The Brussels Post, 1889-4-12, Page 21` THE EI- USSELS POST e0,TS1,•a.00 '1 vr—o-,a,.--,,- .-s,'•n^.t+xrFss*.'^,-.tsar,1,t ^s�ca,'�uR"^:'rlttcs..:.^.9'. I Not without its drawb+;Cke --the It witsK+ti. � i•1 'A thing of b 'tee- melte it ealufet table fur hint where d9 � to{1 .1,;.111 1 ty is a a jay forever.' , he at with 1+ mom ga;1-t the . li, ,`. ,.t. al's wh:I1104111101•:a 6011,0 know To 111; too we. owe t"file Parasite(' well, nod :Jo , 0111,1.01! 10 wait till ',It 51 16.1. 1':Iwtal they , u ht. {l.tua Gtil011 elreet to e utrt, ce to the luoule Ito leaded heck centontedle, and It eppeared t" leim ', Iv a moment, later el,. n re was shaken by the shoulder nod SG • 0 )rdetto wanted to know 141101 Le was l iug tlu-re' It stn 1,30:;.; i. ;lit; 1.1ho amen er Ixplain(1 the eittt:tttou, nud Ehou the two went nowurtnirs, The dour wee open and the lower rooms had been plundered artistically. Whether tits- berg:ere had teat iu t"ndod Its os'.0 tlp•s:11 I 11 at all, , r tt elm donated 1;y the auucyance of eteppillg over it sleeping humurtet, will (lever b" 1ss''wll. So the affair petted intohis;;'ry-reerely au lard - dent 111 the entails of 1t quiet neigh• bur hood. Alowinnn Cannon.--Satuatn c,l, 11 man 111„1 0.;,o j '° Sunday School 111:301 in. Rev. John Ross, 13. .1,., p,i•3rn1 $tcox Carmen.- Sabbath Sluices at 11 a.in, and 0:30 p.m Sunday bebuol 01'9:30 p.nt, he..D. Patti ie, Al .i.. pato: - 1.100 t1ttu10 fur t:,lej'ha,ito umeeIt es, ;'r. JeIlx'a (:nimel(—Sabbath Services A, man anuses 1110 maiden 61)00011 at D. un, and 7 ] .m. Sunday Sehoo011lUbl tit `Palen 1101{B 0. yelw11g gl:l tl1 lnnl`r5' 0:30• a.m. Ley, 'W T. C.lnff, incumbent lsTl•:rltuissin Cnll011 Sabbath Services him. at 10:30 a.m. and Seto p. m. Su1d'sy A. pain euutrdily located ratty School at at 2:30 pan. Rev. M. Swami, double It mnu, 0:14 111110 naturally pastor, inerea09 his sighs. RovA� CA•ruoz,tc eltrncu.--Sabbathfiol, vice third Sunday in ;'very month, at 11. Isu't it peweexlCal that 1:20 a.m. Rev, P. J. Shea, priest. o'clock is past 1, while 1:30 o'clock BAM,VATIONF1.nnT.^.�. BrV1e08 at 7 and 11 is only, half pa -sed 2 a.m., 3 and o'clock p.m. on Sunday and Loos is blind, they say. 13ufuro every evening is the weep at s o'clock, at the barrack. Capt, Dean in command. marriage he oertaiuly !s, earl after One FELLOWS' LODE every 'Thursday marriage ho needs to be. evening, in Graham's block. It is a very unfortunate thing for MASONIC in Ga Tuesday at or before the poets tl1 tt the best tow e n fu71 min oon, Garfield bleak. rhyme for Ca Id i; stupid. A. O. P.M', LOnnll on first and third e 1 Monday evenings of each month. The lazy mail digs ouly a small FonEsm1ns' Lonxa 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month, in Smale's hall• L. 0. L. let Monday in every month, in Orange Dail. Pen 0rvloo.—Oiiice hours from r; a.m. to 7:30 Lm. ME(nto cs Is ells i. Reading Boom•ver,11 011,(4.1 Of b!i11:11sr; e, r,+ r m and Library, ],: Moline.' block, will be ur I'd `' ant•nlpt observer,: uG,3 stw open from 0 10 I• 0'0( k 1111 p. t \r; edns days 1' and Saturdays. 111.s idloulo Shaw, la. 31111 the 1 1 , nt 1111 :a brarian ' L im is lees i revet," .,11:1 Biterams; W. ta R TT. hold mouthy 11111 t 1.1, er sulctuuly. Su is a+,\ meetioe on the Z11.4 Saturday in each lhtnthing1'his the, yeti 1113.. said the month, at 11 o'clock pan. Mrs. Swann, n w ne1 'Ott 1 01' Said :lie- teachPres. ors. A. St t elan, Seo y. l TOWN Cocxelr.. Uobt Graham, Reeve; er ; Von may lose auytllln;; 01.45 D. Strachan, J. M. McIntosh, Wm. Stew- ,1,;,t, i" 1 it tt'4ain.' 'Then '10111'1 art and R'at. .33nlcv. Councillor• P. u„t ' ',1111 tin• Hess h.,y. S. Scot'. cleric; Thos. belly, 'Treasurer ; Litt Vallib : 'What does yetis• D. Stewart, As.essor, and Jae. T. Ross, Collector. 