The Brussels Post, 1889-4-26, Page 5APIUL 26. 1889,
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Cl',ri1`sclr3}1dVds r1`'" Xl l 3 ''u ''At 'r r`' "Zi am u+t 3ul.`=42.rb4-,11=:siai. a,,
Commencing at Once we will offer Suits by the Hundred Chea.permthan the Cheapest,lieu's Some for $5, se
and, $7, worth $7.50, $8 and $10.
Young Man, while the money you save over that asked by the imitators for the same quality will buy
you a Hat, Furnishings and leave you some Change in you pocket besides. It is an innovation—this selling Spring Suits right at the commencement of the season—that only the
store doing the Largest Ready-made Clothing Trade in the County would make.
The old saying, "There is time and place for everything."
A. Ii. S,)I.111'.B'S Store is the Place, (crzd NOW is your Time to buy.
We will also offer Dozes of Pants, all wool, worth $3.50, for $2.25. Also
Pay us a visit and see what we can do for you.
Mistrici tirids.
Ca-italb rcv<r le.
Seeding is well advanced nn thio
The ilex mill difficulty is being venni•
lated in the Division Court this weep at
A musical entertainment will be given
in the Methodist ehuroh here next Mon-
day evening by the choir of tho Ethel
Methodist church.
A heavy drought mare sold at Peter
McDonald's sale last Saturday afternoon,
for the large sum of $281 Good prima
were realized all through.
W n.ltou.
School ro.opened on Tuesday of this
week. .
Preparations are being made for com-
mencing work at the aboese factory in
this village.
Rev. W. T. Cluff conducted service in
the Episcopalian church on the afternoon
el Good Friday.
At the vestry meeting held last Mon-
day in connection with St. George's
church, R. Ferguson was elected Minis•
ter's Warden and W. Smith, People's
Warden, Adam Sholdioe and John
Bowttt, Sidesman, and R. H. Ferguson
Delegate to Synod.
Geo. Currin spent Sunday in Bruesola.
i Mr. Klump, our former butcher, talks
of becoming a resident of Bruesels.
Among the new buildings to be erected
here this season will be a foresters'
,i Hall.
A meeting of the directors of the E1ma
Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
was held at Attwood, the 9th inst. A'1
the members present. Since last re.
ported applications for insurance were
received and accepted amounting to
$172,405. On motion trade and carried
it was agreed that no church property
be inenred in this company from this
ante. Meeting adjourned till the last
Tuesday in May.
What about the organization of a base
ball club hero 7
Some of the "boys" had what they
teemed fun lately in raiding the sugar
bush of different farmers. The sport if
all over now.
Fall wheat is doing well and Spring
crops aro commencing to show through
the ground. A big crop this year and
good prices is badly needed.
The musical entertainment held iu the
Methodist ehnach on Wednesday evening
of this week was a grand success. Owing
to the unfavorable evening the audience
was not as large as it should have been.
The program was all that could bo de-
sired, . Every piece was well rendered
end the persons attending were well sat-
isfieh. bliss Jackson was the nccompeu•
ist and filled theposition admirably.
Last week Miss May MoQuarrie left
Blyth for Chicago.
Division Court was held on Monday
before Judge Doyle. Only two oases
Mr. Stewart, Principalof our Public
school, spent his Easter holidays at his
home in Blnovale.
Roily se Son unloaded a carload of
Manitoba wheat last week. They ship -
red two carloads of flour to the east this
West Huron License Commiseioners
granted hotel licences to Mestere. Milne,
Ernigh, Mason and Scott and shop license
to J. A. Macdonald.
M. W. Scott and D. MoGill were ap-
pointed churchwardens for the ensuing
year, and John 33011 was appointed lay
delegate to Synod in connection with
Trinity church at the vestry meeting last
Seeding lis over with many farmers
around hare.
Tho rain on Wednesday has done much
toward refreshing the lawns and mead-
The art examinations will bo hell in
the Collegiate Institute in Soaforth on
Friday and Saturday next.
