The Brussels Post, 1889-4-12, Page 871 -1E E31USSELS POST eremeareeemegrarresersemsremmaremosexuseesersoinseseromeittererammiremo , ._ aw 11211I1t1G IIAF COME AND MANY 1 flow 01115 cents a gallon at 11. Ger.y's ( J. A tleam.nrax •x 2.. 111 .,•. , I (2te 12221.. miming 14223 4.11.301 to. • .11 uu'n VON, 1d t:..• but t ;;iv.• yon 1 '3'hul dt . war& beantifyiee ter home . Wo eau btrt nice in fnlnitere. 111 Itrc, h, pl 'olio u;, 1:22, Irl 1u, 111., a:r4 , of 1 'le:ra.ao, leas in nsaibt you very hitt `1.,111 11 o 1 ve ea. 1' 13.00' 11. '., .s goo, to il'imis. Toronto, w e ie n -?.(C, lebted, with rales ea. , tMoo movral 333- i Rale to t1-1, h,r d,lt hteh, ?are. ,lrtrgtt. 1 '1'fn; park is bid, rim,mut °the wi 2, 2», w luou-il by !event lnnnnfatanrur, an os a.nucnt, of ran. put in shape i 1 cowl ,g'p22".22. ti, 1 l n 111210E 1 , h. h S. Do. MCN.snonrax line moved hie office l Joux de0Ll440, of Landon forlli.). !, Of isl l W0.44,1 ,'i to ,f Lo 21 432 it a , is visit. 1 4 A ( form Pepper's drag store to itis residence 1310 sets, was in town 13238 ,1.','k. 1213; gin t cu .i, I 1118, Rob ata, . VI tl n 323311struet. 1'.)x1: 1123,• of 110110" 22.0,3 Bummer Ali 6,1;o. 81.440 Loftus ship,223 u, Takes the Lead. 401 ll yntt \sant any farnjlttru, go right salting.; et 14trau11 )) 13x1 , ewe f 12:1171 fu Jf0,,rreal this wcalt, PATER 7111; 777 TOWN straight t0 Veal's told get 11111 prime. I+xrllxatJN mei 'mime) Gab •,n In F;t'e'.tt Bet bal'ga1118 in t17°Bttlkrll t HEOCiC Of FINEST ,L Gar 1`J LL 11`I 11V 1Y N. all J Feu line of Cooper and Smith's variety at Vea,'8 eh. ap Nodturn stare. Tweeds just revolve ItC It 1.:9 Brpe. 1 ', ,r l Boot, and SllaOs at Stt tiubau Bros. Ia121211)?please Ire 1212.3 : ei n bat lo of J n .I`, ,2.222 , milla'ri411 , i, Kama THE PRICE THE LO'W'L?. L . t' tj 13D I3ERINGS�. Fnm 1) preen needs, Dutch sets x033 Furniture Poll -11100411 J. Dam, only 2,u. (1003 ltsch 0'312228 1 r a shore visit. THE DESIGNS THE PRF9.1`l,'1,5rJ• Fe and timothy in abundance at La mnru Dim Oiled will be 11.1 t la Ile 1 , ewe iy wet km tot takoe very few 1 comprising over 18U 21111068nt patterns,M0Orackene, the 'Pow I Llai , Brussels, on Thursday, Milidt)e And the Assortment t the most Complete. SartnAL Brusselites have attended the 25th inst. SEE Rom Brae, Bankrupt Twee,ls. You both gilt and otherwise. \Vaipeon ovangolistic services in Seaford), Others pini: flax 112111 tvlU, ploonably, mnmpl°to can nava fent p5 to 10 v , a snit by j' U R RUGS AND CHEMICALS, ,, PATEN T and many gqo//1 other lines PIPER z will go for next Sabbath. the it work In handling 1 let 800000'„ Drop purrhaoiu 1 early. The goorhl going with MEDICINES, BOOKS STA TI O N C R Y, 8t C., al.G14E LO YI/-1%R TEn new a °ming to Knox church is next week. f4 I'tl-'h, appreciated by members of the aware- OVER 8,000 cords of cordwood wee per- Ax engine was at the station yard on —.gem, — �—I g•ation from the south. chased at the Bress638 sal worst$ 1u' i We l esday loafing 11' genre timber .[ ] PP {I Rs S DR1FG• STORE ) TORONTO Grooery. September 0330888, the past winter. haulu i dime DLit wins n'. Thor, wore 15 leaf lard, spiced rolls, bologna san0nge, Mt earznv opening et IV. 113.1184 ; 1'e oars it; all. (Successor to J. IIarg'reaves & 00.) hams, whole or out at A. Good's. & Co's, on Wednesday, Thom lay 11.11 sat 13 A. Smile Inas Change' hi8 route Tun woolen mitts ndvertisedfor inTHE urilayofnext ;•eek. from (hie ,• rah en 1)321ul0.9 throuvh SRTJ r�JELti, PosT came duly to hand last weep. It L1lTEO) VEL la Enoc1u4:3 lvuoarie, the vomit1 a of Wentworth, • ;iterate, pays to advertise in a live paper. cold in parlor suits, be ir0om setts eti l Uxferd 1111.1 Elgin. 114 will likely make Spluso moving is hero, so is sou•° sideboards, tea home n., Galt. cleaning. Thee° at'o numinn:AM le eta A comma 01 perhaps three, tveddl )''e 'Ln, pine o'r exhibition in Tum P051: deuces of the return of the balmy 00000). ere set down for this el iiriu;; in 1.'11 .0 Pubhehiea Hous.' window bo 0uged to OLD lounges and sofas recovered and Bres88+ites are interested. Varves, th' Guelph mord rev. The made as good as new at Arthur Veal's, W11. S'TEWART is making a 8p endtl jut) piece of wall paper is frum tee room Brussels. Of the street scrapilp,(and i earning where hl e. Ila: bey teas aurder d, Roy. Wm. Icer and wife, of Ballivafad, every cent he is genies for t114 worst. Were 14 ;124241414 the 3ulnbratlou for were the guests of R. Malcolm and fain. A 'EDDI2122 party from Elm% town . the iv1u.'eu', Birthday 7 Tharo is over ily this weep. ship was in town 011 i'uesday. I3:'v. 1. $45 on hand from the bee; ball 1.