13oattlmeet, tho let areaday papa du ?' Little Dot : '11y pap,, in each month. Is 11 horse doctor.' 'I better not Senoo6Deania utFletober chairmen), .p1(1y wish you' I'm afraid you II. Dennis, A. Hunter; J. Hargreaves, J. don't boloug to our est.' Why, what does your pupa do ?"late paint is 1t vot'r;nary surgeon.' An elder sister, who was talking to a small brother tate other day about tbo evil:+ of using slang, happened shortly ltftet•ws•rd to u, 1 Cm word "dictator." "You should nut say Dick Teeer," .itl:t the little pucker, "you sheet(' r..y lilollaia Potato." 'YOU are (10111 , !10 country, 11313 yen not, 'u'?' s'ti l 0 dal,tly young. book seller to e 11am11y diees'1d Quaker %nu had given tom mane to ul1e. '1Iere'13 1114 (50),ty ,,n the e ta0 ,f 00:000.' 5 , 10 1101._ ;it'd .:;t ' ..,'d b'di.er pre• to shy 0101 her.' Ciera : '1i .w's 1•. dautab 0(11111' all, Itastus 2' 16:116106 : 'He yaint no bultab, Clon, an' lie had to call hi 0 braider physician.' Clem 'Wily don't he enr0 histelf 2' Bas- tes . tEeee doctors is jai like odder 1'ullt:0s : w'e11 dey's 1(301{ ds•y's got ter hob a pbysiciau, and ;e'en dey ain't sleds ,ley can euro dereselveto' A. story is told of tt South Ameri- can Institut who was sent by a mis- slui,ary to a friend with a note and lour loaves of bread. He ate a beef 1111 the way, end was greatly amszud to find that rho note told of itis theft. Not long after ho was cont itgniu with a note and four loaves, and in order to keep the note tram discoveriug his theft be sat on it while he was eating a loaf. when to say ltei;h. of fo, lti," ".l l �lerno,:t '•f swoontier than came women, mud .he and '3lujting melantlluly and hat» 111.011 after hilt: ever :duce. tu1nnstl'uel( madu. ss " Tolephraso is announced stn Lila The post Campbell Wand that "Corliin3) art' 1 ' 01st thein ehadowe before," neat "Tie d1.t mei 'lends enchantment to the 0)0'0 " cellist under bis hou.gi because matt needs but little here below. A. gt:lss$ eye 11116• outs cumpea Btttlntt•-os01•rb'sdy Call soil 1111011:;11 the tlelioe if the 11(111:01• 111U't. J. Denman and Jas. Buyers; Sec.-Treas., 417. 11. Moss. Meetings lstl+riday even - ng iu saob month. run= Smoot. Tu1cinns.—Jno. Shaw, Principal, Miss Richardson, Miss li ambly, Miss Abraham and Miss Taylor. Balm) of HEALTH. --Reeve Graham, Clerk Scott, Jno. Wynn, A. Stewart and .1. G. Skene. Dr. Holmes, Medical Health Officer. bitbre 's Orzracr. A Cl;:'I'i 31EIi. ••1 .; s ::'u 1', 31:4 1 ill'', wit 11 I wan" - 1 f t, t Cl.:':. in elle 11ft s. .11s:7 011;'1 1119 clet'i, "1•'11, ;, s ac,ma3ti tl na 'P' • hely " seal 11.0 Indy 1 ieke,1 tip 11,`r liaaei-bug :1:11 tv.tilted oWit;i, 101116 tt e0f"1 11 •,'ar,t "1 1(1111., al thenen :Le sea :woman hull iiee, 01l0,51113 her law`s ls,r 11.13 4111 hour. and I3atl sakoa down Lon atter box for her exanlieal.ien "Weil, 11s1,m," said ,1 tisane 111 inn clerk, as ,ne e•1,10111etr 1)11.3 :1 :.n' of hearill;G, "Is 1'd hoos) le your place I'd given the limey ul.l 'sing n snub ; bothering t." i..eg and 1,.,1 buying atter all I" "I wish the liad bought," (mid Helen, "bat as any rate 131.1 toy duty." "Duly 2 yes, and very likely oma a black hart: bum lbs doer walker for not 111(10113 n hole. 1 .1et0.t r:baptn-:a I" "1311. lnut's,61 silky she may buy 60111'.111111'4. Who ku':.va ? S. 1 An Eastern potentate once asked tried so be polite 1, her though it a ;group of his courtiers which they does 0'0111 1 o h..d fn spool' so thought the groatoot man—himself much slide stud sell nothing." or his father. At fir,tt 11e could "Yee ; 41153 it shows so en your Viers uo •reply to 6o dangerous a books," answered her oompaui')n. question. At Met a wily old courtier Y.'u tnlaht 1.:, have smut her off said : 'You(' father, sir ; for, though 101,,; see, Yon uaglrhave said tw3 yon