HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-4-12, Page 3ArmL, 12, 1880, 1 HE BRUSSELS POST c,, it,0,7=7,v.r.g.:74-,,,,,,:p7nrrnSVITtorilym175.wwrirt.frOlon,771-,mnOr,•=3,971r7XMcr.thattlIMMItIVIR19110111=4=11=MMIVXMontgrAtWOZaTOMPOSIE=MrierOtelt-7.-.'.7=1.,====.7,=-.=,......,..4cortaNar.44ra.;4;417.,Tazw:::;m,not-exma OCtr9 TWO OF A KIND. They met upon un ocean trip, Seemed drawn to one another, Of all the folks upon the ship, Mout united to each other. They sailed across the ocean blue, Aud it wag pleasant weather; Tho days paesed briAlitly for the two, They were drawn much together. They sat upon the after sleek, Enjoyed the rocking motion ; The fleeting hours they'd little reek While speeding 'cross the ocean. For to her ho seemed all in all, And he seemed hor's forever ; TIWR8 wondered oft what would befall, When fate these hearts should sever. Andatill they cooed, and sighed and mailed Aargau the briny ocean. And that they e're could be prevailed To part none had a notion. At 1114, across the mean wide, They reached the point of parting; Ile looked so sad and softly sighed; With her the tears seemed starting. The hour at last arrived to part, He said in tones of sorrow; hope it will not break your heart, ltly wife meets me to -morrow." Said she forgive the little shook Caused by what I'm imparting; I meet my husband on the dock, And so you'd beat be starting. A BARREL OE WHISKEY. A drayman rolled forth, from bis cart to the street A red-headed barrel, well.bound and complete ; And 00 11 red letters, like. forked tongues of flame, Emblazoned the grade, number, quality and fame, Of this world.renowned whiskey from eomebody'e still, Who arrested the grain on the way to the mill. So there stood the barrel delivered, but I Could see that a shadow was hovering nigh - A. sulphurous aluntow, that grew as I gazed, To the form of 1ffephisbo. Though sere. ly amazed, I ventured to question this imp of the realm Where Vice is the pilot, with Crime at the helm, And Raked him politely his mission to 11111110, And if be was licensed to retail the sane Identical barrel of whiskey, which he Wee fetidly surveying, with demon -like glee. Oh I never handle the stuff," he replied. 'My partner's good morals are trusted and tried.; t1ayhap, peradventure, you might wish to look At the invoice complete -I will read' from this book, You will find that the barrel contains something more Than forty-two gallons of whiskey galore.' And ere I oould slip but another word in, lEe checked it off gaily, this cargo of sin ; "A barrel of boadaehes, of heartaches, of WON, A bsrrel of curses, a barrel of blows I A. barrel of tears from it world-weary wife ; A. barrel of sorrow, a barrel of strife ; A barrel of trouble by evil beset, A. barrel of all unavailing regret; A. barrel of crime and barrel of pain ; A barrel of hopes ever blasted and vain. A barrel of fal,ehood, a barrel of odes That fall from the maniac's lips ere he dies ; A barrel of poison -of this nearly fell - That shatters the nerves -makes the intellect dull. A barrel of poverty, ruin and blight ; A barrel of terrors that grow with the night ; A. barrel of hunger, a barrel of grcans, A barrel of orphans' most pitiful moans ; A barrel of serpents that hies as they pass From the bond on the liquor that glows iu the glees My berrel I Iny treasure 1 I bid thee farewell - Micah sow the foul seed that is reaped down in hell." TRUE TO BROTHER SPEAR. can't decide why Brothel! Spear Was never joined to ma: it wagn't become the good'old Dear Hadn't every (Mance to be ; • 11 Poetry remarked one time That Woinanhood is true, It's more than probable that I'm The one it had in view; For Beare: tho city low and high, And no one will you hear To say or hint but what that I Was true to Brother Spear. 11, I mothered all his daughters when Their mother's life out iihort, Although they didn't -now or then. bo much as thank inc for't ; laughed -though scorched with Weide rage - Ana said I didn't care, When hie young son, of speultiable ago, Removed my surplus hair 1 1 celled and called and called them; why Be neer woe in seemed queer; The bongo -maid even owned that Was trim to brother Spear. 