HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-4-19, Page 88 t ".Waux •al,...' l . ta0=0m.r merwe, .,. .:� —_ yi � lla�rt•1t'iuK lttnttnrv,lti,tS+l:'tohlNt �iSr»:t. EA LIER.----_--- -- - CARDS ! Prices from 5c. Upwards. D 4 Dolld.N, Druggist, Bookseller and Fancy Goods Dealer. ORAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sone:mom EXTFaiSIGN, W. G. t B. a. Trains leave Brussels Station, not and south as followa:-- Golrt;; 8oath, Going North. matt .... 7:02 ami. Afixed 0:30 a,m it press..,... 11145 co14.1 At all..... ...-. R:IOO p.m. Mined 6S5p.m. I Express s•45p.m glom ztetus A chiefs amang ye takin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. — — CLEAN up. Cosa for Ego at hfoOrackea's. Mom= Psaui f•r sale at MoCracken's RossE=. Fterneslrn ie neustioating" at Lnoknow. (7oAL oil 15 Bents a gallon at B. Gerry's. Mos, A. Beutreuaa, of Seaforth, was itftown this week. HANasolu>t range of Tweeds at Rosa /roe. sold at a low figure, Mils. J. D. Dump is visiting relatives anis friends at Ohioage. Buz bargains in the Bankrupt stook of Tiveeds just received at Bose Bros. STnncaur linos, is TUE plane if you want a pair of good boots. G. A. Baru, of Harriston, was in town on Wednesday of this week- F'rNaiT Clover and Timothy seed for sale at Thomson's, Goon Friday and Easter Monday are statutory holidays. Doses goods and trimmings at Str ach- an Bros. Pxwoi lino of Spring and Summer s'aitinge at Straobma Bros. Learn please go and get a bottle of Furniture Follett from J. Dron, only 25c. Mos, Barns' father died shortly after she reached his home on Monday of last week. LAST week Airs, Donald Sinclair went `o,London on a visit. Wo are pleased to hoar of her improvement in health. 8,000 white brick for sale at a bargain, May be seen at the Central Hotel, Brus- sels, T. O'Allatt,. 31, Tan afternoon mail train on Wednes- dsy was over an hour late owing to a oar getting off the track near Palmerston, VEAL will exchange a splendid new top buggy or furniture for it first•olasa horse and will pay the difference. Cotrxemron STEM=T and wife have gene to Woodstock for a few days holi. days. Willie is away at Barham. VEAL has just received the largest stook of picture monldiog and cornieo poles in the County, for sale cheap. Dien. --Last Wednesday evening J. R. MOBS died at his home in Osnabruck, Stormont Co., aged 47 years. The de- ceased, while returning from church last Sabbath, was thrown out of a buggie by a runaway horse and was so seriously in- jilr'ed that death resulted as above staled. Be was W. H, Moss' eldest brother. The funeral takes place on Saturday, I. 0. 0. F. AnmvEosaar.—Tho annual sermon to the Members of Western Star Lodge, No 149, I.O.0.F., will bo proaoh- ed on Sunday, 26th inst., in St. John's oteuroh, commencing at 11 a. m., by the eumbent, Rev. W. T. Cinff, The Bxetbren are requested to meet at the Lodge room at 10:30 a. m. J, G. Sams, B.S. W. A. CAmara., N.G, 87-4 S Doman& Gnevsn.—Iteeve Graham has Os arranged with Wm. Spenoe, of Ethel, tttho owns the northern portion of what fe known as the oriokyard south of Bros. rigs, and refuse from yards (that trill not bl(rn) may be hauled there. A. gate will ire put in the forme and thelot staked out so that no mistake will be made. Avy old tinware rmtst be put in the bottom of the damp. 3:' nn, b, 1. ( f r, cl , n ' t',y tome. i„ r oma zar- i(1. lforo, lino td (taloa anti NntitIi's Boots and Shoes at Strachan Bros, Noon Sunday Rao. lt. Paul will oeoupy the Methodist church pulpit at Blyth, Timm will be pnlibc service in St, Johns ohnreh on Good Friday at 11 it. m, Tutt Gerrie stage loaves Brussels every ev'ontt.g now as of yor,., on the arrival of the Seaford! stage. WALTr1t 131sT: r, of Ilnrliugton, was visit- ing at W. 11. Moss' this w"ek. lie in. tends taking up the study of tnedicine. Sett of money found on Friday. Ownor may have it by proving property and pay. Ing for this notice, POST Pub. House. Fon SALn.--A desirable House and Lot, and lfansihodd Furniture. Cheap bar- gains for cash. Apply to 7. 