HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-4-26, Page 741
Arlin, 26, 1889,
Their Easter Eve,
Whet a face it was that looked
- up from behind the couuter
John llartholOineW's on Union
Square ! Great brown eyes, soft-
ce• • la long lashes tool faint
shadings of the lace aro uad them,
a patriciaa nose, with the brow
alave in harmanioas outlines,
and, to finish, II, perfect contra-
diction in the strongest, most
la:moan mouth that natuao over
set in the mold with features
otheraise eiguifie,ant of gentle
acquit sconce. Them wag a per-
plexed expression ou the face -of
the handsome girl, who, taking It
bit or ,;nengaged time for read-
ing, had just finished opera graph
OD the duties of every day life as
belps to ideal existence. She did
not comprehend its philosophy.
Alt !" thought she, "it means
that if apinosa ground glasses for
si.eein cs and Montesquieu work-
ed eardeo hal to find
greater mastery of thought, there
12 110 i0U why I may Lot de-
velop right here at000g umbrel-
las I"
of denht pa8s4l over
fair eountermaaa -Adeli had
nit 1h:. ill;glitest tame of a 13.31(1-
11.11(1 aaman.'s conseionsmas. She
a as hi' 111 11 11(3031.11131 type which
is Janata, at its best— beauty
which does not know it is being.
look( II at. Her ha i r, brown and
full of yellow gliiitiugs, was gath-
ered high upon bur head in a
knot of unruly little curl.s, and as
she turued the Kola decline from
the crown to the lack of the neck,
revealed that portion Ma woman's
heed which is so rarely hand-
'What can 1 show you ?" asked
Liyare Fverdale of the g,eutleman
before her.
"Umbrellas, if you please," he
said ; "a 'Sangster,' if you have
This was what ito said, but not
at all the thing he looked or
thought, for with taw ready ro-
mance, Shakespeare's Bea trice,
mid the tinge of her pleasantry
in "Much Ado About Nothing,"
which he had seen the night be-
fore, flashed across his mind.
Now, there Is not ranch poetry
abont an umbrella. Given its
component parts, and there seems
to be no more of it. What inge-
nuity could enolutace the impor-
tance of the article until it would
take its place in Morgan Starr's
note book among
Ts for Ps
Ts for Ss
Ts for Ts
which headings comprised the
kinds of work he engaged in as a
straggliag, pushing candidate for
journalistic power? Ts for Pa,
which meant Topies for Poems,
would scarcely suggest "An Ode
to a Silken Sphere.,Ts for Ss,
-which meant Topics for Stories,
would probably be barren of a
-novelette based ou either finding,
borrowing or purloining an mo-
brella, and surely Topics for
Paragraphs wordel be forever
blank if something original had
to be said of an article so Com-
monplace. Still, romances have
resulted from smaller things, and
the young representative of The
Daily Argosy had his note book
with him at Bartholomew's that
It was a rainy week in the lat.
ter part of September, and torpor
seented to have fallen open every
kind of trade except that of wet
weather aacessorita. Laura Ever-
dalet however, had never known
a briskor week in the many that
she had passed behind the °Min-
ter at Bartholomew's, and as she
stood there on this particular
morning, the brightest picture of
all the eye could rest on, who
would have believed that she had
ever lived in fashion's whirl, or
bad voluntarily token a 'situation'
in the place where Morgan Starr
has found her ? Necessity for
work came by the death of her
father and the succeeding care of
two motherless little sisters.
They were merest Wants when
the exigency first aaose, and under
the advice of friends who flocked
around her at the outset, sho had
successively opened a kiadergar•
ten school, filled a position as
visiting governess and written
love stories and peerns—allfitted
excellently well, it would bo sap -
posed, to pply an income to a
lady brought up in an aristocratic
quarter of New York and .0,causa
tamed to what is. -ad huloffilitoly
mile& "the boat soalety.'" 'Each
1:123111:=172:13=101111Memes3==e3120./1121=1713131===.37=1:37-4.1111141711M01141,'""WrRyi..,,,....v,1:4„Wr3.........,,„..F1-73.. ,,
and all of these employment
Inca ed delusive, !he very Hewitt
of whieil she had been whit
it admitted her right to work, bar
no hesitation in making a. dis
tinction between Laura Everdal
rich and in the current of fashioi
1 Iola Laura Everchtlo earniug
Very little of the 'amble com-
passion and kind intuitions of the
struggles of toiler" fluttered
through the hearts of friends in
her old sot. Society simply drew
its intangible line, and Laura
soon discerned in its waning de-
votion that the best of its service
' had been the interest of self love.