111. T hired a sitting le the ahurch Near hirn, but eornerwise, So bis emotions I could search With my devoted eyes 1.And when Moo sermon used to play On love divine and free, f 'loaded him, as if to clay, "Hag bitting you and Inc 1" He went and took another Mpow- othoutiand tongee"itt fear int whet Pen WAS 1110 be time To gond old Mother Solar 1 In. Poor mewl t recollect be spoke, One large. prayennieetilig .totti 3100)' 80116111 01 we ati look In neaven'a majoatio night ; He Not worthy he ha 1 been sly eonseleeco o'er attained - To be a door -beeper within The temple of the Lord ; And theit his plan, for evermore, 011d011btorlly 1t tear, Was mainly haelt behind the door -- Poor humbie St -ether kpear I iAnd then I rose, end made a spool), 13rimful of oottlaietre•Lt, And told atom bow overdo could not rotten My own unworthinees; Iluw orphanage I tried to soothe, And cheerless svidowhoed But in the Lord's great hone, in truth, I too felt ler from good, And that my trembling heart and mind Compelled it ton appear That my place henceforth was bohiod The door, with Brother Spear. Poor maul he ne'er again, they say, Was heard to strongly speak; Ilo took doyen ill that very day, And died within a week. But one prayer oft they heard him give - That when hie days were o'er, I still upon this earth might live A thousand years or more. As his betrothed I figure now, And shed the frequent tear ; And all hie relatives will vow I'm true to Brother Spear. WE KNOW NMI WELL. We know Lim well. He is a man Built on the stupendous plan, Mashed of health and strong of limb, A hero bold and warrior grim, To those who know him not may be - At home he's helpless as a baby. Be lets his tired little wife, • Who strangely loves him as her life, Wait on him with devotion rare, While with a most complacent air And perfect ease before the blaze he Lolls around -because he's lazy. His wife, afraid to own her sonl, Chops the weed and lugs the coal, Draws the water, shovels snow, While he a giant, sees her grow More delicate, and less admired, Doing his worls--beeause he's tired, Shame on this semblance of a man, Siloam ou the woman, too, who can, So avoid or female si unk and sense, Coddle a manual so immense And good for nothing, spanking, maybe, By real men might help the baby. Washington Letter. (Frnut our Regular Correspyntlent.) WnionNOTotr, Mum:11,22,ms. There has b. en to great and mer - Lapse mord t I °Ilium curiosity upon the part of the public to woo and to make the ocquairtmece et the lion. John Wanaboaker, the Pootinaster Goner al. Tho immente business winch Mr. Watuttnaker oontinels in Pinta delphia aud hie many roots of tome. voleoce have made it great many people, irrespective of party, anxious to learn all about him. In fact, they aro interested in hie movements and iu his future. I chanced to he al the Postollice Department the other day when the new Postmaster Creuers.1 enteitd !lie room. He in - pressed mo at 01100 Afi 0 busineoe man. The room was well filled with Congressmen and friends of office seekers. '114ere was 1.10 WitSbtl of titno. Mr. Wanatnelrer evidently viatica ovary ointment. Uo has not the leisure for ouovi•ntinuali,iso or the exelienge of compliimouts. He gave 0 corded shake of the haul as eaell gentleman approached, asked how be (timid :servo into, ebbe r made o 01010 Of iequested :11 At CIO proper inquire slitond be filed, 0111 thee paeoed 011 10 the in st hot.. Ity nos quiek, dooluive invite of /onion no item then half ton hour all lliege present heal had au and iems,. nal triter tions considered, T.ot stome itt oho Postotfuse Doper:nom is so exteltolvs and 00 far-reaching 'chat itt.Y ,V0 any idea of the enorwou torntoutt of work, evewith able toseiritaittt, that devolves upou the PUSLIOAnter (jell mt. Only Ot0l 11 matt with the moti, systematic: intone tunl the meet ro bust health ix competent to grapple sucoestsfully with the w Jre. The late Mr. Howe, who was Postmaster Geneval under Geo. Arthur, usoke himself down and died bernoote il the eovero steam to which its was subjected. lie used to say tnat Ile thought that he had triale when Senator from Wieconsin, but he never realized that loto ils etime• of a but den 0,11111 he became Potitmarter Getierol ; that tho Im portunttiat of tho u seekiug plauee and the eolution of the thoinetud and one questions presorted woe enough to try any maille patience 8111.1 break down his health. Mr. Ilowo woe R honer, hovrever, and accustomed to take things quietly, free from all "hustle wort hustle." kir, \Vaun,. maker to to merchant, and a great one. Heir oceustomoil1,0 noise and vexations of deversified character, loud he will no doubt oonduct the Poetollice Depart Men L 00 calmly ani prosperously as he did hit mammoth establishment in lint "Oily of Broth- erly Love." Olio night host WWI, 48 1 looked tet the White Home, bathed in the bright moonlight, I stood for to oldie gazing and thought what an old OMB it WI.1,44 and bow in talented in Ilia. requirement:I of modern lite. There is really something poottetioItt itt ro..11101'144011i0 retnerk Ittell ;the melt posaession, that elle hai given rap 4 1101110 that 1110 ty.)