twine at 20 cent lb., cash. Please give your order ear 13. GEEny. 8,000 white brick for sale at a barge, !lay he seen at the ()antral Hotel, Br u eels. T. O'NE. 81 5E BOARn5 wanted—either ladies gentlemen—Private house. Apply Dos PONT Publishing House. NB= Wednesday will be Trustee el lion. Polling please ab Geo. Love's of6 and the Council chamber. Btne4rioe—As I am °losing out a li of window blinds and spring rollernn will give bargains in same. B. Ga Now is the time to °lean and fix and put in a little new furniture. Art lir Veal is giving a special disoount f 80 days. A RASE ball match took place on Mo day between the Mohawks and the She, rooks. The Shamrocks getting the vi tory by 8 t0 11, WE receive to -day five hundred della worth of summer shoes, comprising a immense lot of infant's and children wear. Adam Good, 41 Miss TILLIE LANenALE, left Brussel on Tuesday for Hanover where she take a position as compositor on the staff The Post of that village.ES THE was a very large docket ab th Fourth Division Court on Thursday, pr bably larger than at any previous Gout Judge Doyle presided. Report will given next week. VETRRLYAItY SURGEON WARWICK 1111S re moved his office from I. C. Richard's harness shop to the room formerly oc- cupied by Was. Jones, jeweller, in the Queen's Hotel taloa. Tan License Commissioners for East Huron met in the parlor of the Central Hotel, Brussels, hast Saturday sad grant. ed the Beeneos for the coning year tinder the Crook's Act, 26 in all. G. A. DEADAIAN removed his boas from their winter quarters last week. Re has 190 colonies and all wiutered in first,class condition. We hope he will have bettor look with them than he had last year.ON A peeve was presentee to the G. T. R, authorities this week asking that J. A. Creighton, the proaent station agent, be retained at Brussels. It was signed by almost all the businessmen in the town. Some limns hue gone to Sault Ste. Marie this week. Re spent last summon there working at his trade as painter, He may go on to British Columbia, where its brother Frank has resided for several years. Oua old friend John Robb eau make some of the boys "get up and dust” yet. Last Monday he dug 26 post holes in 2 hcane, They were all three feet deep. This is a good "pattern" for some of the youth of this section to practice on. ANDEnsotes Union Sabbath Sohool handed the missionary eontrihu'ton of their wheel for last year to St. John's church. The two other denomination re- preeented in the school have each been treated similarity in the past two years. J. B. T. McCotts, who has resided here for the past three years, has gone to Lon- don where he will fill a luorative po.ition. Ho is a reliable man end in his position as Sanitary Inapeotor, caretaker and builder of sidewalks, he did hie work in a most satiefaotory and straight-forwardmanner. He was also con -table for over a year. Airs. Mo0omb and children will continue to reside here, for a time at least. Tan Pon wishes Mr. Mao, suc- cess. ec sure Ins services while he is fn the neighborhood if they correspond in time. Ills address is 487 Carleton St., Toronto. Letts 1 Lerma t — Cheap rates via Beatty and Collingwood Line of steam - ere, running in close eouneotion await G. T.R. trains from Kincardine and Wier. ton. By this route you can reach Sault St. Marie, Por) Arthur, Duluth, Thos