•urna- Mies Biala:MN 110.8 g01)6 011 a Viei6 to L. herr tied the metrim ,iel It 101, m 1 of I'.aG Fell Chao. (1'!'11.1 bo 128°11. friends in the east before IO2Ving for 11e1' F35nIgo for 8110118/4 11 is taken the 1. lnr." . wok., 'qi, ge 1,;4'000, and 110,1 t :et Bees. intended trip to 11lanitobe. of m' fele playing. The 3)0ye eat, •"• ewe ens teethe( 0th, r was,,e a, e. 'fusses, EDIro11 B1tv0Y, of the Sentinel, Luck- spared from the m000polization of the . A meo:ingsbonld be ceded in th' Came. now, was in town ou Monday, lie is sidewalks, all Chamb r to d10au88 the subject. Tun rates of the Great Norehwe thea JAB. B. Humana brother to Goo, dog - Reeve of that enterprising village.Fon SALR. A desirable House and Lot, Telegr,lph Company have been lowered ` math, Operator and baggaveman at Brea - t7aa'sr1011/1167tna,n.Nw,, n±tvwa ' 11 inbei :,n: I age of '3 60Od4 at 11038 APRIL 12,'1869. Z«�t�w.±*��"al'Ad-MT- , American and Cunadi,7r1 like our RUBBER BALLS just arrived. All uew stook and never so °heap as now. G, A DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller and fancy Goode Dealer. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 800101))10520'1120100,W. G . & D, n. tt'Yainaleave Grosseto Station, uort and south as follows: - Going Bonk„ Going North. Mail . 7:e2a.m. Mixed 0:80 San Uprose 11;40 a,m.; 1nai1...............1100 p.m Mixed 8105 p,0,. 1 Express.........0140 p.m glealS 11.0115. A ahi°I'e amens ye takin' not s. An' faith he'll prent it. Now is the time to clear up. CASE for Eggs at McCracken's. Monona PEA; for sole at MoCracken's P0EPARATIone for gardening are in order. Awxi)tos have Dome to the front this week. $sinsO Show an Friday of this week at Brussels. 13TRAo11AE Bens. is TEE place if you wept a pair of good boots. Sone of the boys are hiding eggs for Koester. Amgen VEna hi selling the best spring loin the world very cheap. Deus goods and trimmings at Straoh- au BroN. Fr.1E8T Clover and Timothy send for sale. at Thomson's. Zee. Gmnva, of Seaforth, was in town on Wednesday. PRIrATs Funds to loan on Farm Security. Foes Pnblisbiug House. A DEW tar and gravel roof was put on T. Fleteber's store this week. RRDL0ED fa, es on the railways darj11)1 Baste' week will be in order. GET your pictures framed and make yam homes attractive. Veal is framing them very cheap. MUM'S of next week will be Good Friday and will no doubt be observed as a: public holiday. Tea, most be selling furniture oheap, he has been doing such a big 6nsinese lately. TEEBE in a light type of Diphtheria in tdwn at present. Duly a few eases but pdople cannot be too guarded. 8,000 white brick for sale at a bargain. Slay be seen at the Central Hotel, Brus- sels. T. O'NEIL. 81. VANSTox8's sate mill is run until mid. n ht so as to push through the tvorl while the eater is high. TEE Pose for the balance of 1889 for $1.,00 in advance. 1 alto advantage of • is offer now and tell your neighbor. Alas. FLEra=En is visiting with old friends a lkExetee this week. Reggie as oOYnpau%tJ her. Alii Veru„ the cheap furniture man has a.endid new top buggy to sell, very cheap, also a three -seated democrat ANSI ' '011. Tame i a good opening here for a live man to take ;old of tato Bea .21.18 ranuery, The euiiding and mac; •1120132' may be bad on easy terms. Tiro water tank, near the 11 Imre Home, eollapsod s•uue time 2.T.. an I d8 soon as the frost is out of '.he ground something will probably be 11011 about ft. Tun Moliay farm, lot 82, con. 11, Gres',adjutants was oleo present. was offered for sale at the Atnerioao ho• I MANIronA.