HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-4-12, Page 1Volum 16.
C'aM eterterete'xzenes =oetere, mixed with them by t veral parties. I
thou withdrew I I II0t the wises or
Temperance, nun the cull r R. . Mr. Ross oe Me.
many of my Mende on threw grounds
Tlergrenves wnu rl t•nnsent to be a taut
To Uhn ludikorof'lhrm Pose.didate. 11y with witwal d1,8 not stop ten
DEAll Stn. —IU lo now nearly a tear introduction of politicise as the p rty
sines. the Scott Aot was defeated and w" utoler nud by whom 115. Gilpin was ruts,
got the °evoke Aot, and wo 0.11 look b..olt i0eae,, privet- lye -a ,311001 r asking the
and see how it has worked, and .'hlnh is Conservative patty to vote the straight
the bettor Aut. One method formerly tice,0, giving the nem., of their )quell-
ad0pt01l was th011nvloti n 1, Since the ,1 .toe for both elections, though openly
Crooke net starret 1 Vilma 0110 1011uw1l.; 111• y kation • d tha11,00.111111:011 of p,ditfc,.
is the reoord: 2licssed hotel keepers for I will now finish by saying I do not wish
selling on pollin day and. 1. to,. genlbting, to lee eleote I bewails.. I Km a Reformer,
and 3 convictions for nnlicen cid 11011000 ; but •.00an81 I will do its I have in the
none for any other offence, yet they are .east, d0 1ny best w upholding a goad
a dozen others, such as selling to persons end efficient Halloo) and Ali as Tittle met
forbidden, selling after hours, on Sunday, ee pos0lble. I am wafted we new have
Y as good a sedum' as theca is in the count
to tninurs, in hog. quantltioe, disorderly y
horses, keeping',liuds on windows, tem 8011 the be t staff of teachers aver in
Now, when we oonsidor Mutt thele nee 2(1 Brussels. I am opposes to acting 0 01.
licensed hotels in East Huron, what con- tra• y ,o the ochnel law or to running
olilsi0u 0.,e we 21) drew unleee Lhat the wheel five floes un poi !lee. I do not oath
Crooks Act i0 a emcees, :s if ant of these: what tiro teaeherei politics 10, nor to what
men were in the 11,01,1 of deity nipi wo •k soot 111• oror•l tbny tray 11;10.14, so long a
ly breaking the Act, as was the case be- ,hey are goad citizens, gond and efficient
fore, there should be more 00nviotiowe teachers and team, aoteeding to law.
but there tiro not, therefore the o-dy unu• Trusti•.g t se ratepayers will do, es they
elusion is that it is a 011000}03 and thee have •. heap] Ileret0f') a Anne—Nett me—
ths law is observed. The duties of the as 1 commis see yon An personally and
Inspector are strict and if acted up to, explain my views. 1 a,p,
the law must bo a success, sod I think Respectfully yours,
be can proudly look to the .record of c n Bemmels, a pril 8, '89. F. S. Some.
vietlone as proof that he has done leis. (Norm es Einem—We are in hearty
duty, that wo are better 1100. than before sympathy with the wry err 0011001 a Ia1rs
and that ho has earned his salary. The have been condnated, quite agree
municipalities now get a good revenue with Mr. Scott as to the excellency of
and wo pay no mire for salaries end a our staff of teachers, Ste., and still hold
great deal less for lawyers and law costs, the views we did et last 010011on, slut,
There is also less perjury. Each alone owing to the 0 000 vote, Mr. Gilpin being
ipality gets the beueflt of Its own linen les ons 5 ‘0. 014 behind yfr. Hargreaves, the
and the hotel accommodation is better, still hold to our opinion expressed Ia•G
or ought to bo, as it is on, of the duties week. I•larl there beet) 50 of a majority,
of the Inspector to 1 ok after this, and 20, err even 10, it would alter the case
ae there are no complaints he must be considerably, bet, as i' was, the changing
doing so. As I wee formerly au • tdeu of 'd ,otos woulcL have 1leeteel Mr. Gilpi.i,
admirer of the 0r0.110 Act I may be conseq,tently we don't see where there is
looking too meth on the briullt side of anything Dither very unreasonable or im-
the picture, and if so I would like to hear just about our proposition. We are quite
the views of the 10ott Ant admirers. satio5ied, oweeer, to leave the deciding
Yours, Rm., of the question to the electors.]
Brussels, April 8th. OM -SCOTT A0rr.
IVI '%l'`Ar°'`+ANBRU`'^bEL`', ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1889•
4 eeseitertei'(re. :'+r%leer lel .13o0I. tees.
