HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-4-12, Page 6et. €1. THE BRUSSELS .1. -"OST ) 1 . CiriPailraC at:1.18414 A • • • , e • ' •• ; • • wolI' 1iuk. IU Ital.., 1 et p, jug under his bed. IU Ottiete t I tee te 0 wipe ithop to every severity inhabitunte. Petwriell ("ewer, Fort (leviegten. I. y,, •• v. 11) oo.i killed his wire i,e ass e„t ,xteettAl. Liesz.se Sends men on a legalized hunt to ruin boys. The papers slime that in three Tow leee 0 7, there were ; bend and Wales 87,442,738 e melt: tions for aru.b nicKoi.6 or offeee • arising th; vs tette The eeleoe question is Mug It, hint' sl ell part s of cea', • tie met •ie•Igiilr ;••••te, until sone, deltuite teetnt one 1111 reached one Ivey or the 011,er, 1,Ve le -1 bit the totle of Signer to the LaBelle, bet eend it by ship • made to Indis, Aftica and otter heathen heals. 11 fa itt 14 field f.e. peuctieal pielobiliee by the Defter:0 • tfovernment. • Where is the morel difiereue, eeti 10 4104111 and 1114 ealeen ; the id, ell aril lee lie; tat, ; the lieeits., teed the lieentie ; tee i law and lite putty tweeting it party and the voter thet ewe ei i and for a lletal*e 1)arty ? Dr. Sceptre': Smite, 01 Now Yorie, ; who for the pest four years he. been the Nee York etate couggis I skater in Malley says : "les us., ; alcoholic liquors by the ts °Haug classes is a growing evil es regards the inerease of insatity. The COMMOu 11241000 as a resort of labor hag/lien during henre when they need teat and quiet., is 8 ft eitful sonrce of ineantty." Upon what does ibo enceese of the liquor traffic &pine ? Upon do. leased manhood, degraded woman hood, detreadee childhood It hold. - 15 mortgage over every cradle, ; deed written 111 heart's blood over orery humau life. Haan mothers hear this and remain 8510111 1' Slut!! fathera know this and remeio different. Dr. Talolege bsys Gattitir up the money that the aortal* chteee- have spent for turn during the le.t thirty yeers, aud I v ill bnild f r every err''e negi 15 heuse, nett lay out for him a garden and glut he hi" sans in broadcloth and his (14110 ' Lets in silke, and steed at, los 110111 door a prancing tail M el iiornds beet-, and eecnte into a polies ;el life eb.surance se that, the present home may be *ell u aiutained after lie ls dead. High heaven has heard the plaintive wail, How long, 0 Lord, how long Must this great curse of rum prevail • And right be slave to wrung? How long mu.t we submit to see Intemperance (surge our land, While poverty and misery Go walking hand in hand. "How long most we, on bended knee, Sad -hearted suppliants pray, While traitor's kiss and serpents hiss Our social rights betray ?" les; God has heard, and his own word Is shining forth today. Alsi error's night before the light Ts fleeing fast away. Linired men, with tongue and pen A's pleading loud and strong, To God be praise, or better days Are coming right along. courage then, ye temperance men, Ebel end we soon shall see; Aail everywhere, in earth and air, Raise our great jnbilee. THE CHINESE NATION. Tito Chilies& throne lute been egoe.pioneue for its lack of greet, +Prong, formative minds ; and it is seta tlgtil 111 With feral, eitrerueuy cup adherence to precedente Quit edges the incumbent be a rnau of eutteme ability he fails under the gsylance of his entourage, and al- theugh an absolute despot he roakee little positive impression ou the getternment of his people. The prtsvinees are governed by vieereye deovernors, who, as long 85 they tallow certain minute directions lire. down for them, are at liberty to. nting° affairs es they please. And limier them the mandarins do Life same, In the matter of texation, it the tax gatherers turn over to their superiors their expected quotas, too °eyeful exemination 15 not made iu. to the amounts ever and above those burnt; whic.11 they have extorted from the people and put fete their own pockets. The civil service is honeycombed with corruption. If from no other evidence, this is apparel* trete the fact that officers with utterly inadequate salnriee re tito with empfe fortunes. Man &trite-, int a rule, seldom enter office with large pieseesehme ; and itb its te rtesettuble deduction that the ecialth ellth which they Smooth their declining yore is ill gotten. Oecastoually, the eflielel who hat been DIere i'lleellfthll Itt featheriug his nett than in concealing the fact, exeitss the jealetutlY of hie superiors and tidies.