The Bible reading on Friday afternoon
on "Christ's Second Coming wits. very
largely attended and was considered in -
Wresting instruction and orthodox by
Mr. Schivorca leaves for his hone in
Brooklyn, N.Y. on Thursday, having
been absent eight months in Canadian
work, Certainly no porton of intolligonoe
and sympathy Can sn5pe01 Mr. S. in the
faced such sacrifice of home bleseinge
and comforts to be working for tho loaves
end ileitis oe the mighty dollar. The
evangoiieb was well paid but it Inas; fOr
services well and faithfully rendered.
Conductor Snider preached on Thurs.
day efternooe iu the ttethodbet church
to a large congregation. He gave what
aright be termed his conversion sermon,
and many w,.10 visibly affected by his
earnestness and searching appeals.
'.Vin d;h:ten -
Wingham wants a High School.
Wan. Irwin was chosen caretaker for
the t'emetery at a salary of $100 for six
Bobt. Cornyu, jr., champion roller
skater of Weetern Ontario, went to Har-
rietou to have another skating race with
Frank Feathers, ex-ohampion. The race
resulted in favor of Cornyu by abort three
11. Kinsman, while working at the
Queen's Hotel stepped on the end of t
board which he thought was secure, but
it was not, and he fell. The board flow
up and caught him in the ribs, breaking
one of them.
The Times says :--We understand the
Cricket Club are about disbanding and
giving up the park which they had leased
from the town. The time is, therefore,
opportune for the town to convert this
into an attractive public park.
Wingheen huge now three base ball
teams—a town team, .be Atlantico—also
teams at Boll's and the Union factories.
Practice hes began in earnest, they have
good grounds, an abuedanee of enthusi.
asm and splendid material, pushing offi-
cers and competent captains. H. Igo -
Hardy, from Bluevale, will likely be on
hand, and as he is perhaps the best
pitcher in the county, he will be a valua-
ble acquisition to the team.
There was a big crowd in the village
last Monday to hear the Hooper trial in
the Foresters' Hall.
Aramand and Fenton Hartley were
home from Clinton Collegiate Institute
for their blaster vacation.
Oar new teacher, Me. elaoLwen, is
doing his work nicely and gives promise
of Tiding the position well.
Mrs. Timmins is not improving in
health. She expecte to take a trip to
Montreal shortly hoping that it may
prove beneficial.
Workmen have been busy building up
the etoneworkfor the now cheese factory.
The maker will not live in the new
Bev. Arch. MoKibbin was away
et Palmerston last week attending
hie 4th years' examination. He may go
to college next year, if not we would like
o have him beck here tc reside is the
handsome brink parsonage.
Wm. Lightle's farm was advertised to
be sold under mortgage sale on Wednes-
day of this week. John Farrow auction-
eer. Property is at a low ebb in this
locality and there area number ofvaoaut
houses within the village limits.
Monday evening the tenders were
opened for the new brick cheese factory,
to replace tbo one recently burned.
Thera were a number of tenders, Win.
Welsh, of Belgrave, being the enocessfu.
one, at $2;190. He furnishes all material
and has to have work completed by June
1st or forfeit $20 a day. The make
room will be 28x01 feet ; the press room,
20x50 feet ; the drying room, 87x03 feet,
and the engine house, 12a22 feet, walls
to be 22 and 13 feeb high. It will be a
bellow brick wall. The furnishing for
the inside departments will be supplied
by M. °limits, of Listowel. His figure
was $1183. It is oxpeoted that oheose
making will imminence on June 1st, I1
nothing happens.
bdsto w el.
A full program of sports is being ar-
ranged for the 24th of May,
Rev. 31. D. Hunter, M.A., of London,
will deliver his lecture on "The Jesuits"
in the Congratioual Church on the even-
ing of the 26th inst.