salon, Algoma aid all Georgian Bay ports, thence to Manitoba, British Col- ombia, Montann, Minnesota and Dakota 01 greatly reduced rates. For inform- ation and tickets call at TELEGRAPn Or. FILE. T.Waxman, Agent G.T.R., Bras- sels. 41-15 MP.. JOHN }IA.TiGIioAVES, Toronto, says that "Pepper has the larg- est and best assorted stook of American and Canadian Wall Papers, Borderings and Ceiling Decorations, of the most hand- some designs and of the best val- ue, that has ever been shown to the people of Brussels," and he advises all who intend to orna- ment their homes to give Pepper call. Soo advertisement an a page 8. NOMINATION.—At the nomination for filling the vacancy on the School Board, held last Wednesday noon, the attend• twice was small. J. J. Gilpin waa nam• hinted by Bobt, G. Wilson, seconded by Joe, R. Smith. F. S, Scott wets pro- posed by W. 15L Sinclair, seconded by Jas. Rose. After the statutory hour had expired, rho date of election, viz. Wed- nesday, May 1st, wag announced and the polling places and Deputy Rebutting Of- ficel's named, Mr, Gilpin served the fol. lowing notice on Mr. Scott 1 Ih°rebygive uottcetothe electors of the ',Wageofllrrtssols, entitled to vote et the Meet len lOr school tr stens, opened by nom- ination of Candidates at this data, that l'in- lay S.Scott, a proposed cw.ndidata, thereat, 19 disqualified from being a candidate at such electron on tho g rounds of his position as Returning OMeer thereat, and upon other grounds Of diseuebiloation, upon whish I intend to insist, and that there being no other eandldat0 nominated for said officeI claim to have boon duly (sleeted by mitamanes J, J. f1TL2'IN. Brussels, April 01,1511, Mr, Seat declined to accept the notice es legal authority for his withdrawal. A meetjug teas announeed for8 o'oleek pan,to hear tho candidates bet tho atteedenee was so small these was no speaking. Quite an intcrc81 is being taken by the friends of both candid,ttee in the oleo. flan. ros, /net Mut. Gm:nt,r. and daughter, of Mitchell, were vial+ing ahs. etre nig this week. Rose dies. take the lead fo, oheap olvtl olotlting. fall, and .exatuiato theiretnbli, Leer 13hnday ev0tti"N, Rev, W. 1:. Kerr, of Owen bound, neoupi,•tI the pulpit of the Methodist ohuroit acid discour.ed on the obaraoter of Daniel Strabane can boast of quite a smart old moan, David Bronson, aged 85, tvbn has just chopped down quite a good listed tree and then out It into stovo lengths, on.sten sit. you rOs, tin 0330 ti's est H111, i5, and 1's. day tty on his en, for sa in. 1(a - Or at 50- 00 ne sI F, up h. or m- o- r8 e 5, of s 0- t. be Y. P. C. A. The last meeting of the Y. P. 0. A. for this season was hold on Monday evening of this week, The fol- lowing was the program 1—Hunter's chorus, choir ; solo, "Angels will open the beautiful gates," by Miss R. Alax- ander ; recitation, "the old man in the stylish church," Mrs, S, Jaokson; solo, "Mind your own business," by D. Ste. wart ; readiag, "duet Mehitable's ac- count of the missionary meeting in Ohio- ag, ," by Mrs. Malcolm. An adrtrose on "True Manhood" was delivered by Rev. M. Swann ; "0 1 how lovely," choir. Tho Society will not meet again until next Fall when the program for the fol- lowing winter will be outlined. The Y. P. C. A. has had a very successful series of meetings. EAST HURON TEACIIalte' 141111r,TIxe,--The