11, Yoram. Fuson garden sleds, Dutch sets and clover and timothy in abnndnnco MoCraokene. Sas Rose Bros. Bankrupt Tweets, You can save from 85 to 810 on a suit by pnrchaaiug early. The goods going with a mole DAN. KENNxnr had big arni injured by the belt in Vanstone's saw spilt last Friday. He le et work again, how- ever, Tutt Wingbarn Advance says:—G. Thompson, of Zetland, is putting in a chopping atilt. Alex. Wilson, of Brus- sels, is the machinist. THERE was n big dislay of hinders and other farm machinery itt Brussels on Fair day, some eigtht or ten firms being repraasnted altogether. Tam regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be bell at the residence of Mrs, W.H. Kerr on Satttrdayatternoon of this week. Wtwr funny things you sea wbon you havn't got a gun, but if you go to Veal's cheap furniture store you can sen the best and cheapest furniture in Canada. G. A. Donnattt has engaged the ser. vices of C. M. Eddington, a graduate of tho school of Pharmacy, as assistant in his drug store, Mr. Eddington hails from Thomasville, Kent County. A nesE bit! mateh IS nn the tapis for Friday afternoon of this week. It will likely be the East side of Turnberry street against the West. This division gives each side about an aqua) share in the best players. WALTER JACRSO\ le pushing the imple- ment business this Spring. He handles tho well known Noxon drill, binder and mower and the Wilkinson plow. Farm. ere should see him before planing their orders, ALL orders for teaming left at J. G. Skene's or A. M. McKay h Co's store will be promptly attended to. 411 orders for garden plowing Ieft with the above named gontlemen will receive prompt at- tention, 130 IIExrEnsoy Boos, LEVI Lnrr is arranging' with the bade nese men for the watering of Turnberry street during tho summer months. He porpnsee eommeneing on May 1st if the necessary amo.nt is snbsoribecd. The work was well done last year. JAMES 1fcEAm,Axtr, brother to John McFarlane, of Brussels, was drowned at O'Brien, Michigan, while assisting in taking timber dawn some ricer. We are riot in possession of the particulars of the sad event. The deceased ma well-known to a unntber of Brusselites, having lived here for tome time. Roy. S. "ELLER!, B. A., B. D., of Laaan, was in town thia week on his way to Palmerston where be acted en one of the examiners of the probationers to the minisnrw of the Methodist Church, held in that town on Wednesday and Thurs- day of this weak. His two little daugh- ters, Winnie and Flossie, are making a visit with their grandparents, at the Parsonage. 61-Z USSELS POST Aram 13, 18s9 t omtnrt r operations aro coning t, Woe Ifill, Aselotant Superthin of pp + 5 t '1 'jt ID \ 1..• fltl•:t 111 E,„, ..,•..„ M1t s ., R. W.. 9 t ST i , mit ni l 411111"•, Alton Gard w lab .„I le 1 '1 tisk 1 afl,herio. nt cedar 'p.,. , i . . 1, . 1 , ., it ve a fin', lot of Nn?, a (.orad Maga f o• with i,Utlu m0 while ISii!t London an, tet tic! eel 1,,, d' .dted in lame Erie at fort ' Taos, 11c l .tr(•utrm, a student of the SI s lty, )alt', Bill oo11en1plates oupple- Gnderioli High Belzoni, is home for his monting Ibis number by 2,000,00n picker. Raster holidays, el sp,uvn in alto enurse of 11 mouth or six Toole:ee are o'oral fns )urto Monk, wale,. square cedar and screened and on. The number of ldshor'meu employer! in screened grave) for the corporation of Canada last year was (11,001 w- NOVa Brueei'ds. Tonde,s received up to Satnr- Sootilt, 15,017; New Brunswick, 5,84n ; day, May ith. Pri)tea Edward Wand, '1,370; int low price of eggs does not appear 0,482 ; Ontario, 3,803 a British Colomtbia, to make •any difference to the hem Its we 5,010. The number of *week) and tugs have an egg from the Bx s Hint porinm of Mrs. Ballansyun & Song, that the ,.,... ;eed loflt'. __- a nae 1,137, and measures 7x8 iso Tni filling in at tiro side of x nrnberry t+eoefa 2,74g V 0 co pl to as or and tU' d ve r the bridge was quite in order at and a good job here aal raper, ordo yin Atte Decoration; American and Canadian aa4,'af,l,'t,'tM,^Wa'a,'411A110110114.l,.n�3,"I,n'aNl''o,1. ,,S,"1•"e,'6," AA,e„3Jy„ lice. VOaBe R wan 48,247, ' r of w'hdoh 