It has been about decided, we ander•
stand, that Hess Bros, will not again
commence their chair factory Isere or
elsewhere, and there is a strong probab-
ility of the firm -being dissolved, one of
the member(' retiring.
In connection with the investigation
ooneerning the teoont fires a man named
McKenzie was eo.nmittod to stand his
trial. The two others arrested were ace
quitted. 'Phare has been about 21 in-
cendiary Aeos eine( the let of January.
On end alto', Monday, 29th inst., the
5:45 ant. train from Southampton to
Palntereton ; 0;10 p.m, train from Pal.
moraton to Southampton ; also the 5;15
arm. train from Wiarton to Palmerston,
and the 0:10 pan. train from Palmerston
to IViertou, will run daily instead of tri-
weekly as at present. Snow. --Tho prima lint is as fol•
Iowa : Imported heavy draughts with
togieterod podigeoo--Int, John Wilkin.
eon's Allan of Clochllel, 2nd, Collison ak'
Lavin's,Try Me, Std,' J, L. Tuenliitll's
Sir Patrick. Canadian heavy draught,
any a e, 1st, Team'luby's 'Toni Diene,
and John Nelson's "Warrior. - Cahaditti
heavy drought, 3, years and under,
13. Loaitoli s Pa(kor, and John llTitoholl'e
Gtgowey. General purpose, any age,
let, Ad m Dennie's Young Lennon, 2nd,
Andrew Thompson's Lord Haddo. Gen-
eral purpose, 8 years and under, 1st J.
Nelson's tnxfnrd Bing and P. McFarlane's
Toon Clerk. Thore'.brsd blood with
pedigree, 1st, Kidd Bros.' Baron Roths-
child. Oarrage, auy age, Kidd Bros.'
Blizzard, 2nd, D. Lamont's Highlander,
Roadsters, lst, Kidd Bros., Oliver Wilkes
2nd, Bolls es Both's Kentucky Star.
Sweepstakes, Kidd Bros.' Oliver Wilkes.
Tho Union Sabbath School held in
Shine's soh.wl house will re.opou next
Sabbath f. r this year. •
E. V. Smith was home for a week's
holidays from Clinton Collegiate Insti-
tute. Hie work apparently agrees with
Peter McDonald's stock and other
things went pretty high at the sale on
Saturday, and it is a good thing, but
still the loss to a great many of his
creditors will be very eeriouo.
Those flax.pullers who worked for A.
Reichert last Summer have still a chance
to est pert, at least, of their olaime paid.
It will be necessary for each to make an
affidavit before a magistrate or com-
missioner and send it to the sheriff at
The Sabbath Sohool in S. S. No. 8
re -opens on the first Sunday in May.
All the old teachers have been re -appoint-
ed. Ia is to be hoped that they will bo
as successful as in the past few years,
and the attendance as largo. It is much
better for a boy to spend his Sundays in
attending a good school of this kind, and
in the needful preparation of lessons for
the day, than to roans about with other
boys and be constantly tempted to do
IIivantnau,—On Wednesday of this
week the home of Hartwell Sperain, 10th
0011., was the scene of a very interesting
event, viz., the marriage of Joseph Whit-
field, 12th eon., to Miss Mary Sperain.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.
H. Dyke. Miss Eliza Sperain, sister to
the bride, was bridestnaid, and E. A.
Martin, L.D.S., Brussels, the grooms-
man. A large number of useful and val.
uab�e gifts were made to the bride. Mr.
and Mrs. Whitfield commence married
life with the best wishes of a large circle ,
of relatives and friends. They will eon-,
tinue to reside in this township. Tray;
Pose joins in the congratulations.
Onmv.—On Monday of this week Mt
Walter Richardson crossed over the river
of death, atter an illness extending over
about six tnouths, aged 48 years and 12
days. The deceased was the third daugh.
ter of the late John MaFadzean, of this
township. She was born in Ayrshire,
Scotland, in 1841 and Dame to Canada
with her parents in the year 1861. They
lived in Dumfries, near Ayr, for 1 years
and then moved to Grey township in the
Fall of 1802, being among the first set-
ters in the township. Tho subject of
this notice was marriedto her now bereft
partner fu 1885 and their family consists
of 2 sons and 6, daughters, all of whom
survive, except the youngest daughter.