To join tho great army of practi-
cal workers now gave her freedom
and relief. She realized that a
tranquil and satisfactory life may
be followed almost anywhere
where there are no fictitious watts
and no exaggerated ideas of hap -
088 and unhappiness. Plans
for the children became plain and
possible, for she had proved, es-
perim en tally, that, HO far as utility
is coneerned, poetry gives way to
A position at Bartholomew's
was gained without diffieulty. It
ails an English hoese, filled with
adrsonal articles of the most lux-
urious and costly hinds, and, be.
aig couthicted with groin; liberal.
ity, the Bartholomew stamp had
become the seal of fashatn. Hence
it was a bit of good fortune at the
outset, Laura thought, to be
awarded the umbrella depart-
The equinoctial had been severe
in the 'NA whereof this chronicle
is made, and umbrella sales had
been particularly active. On the
morning already mentioned the
young attache to The Daily Argosy
had come hurrying into Bartholo-
mew's from a sudden outburst of
the clouds, and, while properly
courteous, appeared a little over
erica:al ie his choice ef an um-
brella. Laura opened one after
another of the handsome shields,
when at last, becoming nervous,
she hastily closed 11 patent fast-
ening, and imitated one of her
fingers upon a wire. With all her
self-control and resolution the
pain overcame her and she faint-
ed. Confusion followed ; every
one in the establishment flocked
around her, while the proprietor
and the would be purchaser ex-
tricated the wire from the lacer-
ated thumb. When the sufferer
recovered sufficiently a carriage
was called and the gray-haired
porter of the establishment es-
corted Laura home.
Several days passed by before
sho returned to her dut'es, and
meantime Morgan Starr called
daily at Bartholomew's to inquire
after the invalid. As if the at-
tention required excase, he never
failed, at the peradventure of
criticism, to remark to Mr. Bar-
tholomew that 'such a wound in
such a sensitive place might be a
serious matter.' At which at last
the merchant smiled and said
within himself that it appeared to
be a serious matter to Mr. Starr,
just as it was.
In due time Laura returned to
duty, and the philanthropic grati-
fication evinced by Morgan Starr
when he found her there ono
cheery morning was a credit to
his kind. Within a day or two
he called again to offer a particu-
larly fine lotion, efficacious to a
degree in other cases of thumbs
impaled on wires, and atter a
dreary hiatus of a week, during
which he drew heavily on his
Topics for Poems, he sauntered
in with a plaster advised by a
famous Prussian surgeon, and j ust
here there came au end to his
visits', for Laura told the young
'journalist that he could not be
allowed to make ber conspicuous,
and, at the chance of seeming
ungrateful for his kindness, she
must request him not to call
'Is it necessary,' said the gentle-
man, 'that we rimy go back, and
become utter strangers, because
of conventionality, for which I
persume you caro es little as I
'It is not conventionality that
is it. question,' answered Lama ;
'ill is propriety and the correct
demands of self for self, and not
society at all. With the latter 1
have nothing to do. Ity days
aro passed here, my nights with
my family. I read and study, go
occasionally to see a good play or
hoar flue music, and, over and
above all, I am intensely inter-
ested inH All interruption here a
A 00013T1, 11.41(1. 1.1101.1 11,1101.11 110111): at the time of the accident.
Tito porter oleo remembered the
young journalist, and pausing
for a moment, aforgait's anxiety
overt% um his dignity. Making'
reference to aliss Everdale's 111
illeaSure of a aar donee as lie jury and eammenaing faunas
Weikel( nn aarn, wondering for his att1tion th time, be
"whether any other fellow had said, iu a dissimulation's left
as molly disappointments as he, hand manner, `Of coarse you
girls who turned out luet 11,1i 11
and whather there were over any ultonlo: xnhootmll 1,0 f :Arise Everted°
fellow expected 1 And this was `02 course I do 1' said the old
such an annoying matter ! There Englishman, 'She is singing in
were SC) many ways by which a fine old church 011 some avenue
Laura Evordalo and all her kith uptown, I think. Did you not
and kin could have proved him know that she often took part
honorable and not unworthy of with Camp and Hawley ?'
their acquaintance." 'Oamp and /teeny,' exclaimed
For (lays some thing like Morgan, 'and pray toll me who
melancholy oppressed him, are they ?'