20,125 was owned, in Novoe in New Brnnnwiolt, 2,505 in contploto assortment 1.13 Brussels, Cagus llsittn i see tom. This is the largest ao,l .Host l'rhioe Ldtvwrd Island, 5,550 in ne ) is (Mario, d PEPPER'S, sols in a moat comment/Asia raaimor, Columbia. s ein ed w loo of the vessels and C �' STORY' B1 the faladoone, Manitoba, paper we number $,017,558, The (Successor to J C ,Hargreaves & 000 street 61 was dauo. Reeve Gla v. 1,142 tam watohta after the interests of Bras- r eand 2,160 fn ljrdtdah 7 ren er of boats employed at see that Wm. orostgomer,l', e Ply of and their value $850,053. Bruzisols, is int t" h'^ =^'f A nnamn'crn from Winnipeg, Man. says :--"Tho elevnn-year.old son o1 Lie. Huse Inspector English hoe been mi'sing since Wednesday of last week and it i8 supposed he bas been abducted. Ile was Iast seen with a moo around the P7. P. station, and soya al days previous a per. sol answe'ing the description of the sup- posed kidnapper woe seen around the Centel School endeavce ing to persuade one of the pupils to go with him to Mon- tana." Mr. Eta list is well known in Brussels having resided here Inc a num• ber of years. It is to be hoped the lad has turned up before this. bf&Nxxona,—For the benefit of passes. g,gx�e to Manitoba a through coach will be attached to train leaving Brussels at 11:45 a,m. on the following dates: --Marek lane and 26th, and April Oth and 23rd, tn.-make close connections with through ojgonist trains at Toronto. For all in- foo.,�mation and through tiokete apply to Thos. FLETtnti, G. T. R. Ticket Agent, iltnseets. 38- l4lmnmsnx OraxrNG9,—Last week and this week the lilies of Brussels and sur, rounding country have had a fine oppor- tiiptityy of both inspeoting and purchasing stylisb millinery at the various openings, An F. C. Rogers Miss Green hada very tasty display, showing among the now styles the 'Mary Stuart" and others. The shote room was neatly and attractive- ly decimated and arranged, Miss Creon snits her customers well and her aim appears to be to do this .in every naso. A handsomo range of prints and other dress goods was alttmade,--Aliso Drown. low is ibo new milliner at A. R, Smith's and th iulprmsion loft on thorn visiting tho wc)bnrdored show room ie that she is thorourltly up in her work. A largo en. lilbit of bumsets, hats, ribbons, flowers, ,Seo. otto made and the proprietor is tool! satistiod with tho way the Pennon opened up.; -At W. Nightingale re Coto Miss Livingston holds the fort this year. Tho m1i,ploy highly by this young lady was very ,tighly commottdod by the many visitors. Sbo allotted good -taste in the'trraag'mnnt of tiro evbibit earl n doubt this is an index of what fuav ht exported by all custotnots. A largo rumba of orders aro already in stand and it is cspeoted by all the nlorchants handling millinery Roods that a large trade wail bo doao, Intending maim - OM W110 have not yet vitxitoc1 the larus- sols'op�1enings, should do So as 0001 a9 posoible, Ia1R. JOHN HARGREAVES, Toronto, a} s that "Pepper has the larg- t and est assorted stock of American and Canadian Wall Papers, Bordor'iugs and Ceiling Decorations, of the most hand- some designs and of the best val- ue, that has ever been shown to the people of Brussels,” and he advises all who intend to orna- ment their homes to give Pepper a call. See advertisement on last page. Rae. 0. Ere Howm, gave a course of two leonine on the evenings of the llth and 10th of evil, at Galt. He gave an account of the route from Galt to Jeru- solem and stated that the probable cost of the return fore more or lees to be about one hundred pounds sterling,—The present population of Jerusalem is about twtmty thousand, half of whom are awns and the other half are Mahommedans and Christians. Mr, Howie gave a description of the site of the tonne and the Church of Ube Holy Sepulchre, Then he.desaribed theroote betweatt Jerusalem and Bethlehem and the Church of the nativity, biuititudes of pilgrims from ail parts of the world, mob and poor, ;Hair, and female annually land at Joppo and matte for the sacred iocatitios in tiro various parte of the Holy Land. I'Atcien Socru,.