HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-4-12, Page 4THE BRIT: Si~A-S 1 -'OS' „3.r-+.^..•," Arius, 12, D410. errete recto"irerer ' :`t"'am ; `"-;: etteettit e . 1:;7 T - „ n OODS, ' 'r „ ip ro 3 (�{�.'.'a �F{p"��� t' ,d� O AW Str NREAYIU)E OL V..`,1 4 { A;t • -, "'.=CA , We have bargains to of;;^ the Public in all lines we handle. We still have in mock many Spring and Summer lines that we got in the Bankrupt Stocks we have been handling and will place them before you at Prices no other Merchant need try to touch, CAU'R PaiLLX`l,'''izialr Via. X: lr . , under the management of Miss Maggie Livingston, who is accomplished in all the branches connected with that line and she will show you the most I+ASHIONAI3L E and STYLISH MILLINERY the market can afford on W I7N Vii' DA V, 1 A Y, 5�, r'LI -1 T '?,�,3UR��A� AN-� �A�UR 1� which are the dates of our Spring Millinery Opening tier 1S89. New Advertisements. i ,-'tis--A. VIM. Leery. I , , Buie reale Alton Ia1T. B,taio t rtice--A. W. Panabaker. 1 he• • 1 Kr;irl Ii os, Listowel. i:• . .. 11 - rust peeeee etel ry Comp„and \Ve'1s S CO. le oni of l ulth -- it t t of 111311.1 ; ('u- nlh.liter�•O ens:—A\.Simpsonr¢-Ann. to Crouitors-..ghoriiY Gibbons. lfilliu_ry Opening—W. Nightingale l Co. iinlporinm--Mrs. Tlailurtg0a iY Son..':” 3 i g t. JLIIU J', APRIL 12, 1539. Rote should roue after the outspoken defeat of the Scott Act ? Prohibition, of course. Paeple are heartily sick of the trimming of the two political par- ties on the temperance question as well as other important matters, and unless either party strike something more def. finite the Third Party will wreck them as sure as the 000 shines. There was it tithe when the whole movement of w pol- iticel peaty 'ace worked from the canons bet tl t. d,} le s,.eedily and peop•rly passim; away and the maultood of this country ,., l ti P; it: elf and taking the steed it should have occupied years am. Party More I:rieciplo huts been the rnin- ation of this fair Donunien, and now it le time principle bad its innings, and when this becomes the -tile rather than the exueptiou there will be a rattling among thedry hones. Tris following to the platform- of the Third Party, now the subject of so much discussion : 1. Righteousness and truth in public affairs, as well as in privatebusi,1100, and no compromise with wrong. 2. Equal rights for all creeds, classes and N:.tionalities, but exclusive privileges for none. B Anetioualsentiment, anational liter ature and in all mattere of public policy— our country first. 4 The prompt and absolute prohibition of the liquor traffic, and the honest and the money necessary to ln'i'::< such vclte s to the pills ? Na molly those who favor linen". cud more :lie: neje those wh • are pentlilintt y affected n to :vee Time 1, ge ••• I i who reetted the act as a Kee . , y in are dime - ilea of tenn,terance, • e•ep that should no b • erten, Kiley ,:e mid le lee: to • cover the whole g'tonn.t with a jam-' atncl secure Prohibition. 'there in not meek doubt tint there are curse alive to -day a•td taking part 1,1. public. Ida s who will y"t see a prohibitiu,t nrea,nre on th- statute books of C,ttla3e• and to that cod the efforts of all geed oitiu ,w nhoull be directed. A rasar many people talk about the resolution °oncoming t'.ta re cantle before the Dominion - Parliament, and apparently do not kuow what lir. O'Brien's motion reale/ was. To set this matter at rest we reprint it from the [Iansara, which should be good author- ity. Here it is That ell after the word "That" be left 011E and the fenewingineertee in lion thereof' 'tIr. Snooker do not now leave the CI hair, Mit that it be resolved, that nn humble Ad- dress be presented to IIis 18soellency the Governor•Gcucal, setting forth: 1 That this nonce regards the power of die 11•'e ing the Acte of the Legislative Assembllco of tho Provinces, vested In His Excellency I0 Ccoo- awe 01100 •'ative essential to the t ,,a1uual stonce 01 the D,oit,ina; 11 `hut this ,oat power, while it sbould t v, t' 1 e we.td- ,:'y rsorcised, s:,eul(1 be fearlessly sus. 1'111101 for the protnetlon of rho rights of a minority, fur the prrsr:rvation of too funda- 1 n.:• ural principles o: the Constitution, rad for ertegnariiug the general Interests 01 the People; :1 That in th, opinion of this House tl:a passage bl the Legislature of the Prov- ince of Quebec of the Act intituled 'Au A it roceeeiins the settlement of the Jesuits' p.,..0-0000, 