% in coneequence, lingo .Efe, who IWIS toperintebtlent of onotorna, 151 (hieten, prier to leleo, r, ii.10.61 1,1. ee ell l'e•inne ' the •••• ithereeree and inatiequete ete,,000 eel,. ( ee(j0,000,) 'et ..i4 0. .,, 1 i d ., 0 oiteresin ieto numbers. le, nes 1;i i, re 3Y11 ', 2,01'0 l'ei 14 eo110 Ai ,, n tie -oily en, t '; ti ,V 1 ; ttHletettl Set:110 ITS. . • ... • i . 111: 1 -i .........- die 0 1 were soon .1 in hill lie ',i. ,rderi."1, 44 11 ill, ,5,, 1 01' , i, • ; t• ,1•11.; , 11;0 WW1 111.11, ,z. .V, 111 'I:9 Mull; a 118.11 ;. 11111 (1.1 bright, worm day 111 the le- of 1781, and London o 11 ova, whPn 3 bo yt-,trgi itla, 4.0101 long dirk • . •1 two hi" 'leek peel a • 1'111•' for elf kind of 1 !ea sy eye-, (1we() ;dimly , 1 11 mos, ° t '1 In,' great city, his thnughts that on qv, jolts and bumps eneotuverett in pressing •. • . • •1 nee the luterying throng ;• • 'OW 1111 t 1111V,., 118011 thinking of a I • le id etregele of some •, • 044y eed 511t,11 lie el 11,, 11arms in front of bin), .14 Anger ea the 'vile lti peattece hy Suddenly 4 44' hi to a int. trill, ittul 4'.40 111 11 mrkhi 1 ' his • eel 114, e,,1 thrtnit olio of i.; iet • tire emit p tette, ..1 a , 11 , wee just going pet • • 1' 1 y meg •nd ee wipe -4 ?' • 1 to in ,n, • ureing round and • [dui 'Yoll little ritecel, do to wet( tny pocket 111 o . • j {env ?' •,e , want to melt veer 1, .• the bey, staring isbout '1 .1 E „tee ewinsmiiine tee, te . ,,vakened from a dreem. itiot,ic,r canoed the man, 301111 a 0, h04 laugh 'Well, I've hoard . creed °tile 1 18815 of people, bat I've [lever heit,d '11 ktlybo.iy mho:Mug in het,re Yen're either tolling me a lie, ,er "se you meet be (souse.' •I'm out, *teed,' protested the bey. '.I. was thiukieg of that seen swim 30ii4t44 the Elolleep 111'— '41.r, you —eel it seemed t ere ee 0 I was swimming acres., i .,..• 11 it.: 1' «aid On strauger, '013t '11 i • • 4 'f ta seem feud of reading, nie ?' • te , reed tll day long if I 0.)111.(1,' •,,11., he (.4 rho boy, earnestly el,ut . mt, got. a few books, ,sed ve teed to 411 again wed again ' • .V 1,, 11.1 tell you what—I belong • al a lib ry, :Led, if you like, 11) sty • • ot ieset of admiqsion to it 011. ,nunim 4, and thea you can read as much as you please. Her oe ler 11. 1,1; ess, and you Can come for tee liek as soon me you like.' Au t ti ettenger, chine/hag over hi IJI edveuture, went briSely i iltt thiu deg the' he woula live (.0 4,111 5)141,1 bov honored by all Eng 111114 4.4 ine el' her greatest 1i 51, 11114 w.mld tell with pride to all hi3 frieude how he had mice clone a kindness to Samuel •Vayler Coleridge. I, Glees may be oat ender water with groat ease, almost any shape, with a pair of alicare or drollg 50184 Forte Two things are eeeessary to rums's. Firet, the glees inustb.os k I ept quite level in the waw_L ter h sato, ' the scissors aro Applied ; end seeml, to avoid risk, 11 10 better to perform the cutting by taking off small pewee at the corners and along the edges, and to reduce the. ellape gradually to that required. rho softer glasses cut the beat, and the scissors 111104 WA be very sharp. ONE TO LOAN, Prar:1:TE F UN I M.!, • .1 a ht. -4501) 000 b d t ee ,,, • ,0 • 11, • of the members of he goverele . I • oveeteeteill• 5'? ter peel; 1 eh 1 te ; be tit • meat, ••• ;••••••.•• canetste of hem; thee were (.a) fleeting the p ep e. 'Walton; a etroeg, chtv.id en throne to lift 1.10111 ttj, '41 111 goth rinneta they 1113111 p srticipa 0 end ratte .1; el • s tit thee wetve • (o,) 0011-.4 , 14,1 legal 04 eat 11415, j0.4•4,, ale) .161 '1 • 1 51 0011111110 001 a1.. 