—'.Che following' was Glsr per t•atn of the parlor weird held at fi.r' tr.nirlanoo of 7, 7,, Sturdy oil Moro - deo Ironing of last week I ---Piano trio, Mm:; Jackson and Misses llargreaves ; solo, Arils ]lecke! Alaxaatdel' ; titrett, Miss Taylor and Mins )(aIle Wilson ; instrumental Pelee:Ion, bliss llargraaves ; cornet and piano I''antasea ,T. ;Tomo and Mies Hargetteves ; aolo, lilies Minnio Gerry ; "Moolting Bird," oornot, violin and piano, btiss Ilarg caves, Masers. Moog and Jonas ; duett, W. D. affil Miss hill ; 00111, Mise I{atio Wilson ; noThe., cornot and piano, 7. linos cad' Mies Hargrnavcs ; sola, 11. 7„ Jackson ; Ira alaumantal eoleotioo, Man Rachel Alex. ander; solcoticn, cornet, violinandpi(tuo, Milts Ilargreavoe Messrs, 'Moss nod Jones, Preeeeds were 80,70. The noxt seeial will be at tho residence of 'fFiibiarn 13•lasltill on the 211th lost, aro se, being ohnaen Treasurer of the A cation, case of suspended animation h. girl club, Mr, M. ie a brother to Mrs, W. the child of it laborer, reported from ntresi lingt00 Mc - F, Vanstone. Merrioh street, was sicit unto death, and Taft partnership between Messrs. Lott to ell a. pearanoes paused peacefully f Grundy as liveryman Las been lis- ntvay 1'hwere f 11 solved b, mutual consent and a brother of the former has taken Mr. Grundy'° place- Ile moved baro from Whitby. Wren coal oil retailing at 50. per gallon and Aram Good selling Men's Howl o reaming dre<sed for burin!, told flowers were sent in the msfriends. In l Small other th ughtsl a hen d o hours ory from her little ono, and wake her 1 - • to satisfy hie wdfo's eagerness oboes 10t 81.00 ; Women's Slippers, 50o. he.•rcre'•d to go downstairs and visit the Indict Kiel, knee or button, Boots el 61,50; oomnion button boots at 50o. there is no plane like Brussels to dos! at. LAST Friday there Ivan a run on cowl oi' by several of our merchants. Tho cut started at 15 cents per g,illon and wound up at 5. It was a great day for coal oil business and five gallon sane were in great requisition. JUST tapped, another barrel 5t. Leon. Recommended by Dr. Holmes and the ablest members of the medical profession Scores of testimonials. As good for those fn health as those who are sick. 40o. per gallon, 6 gallons, $1.75. AVIAN GOOD. Mos. J. A. Gennrox and her daughter, Miss Florence, of Omaha, former resi- dents of Brussels, were renewing old acguaiutanoas here this week. They purpose going home shortly. It is about five years since they removed from town. Owrn t to blaster Monday being a et'ta- 10ry holiday the nomination of a person to 1111 the vacancy on the School Board, owing to the removal of Ino. Hargreaves, will be held on Wednesday, 24th inet. Election, if required, on Wednesdey,May 1st. A entry necessary improvement was made, last week, to the public stairway leading into the Town Hall, viz the plata ing of a hand rail on eitber side of the stairs. More than one person has had a close call in the past owing to this being wanting AAroxo the people wbo have decided to SO to Manitoba this Spring are J. H. Young, wife and four children ; Mrs, Thos. Pieroo and leer son Win. ; Miss Blakeman ; Mrs. Alex. Delgatty and five children ; Miss At'gie Town, of Buffalo, and Miss Tiernan. They par. p"se leaving on Tuesday, April 30th. RonT, AnANTnb,G and his son, R. M„ millwrights, are home from Norval tvhere they have been for the past two months fitting out a roller mill. Mr. Armstrong will remain in town for the Summer and is prepared to take contracts for building or any kind of oarpeuter work. He is an old hand at the business and is well !mown in this section. BAND oe' Boen.