-For the benefit t of Nissen. tel. Only one bid was maim an,. an it l: ere .0 M111111004 athroat:It coach will b did not reach the reserve bid the place attached to train leavi1.3; Brussels at 11;45 arae not sold. s. in. on the following dates :--\)arch S. H. LA= writes his brother, Saml 12th and 28th, and April 9th and ''28rd, W., that their "baby daughter is a girl, to make close oonneetions with through aft eleven ponuder." We are glad to see ealonist trains at Tor'nto. For all iu- th.t "Hudson" i5 prosperinein the foeutabiou sed throng8 tiolt018 apply to nbrthern.country. Thos. Panama, G: T. R. Ticket Agent, I.O. 0. F. ANnr7Eno4RT:-The annual ' Brussels. 83. s�''arnon to the. Members of Western Star Apcige, No 149, I.O.O.F., will be preach- ' ed en Stmday, 28th inet., in St. John's uroh, commencing at 11 a. 1n., by the l:u #rC�mhent, Rev. W. T. Claff. The Bb elhren are req Costed to meet at the °11822 room at 10180 a. m. • T. i1. SICENE, R.S. W. A. Mums, N.G. 37-4 Len Monday evening Rev, S. Zones dpl.ivered a very jntsreeting and inetrue- tiVe address to the young men of the Y 32.C,A. of Melville (hurdle 0. the char - eater of Jabez. Mrs. Silas Jackson re. -rafted 2The Infidel's Daugl,t r" with pleasing effect. A quat, e. to c. as render. 'ed by Misses Kato Wenn and 'Taylor and Mesets, McKenzie and Bowbeer. The Association choir also roittribntod e•' - lee ions, The closing meeting, tvhi011 will be open to the p0bli' . will be held on. Monday evening, the 22nd. AN =non.'w meat waa 111011:, frmn the town pillpit'a la 4t Sa„oath which tho plihlie 0heeld remember in reference to funerals viz., that the gout' named for the funeral is when the procession will leave 1130 bongo, the service 0otnmeneiug half an hour earlier. 03y paying atten' 'tion to this the long delays on tilese or,. casiom would be avoided and persons at) tending would neither entfer from l heat nor cold. l3unday funerals have eas1t gone out of date and it is a good thing as they greatly interfered with the regu- lar services of the day. COMPLAINT had boon made that a per - eon (apparently not fit to be olassod as a man) residing ir. the 21!10{,'0, has been add)3ted to cruel maga of his children, and bis latest effort in this flondieh lino has boon to beat his oevenmontlts-old infant 0o that the poor child's floob shows many livid marks. Such Mutated a0 tibia will not be allowed to be topsi ded '10ithdnt the most 06V5r0 pOniOldnent. This kind oe heathenism and wife beat- ing m11st be shut out of 01yil3zed moiety. Old, mall beware oe you'll eatoh it, gond. and Household Furniture. Cheap bar- to 75 oen,s to send a despatch to the sale station, at•d00 agent at Oozed, Ne- gates for cash. Apply to J. H. YOUNG. 3. R. GRANT wa8 granted leave of ab- sence for mouth by the Postmaster General and has gone to Winnipeg. TEE evening service in Melville church was withdrawn last Sabbath owing to it being communion Sunday in Knox church. Des. Ewel arrived home 1a•'t Friday from hie visit to Manitoba. He was well pleased with whist be saw and enjoyed his trip very much. Jong ARENT has purchased what was known as the Bennett property, from Jae. Dron. The price is said to have been $1,000. Toe town boot, bargains this week. Ladies' kid boots, buttoned or laced, $1.50 ; men's heavy alto -e, $1.00 and women's common buttoned boots, 503 at Adam Good's. Boar. TEOMr5ON left on Tuesday of thi- we.'k for Carberry, Man., where he in- tends carving out his future, Bob was a g -neral favorite. His Brussels friends wish hint success. Mns. Bcraus received a telegram last Monday morning informing her that her father was dying. He is an old gentle- man over 80 years of age. She left on the noon train for Tottenham accompan- ied by her 601 George. ALL orders for teeming left at Z, G. Skene's or A M. McKay & Co's stere will be promptly attended to. All orders for garden plowing left with the above named gentlemen will re0e1v0 prompt at. tention. 80 F1s2DEn.og Bnoe. Tee heavy snow storm last Friday was rather a surprise to everybody but the "beautiful" disappeared 011 Sate, day about as quickly as 12 came. The reads were none the bettor for it. The sleigh ins was said to be very fair Saturday forenoon. lunrust that will not barn, •such as ashes, old cans, &c. may be hauled to the south of village and du.upedint° h las near the new residence of John Robb, People have no excuse now for throwing refuse on the street. A Youxo Peoples' Christian Endeavor was organized in the Methodist ahnroh last M„nday evening. B. Gerry was chdsen President and J. J. Bail Secre- tary. Venetia Committees were also struck to carry out the objects of the Society. They hold a weakly prayer a,d praise service on 21 outlay evenings. "Dacron" L x.121, ,t lI Pavia , Indian, was 111,1 uttr1O,ion latthr Salvation Army bsrraoke last 44.1, urd;ay, 5nodlty and bion. dab. Ho app al al in his native dress on the lest named re. -nine. A good mealy when peoplo who ethane tee service might learn more than she useful lessons from the "medicine man." (5,e of the 131NiTAr1.