‘11•Joali err ana that bad but five. Just think .4 it. TI111 Pri•e.i•knit, of 111.1 o rith.ry t, 1,10, 0141,! itt It 'bit' Witt be -tiler of more than eixty millions of people, has to live itt lotti-o that hue not to aulfieient number DI eloopiog aportinen to to ! otonfortably actentionodato his family. ! loud a here 110 01011110t It1V1A11 a guest to stay all night without dislodgiug H.,11.1,119dy 1110 lout Or We motet is the: the Preoldont has no house. Ho simply sleeps with his family at his effuse, food is no better provided for loan the well to do tradesman • itt> livet over his store. AN DO Fleecy, he has none. The hone° is upon uoarly all the timo to any ono who °home to outer, and the gotha tind vantialn are always on heed, %retelling an opportunity to clip the ince enrtaitni or ie 00.1110 tnirrep tomoly mite ouvetod cede. Tee sewerage is bad, turo appointments %retched, and allegeher it is no place fot the family of the Preoident of the Uoited Siatea• Every President who has occupied it has known tbit, but, ilitubt less through delicacy, none has called the attention of Congress to tee matter oflioially. President Harrieon regards tho selection of the Publio Printer as one of the most vital queations that hs -ill be celled upon to decade. He wild only a few eveuings ago that it was a Redone matter to ap• poiut a man to tho head of the largest printing establishment tho world In the proper diecharge ..1 t•he defies pertaining thereto a man had to poseese extraordinary qualificatious, and the selection for this pouitiou has given him more .rouble than all the tet of the offi- ces put together. Ho has gone carefully over the claims of each oaudirlate, loud has listened patiently to all dint hats 14,00 SSW .in their favor by delega• ti011H, and also to Senators and lie- presentotives who have culled in bo - nen of the different candidates. But he delays action for Jahn.° de. velopernents Ten Good ThIngni To Knell% 1 That milk which is trornel or changed may be swot:tamed and rendered fit for use again by stir- ring in it littlo Bede,. 2. That salt will curdle new ailblo hence, in preparing milk porridge, gravies, e.e., the salt should not be added until the dish is prepared. 3 That fresh mita., after be gins:deg to sour, will sweeten if placed out of doors in the cool of • eight. 4. That. clear boiling water will rentove tea males and many flint steins. That ripe ternotoo4 'wtil re 'woe hilt fond other stains from itt cl.ttit; also from tiro hands. That to tql31001)1001111 of me pentine boiled with white clothes will aid in the whitening procets. 7 Thor, hailed starch is mouth Improved by the addition of a home sperm tilt or gum arable distolved 8. That beeswax cud salt will motto misty flat irnns 105 clear and a. smooth As glass. Tie a lump of wax in a rag nen keen fur 111" purpose, When the irons are hot, lab them first with tho wax-rog, 00011t. With a paper or cloth sprinkled with sett. O. That blue oiutment and keno sone Intrad in equal portiona and applieil to bedsteads it an nn bedbug remedy, tot to cent of white- wash is for tint walk of to log house. 10. That kerosene will soften ohoos that have been hardened by water, and render them as pliable as new. Household Hints. Washing torionthiug irons in dish water, after washing your. skillete, will make them smooth and prevent rusting. If you f ihryour c;othes as you talto thorn from the line, they will iron much earner. Your (supper wash boiler, if well robbed with a cloth dipped itt coal oil, will bo olean and uright. You • can siefeep 0 cope, inuoli cleaner oweepinl orosswite of the width. If you want to keep .your heuee free of moths, never put down your carpets till tho floor is thoroughly dry. 