HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-4-19, Page 54%0
11. 19, 1889. THE BRUSSELS PUS i
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W. K. IIk.,.,5 is ;wow. II, 111s 1r...,..,a y ire tr events.' of L.() L. 933 the broth- J. 11. Wal stet. he milt:brats! lecterer
sillwrightine ',ea. G orgetown. ai.t el that Isi si mid others from a awl literery c; itis spent e. few days in
Mrs. Georee 1 logeith is visiting reh thst ince wore teen repreeented. The town last week. Mr. v, aSsc•ia was eon- :
atav,s oml fri". ,1., in this locality, procussiou tate a very largo ono, up- ver al feu mouths ago in St. Marys
1 )iv A 'I a 1,,:•i II is nOila.. ;rout thy NOrtla. ksAs for wood ti, cat...,:in,..; the Chel oian
et haw: a•a.1 the fertneto Pro Ile will ereeel the Bummer here.
Last week Reeve Milne had 28 iteree of
spring grate in the ground. He 6 a hnsr.
David Millie and Robt. Dilworth have
purehased mu entire horse from Speir
Bro., impor tem, of Morris township.
Joseph Whelelon has leased the farm
opposite his own and he eV vacated by
Thos. Ittanite
ers. He will be kept busy
cruel.: of ;ten.), velitelee friende,
a large meted on foot, showing the
amongst esteem he was held us while
here. Thr remains were token to the
Clinton cm:eatery.
Mietetre, to we:, th 1444002 ot
BAB wbilo in tewn.
The evangelistic meetings continue
with incrtmen.g, interest. Many men
ooknewledged superior intellect have de -
°idea for Ctirist. On Sunday aftertmou.
at the closing of tho mon's mass meeting,
a number of Men rose asking the prayers
of God's people oe their behalf. The
noonday prayer meeting, conducted by
six Imeiiiess men, entitieu s intereeting
and h. 'life!. Mr. Cole, tha Provincial
Y.111.C.A, liearetary, arrived on Tuesday
and will assist for o few days. Conduc
-en, of Mole:two-sill, nd Rev, J. -
tor Snider is expected to menet on Thurs.
von mist .
Rev, A. Mt:Kiln-n WW1 110111 0 for
brit f v le; from Blue Me.
9 be item in butt we lb's NM outworn-
ing Bev. W. Torrahre bell* iuvited to
Strudel(' wan not 0111 '0t, although your
correspoedent is etil of the opluieu that
the Smith side people might go further
and era; .1 wore°.
thi ri year
A temperance meeting was hold on
Thnredey eveoing in the Methodist
church. The speaken wore C. W. WM
A meeting of the stockholders of the
Bluevale Cheese Company was held here
on Tuesday of this week and it was de-
cided to rebnild at once the cheese fac-
tery vellielt w.aa ,.lestroyed by lire last
Thursday. Tho new factory is to be
bent ;if brick, with 0caoacity for mane.
• facturing two tons of oheeso per day.
he %mien' iu this locality
ill "Ilem ee-"i'b '''' 'ding 01."'''j 1 1'8, - ur school. 00 'I iinnelay as Mr Wittig-
Dvke, of Ilenfiyn.
'14o .cia001 in tee senior iloputineut of andeonviction of the same.
The fire was ;mulled by an incendiary.
A. reward of $100 is offered for the arrest
victory, the ugh quiet, yet decutive, p. oyes
week by t
that God is in the midst of His peeple.
day. The work goes grandly.on and the
John Meiemehl; • s Immo train the
go; 1 wan mtend'ineMr. •-T• aaylor'e 0011001
ee• te
PhiladrIphia Denisallege for vexamblation. Sabrd wilepee on Tues. 'rho farmere tithe rliotte.
and 2n41 cee-
mail t ..., ... ("31.