It may be
Law', but it
not Justice.;. The regular monthly mooting of the
School Bo11•d w114 held Inert Friday oven -
To the editor of Tue. ('04T. lug, Mea,: ars presort —Tho0. Fletcher
bairnutlll, Alex. Hunter, Jos. Boyers,
Deem Sm.—Would you allow mo a ( `
small space in year interesting petiole H. Dennis and J. J. Donn .n.
As I was 111 one of he 11,11018 last weep I 31i11nte8 of (1041 `1,^er aid "pacial meet.
sew the. proper y of Itieh•tri Hi::j tate 1' reed
aby ills Humor, seconded by H.
a14001)ired for sale by auutton.
very sorry and surprised wh n I read it, Dennis that Mr Beam's excuse for past
for I think it is too bad to rub an 11011eet year for non.attendance of obild the se.
men of his home, and I know Mr. fling. ,hired number of deem be accepted,
o rebt
buttop trim strictly lie est and etrltight• wil comply with the law
for forward in all his dealings. I have been ye tr.---0t ried. H.
acquainted with hint and 111,1 family
Io18 dib yt13. B yerhw , oondeonby o
a number of years. I Move 11tH
enquiries about his trope!° end find it is paid:
the same old story, when a mat, is c down T. PO •pop, H. blanks: • ., ..01 00
keep him down• About a year ago Mr.
H1ng8tonraised some =nay o:1his place The sem of 910 was received from Mr.
for a number of ye ares, expeotnlg, of ,haw for non 1eei lent fees.
course, to redeem it when due. bind -Ie School otaattenllance for March, 18:4 :
took the money and bought outelm ml R •I, .. 11 47 53 G4 71- 270
nose in %Vingh•ut, which meted d, fail.
ern. Ile is n man of his word anti telcos Average • ld s9 ''12 88 7 :4.1 . ' 45
every man's word fu, truth, and by doing
this ho tree altogether deceived in the No. on Moll 270 257 '272 203 265 206 274
busin000. 1 and that the fir - :1 mortgage average ..214dlet)
on,'20 191 215 212 204
is. not due, but he gave a second to theBoard
parties he bought from for about 93011 ---_„---
anrl that is what thoy are selling his , DoTn.1111 11 :Parliament.
home tor. Now, 1 think there ou,ht to
be Gana cling done to protect a pow mat Sir leiuherd Cartes fight obtained a
when he is not able to front at hie trade.rutnru 0110. 80113 (4181011, 01.01' things the
IIc has had a run of hard tacit. For livetotal host o£ ail pub!'1 bedding" 0100101
y,.+rs befolu ht• left mei
(els lie luui in tho Dominion sic 1 • Confederation.
31,t11ihttbut 1 %IUI ass auci death in hie The totals arm we eel p""onriu1. They
fatuity, wbic11 put him in deet, end nolo, aro :--,Nova Sootia, 1:45.1,100 ; Prince
'1 ,n e he has fill 11, everybody hal Oise.; Edward Island, 4229,847 ; New Brune-
i, imehin„ bile through for it, and tai+ wick, 01,,10.220 ; tvlaeon, 52,720,088 ;
hill left elm without a dotter. I ace all Outa:le, 91,877,088 ; IX,nttoha, 0881,-
Bland nus bores, that lie lead 1e t 043 ; Northwest Territories, 91,040,7 9 ,
winter, expecting to earn r1 11living3with British Columbia, 9483,781, High 0om-
this Spring, have been talent away0o , 01 8si0110r'8 London house. 543,702.
snore of his friends . It is too bat. N 1 Quito opportunely, in oonjnnotion with
nothe fool oo a dfo' 111m lazy man we could the discussion of the bill to amend th.,
curry fur a to but he de of tr aka 0001 Franchise Aot, there came down a
htam. Twoulddha to seesomehi one taken return showing that the 0xp0nse of the
forbe the baud 11 help him -through nets for the last general eleotion reached
for the sante of h. ]oto fetor, the much the neat sum of 0414,921.76, with Kt
stoop to o. mean
action, who would 264.49 of claim still sinsettled, while the
non ereil to ds. a mto i ilslv and hie preparation of the second voters' lists
honoree] mother, who is still ie. living. has already climbed to 986,313.01,
- Westfield, Ape it 8. • A 1 sisal'' Messrs. Colby and Hall as yet remain
23011001 Board Vacancy. the favorites fox the vacant sant in the
To the router of 008 0010. It is said that that Rufus Popo will be
Sm,—In last week's Pose you have em the Conservative oandideto for the
negate in which Son arrive et a oon- vacancy in Campton County oreatod by
elusion which I do' not think is either the death of his father.
reesonablo or just. I can agree with you A number of Manitobans aro seeking
in wishing to save the expense of an incorporation as the Ontario Mining Co,
election, but nob the luothod yeti pro- (limited,) for general mining pnrpo808,
pose to prevent anel80tion, and ospeoially with headquarters at Winnipeg.