'float to keep your bed° iline pure and 401010811rue, open your be" to air the first thiug in themorning. untiring up unbleeelletd,ounalin, allow OLIO 1,1011 tel the. Vita ree skirl !thane, Ono putt snob bo tom 110014 lard rendered together ie much hooter for frying purposes that all lard. To have good coffee your coffee pot 1111134 bo bright and cluttit inside, tine a little Amy in wenn 01thing moth obis will prevent it breaking to pieces) whee • Dip lith into honing ovatoe end the tondos will moue off easily, To prevent tho smolt of paint put o 11Alldrill of bitty itt to bookot ot wote,r, :ma Ilitit tooti in the res 111 Study to make the warmed-over dishoe deeiderlty more than itt' ordinary Imehes. .t.: xpioa boiled ui fetv til o0.1.41, I and quiceiy dried, enc., er terteo 10 ntioAntiti,k01,70.aolintiemi,nr.,,tr,i)troluer,,arbblfen.iato Salm mixed with the metier in cool] flowers' are placed will keep them fresh for two weeks Egg shells ornelted tttlit small trite and shaken well in decanters throe parts filled with call Water, will not only clean them thoroughly, butnowill make the gla-ti look like w, In severs proxytim 3 in aougl•ing, either in coughs, oolds or cousump. tiveo, one or two tableopoeutuls of pure glycerine in pure whiskey, or rich, hot cream will toff nil immedi- ate rehab To remora iron MS1 Of ink Ap0:13, moisten the 'mots and apply salts of lemon until they dirappear, and then rinse well. 1Jalte of lemon aro made of equal parts of oxalic acid and tertaric Raid. Another may is to moisten with lemon jinn, sprinkle well with salt and lay in the suu. Ti, 00ro a felon, fill a tumbler with equal parts of fine salt and ice, mix. well. Sink the finger in the centre and allow it to retnain until it is nearly frozen and numb, then with- draw it, and when seuentiou is ro etored ream the operation four or fire times, when it will be foetid the disease is destroyed. This must be done before pus is formel. 1 Mr. Pongfill, of btu! IL 111111111t1 of Polish laborera witting ! • tont on hi- boron, two k r 0110:3 1111101 m the village. ,A fox, tamed by hunger, upproaolied them, and they fed 11 1 oivorit days frill it tilUir 11:1`61 itt th0O411 1 itt', or colts,. iceepiug 10 respeotehls th$ 11,011 WOW. Fthilly alt. lO1,11 tit 1i0iut they said capture the fox, and accord ingly sat 14 trap, Baynard ap prom:lied the trap, eyed the bait, walked around it one way. walketl around it the ubhcr, svtI ktall anima it for half ton 'noir, then trotted of -T, got a stick in its limed), put this itt the trap, ep rtiug the trap and then tote the belt. The men were so tickled with its euteneos that they let the animel go 4.:Igtssudittas Newts. Port Dover hotel licenses are $200 this year. There are 57 potionta in the Guelph hospital. The O.P.Iiwill erect a $16,000 depot. at Windsor. A, German weekly paper ie to be ironed itt Winnipeg. Tho village of Becton has not it single resident minister. ,boat 125 men are emp'oye.1 on the Saroiu side of the river innv en the twine' work A Toronto firtn ou Friday receiv- ed a parcel of diamond., worth $50, 000, from Paris. Montreal brills of less thol week loos applied far o VArrztOt I tr her husband f,or non alpst. A Germse t'iuultt 1 to noc.t-.... fully developing some valuable icon mines in Darling townohip, Out. Mist Stopheneun, the principal of the Brantford delimit, who whipped the janitor, pail 0 lino of $2 and costs. Will. Lee, clothier, Qoebee, hue received the ptiminien contract for clothing for all clothing from the Atlantic, to the Pacific. Tue largest horse in the worldps uow 011 exhibition it Cube t) lie was raised in Ohitigue nty, Out., le five yens old and weighs 2760 !be, A brisk trade la hoitog certied on at I.11(3 spruce gnat butinete, one menthe:It of that town, it is said, having poirenased. $1,000 worth for shipmeot. Sandford Flonnieg, of 0..t.twa, wh is 611 01:10111,44060 promoter of the 24 hour time system, has jot.i rd. oeived intitnanott teat it hot bee t adopted on the Chineoe railwoys. A party syudicats itt _Brunod went county, comp ,sed of fanner,. , has lost Neveral thouvond donate by eefueing to 'Sell the gram at 78 cents por bushel, and now letting itgo 101 64 emits, A seusational breoult of proud et ease ht Napautte 11.IS been tAtto 1, but a Weetbrolre f moor, away np in year., is Mug 41110,1 for $8,000 for trifling with the affecciont .,3 to young Rumen of teuder pears. Wolves attacked tho home of Oatit. bnu's agout, .Dourley, of &nitro Francs, Ont., recently, and drove it to the depot, while Dourley and a companion were hut/footing some loge. The fur coat of ouo of the men pulled out of the cutter, was partial ly devoured by wolves, On Sunday night of last wsolc it young man named Thomas Sparl ing working in the einmoy at flosk. ingluttn received a card stating dost his brother was ilyi(14. HO at once etarted to go notate and walked too distance, over a huldred miles, i ota day