. l
:.-i:..ih :r''a,1:.,:?•.;,. :• . . .7 , ::
,ss; t1 1 -,...b, u, •t•e
eat'en. lie 1.1 0;41 p nved with ','6 day altr the Easter hlidI' e;done are p10 '111411 and some sowed There is aee talk among the young
Qia,lieh M11,1.!'10414'eel- Oreele.-)1, v f this 2e.2 te4.Alte
'li1''t"11'1'14Tq1111teivice is to be held in t10 A0ru.iaon fo110 ,h,oul%tgingoral
114111,,i,irelittie10,11.1 ,iN:1,,,\i18,,,,i4IffiThe buinesmeetlefa
frl{e1 2o,41a1 a
i.,.., ,x(ll be heht tee "Ion,loy Alien tleth. The i ,. .... ., ; ; 11: 1 n i'eitiorlise.1
Easter .11thiye lave put tho subbed
youuesiere in 4111)I heeler.
A 'lave are W111 be covered thi
. .
11 .
, . , '"' • ' : • -
. 11 irror-• -00111100. ,, .2011114 Cloen.... 7'b 4481,1. 1,0 ca. • 11
0•1„:.,... 1 11(1,,
c It to lifeArther, for a tens)
. ,
are. 11 11 :aye ft; ;save 1,41114101 101:,
t1 11: !red. -lee, ar-
rise,: I er 1.. , 11111110
1,1, • ,.r1 4. . ,•1 • r•• , 1,11.2 l'o1:111711*.q...
HP 4,4,4 21., • :0 the V,1401.
a Rey. J. A,1A.r p1441011541 a Ver y
1 'at. .44,141,111141112.Sunday, Low the
;1011i verse of the IPIi elapter uf Daniel,
ehowing unewtrying character and
tprincipleti in facing ouch daneers and
Ile rave it his opinion that if
001110 of the statesmen of the present day
heal (118 eteltitity, they would not
disgrace themselves by supporting any
cause for the sake of votes, and referred
slightly to the Jesuit Act. Mr. Legear
is 011 outspoken man, but ho declared the
. truth and is not afraid ot it.
vAutol••,. 1 11,- • r,1 1. • 1. I, 4 .1. '201.41A. - , ,
Li Ver li j: •rt 1 ,,v,.. : ' v.' 111•141 i:, well sabis. for it.-
tied with the epenine.!:etirge M dtalie sou, George, o2 the
a ere 11,1 Meets I oed Literary enter. 8th eon. in down with intlernmation ef
lithium1 is illairt:111.,-.141 1.1 Latin plan in the lungs but we bore to see him eronnd
the Methoiliet church on th41 evening of again shortly.
Wednesday, 2411i inst. An excellent Albert Howlett, 7th con, 18 00 the sick
program of choruses, quintettes, quer. list with inflammation of the lungs,
taws, duetts, stied, etiadiligs an
red- enema by a. gevere cold. 'We hope to see
Iatio,,s is 4 ontIrs, .4 preparation. Mise him around mO•M'
Jacks 11, 01 Bowie!, to to be the Dap . .
companist for the omission. hey. W. B.
Kerr, of Owen Sound, is also eXpeoted to
assist in the program. It promises to
be a rare treat and no person should
miss it.
it is rumored 4111 .0 Mrs. wan
son, of Michigan, but formerly a resident ed claims of 528,800,
of this township is dead, but we have not Cy. Hooking, the well-known Listowel
heard the porticelars as yet. cricketer, writes: "I aon going West lst
Robert. Hoovev, who went to Manitoba May and won't have any oricket in Can -
in the beginning of March, has returned. ado this season, but hope net to get out
Rumor ;aid be could not stay away long of reach of the game in the United States.
from home but I think it was another at- Anyway, nay bat and pads will forra
traction on the 2nd oon. important part of my trunk, and if the
Thomas J. wilt preached in Johnston's Indians don't know how to ploy I will
church last Sabbath. The sermon was have to try and horn 'em.”
showtng the evil of indulgine in bad Fire broke out ou Wednesday morning,
habits, such as drinking intoxicating April 10, in the brick store on Moon
street owned by P. Harvey aud occupied
by Geo. Funatom as a. grooery. The
building wits insined in the Citizens' of
Montretti for 5900, which will cover the
loss. Funeton's stook is a tottl loss ; in.
mired in the City Mutual of London for
.5500. Origin of fire unknown.
Blizzard, by Onward,. 2.253/4, by Geo.
Wilkes, 2.22, ,ire of sixteen In the 2.30
class, dam, Littlo Fortune, 2.82e, dam of
Attraction, 2.282, by Suott's Thomas,
9.24, sire of Largesse, 2.25, and J. W.