when we oonsidor the manner the last There will bo 24 v(1oantitee for cadets
eleotion was ran and from ono of rho can. in the Royal Military College next term,
dirintes, if the position vett then Molt was Tito examivationa for cadetships will
right, the one now talion must bo wrong. tnk0 piaci& lu Tune, and all applications
You say that Mr. Gilpin should got it for permission to be examined must bo
because 110 was next to Mr. Hatgreaves. in the hands of the Adjutant.Genera.l
Now; everyone ]mows that at last elretioti before May 15.
we had two parties in the field, one eon. An order in council has boon passed
olio actions of the Boned and extendingrho time for homesteading in
yet realised
001130 wonderful 111117(10, nut the railway bolt in British Columbia
yet taking 811 cid or site side. 'W tam killer to the 1st January! 1801, and inerea8ing
she op pas, aWe know the price of has ;n the bolt, 88111,11 are
the result was, that two opposite,
ono view and ono the dppgadte, ping cold'Gioneof gettlonnenb, 1fram 92.50 to
oses without
our Ito conk
poal y for two yours but views 1 ' ' er cote.
poral yon would oa e t rho ctdr too 95P gg
ratepayers auci make the elected throe of To late Hmn. John Henry One-half left
too side and none a the other, just. l I an oetatpI this WW1 11tcas11 at0idthe balance in bank
think is nodular red bboa number nor 7 or rate- stook and stools in the Paton Nlanufa0tur-
have boon th before
and a 1100of
•s both before slime Mr. Har• ing Comlrany, of Sherbrooke. t Most i 1
• s resignation, to bo a candidate tho money invested in banll sf which
have aolisontettaril am nota in tho the Eastelzl Tatvnships Bi atinoor locators
field to bo lit, un or defeated1011(r ns the rate. Dir. Popo WW1 uni;il his death, IIIc was
payers ram foie unless an arrangement is
one 01 tbo foand a nnd0rs and a director of the
made byMr. onoholdingthewavea
ted b Mr. Ilargr&Hues by acclamation. Patois Manufacturing alma nnaiiifmcta'Tt
ca y
Roos is I will a113 place t0 Rev. Mr, is ono 0 the Ia((8 to eolultry. By his
Moss, Dr. e selected,
or yourself., sof, ne wit concerns ie
to the endow.
anyonesupporting i also solootgd, but not a one inen8tfund of St Peter's church, Cook.
n rortm the other ),rorty. I have it in in igli oo11001 at Cook -
to mtrodttoiug politics shire ; 95,000 to the Til„
always 1 d oleoti000 anti. would shire, and 02,000 to the hospital at Sheet
to been Boat ants are 10108(1'
ap. a candidate nt, the annual brmgllo. home old sety
home been 001
tion only that I tnollght 1 might bored in Mr, Pope's is ilort to Ills.
and the
aloe Y ,property ). than clam is altvnys ncagmpaniad by a
assist in s} out mg niciv l eloot10110 by balance of bin 1. ' 1. y baso cull s 0r those ln'hlonples yea
retiring as our municipal elecitdcus (1r0 wideyyv, his' son, Itufus Pope, and hits g
run on polities and as juiy name wee dengptorn Mre, W. B, flee.
A Column oaths Jaauitt;
Last wook' ,'1,30130 of Grip says :
Oun 5111:1 180 l,mtn1ute, -- The debate
neon Cot. s'Brl1•n'8 mn1e0n in. favor of
the disallowance of the Jesuits' Eetate8
1311l, of (vueb c, came to an end in Per -
'lenient on Thursday night, when the
vote was taken, end an oxaob dozen of
men stood up to bo counted with the gal-
lant member for Muskoka, Of the tilir•
to 0, six wore Grite and 000011 Tories,
o1 rumatling m 1 I..ora of the House,
,vkthout dietinetinu of "race, color, sox,
oe previous aouditiou of servitude," voted
to sustain t .0 Government ie its dooteion
to allow the act to become law. The de -
ba o wao chiefly rema,kable for the ut-
terance) of Sir Joint Thompson, who was
the mouthpiece of the Government
Tate able .r ntleman preetivalry laid
dawn the dottriile that the Roman Oath -
o lio Church is not to he subject to the
e,ipervi+Lon of th, civil pewee in the same
tem 0 that other ahur0lies are, when it i0
n eem 1117 to adjust disuut• s tektite Be
pule referring to worldly property. In
tee case of Pre bytorian or Baptist die -
pews about the division of moneys or
Mudd, whore arbitration is resorted to,
it le necessary that the arbitrator be
clothed with due power by the civil auth-
orities; but Sir John Thompson plain y
stated that no such arrangement would
be anoepted by the Ronan Catholic
Church, The Pope, nud he alone, is bho
arbiter whose dooision would be regarded
as Beal. 'Upon this ground the tlinist81
of Jessica excused the worst feature or
toe 'tilt. --the application of the Meroier
Gov,•rnmout to His Holiness for permis-
sion to dispose of the es-ates, and the
reference to him of the final disposition
of the proceeds. Speakers on the other
side, notably Dalton MoCtrthy, clearly
demonstrated that the Act was 0000m-
• titutioual in govern,. points, and the new
natant agadn0t it, from the et tndnoinb of
public policy, was conclusive. Notwith-
standing all which, both parties wont
almost en Mane for the Jesuits. Hon.