About 2e years ago Mrs. Richardson had
an attack of pleurisy which developed
into consumption. She was advised to
try the Californian climate and went
wee% in September 1887 remaining until
April of the following veer. This trip,
did har good and stayed, at least for a
time, the fell dtseaee. For the past 8e -
months she was confined to her room.
Mr. Riobardeon moved here from Mo•
Killop township 4 years ago. Mrs.
Richardson was a member of the Presby
terian church and was very highly es-
teemed by all who were acquaiutsd with
her. The funeral took place on Wednes-
day afternoon and was largely attended,
considering the unpleasant weather. , Mr.
Richardson and family have the syn•
pathy of the community in their loneli-
neer and sorrow.
Canadian PeTeawn.,
tractus Winton is to address a public,
meeting at Ottawa. 5
Tho Woodstock Standard has been
enlarged to a seven coiunm evening
T.'ho out of logs in the Ottawa distriob
is reported to have been very large during
the winter,
The Ontario Orioket Aseociatnon Beg -
gods August 20, 80 and 31 as the dates
for the Intonational match, which wiil
be played in the Stator this your.
It is being urged on the Dominion Gov-
ernment to great a gratuity to Miss
Fraser, daughter of Simon Preece, who
tlisooverecl the river that peepetuatoe hie
Molitbbiu's brickyard plant, Menne..
dime together with about 100 cords of
wood, was completely destroyed by fire
early Tneaday rnorniug. Lose $800; no
incurannoe. Cameo unknown.
A, O. J. liautlnen, Btookville's music
dealer, who, on Wednesday, of last week,
pleaded guilty to fo +cry, wan on Hater.
slay sentenced by judge Faleotnbridie to
Pee sawmill deg lately patented by
John Mosher, of Edgington, is likely
to prove a bonanza to its inventor. Mr.
Masher has already been offered 815,001
f or the patent by an Amorioan firm.
One Wilson has recovered 0500 from
the city of Brantford for injuries to his
arm from being thrown off a load of hay
owing to an aocumulation of snow, ice
and mod on Water St. in that city.
The Welland Canal was opened on
Tuesday, and three vessels succeeded in
getting through Mud Lake, at the Sault,
thus opening the lake route from end to
end, exempt the St. Lawrence Canals.
W. J. McKenzie, of Kirkfield, Ont.,
has secured the contract of 210 miles,
the railroad from Fort lJaLeod 100 miles
north of Calgary, thence ()award 110
more to Edmonton. It will be built this
A novelty in church entertainments
was held in London Friday night. It
was advertised as a 'crazy tea,' and the
eatables were served on dust pans,
dippers, frying pans, etc., in fact every-
thing but plates.
Mr. Schreiber, of Springfield, Halton
C., last week received from England
two boxes, ono containing six English
the other six Chinese pheasants. They
are beautiful birds, were seemingly in
good health, and none the worse for their
long ride.
James Kenny, of Enterprise, near
Kingston, was kicked in the face on Sat-
urday, by a horse, arewled home, and
sett out ifs daughter to attend to the
team. She found that the horses bad
kuoaked over the lantern and set the
barn on fire. fifteen cattle and 00
tons of hay were burned. Insurance
P. J. Steele, of St. Thomas, recently
killed a mammoth hog, which had been
\fod on corn -cob meal ground together
end fed dry. The hog dressed 938
pounds. The hams and shoulders
Neighed close trimmed, 192 pounds, the
rd 230 pounds, and the sausages 53
pounds. His market value was 856, be-
sides odds and ends.