Again bo drew heavily on 'Why, Mr. atarra said Thom-
`"Popics for Poems," and oeca- as, 'you must know I once
went to see Miss Everdale to ask
if 1 could help her, and she gave
me o ticket to hear Camp and
/teeny sing in the opera house.'
81 El 111 1.110 New Vork Opera
house, rind 1 never even hear of
thew ? You mast be mistaken
along i ',roadway, looking Lao laminas O
tho gayly doe -11E1,1:11 'Net I,' maintained the man ;
lie tin fight of tho 1) (1(11)2)11 ' that Camp and Iteeney slugs
who 11111 s Ara '1' Iv insistist (11)1(1 '32 tiiirt,4 in the eholeest
his Imes -donee, stvls, sir, it al 1 have heard tiim!'
"T" 1*"1.0 n thing I 11" Siaidenlv tha mist vanished.
Ans ah""st always r''ulenth".2 Laura, ita Itabaniaed cog'ing it," -said Morgan Starr mai nomen, prebably, was tinging in
morning, "awl jest this once PH
concerts with On,mpanini, and
Y 110 opportunity came up
for it renewal of the eon -
1 1' :113:11,1011, TIM door soon
- eloeed on the young journalist,
whose heart fairly bent the
Biennial, on "Topics for Stories ;"
but all his WOrii developed mor-
Christiana day not long after -
arrived. 1111(1 11111
were beautiful to look in upon.
Daily ice he passed to lava fru
saunter into Bartholomew's and
see if Miss Everdale is there."
Up and dowu the place he walk-
ed, but no glimpse of Laura re-
warded hill. Then he paused
111111 looked at umbrellas. "She
might °erne in," he said to him-
self. and then he thought
possibly ho might write some-
thing about historical mnbrellas;
Paul Pry's, Snirey Gaunt's, the
one Dick Swiveller wanted, but
which the Marchioness had, so
to speak, put up, not over hor
head ia the usual way', but rouua
the corner at the pawnbroker's.
Thou he leaned upon the counter
and thought of Uonalaus spread-
ing his greenish guard aloft as
he tore himself, in drench of
tears, away from beautiful Helen.
"What an idiot 1 am 1" said
he, as his elbow crashed through
a square of glass in the show
case upon which he had loaned,
while everything in heaven above
and earth beneath faded out in
his reverie concerning Laura,.
The crash returned him to the
vulgar present, and brought Mr.
Bartholomew to the spot. A bit
of brokeu glass had grazed Mor -
gun's wrist, and while the prop-
rietor bound it with a handker-
chief, he put on an air of indiff-
erence that was all the more
conspicuous because it was so
artificial. He could not resist
saying to Mr. Bartholomew that
this little incident reminded him
of another that occurred in that
very store, and which, but for
this mishap, he probably would
not have remembered. Did Mr.
Bartholomew recollect the accid-
ent by which a young girl's
thumb was impaled upon an UM-
brella wire ?
'Well, yes ; I do remember it,'
said Mr. Bortholomew. 'Now
that you speak of it, do recoil
it. I forget the young woman's
name but well remember her.
She has gone out of trade, as we
say—left here some time ago,
greatly to my regret.'
Morgan turned away abruptly.
Ho had nothing more to say to
Mr. Bartholomew, for while it
was easy to express something
he did nob feel, it was quite an-
other thing to feigu indifference
whore ho was so greatly interest.
ed. And now it was almost im-
possible for him to leave the
store without making farther en-
quiries respecting Laura. Many
a time as he had passed the door
the feeling that sho was within
and that he was serving her by
not entering, gave him not only
self -approval, but a manly senti-
ment of loyalty. If he could not
see her, he could honor her at a
distance and wait. But now, to
find hOr gone, utterly disarmed
him, and held him up beforehima
self as one contemplates another
man. Ho 011110531 regretted hav-
ing agreed go willingly to Laura's
also in some New York church,
but where ? Morgan's first im-
pulse wits to employ Thomas to
find her, but knowing that with
her fine pride a,ncl dignity such
a course would offend her, Ire at
once abandoned the idea. Days
passed before the unconscious
something which drove him on
iu the pursuit of happiness de-
veloped any plan for fincliug the
one woman who held his life with-
in her hands. Every church on
eYery avenue now had the young
journalist for an occasional at-
tendant, and as Easter drew
near and choir rehearsals were
in order, all of his evenings were
devoted to dropping in wherever
there appeared to be the slight-
est hope of finding Laura. at
last it was within a, day of East-
er, and Morgan Starr's courage
had almost touched the point of
negation. Business called him
to thd western side of the city
late in the afternoon of Easter
Even, and as he sauntered back
across the town, ho turneo into a
dingy, unfamiliar neighborhood
and in the peculiar atmosphere
of a foggy twilight hoard a melo-
dious church bell not far off.
