HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-4-19, Page 7APRIL 19,
When in the tem Mug 1. come down,
Anil labor, with reproachful frown,
Says . "(]hi' 1 'tis v ry late ;
Tho breakfast hoot, You know, is night,
Aud now 'tie nearly nine.
Whon will you learn to bu on time 9"
Who le R soothes my tangled Curls
And whispers that all little girls
Most lie in ball to grow 7
Why, grandma I don't you know ?
When T 00010 borne from school so cross,
My books upon the table toss,
And say with look and voice forlorn
As any maiden ever born ;
"I've got to learn this lesson now ;
But I'm sure I don't know how ;"
Who whispers with remonstrance mild :
"Those books will suroly kill the child ;
'Tis bad for her to study so"—
Why, grandma I don't you hurry ?
When I bavo plannedon soma bright day
To spend the of creno in play,
And mother says : "I genas not, dear
You'll have to help me sow I fear ;
You Iutow an idle, romping child,
Is sure to grow up redo and wild."
Who is it joins the long white seam,
While I sit on the grass and dream ;
And says : "Borne day she'll lis' to sow,'
Why, grandma 1 don't you know ?
When I am bad, so very bad,
The. mother really looks quite sad,
And tolls me, if I do not mend,
She fears I'll come to some bad end,
"Tor naughty girls aro seldom good
Whon they grow up to womanhood,"
Who is it says, with meaning •smile
And glance at mother all the while,
"The ohiid reminds me of you, so 1"
Why, grandma l don't you know ?
My grandma's eyes have lost; their light ;
She says they're growing dim of sight
Perhaps that's why they never see
The naughty things there aro in me ;
But I am trying all I can
To be the girl she thinks I am ;
For maybe, soma day far away,
I shall myself be old and gray,
And then, I hone,—perhaps,-1'11 grow
Like the dear grandma that I know.
II, That Lro4by'eries be urged
in -end 0 .1 pot 4.1 ,11 •o , ooh 1L
and 1I. 1' 1'., ',i'hin their honed•',
10 sold°1 IIt - situp -,1't ill socurt11'$ t1'0
eul'are„aunt of our Sabbath laws,
and it/ maturing hotter logislallou
agliu'a Sabbath vulbitinll by rail-
way and et1,1111bout 00nlpauiea and
all otuor offenders against tho law
i at.P: ' errs ease nlawr to _ xe
`twit 7.,,rlan 1 i*r • iiie "4 nevelt teen Some parties are going( to matte money i
:•It, 1 •,f i -n(+'310 for t 2port, 'P1ie out of thr x.l • ,, harry tfannat.tlon, 171 l 1
Ini'c'( cath aro oolel,t'e .',1 for lull • lite patt 91 payers (/anada
70110 to LOIL11 011 FenFenh'ru1 ute11- •+cd•'ioh 13111,1.;will 11145(ulnnP t•, font rho bill: y
0011111,111 111149 1,10 1 1 nearly Tltu eirau,n,t oirloo'am•t.,unliug bio 11191010 Potty, at
fill the dere, and Ilion 01113.0 far l are of such 9 en pt.:foo, elvtraeter that
r 4 , °r t11re' 11 0.108 het +r+1 111+ hatter nothing .hold rte left nod ole by fvhi^h
C"u11's .5v11rn it ought to 13'nnn Irl' light eau bo 313 0Wu on the gnentiouable
fru 330 to 00 miner° . '!°l1� 1PtPhf'13f
Money to Loal~!
LQW STi k.55
of the Sabhnt 1, W 3)'11 the crest a 10ntn4 io 1111
III. That the Synod approve of chane and will net tu,1135 batter, It
too formation of a Sabbath Alliad3CJ , may bo, and most pad). tidy tel thin
Ito e \Gro, urn Ontario, and appoint at Kennon is, dun to too ranch acidity in
leant one minister and one elder or
layman for ouch of its prosbyteries
to Meet with the repro$enbatives of
other e,turohes for tho for ation of
such au alliance ; and that such
delegates be instructed to secure, if
possible, through the alhauco, the
senate 'a of suitable teen to agitate
Cilie an. Alan through public moot
int; • circulating poti.inus and other-
It was further moved by Dr. Ho
Dlulluu, and seconded by Dr L11omp-
sou, that elle Synod inclose the poli
tiou of the Presbytery of Hamilton
to rue DOminleu Gov.'rumoo', pray-
iug for 1 h 01os10'1 of the Welland
0au,tl &Irina the wnulu of the Lord's
tiny ; and that tau 91lodera9or and
(bora sign d (Id p,liti0n it) the 0111.110
01 the Synod, and transmit 9110 ao-
tieu of the Synod to the Govern,
t Iti::,l3Y PERI 1N SYNOD.