arts equal to your father in all or three oastomers, for we 11051 other respects, in this he is superior quite , rush .Ino while." to yon—that he had a greater eon A reek later the wattle 13.13' Caine than any you Have.' He W1113 pre• anntu 10 the Lace counter, .1101 de muted on the spat. oliuil.g to be tet ved by 01111 411' other clerks, wailed several minutes who Hold It. lar Helen to get through with an I)aan Swift is nretlltsd wit11'13rsad other customer. Then she asked ,filo staff 01 life,' to see laces again, Helen was etis - 10utive and courteous ; the customer alio proposes, but God disposes,' made n small purclntse ltncl stunt remarked Thomas A'ICempie. out Franklin ds autllm•ityi0r'God Helps '°15.111 again by Madame Fuesi, those who help tttelusolvee•' Itis an obuorvation of'I'hos.South- aro that 'Pity's altdn to love.' 'All cry and no wool' 15 stn expres- sion found in Butler's 'Hudibras,' We are indebted to Colley 01bber, not to Sbeaheepenre, for 'Richard is himself again.' Edward Ooolt, the English jurist, was of the opinion that 'A man's house is his castle,' 'Whoa Greek joins Greek then came the tug of war' was written by Nathaniel Lee in 1002. Edward Young tolls us 'Death loves a shining mark,' and 'A fool at 40 is a foul indeed: 'Variety ]s the spice of life,' and 'Not much the tvoi'ee for wear' were coined by Cowper. Chas. Pinckney gave the patriotic sentiment, 'Millions for defence, but not ono cent for tribute.' �asietiiera< '01 the two evils have chosen the least,' and ' Cho end must lustily may stn oil healon 1110 eating() floor, the meads' are from Matthew Prior. The youth and fair.taoed Innis; Christopher Marlowe ave forth "Tuns night and dark -•be naked her ler 1 & A knob the 1 U01111001 NO Often repented by 71008 ?" stud cue of the other clerks, laughing. "Not quite," smiled Helen; "and I hope 6ho'11 001136 again." Within a few days she did Obme again, this time bringing a friend with her and to Helen's great satisfaction both of them bought liberally. When they had gone the floor• walker came to Helen and said : "You've done well, That lady dressed 00 plainly was Dirs. 13—. She's immensely rich, and awfully fussy. Her patronage will be worth a good deal to the store. The saperinteu3cilt shall bear how well you got on with het'." Patience and politeness had their reward, and it is to bo hoped that the other 010rlre learned a lesson. AGM 00' AV1'11.'-4 A. "halo live, 800 ye0rs. A sheep lives lit years. A eat livers 15 years. A tortoise lives 100 years. A. lion hues 20 v:•.tr», A camel live. 40 years A boar lives 20 years. A dot! lives 14 pare. A .quirrsl lives 8 years. An elephant lives 400 years. Au or lives 25 years. A 191110ea pig lives 7 years. A 11'1.415 Itve+'25 ytear» i'1'ttal n Girl altoutd Learn. \V11a6 a a:i:1 'lu'uld learn, as 0,4 f r b u;: elle Spr1.:ili0ld Union : 10 ?I, '1 11.,7... '1',) nt0ud. T” b gowdl... 'lovalue time To dress mostly. To steep a Beuren. Tu ba -elf reliu:,t. '11., avoid idl,•ue•-. '1'o mind the baby. To darn stockings. '1'o respect old age. To make good bread, To keep tt house tidy. To control her temper. To be above gossiping. 'lo matte a home happy. To take caro of the sick. To humor tt cross old man. To marry a man for hie worth. To be a helpmate to et husband. '1'o lake plenty of active exercise. To read ipme books beside novels. To Bee a mouse without 80ream- 111g. To he haat neer w1 mid fleet foot- ed. To woo 'hoe( ;bst ,1rr:1'3 cram? the 1101. T, he n wutu ntiV w:ein:ol a ,net •tri 1...11'11111+t.001". Carl l'retxet'n P0sltosoplly. Pim tie vas :t di:unuud, and aloe vas a centm0u oferyday satude. Dot's besser you keep your tem. per. Don'd ofeu lot 1t feller Know dot you got one. Der odds vas seine to one in favor of dor efory day Christian against der