Edward Blake had nothing to say in de -
feriae of b18 seta, but gave a soffieiont in-
di0ation of the contempt in which he
olds the oplrion of "fanatics" like
Principal Cavan, by going across the
floor . and congratulating Sir John
'Thompson 0po.1 his speech. The Liber
al mouther8, apparently, voted. again.1
Col. O'Brien's motion on the general
principle that Loom!. Acts, reglydloss o4
.(10fr cheraotor, should never bo vetoed.
This lir. Leertet declared to ho "good
liberat dootrine"c`'- The Corso vatives
voted the same way on the general 11113.
elpie that it is tteaesary to sustain John
A. under any and 411 circumatanee'. The
truth, no doubt, is, that both preaio •8 or-
gepizatioaS were after the corporate vote
' anti it wood bo hard, etc, this exalt).
Hien, to mention any depth of humili•
ation to whicti they would not go to
serve political nude. Wheu wo intimate
that bosh loaders are willing to black th.,
boots of the Bltr.emontana power, we
fool it necessary to ask the pardon of
.ho guild of boot -blacks, whose work ie,
at least, 11Uneet and void of shame "
Every 13)001011 fMet Iles allowed the
Jesuits to take root has found thorn most
inj•lriobs, b.-041.180 they cannot,wit, not,
be kept from meddling in politio .1 affairs.
Portugal first drove them out. Ie
15.40 Francois Xavier, one of the most
devoted, self-sacrificing mon the world
nes ever known, landed in Knish ii, a
eoubhorn island of Japn,,, and afterward
made ti0 way to the mainland and the
For scene year. their work peep.) sell
most f,vorably, it+8atts0 (1107 pr0l010 1
•.11 hu leuddnst pries a heti promised
awl more, yet in polities they voted ill•
terforo, but the stiltedo was not to b nt-
teetered with, and a pa.,.cution 5•.cb as
the %weld bas se .1,111 see , ensced, .ill
to, Jesuits were almoot killed to a man.
Prance too, one ..f the etrong3est of Ito -
man Oathotio powers. on atemmi4 of po-
Decal trouoles, was forced to drive them
from tho country under polo of death.
Then they were glad to gook shelter in
Ca0ade, and make eduestioe their olottk
fora tim,'.
Italy itself was obliged to denounce
them,, and shall Canada foster a see,
whose influence is tans injurious ? .nud
are Cunadiano le quotation who s11111 di.
rect tom, the Queen or the Pope 'I
The question of the Josnit Estates Bill
is by no meen8 dead in the poultry. At
present Montreal, 'Ottawa and Toronto
are the chief centres of the agitation. Tho
gamest result arrived at is a dotermie-
atlon to refer the ease to the highest
court of tho empire ; and, perhaps this
would have been the wisest omen m the
beginning, though it will bo an awkward
question for the English Privy Couuuil,
notwithstanding the matter involves met
13riti011 uonstitutlonel intoroots, the
Privy Council would naturally look to
to (,tueon's representative in Canada to
protect the 0rown'0 1•,reroga8 ve8 in the
Dominion. It is evident enough the
trouble i0 far: loom being nettled.
The following resolutions have been
adopted unanftnonsly by L.O.L., No. 473,
of St. Catharieee
Unsolved, "Wet Loyal Orange Lodge,
No. 573, hero assembled, views withalarnl
and 000(11ete d18e1pproval the stand tak•
en by Bro. Re kart (in tho Dominion
Motto on the O'Brien resolution) and
uuhesitattngly assorts that he mallet.
svelte for nor expre08ed the sontimmtu
of any Orangeman belonging to this
lodge ; and we believe further that his
views were contrary to the opinions and
judgment of every Orangulnen its this
comity on this important quo..tion."
Resolved, "that wo, rho members of
Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 573, eaenot al•
low the present opportunity to pass with
oat expressing our regent and disapprov
al oftho muse which I3ro. Itykort has
soon it t0 his interest t0 take upon tho
Josnit Estates Bill: We regret hie ut.
toranoo8 upon this question as unfortuu'
ate in the extreme, calculated no they
are to etrengtilen the belief which exists
lin the minds of many Protestants out.