The follo54iu,t mioistues clod lay
Men altendett tau Synod at Brant-
ford 10.e9 Nuck : —Maitland Proshy-
tery.--Pov. Kenneth Mofonald,
Ashfield ; Rev lleolor iil3Qur.rrie.
Wtughilm; Rev. J. L. Murray, 9,1.
A•, Iiiucnodino ; IZov. John McNab,
Lncknow ; R. v. A. t'ilt,veneu1'
i1L.to:cams 11 ; l.ov D. 13 McCrae,
Croubrou13 ; l.(v. Thos. Muir, Ford
nick ; Elder D, idoliinx:uu, South
Kinloss : lit v. Jna, Boor., 13. A. ,
Eider 1), McLauoblin, Brusseie;
Rev. D. G. Oitulerou, llldl:r J. DI.
Smith, 1)unganuou ; 1L v. G. B.
Bonin, EltlurThos. Straohan, Brae
sells.; Elder Jaruus Stuillie, Walton ;
Elder llobt. Lookllltart, 131. Helen's.
a00.,nT 00' TBE 00311II11)310 ON TE121Y'
Tho report of the Committee on
Temperance, was preseuted by W.
M. Martin and uelnptrd a. follows :
1 That tllu attention of Prosby
tori, s be again 0,311011 to tiro largo
number of sesslo00 not reporting
and that they soul( to 1Wpr•.ss 9311)
duty upon t •easiuus of yielding
ley ty to We eater. ma court 1n the
lea .o r.
2 That whilo approving strongly
of 11.0 provision 111:,10 ter impart
in. 3 (1 33t'Ito t,.3(193'•t 41101 tela 31(1 ton
in ' 11,, public sem, tit, i .0 Syntal
eat:owl:Lay argo "u1• peolno t,. 800
1.b a'..• 91011 1 03011L tin rl 1,.. 111331 l arly
311191”:1"11'rom lie os.„, 1, 0; ,wit-
ortz•d by um„ li 3u •.tat ,u.,1 .Ut por.,-
111eut; nod (uethtr ,would ee p,•ct-
fully urge: upon the Alinistor of Lain -
cattail l.b.,t W(1111. 511:01(1 be 3.1V,11 to
the examinations un' this text hook,
as fu the case of the mum 51113Jcote.
3. In View 01 the tlnitnlml,05 ex.
pression of opinion on the part of
our sessions reporting, that ltttemp
oranoa hes greatly 1110150803 111
111,0, 01.1111 doe 11 IN tho Scott alct
lvae repealed a your ago ; the Synod
ealnt:ally urge On 9914 ministelra to
brie,: the ,ubjec9 of tomperaucs
prominently lr0wro the poupiu from
the pulpit and otllerwlsu anal would
also recommend rho teaching of the
quarterly temperance lesson, in all,
0111• Sabbath 401,00114.
4. That this Syncd call upon ail
its office -bearers, wombats and ado
borents, both by prec(+pt and ox•
0(119311, to tiro Choir 3)1.30009 en
1331111316 1131/ evils of iu
tont 1, ram eo,
5. Notwithstanding the lata ro
11011l of the Scalia Ael rel It number
of c•0unti:'1, the 9iy':pl would ax
press rho earnest llopo that tho
friouds of temperance and prohibiti-
on will ]lovas rolax their efforts
until total prohibition is obtained
and rho liquor traffic is removed
from our country,
00111A110 0n8E0V AVOE,
Rev. Nat. J. Day, convenor of filo
Committee on Sabbath Observance,
(Savo in the report. On motion the
report was roomed.
Tho recommendations worn thou
considorod seriatim and adopted as
I. That the Synod, fit a clay on
which the obligations and impor-
tance of the Sabbath as a day of
rust and worship bo lard boforo our
congregations and ,Sabbath sebocle
as enjoined by tho Assembly. Tho
last Sabbath of May is rccolllmond-
eel for this purpose,.