Thomas, 2.27a, his etable o emulation, has
developed into ono of the grandest look-
ing horses in the province, awl is greatly
admired by horsemen in this locality.
The annual meeting of the Cricket Club
was hold last week, when the following
officera were olooted: Eton. President, P.
Lillie° ; President, J. A. Booking; 'First
Vieu.President, L. 11. Clarke ; Second
Vise-President,11. F, Brook ; Secretary,
11. 13. Morphy ; Treasurer, W. 13. Cul.
beet. Tim club is in good financial stand.
ing and the prospeots for the season are
exceedingly good,
WiosiXloam. ISselseen-two
The Spring Show hens to -day (Thurs. Mr. Robertson, of this place, has o, ter
Say). rible lot of trouble. the first place his
a b • wik. mother of nine ehildren, is in the
beautified by the plauting of flowers and very last stage of ti easumptIon. His
Our pu
shrubs. This is as it should be, daughter, who bas been teaching school, liquor and Luang tobacco.
I b n shown (oob ! is also home very seriouely ill, arid his 3.0. Wilson gone a very interesting
and protPab looturo in sohool house No.
10, last Friaay event .g. The subject of
his diecourse wee Lone, Courtship and
Marriage. The people of the neighbor-
hood turuod met well to hear him, both
old and young, and were very much de-
lighted with his remarks, especially the
young people. After the lecture Mr.
Wilson re a amide of young mean
heads. The lootnro was brought to a
close by singing "God save the Queen."
C. B. Harris, a well-kuown fa. riser 10
this loonlity, thancially embarrassed
and his or di 8 aro looking after their
intereete. Pitying heavy interest, poor
mops and ti her 108800 is the cause of the
troilble. Mr. Harris is neither a speed -
thrift nor a sharper and has been is hard
worker but CV/1 1101 Al& to pull against
the stream. 11i. liabilities are chiefly
borrowed money on notes. He intends
remothig to Algoma; 11,15 S0011 as his affairs
are arranged.
A young man of the township of
Morris, his name we refrain from men-
tioning, but a stone mason by nada, is
getting into dillicultiee by going seourity
for his brother. Having bought 8110180
for Minim heesat his note for it. 221
bOottm.. due anti hulttul not the meney to
pay for it but Mentes a 110444 .00.41. Ile
went le A 1.Vell.to ill, ,riner in Huntedl
and made it fair ieety that be was. goieg
to enintlit..re, r, that he \voided
to buy some eeetl nue and 12 118 would
trust him he would pay hitt in few
days. The farmer gate him the greem
and he bulled it into Brussels market
and wet it. S.., le et's son happened
to Le ill 10‘,1 rr ivir• • 1r ,.1 thly ttlia W01ttier-
ed how ho had grain to sell. Ele went
up to him and ariked howls° was selling
grain Lunt buying Gm dtty before. His
excuse for it WaS 60 had spoken. to some
one north of Brintels tor eome seed grain
and that Ile had wino end left it when
he was not at hotne. That is now stylo
of doing brtsinese,
v ; '.• .1% 1 11V1 Leon
,14 •:.•... 1.1 imlis of
V. • ftv•,"1. r 0.10111
111 ,ro VAL:At:004 0, 414 1 ti14 SoaS011 or
the yee.e.
11 19 belie:al 113 0,11111any
will ba able to p.tv ea the dollar to
their creditors. The statement pros int.
ed shoeud total liabilities of 5124,811, of
which 398,3136 ie secured. The total
assets are e110,151, leaving a nominal
4).1.1300 01 s.13,030 t meet 1.11., totetiour-
presented with). a 11-avy draught goose motber.m-law, who came to 114411) nurse
e 1
egg, 2110 0:onetime:le of add& were n by , the sick, is hereelf laid_ low by sit:knees.