1 .5", 41 4 al 10 aluidiinalo tl.c co h dt '11 .r •;11..; 1.. ,v 10 vitt 12. ,voo1.15. S11!111,1 1. 'V I.. 04111 51 {.,11-1A1.4,ubj e ihot ,it 3 d oer4t,iS . • b • 1 0, • uot 01-0, 1.441,1 41.1 11.14 i• e fln'guy 51 g • App. ythiog bet er They de ,it as ire to te higher condition With ad 3 .h r subserviAney, to noted -del by ceieurnes 01 bre-elite, i • refleet. ;1 itte degree ef e Hetet '1.1111' elven() .s ,, pa; antal 11/1,1 elVi I autheney e Itiolt L. nu ko...e• it I hi, ene r,, the hay: not tee spirit, eourege nr energy lei lef• up for ituythine; •lt.r dem tbey you" • 4.. The -,aflle look of enhatie ehieli eau giowe moo meekly to suluni• 4" untnerited as • creel fioegi de, with out raisine 11 fi 'g 'r of pr • ee lige.; outraged eopt • 1 • us. elect ;et- of the al '8 puen etreitne •.r ito01100 3.git- oppresel 10 itife, (led 111 the imperi 11 ceesoise Only the meet age,ravate 1 wee, 111•11 rev .140.1 and th • reen ere inceicly treereted. No deubt this conditioo of thing," 111 4410 in u, tare, al 0 414 c to the 1'. euperstitione revere ,.ce 1.1w obit) .sA for on cJuity W 8 illy 1114. po' 14 Ituotov upon i ; they to imitate 1' 12e all 1 011.1b,:a r. everythiug I 4 them. They are te the letd 11 hy .11, lie breakable betide • precedon ; they ere eheteed ts 11 his'e-io.d. ctorp-m. Their goverusieut, tte has beau 13,80113 is (11114e ; their 1 nguage, Withont alphabet, iefiee ion or grammar, ie unwieldy arid unsuitable for a pre greetive literate, ; ;mu ;mad pee- judiee ageieet po,temertein extend ea:he, etilt hinves town in 'gratitude ei. 'Ult.')ny, •he fauetieos .11 the heart, Image, liver and other orgene teethed Lemke to them ; y 111,1,0 ne distinction between yeies end arieriee, 00 nerved awl etteleith By more guesswork they have Id; upon the gall bled ter ee the seat of courage and aesurance, 011111)4, Recordiug to mede n slang, is not so far amiss. Ie mediate igneranee and super ali-oo. prevail. ittbi • lie eminent board et P'!.1.., lo the exercise of its pro found wiedem, lute eanctietied such rCilleate4, as di tel red spotted lizards, ;elk worm moths, tortoise mi4 oyeter ebele, dragoon s teeth, veriligrie, Lor',' gui1, ehaviuge of rinneteros' elephentht ekin, ate. In 11,F1 tree, y, their Citaleean heritage, they have progressed no further than popularly to believe thee the earth te tquere and flat, and OM eclipses 1 ere cauesel by Bowe monster attack - leg th • eun or moon. Their agri cultural methods are of the most primitive Bort. And so it goes, through all their sogialled arts mad Funnier's. They have not the inher eu•t life anti power to break their way out of the 00000n of early super - stater). Although SS 8 station they are forty centimes old, they are yet hi the firet stages of evolution. One of the roost etriking evidences of the Mougolien prejudice agaitaet innovations 1,41 the utter abseuee of re:Dreads In the eountry. A. few years Ivo tome foreigners Bettered the right to build a dozen miles of railroad and operated it for a short time, The 0E111108e viewed it itskames, and ab length purehesed it—nob to run it thameolves, but deliberately te tear it up. .America and China aro • as complete antipodes in this respect as they are geographically. Wo have heir the rare ,e1 mileage of tho world, they neve; and wben one con - sitters the vast ctvilizing influence and the groat potency for progress of a great railroad system, which strings the ends of a country to gether, glees quick comeannicati 411 ittrioug the people, ;molten embame, ;spells twenties far elate:rpm°, tievet• epee community or interest Kati trinket; n nation eiemegemeons, it is evident that laire one finite a greet teeter of the disparity between the Amerman and G truest people. While there are a few toilet; of telegraph, the use of tltis inenns 000erstilnieation is hampered by the nowieldinees of the language (0114 1110 impassibility of expressing it in telegraphic symbols, szeept through I • • J. 11 1. • 11 ellttEel 'Cue 'pang mau who, while he 