BIITTElt IND 0111:1951; 1:10TOI.1i5.
'1'uo following rotes for the gov
eminent of butter and cheese factory
patrons 111 the care of their colas and
milk have been adopted by the She
boygan Falls, Wis., finery board or
trade :
That the patrons give their Dewe
free access to salt, or salt them reg-
ularly as often as once or twice a
That they provide them with pure
water, and, as far as possible, pre-
vent teem from using; any other.
That their c04ve be fed no whey or
any similar slop
'that they must not allow Choir
Colva to bo worried by dugs or other
brutes, biped or quadruped
That co s 111 heat should be sop -
mated from the herd as far Ili pra0'
That they sen that their pails and
e3iva are oloau, and use no rusty or
wooden 01108.
That they keep all foreign sub-
etr.uots out of their milk as much as
possible, and wash their cow's udders
before milkingrem mboring that
no straining will cleanse milk once
That Elio milk cans bo sot in water I period of tin loan, 80111 added that it was
at the commencement of milking and not necessary to provide au annual sink -
lel the water in the cooling tubs
always bo higher than the milk fu
the cane,
'I'liat night and morning's milk
mea not bo mixed unless in cast) of
1113011 quantities, short distances to
bo raryimd, and that lnoruing's milk
Cooled before being put into cans.
That cooling pl00e5 be at a good
dist mmol kora dung he pe, decaying
elrai0, hugs' t 008118, etc,, and ex-
pos t1 as much is possible to pure
air, and not su$'r pools of stagnant
latter to coins::: 1100LUld tion. funds of tilt yeti e.0 loans more i.itiietive
not t:,o liltl ii 110 .401.41 tl1"r00.2;h than lirrotofu o, the C'anadialt. (10 ern-
ly dining tit,. onohng.pr ,coos. moot intoud to apply the Myna annually
l li t t in perilous times the night's r„•3139104 for 1 r.3 r.:dnatilu of tho lettioaal
1111'. h', (::9010(1 40 GO d-torr.^.on and that 11, 7,: fa Um cholla—, of the ,lru.'lc env; cf.
1331:- . 0001 118 001(1 Walter tiered,'I It • torment, a„ present 0101111 lly
anlull -the cane will mako tt during employed 30 tate reduction of tho n.ttioual
maliill',, dont is .0:110,000 starling, and as the sink -
1 h,1 rho ea11.3 meat not be cloned nig fund is acuutnalntive the 'u110'.111
till ready 1° 091101 for the factory. yearly inorcases.”
T11a•. Illi cans of milk be protect Tile effect of dirt clause is that Um
ed trona rain by sheds or 00000111gs government will bo obliged to repurebets,
above, and clear from tho tops' of the entire loan of 1320,000,000 in ten oe
the calls. mono annual installnonts, averaging;
Tina the patron. Min tnillc to 1;400,000 or $20,000,000 mob, Tho 1000,
the factory from ,luno but healthy therefore intamet of being for fifty
001134, *03)39 not until four fall days
after calving.
That if in doubt as to the good
(patinas of the milk on account of
iuflamod udders, curate:I milk, bad
retied, oto., try it On yo91110>Vn tables,
and if run do not like t., Try It, you
arty bo sure your fa310ry m7011 (10
not wish it,
That all patrons rep ,rt s313i1011' al
11,0 meant If the milk ho Icop1 at a
steady temperature of GO or 02 (lo
grecs for two days, awl the cream
kept for two or three days longer at
the same temperature, there should
be no diffioulty in churning.
Some people 500m t0 think if cows
gut water once a day it is all tboy
need ; but t,l'at 1!+ not 5131o0g13 11clte'44
they tire living on succulent food,
.31831 e.( 101,10 01' ena111499e Lott lu 000
their own best judges of their need
of water, lied they do best when 111.4y
118.0e theft' option about using it.
When liey 11090111 bub aeon a da.v
they overload with it, to their in.
On 31 Garel where milk or buttor is
prudneed iu winter bio outlay for
fend and caro is moll the ]argcat
item of the year's expenses. The
gne,u0u "f what teed to buy and in
what proportion it should be usod
with the fodder ho has on band, 10 a
question of prime importance to much
a finatie1. If he fails to secure the
teed which 1%'111 give the bust returns
in dairy products, in the condition of
the stock aed the value of his man
aro pile, sumo of his looney and
labor is wasted.
