HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-4-26, Page 4'I f -I F.: F3HU L;SF.! ' ' i-JOST JRY *...n.a5 17V' grAriar '''''..ussurnr.mussroilkoomsrutssuommornoncrusall ROCERIES, BO TS AND 8140E8, READY- !ADE CLOTH,NO HATS 9 OAPS, MTL. LI N- .E a, Y., &a, 1-1A77- II 110 S_A_Nr. Me We defy, either in the city or country, a Store that is selling Goods to the public to -day at Lower Prices than we are offering them to our customers and the people. We buy in quantities and at a Price that no house doing business in the regular way can touch our prices, Do not be mislead by persons claiming to pay cash for all the goods they handle and are aide to give you treater advantages than we can. No House in Brussels is in a position to take advantage of the markets and place goods before you at Bankrupt Prices but ourselves We are placing goods before you bought at Mc., 70c. and 76e. on the dollar while other houses are paying regular prices, so judge for yourselves who can sell the Cheapest Trusting to have the opportunity of comparing our prices with any opposition that claims lower prices, we are Your Obedient Servants, New Advertisements. I There Will be a grand celebration in Stratford on the 24th of May, , Alderman Smith caught .t beautiful Clud—F. S. Scott. 1 mink in his tannery at Stratford theL. L...olt—Ross 13 as, Local—Adam Good, other night, The little thio made a of towels ; John Molpair ten. of Laltes—T. Pletcher. desperate fight but was finally subdued, pillow sheens ; Mrs. ltobt. Little, plush Notiee—D, Stewart. I The contract between the Town arid bracket ; alre. William Carnet:ham set Loals—Ben. Gerry. I the 13allE1ear1e Light Co. a Mitchell, of glaee ware for bed 10 10. Trip .1 ,g Laaat, —A 1: nr Vol. was signed, and the town will at emus the light fantastic seemed to be the paler Strayed—Wm. Taylor. I make toe oeceseary arrangements to of the evening, awl Witt Andel tal in by Local—George Thomson. carry out the eontraot, many of those present until the lord of Catalina—G. Deadinan. The cantata, "Under the Palms," pro the roost told them morning was at Ponders Wanted—Tbis Oftice. ; dueed at Stretford in the opera house on hand, and all repaired to their resp..ctive Tuesday evening, by the Main street homes, well satisfied with the night's on. Ball for Service—Hugh McKay.' Sunday sohool, was well patronized and joyment, Ouunty Ex:ma—Peter Adamson. gave good satisfaction, Express Wagons—Posr Bookstore. Dry Goods—W, Nightingale & Co. Alfred Day, Secretary of the Provin- dal S.S. Association, will bold a series Flee Dry Goods—Seam-I & Ferguson. of Sunday School Institutes in this (men - Reedy made Clothing—A.11. Smith. ty early in May, under the auspices of WIXCIFIL9f, Cerra Stretcher—A. M. McKay & Co. the County S.S. Association. The attendance at the Spring Show 00 The Stratford and Hamilton news- Thursday of last week was comparatively papers are waging war over the question small as might be expected, on amount of the railroad workmens' remoyed from of the fine weather. The judges award the latter place to Stratford. The Ham- of prices was a.. under ; iltonians evidently feel their loss, adoeses.—Efeav: Draught, imported— BrigadeJelajor Aylmer was M Stmt. 1st and 2nd, Wm, Weewood's 'McGregor' ford recently and made a transfer of No. and 'Etimouda General Purpose -1st 1 company of the 28th from Lieut, Robb, Davidson & Ross, Caress, and 2nd, Jan. who has been for some time in cemmand.0derson, West Wawenosh, Roadsters to Capt. Guy, who has recently been —let, E. Livingstone's 'Electric: Chief ti promoted through having taken a mail- 2nd, Leggat and Co.'s 'Frankie B.' oath from the Royal School of Infantry. Carriage—John Reid's 'W. F. Lambert.' The power, the influeece and the con- Coaoh—let, Geo. Whytoek's, Whitby, 'Cleveland dei Baye 21:t, A. pling's 'Izlack- venience of the press haa beau recently , made very manifest to John Johnston, I, dipmma„ Wm. wmiamod,, are,Gregor., shoemaker, of St. Marys. Hie father and four brothers have been living in _Bor..ts.