—The Band of hope meeting was held on Monday evening with an attondaaoe of sixty-six. After devotional exercises and s temperance lesson, recitations were given by Dora Nott, Ella Love, Mamie 'Thaw, Alice Watt, Lizzie Roddick, Allis Oormaok and Emma Calbiek, interspersed with temparanco scalp. Jennie MiLauchlin and Lizzie Roddick anted as organists. i7atsacs (no n T4'a'+wste- Prairie fires have destroyed a consider- able amount of farm property in Mani- toba. J. D. Blackwood, formnrdy of Galt, lana been appointed Chief of rho Fire Depart. moot of Mount Forest. Messrs. Crawford, of Toroato,aud John Scott, of Galt, have purchased from Messars. Walker, of Walkerville, 2,800 of tbeir 1st cattle, which it is their amtentino to ship to British markets ne opportunity offers. The pnrobase rent embrace a arum well approaching 8200,000. In the fall of 1870 David Winfield, a tattle dealer of Weatos, went to Chicago to visit it brother. From that time up to the present nothing was heard of his whereabouts, notwithstanding the most diligent search. Lost week his brother Charles who lives at Weston, learned that his brother was an inmate of a lun- atic ioylnm at Maple Grove, Ohio, where he was oonfined in 1875. Tho story of his disappearance has since partially come to light. While walking on Wood- ward avenue, Detroit, he was set upon by footpads, drugged beaten and robbed, He was found by the police lying uncota scions on the street. His physical recov- ery was slow and bis mind was unhinged, Chas. Winfield has gone to Maple Grove with the intention of providing for the comfort of his uufortmlate brother. On Monday afternoon a man giving the name of 0, W, Gauthier, Windsor, en tored the Roasiu Ilouse, Toronto, and asked the telegraph operator to send a message to his wife at Windsor asking far $1100. The message was sent, the money arrived by express on Tuesday, and early on Wednesday Mr. Gauthier carne for to money, The clerk refused to pay until Mr, Gauthier had been identified, and tho operate declared he was the man who sent the message, horoupon the money was paid over and tho traneaotiotn ons at an ond. Now cornea the segoot. The real Mr. Gauthier was stopping at tine Walker Homo, and on bis return to Windsor his .pito milted him about the 6100 sho had scat lox planatione follovecl, tvith tho Montt drat the police Fero natifiod that tt pretty little sitndio had boon conmittad, 7)Mteetdvc AloGratlr was set on the trail and dissevered the criminal to bo Harry Alyser, a 7e', who for mom time bas boon living in Toronto in a respectable way, but who, there is good 1051.000 fa suppose, parforaned the same switrdlo In Elmit'a. It was discovered that Alyser had left the city on the 4;55 teain bound for Rochester vialiamilton. Instructions wore sent to intoroopt him, and ho was arrested at Ramilton with the telegrams and $51, in hie possosaion. Isis .eapturo heath chamber. To his own amazement he obse,vea the littto ono's arm move, and having summoned assistance, the delighted ample later on had their child restored, but very weak. ZatOR2T- DAnic.—In Grey, on the 915 fust., the wife of Mr. Robt, Dark, formerly of Tuakeramith, of a son. M8RRz7-7�, Roes—CAesArona.—In Wingham, on the 10th inst., by Rev. J. Scott, M. A., Mr. George Ross, of Sohool Craft Co., Michigan, to Mies Mary Oasemore, of Morris. DAvtse,—In Angus, Min„ on the 811. inst., Rath, eldest daughter of W. P. Davies, aged 2 years and 1 week. IriyINE. — At the parsonage, Plymtou, hfan., Mary Anella, daughter of the Rev, S. 0. and M, J.Irvine, °god 0 years and 28 days, niece of Mrs. A. Ilrnoe, Brussels. ,AYTCTSmni' SATURDAY, Aram 20551,—Sheriff's sato of farm stock, &o., Lot 15, Con, 12, Grey, at 1 o'clock p, m„ Roht, Gibbons Sheriff. Tumor, APRIL 23.—Farm stoop, imp- lements, household furniture, rec., on lot 25, con. 4, Morris. Sale commences at 3. o'cloak, sharp. Geo, Kirkby, enc., U. B. Harris, prop. CORRECTED CAnaroLLY BYER' wean. 1 00 1 02 1 00 1 02 40 28 470 51 55 10 17 0 00 5 50 00 20 95 12 00 12 on 1 25 On 00 1 00 Fall WVheat Spring Wheat Barley Oats Pone. Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel,,..,.....• Potatoes Hay per ton. Hides per Ib ............. Salt per bbl., retail...... Sheep skies, eaoh Wool, per ib. ,.,.,. • 18 22 Pork G 00 00 tames vamwxa: 0011aldTED CAItii'ULLY 1Rt'Enr wSEx. Fall Wheat 1 00 1 09 Spring Wheat 1 00 1 09 Oats 0 Peas Barley Potatoes Butter, per lb Eggs, per dozen Apples, per bushel Hogs, dressed G 00 Beef 4 50 5 50 Hay 12 00 18 00 Wood, per oord 2 50 4 50 Sheepskins, each 40 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 'ANTED.