T1119 L,93(1' C.191.11)11N LOAN.
Authority was givo0 to the Dominion
Government by the House of Commons,
in the ses'.ion of 1888, to issue bonds to
the amount of four million pounds sterl-
111; ($20,000,000.) Sir Charles Tupper,
acting on behalf of 1110 Government,
placed the 1• an on the London tna1110t in
tho following Sone. The bonds were
made payable el Um end of fifty years,
bearing interest et the rate of three per
cent., and ware sold at an average of :1100
lo. per 2100. Tho loan was regarded as
most succcsslal when the result was an -
nommen'. During th • delivery of the
Budget at Ottawa this session, the Fin
amen IIinistor, 1Io1, Geo, E. Foster,
characterized tho loan as tho most suc-
cessful effort of any Canadian Govern-
ment. In rept' to Sir Richard Cart-
wrirht, lir, Poster repeated tho state-
ment about the price and the lengthened
ing fund to pay tho luau at maturity.
Sir Richard Cartwright then said if theso
we.o the facts, the soon«ss attending the
fund he,/ u.nss for congratulation.
But the receipt of the prospectus issued
by the Government when placing the
loan on the market, proves it to have
been one of the most disastrous financial
tr mete:ions ever experienced by any
Canadian administration. The pr(ap0e.
tus contains this remarkable intimation
t0 the 01p1- abets of L'n11100.
"With a viow of rendering the sinking
trans 11111, 1.
!i 71,•:111.01 .7doflo.,
Fairy lamp, for the dining table aro
used no longer.
Early I:astor weather has brought out 'y\Jj ONT]' TO 69.19(!
new costumes.
It is rumored that we are coming back
topawaorad bait. Any A11)111nt of Money to Loan
Newly impor9cd tea gawps are more On Farm Or Village Pro-
fascinating than over. petty, at
3.'ew leen laok in appreciation for n
Brussels, Ont, P tilt 't s
6 cE 6. Per Cent. Yearly.
pretty smoking jacket.
Handkerchiefs with oalored borders -- ----
are no longer in favor,
Linen collars and cuffs are only worn Straight Loans withyprivilege
with tailor mndo gawne, of repaying ellen reel}1irOd.
Smoke color will be a favorite shade Apply to
for gentlemen's xprin4 hats.
Beal Greek gowns button on both Division (?alert Clerk, Brussels.
shoulders and under nae arm.
and ,Jface a skirt nfaave average lengthll make � C II1B I1 I iC1 or UM HURON,
Skirts become plainer, but waists and
sleeves galls for much originality.
Bonnets made of gauze will be warn �t o1. .+�::,�•
earlier than for some seasons past, A meeting of the License 0ornmissloaors of
A London made gown has the entire Enstliuron well he bald at the
front made of Mareclial Niel roses.
Some of the new parasols have broad
stripes running around the breadths,
Fur capes and oven beaded mantlets
have taken the place of winter coats.
American women do not pay as much
attention to detail in dress as the Parisi-
Gilt braid and Other gilt trimmings
are noticeaolo features of imported
spring bonnets.
Tho refinement and elegance of under-
clothing is carried to excess with Paris-
ian women.
It i, considered tho thing to provide a
frame fur the pbotog apb ono glvos away
At a recent beggar's ball in NT nut
there were 5,000 persons present, all in
beggar's costume.
10 is not an unaccustomed sight to 500
a man with an artificial violet stuck in
his button hole,
A glass bedstead has just been sent
fr'oni a famous elfin, w,3rehi,uao in Lon.
kon to a rajah in India,
A narrow facing of velvet on tiro bot.
tom of a dress skirt will prevent its rub-
bing But instop of the boot.
Pour in land flannel scarfs aro being
manufaoturod to accompany flannel shirts
for summer wear.
It was tho custom in olden times for
husbands to inalte allowance to thoir
wives for paint for their faces.
"Girls whn use powder," says rho
Boston Courier, "don't go off any quick-
er than those who dc11't:'
Mrs. Annie J0nness ,Biller, the lecturer
twd advocate of.100.1• reform, has a hus-
band who worship her.