annual meeting of the Boat Huron Teachers' Instituto will bo hold in the Aseembiy room of the Clinton Collegiate Institute, on Wednesday and Thursday, May nod and 28rd. Railway oertifioatee for reduced rates have been applied for, and no doubt, as at former meetings, will be granted by the C.T.R. The following program will be preeontod ;— Four addresses by Inspector Dearness, of Middlesex, viz : Reading with juniof claaews; Dealt ac1iipations of pupils u M sic in tin public school and tho Elementary odes of arithmetic ; Botany, by 51r, Robb ; history in Public Schools, Mr. Longlu ; Public Sohool Temporauoo and Hygiene, Mr. Rieke, end a paper. on Whitney's Grammar, by Mr. Clarkson. A euitabfe program for tho public enter tainment, on Wotbnosday evening, is be. ing prepared. it is hoped that this tneetng will bo largely attended, not only by the teachers of the Inspectorate, hat ))leo by trustooe 0f Public School and Collegiate militate Boards and members of other professions and calling*, To ail shearty Weloomo Will be given. A. at. Thlrolall1, Secretary, Clinton, zaolaxr- STEVENsoN.—In Grey, ou the 16111 inst., the wife of Ate. Jolla Stevenson, of a 5011. RIDLEY,—Iu Grey, on the 12th Inst„ tbo wife of Mr. John Ridley of a clauith ter, DARK.—In Grey, on the 16th inst, the wife of Mr, Geo. H. Dark of a daugh- ter. SCOTT.—In Brussels, on Wednesday, 17bh ian+dt.,authghter,e wife of Mr. Peter Soott of BRoxwrsa,—Iu Wingham, °u the 121h l est,, the wif • of Mr. Morris 13eokwith of a daughber. STR:1tla,1N.—In Brusnohe, on Saturday, 20111 inst., the wife of CouuoiUor Straohau of a daughter. FIsnirexam At Indian Head, N,W.T., on April 6th, the wife of Mr. 3V. A. B. Fishloigh of a daughter, the sixth. Weuxent.n—Otos nt,--Io Grey at the resident's of the bride's parents„'n the 24th inst., by Rev. .0. H. Dyke, Mr. Joao pi Whitfield to Miss Mary Sperajo, both of Grey town- ship. B10B,UMsoo: In Grey, on afonday, 22nd inst., Mary, beloved wife of Walter Richardson, aged 48 years and 12 days. Cox.—In Goderioh, on April 24th, James Cox, aged 79 years. a zvssax $ saris=;mTs. Con1Ecmnn OAREFULLY EVERY 1580, Fall Wheat 98 98 Spring Meat 93 98 Barley 40 45 Oats,.,, 27 ,28 Peas ... 68 00 Butter, tubs and rolls,,, 10 17 Eggs pot dozen 9 ('0 Flour per barrel 5 50 00 Potatoes 20 25 Hay per ton 12 00 12 Do Hides per lb 2e 3 Salt per bbl., retell,...,, 1 25 0” Sheep skills, each 00 1 00 Wool, per 1b 18 22 Pork 6 00 00 r3f]2_15'OMTZT SLA.123^29TS- COIIItECTED OAREFOLLF EVERT WEEK, Fall Wheat 98 98 Spring Wheat 98 98 Oats 27 28 Peas 58 00 Barley 40 45 Potatoes 2J 25 Butter, per lb 16 17 Eggs, per dozen9 00 Apples, per bushel 30 85 Hogs, dressed 6 00 00 Beef 4 60 6 50 Hay 12 00 13 00 Wood, per oord 2 633 4 80 Sheepskine, each 40 THE PEOPLE'S 1":04,UIYI UTAN'PED.—A GOOD, GEN - Iia oral sorvaot, UO washing, Apply to DE. E, WADE. LY Sealed Tendon will bo received by the undersigned until 0 o'clock p. m, tray the let for the pasturage of tb a Agricultural Grounds for too current season, Terme.— Casb in adhonee. CAMEL STOWS BT, 41-1 Secretary, i [dREE WELL.BR.HJ) LEI• materna Ewss strayed from the prowls. os of the undersigned, lot 11, con. 10, Grey, on April 2211c1. 'their tails b vo never been out. Auy information leading to their re- covery will be suitably rewarded by \VIL- LIAM T1YL01t, 13rn,seta P.O. 41-2 DRESSMAKING.