HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-4-19, Page 2B
1 HE BRUSS!. L`~+ l -'US f tlrlctl iJ, iSSJi880. - � ..a a..r�/, a..n ..,z..4:... rao•,x�eas:a �„�„ !�- „�=.'r.�':r'•;'
fr Glit,pe Assts' ,totes,
Mrs.i3 ld 'u Sherman NoW York A unvel leck••t is a silver .,cline, Dill': .... .. 1)r a ,. Ile • Lane.
a wi ,
j lute 4100,000 worth of dtatuuis. Dun ietie ,:f whiciz emus 414,1 die • - 0 1 e .r web. 0 t,t'
`lbs most valuable jowele ever donee it lee. rnnale fort mistral, e ,•
, ,. n t pis'
i��itil t1:) enemy spent on dankjl worn by one American woman at Duo a lock of hail'
Great lirimiu them could be , time were worn oii a fancy erose oe. A dragon sly in em( rattle rued din• r1. • .+. , r. („. ; bey! I (•(l
in ,, ,1. 1 r : fit . i xL+
n1UntlHy inUa''.tl!Il oil iGt! Og0111,1ttn.;
LI •11 1. '
matut eined (100,000 leu cannula at caster by the late Mrs. Jobe Jacob n,ncrs n rt. ate m 114
11250 a , ear, 600,000 selieelslnantere .&too. They were veined at $000,- aping, t• 1 y ,_
at Lilui, 5,000 tot 1.2,000, 5,000 1 ( 1):t' r, 0 f , . • , 1• :
OQU Tan mounted p(alil>ommu were 1L bait arun,u•v1t 1
ecloolm nt tiht10, 1-t ,ouid give to 'i.e.:, Ve11 n yi u also IL c, . ev, 1
world 200,000,000 shilling d f h 1 II 1",im, I 1,I,..1, tel. pu-h 4 1 141y
the i a an:• .4, 111 !., .: aI.„r,1, 1. ,,,,.1
Bibles, 11(1,00(1,000 treats at de. a ,, 1.,,:,rt c, ,h y cant It1 )Ile
hundred, Woutii give 100,000 widows from •,, .11.oll • t eau . • !1 l] •i
40 e y.'ar, end 200,000 poor fnm
iiies 1;10 o ,year. 1 11 'I un.ser..,nun 111 0 .•-s. 1lolds, i1•, 1, u
The Wcet• Elgin Board of Incense t u•tees., u., tit if h'e,'s, a lr 14..1 up
utclr q Llo•: ,••u)d your mothers ltee you
Oommfss]uuers mot the oiler day
al Dutton and adopted the follow- q 1 1 b' to be Dulled '1'teep .o., ?
iteg stringent rules, wllrolt it is pro-
posed applicants for licenses a der
employed that night to guard Mrs.
Actor to an from the ball.
('ELIVAlt1 vi ltso•l'I9.
Much taste, much waste.
Fat hens layfew eggs.
at meat,quicka work.
Handsome apples are sometimes
The unbidden guest is ever It usually attractive OoveIL1 when worn
pest. as a hair orttement.
It bad mouthful that thole P.".'” euamo s !;r, 1.1
Noble housekeepers need 1)o
Fat pastures make fat veursuu
Whose broad elite us song
• t e on hope and ie ofhunger.
Uulaid eggs area long time be-
coming chickens.
Poverty and hunger nava m .1'y
learned disciples.
While the pot boils friendship
As a man eats. so he works.
Long fasting is no economy of
Obeoso and bread stake the
cheeks red.
The biggest fields grow not the
beat corn.
A ben 1.101, ••natnelled in natural
colors, el ref 1 ith al,woudl and
boldiug a flue pearl, w:,'"em a tau
80030 Moine
An ioe pitcher that rs attraotiug
attenti..n 1d con':tru°ted of •• l elver
and has dents at the 811)04 to pro
dime au nuts u.' effect.