The new high neck"d bodice, whiel,
hes matte its appearance at the Queen's
drawing room, is Gallul'The Nuombur;.'
At the Queen's first drawing room bell
which nsaally Mims OMNI Lu F,brtlary,
for was teed In a .,..,L echlnt on the
"1:(' m'ln ar it l^. •, a %taint hill . fif1ir
1;11 to 1 1!,,, 11 t 1'..,^ollicf
A. Hunter,
Central Hotel, Brussels,
—0N —
Saturday, April 20,'89
.0,0 10 O'cacec a. m.,.
to take into consideration the Apptinatians
for Liceusoe for the License Year 1890-1800.
Names of applleante for Licenses not hold.
ins License in llietriot of Hast heron for
1888 and 1880 :-3.lntae RoarrsoN Tavern Ta-
coma,Oonatnnoo, known as 11m Milburn
dense; 001115x003 ZILLTA0, for rho Central
Hotel, Brussels,
Number of Tavern Liceusas issued for 1888
and 1880,-20.
Number of Applications for Tavern LS -
con sesfor 1880 and 1800,-27.
Brussels, April 1st. IN'dPECTOa.
-1- - 'rot- - 450 - C`e'lt#k.
411 Werk from the Smallest fo ldfc sIzo
done in it nrst-class manner.
jet @i'R9r s
of ltes,detres, Etc., 8t Reasonable
W. J'. Fairfield.
No family who knows the power of
Pain Exterminator
will ba without it in their house. They
know it to be a family physician. It is
both an internal and external remedy.
Pain cannot remain where it is properly
applied, The lame who have used crutch-
es from 2 to 12 years have thrown them
away by the use of it. References can
bo given that different blind persons have
had their sight restored to them by the
nee of it when the optic nerve was not
injured. It is good for inflammatory and
chronic rheumatism, gall stones, neural-
gia, toothache, Boughs and colds, earache
and all other aches and pains. P11't10E
25 (1!9N I'%. Sold by druggists and coun-
try merchants. Prepared and sold whole-
sale by J-71.anen--. I$9 rn:t, 331 Park
Street, South, Hamilton, Ont. n33.4m
The Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public that they have
formed a co -partnership, under the Firm name of
Turnbull bul & Zallantynol
awl aro now conducting the Stove and Tinwa•ce Business formerly
Otu' aim will be to please those favoring us with their
and ascertain our Prices.
T UIQ✓NB ULL 6' Zi11LLV 2'Y 1rI.
r 1 lF.sa
The 1333 del i t 1t.,I Living 3 3 ,11'toted rho attaa 13 from the stono 1
purvo 1- it sn;,,u ixi for an 1;+tat't 110 01 leniato (1 11)111 .;:1riots "1 titian Or til o,liog, hn-> 11099 til" "4111l 11
offering:. t
First- lass Running unn1n g Order
Tho miselouary colle3tiat3 iu Trafal- (13)11 Will be glad to see all his old C11 t0111e:rd ttll(1 a8 nlu•iy new
gar st. Methodist church, 'Mitchell, lust ones as 3.100011110.
Sunday were $210.
A young man named 1',,r:lyth, while
chopping in the woods about live miles
iron] Omemco, 00,93 nirnek on the head
Must, ;recording to the praspeotus, bo ro. by a falling limb, eausin; death shortly
paid in equal (311)111111 inetalments within afto1'wal'lcs•
ton years, thus leaking it little better A telegram from Clarke's dossing says
titan a strut 11t five year loan. All former the Inc broke up in tho South Saelcatob.
uugnarenteed loans contained aprnviuion wan on Tuesday, the earliest for many
111 either the prospectus or bond, .1 ss.t.1inf ya'trs. Spring plowing commenced on
forth that the government "shall nut" bo the 31st of 131111011.