'What an exquisite tone !' he
exclaimed. 'I wonder if people
in those crumbling old houses
appreciate it—there's no such
melody isi any bell up town 1'
A few more steps brought him
to the front of Old St, Clement's.
Furrowed by the marks of time
and browbeaten, as it were, by
an elevated railway structure,
the venerable edifice seemed
pushing itself forward to the
recognition of passers by. Some
of its persistent dignity and pat-
ience in holding its way through
so many changes crept into
Morgan's heart. Like the pyr-
amids, it 1101(1 an atmosphere of
uucomprehended strength, and
the anxious lover felt its power.
Wit were Worth while," said
he, 'I would go in, but surely
she would not be hero. 1 must
".For should I wait, sono time the light of
wail and bide my time in faith.'
60111.0 and id beside in 0 at in y door::
He raised his hat in reverent
fooling, and was about to turn
away, whoa a soft prelude from
the organ detained him, and in
another moment a clear soprano
voice began Luther's well known
Easter hymn of 1524. Morgan
know it well. His heart bound-
ed as its strains brought back
tho associations of his boyhood,
and it required but moment
more for him to enter the old
church, walk part the way down
the aisle and look up at Laura
Everdale—for there in Old Cle-
ment's 'the light of day' had
come to him in twilight shades
of Easter Even. Trembling with
emotion ha seated himself be-
neath the organ gallery and las-
determination to end thew 10110- toned. to the voice of the woman
cent acquaintance. He even who had grown into his heart
wondered il' she wae a, coquette, ' and life through silent, patient
and had receded, expecting him waiting mid esited but unspoken
to follow.
he paned. out he mot the grey- while alorgan Starr remained
Morgan loft the store, but as A. month appeared to pass
haired porter and recogiazzod him there m the darkness, but finally
s the man who attended Loam lie heard the singers coming
f, _•• • -•• -
down, and stepped into the vesti-
bule. As Laura descended the
narrow stairway into the full
light, it was ria if someone had
4.1/I AS T .1/4 le KR 7',
street/ •
ANDREW 111111R1E, PitOPff fETO.R.
presented hint to his queen. He
made movemeut or such , Rfresh 1,./ cats
taneous devotiou. 310 full of an
thut 1111 hi a to 03.(l117143'3. that i,t1.1i .„.. .1. a on 11,114. 317711
the at once advanced and 1101' hood in his. transferred
it to his arm, caul toe:ether they
passed out of Old St. Clement's,
What they said and what they
did belongs to the new life of
Easter day ; but when the young
lover heard his promised wife
sing Toisteegen s glorious old
to any part of Ube vt..Jago . zee 01
'0,1111S very favorable.
Par whielt the Waite:it xnarket nriee
be paid,
10100 make a specialty of buying Bides
and Skins.
h )(Ache r's _Air., _to
.1)"'t rfl2f1 11111 3111(10 etillWirE
authem on that bright morning,
he felt it entirely possible for
men to be 'while yet on earth, iu
heaven.' lama M. Howaraa
Fashion xstot3.4.
are things of 1.11,i past.
The turban is more popul3r than ea Ps ra r/a./
30 0312.11
177H -e!: 31 by 20A, .2 r„,,
,1 r prs
Very lighl-i14t1o4
1 11141 not fn,.ii ti it 2,s
all bordered.
Short 11/300 ;eti 3.33i plc
i, 3,13( 03.31 •,' 30:1137
th.0 !%0E111)111*
Nelle 11711 Ca, Aillerie-al
put on their gloves in the rArevt.
Opals are now conmerfaitea, it is
said, so as to defy detection.
Blousos of wash urah silk will
be a fnaturo of Stunator toilets.
Fancy waistcoats are vary gone:
ally adopted by men of I.:anion.
India silks will fif„nre iu every
well supplied suminer wardrobe.