-The Board of Health is now organized and will begin iminedietely a thorough inspection of the town, dealing summarily with all nuisances wherever foond, which threaten the public health. The members of the Board aro determin- ed to do their part in the way of a grand cleaning up and 00 stemless can only be attained by individual motion they ur- gently • request the co.operation of eve•v inbabilant of the town. It will greatly assist them in their work if p0TtiO4 knowing of unmated nui8an008 will address a note to the Seoretary of tho Board, statin; Tonality. Every house- holder should wart in at once and Olean their yards, mattering fresh lime or a solution of 021140ras and burning up all rubbish nod .,luso that mal bo about, disinfect your collars by burning a pound or se of sulplmtr in them. If all lovers of cleenlinese will carry out those simple suggestions it will greatly assist the Board it promoting the good health of tho 1On.rmllnty. D1vlaloN 32.12.21' Gases. --Among the changes (mile in the 5tati12200 affecting Division Court practice at the last see shin of the Ontario Legislature, the fol. lowing aro of seeeial intoreot1 Tito whole amount of wages .duo to an unmarried man having un fetidly to support aro now liable to garnishment, the exemption of 3325 being no longer applinablo m Huth 011088. Suits which have been entered in the wrong (Heiden may be transferred to the proper division for trial without tho production of an nllidavit that they were so entered "by mistake erinadvertence." which was formerly 1'eiuilerl. lti1g- lnent may be entered against defendants residing in a "distant county" five dive sooner than. formerly. Service of gum. mons no longer requires to bo 315180na1 on the defoliant 8x000p. c where the alinepo shodnO 0E000,10 ,.)5. O.henalifieft- tion of Iterati011Court jurors will there. after be Cho sane 03 in the Holmdel' medal's, Northwest. Hiram; Melees, of the Bank of Com- merce, Goderioh, left la's week f ,r Sarnia on appointment to a position in the bank tat chat town. Joie Tum has commenced his usual trips with the peddling wag)n through Grey and Morris, Mr. T. knows his business and does a large trade. Fret oars of peas were shipped by R. Graham, last week, to Portland for ex- port. Messrs. Stewar, & Lowick also chipped a car load of flour to the east, Le is currently reported that there will shortly be a change of station masters at t' e B"lase!- depot The 2am0 of 11 . Creighton's successor is not yet pubile. SOsiEn08r in New York has been treat- ing Ales. Brune to a private 132001ar offerjuu t, supp y him with bogus mono •. Mr. Bruce 10 too old a bird to be caught wit" chaff. JosEPn AINLE1, late foreman of Hess Bros.' f'aotory, Listowel, wee g1210,i 1121 address, a gold locket, ahe1u and dress 153 0.80 prior to his departure for Mon - titan. CN Saturday af'ernoou the Russets Egg Emporium received eleven hundred and fifty two doz••n of eggs from f,rmsrs of thi seetieu. The egg department of the farm is not to be sue z d at. A+1111100INGofthe Eden dr001arnl:'re' Iustitute will be held at Gerrie about the last of \lay. Minister of Agriculture Drury and Prof, Robertson are expected to ere present and .1ldress the gnat wring. Tun \loose Jaw Times, NT.W.T., is the name of a new paper Co hand id is week. It 10 conducted by James N. McDunald, formed. of P'rth Co„ and promises to do a good work in the laoality in which it is published. Ws have much pleasure in congratu- lating R.bt. Knoohtel and J. W. Shaw ou the steed they took a Trinity Uni- versity. The former horded the honor roll of hie class ant the 'atter Moo 1 in the 1st class. Will. Mdne, of L'lyth, has passed his final examination and will soon be in a position to affix M. 1). to his name. Some.. -A v ry successful