OM sinking £ u1 is in Tho movement at 941 31tr0111 for tho ea-
obli ed, in investing ttho rapuahna„ of the :rock, to do no if tablishment of a department for women
the stuck :should 1,a hell to the rear et in Mourn University is taking practical
or 403 1,> 111lla vitri „roue fr lin til°a° 11111 ,. At a meeting ea Saturday night
rales to O it' oboes:, etakcr, t11tb Iso . ata premium, In the3 t`<, of tl.. L. ret 1''•
111aLtby.Lnt,per lr� h'o, r.tt•asauu011101Athltitw"illl, 1•t`•°ill,.
may 110!•.1 file amnia
odd t0 carry opt the heel,o
ouhdl tiltNOTES. uo mall plovi,Jea e.. rel r ie. bu n 1 111,1 tics :�ry Dobhe . 1111 ] ,; ;bytoinu
It F.o(,l : 1onxahtt, ell . 10 m,r°;t0 urltr,tr} til1 teem of th. p1 ,r. ro 1' ter who hash I , u. to ulble tat<, -
t0 maintain a cute, dant1111, profit. 1m)11.sal 11pma:i e ❑},re a ''1 5
i with his e0ngr.'g:etion, w., s tried Sctt-
liea in what :;lzuyiudsls. ^!f0y 1 tit,5vo;•
Set -
anti nlaintollan00.
Remarking on rho iniluutico of fled
upon the gushily of milk, an oe°h ua:4s
thinks that if the feed be c0utinrod
while the now is boating it °Alf, the
progeny will inherit this ton1ency to
put more milk into tho cream pot.
In this way our largo milkers may
is timo bo bred as equally remark-
able for butter production,
It takes very little arithmetic, says
Dlalor .Alvord, to prove that 200 lbs.
extra woighs of oow kept alivo for
five yours, wIila rotutning no profit
during this time, will actually Dost
as much as the fatted carcass of the
animal is likely to bring in tiro and.
'Unnecessary size or weight in a
mi1c11 caw is n source of constant
loos to her owner, The profit of a
cow should codec, all of it, while she
is productive in the dairy,
innat t to pllrcli 1' 11124 8 t ,, ,ho
extent e2 nearly ''';2,000,00(1 a unuil'1•, 1(1
matter whet the ruling ltlarketpri0e.-
might be. That the tendency of snch an
obligation will bo to enitanco tho vela° of
tho stock [hero oats bo no (lonbt, Eng-
lish financial journals Itavo a111011y di-
rected public attention' to that phase of
the lotus, Tito English capitalists ]snow
rho matelot in 5vhiott tho Canadian gov-
ernment aro bound to purcllaso 0 certain
amount cacti year, and that they will
ooutrfvo to forgo tho primo of tho stook
far abovo its reel value, there eau bo no
doubt. If rho stook goes at liar the
001.111try tv1l11003 01,000,0001 if at $1,05,
tho loss w1.11110 $2,000,010 ; if at 311.10,
$13,000,000, and if ab at $1.10, $4,000,000
will bo lost in ro•perahasing. "Various
0014e°turos have boon given as to the
roasting that aotaate(1 4.130 government ill
' M coarse w)1an
l,eaiu 91 loan on rho English, market. `24,
urday a. Branlpten mut fully exonerated
from tllc vile emensatlou which las been
made against 11i111 IIs retnroad to Cale-
do111iast Saturday night and was most
heartily roaeivod, '.Cho pcopl0 of the
villas turned out almost of masse, and,
hea110(1 by She band, formed a largo pro.
cession and marched up to tiro manse.
Tho rev. gentleman was r>arric,l in an
atm chair by willing hands, and. on
arriving e,t tho mango gave a abort
speech, thanking tlto po0pla for titoie
kind reeoption. it is amorally conceded
alto proocodiugs Satnrclay will put a stop
Belt beam ernnnod up
' ra tf^d tl 1 ha
to the d111. 1
lately, and it is exlloc1011 Mr, Robbin
will tape altargo of the clutreh0s again in
a short time.
` The marriage of Prince 1c,copcld
apoptnt„ malt an unusualto Princess Sophie is fixed for ,luno
loo a 1? a 1 . Pod ..:.11Ar r°
Highest dile.'. paid for any quantity of Good Grain.
VNI ',!:. MILE.
�l.lth t 1111 ( , Itll.1 11,33)110 to intimate to tai.' i':i1.111t1
generally that they ltaro Removed to the
Brink Monk Opp,
W. Nightingale 86 Cot's Store,
—•---mid tiro prepared to Pay the—»—'
elte t ligavicet :Moo, in Oa
for any Quantity or .11"resh, En_ds. r*�r
G' I v . U O. ,1.J I.l.
Mrs. Ballantyne 84 San.
31'1688 (318 .Enz.po ^vre'rri