1 Ten quarts of Band wore recently re.
1noved from a horse owned by Jonathan
fialoott, of Bloomfield, Ont. Other
horses are suffering from the same nom
plaint. Tho (muse is attributed to the
practice of raking grain fields when the
dew is on the ground, amusing sand and
dirt to cling to the straw, which eventual.
ly finds its tray into the etomec he rI the
ani male.
The Attoruey-General of Ontario has
sustained the judgment of the four magis •
traces, who were not in accord with the
Mayor of Sarnia, while sitting on what is
now known as the Sarnia gambling cage.
So that it is now settled that any magic,
trate bas a perfect right to Bit ou a ease
without being invited by the Mayors
or the Magistrate who took the infotma.
airs. Spencer Sebring of the Norte
Ward found a common marble in a hoe's
egg which she had broken for 000king�,
purposes. We were assured there was j
no deception about it, for the marble post
itively was found iuside of the egg. Tido
is certainly a curious circumstance, the
equal of which we have never hoard.
The question is how did the marble get
there.—Sarnia Sun.
The Arthur Enterprise says :—An ex-
traordinary instance of vigorous old age
occurred on Tuesday last. An aged lady
reputed to be 105 years old, named Mrs.
Crushing, residing in Arthur township,
about nine miles front Arthur village,
hoarin" that an old neighbor residing in
the vlilage was approaching her end, de -
aided to visit her. Without consulting
any person she forthwith started on foot
and walked into the village to bid a last
farewell to her olds acgnamtanoe. A
party passing the old lady on the road
invited- her to drive with Mtn, but the
sturdy centenarian thanked him and
seed that as she had not far to go she
would prefer walking. She ranched her
friend's bedside appiurontly none the
worse for her long walk.
The great mass meeting, expressing
approval of tho action of the thirteen
members of Parliament in voting for the
disallowance of the Jesuits' Bill, was
held in Toronto on Tuesday night and
was attended by nearly 5,000 people.
Ex -Mayor W. H. Howland presided, and
about fifty prominent oibizons were upon
the platform. There were only Pout of
the thirteen in attendance, Messrs. Dal-
ton McCarthy, Jolui Charlton, G. R.R.
Cockburn and Col. F. 0. Denison, and
they received an ovation. The alveoli of
the mvonite was suede by Dalton Me-
Cnetiiy. Ho dealt with the logel features
of the question, cmd in »extender with
tho argument presented in the House by
Sir John Thompson, not neglecting to let
his .audiences know how entirely he differ•
ed with the minister in his speech, IID
expressed the opinion that the govern-
ment of Sir John Macdonald was long
enotgit in power, aid tbie expression was
received with hearty approbation. The
other speakers wore J, Charlton, Col. F.
O, Domsen and Mr, 00011barn. The
proceedings terminated quietly et 01101•
savor years in flea ponitentitiry, ' night.
The 'Golden Padlock;'
Every *Housekeeper should
Call at 1MOKAY & Co.'s
See the New
Carpet Stretcher.
It is a Dandy and may be
secured at a Low Price.
X Stock of Lath, Shingles
and Builders' Supplies always
on Hand.
We have a Handsome Line of
very Suitable for Birthday
or Wedding Presents.
A. M. MCKAY & Co.
E DU.l.�d F � the Popular and Fashionable
l- d 9 Tailor, of Brussels, desires to;
announce that ho has opened out a large and varied stock of Nese
Spring Goods and is well prepared to receive and execute orders.
The Stock now on hand is a most excellent one and everybody
Call be suited.
Seotohl English and tjana .ian Tweeds, English
and Brent worsteds, Bot.
A Pried Fit Guaranteed
All Gootis music up in the Latest NEW YOIT t+tyles.
A. SPECIA l.. 1i,itn c -of new (rood just to. ilttud and big g 'littr-
gaiils will bo given, iltholu;ll they are net :Gia ikriipt Goods,
Sol.rl,';1 13i,oex, 13a,csslni,s.. Ill?;DCTIAN'l! ''.hA1110.It,