sooial was held at the residence 02 ,Irs. Cormack on T32ursday .'90ufug of last week, under the 004pi006 of the Y.P 0.3. of Melvin' °11 •roll, lige program was excelleut 001)- 0181i11g of tustrumentel eeleet3on0 from H. L. and Miss Lizzie Jackson, Miss 3, Uur,3at:k, Miss It Alexander ; solo by A. Ste ohan and music ey the Association's choir. Proceeds amounted to $1.1.00. Amami -ie. -Last Wednesday after - aeon G„rd0n 2,10010y met with r, very nub amnia() accident In Vanstene .Bros, saw mill wuereby the saw °aught his 1ef. hand, lacerating it very badly. Two poysicians were epeedlly In attendance. The most of the second finger w0.8 am- putated and an effort will be made to nave the rest of the hand, The injured member is very painful and will lay Mr. Mooney up for a gruel while. Catoxer.-At a meeting held at the Ceutral hotel, last Monday evening, the cricket club was organized for 1889. Tho following ofiloers were elected :- E, E. Wade, President ; .0. C. Ross, Vioe•Presidout ; Jas. Ross, Secretary -Treasurer. Hides per lb 2i 3 Committee of Management—E.E. Wade, Salt per bbl., retail1 25 00 Jas. and David Ross, H, Dennis, S. Hays, Sheep eking, eaoh 00 1 00 F. S. Seed, Geo, Thomson, 3, T. Popper, Wool, per ib. „ 18 22 A.Ourrie, A. Koenig. Metiers. Dennis and Pork -._._ _- 5 00 00 13=AF'O117.T1-3 aasAxlst:rm'sra_ breska, On b:,e Ui,ion Pacific, 11.4s been elected a town alderman. The vote of the electors placed him second lushest on the Het. After the ele0tiou there was 111 gleet jubilation in the to • u, iuc,uding torchlight processions, band parades, &a Tum New dry goods store opeeed out on Tuesday of this week. ao0or'lmg to an- no-.,neenlent, although the plate glass did not show u1' until Thursday. Nottvith- standing this drawback the new firm got their goods on the shelves and counters and waited on the large numb, r of cus- tomers in it very business like manner. The store will be a verneat one when put in shape and the propriet' 'rs and. nmeaga10 are determined to please the publio. Mis. Nessio Kae 1105 taken a position in the store. The a iniste,ial Association of Booth Huron, at its recent (1108tine in Exeter, condemned the Dominion Governmout, and thos.' M. P.'s win .upporte') it, for its au ion on he Jesuit 13111. Len:n.-In Por Elgin, on the 5011 feet., the eifo of Mr. S. ll. Laird, former- ly of Leu8sel8, of a den t32ter, LESTl-ItEvELL. -Ill Brussels, at the residence of the officiating minister, on the 9th inst.. by 1109..1. L. Kerr, Mr. Louis Lentz, to Miss Julia Pri. cilia Revell, both of lllma township Perth Co. SATURDAY, A2I11L 20Tu.-Shsrifps sale of felm stook, &O., Lot 15, Coe. 12, Grey, et 1 o'c•ook p. m.. Robt. Gibbons Sheriff. MONDA0, Aram .15 -Lumber, at King's sawmill, lot 20, cou. 14, Grey. Sale et 2 '011,0122 p. 1n. Chas'. Da..,.'s 11211 Robt. Bowen, props., A. Reymann, acct. Temp te, Arlon 18. -Farm stook, imple. meets, &e., ou lot 12, coo. 7, Grey. Sale to 00mmenee at 12 o'c10012 noon, Jno. McIntosh, prop„ Capt. Stratton acct. tSP )X31'Td- MI=Zo-tar \`TANTED-FOB OUR B:EIUS V sole Branch, a good, smart boy, about 15 yearn 0f, ago, who wants to thorougblY learn the dry goods business. Apply to 802)13'1' R P1s1;GUSON, Stratford. Listowel, Wednesday, April 17. East Huron, Brussels, Friday, April 12. South Huron Avrisulrura• Society, at Brumfield, Wednesday, April 17. East SVawltuosh, at Belgrave, 'Wednes- day, April 17. Morris Branch, at Blyth, on Tneeday, April 23. u:"u:T' o,-,-,3 (1.4ARc.:1.C7VM, 100141101110 CAREFULLY MON WEEK. Fall Wheat 1 00 102 Spring Wheat 1 00 1 02 Barley 40 47 Oats 28 29 h'eas ... 54 55 Bettor, tubs and rolls•, 10 17 Eggs per dozen 10 00 Flour per barrel 5 50 00 Potatoes 20 25 flay per ton 12 00 12 00 e t ORRIF. AND SERF ORT STAGE .7 Rouen. stage leaves '80erie shout .5:005. m„ reach- ing 1;1•uoaels about 8:00 49. in., and will arrive e,t sen forth about 13:00 a, m. Returning will levo : eafortll about 8400 P, ler„ reaching Braa0u10 about 0:46, in time to Gunned with teems suing north end south, .0)00 )Wako orun00tlons with O. P, R, at Wroxot01 and Gerrie. S. WALSH. Proprietor. Pepper ware appointed oa22aes11134 oom- mittee. The club is open to receive challenges. Too MANY. --The Clinton New Era of last week says :-"It really