—A GOOD, Gt'N Ortel servant, no washing, Apply to APRs, E. E, NVAJIn. 54 40 2:1 10 11 30 55 46 23 17 ((0 35 00 TRESSiIAT�ING.— Thdies ofmgoed Sloeirae t0 tothmato countrylthatshe isl prepareddtp surrounding to all adore intrusted to her. Satisfaction gaarautoea, Shop—Up-stairs, ono door north of Walter Jackson's hardw tura store, 10- to:rss SAAMPLE. LeClUn 10 you want a good situation write to 11/AY R noTBniS, Nursorymeu, Rochester N.Y., as thoyare in want of honest and upright woos - mo n, to salt their oholeo and hardy varieties of nursery stook, either on salary or commis - Mon. HaoY fnew and valuable varieties to oHor. Write them at ouso for terms; do - lays 1050 dangerous. 07.8 (`I.OBRIE AND SEAFOIt'11c STAGE l� EMITS. Stagelaavoe Gmrio abort 5:80 e, m„ mob - Jag Brussels about 8;3011. til„ and will ure(vo' at Seaforth about 11:10 a. m, Returning will leavo Seaforth °boat 9:00 p. m„ reaching Brussels about 0:40, in Sino to oonnoot with trains going north and south. Mao maks eanneo5lovs with 0, P. It, at Wrnxotar and Guano, S, WALBII, Proprietor, PULLS FOR SERVICE ,-•.THE undersigned will beep !or sory,ct on Lot 20, Con. 4, loans, tho thorough brat Durham Bull, "Ilar'uoy," (11012), re istorsd pedtgreo Dominion Short Hord Fiord Book. T eons, for titorottgllbred (AMR, 003.00, Inc grade cows, 11 40, with llrivilego of return. ing if. necessary, A wolf bred grade null is also lent on the gamo lot, Terra°, 50 cents, with privilogo.of 1-eturniug 3f necessary, 'l'hopodogroe of "Barney" natty 5o soon on omlioatfon to tho cone. 39,21x. Pli7'ER BABE, Proptiota)', REAL ESTATE. [g{i8 FOR SALE. -9311E (1N- 19.. utitatGNt.D has ,OvnYaL00 g d Faring or and t0 font, cagy i,ormg, in Townnhi s of hinrris,tuotGtey. i'. S. BCUTT,llrlinenls, 07-tG :OUST AND I107.' FOR SALI4 On filo Conoro'yand anlstrootn, in the yUlago of Brussels. Thle. 11ora- l1lorty (0 vary opnve»loutly sitttatotl and is a 1largaln bo uny poreort )laving a fans((y9 01' young elltdren as It is SO near btu�s 11011001.Good stable and Wall on the promless, also come young fruit trete and a Tomtits, of Wa8 jp.St. at (}layer es !lis personation of P On11i9( atilt. Apply 10 t10 Otyllek On file Mr.toothier, 154.1 JS[IGS,!fUItNMILL, Brunel°; Roma Local On Pago 5. i[3 i iT?nm$:Laze FARM F01R, AL1: OR TO RENT bainglet 14, Doll. 0, Grey, oouteiniug 00 aoros, There is 1 fibnuo trona°, bank barn, orchard, &o. on the pram teen, 40 mires of the land Is oloarod and uncial cultivation, and 10 acres of tho btlavuo is well timbered, rbc berm is conveniently locato'l, being 0e Minae from Brussels, et mhos from Oran - brook and er mince from ,:thol, Per further part Ionian app!y, on the premises, to 2fld ROUT RA1,1,. lranbroek P. O. f g TANNERY .1f0R SALE.— THE n bargAilL %Tannery t, ia 15 1t. P. for sem and 80 h. p. bot Ser,10 vets, 2 curry tables, s stoves, hOod bark mill anti a sot of tools with fait eating pipes to leaches, So. Phare are about2 soros of land in commotion with the bnildi ng. No tannery nearer than Wiughatn or Listotvol. Terms easy, For further par - Maulers, as to prise toms,Qin„apply at 87- Tut POST Pulilishieg House, Orbe Rola. j'1ARMFOR SALE.—THE SUB- farm,bsing lot oeoni13,, valuable Tow:abip Huron Co„ for sale. There are about 50 Sores cleared and in good heart. There Is a log house, good bank barn, beating orchard, and alltha necassar Oonyenlenoe6 on the 111.011111108, For further parttenhars, as to prick, tonne, etc„ apply to tho Proprietor, 11241 H1DOU0ALD 8'001A08AR Anuses s Fi1ARn1 FOR SALE..THE UN. dersigned offora hie 100 torn farm for sale, being lot 20 con, 4, Morris. Thom are about 5 sores of bush, all the rest cleared, Splendid bank ban,, 6314 feet. F noeskin good repair, Snarly all straight rail. 500 rods 0? nuderdratn on the farm, Two and °•half utflas from Brussels. Torus curl conditions of solo made known on aupllcatlon to ones. ROZnLL, Brossois P.O., or at Tag P o TPub11eblsg House, U. 13. BAR1158, Proprietor, p&RM FOR SALE.