Sunday feller. Yoost oil your chointi m!d platudy exercise nud you would been a great succeed for ebprynoss. Iu dor grate one feller vas yoost so goot as bis nabor. In dot blares, dhere vas no distinctiff oast. It vas pooty goot to Chair yell of u cauao dot vas goof by its wonself, and beneficialness to manktnclt. Religious brineiples vill make more hairs of Siamese dwine iu a day as nadure cood done in a life. timoe. Der girl dot will shoving on a profi! gate, I got me uo use' for dot girl, efeu if her Pedder own a prow: Cry. 8heutl1 110 firtne don't' gob any impediments in its laugwageo. It dou'd got a hair lips. It shpokes to efery heart, orad dot hanrt always howl( vot it says. litnrilette And The Burglars. e •'jI' Il 1L' 11:1' SoVeitlen 4i Jewelry. Bright silver .,,buggaue 1000101y sleet 311 naaoh tends. A lour io.11i 3,:111: onld o : CIOU11-' ,bat the 106,1 ;u .e mutt ..ettil0 a- a Ilea pi rt. Au ons l'r so,'!e,. u» formiel ofova, ❑r ou'Eencs 1141 tuj 1.1119. by 6111''Ii gold (hike. Gold writ" knots with ,111100(1,i Centers ore 3radlially nnplllau,in.g 1lin ball '.trriug. :Botch buss:+ iu the form of uiolcle busts of Harrieon stud Ilut'tuu are (fleeting with favor. Small lunch baskets, reproduc. d in bronze, are a late addition w desk furniture. Two broad scr0(10, surmounted by n diamond, -go to muse ti very a. tractive scarf pin. Branches or holly, accurately re- produced iu enamel, are still 111 vogue 718 111'0Uehe:1. 01±3111111 116 111 ';cal'fpin 13 an imi- tation street latop with an emerald 1 substitntiu3) the flame. J(' ['1010(13. :1:,i:egl.:shad pra,itiate 100,000 10'3;:1-, ,1111 only :boot 5,000 tare ha.01 r 1 na orally. 1,' artificial 511Th( 4, 3)33,000 t1•. u , : dully hatched. (l; lie 318 swans en the Thames 178 belong to the Cotten, 91 to the 1 yiiuer's Cumpauy ami 71 to the Dyers' Cumpauy. 'There is a. regular keepe):. A mushroom desclibc'd by a ph3'steien. of Perth/el, Ore., its having spitting up in a stogie night uear his doorstep, meaaurod 24 iu011es jn eu'cumference and weigh- ed LI pounds. The cherry wood cradle du which Dire. Huth hull, of Willingforct, 03., was rooked when a baby has been made into a cofu for that good lady, who at 74 ye'trs depth knocked a little way off. Aluminum is coming into use as a material for dental plates. It 1s light, bee neither odor nor taste, is not affected by food or the secretions of the mouth and costs abort one- ei1lle 418 1)311011 as silver. A story is told of how Burdotte, the humorist, after marrying 0guinet the will of his sweetheart's stern father, visited that gentleman and, with his wife on cue arm and a shotgun in the hollow of the other, seoared peace with honor. There is a story of another exploit with a shotgun by Dir. 13urdette which is authenticated by his own admission. Burglars were numerous ju 'Burl ingtan•at one time when the clever writer was engaged on the Hawk• syo, and a number of houses near his own had been raided. Natural. ly, under the circumstances, Mr, )3urdett° slept lightly, and so, when a slight noise was made one night at a window an.tho ground floor he was awakened. Mr. and DJ:rs. Burdetto occupied a room in tho second story, and Burdett° rose from his bed quietly, without die• turbing his wife, stepped to a win- dow, and discovered two mon at work cutliug the slate in the shudder of a window opening on a porch below. It was just the opportunity he had been awaiting. Ile had always wanted to kill it burglar anyhow. Ile felt confident the robbers, after entering the hoose, would come up stairs, and gutting his shotgun he eat down placidly at the toll of the :stain to await (11010. Ilo 300111d slay them with 11 "rbc''-rnnlat 1(0)00rno,"says elle, 1,i.y brothers in a it. ss p111111e way : I (10(131'0 d 1(3ges of �btiekehot