toed to night ; but arrived too late. Sone wonderful examples Or drawing by yowl girls living in the intorior,, near Lill000t, 13 , and who have never had so Int1011 011 a lobsou, worn shown to a Vaneou. ver reporter a few days ago. They woro brought down by A.. H. Catn. moon frits et otos that tho Misses 1-Valid:ism' refl.:owl to NINO a tat - mai gift far drawing. Mr. Watkur • eon settled in Lill000t in 1858, and hit cttulkbtmt hare 'all been brought 110 en tits hint f rttt, which, by pot, saveranoo hard work, he has made for Itinieelf. The children have never been net of the &atria, 11 appeara, end do nut know What a railway t rein it like. They mare sol', themselves with winelt , they the ram and mit drawing-, are iltselintal toe' Tate VOTE 100,11 treEssoc, If you ever know ti bar -room reclaim a drunkard. If ton ever knew a bar•room improve ux'ryoualitY If. ever know a bar -room aid a Sunday School. It you over know a ber•rooln ui aux. Wary to a °hands. If you ever knew a hat, -room help Go: ;o°11e fill'vee'r know a bar -room save a "Bilt.it remember the denunciation against him who puts the bottle to his neighbor's lips, and he who votes for license is in One same oondemnation. Perseverance ie not a bad substitute for a teacher in acquiring skill. UE WOULDN'T KNOW, A bustling, bney, rosy.eheeked, bright - haired daughter of Erin one day entered the library of a gentleman iu Liverpool, in whose establiehment she was house. maid, holding between her thumb and finger a letter, which she bold at jarm's length, as if she had it gunpowder plot in her hand. In answer to his enquires as to her business, she said, "An' it plase yer houcir. Paddy O'Reilly, -and a better than him doesn't brattle in ould Ireland -hoe been writing of mo 10 letter - a love letter plase your honor, an -an-" He guessed at her embarrassment, and offered to relieve it by reading the letter. Still she hesitated, while sbe twisted a bit of raw cotton in her fingers. 'Shure,' she reeumod, au' that's what I want 1 but it isn't gentlemen like yersolf that would be knowing the secrets between tis; and so" -here she twisted the cotton nervonsly-"If it'll plasm yer honor, while ye'ro reading, so that yer may not read it yourself, yell jiet put this bit of cotton in yor ears, and stop up yer hear- ing, and thin tho seeret'll be unknown to yer l" Tho gentleman, of course, hadn't the heart to refuse her, and with the greatest gravity, complied with her re- quest. Here is a list of Johns ; let the world watoh it: John Wyokliffe, John Rogers, John Knox, John Hampden, John Bunyan, John Howard, John Wesley, John Bright-Hamilten Spsetater. 14.11P.MIC.PRESCLORIXISCIMEMMWAIRTIT L 11 44,,401,1 4-1u r.ort) 11 01 Iboti It THE COOKS BEST FRIEND Money to Loan Money to Loan on 1"arm Pro- perty, at LOWEST RATE&, PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUNDS DICKSON & HAYS. Solicitors, Brussels, Ont. PHOTOS. TINTYPES, • 'Voir • 50 • ectitet. All Work from the Smollest to Life Alzo done leaIlmtmlom manner. of Itessidenem, Ete., itt Itennonable W. J. Fairfield. Brilliant! Durable ! Economical! Diamond Dyes excel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are just as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors. To be sure of success, use only the DIAMOND DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant them to color more goods, pack- age for package, than any other dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors, Ask for the Diamond and take no other. A Dress Dyed ) FOR A Coat Colored t, Garments Renewed J CENTS. A Child can use them! At Druggiets and Metchatils. Dye Book free. WELLS, RICHARDSON & Montreal. P. Q. NOTICE TO THR PUBLIC., Tho Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public that they have formed a co-partnorship, under tho Firm name of Tunaball & Zaliantyne, and are new conducting the Stove and Tinware Bnsidess formerly owned by HAYCIAOPT & TURNBULL. Our nim will bo to please those favoring tts with patronage. GIVM US A OA. 1-11-1 their and ascertain aur Prices. TURNBULL 4. al.LLIN TY NE. jos, BALLANTThiI. tete ETHEL ./AS. TURNBULL. GRIST AN FL LP MILLS. The undersigned lianing completed the change from the stone to the celebrate -a Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the UM in First -Class Running Order and will be glad to sec all his old customers and es many now onos fig possible. Pio= and. :Food, Always on, End. 1.14,1iest Priv pail for any quaniilY of G00(1 Grain. • WM. IVIILINR,