looke as if the Brussels Budget has suooumbed to hard times and worse management, for the plant is offered for sale, and, for bio pre0eut, ]<lublieation has °eased. While BrtlsSe.s 10 too ,mag a place for two papers to make any money 1n, the Budget might have existed for 000,0 time longer if it had been handled differently. Whether it would have eventually enc. aoudad or not is a 'petition. Ito editor wiwasp00.40ase3 oqu f a eertaiu amount of ability, but evidently lacked the judgment to nee it properly." Kew. CEn0On,-Rev. A. Y. Hartley (r reached hn•Knox ollurch las' Saturday from 1st Peter, 2, 0, Having described the native, function, 02plipment and grandeur of the Jewish temple, which is Christ, is infinitely, superior. The R0m)111 2232111011 pretends 30 0011tlnno fu imitation of the Jewish priesthood by setting forth the doctrine of 31320 wafer and the mess, such a 1301trfn0 is gro0ndleoe. The pro. test 1629 at the diet of Spires, included tho propositions that the word and armee of Christ wore enffmiont to guide and to save man and that all Cltrietians are priests. Mr Hartley added, priests who should offer sacrill000 of 1Hrtno and piety, 6) nndaralgnod Will keep for service on MI Hartley quoted many relative teats Lot 2a, Con. 4, MorriO, the thorough bred to show the nature of the Christian Durham 11011, "Barney ++110821 rc istm'od sacrifices which S110111(1 be offered nom reeigeoe Dominion short lord )Heal Hook. tinnelly,- Bev, Mr. Meilao preached on Tonna, for thoroug1bred entre, ,11.00, for Sabbath evening tea large congregation. grade ueoesea) O A atell lire i� ti a et 31111 is •13dv.143r. Law 00ndt1010public worship aloo 1,olt011 the WO la. 'Terms, GO cm ita, at 11 a. in. nest Sabbath, The evening with privilege of returning if neeessary, gentle0 is withdrawn, MI'. HIowie. being '1'llopodogree of "1ia1'7/0y" lnay 30 Aeon 2111 e)1l1Oatlon to the nwnor detained in Kirkwall, near Galt. 88.2n-, I.'NJ171i:'�A111k, Proprietor, 0onnnlPEn 0An18ULLY antra WREN. Fall Wheat 1 00 1 Spring Wheat 1 00 1 Oats 28 Peas 54 Marley 40 Potatoes 21 Butter, per lb 10 Eggs, per dozen Apples, per bushel Hogs, dressed Beef IIay Wood, per cord Sheepskins, each 10 80 85 5, 00 00 4 50 G 50 12 00 18 00 2 50 4 50 .. 40 ^a 02 02 80 55 45 25 17 09 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ANTED. -A. GOOD, GEN. 73' W v 3servant, 0 washing. Apply 40 MRS,1l.X2 WADE. DRES1MAKING.- ..._.__.. _.._. 'Alli ardd151 1,031 desires to intimate to the 1010380 of Benguela nod surrounding ooio3ry 11101. 0120 f0 prepared to attendto all orders in23s3erl to liar, Sati0fa0tieal guaranteed. 8bop-tfp-stnire, ono door ninth of WalterJao1200018 hardware store, 32USS SAMPLE. BULLS VOR SERVICE,- THE REAL ESTATE. •41 Aid HS FOR SALE. --T112 UN - A. has several good Panne for sale and to rant, easy terms, in Townships of 'fouls and ')roy, h'. S. 8001T, Bruseele. 87.10. t.11ARM TO RENT.-TIIE UN ders,g'ed deeiroe to runt her farm, Lot 0, ,'00. 12, Grey, Will either lease fora term of 70820 or rent the fields for this year. Hoed eon be furnlehed if desired. Immediate po008eewn given. For further partion!sre npply,00 the farm, to 05.2• MRS. W11L BHINh, T.' OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE„ • On the corner of hfary and mechanic Otrnst8, In the village 0f Brussels. This pro party is very conveniently situated and is a bar0nin to any person having as family of young children es it is so near the school Good stable and well on the premises, also Nemo young limit Moos and a quantity of small fruit, Apply to t110 owner on the prenHsee. 10.31 MILS. TUIINBULL, Brussels. ITIAR1I TO REN O -TIDE UN dorsigned is desirous of renting the 10'1 -care tarm,beinn lot 20, con. 7, Grey, for 6.ts-m of years, Cho farm le it, gond enn- (titlon,good house , barn, &e. Adjoins the thriving village of eltbol, where tuero are churches, school, stores. railway, po.to0loo and all conveniences. Possossien on April let, Per term, and particulars eppl'• to WM. selvoP Ethel, 1 0. 8.1 tf fel ARti FOR SALE, BEING LOT ▪ 38, coo.6, Grey, onntaiulug 100 acro;. 