just, will this strdete n,t make : , �'11milldtako"afenk lot that rvllnahIle , 1/we Metio Dr. :Jolljusontbototlgin o "A good (•d lougandapatiently with the gun hater," and to 51clutosh, iu 1701, Ile1Oae his Wiest hilt 110 could Hoar the phrase, often attributed to Haw no furan. r 00iso, rtttd the burglars dolpb : "Wise ,still masterly Mae- did not appear. It lvae (6 drowsy' ti 't " sort of tltg1l,'just warm .enough to A hely novel has !01513' been pub. (felled in enisod.lettars for the neo of the blind. It is said to evoke 0. great deal or feeling. IDo rinlereel by the Tarns eniestion. Stephen Philpot, a dark gentle. man, who, at owe time, was the most prominent ferryman ors Bayou do 1101011 e, MI5 appointed by the 0013 Hill Conference to call upon tlio Governor of Diissiseippi ltnd 410003• tam a few facts iu relation to free trade, 'Now, gub'nor,' said the old fel- low, its ho covered up a spittoon with Lie hat, 'ghat 1131 it all mean, 110. 1(0,1 ?' 'It simply means a revision of the tariff.' 'Whitt is de tariff, gub'uer?' 'Why, it is the fluty which the Govsrumeut imposes °poll certain articles which people of other 138.- 010ns send hors.' 'What sotto' articles ?' '011, almost everything.' 'Wall—er, does we need dam ar- ticles 2' 'Yes.' 'An' we charges dem folks fur fetchin' us what w0 needs 2' 'Yes.' 'Wharfo' ?' 'Because it protects our own people By paying more for sonata of those articles sett help mon at home, who, by means of the tariff, are euablod to sell their wares ata higher price,' 'But, look yar, who pays dot high- er price ?"You do.' 'Wall, tow, who hops mo dal er way ? Does you know o' anybody dat is payin' mo' fur er artilile less ter he'p me ?' 'No, I can't say that Ido.' 'Pen why is I 'spooled to pay Ino' den or thing is 011th ?' 'To keep tip our industries.' 'What is de inclestrioe doiit' fur de mural 2' 'Why, they keep the prices up, it is said.' 'On things plat w0 buy or things ,106 am soli ?' 'On thing that tvo buy, I believe.' 'Wall, now, look yarn. I'ee 471188 off don I wits re' I crone up yaro. 1'I!e11 you de 0111. t dean belobo uo roan utl'aretnn's die Marne bloom.' --_Arltausaw 'Traveller, vl y. ::semern7,.rr', .. , _... ,.. aF 7;;;.w x cc•. ,p.PRiL 12, 18r•9, 5''res01*. C .:;4 1to atea .iS !air;."„`.-`n..E1 'lea.°taisamersza;r :l<".A Bog' to ,Announce that th2e r STAi.'Ll.'' - &S.ND - FA. CiY - DRY - Is now Coming Rapidly forward arra in a Great many Lines Complete. r >T1.1<1 VALUE in Cottons, Cottonades :tltcl Cotton Shirtiugs. These liu0 were bought before the advance in prices and w" nru- po4n Yo give our Customers the benefits. N1+1\\' 1)111;51 G00DS and the latest nnveltia in tl'ilSlmiug8 to match, S01IJ3T}1!Ntl NEW for Spr'iitg Mantles and Tuckey. SUITS made to order. Gents' furnishings. • Tho newest styles in the market in Gents' FELT and FUR HATS. A MAGNIFICENT stock of Cooper & Smith's BOOTS AND SHOES. i f 1�' '� ' ale Bazaar Pattems. Thanking our numerous Customers for past favors: and soliciting a continuance of the same, beg to say that 100 Shall c+,;le:tvr,l tri servo you even better than in the past. FAITHFULLY YOU % 84 - Strachan Bros. nalmissaissuassassiaseseis We, the undersigned, call the Attention of the Public to the fact that we have put in some NEW MACHINERY and are now able to do better Work than has been done In the past and as good, if not better, than most AWLS IN THE PROVINCE. We will endeavor, to the best of our ability' to Please all Customers and fill all Orders at Sh ortest Notice. Those Parties having WOOL would do well to give us a call before going elsewhere. We have a fine Asosrtrnent of S1Llmyd!>69i nnllNG9 FLANNELS 9 TWEE:0$, am, BATT- GOODS ADE - TO -. OBER. Hoping you will favor t.' f with a Call, We are, Yours 'Truly, G: O. HOWE Oo.. •F.1Ff`USSE l..S,