-- Tha undorelgaoa desires to intimate to the ladies' of Brusaols and surrounding oouutry that she is prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction guaranteed, Sbop—Up-stairs, one, door north of Walter Jaoksbn's hardware store, MEM SAMPLE, BULL FOR SERV1015, FELE nuderetgnod will keep for seryl is on lot 10, eon, 0, Grey, the thorn' -bred Short. horn Durham Bull, "Defiance,' (00781 Dom. futon Shorthorn Hord Look, 'forms, toin- eure, 81.20 for grade 50we ; 62.00 for tboro'- breds. Fee to be paid Feb, 1st, 1501 Poet pee may be Poen ,u anpliaatioo to the proprietor, anon ltiol-tAY, 41.4x. X.421102K 01 you wants good situation write to Max B1omutans, Nurserymen, Roebostor, N. Y., as they are fu want of honest and upright salsa - Ines, to sell their choice and hardy varieties of nursery stook, either on eatery or commis• S1013, Many Inew and valuable varieties to offer, Write them ,at (Mo° for terms; de- lays are dangerous, 87-8 ('3 ()BRIE AND SEAFORTEI STAGE RooTE, Stage loaves Gerrie abmtt 5100 0, m., 054011- ing Brussels about 8:00 thin„ mai will arrive at Seaford' about 11)80 a. in etotnruhug will leave Seaforth about 8:80 p. is, reaching Brussels about 6;46,1u time to connect with trains going north end south. Also make conueotious with 0. P. D. at Wroxober and Gorria. S, WALSH. Proprietor, ULLS FOR SERVICE.—THE uuriorelggned will keen for eervlo5 00 Lot 20, Con. 4, .tforrie, aha thorough brad Durham Hull "Barney;' (11982), registered pedigree OominiouShnrtHerd Hord Beek. Tomo, for thoroughbred oowe, 111.00, for grade cows, 51.00, with privilogo of return. Ing if netheeltry. A Welt bred grade bill is also kept 0n tho sante lot. Torras, 50 cants, with privilegeof returning if noeo5sary, The nodegreo of "Barney" may 110 soon on anplleation to the owner. 9941,', PETER B,51111, Proprietor, REAL ESTATE. rilAltW3 FOR SALE. --TELE 'UN DrAolte 0ED has seven ood Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Oterris and Gro.. F, 5. SCOTT,Bi'ssssls, 1)741. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALT, On the bornerofliary and, 8105hahi0 stroobe, in the village of 73ruseele. ellis p1•o- porty is very cenyenientdy shunted end .lit a Uareale to any portion ]laving a faintly of aortae ablltlren es it is so neer the wheel,, Good natant and 'well an aha promises also sours young fruit trait and a quantity Of email bolt, •Apply to the owner on the proma se, 15-tf MRS, 7'Ultaintli L, lltueee)o, PF PPE.? Y .aE P 'boli teii, Inl,'b'l.', 019151, 1,'t'Ip1'li li l es11,9r'b,ll'a'l,'r 1, 1, a't 010.11'1' Wall Payer,Borderinv N 1) Oeilirtp2 Decontiono, American nncl C<nnndir7n, n1'Ir'4,',., l,,,br'101,"1,'II'11.',IlII ''1'11'l•'b.'in.1,''b"I,'Wlr'I„11,011,11'l,N,,t,illr'llr'I„'I,,'Ir• ' --RC1; of the ohoioost and ptw111001 designs to select froln, This is the largest and most complete assortment in Brussels. Call am! 500 at PEPPER'S DRUG G S ORE (successor to J Hargreaves & Go.) Iii Uo40o4A:l b. Head Local on "ago 1 1..441ARM FOR A LP, (310 11) BENT beingiot 14, coo, 0, Om, cautliniug 50 aures, Shore is a home beuse, ba, 1: barn, orobard, &e, on the premb-en. 40 acres of the land le cleared and Oudot cup Notion, and 10 acres of tho 'heinous is well ti.., bend. I'hs farm is oouvenieutly locate.), being el miles from liriesols, 11 winos from Oran• brook and 54 miles ,rout natio], T`,n' fltriber particulars apply on the promisee, to 214.4 ;1014T. 1111. L, ranbreglr P. 11, rPANNERY 15015 13° LE.