45 ecru; are cleared, under grass, nod she balance timbered. About 70 acres of dry Inn,l and the balance cedar and black ash swamp. There ie a log louse on the 182,0s sus propriets. Will or does notyrrereasonable lot. Per fur tabor particulars apply to ROOT. MoOAUGHLIN, Oranbl'o0k P. O. or 24-4 AL➢1(. HUN11111, Brussels, 9ANKI .:INTOSII S; MoTAGGART, iIll BANKERS, . BRUSSELS, 2'rah.maot a C+enerak aanlcing • 2Auolaocc, NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian 1011 United States Drafts bought ant sold. In toroat allowed ou Deposits. Collections made oat favorable 'teem. Canadian Aaonte-Mnn00ANr'e Berm 0141 CANADA. Now York Agents-IniponTmne AND TneD• 11110 NATI0NAL BANN, LEQ+L AND CO1 VEYANOING. V/\1M SINOEAIR, • Sollcitur, Office -Graham's anoor, N &0 110 Lary Pub- o, . Office -Graham's Slook,1 door north of Popper s Drug Store. Private Pundg to Loan. P� E. WADE, iJ ♦ Barrister, Solioltor and Notary Pub- lic. Oonvsy000ing. Collections and Loaning. Dir. Wade will attend 10 Gorrle every Wed- nesday at two o10 look, j.1ARIIJ: FOR );ALE 013 TO RENT boinglnt l4, 0001. 0, Groy, eontuofng 00 euros. Tboro ie a ham° house, bs,de baso, orchard, the es. 40 aeras launder of iha laud is cleared nod ander cnitivnH d, 1212'110 bares of tionenie is hell ti ' bored, Cho farm is conveniently luoaied, Grana 0.1-101100 from miles from 1} helot from rthe- 1 30001. 220.18} mi100000m 1;32101. Per further' particulars apply, on the promises, to 20-4 'ROMP. HALL. f:renbrook P, O. 1ANNERY FOR SALE. -- `TETE 2, Orusools Tannery is offered for 8910 ,..t a bargain. In it is a 16 h. p, engh,1 and sub. p, boiler, 15 vats, 2 curry titblee,0 donee. good bark mill and a full sot of 1001* with Heating pipes to lOachos, &e rllere are ,.bout.2 5eros of lend in eonneotlon with the building. No tannery nearer then Wiugbam r 41031122)01. Terms' easy. it or tnrth-'r 1110 321 ,11 us, as to price terms, &0., apply et. 07- Tnn Po521 Ptthlishiug timlao, '11048 le. 'WARM FOR SALE—THE SUR. 0011150,12 offers his valuable 100 0,r farm, beilrglob 3, cou. 13, Grey to clip, '1,10on Co., for We. 231010 2400 n .0111 60, O 0100 elear611 null 1u =cod heart, There' Is o lou honk e, good hau7larn, healing orchard, A.1111 all talo 1)00061023' 0007001011528 022 1110 promises. For further, particulars, es 114 price, berm 0, eta„ apply to 31210 Pro0i'lotor, I'HOS.1IISLOP, Clare P. 0., N.W. 1.. or be 24f DOUGALD 811E6011AN, Brussels 1 .j1ARI'1 FOR SALE. -TRE' UN• mm115I0115D offers for sale tho north east quarter of lot 28, concession 0, 0.101.210, County of ifuron,00ntainiug 60 acres. Tito lend Le nt arab quality and In a high ;tato of eultivatfon, well Sensed and under -drained, •.G acres cleared. New frame house, 8 11001111 0,1111 hones with 00002Ot0 wells, 2 wells, good barna mud shed. orchard, to. Bight acres of fall wheat. This desirable property udioiuo the oorporatiOn of Br1408111 Solt 0390 terms will be given. Title perfect, JAMES 011118712 Owner, 85- 1oeforth P.O. n11. f &ORE FARM FOR SALE. ll A first -elan fare. for sale to the Township of Morrie in the County of ]2 wren being south half of north half Iota 25 & 20. and eolith half. of 20 11.1 50b cou., 00nta1nin0 200 soros more or loss, 110 110000 )Costly clear of stumps width a good state or culti- vation. Therese a young bearing orchard ,a good house and Manic barn 50 x 60 feat with stone a mile of the Village 011? 1180018 and IS a good farm for grain or Moen rain. leu 120 itis watered with the river Maitland and never failing spring creel/. Possession will bo. Liven at any time, Por furihor per. Menhirs 21113)p17 on S10 1,101.11000 or to A.B. 01332101010011 Br0oeo18 P C) 541 t%ALTJABLE FARM FOR SALE ✓ being the south 3281) of lob nitmber 80 in the an 000008830), of the township of Morris known as tho homestead of Aram .. bald Taylor, eoutniuingg ninety-uiue acres, Ninety acres aro cleared, the 1,0) 05 'wood- ed with'05luebie timber. Excellent 'build. lugs, largo orchard of cholas trees, soil 111 good condition and 10 situated 0115 and 11 quarter 111110s north of WO Village of Brno - arils, en tho main gravel road Thio in ono of tic Sued homestead farms in the County Of Huron and will ha sell at a bargain mid on towns to snit purchaser. Por further par 38/11010 opp1yto the Proprietor, A. Sr, TAYLOR, Manning Arcade, Toronto, 011 t0 ARCHy.3 IBALD TA,O1t, Saoon the j) 112°8, tf- FARaIi 1 FOB SALE IN N 10, Morris, on rensemble 