Sideout: society that 0110 association 10
controlled largely by mon who mituipe.
Wed the organization for the advance.
vont of golf, 1131 whose avowal of
Number 39.
Ilb,•rti'8 which it is an Orangein m'st i farewell a few deter previ 101 to h,'' de• i .ni18r. „ nplier 111"1 rata llht all •ry at i113ayg
parturo for the north. 1 1
-., fleets soou.
Chutes! New Era 1 It le s -id that some
of the hitherto strung ,hangs snppm'tere
,f Robe. Porter, 11. P., f r West I7t11'on,
here become so dissnsted et hie recent
vote it, tho floe 0, that they 11nv0 noti.
feel biro that they can support him no
lo,ig,»r. Bub tee probabilitioo are that
before another , lootio„ they will forget
all sou' this, and if Robt Purser should
le.pm,o to be the its Viet mg.1,, shay
w•ll`.upport him ju0t 1,1.8 wa lniy 0.1 ever.
duty to 001100rve."
Resolved, "flint we +'x 1100% our pleas -
1810 and admiration ut the Mend t)ke t
by Bro. N, °larks, Wullacu, Cole O'lirion,
Dalton 310(11t1111y wild he ,rmaindor of
the noble thirteen, newly designated by
Sir John MItadOnakd ns "T110 Devil's
Dozen," in sacrificing party to principle
and bodily upholding those rights and
liberties guaretn'eed to us by our birth-
right ; that ao view with wonder und
00uesul'u the 1iuedug to,rta•oy on the
part of Debit() mon to truokla to Boman
influences, betraying the ooulidonoee 1' '
posed in them those constitutinulal alibert es
nts, and
imp riling
uoncuded co us by the glorious rsvolntiou
of 1(390.'
Resolved, "that wo took with marked
displeasure upon the action of Bro. Mao.
kenzie Bowoll in snpporbing the Popo of
Rome in bis unwarranted oaooechment
and interference 111 the State affairs of
a Provinces sail to be Isritis11,"
Washington .Latter.
'Prom our lteaubu' , • mea neenden to
NAenlnnTair, ARUM 5,1810.
Croat o ooitemenb was felt at the Navy
Department Weduosday in rho opouing
of the armored coast defencenvessel. of
Itl an
concluded generally that the figures pro.
osod by builders cousGitn,ed a fair le ice
for the work. The appropriation aot,
under which the vessel is proposed to bo
built, imposed a severe limitation. It
limited to 92,000,000 the cost (exclusive
of armor and guns) of floating rams or
other naval obruntures. Thi- implied
that the 92,000,000 was to provide for the
construction of more than cue such de-
fensive strutters.. A torpedo boat had
n00n contracted for at -a cost of 987,000,
rod this loft a lit•lo over 91,9014,0 (1
available, out of which, besides rho ve -
mel and machinery, anchors, boats, etc.
were to be • upplied. So there was much
gratieoution felt ee the fact that the pro.
portals received were within the ,.vailable
Tee no•, ve•tsel will be (1 departure in
d. sign train an, vessel in the Navy, and
Capt. Hichborn, who is acting as Chief
of the Bureau of Construction, 10 confi-
dent that she will be the most formidable
vessel for her displaeemeet of any in the
world, and able to cope with anything
afloat. She approximates the monitor
typo, and is of 5,000 tons displacement iu
con. lin; '"nn. 't.'he'i stn 14000 t ru se
tom by met.g sal wnt01' le .hast ole Melee
until or fleck is. but 01xte0u inches above
tho water lu"el, thus ditniui ping 11'
size of the target exposed to an oppuuent.
Tb.- sides covering the machinery re to
be covered with sixteen inches of armor,
besides the protection afforded by th.
coal bankers. The barbettes containing
tho guns aro to bo of sixteen inch steel,
and the deck wilt be of steel two inches
thick. h' will be 201 feet 1',n", 40 feet
ream, 141 draft and Haven speed of six.
1000 knot.. At this spend she eau steam
03e miles, bat au ordinary 0ruisiug speed
(about nine knots) she would travel 2,727
miles withu0trenewing her coal supoly.
Bat the most remnrkabl0 feature will
be the lremendens pawn: of tier arma-
meet. I,i the forward barbette, mouut,d
un a turntable and manipulated by hy.i•
caulk) power, she will carry a 16 inch
rale, weielffng 110 tune, and fortv.aiue
feet long, ono of the 1.,rg et guns afloat.
In the rear barbebte there will be to 12•
inch rico weighing forty.six and a half
tone. A 15 inch dyneenit0 gun,fifty feet
long. will projcet from rho bow, and iu
uttlue pin0ee the vowel will carry six
33-p•muders, b ne 9.pouudurs, (Nye
eou:eders, all l,Volvii.g 013111101 and rapid
tiro gens. Machine guns and electric
1 0.1 0 halt ,v 8(011- nuurary
snit t t f:aplae tilt, 0111p, w111, 11 tut)
111(8 L rte., a half years to buukl.