—TII1, UN east (mono sof looffers, oncession 6,1 monis, Cland to offirf II st q nttcontaining a high state of cultivation, wail fenced and under -drained, ilkr liho'ruilouse cleared. trolls, 3wane, acres of fail wheat OcThis desirable pr party adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit - old° tonna will be given, Title perfect. JAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 50- Seaforth 1'. 0. ")l I� ACME D'AR1I FOR SALE. `I —:t tirst.olass farm f01• a le in the Township of AI„rri5 in the County of 26 moo. being south halt of north half lots 25 k20 and south half 0120 in 561 oou., containing 200 nom; IStoro Or leen, 125 acres mostly clear of stomp(' and in a good state of culti- vation, Thsreie a young bearing orobard,a good house and hank barn 55 x 55 foot with stone stable undet•ueath. Tao farm is situ - an Ied s agoodl farm !or grain! ori stooBrussels raise ing as lits watered with the river Maitland mid 1 be given at any thou creek, oir,fuPrtllsarpar- ticulars apply on tlo pronlisos or to A. 1. R 013E1tT50:N Brussels, P. 0 54f VALUABLE FARtI FOR SALT; V 00 in the 4th concession of tlf he tolot wnship of 1forrie, known as the homestead of Archi- bald Taylor, containing ninotynine aoros. Ninety mores aro °loured, the balance wood- ed with valuable timber, Exooliont bnild- ings,large arebard of photon trnos, eon in Rood aoudition and in situated one and a quarter tulles north of the Village of Bros. sole, on the main gravel road This is 011e of the fittest homestead farina In the Cenuty of Hurn., and will hs soli at a barmaloi and loon toms to snit purelasor, For further TAYLOR, illarticulars unninggt( Anto ode, Toronto, or to ARCHIBALD TAYI,01%, fin„ on tie prom. loos, 1!' OOD FARM FOR SALE IN .A Morris, on reasonable tonna. In order to close the affairs of tho estate of the lath \V, 0. Hin stop, the oxecntora offer the fol. towing valuable lands for sale North half of Lob 90, Conoessiou 5, Towuabip of ei'ectecioa gaol frame barnacres. wl-bb Stone 7Moo- dation, good orchard, well and pomp. Near. 1y all cleared, and is on the grave road closely adiciuing the village of brussels. This farm is a valuable ono, is well fenced and In a good state Of cultivation. Nos price!' and terms apply to T1(08, BELLY, SSBrusselsu' 0, 0,, flaunt Oatr,R,ftlttaple Lodge P, 0„ Middlosos County, •y -n the Natter of PETEi MoDosito, of 1L the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, Debtor. The above namod debtor has made an AR. signment to me, ander the provisions of chap, 124, I1.5.0, 1087, A meeting of the Orodltore of the said Dobbor will behold at my °moo, in the Court House, in the town of Godorich , at 11:80 o'clock intim Sseonoon, oil WEnaitsnnr, the 10t1 day of April. 1505, for Oho appointment of iospeotors and the giving of directions with roforenco to the disposal of the estate, ivory person elaim- tng to bre eutltlad to rank on the estate is togmrcd to furnish to mo partinnIl,A•a of olatm,provodbyatasebe°not admits and such vouobors as the naso ndmU of. I0013T, GIBBONS, Ylroriif of Huron, Assignee. - S1er)ti'n oillo0 a -04010r,, April 11,'5' , 10. ESTATE SJ,,.q. ..p/E. ryq ,-rr).�zr„ pi (l. T',F, c ;F:,' :3i CAi7.'''1-kfr' (JJne.3 I Pursuant to nitnp(nr 110, 6dutirn;3t, 11, S.0., tilt, creditors nt 111,x,,1' novs, gamma, 1 am of /V lot 10, eon. s, (trey township, in the °otlrity of liuro n, who died au or alont tiro 111511, bbs' 05 Deaernbe-, A, D• las0,eudother having claims iu r°tpoot ie hto ostott ere laoroby mann) to sand, on or hefaro tho lel Dov nt J,nut, 1130, to AAnos W. l'ts-y. ItAiylt, Ofth0 VHiagc of SIthcl, in the county of Huron ,14xecutor of the ostato and saute (4111,1,41d doomed, their ,:a -Toa 10111 ,ut- drosase and tho full particulars of their olnhn:r nod of the 50onritios'(if Huy) bold by them, and slob that lmmodintbl yy actor tin Said dato the 130110t11 01 the said (locotood Il ba distributed among the partl0s en- titled thereto Bowqing regard only to the o)alme Of Windt tho aviator has Limn ltotleo,and tho 1Aeeltmr will not bo foranye4SOts.st Oietributed to ally 310re011 of uvhoan slain' las shall not Manz 'had make. AARON