A mosquito in opals not rubies,
climbing a plain gold pin, is an 011
Q'r:ItBA:.eL. I rs-
the Croolcs Act shall live up to : t 1'le "1 a i " "• ^•t'"''s
is i
There shall be a fair reduction A I i , col • e (1ombs,.t d p• oil of ]gilded ?pus
Lw 11`y-1.5114) • '
made 11) the member of had
around a Lug. pearl, 141) its bend
poised at the • .e se is +o s rzuF,
is a semif put to be etin lined by
A number of 111+.nsherd and West
Nism ium fanners sowed spring wheat
hest week.
'Ph a. Ilnllllutylo, 111.P,P., left on his
anu"al firip to the old (weary elwese
markets Monday Morning..
Searlethia ]s epideluie in snhaol nae
tion No 8, 6lansh,n•d, and in 00140(4.
(())corn the school leen been cloned.
'1' a bo with the ontaptllt does not
senna to have heeded the warmup recent-
ly!!iveo at the police 000r%, as on Sun-
day night be got in his work on If. T.
13 ricer's plate glass window,—Stratford
, Herald,
A. oleriryman of the dioneso of Montreal
lin- fallen heir to 120.000 etorling, and
has instructed his attorney, A. II. Gham•
b•'re, to tike time nl0Pasary proceedings in
ehnrt0ery to recover the amount A
portion of the fonds will h., ries find to
missionary objects.
• it and \5111 1 • I 15 ' 1 e I( 'rf4' e .
sidoon licenses to be granted- 00 p 11;1 „ f m T
t enter I1., ,.. „
No hotel, saloon or tavern license I t 1 I 1„ +ql , bur t1 1.4 has f n iuld •,q� "EY TO LOAN
stall he grouted for any premises nets, ,i5, s l'' cnilnri• t -
h�sing p convection therewith, s L♦ p d t ge ,,,
liilliard, pool or other tables.
Any licensee convicted of selling , 1
or giving any liquor to guy person
IIllglor (41(1 T1d fit its.
Medicine w 4 first il]'t• •.100(1 into
Rom° From (i••• c• in 2.,I.
The order ..f •f sui :, ounded
by Iguatiau emir( in 1`..1.0
The great Landon ''•1+1e was
from hoe 20 1 • Dec. 12- 1665.
Homeepan'y wan fir-' Induced
into the United St ts,. i' 18'25.
Iron steamships were ti' 1 hare
duced into Great Brin.i' 18.4:3
Mormons arrived a ; ah, Lake
valley, Utah, July 24, 1017.
England, sines 1he•b... ,11 lTit-t
lugs, ham had thirty it,- rulers,
-) th.1 hill In, 1L1u
isnot ' . 514.1) n c it hill '11..
,, p, (eb :
(.1^'0 1, tin. , r i' 11
1 r M(. 4' . 1, , 1)t . 111•
between Saturday night to seven
o --cluck and Ilgoudny morning at six
(':clock shell, in addition to all other
penalties, be iueligible for a license
at any future time.
Any licensee convicted of selling
or giving liquor to any child, ward,
minor or apprentice under the age
of 16 years ; or to any idiot or lune
tie, elell also in addition to all
ober penalties, be ineligible for a
license at any future time.
All bars shall be closed and
lights out each night at eleven
olelock, and no license shall be
gi<auted for any premises to the
bar -room of which there is any corn.
,4UDIoation whatever other that by
0Qm1900 doors.
No hotel -keeper shall be allowed
16 have chairs or other seats iu front
thereof for persona to Ion( and
'Kilter, and no loafers or loiterers
shall bo permitted to any hotel pre-
mises along which pedestrians mn.y
be passing.
Special instructions will bo given
licensees es to the selling or giving
of any liquor to persons under its
iflfluenee, or well known habitual
No shop licenses shall be granted
to any person or firm or corporation
engaged r1) any other bneiness, nor
for any preml»0s in which any other
business 1e earned on.