111•eyond the power of that Legi. la are, Firstly, because it endows from public funds a religious organisation, there- by violating the undoubted constitutional principle of the eemplsto separation of Church end State and of the a0eolute equal- ity of all leneminatlens before the law. Secondly, because it recognises the usurpa- tion et a right by a foreign authority. namely, Isis lolinses the Pope of Rome, to demt'hnt his consent was necessary to ou0 evrer tae Provincial Legislature to dis- pose of a portion of the nubile domain. ani' oleo because the Act is made to depend upon the will, and the appropriation oftho grant thereby rondo as subject to the control of the some authority. And thirdly, boeause the endowment of the society of Josue, an Ethel).ct, secret and politico -religions body, the explosion of which from every Chri0ttan community wherein it has hada footing has bce:t rendered necessary by its fataletoot and miseni0voue iutormeddllug with the fuuetions of civil government, is draught with don erto the civil and religious liber - vigorous enforcement of all other laws for Mee of tho nieople of Canada. And -tole the repression o£ vice and intemperauoe, Brute, therefore prays that His Excellency mill t":"meleesly pleased to disallow the5. Retrenohtnent and economy in public' said A expenditure, with the view of reducing _ our enormous national debt, "Tics Berlin Town Couooil at its last B. 'lauhood suffraeo, with an whim- meeting passed et motion to the effect hone' qualification ; that is, a vote to every that 'the oonstableistordng the'town: freeman of legal ago who can read and bell ovory evertus at 0 o'clock, after write. which all children of 15 years and trader t. Th.; extension of the french to Sound on the streets shall he arrested -and loom u dealt with according to law: " '3 An it zetive Sonatc, :new would it do to try such a plan in • J (.til Service reform- - hlrussols? Almost any night you may meet Tin: Cow By-law tint:Mien 11 talked of a score or mor') of boys and girls, aver - very favorably by the most of the towns- aging 0 to 10 years, parading the streets people. 'Very few rows are allowed to until 10 and 11 o'clock. This should Oslo roam the country and loop for their be as they learn mom that is bad is a nmpa:ul with the rule a few years me . l 'l "Itoolilig Cf 010 hind titan 500 as pe ple find it more advantageous tr ' he r. rent rig -Ir.. uc. l.y moue: of • to secure i:�.sture and know whore theirin l ;:tion a, h i ono o' at ',choral Par este.; are without .Contin;; the country. unto mast torah be a:. 10011 in this great The nn•:r , .loon to ,tams, shad0 trees, lent hc.y tine they v _.1 Marna no 0101 bat Yee t e 13-31l ' n' ; I m many 0f ih t ,hes if their e•i.ihiren "graduate'° th u R i h t nl.ard than at •t1ly a r` lmest- any night at :uny(t n 1•. are t ur th;utncnts for .the, Jr of. t dalvati , i ley buret:hs the p000001101 the 1 ;:1 a t. Then there mai 1"3 1t 1100001 y nun str:s, boloag- tre rlu.-,r of peoplewhowould improve ing to reepecteble • families in town, enol their lawns and gardens by doing away those young gaffers ato throwing stoups, with Lieh fences and g, morn into the yelling; liko wild Indians or using impor- eractioe of something neat and tasty if tincnt language—if notlaiug worec—to cattle were prohibited from running at passersby. It would boa good idea if large. This law is already on the "eta- the above resolution wore passed for then tate book" of Grey Township so that the Council could undertake to do what the cry of it putting burden on the poor is left undone by more than one parent man is without weight. Reeve Graham. 10 Bruseels. The boys and girls who are is very enthusiastic of the matter and will in their homes before 0 p. in. usually no doubt have a majority of the Council turn out 100 par cent. hotter than the Board with bine street gadders. Aa exchange voices our sentiments on. the recent Scott Act elections:—rhe public were not altogether unprepared for the vote adverse to the Scott Aot as recorded on Thursday of last week. , Without a special knowledge of the local , circumstances it in of course out of the ! question to attempt to analyze figures and give reasons peculiar to each locality leading to the result, and so detailed die. section of the sebjoct must llo loft till fuller details aro at hand. There wore many reasons why defeat should attoud the efforts of those Who were fighting re. peal, and not the least of these was the composition of the voters' lists.