1.1111108 0118 dollar epee& a dollar •to 1 ere coat is ail the Imre road an.. ,r Si banItreptey or the peni- tentiary. Wells should be ventileted, al the water is thereby eept fresh and free from bad odor. The absorption of air by water renders it pleasanter to toe tast, ;tad purifies it to HOMO ex• !oat; hut the effect is not a very tuatet,•11 ;ow, Pure edde-water (mere properly eaited earbouate witter), whether us ural or mituufaetured, is a power- fui aid to dtgesttenby etztoulating int: stomach, nail ales, probably ey 'tiding to clieeolve the ingridieuts o the food. It is very eppetizing; it corrects acidity 111 the stomach. <weeks the dtepoeition to naueea, and cools the system in febrile cern. paha"; It lemons the desire fur spiriteoue liquors, and is indeed the ideal beVeett e for the water drinker, provided, always, that pure water is used in its preparatinu. Foe S. WELLED Feneo—Polleamera, mail carriere, and ethere whose ere caption heaps them 'eu their feet a great deal, often ars troubled with chafed, sure, and blistered feet, es. pecially 111 extremely hot we taw, no matter how comfortably their shoes meg fit. A powder is used in the German army for sifting into the shoes and stockings of the foot - soldiers, called "Fusstreupulver," and zeusialts o!ti ports salieedie Reid, 10 parte starch, and 87 parts pul. venue"! milestone. It *ape rho • feet'dry, prevents chafing, and rapid. ly heals sore spots. Finely-puleer- reed soapstone alone is very good. , It is well for ue to know that emotions (muse niore unhappiness and crime than any other inseam, ! of the brew. Human beings are governed by their emetiene, and 11 iS Well that they should he, though 11 ie the emotions that wear limey the brain, ancloot honest, irstellec., turd worle, Very few .poople suffer from intellectual work, lt is net intellectual work that nausea nervous dyspepele, bob the emolions—such SS anxiety, fear, sorrow and ilove. Eight hears are sutFicieut for a man . ee ure hie brain, because if he ex. , • cootie that Um be becomes omens and fretful., and au exheueted brew • lo 1511 irrittdile bride, Good 'Words, bin talky lapin bright as the • •.rn. iug. but it will Mid dark ite put" MT from day to day, +del the!, is Ids neektle. Nothing ta 80 indicative of deep eat oulture tte a 50)111011 0,11 Bicieration of the iguerata. A wee who done not know any. thing is pretty eines to tell it the 85 111111110.' 11(1 e, • Economy lame the same effect upon our fortunes as good breeding lire' upon onr eenversatiou. Blessed ie the 1111111 wen, having nothing to eity, ebstaine from giving no wordy evidence of the fact. Sone one should prewar a Bermou on the had taste of pur- eeing good taete toe exelnaively . We need Hui° less than infintty to make us happy, and little more than nothing to make us miserable The waste of the many poor costa the community in the aggre lobe far more than the waste of the few rich. Atnericati Presideut (a few years *nee) : "Where is the army ?" Secretary of War : "Es's gone out rowing in the navy." The theologian cannot afford bo be as iguoraut of philosophy and science 11B a philosopher and seien- twit are ignorant of thoolugy. Never write on a subject with- out first haviug road yourself full ou it, and never read ou a subject 1111 you have thought yourself hungry on it. The phonograph shows that a man's voice has net the same sound lo himeelf that it has to othere, thus finally explaining, why some people persist in singing. It was wittily said by Lord Ches. terfield of the old Duke of New- castle :—"His Grace loses an hour in the morning, and is looking for it all the rest of the day.'' Public opinion te a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion. What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates his fate. "No," said Mr, Oldshell, "I ain't • read none of the sermons of thie • I Robert L. Smear folks to talking about ; but I hear he's agin re. Itgion, and that's euough for me." 41 ot Private Funds havo j