The St. Thomas Council will be
requested to order that the police
force be instructed to strictly en
fw'ce the ..ams. If they fail to do
so, the commissioners are determin-
ed to enforce the Act by other
'1lll:IR SEAMY,
Mrs. Partin Stevens has many
thenaande of dollars invested in
The finest 13,01060°u of pearl( in
Ste United States is °weed by Mrs.
lllar-hail 0. Roberts.
Airs. A. J. Dierel, of Poiladelphia,
bar, a fortune iu pr00(0115 _cean8, d1a-
mends being her favorite,
At a r. -cent costume fet., i0 New
Y .:1: 310' Cone ius`'1+ndeiltiit wore
dl'inonele valued at $200,000.
Unca 1.,.:.d is c. si a., with
$2Fr11,000 .,L1, of 1110U11nt'i.. 110.1
.611 t:,t'c4 liter., 1)°t;.:a1:)ne 1).l,, wOru 1
.13150,000 word, a' ono (nee.
Mr•-. J 13 Hagan, t':i.e of the
Cnill,'rnia milhuu 00014, La.• ruby
give by LeaiK, of Bay.tria, to Lola
13Iur,t4Z, valued at 410,000.
Mrs. Uetty Green, ohe does not
calm a rap for a diamond, except for
the cash it lepreaouts, flat, over
$15(1,000 worth locked up in safe
A Sworn. 00 Bees Without Stings.
B liave and 11 saved by Josue, the
Lord.—Acts xvi, 81.
B happy, B holy, 13 trusting His
Word.—John xiii. 17.
B grateful, B watchful, 13 faithful,
B true.—Luke xviii. 1.
13 thankful, B careful, keep Jesus
in view —Times. v. 18.
B+humble, B hopeful, B friendly, B
kind,—lst Peter v. G.
B thoughtful, B striving, B stead
fast in wind,—Luke xiii 24
B ready, B waiting, B loving to all.
Luke xii. 40.
13 helping, 13 running, 13 telae and
not fall. ---lot Oor. 1.12.
13 learning, 33 patient, B sorry for
sin.—Matt. xi. 29.
13 taught by the Spirit, and B right
within —2nd Cor, 1)3 17.
B merry, 13 siuglog, B always
sincere,—James v. 18.
33 now of good courage, 13 fervent
in prayer,—Jamey v.10
13 wise as the serpent, B harmless
as doves.—Matt, x. 19.
13 firm as the mountains that'uever
remove. -1st Oor. xv58.
B naught in yourself, but iu Jesus
B strong. -2nd Oor. xii. 10.
B looking to Him and you cannot 13
wrong.-l3eb. mei. 2.
1311eve and B•llold your Redeemer
is nrar,-1st John v, 10.
13 hold Him by faith and 13 of good
cheer.—Lleb. x. 22.
11 hold 'dim again and 13 hold till
you f]ud.—Ma:t. vii. 8.
13 lievfoe In Jesus is peace to the
mind. 7obn i1]. 14 15.
B now like the Peelmiit, B praising
the L ,rd,—Heb. xm. 15.
PJ?TV' ? 77'E FrrAl D,s,.
Private Funds to 1_n,n.
2O,0 ..)0
Unvll hemu placc(1 Jn 11r3 halms
for Illp('stuloi11 oil reel! t •i1 111.
R9Nsl°a "R' 1UTE OF 11.1VEST.
No Commission,
Borrowers can Have loans corn-
plete'rl .in Three Days if title
W. nz. SINCLAiit,
Solicitor, Brussels.
General Blacksmith,
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that he do' s all kinds of Blacksmitbing
i(1 a • orkmenlike Manner.
wagons, Baggies, Sleighs and Cutters
mnde to Drool•.
Itepltirine promptly Executed.
I make n Specialty of llorso-ehneing.