- In tho natural Connie of events many have °hanged their places of rovideneo since the lists were compiled, Who would be interested in looking after and advancing Can tediet rn. IN e'svice - Lueknow is to have a brass band of fourteen instruments, The Kinloss spring show of horses will b2o 118he4,ld in Lnoknow On Tueeday, April It is now reported that Albert Wilson, the mn,deror, escaped into the States by way of Sarnia, Tbo Montreal Cote Exchange Associ- I ation has declared against the dosing of I the renals on Sunday. The village sounoil of Tiverton pur- 1 ponce preventing the use of tiro crackers ; within the corporation, This Iona schools and clntrobes have , again boon closed by the of the Chair- man of the hoard of health, though for ' what reason remains yet to bo seen. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred on Revs. W. T. McMullen, of ,• Woodstock, ntncleratnr of -the General Assembly and D. II,Fletcher, of 'Ilamil. ten, by Knox C olleee,'rorointo, 17, 18, A _1--) 2 0, Winnipeg talks of a Imbibe park. Brockville wltl spend 2100,000 on a drainage system. Ilamiltou's second pair of punning engines is imi ted, The Aletnons of h 3 1.eah•.rl tortes aro agitating fur the or„ -in. , tarn of a Grand Lodge. D. W. Beadle, of St. Catharine% a re- liable authority, iltidnth, I,aa 1;,.3:n00:1 in his vicinity nearly all Billed, Bev. George C ithbertson, of \\ , r-enng has been. olectea m 0:'erattor of the r tee- Uyterian Synoal of Hamilton ttnrl tem - don. Champion creme n Searle will -tart from Australia for England 0n. )rty 4th and will challenge Oelounor and '.1'eeiner to rote on the Thames. A Dawn township num has married off six daughters in 18 mouths and. has three promised ones left. Some joker sent the Brantford alder - mon each n new cigar box filled ,vith sawdust. However, the n.ldermoa smelt e. rat mud refused to open the box. Ruben Wilson (colored) caused a small panic at a coucortin Toronto on Saturday by shouting "Readhead 1" "Fire 1' at one of the performers. Els fun cost him $20 fine and costs. :leo. Law, of Druml•o, has instructed Messrs. Harley et Sweet, barristere, of Brantford, to begin a suit against the G. T.11. for damage-, for the death of his wife and grand -daughter ,at the recent accident at Paris. Miss. J. Carson, M. D., of Strrthroy, daughter of School Iusneetor Carron of 'West 1\Iiddlesex, has been awarded the fined prize by the faculty of the Women's Medical College, Toronto. She obtained upwards of 8a per sent, of the total number of marks. Two \Vindsor'edicennen wont to South Colchester on Wednesday to arrest Isaac Moulder, "the terror• of the:tlouuty." Tho officers °aught sight of their man but he escaped after trying to shoot them. His brother John furnished hien a horse to escape with, and John is now in jail for obstructing an officer. A fox chase took plane in the vioinity of Alorpeth ono day last week. A pertain fancily was aroused by a great noise among the hens, .and to their surprise they saw two large foxes. Tho obese', began between throe young ladies. They succeeded in -killing one in the barn. yard, while the other stood a chase of a mild and a half before he fell their victim. They were armed with a fork, o stone and a club. Angus Boll has been clerk of Sunni - dale tocenaltip for nearly 40 y vers. A branch of the Dominion livangeli• cal Alliene, tete boor formed -at St. T'h•hn'ts, !lr(ur f o l file (1,o1 PankA u bylaw fixiee the (li -ie. 1 1,11.1e. fu: the second 111181 in Ann t The mein line of the \.elluml Can:,l branch May 1st fur the 001 cn The by l tteem; i, apal 51,r,(10 f ®IjL crud site for .t l;ri.;e ,:uli .:ac voted 0.1 at Ml=a Craig; Tuesday, a ud carried by 100 to 1. Thos. Crawford hurl .Ionto Scott have bought •2,800 head offatcattie from Walker ti Sow, Walkerville. Tho cattle will be exportol in May acct June. Ilie Lordship Bishop 'Walsh, of Lon- don, tho Toronto World is inforined on undo 'lite(' authority, has been appoint xl to the Archdiocese of Toronto, The official announcement will be imide in a few clays. -Rev. 11. Herr, lata t e ,taut gminitttee of St. James' church, tltratford, 1008 made the recipient of a purse of gold on Wednesday evening by the congregation previous to leaving for his new field of work at Ingersoll. Rumors are afloat le certain quarters that the C.P.R. authorities are thinking of opening negotiations with the M.C.R. for the