W. PANASiAI(nlb, toat)r Ethel, pH) 1001,14. Iixboutor,nthpll',0, tom' BMS@r,,. •�f .IN'1'OS1I & tleTA.GG .'t BANI(ER:ti, • BRUSSELS. Tresan,no-ot 0, G.nnavv o.1 '1-)at).la:iag , Auni�apG. NOTES eneCQUNTED• Newlin!' and Unit•.1 States 1h,1 bought incl sold. Su tomb allowed on iloposits, Co. tedious made on favorable farms. Canadian Agoota— A1ERerANr's ioNit nt CANADA, NOW York Asents—Iarrtrnrlans Ax» 7'11.10,, EUS NATIONAL, BAWL LES -.1. D CJiVEYANCal . �� 131. SINOLAIR, • Solboltnr, COuvoyanoor, No tory 1'ub. lie, kc. voice --Graham's Block,1 dour unrth of Popper's Drug Btor°, Private Funds to. Loon, E E WADE, • Barrister, Solioltor and Notary Pub- lic, Ooaysyaocing. Colleotious and Loaufug, Mr, Wade will attend lu Gorrie evory Yea- oesday at two o'clock, DIOI1SON & HAYS, (Late with Carrow k Prondfoot Gode. Pleb,) narrators, Soliohtors, Convoy{anocre. the, Utnue—Grant's Block, Brussels, Alouoy to Loan, 16 a, BAYS, w.n, DSwxsots, Al TAYLOR, 13. 0 1.., • of Dickson, 1 eyloti dr 815011tou g11, 1,'ATI stare Solloitors, ko.,Mauning Arcade, king Street West, Toronto. Moue? to Loan, �i LEX, HUNTI'lR, Clark of the Fourth Divisi. 31 Peart, CO. Reran. (onvoya»cer, Nota' r Public, tang, Loon and. Lnsursnco Agan,, s'uudx Invested and to loan. Colleotie. made, U1nco lu Gralant'e Stook, Brussels. ADPCi tONEERSt, '-.-_- �.L01tGE X1l,ICBY Licensee Auotioueet �salaS c..,uduet- ed on reasonable tonna. Farms ,. ••,i farm stock , so°Malty, Orders left at 7'Iig Pen I'ubliahtngBonen, tire seals, or sent t, Walton P. 0„ will receive prompt attention, % BAYM[ANN, • Auotionee, is always ready to at- tend salts 01 farms, farm stock, ka. Tvrms cheerfully given. (tranbrook P,,1, 5-'.1es may ha arrtll od nt Lon Poor l'. :Melons House, Brussels. PLiSIit1ERS CARDS. --1111 ' XT • II, bIoOlt5.0I EN, Usurer ofOlarriage Lieenses. Ogles at his GrOoory, euroberryrstroot, lirossels. ISS O'00NNOB, on application. of Piano CL.osS nsctg14Pery Thursday and Friday at acro, D, Ottembel)'e, Walton. 7t/ IS T'1AUr E AVES on the llanoono,( Organ, forinstruc- tion ra exl,Orion0o. Roaidonoe 11'itn Afro, hfargroay. es, over Pepper's Drug Btore, Int• N. BARli1ETT, south of A, Tonsorial ,n' '0 Coslatrd —titxt I n,1 es' and chilaru„4 Lair cutting a apetiatty 1 t Manure stook of cigars kept. 11 oNAIR, • • iasuror of Marriage Lioenoes, by appointment of Liotlt,_rovarnOr, Commie- sloaer, kcl, 4, B, f)ouvcyauenr and Agent biro °Moe.noo (lo, •'oleo at tan Cranbroolr Past Ofnoa, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, Justin NCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. VETERINARY. to W. O'BRIEN, • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is proparod to trout ail disclaims of domesticated animals on sotontil,, and approveapriooiplea, Ofllco—Two doors north of bridge, Turnberry strut. :Two. D. WAzSWIICII, V. 8. College, has opened an Pince to Blt tss le and is now oil:pared to treat all (Monaca of domeatioated animate t n the latestseisntidu anrlapprovodurluoiples, Oalls attended to day or night, °nice in L, e, Itiobacti's Gar - netts Shop, apposite Q1100n's 13(401, Brussels, MEDICAL . M..t'. CALF, M.D., 0. Itt., Member of IMO Coilogo o(Pltyamians mud Burgeons of Ontario by examination, Omoo and 1te0hdooce—Alain atroot Past, litho!, °ntarl°. - A. MoNAUGlJTON, \I. D. e • (LIU• L, n, 0,P„ Edinburgh, AI. 0• I', B. Ont. At L'eppor's Drug Store from 0 o 11:10 a, in, and. from 1e00 to '4 i , m, At ettlo' hOnrer,lay ho futon at his residonoo, form. m'dy 000t£t,iod byDr, Hutchinson, Mill St, DENTAL„ G. L. Ball, L. 1), B„ linear Graduate and U, It, C.D. S. Toronto. V1tali,a0 Air gavel, tf1it,5-' lti)wetes ilicctt„(it.m•o,rlr, W; J. Pear, re. 5, S„ Ganduato of Toronto Sobool of Dentistry. All oporatlono glrarautoo,l. lt'"lr•.idtl0ia2 tooth, Civet duality, and ° r'nerantoari 11 t, for :18,00 (15), sot. 0111°o—°day Bt,o,X, Stinronrn, 1111Lot'I' lI'1 Z:1. . ,. XVC,A3.1.6WZ .t. 1-, 9] 01,, honor Graduate of the Royal b'011oy'0 of 11onto18nrgons,Toronto, tiros Oxide adrninistortt) for alto Palnlesa llxtretotten 07 0/0 Moe•e, Toon Ninon °enexn, )JEnsi thins, 1