1.001118, 712 order to ohne the affairs of alae oot1,t0 of the late \V, (1, Itiigston, fho oseml3ors offer the fol- lowing valuable lands for sale North half of Lot 00, 001300851011 6,Towneli3, of Morrie 0091213010880 0.0180. On thio lot i0 erected a good frame barnw1th stone fmnn- dation, goad 018310rd, 33011 andpunlp. Noar- 1 pp ads. 126,111015g red, and le 00 fho grave road reloads. mleit.val the VB1ago °S nrealfanciea, Tlrisfnrmgavalstate one, lo well 32000ot and her n goad state of oultivaticl, Pot p)01)10sand 'torms apply to 701013, Itietori,. ilrus0010 P. 0., 1t11N.nr Jr1Ng1N4s, 7153(0ie 111111 2051,0.,0r,rA;ll400Bht1T'12,333arle ,Lodge I', G„ Iti'idlllooex Monte, DI07110N & HAYb (Late with Garrott& HAYS, Code. rich ,) Ilarristera Solicitors, Convereecers, &e. chino -Grant's Blook,Brus8ele. Money Lo Loan, 11. a.11420, 2)'. I1.11101180N. . N TAYLOR, B. 0 L„ Darrleter, Solicitor, &o., of tho firm of Dlokson,109100 & MoCullou gh, Barristers, li011o11ors, Sm.. M ,uulug Arcade, Gang Street )Peet, Toronto. Money to Lama. ALEX. HUNTER, C1er1: of the Pnurth 0101410n 001.1rt. Co, Huron. Couve3aneor, Notary Public, Laud, Loan and Insure nee Agent. Funds invested and to 1,au. Oelleetions made. Oliloe lu Graham'; clock, 0rnss014. 'UDT • 1 EOlUil; IiIi1Ii13Y, t Licensed Auctioneer. Foes o"ndoat- ed on readeru010 terms. Perles nod farm stock suooialty. Orders left at Tics Pon 3' 121111 an ins If"usv , : ru mole, or seats.. 1,0Sa1100. P. 11., will receive prompt knout inn. 'RAY\IANN, A0erione01, 1g always reedy to et. tend mics of forma, farm stook, &0. Terme cheerfully g1v.01. Oranbrook '. i1. 4.1100 11.ay bo 122.1•,130.1 11 11101) Poor 1'423321110g House, ft repaels, BMA £$S CODS. S. ¢i'ClT 1[ ti.toRAOREN, _....^ v 'f • Isen er of Marria e L ,. a 1. g 1t •n_ 1. ,01S. lib: l} 10,3 at Yoel,Yy, raraborry'[gtreu.. Hrn.ru5ls. O't'UNNOR, Tnao) er •,FPiano and 0' ,t', Tering ou on eatine, VAL•1ON 1.0.150 0,.•1,112 ovary Thnrs,lav,5u,l Fri (1.7 nt 31414, It Ca.rP ,u11'e, Walt 00. yg,SISS L-i`,li'IREAVES •8' .)881100 t•' 'Oeeivn 2)21(111) r iu5:a13- tinnole Inc Pia:., and Organ. 111 y0a18 0x1 Cride,0 ''. 110 d4-41,141 wit, '.f • e8,ever Pep -er'a ''rug 020(1', 9 11. \ lir CT, 3 3,. u,,t .r ties 'alt,[' <, door SOU SU of A 'W. ' 1c„ v " o I more. Lad us' tied 111,12• '.'a hair eats. .,tatty am A 010,10.1 ))to2:, : 1, 11111 c -.. .... A11oN Lit, Isomer of MerrIOge L'ceses, by appointment of Lieut,Jiorert r,-'nulmie- stoner, &o, Q.B. c' o'oy,lnrr'r rr agent Pile Ihlsura000 -'. . leo° at 111+ ranhro0k Poet 011100. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, rer81RANOm, FIRE AND MARINE: GUELPH. VETERINARY. 141 W. O'BRIEN, V. 1+. • honor Graduate of the Ou,tarlo Vet- erinary 0011850, in prepared to treat an diseases of domesticated auhuale no smoothie 012,1 approved priholploe, 0111°° -two doors north of bridge, 3urnbprrystreet. TNO D. WARWIOII, V S CP Graduate .1 talo Ontario V0tertne,'y Collage, has opened an °MMao in Brussels and is now prepared to treat all diseases o1 domeetloated animals 4m the latest scientific and approved urineiploe, Calls attended to day or night. O(000 in I, 0, 1Ziebard's Har- r/08d 0h0p, opposite Queen's 11(•1223, Brussels. IVIEDIDAL CAW. NI. F. Ct L 11, ILD., 3) I,,—.. - W tl' Moml.or of the College of Phye,oiens end Surgom,e 01 Ontario by examination. Ofileo autl Residence -Main' street Haat, '111hol,onterio. T A. ItIcNAUGIITOIN, ski, D. ee a 0, nf.'1,.II, u. P„ Edinburgh,1ti, 0. P, S. Ont. AtPoppor'o Drug storfrom a to 111110 a, m. and from 1:0010 411. m, At other hoarn may be found at 310 'madame form- erly oo0uluod byDr. 11 utohhieou Mill et. .DED TALe ettesnalowTeseemar G. renal], 1,. D. S., honor Graduate and M.10, 0.1). 8. Toronto. Vitalised Air given. Office -Merano Beed, SRAvonT11, 2:41515=1:5110,11 1 Sv, J, bear, L. D. S., 0ra11,at0 of Toronto School of Dentistry. All operations guaranteed. raeArtidelal tootle, hest quality, and a guaranteed O1, f0r 4,12.00 per gat. 01805-031,1,8 137,00x, 8931007,1. A}$f�.1V 7t' f 7. 4.4. 1,d.fa11'13'Z15-, Honor (4raduat° or the Royal Co33ogo of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, N1troe Oxide (Sofk administered for the Planless 33stmletion of tenth. 001foo-• Ir?'Ogt 1)0,2) NOn7If or PIN0, lloosi 1p.