purchase of the St. Clair branch end extending it to St. Thome e, ceos0105 tho ravine just uortb of the M.C.1.1., and connecting with their present liue a little smith of the Air Lino to in ;. A now depot is in be built as ,at.i central as pussilde. At the nomination emoting held at Wonclotorli last T1iitr dry evening to fill , the vieneey caused by the death of the lath Jonathan Mardi), the ft Ili wieg were nominated candidate.: Warren Totten, moved by John rIead, vctxnuia,d ey L. herr; John J. Hall, moved by 11. W. 1 Paw toll, seconded by I1. Tovell ; James S. Scarff, moved by Henry West, second- od by George Philpot. The voting will l take place on. Friday of next week. Quito a sensation tae been caused in f Peterboro' by the alleged elopement of i Alfred E. Curter, organist of the 80.: Andrew's°httroh, with Miss Annie Gra• ham, ono of the leading singers of St. 'Andrew's choir. Carter is a married man and has one child, a little girl five years of age, and was formerly organist of St. James Cathedral, Toronto. Miss Graham is a seamstress, about 10 or 20 years of ago ; is. of a quiet disposition. 3RL;SSELS e/ / ./ ze vy ./ f. i&•ileQf2� ./ (:-i OUTS•. MILLINERY OPENING WILL 'PANE --PLACE ON— /' r l: iI 1'r - r1 tr,' F��1!<r;'af, 1 cf' if ..•' , ,.fit. , when we 1111 81.10w, 101±110111 cxeeption,thr. most Elaborate and Largest Stock of tbo newest Millinery crer shown in Brussels. It's not nec- essary for us to treat the Laclios to a, lot of tal- ly about Our Milliner, we only wish to state that MISS GREEN, who has been with ns so Many seasons, again takes charge of our Mill- inery Department and wo are confident the good taste she has always displayed will be ful- ly appreciated by the Ladies generally through the Coining Season. Wo hope every Lady who possibly can come to do so on our. Open- ing Days. We charge nothing for looking. F. C. ROGERS, Brussels, April 4, '139, Undcrsi_ue(1 desire to intimate to the Public generally that they have Removed to the rick Fleck Opp. ' , Nightingale 86 Ch's Store; ---and are prepared to Pay the--• L'.. gaseder Maezet Price, 5 C l q for any Quantity of ffrresh, ii 'Sys. Cr EV Ea Z7 `tie^' Com. C L3. IT 1- `\: rs,, Ballantyne & Son. .L LS E1u/)o?"L'1lJ1l. 01 TY DRY 1tJ(I STORE FOR i3ASFE1,S. You ,'oc respmttUlly asked to read this Circular, aatil -it is hoped you will become interested in. its contents : HE signature at the foot is the name of a - Firm who Slave a large Dry Go"ds Busi- ness Mille City of Stratford and they in- tend opening a B1rANoII ST01ut,:IN BRussELs under the Management of 1111581'11. John Ferguson and George Halliday, two young men well-known to 31031 ail. On TUESAAY, .APRIL 9t11,- they intend to throw open the doors of their establishment_ and to make their bow to the community. tTheir Address \Yi11 be TEE POSTOFFICE BLOCH(. They come with the determination to so par-• Chase, select, display and sell their goods that their Store shall become a Great Attraction, ttnd a noted place of resort, especially to the ladies. They feel they aro In a positicnl t i bring this about. Because they have Nought their go„cls for - Cash, and will sell their Goods for Cash, there- by saving the purchaser from twenty to ;fifty per emit.; Because they are not only Ileri:'ncl:•1 Dry - (:foods Men, but aro also Expt _ nc.r_1 City 1'ry. Goods Men, being quite "tit Houle” in all tato branches caul fully alive to all the regnirrul0Lio of the trade; :Because they make the regtl;A3H(•nt; of the • trade a study es well as a business; Because, -not only aro they e 11 •acquainted with the handling of l\Ierehaiuiise, but they arc equally well acquainted with the :Buying and Selecting of Goods, possessing a 'Thorough Knowledge of the markets, and bring conver- sant with tho prevailing Styles and the ruling Fashions of the day ; Because they are Practical Mon in all the various departments of a First -Class, Well. Equipped Dry .Goods Business ; Because they don't intend to snake the Casio Purchaser pay for the looses incurred by bad debts; Because they -are conducting a Successful Business in a city with keen competition. • With compliments. to the ladies of Brussels and vicinity they would ask thein to accept this intimation that their presence at the New Store in the Postoffico Block on Tuesday. next, April 9th, and following (lay8 will be much. appre- ciated. We are, Yours rely .aspen'/Rill;>l, SCANT (c FERGUSON, F11110138011 (C HA1,LItDAY, Managers.