A (sal Solicited. t •Romembor the
St111,'l NEhn 0113) Bn1D0E.
r Privatf' Purvis have just been
l,:,hur •. imbue eh'n•.v? placed in my ha,nrls for Tri -
f. ;, 0 0110:10 c,.1 vestment
615.• (i i1n1 r .l In , gilt , r ' hip. I \'p 7 PEli Cl NT.
Sam 1)l .1 1 .1.1 shop. soft
sm,,, 11y.
Borrowers eau have their loans
1. c' 1.1 (1 1• r •fl'1. 11) 00141)) "P
C°ln )1010 ill three days if title 10
1 cut. f aa c„ffeu i satisfactory.
it., , ' : p1.1 fl ;eh split Philip's I Apply to E. E. WADE.
whose average- tengtb 1)1 : ; inn ha, i eist1 o-„ et'. fi puirrtd'• all.
Not cities In Jewel ry.
Gall nuzzle lines are arm being
)nada; •31'b emelt, trl•,nntitl".'
A (set .:t celled 1,0 a sm::ll 1,1(18
to sec! 111 novelty in candelabra.
A 11eil pin of unique design lute
at s1)11 e :1'.na11 rubies with 11]nmoed
A-. ,.ttra.ctivo ring has three rubies
1•:01 encircled by a row of emelt dia-
L•tee pins, 'with settings that can
be detached and used for earrings,
ere 1h,' h,,:est novelties
An eplrtopriate lute pin for the
_es;on F; a spray of enamelled vio-
let.: :tit) diamond centers.
A c:.•uamen diamond within a
circle +l' brilliants, mounted as a
stall, ,; o0noes a very fine effect.
A 411'., •'Sith three fine pearls of
(liftmen:, 'hadee (swerves remark on
Ocoetint of its simplicity.
A ruby auger bowl, mounted .on a
el(!(e..0 'elver stand, merits l'0410galt'
:1'11 :L- 11 .4ork of art
I,' :intim ball, profusely 'tu11
t.1! 31..ti1me 11 diawnnds, mattes a
11141»1'-.t pwlda01 for a (preen 011:00.
i?,.., Ie. s of variegated gold, held
t. ,r,.::':: by a largo diamond 10 the
1,.;;,. of 1L flu, farm a very pretty
Sleeve battens of gold and plat).
00th, bearing a horn of plenty, with
a lar;;c diamond at the baso, are
A n011 pendant for a (lueo0 Blain
is a dice bh'ck of old gold, with dine
motels for (spots.
Three largo dianlonrla, cinnamon,
whites 'Ln(1 canary, produce an ex-
cellent ei'fect mounted diagonally on
a ring
A picturesque brooch in oIdgold
cad diailc)ad:i r(;pr(i.;t:n.,.i (t Floss,
r0 ore which rest a .iiokle laud 1tu
oar of corn,
An old silver manicure set, with
bandies in repousso work, is the
latest. Tbo instruments rest on a
tray engraved with a Scottish pas.
terra 3410110.
The 1114,:01 ,'inglo eappLiro in this
Gen 111r3' 1s owned by Mrs, \Vi)lialn
A•1or, owl her necklace of emeralds
a.,(1 (hnm'•nds ie among the oostli
eat :ley, tie in America.
i5ara. 111,1110rd's wonderful jewels
me valued 1'1. $2,000,000. tier
n,0!4i.014,;bo fits.1st in i•ue United
8r4)1es. is worth $74,(1(10. It con,
01,), nl inter thio tint et1)11' 9.
1'1;1: 'i3tulfalo g;'1)1,' ',4!.9-11 by a
11.1. i!1 (111(1:1 4, L'. - -4'i „3 1111 11,e
hinoud 11: L! a l!to: L 11111. d.
3 r' b(•n111. 1'1 Au-; 1.:1111', ter
1,4.',l..(}, ,.111
6i•i'.� , li 11.14 Gnu.011.