- THE Uremia Tannery is offered for ane at abargain, In It is a 15 h, p. engine and Heli. p, boiler ,15 vete, 3 curry tables, 2 stove)), good bark 01111 and a lull sub of tools with beating pipes to to°enus, dm There aro about a0re0 of land in connection with the buildi ug. No tannery nearer Chau Winghanl Or Listowel. Terms easy. Por further pm. - Maulers, as to price terms, &q„ apply at 87- loos Pose am:11eb1ng House, Brussale. 014 RUB' SALE.—THE 01113. sonmzn offers his valuable 100 acre darm,be3nglot8, eon. 19, Grey Township, Huron Co., for sale. There are about 50 scree cleared and in good heart. Moro le a log house, good bank barn, beefing orobard, and all the necessary oosyenienoes on the premises. For farther particulars, as to prtoe, terms, oto„ apply to the Proprietor, THOS. MEMO?, Clare p O„ N.N. T,. or to 2-t1 DOUGALD evacuee?, Brunch) 'WARM FOR SALE.—THE UN dersigood oilers his 100 sots farm for sale, being lot 25 MI. 4, Morris, There are about 5 acres of bush, all the root cleared, Good house, cellar, cistern, pl,up, &o, Splendid bank barn, 02x45 beet. Fenoos 1n fi erdtll 'straightroOn rodsgood nearly nhe lamwanda miles from Brussels, Terme and oondltione of salo made known on application to CHAS. 1tOZ19LL Brussels P. O., or at The P 055 Publishing Hones, 40.18 O. B. HARRIS, Proprietor, i'0RNI FGR BALE.—TETE UN nlcnsIo(En offers for sale the north east quarter of lot 58, oo0cessiou 0, Morrie, County 0f Huron, containing 60 acres. The Iand is of first quality and in a high state of oultivatiou, well fenced and under -drained, acres Moored, New ironic house, 8 rooms, milli house with oonorobo wake, 2 wells acres of full wheat ° This desirableyprOporty adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit- able terms will be given. Title perfect, JAMES GRTEVb1, Owner, 80- Seaforth P. 0, 200 AOM FR E, 4'1rsREt.olaesFARfarm forOealoSALIn tie Township south ball ts ofnnorth County to 0951 6 and south half of 25 in 5tb eon., containing 200 acres more or lees, 125 acres meetly clear of stumps and in a good etato of cults. yeti on. Thereto a young bearing 0lrobanl,a good house and haukbaru 55 x 56 feet with stone stable underneath, The term is sttu- atod within a mile of the VilIage of Bruesele end ie a good farm for grain or stock rattl- ing as itis watered with the river Maitland and never failing eprlug Greek. Possession Will be given at any Limo. For further par. tioulars apply on the premises or to A. it. 15 )13EBTs001 Brussels, P.0 5.15 B lt Kbl t,-. .INTU( :I tC N1oTAGGART, BANKERS, . BRUSSELS, Tra,s orsct or. cbsa, isa1 e0n.lr5 - Auaiateup. DI Ooua4ie Wag Milted States Drafts bought and sold. In altowaP. nn Depuatbti. 0ailcotiorle 01(155 on favorable terms, Canadian Agents-.Mrao1ANr'a BA50 011 CANADA. New Took Agoots--lswor,Tnns AND 'TRAM. Rne NATIONAL BANE, LERIL AND CONVEYANCING. A, M. SINOLAIR, r • Solicitor, Coureyunoer,NOtaryPub- lio, &c, Office—GrlebasYo Block, I door north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Puede to Loan. i E. WADE, • Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic, Conveyancing. 