7110 1)111.010 whites see..e the p1010 and
.180011 mem.,ri teles to lira up with ho
314iueet:au0n, at tenet -,lite% tee put00r
w111.11-,tipt1111ta. TI118 1e wee to IL 1,IILr'k-
0d degree in ilio applieatious of tho
llon8on,ls who seek the fourth -ohm
o.o.otoes. If the application is ed.
11remeel t0 President Heil: eon, as many
are, the applicant spreads his army record
If the ease m00ter•Geeeral tomos within
the perviow of the letter, stress is laid ou
the e1olivity of the would bo postmaster
in religious work, and his acquaitltaucee
are raked with aline tooth comb to got
the iuder0elnelt of a minister, invariably
lilvaugoliaal, and Pre00yterian if possible.
But if it is Mr. Clarkson the applioattt
wbo, p8 up his Republicinoism, exhibits
hie soars of party eervice, shows the galls
made en hie .eek by the party collar and
downs the Domoortmy in general.
Since the Oklahoma proolnmetion was
issued the General Land Oftloe hes beet)
beast tvibh legal quostione from the
neighborhood of the 110w Territory. Most
of thein oauuot be answered, however, as
the oldioo makes it a rule to give no
opinions 01, hypothetical oases. Ono
graft set 001rats,
Cu Thursday of la -rt week the repeal
centesis iu the f1ft00110ulletiluenai)8 w000
all 113 favor of 1.peal• The (0110)010g is
n 0tat8nlent of tbo vote by uonetitueneiO4,
compared with ditto years. ago :
1880. 1880.
31ae For elite Agt.
11 571
l (,1 41.1
2 3014 1, 7,011
1 010 c+00
002 107
1,s u
St, 'l'hoo o
ti uoiph
1.,ouunx u d Addington..
Potorboru' ..............111
Ontario 11151
( Wools)
N+, til'erltl'rl awl Diatom' 2,1'••7
Uoloneeter 1,2111
1 430
Huron County.
Navigatitm is open at Godorich.
It is rumored that Dr. Bethune, late
of Winghnnl, is going to return hither
Ed. Biseott, of Exeter, has a brood of
thirteen chickens from a searing of this -
teen eggs.
Nothing bas yet been done in the way
of organizing clubs in Exeter for the
various sports.
M. A. P. Vsrobaro, of the Canadian
Bank of Commerce at Dundee, has been
removed to Godorich.
The foundation of the Godorich post
office is steadily ri8i1g, there being 801130
fourteen men employed.
The Winghem jnnior Noreen oluh
purpose arranging a match with Clinton
for the 21th of May.
Harland Bros., of Clinton, have pur-
chased the bankrupt stock of R. M.
Raney at the rate of 4'131 (sante on the
The Orangemen of Godorich aro al-
ready preparing for th0 reception of the
delegates at tbo fortlioeniug mesons of
Orange Grand Lodge.
By the permission of the Mhii+tar of
llduo:n.ion , candidates for first o'are
certificates will be allowed to write at
Clinto, in July next.
There was no elactrio light in the
Godorich churches on Sundry night ;
the 'meseUl the 11110:.ap b:iu,f the breel'..
ing of the street circle.
Among those who graduated last week
at the Detroit School of Medicine, we
notice the name of W. W. Barkwell, son
of R.131Lrkwoll of Clinton.
The Goderioh Star say% :—Died.—the
verandah on the Horton Block, Hamill.
ton street. Result—improvement is the
appearance of the bleak tally 500 per
Jae. Hislop, or G,doriah, who was so
severely injured by the r:dimly accident
at St. George, is now able to clove
around although still euff•riug from his
Joseph llidd jr„ of Ger erielt'1s, adding
it (int salt rnauuf.,oturiug bran,'h to his
salt well establishment wlueh 118 ex-
peet0 to have in otroration by the end of
the week.
81. W. 0. Meyer, berristmr, of Wing -
ham, who w118 in 0tt1Lwa for a few day,,
had an en1icnc0 with the Governor-
General which lasted an hour. IIe was
introduced by Senator Turner of Hamil-
While T. C. ledln,nds was at v:orlt in
front of a,'reeler seta 01 Oakes' Crean
Factory, Clinton, a 8110.7.0 of tenet. Ile
Irmo a mead that was being out, and
,rook !tint ilumedie. oly drlvu filo risen
eve. 1nllietne a tOr),; 0a.n11,1 ons,
•1'10, employees of the Doherty oi;;.n
factory, at 011010,1, the other clay, sum
ceollod in doing what they hitvo been try.
ing to Bette 1plisit for some time paet,and
that teas to tern out one organ complete
for mob lour of the day, They expect
to be able oro long to keep this up every
question le as to whether a 0180 +rho al.
ready has to h010000ead of eighty scree
, lsewore u100 take up another eighty.
eore hontostsad In tau 110W Territory.