—Durham thoroughbred, aged New Zealand for over sevente .1 years, Mt, R. Yo Crombrook Champion ; 2nd, and during that long period Mr. John• Charles Hendereon', Waterloo Knightley. sten was never able to find their aldress, Under 2 yea s—J. M Currie. Any other and they were looking, ander the .ame thoronehlored—lat, S. D. Wellwood's, dim/vantage with regard to his where- Hereford, Laurier ; find, James Elliott's Holetein, Huron Lad, Diploma—R. Yoe's abouts. He conceived tho idea a short ,,mnbrook champion. time ago of advertisiug for his lost kind red through the medium of the press, Junens.—R, Miler and R. Dynes, and as soon as possible obtained the ser- Wroxeter, and Wm. Johnston, Morris. vices of the Canterbury Times, a New NEWAIr. Zealand paper, for that purpose. Yon The beautiful weather on Tuesday of can only imagine his adanishment and last week brought a goodly number of pleasure in finding that one insertiou we farmers out to the Spring Steck Bair suflioient, and as a result the very mixt here. The following ars the prize mail carried back to him two letters and winners : several photograph.: from his long lost HORS.Si.—Lreau Draught, Imported— Mends. The letters bear the date of let, L. McNeil's Oballenger ; 2nd, J. Mar. 21, and stated that the beet harvest Oollison's Try me. Heavy Draught for many years had just been completed Cauadiau—lst, John lielson'a Warrior. there. Heavy Draught Canadian, 3 years er under, let, John Nelson's Oxford King. English Shire Stallion—Jet, John Gray's Waverly; 2nd, John Gray's Merriman. General Purpose—lase° Eby's Tom Dinnie ; and, Wm. Mallory's Sir Colin. Blood, with pedigree—let, Kidd Bros.' Baron Rothschild. Roadster or Carriage —let, Rolle & Roth's llentnoky Star; 2nd, Kidd Bros.' Prinoe Frederick. Sweepstakes—L. McNeil's Challenger. Beam—Durham, 2 years old—R. Ford's Primrose Ring. Durban', 1 year old—Jolla Love's Prince of Oloverland. Jane Gemmell, work basket; Mrs. Root. MoIren, pair of towels; Mrs, John Cam- eron, pair of tolvem; Mrs. Robb. lbarters, pair of towels; ‘'re. .lenet Leckie, pair (111c Agrusstis nst. FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1889. Fear the reports from the Dominion House of Parliament we learn that quarter of a million dollars is asked to meet expenses in connection with the Eleotoral Franehise Act. We fail to see how any man can advocate eueh a use - lees expenditure of good money when the Provincial lists would do as well, if not better, If we were out af debt the case would not be so bad. Tam ship of state is not running in smooth waters just atpresent end a ship- wreck would not greatly surprise any. body. At To onto the other evening while speaking on the Jesuit topic, Dal. ton aleCarthy declared that Sir John Macdonald's government bad been in power long euough. This, from one of his strong supporters, augurs 01. Pro- hibition and the Jesuit question have brought more than one party man to his senses and caused him to reflect on the ways and means of Parliamentarians and tbe necessity of a new order of af- fairs. Pamen Bmaranex M bound that Ger- many shall control the foreign relations of Samoa, and that is just exactly what the American Government will not con- sent to. To grant the Samoans control of their internal affairs is not inoonsis- tent with intending Samoa in the Ger- man Empire. Many of the princes of the larger and more powerful of the East Indian states have control Of the internal affairs of their great countries, Under such conditions the Indian primes aro satraps of the British Government, and the Samoan King's position under Ger- many would be the same. Huron County. The Goderioh Gnu Club visited Clinton on Good Friday and after a keen contest with the club of that bergh, were defeat- ed by one point. The foundation of the Postoffice at Goderioh is now ready for the joists whirl will be laid this week. The cora tractor aspects to have the building ready for rooftop, by the first week in Tune. The Goderich council refused a grant of 050 to help to extend eourteeiee to the amnia xnAgen. The annual spring far and horse and membere of the Orange Sovereign Grand Lodge of British America, which will cattle show of the Morris Agricultural meet there next month, Over 800 dale- Society was held on the Soeiety's grounds, Blyth, on Tuesday. This is the first gates are expected to be present. They spring fair held by this Society for six do not come to make money. An important decision to farmers and or seven years, but we believe it will be heid every