05O00tions and Loaning. Mr. Wade will attondln Gorrle every Wed- nesday at two 00)00k, DIOtKSON & BAYS, niLLatllJ,) Hnrrintore Solicitors,apouvavaucere &o. OfIloo-Grant's Block, Brussels. Money to Loan, IL S.1LIYe. w. D. wearies. A M TAYLOR B. C. L. Barrister, Solicitor, &e., of the arra of Diokeon, Taylor & MOCunuugb, Barristers, Solicitors, .Ce„Meuoing Arcade, IRing Street 1Vost, Toronto, Money to Loan, ALEX. IilJN'PI;R CO, Huron of the yancer, Notaryt Piddle, invested °andR to lInsue antsnC011eet Ons ce Agent. Funds Ounce 1n Graham's Block, B1.16001s, AUCTIONEERS. y L'OI;G13 TallKfiY, Llesoosd Auotioucor. Sttos conduot- edon reasonable terms. Farms dull farm stock a specialty. Orders loft at T1r Pose P ubli shine House, Brussels, or emit to Wal tet P. 0., will recety° prompt aotention. s RAYIIIANN, tend arias of farms,,always stook, &a) to at. Terms oboertully gluon, t'rnnbroolc P. /l. Sales may be nrrnnged at 'can Post Publishing House, Brussels. BUSINESS CARETS. yp•/s •/T- II, IiIcORA.OXEN, ----- P l' • Isslu•or of Marr5ageLieenses. Otttat at his Grocery, Iuruberryestroet, Brussels, ' TALIIABLE FARM FOR SALE M ISS O'CONNOR, being the south halt of lot number Teacher of Plano and Organ. Terms 80 In the 4th concession of the township of o11 application. WALTON Crass meets every Morris Jroc,vu as the hontosboad of Arobi- Alm and Friday ab OOD. Campbells, bald Taylor, oontainingg ninety-nine acres, Walton. Ninetyacres are cleared, the balance wood- —,.-,.. _,__., —• ed witvaluable timber. Excellent hind. MU 0 IIAR GREAVES tugs, large orchard of choice trees, soil la Desires to reoeivo good condition and is situnterl one and a Pupils inr tnshna- gnarter miles north of the Village of llrus. 1151011)1010 PJaue and Organ, lalu5 years sols, on ins main gravel road This is one 001001000, Rosirienoe with Sins. liargrenr- of aha tined homestead farms in the County °s, vvor POPS eros Drng Stern. of Hiroo and will be cold at a bargain and -- onternis 45 ))blit pmrohaser, For furbhor N, HARNETT, 77n trtfcttlare apply o tiro Peroprlotar. A, M. ei • Tonsorial Artist' Slurp—Nola 0000 TAILOR, Stunning Arpad,', Toronto, or to south of A, M, M”"Kay & Co's hardware store. AaCHIBALD TAILOR, Su„ on the ijrenl- Lad es' andobterpn s hair auttilli a spooialty isos,M. 0'A choice stook 01 cigars kept. Q t OOD FARM FOR SALE IN bfaNAIR, \J.TSferrie, on reasonable terms. In oracle . • Iseurer of Mintage a Li u to °lose the ,tifatrs of the estate of the Into atj,1pOinbmont of Limit,-Goyeruor,tsCommig- W. G. Ela eton, rho executors mho: tho fol- et0ner, &o, Q, B. Conveyancer and Agout lowing valuable lands for sato North Fire Tneuranoe Co, (Ake at the Oranbroolc half of Lot 90, 00110sssion 5, 1'owllebip of Post Office. Mm'rie,00ntaining 90 aures. On this lob is — ereotorl a good frame barn with stone faun. lyaall(BottledT nd law well and pinup grave Near - all closely adjqofniug the village of Brussels, This farm ie a valuable one, is well folioed andin a good state of cultivation Per Priebe and forme apply to THOS. MOLLY, Brussels P. 0., Hann JEnnno5s, Victoria Square P, o., or JAMBS Stura'H, Maple Lodge P. O., Middlesex County, 1 IOUNTY OF HURON TEACHERS ExAunfATIONe, 1889. e000nd and third 0)1100 non-professional oxami"ations at the colleglabolosbituboe and High Scheele in rho County ou Tuesday, Oth duly, NO am, First O., Inly 10th, 8140 a.m, Candtdat es Nebo wish to writs ab either Clin- ton or eeaforbh mustnottfy D, Jif, Malloob, Esq„P.6. josllootor, Clinton P,O. not