'12/ Mabee. 1 "Two ARE 1151:11111 r).14 Tli.k.li ONE."—At
Tho front street has been scraped and 1 least so thought Thos. Agnew, of Mar -
Abe Winter's aocumulations removed, 1 north, 82 years of ego, when he wedded
thus adding greatly to its appearance and Mrs. Gilmore, of this plane, loot week.
the comfort of the public generally. The bride is not in Iter teen, by any
Arrangements for the 24th May cele. means but is about 80 years old. This is
bration aro being onergetioally carried the second trial for Gnat °Hoke 400 1410010,
out. There is to be a grand Societies' his first wife having only died 0 short
procession of organizations from the time !ten. The brido in LOW with ber
sister towns. third husband. On the evening of tho
MO Toronto Mail, of Friday, Says : day the nuptial kit it wee tied the people
"Gootge Steel, of Wingbam, came to the of this locality felt (24111 the ,,young"
city yesterday, and prooeeded to ',blow couple should ur) eletrivoried, test to
himself," ite the spoeta say. While seeing break them in as it te, re but 801I10 of the
the town, and doing his best to rubricate people who attended unified things a
it, 6011180118 picked his pocket for a gold little too far and dasneged the house
watch end 320. Ho reported his loss ta slightly. If you won't 081)4 a word ;theta
the deteetives." it I'll tell you 11 secret about the ohari-
.A. baseball olub was organized at a vagi viz that in the convene, on hand
meeting in the Times office on Wanes- taking in the sights were Vv., olorgymen
day evening. It ig officered as follows : who apparently enjeyed the eport. The
Hon. President, 11. W. C. Meyers ; one had performed thoceremony and evi.
President, T. Bell ; Vico.President, W. dently wautod to see that the program
H. Maadonald ; 2nd Viee.President, 0. SIMS completed in reyal style and the
Gilchrist ; Captain, Geo. Mosgrove ; other suggested that 110 Virt8 1101 In favor
Managing committee, 0. A. Patterson, of alittrivariee but would like to sae one
C. Kneohtel, J. Brook, G. Mooney, D. this evening, 60 1111d 1115 WW1 gratified.
Mottos', Fred Johnston; Finance core- _...........-----
enittee, G. Meagrely°, IP. Kneahtel, T. r. a . 1 t .
Johnston ; Curators, G. Mooney and D.
McKay, Spring Show next Tnesday.
Harry Ciounan wee late np with
• On Good Friday serviee is to be bold
Postmaster Sponse was at Stratford on in the English olitwoh at 7:130 p. n3.
a business trip this week. D. Erwin is making preparations fol.
Wm. and Cbos, Rupp have reterned building o hone 1(3 01,00 on his farm
from a visit to friends at Teeswater and South of here,
Milchnity, Rev. B., Paul, of Brussels, will occupy
Wm, Simpson is Son are building a. the pulpit of tho Methodist churele next
now residenoo for tho senior member of Sabbath in the abeenoo ;if 1110 1718810r,
the firm, It will be a brick veneer,. Sohn Mason, of the Central Hotel,. is
24x28 feet with kitchen attached. having the building formerly costumed
During the recent thunderstorm the by Mr. 13e11, removed to the book cud of
barn of Hugh Wright, west of here, WAS the lot.
struck by lightning. Tho building was A pan eake Nodal was held in the
shattered considerably 0,na fined with temperance hall on Tuesday evening,
smoke, but no serious damage was done under the onsplace of Y.P.C.E. of the
to it. Methodist ()introit. It is a now move
Excavation is being made for the foun. hero and took very well,
dation and collar of a now reside= for DIED7-7-E01ly on Thursday morning
Eph. 0ober.. It will be befit on the to of last wools quite ,t gloom was past over
between the parsonage and ilio earring° Blyth on hearing of the sudden death of
worke. Ethel is making progress, slow :Rebore Brownlee, of neuralgia of the
but sure. heart. The deceased only the day
The following officers were Metalled in provione having been hoard to remark
1511301 Division, Sons of Temperance:— that 130 110444141 felt better in Iris lifo but in
r., J. W. MeTaggart ; 10. S., la. IRA. the evening, when MI his way to attend
loway ; F, S., W. Tindal ; S., 141.10014012 service in dm English church, he felt a
(11103).,0. Stubs ; 0., A. Vogel; A. 0., A, severe pain which made 1,101 return
Holloway ; I. 41,122. ; 0. (1„ W. Ileme. During the night, he got som04111013)111. .
what worse and medical aid 0100 sent for
\Vo regret te hoar that the bright 111110 which proved of no avail as he passed
daughter of W. 1'. Davies, who spent the away out of this troubled world about
Winter hero, died.ron Monday, inst„ day.brealt, Tito 'teetotal took place on
shortly after their arrival at their 1101120 Saturday 110111 1118 18,14 residence,. headed
in Minnesota.. The 081180 01 1101' death' , by the Fireman's Band 3)10.311114 the
was the contraction a 11.am, H110 Portuguese Hymn, W3Vie21 WIttl Very
teite abor4years 02 0140.
solemn. The deceased having been. many
Beautiful weather and lino roads,
Gardening le in fell swing these days.