.Chin oaso 10 eoVered by a law which w;11
passed by Congress on DIaroh '. Mile
provided, among other things, that amen
who already had an oighty-ltcre 1 .1,08 -
stead could tette up another eighty 011'04,
r' the: contiguous to the Mat or any -
whose) oleo 10 tho public domain. It
virtually increased tho homestead from
190 to 100 110E00.
Shortly before Mee. Cleveland loft
Washington, and at the request of hor
triends, mho 111111 taken a entail panel
photol;raph of herself in ono of her most
simpie and becoming evening toi1d , and
yet ono that 07(10 not generally &Millar
to the public. It is a blank velvet 'gown
With fronb pottiooat o4 satin oracle with a
succession of lace mlouucos reaching from
tiro p0ndants, The bodice, 0111110 her
need style, was out low enough to show
the plump roundness of her nook and
shoulders and ilio sleeve was formed of
several gracefulropes of the job. mo
pieturc is full length, and though smaller
than most of her others, is by far the
most lleaeing and lifelike portrait of
While Wm. Lobb, of the Maitland con.
0080i01r, Oodoriolt township, war lifting a
parse -power a few days ago, he hart his
arm, but, not bhmking It serious,neglect-
ed to get medical advice. As the injured
limb failed to get butter, however, o
went to a doctor, and found that it had
beau broken.
Tho oonvictions by Huron Magistrates
for the quarter ending the 14th Marrb,
number 52. Goderiah magistrates had
14 of these, Clinton had 1t}, Senfottle 8,
Wingham 5, Blyth 4. Of the charges 17
of them were for vagrantly, 7 for viola.
tion of the Crooks Act, and the root for
minor otlnuooa. Of the untie imposed 18
of thong 100(10 for 91 and costs ; 5 of 930
and (meta; ono of 9660 and one of 050,
The Clinton News Record says 1---
Par,iaswere In town Untidily afternoon
and Monday looking for a man named
:1rnn:s tv 10 lives aloof two miles north
of Flauahestor, Ito had been acting
queer for two or three days and on Sun
day left home, riding a blaokhorso halter
sk'.ter, ie an apparently irresponsible
manner, ova the country when last soon.
The :4lrieultnrttl society of lesborno
land Blanchard Imre purchased from Mr,
McGregor, a lot of eight tares fora new
fair ground, the old grounds being too
S 5
small. The price paid born" 1,110 per
sore. The ground is beautifully si1me4t-
od for the purpose, and ata distance of
&bout 100 rods from the village, The
society, pllr `1000 erecting two halls there.
on dueling the pterietlt 01)111m01'.
John Jones, lot 8, col. 10, near Ripley
lead his two barns horned Tuesday night,
together with a quantity of stay, throe
hoed of cattle, five pigs and 1t lot of farm
maoltinery, etc. Total toes, 02,500; in.
shred in tiro London llutund unci Wcst.
or) Insttraha& companies for 10}0'1 on
buildings and 91,100 on contents. The
fire originated through tho handle of a
lantern becoming detached, allowing the
lantern to drop, after which it exploded.
The fire spread with snap rapidity that
they could do very little towards saving
the contents, They had great difficulty
;Pert, Ooulxty.
Tho Sons of 1ngian,1, a n .,maty re
cantly started du (3 ratfurd, 1, rapidly in-
er 1111114 in numbers.
'!elle eotnmittee tit the hospital Trust
Stratford, bare been instrunled t, Outer
into conlrn0oiethosi -vith erc:.,t.Ato to
miser tin term., Main piatkl, etc.., for
the pm) .0 1 u. 8.,Npi101.
Thew students from lit 41exv obtnfn-
rel honors at the recent examine -tem at
the Ontario V winery Oodege in Toron.
to. They were: Ie senior c'ees, W.
. lamiltou; in junior class, els. Spence
and P. Malcolm.
The highest •:umber of pupils who at-
tended the Collegiate ln0tit•it0 Stratford,
ie March was 211, average attendance
202. This ie to largest attendance for
any month at toe Oollogiate Instituto
since it beoarne such.
C. P. Moore, of Stratford, "shoddy"
pedlar, was arrested by Constable EMU
pott, of Iona, at Dation on Thursday, for
seliiog goods withuat a transient trader's
'icense. He wa0 taken 'before A. J.