later than the 22nd of May, stating which of the two sohoole they intend to write at, and those who wish to write at Goderioh must notify John E. Tom, Esq., P.S. In5pootor, Gordeiloh P.O., at the same date. Tllo notio° mush bo accompanied by a ice of $5, or 010 if the Oand(da Co applies for the First Class as well as Sssoud O18as Examinations. NO Hama will 110 forwarded to the Department Unless thofee miaow/mules it. Mead mast- ers of the please Institutes or High' their candleates to° StheImpactor of the div - Won 1n which the Collegiate Institute or HiSchool is situated, forms o1 appli. cation may b0 had from tiro Secretary. Goderi h A5p ilIt 1 1050. Soo B. 13me. JI STa,1TE ✓Y'071TC.E. Narrow Ta Mhl.P.ae Nnam Pursuant 10 chapter 11e, section 711, It, 0, 0., tela Or0tlltere of llliSity 1t$vs, yeoman, I ate of N¢ lot 18, eon, a, Grey Township int tho County of Huron, who died on o1' anent the Fifth Day of 1)000mbor, A. 0, M98 ,and other haying 5)11110 in respect to his estate r•re hereby notified to send, On er bsforo the met Day of Jeno, 1851 to AAtt0N W. PANA- /W(01i, of the Village of Ethel, in rho county of Haron,Exeoutor of the estate and effoets of the raid deceased their nanto0 and ad - dream) and the full parbioulare of their claims and of the 00570015150 (if any) 11o111 by them, andOMthat immediately after the snirl sato the amide of the aid deepened will. btl di Attributed . MOM: the parties on. 114151 thornto Braying regard only to the olefins of which the 0500u1Or, has lien maitre, and rho month, wltl ns t bo liable for °ny actor 50 distributed to any newton oboe, tl AARON WV.dPANA71A1T]R Lod. Ethel, April l0tb,'80.. )Azeeutor,lhthel p.0, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INen5ANOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH' VETERINARY. • 141 W. O'BRIEN, V. S., • Honor Graduate of bho.Onterlo Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dleoaooe ofdomostieatedestimate on sotentlfle and approved prluaiples, Office—Two doors north of bridge, Turnbsrry 0treet, NO. D. WARWICKI, V. Graduate 4 the Ontario Veterinary College, hes opened an office in Brussels and is now prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated prix ved animals ri ciples t Galls latest laded to day or night. Olfico in I. C. Riobrnrd'e Ber- nath Shop, opposite Queen's Hotel, Bruesele. MEDICAL CARDS. '`TM. it'. OALE, M D., 0. 141., Member of the Oollege of l'bysioisus and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. (Mae 0)12 Keoid0nbo—Alain !Arcot Last, litho1, outario, T A, MaNAUG[iTdN, M. D. e C. Sf L, It CI. P, Edinburgh, 11.0. 1?. S. out, At Pepper's Tiring Steno from 0 to 11:90 a. n1. end from 1:80 to 4 p. n1, At other bourn may be fouod at his rooidenen, form oris, °°copied by Dr. B stobinson, 54111 0t. DENTAL. 1'e, T32410 yaOSLS1v'-S” i (J, L. Ball, I,. 1), S„ Donor MM.:Main and AG 11, O. D. 8, Toronto, VJtalinod Air 4)501. l)lncn •(throne TILCON, Obonvs)t'rn, W. J. Peat', T. D, S:, Graduate 01 Toronto Scheel of DOnbibtry, All 0porati0ns guaranteed. ta.Astilloial tooth, Drab duality, atria guaranteed 01, for 512,00 Dor set, Oillco—oeby's B0,tex Sraro0T0, 31.) fit`.1'4 T 7l, ft4 7C f Boner la • 1 ata of the ltoyai paltsgo of Dental Ourgosus,-Tor_ oto. Nitros Oxide Gee booth,itnlbdloo ter tho Patnbsee ExtrAstien of: 517t-Osit DOOR llonT,t ru'134i0c lisUOSRLs