Ifieke-L''rd 13 et 1., 1'!,)'' 1.1
lar-ek,ace 11fat is eat.l to haroe
$100,000. but frola the s;endl.e:nt
01 the export„ that of ;Ars. S'.aluord,
polling $74,000, is the more ileeir
able en a00nnnt of the rarer q'11111114
of some of the gems,
Three American women, 11rs,
MacKay, bare, John Jacob Astor and
Mrs. Sanford, aro each believed to
own more fine diamonds than belong
to any of the royal families in Eur.
opo, with the exception of Great
Britain and ltuseia.
I2 is well known among dealers
that Minnie :rainier has boon rn.tk,
ilfg largo divestments in diamonds,
and she probably has $225,000
worth of, them. Tim(Olevoland
stone,' of which talo 18 110W the
owner, weighs 4` 1. carats, and cost
been twenty three veers
The Americ:tu flag +v„ -.fleet i,si.ti:cel lelCall rst used iJezll :zz1d See
at Cambridge by Washin, :,•11 fall. 1,
1776 ; legally e-t,lblisl:e(t by Con
press June I4, 1777.
The Cow; A Child's Contpeelllnn.
The cow is a noble qa eirerpeel,
though not se noble a• . s horns,
mucbless 111/1 touring ti It lute
tour short Io'r . v. hitt ' .1 for its
size, and a thick bees . its back
legs are bent, :Ind the -• two 0]9;
bonee sticking nut jct.) vt'. Its
tail is nosy n (AP 11161. donkey' •
but nothing n cam 00r t • • 'eat oft! n
raceberso The 1',m 141 • ns milk
and nice beef and sI'.. n r. time
thankful shuns i charm, i, 4,, tide
tette gi3adrerp.-d T11.• am w91
beef i • so d a: 1s Shat c , (4, .;c, s•'
much and the earth 1- : ' le full of
people. I ail •-:as0 11 v, . •r to me
dinner 01 yu , leys ; ' . ,• ,or clays
broad and 1rtppin or In ••••' end lard,
1; I oeu I the lat” rolnpenten twenty acre, of
dnesn'' land,.l he rive"front almost w tho
t -:1e liver, 1 heart of 511)14! "S. tot the omit 1)4! num
"lyes r 1, w,, Of 210,1100. The or)IOr. company 11,140
11 beef. repu.,n(1 ., 1.110 BM- au the grim ml that
r , on the Ilry,l;; wee -eat :(1i:• 11.3. lead to ntele 1110
fit V00 0°08 I de.tl, 1 . arhave,e: have llready
.vit.,t the - built ,t ,-....:-, 1 ale,
sometimes treecte. 110 • a1 s t• he
if I'm hungry n my '
eat a bit of en''e met if
smell, but I mustn't t
8110 says. alt./1014a u•
to be to the cow for Mn,
Pertaters 1)r••;r:1, thee •
cow. The lrnr thing•, i,
nudes the 014 '. belly .1, •
Pre»eott i1 now lighted by electricity.
Nat shit g s has been struck at Niagara
Fall .
Crossley and Bunter will begin re-
vival 04(01000 is, Woodstock shorty.
Th ' rand Trunk railway pail .L (Std.
demi of :1 per cent. on the hist11"8g of
'88.leo al ration! 15•a:or• Snpp1Y 1.1-i)plollY '
,1eclit•e; the cit.'', „Iter of 53 0(10 for a
ye:IC» slowly a., 1 c lteti.*,ur° we! 4140,1416- I
ly be 114,'.1 b
Sum„ icapn)nb e t Siev0s wliin-
fcst.'.1 , cru. i•, nth of 11..,, vc'I for
some ),. 1 , .1101 the other Well 'Cloth
830 r..,;1 of tO,,''l t3 and ('1149-4•-- s -:ell
and 9011 art it nl '. a, Mae^ I,Lv -:. near
A et, , •'d•sniL lr' IIo.'t}' to 101114.• n.' (seen
the 11,,isnu L' .v cue] alae >, n•lnoru
Panto. 1 Ma:n y 1,1 1(111 1 Com-
insole-, 13, i d ne- 1 Le the 1 1 , ,4001'
I min»)'".,., of the fer,nur compo y, gold
9 r1a"atst 1.55
r --
DB )( )47
Prints '.'Inghpms,
t.ri.•mbr-ly, Se :rsuckers,
Nus. MS, Lawns.