Velvet ribbon has taken di.,
place of moire ribbon fur trinaini14
Square•cornerecl zolutve jseaet
are b000tning to 111 slender figures.
Gold embroideries aro used ou
some of the Easter dinner dresses.
'throe (131331,re wiyii are 3-40
Wages of a werking milliner in
White, gran and roe.:5
most NO3;111:0)143 eo)ori r 0103(13,1
(01 11)0.
Pbe phirti whioa open ia th
bank and hunt are tat:Lining. popu.
Riding and driving. gloves 'for
ladles aro short, and have .dly one
Tho fashionable visiting 04311
almost square piece id pasteboard.
Gray, fawn and drab are the
olore 10 favor for Spring walking
Embroidered collars and cuffs
should be made separate from
430010153. dresees.
Those ladies to whom the style
is becoming, are wearing the hair
Four buttoned led gloves with
h,avy stitching on the back are
worn for walking.
Beater gifts are becoming almost
as ninon of an inetitution as
Christmas presents.
Parasols with long last:idles will
be more generally wont than they
were last year.
Large studs or conspicuous
jewelry of any kind aro not WOrll
by gentlemen of taste.
8 ,nooked ging he ins will make
some of the favorite morning dress
es for the Snuirrwr,
Clanadist 711. rsf 4.-s-vtrtg.
11 32 proposed 40 )301(1(74 grand Summer
carnival in Winnipeg, in Augult, lasting
it week or ten days.
The now water tower at Kingston, the
highest iron structure in Canada, was
tested oe Thursday last.
Mt. Forest mimes a young lady named
Booze, A villainous punster remarked
that Mr.—was gone on a ,.130020."
A public drinking fountain is to be
erected in Dundee. Nearly $200 has
already been subscribed towards it.
An notion has boon (intend at the
Simeee Assizes against Dr. Rose, of
Waterford, charging him with causing
the death of Luella Dean, of the same
place, through negligence, default and
wrongful acts. Tho plaintiff, the hus-
band of Mrs. Dean, claims 45,000
damages. Tho negligence, ote., is said
lo bavo boon committed by Dr. Rene
while he NM =trading teeth from Mrs,
Doan, bo potting Igor under the influence
of chloroform.
3. PLU
General Blacksmith,
to intimate to the public, generally
that ho don all kinds of Illacksmithing
in a Workmanlike Manner,
1Vagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Outten;
made to Order,
Repairing promptly Exeented.
make 31 Svoolalty ot Horsoehoeing.
A call Solicited. L4-1.lomombe1 the
Stand—Mimi mmi Duran.
8. Plum. tif
—Just arrived at—
• • 11'
Publishine; House.
Every Business Man
Should have a
Thousand of
P017 PUBLiNIN 110111,
Thaulcing the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to Bemire your
patronage, We aro opening out fulllines
from established and reliable makers
fully warranted by us.
Melo of the
latest Desiiin&
VirIGLA-1, V
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gom Rings,
Earrings, &o
Also have in stook a full line of Violins
and Violin Strings. Ate.
N. B. —Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
T !etcher,
and the KIDNEYS
This combined aClion giveS it won-
derrul power to cure all diseases.
Why Are We Sick?
Because we allow the naves to
'main weakened and irritated, and
these great organs to become clogged
or torpid, and peiseecals humors are
theft:role roreed 37130 She 1710013 that
,1(0)1131 be expelled naturally.
WILL 01) 013 13I010001332S8PiT,325,
00155303303.3.032, XIDITSY CON.
4/0/NTS, 1:117.I110110 DISEASES,
73.38811, NETIZALGIA, 01:133 0311'
1111120008 331801111211.0,
By quieting and strengthening the
111'))), and reusing flee action of the
1 iv er, bowels, and kidneys, and rester.
ing their power to Ilium off <Fame.
171) 111(1-, rainn ale ataccii
NiT1153termereed Pilaa, Hotted Dation:3
Why frightened everDiterdsredRitla ay a
Why endure 00311111 01 ash 1100dt:whim
'Why have sleepless nights!
Palun'a00,37,8 totatoonn and
7)010711 health. 11 is an entire:1y vogon-
Lk' reniedY, harmless in all eases.
all Pragglas.
..%1 a. fin: a5,00.
WEIR S,RICHARDSON k CO,,Proprleters,
M0NT11103r... V. Q.