us t been placed in my hands for In- vestment AT 7 PER CBNT. Borrowers ean have their loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory, Apply to E. E. WADE, LIMB DISTRICT OF EAST HURON, ereatee. A meting 00 18,, License 0 onunissioners al East limbo will be hold at 5110 Central Hotel, Brussels, Saturday, April 20, '89 .a.t 1.0 O'oloaae xxx,. to bake into consideration 1110 Applications /or Licensee for Idoeite0 Year MO 0110, Hamel] of appltaanta for Licenses not hold- ing License iu nictrict of East Smolt for 18.28 and 1.850 13,0B1Necai, Tavern Lia souse, Cioacteuee, known as the Hausa; orinteTTAN &Levee, for the Central Betel, Brussels, Number Ot Tavern Lieencos Issued Ise 1e03 and 1889,-20. Number of Applications for Tavern Lt. causes for 1890 and 1800,-0, I. It. MILLEN, Bruseele, April 1e5. Issatmeon. EW YORK GROCERY, Take a JAE at the Bargains. Dinner Setsars.1010,.00fo.rmerly sold China Ten, Sets $0.00 to $7.50, formerly sold at $8.00 and $9.00. . Decorated Tea Sets $4.00 to $4.50 formerly sold at $5,00. White Stoneware Sets $2.00, formerly sold at $2:50. 1Chamber Sets, 9 pieces, $2.00. Glassware of all hinds sold at reduced prices. Also a largo quantity of Tea which we will sell at COST. Tea from 121 cents to ---00 cents.- - Call in :ma see the (loods. .T. L. tt4rILTIt7D-V, Now York Grocery, 11120111r111101.10.111,1*"...1031102541.12M1.0=11t41111031=111.21111.41..1 • - TO THE 'POST" PUBLISHING ROUSE —IS 015EPAI101) TO 0E11 Mir — *Route Neatin Expeditiously and at Reasonable Rates. ORDER BILLS EARLY So as to give youNelves Plenty of Time. The Route Published for Two Weeks In THE 'POST' Without Extra Charge. 'Tod" Publishing 1Xouse5 BRUSSELS, ONT. APRIL l2, 1.889. Private Funds to Loan. 32O,OOO Have beeu placed. 111 my halide for investment on real estate, LOWEST KATE OF TE :ET, No Commustoo, Borrowers can have loane eoln- phated ill Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels, S. PLUM General Blacksmith, wishes to intimate to the publlo generally that he does all kinds of Elackinnithing in a Workmanlike Manner, mrdleitogoons,rdr, Bug.gies, Sleighs and Gutters Repairing promptly Executed. I make a Speoieity of Horse -shooing. A. Call Solieited. 158 -Remember the Stand -.Nn 1118 Brio. S. Plum. 24 mOS11,1 TO 1.10,0 Any Arneunt of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 c 6i Per Cent. Yearly. --- Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required.. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels, GOOD IsTEWS TO THE AFFLICTED No family who knows the power of —JAMES HIRST'S-- Pain .Exterminator will be without it in their house. They know it to be a family physician. It is both an internal and external remedy. Pain cannot remain Where it i4; neoperly applied. Thu Lime who have used crutch- es from 2 to 12 years have thrown them away by the use of it. References can be peen that different blind persons have had their sight restored to them by the use of it when the optic nerve 0111,8 not. injured. It is good far indatomatory and chronic) rheumatism, gall atones, neural- gia, toothache, coughs and colds, earache and all other aches and ;mins. 25 (11)0 es. Sold by drugsists and coun- try merehants. Prepared and sold whole- sale by ..Tslanos: tf-Teirect, 35 Park Street, South, Hamilton, Ont. 11133-4or &GA OF TBE catch oUar eVese,),, • , A Splendid Stock of Horse Blan- kets, Halters, Whips, &a., &a., on Hand. Our Collars always Give Satisfaction. lead the Van in giving good value in Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Etc. If you want Et Set Of LIGI1T or HEAVY itUINESS, or if you want Repairing done Call in and Sec Us. H. DENNIS. Call and See - SKENE'S —SPRING STOOK OF — DRESS GOODS Prints, Oingkams, Chambray, Seersuckers, Muslins, Lawns, Embroideries d'1 Laces, Cottons, Oottonados, Tickings, Towellings, and Skirtings, all Cheaper than Ever. have a Full Stock of Fresh Groceries. PURE GOODS A SPECIALTY. sxmi•T-i, 1 man) t...,rou 10d'Agnial 1,811 11%1000; Wr 041.,s.