Several Bruesolit‘,4 were in town on
Sunday to hear 1141'. Shievera, the evan-
2 12. Broaeriokims gone to the Queen
City. Wu treat lie will do well in his now
The exhibition of farm stock and im.
plements or more properly the Annual
SPling fair was held on Tuesday and
was largely attended by the ferment.
De. Makid him receivee the appoint -
Mont of. surgeon having entire supervision
Of the itnititaritim 0,1 111111.11: Springs, and
will remove to 01101 )11000 about the 0311,
of,May next, We aro sorry to looee the
Dr. hot after all must anngratulnte hiut
upon ills goraa fOrinne, 011r brat Witthas
accompany him.
On Monday night the residence of j.
11 Terhune was burned to the ground,
with otaiLeuts. The family barely es -
coped and had to borrow clothes to cover
themeelvoe with. 'nutted in the British
Atneriett for 0700 on building and 3300 on
contents. Loss Moon insurance about
51,000. About two hours later the stable
owned by the trustees of the Ihiptist
churelt, antl used by Rev. Mr. Dock, was
burned to the ground, together with a
horse, cutter, harneso and a quantity of
hay and feed. Insured in the Imperial
for two oo baffle.; and 4225 on 0011 -
tune. Three men Are 11001 in the look.
up on the charge of starting the fires.
Five buildings were fired that night in
different parts of the town. Tho others,
being disoovered early, were pet out be -
fora inneh damage wae done.
We, the members of Listowel L. 0, L.
370, in lodge assembled, wish to express
our high appreoiation of the noble stand
taken by Col. O'Brien in the House of
Commons by bringing lu it motion- re-
questing the Governor en Council to dis.
allow the ;result Estates Aot, and also
for the noble manner in which ho and
his twelve colleagues fought against the
interference of a. foreign potentate+ with
our civil and religious liberty; also we
protest against the action of the Protes.
taut, members alio vomit 514011101 l210 dig.
allowance of the A.et, more especially
Aimee in 0011710011074 with the Is 0. Au- Davis Selvinv Mci chine
0011011411,, and 41001111'onue truxt in the
to maintain tide came,
dl'e neg. ./ J4*.ae /./ ./
01 it oPENING TAL;I'
:fit' -.CF. ON-'—
blethtst :A,ri,
When WO Will slum, without exception, the 4)3)8tElaborate and Largest Stock of the newest
Millinbry ever Amon 0041. Brussels. It'snot uov-
osstiry fur us to treat the Ladies to It lot of &li-
b about our Milliner, we ouly wish to state
that MISS GREEN, who has been with us so
many seasons, again takes charge of ot,r Mill-
inery Department and we are confident the
good taste she has always displayed will bo ful-
ly appreciated by the Ladies generally through
the Coming Season. We hope every Lady
who possibly can come to do so on our Open-
ing Days. We charge nothing for looking.
F. C. ROG-E-A3,
omeme n, Maoe.
Brussels, April 4, '89.
sow. _,,se,an8Te...8_88oTt!.._TosttrAraForstmernonornsasmacuratrares.V.:7rt88231,8Firmtn-srantramaxacass1801
See the New Noxon Binder
C 4
21 12
power of 11,111
aliteli triumphed over Itl'011,1.011 titilletatietr • ••k - %et
uoveb, kl.ke at
11,i0w hinder the pro-
grelia Of (10110.1.111, believing Gull, faith.
right awl truth will ever triumph.
The (lotleridt (lun Club will have a
friendly match with the Clinton club to-
day (Feiday) The match talto place 1
on tho )3rounits of the Clinton chat.
1 ,
RAY Ei).-3"ZI