Leitch, .7. P., pleaded guilty, .tad paid
over the 050 ne0essery to 131001re a 110-
The London Advertiser says.-14auriee
Orwell, of St. Marys, delivered an anti -
SOME Act lecture, standing on it be rel,
in the barker Square Satur,tey. Frank
Brown took the opposite side and qui ,e a
crowd gathered to hear the argument,
bub were 1101 treated to anything very
origiva• or wo- thy of notme.
A letter was read at the meeting of the
Mitchell Town 0.uno11 the other night
from a munieleality north, relative to a
proposed branch of the 0. P. 11,, to run
from Teeswater to London ami to extend
north from the fornor place t0 a point on
he Georgian Bev. The letter wee re-
ferred to the Board of Trade.
The Beaver Boge ball club of Sr. Marys
was reorganized fir 1880. The 1-,l1treing
n1d.e s w •o appointed
Pres. ,• G McIntyre, Vice Pros.; 13. L.
Rico, Sec••Treee. ; management 01m,0it.
toe, G. A. Graham, W. 1410100 and E.
Dusty. The ruembership fee woe fixed
at 51.e0. The president reputed p3.40
on t.aud from last season.
Stratford Harald:—"fiord was re-
oeived Friday teat eliohaei Higgins had
died some time ago in the Monet Hope
Home for the Aged at Lon .on, which
place he was sent from Stratford. Mike
was a navy veteran, hawing waved on the
Victory untie Lord Ne1am,, At the
time of his death he must hems been at
least 101 yea s old. This is the • wend
mx-ma.ine of the Victory that lute died
in this districts. The other was old
.,Ir. Predeeut, who passed 1w57 some
time ago."
1'ho Consorvativee of South Perth are
early in the field with their candidates
'tor tbo House of Commons and the Pro-
vincial 10• sombly. and will no dnn11t pro.
lit from the improved state of prepara-
tion in which they will Ghee be pl•eed.
'Clair candidates are respi •:1 sly H.
Fre -i Sharp, mer.baat 1101 ul.'13..1..en;tet
a alit at St, 1lary%, mel W. 11. 13.1vis of
the ulitohsll 'edvo0010 Thy a^1 Both
defeated eaudt 1at•s, tho etttul) 'ne,nbar8,
.Ts.". •1'rmw, M, 1'•, tine eh.+. :,01!.11x•.1700,
.1. P. P., knocking thele .1 111,
Tt 15 1.101,1 that she alleged %V.1i, • trap
ont11108 which ere debited 1:• '`e.Vta"Aok
steeple were partially, if not W1101 0, jas11-
tiwble, From the ovidenee ,,ahead at
the trial of the aecuse11 it Ripeness that a
yowtg lna1 so grossly abused hie wife
that she appealed to her brusher, the
reeve of the township, to remove her
from 118r husband's house, where elle was,
through illness, ooniined to her bed or
nearly so. The reeve and some neigh.
hors lhoreop,.n appeared upon the scene
and oarriod off the young • wife and her
b010014 148 to her brother's Image. The
po'ice magistrate ha0 not yet ,riven judg-
ment. Richard Ge)umlor is the husband
and Reeve Shaefer the brother of the
e rete I L EOI`tl l IN i,,'L6" W.
Grover Cleveland, who, loss than a.
month nem, 10110 President et the United
States, with a salary of 950,000 a year,
has just been appointed a park a8sese.
018131 commissioner at Now York, a posi-
tion that carries with it a good does of
honor, bat only the moderato r0lnanora-
tion of 94 a day.
C11.01u.dinl'�••Ba N Q`V et.
A Stratford toa agent is rol.ortod to
lase clone some great "nlaeltill • np in
Palmerston, but a bull flog at Dns of the
pieties where, inflated with se mon, he
repeated the experiment, put an end to
hie career as a masher in that Incelitee
A number of farmer.] wart' in Ballo.
villo oft Saturday demanding their notes
from the hulloes oats agent. 33111o. Way
has laid information at Amoliasburg
ohorginll Alex, Robertoon, agent for the
speculative oats., with having obtained
Iter note tvfth intent to defraud.
Superintendent Criosbaclt and Dr,
Powell, of the Nerti1w00t Haunted Pollee,
WOW at Stratford Tne0dey examining are
11p,110111108 for serves in alto Northwest
Mounted Polioo. A largo number 0r ap.
plications have been received 510111 per-
sons in that district.
Thu liabilities or the Stratford Demon
arc hoarier than at ffrstsuppose 1. They
reach upwards of 901,000, At &meeting
of the creditors, Mr. Matheson was not
prepared to matte any offer towards n,
settlement. The heaviest loners are
t y mostly outside the county of. Perth.
0aoll of her pelsenol Irisn110 were The printing. business is one that oats
any. 1011 105+ ao.
Made happy by the gift, tt h In saving, the horses and Ghat cattle they wealth and maty a fortune leas boon lost
eon -Valued by a gra0(fel little note of `at one, in it.