spring in the future. The others, was given a short time ago by weather was fine, and the grounds were Judge Chadwick in the Division Court 10 pea (audition. The slim of horses at Palmerston. Robert Edgar, of How was fully up to that of any other show iek, brought a horse from one John Davy. Suram BLANORAlib, of Naova Scotia, has er, of Minto, last fall. Mr. Edgar stated held in the neighborhood this spring. Blyth ie a central point of the horse trade decided that the Comeda Temperance Act at the court that Mr. Dwyer told him of Guthrie. Some of the latgest breeders is notau force in counties whith adopted and the beet horse judges in the Province that the horse was :tonna, Dwyer denied. this statement, but admitted he told it, but in which no licensed hotels exist- Edgar the horse was sound as far as he are residents of Blyth and surrounding ed at the time the Act was put in force. knew. Mr. Armstrong neighborhood. The attendance, though "alnin°a th°. not at all what might hoe been desired, The Minister of Justice does not concur horse some time after Mr. Edger got him Wt4S good, considering the latenese of the and on examination said the horse we: in this decision, and proposes to ask Par. season and the excellent weather just unsound. Tho judge accordingly give Hainaut for a sum of money th enable judgment for Mr, Edgar for 345 and then prevailing for farmers to get their him to tea the matter in the courts, Oats, the amount claimed. plowing and seeding done. he Maple. meet agent was theta in all his glory and Dalton McCarthy and other gentlemen Ilsnellesra—During tho evening of gall, extolling to the skims the excellence quite as learned in the law as JUdge Wednesday April 12tb a large number of of his particular =aline. It 11 WO1lder` Blanchard have declared that the Jesuit invited friends assembled at the residence eel the perfection now attained in agr!. of Mrs. Halliday, of Turkeremith, to wit- tchuelttparraizle riaatothinery. The following le Estates Act is unoonstitutional, but the hose one of those pleasant events which Minister of Justice says otherwise, and make those concerned very h ippy. The he does not propose to eek the courts to event was the uniting of John J. Lionses.—Eteavy Draught, 4 years and Elliott formerly of Owen Sound and Miss over, 4 entries—let, J. P. Fisher's 'Lord settle the question. of the Manorl' Catherine Hallidear of Tackersmith, in 2nd, Ed, Dell's 'Signal the holy bonds of wedlock by Rev, Jos. Man e 3rd, D. Erwm's 'Boreland Chief.' MeCoy, of Egroondaille. Tha ceremony Heavy Draught, foaled in 1886 or later, being over their relatives and friends 4 entries—let, J. Masoa's 'McKnight e find, J. Mason's 'Tom's the Boy;' 8rd, T. Perth Teachers' Association will meet Wished the young couple a happy end pat er'e ,Bawayall arena Agricultural, prosperous journey through life, end yea% and over, 8 entries -1st, Ander- in Stratford on May 28rd. hoped that they might live long to enjoy rem & roWlera: 'Blackbird e and, G. Nelz 13 Portage la Prairie Presbyterians have their married life. Then all eat down to extended a unanimous call to Rev. Peter Wright, of Stratford. a sumptuous repast to satisfy the wants eon's 'Farmerni Fang.' Roadatere, 8 of the inner inan. The tables seemed to yenra and over, 2 entries—lst, L. Shea:teal 51. BC, Mitehell, of St. Xstrye, after groan under their load of bOuntiful 'Royal Revenge ;' 2nd, Pinkey & Adazns' genial tests, speaks highly in favor of the viands. The bride was the recipient of 'Robert Bonner.' Best horse, any age or white grape cm:rant. many beautiful and valuable presents, Claes, 6 entricia—j. P. Fisher's 'Lord of OAAS Bros., of Stratford have sold their ebowiug the esteem in whielt she ie held the Manor.' baking and confectionery business to A. by her many friende. Wo give the names Butaia—Thorough-bred, aged, 2 entries 11, Wilkinson, of Xt. Forest, for 57,000. of those who presented the bride with —1st, J. Cumming's 'Capt. Merlin ;' 2nii, The eleariolights of Stratford, Guelph tho presents, Mise Sarah Stewart, par J. Loganal 'Evergreen Prfnee.' Thor. ough-bre, Berlin, Galt, Parie and Woodstock may for lamp ; Mrs, 12, le. Elliott, dining ley's: 'Lord Eleho,' lin der 2 years—let, R. Our. d all be seen from the village of New HIM. room lamp ; MISS Me0adonasegar spoon bileg, and butter knife ; Miss Maggie Charters, Sonass.