Eilibi'O!G':rl(S .i Laces,
L.OitOF1', OottonaUe.,
0/11" ul'ili'tlllRS,
1111 Cheaper than Ever.
I 1111.1 I a Full :"tock of
'resp Groceries.
FORE ::ail tl3 A b•P1+ §: Y.
111 laid) n,'F'(1G,w )' i
.110101 for 4'ari.er's 8934 t'.,rf„ 1.
S. Plum.
Brilliant 9
Durable !
Diamond Dyes excel all others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness.
None other are just as good. Be-
ware of imitations, because they
are made of cheap and inferior
materials, and give poor, weak,
crocky colors. To be sure of
success, use only the Dteeloten
DvEn for coloring Dresses, Stock-
ings, Yarns, Carpet,, Feathers,
Ribbons, (341:., C.C. We warrant
them t+• color more goods, pack-
age for package, than any other
dyes c, -u• r :Wade, and to give more
brilliant and durable colors. Ask
for the Diamond and take no other,
A Dress Dyed FOR
A Coat Colored
Garments Renewed J cawrs.
A Child can use them!
Al Pn •i'.)l and Merchant.;. 1)ye Molt free.
Montreal, P. Q.
13•.,,1[;l,'g,A,11,11) is the name of the stamln..t Itre,l home owned by livid Blocs.,
t o£ Listowel. Ile wee sired by Cnivarcl (1,1 I.11, 1,hich is the 4n'eatont lams of )hitt
phenomenal 110r00, G00. Wilke,. lila dam, 1,1111/ fortune, 2.10?, is also the dam of
Attraction, 2.2811, she by `Mote's 'Phomas, 2.21, mire of Largesse, 2,25, anis 7. VV,
Thomas, 2.27f, 1e by Gen. Geo. 11. Thomas, by 11f 3nlbriuo Messenger, out of the
daughter of Imported Napoleon.
Menne is a 13.1girt bay, Stands 10.1, Weighs ever 1.14 awl .Yes fueled May 1ot11,
1438.1.. Ile lrae 110vor been ttand'a1 for e'cod, pert hie eerier, thews that 1)r h•ts i'i.
00011e(1 the speech of his Megrims family. Onward, his sire, tuts n1n101 10 per.
formers in the 2.80 lid, white his giro, Geo, Wilkes, has produced 015 2.88perf0rmer8.
The can justly be called the beet etre that over lived.
'The above out le art e.. 1 f the 1 Ito eat be seen at any time
The att.mtinn of formers and breedors is callocl to the desirability of breeding to
a rfandnrcl bred hn:•:.:•. Il i�x.uti, is e'andard Ira on both 8ira and Rana sfdc and
nese .s]ng, nelho its :+, raze one power, the results of comb breeding aanitot fail to b.
satisfactory. "To!llnetretothe vette of, this ulaseofberme, 1lniendor1,alholtbeethor
of r)lissaid, was recently sold to W.G. Franco, TaexangtOn, Ey., for (125,000, 4100
1 1efandi, (old a fowele,ye sg.1 fro• 512.000, while Coward le worth not loss then
e5u,e0i,, !)i( survive fee being )(1U0, while 111010 aro had e, dozmr half bre,ltar,l et10011•
lug el r n+. '100 to X200, ��
Rrrrznnu'a T'oo being plectel nt the very low figure of n�1r' / , b0 11)001)1 be
pveli patrotrized,
000110111 li (0(10410 0 to torso. ' i
14llltAzzhnlr yens? make rt Sf(urr3 (149-Pranftels, at Ralxin'e�Ilo7Fil,, 071.cn (1 week. Particulars later.