—R. Marl, West Weavanotili; S. An Mime:leo oath otter was killed on fruit plate ; Miss Jentfi' e Young 'set of Botch, Morrie ; T. Agnew, Wingloarn. the railroad Meek near Dublin by n. man crystal were ; alre. Young, halfdozen ...„ been killed shoat here for live years. With an axe. It is the lint that has gobkas, emit plate and pitcher ; Same kel easter:a 1 IX eSINN. ROSH, sot of strawberry crystal ware ; —..— A very painful accident reselling in Mrs. Densmore, fruit Mend : Miss Mag. The Toledo Diado atates on unim. the death ole bittle giri about four yeere giro Ieleuracheatz, holder and whisk; 14. ponoluthie authority that Wellington le. of age, the daughter Of John Leadinan, E. Densmore, half dozen tea spoons ; Burt, of Saginaw, proeiclont of the Math/. East Nisedari, 000orred Tuesday after. Bliss Maggie Ireland, half dozen desert gan Salt Astheiation, sealed on Wednes. noon Within a short distance of hot own epoons ; Mrs. Hannah, tiro half dozen day of this week for Southampton. lie door. The WO Was playing very near tea spoons ; Mrs. John liamullabalf doit gees. to secure 610,000.000, by tome of to Where a hey was reipoving atone with silver forks ; Mre, Thomas Dill, set of which, with the pool already formed in a team of bomos, to which Wee attached glees bread plates ; Miss Vitoria: 1 Mma this eeemey, the entire mit product al a steno boat, when the team took /right, more, rhino tea pot ; Fred Perron, pair the United States Will /.$0 controlled by a and, terning stieldetily Mnind, rammed of vases: Joan itteXay, vinegar jug, synclioate, Of whieh Ino will be tho head. the boal to strike the little girl with Miss Jennie Mahon., :sot of glaeo ware ; Tho promoters of the tame nay it is anott forte as lo melee ahnotel inettlut Mimi Rettive Nana:tens, Morin mat 1 Mara aa the perpeect of the eyndieato to go math, William Pin, lade eloth a VON Mary into ilio matter with the intention of Perth County. Nialitincalk, & Co. - .............__..............,............ .............,,,.,......................,................................... foreleg up the price of salt, but that with , a the aumagement consolidated and con- ' teeO' centrated the SiLVillg of expeosee will e4: yield 0, emnfortable return of itself. ; • a a per. Thr "hemp Deily News' peoial m r -7,,, • ee D: ').. - -, - 4sE <- 4/It% `Ft% ttiii, 'k-!,';`, ogeirie, osso, ..., .tLys :—Tho cauezry .f. •, throttene to be e tremendous dienomeint. S11611+, The wilt fork of the Arkataate River woe swollen, and two outfits were haw lat ret .naaing to ineke the ter a The railway bridge was plauked by the troops, and :he schooners and trades passed 11 this nova menner. When the border was crossed the prospect was meet cheerless. The landso,pe is dap 1- sated on the great American de,ert. Tha surface revealed It soil as red an brick dust. There was no vegetation save the ;want and reator tee beeeh grass", and tho heat was tropioal. Such a shabby intro- eat:Mon to the promised land weighed heavily upon the pilgrims, but all were firm to go on, While the hour of noon on Tuesday arrived the boomers spread out along a line half a mile loug. The mounted wren crowded upon the frons. The drivers of strong teams gathered ess Wazo s 1! their reius in one hand; while those with aided teams dropped behind to avoid the rush. The lieutenant commanding the soldiers stood in the open spetee, at some distance behind hie men. At is oadook the officer made a sign, the bugles sound. ed on both flanks, the cavalry rolled beak, closed up, and then swung away like a huge gate. Shrill cheers rose from the boomers, their whip lashes resounded, the her:mown arming them shot forward impetuously. The teams tugged QS he ragbag harness, and the whole tuotley crowd swept] forward with gathering mo- tion. The race was to the swift, the gal. loping horsemen disappearing over the firat crest ere the teame in harness had half covered the ascent One man elm had run his horse dice a deer in the bead of a het chase leaped to the ground on the top of the ridge and began driving stakes. This was the first homestead legally taken up in Okkhonaa. He was wished a weloome to hie Wean and the rest wont testing on. Several hundred ...,..,a6S men who haul been in Guthrie three er four days had staked out town lote be. fore the train will, the boomers arrived, They preterit/ to have oomplied with the law. The St. Louis Republics's special says that late -comers who wanted city lots at Guthrie had to buy them or take up some outside toe legal limit. Guthrie already hes its Main etr et, its Harrison street, its Guthrie avenue and it. Okla- homa avenue. Tuesday afternoon the first municipal eleotion °courted. The 'bank of Oklahoma opened for business at Guthrie with a capital of $50,000, A special from Guthrie says three men who took claims there ware foully murdered about five o'elook Wednesday morning by claim jumpers. The names of the assailants and their viotinaa have not yet been learned. A. vigilanoe committee is scouring the country for the murderers. Guthrie is now a booming town of 16,000 inbabitants. CARS. CROQUET SETS and liand :gaskets aerarreed 176 37E :S -V .111 ID A rTiaesPar-aa.e "THE POST" BO 3 ORE. All the necessary School. Supplies' kept in Stock. The streets of Kingsville will soon be lighted by natural gaa. There was a alight fall of snow in Win. nipeg on Saturday morning. The Bradford Rifle Club has won the championship of the Ontario Smallthore Rifle Assooiation. Mr. Trow, chief Liberal whip at Oh. taws, was on Wednesday presented with hie portrait, a ring and an address by his Liberal oonfreres Hon. Heavy Starnes has been appoint- ed Speaker of the Quebec: Legislative Courtoil, vice Hon. Pierre Boneher de la Brumes, removed for partisan conduct. C.A. R., El . Electors of Brussels LADIES Ann Chninnmon.,—Hay., ing been nominated for Trustee, if elected T will do as I have done in the past, all I can to have a good and efficient school at as little cost as possible, and ask from you the same generous sup- port I have always received at your bands. I would say that an election lodge has been started by Mr. Denman, a member of the Board, in stating that I am dis- qualified on account of being Re- turning -Officer,. When I was elected before I was advised I was not and still so believe. The time to decide is after the election, not now. It is only an evidence of Mi'. Denman and his ring being afraid of my presence at the Board, and is only amm election dodge to hurt my candidature. I would ask the ratepayers not to bo influenced by this and other side issues brought into the elec- tion for no other purpose than to prejudice the electors, and they cannot and dere not defend thorn to my face. I ani, Respeelfialy Youn •B. 4 1#10 ,t)41g E BEG TO APOLOGIZE TO OUR CUSTOMERS who were unable to get served at our counters dur- ing the past two weeks. Our store was not ready for oc- cupation in time for us to have our goods opened and placed in stock before our opening day, and we therefore to start Selling goods as soon as they were taken out of the cases, which caused great confusion in our store and as we have been so busy serving customers ever since our open- ing, and with new goods arriving daily, we have not been able to get our counters cleared up, and therefore it was impossible for us to serve all who were desirous of buying our cheap goods. Wo are now pleased to say that we are in a position to serve all. and quote below some of our bar- gains. 1:8 500 yards of Moire Silk, 23 Mabee wide at 60e worth al.00. 1,000 yards: of llfoire Silk Ribbon at tiki worth 80o. 35 pienee of Fancy Wool Drees Goods at 1210 worth 150. 15 pieces of Cream Seorsuckere at 13o worth 100. 10 pietme of Catdinal and Mateo Oasbniere Print at 1240 worth 160. 200 pairs of Laos Curtains, all taped edge% ibt 00o, 131,55: 51.50, $1.00 and 132.50, worth 51.35: 51.15, 52.00, 42,50 and $3.50, 500 porde of Cottoned° at 20e worth 25e. 2,000 yards of Obecked Shirting at 8o, 10o, 12 and 180, worth 100,1240,14 and 16c Table ',Meng at 20o, 22e, 25c, sq, 93 and 50c, worth 250,28e, 88c, 50e, 60 and 15e The above quotations will give the public some idea of the bargains to be secureeat the City Dry Goods Store, Brussels. We hope to be favored, however, with a call from you that we may prove the genu- ineness of what we say. Bargains in ----every line. ------- Xpee,46,72, 66 a'br-' 6/166-Yez1 Apill 24, '80. P. S. SCOTT. POSTOITI0E Btoax, BRINNEts. IBM/511(13BR THE ST &ND