HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-4-5, Page 8� a .ww$sa• .. . � r THE P. lTSS1'.' LS POST ararxxtrwlrrvy L 1tll, .1x69.
YP]1ING ITAA Cl'kKlI ANO 'MAN I J%,,. l: CF 11gnl,t, cit was to (trn, lar ..ns .s ('n laic sick li::t. ^.. a•II A ° 7".. •.'•=trdun
,+ t n t,,. Gro, ll:t:f:•'.`" i•t 11t , tor.! tar; - -_ , T,«._ ... rl'a'iw � SJ""' x,l '�e -._'_ -__ „')
y ".
i. Y Ltp ll.,•, turn i) fust a. t wkn (,1 ! n,. s taw. :. t ""S 1 ""a, P i {/
vratlsh..lu.lf,lutJ,t„ru11,n,:,. 1Vnctn S1.,.l,.t; ll)dR. in rill, tl.,,� )f on wo-k. ° !
itssiat pun v, y m&tori..11y, Wo leave go. ! } nu;+ i11, cu.u, lJs . c1 a ,.1 .:,•. ui
wnittlu,nu pfr,nlb fit+ F1Cl: lm (f i, uul S,anrin,.r j,aU 1tl .,L ... 1 u? L 0s' iY111?PlC3tll1 ;`lll..l (a;l!'111CI1.t11
toatncl, wlih ;;rent c -.rt, from ",n ..tl dlt- 1I + ]:l) ).+ litxrl, ,-,. %„ to '1'0- lit::),,... ,,..:Ihm , L:,, t. •jn W1 „t ,. 1 Int 1 t 6vy,A1 v m. i
CErefb nntnufaetnrors fir_ asaortmctnt of auto for n Eery uluuthn a(uy. Caul, 1''r7dny cnmc t nn the lath im;t. 1t•n L y.... „ .. ......, .. le, li iLL
iArovm,, I[.u,pl:xav, fnrulerl5 of Bras. ! hall asi r Sunday Oa taro olat, U1ata,.,, .,.,"........... 2s _11V "� I � ` i4 )I SS.'.' `
Q seas, went la tNulntpe( last Monday, I I tar llrnp t F licin( Shaw at Bruss(•](t 1(L „1 r,5 � � � �tst� � X
Dir•, Amen r St! v,rr, of Ggderirh, is nn 1`rid'a? qJ Ire, n oil f lata }fast, 13utlia', tubs a:t'1 r•......, le, 17
3 P�pg� N 1 visiting relatives in town anti vicinity. Mc, tt'Ilsox, of Brantford, la cialting JtgAt i per dozen, , .. .. 10 t0 Ti:lliOt; 6l1(' I l:,lcl, •-••- l A smw tax' /land gravel )-fief is being put Ili° brother, ltobort 11'IlaanI this wook. L`lgtu' pct' 1), - . , .., ..., r, f,0 DO ,' r 1 ) ) �T r t11 W 11 � °u the brick building owned :by Geo, l L1A2tF lease lip find I j T.Ni,S i !'�,); .lt R INT � O\)rN,
` P got a bottle of pottLUgos ........ , , . „ 213 :lu ' ' [1 y 7 1
' 7� �; D r q r,^, C T1aUma0:]• I arn';1! i(C I:>UIi••l) !)'Galt J. Ul'a11, "coal), 2Gc» Hay pCr ton , lY 00 1.'t 0.1 ' THIP, PR LCIP, r.N i l Pl TMWEST, )�:ST, r1.
I, ,�Otl�.L1ER i GS.. i Fersugat/len thy Dutch ante 0.nd 1),�r..;rPLptthaa Mono toGrmban,Da. Hidnarot• lb., ........... ,i,} dl rjRE, 1)lt; 1GNS `1'j[j(i j),l E t'1 v It
! clover find timothy in rvbuncixnce at kot-L w11Gro he lifts scenre(i good s[taa• Salt per bb!„ reht1:C:..., 1 '' 3 o, v t.[ 1,71'
I - eamprising over 180 different patterns: D[dCraolcat7s. time, SUEopaltius,anch..:. .., tin -I OU ,�..11d, the,' Assortinent the rno Complete,
' labral gilt ansa otherwise. Wall papers � JAs. Ross via[6od the Forest Cjty this Docs P. P. liras left on Thurslnyy of Wool. per Ili ..... . . . . .. . . is c2 �
And •naafi;• o:kcr linea 'Teck, "catabing on” to the nova114,I hl thio tvegk Ent Uor situation as milliner Pork... . , • , , , , , , , , , , , 0 00 Op PURE DRUGS AND 0I^I E PA I CA LIS••, P/-\ r E N T
,I' , ( the Gent's turnishiug lino, in Essex County,
.FI .E T._' (.1 GILL h FOA LnnLF.. -A desirable 1louse and Lot. Tin] horse fair was Uvld on Thuredxy . .. -----7-:1 1 M E ®I O I N E S, BOOKS, STA T' I O N E R Y, &-C,,
Iiru snit. and Household furniture. Cheap bar• of this weak, It was not so largely at. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. �¢--.-.
I gains for cash. Apply to J, 11, Yorxo. ta)dod as the One it month ago, I t
1 d. AllS(ti BALLS Mas. AV. F. VANaxuxr was in 1Vmiker• , Rev. 11. E>acL gees to Lt oknow nest WAN ED.• -A GOOD GEN. , PEPPER'S •f- 'S DR 0.,J G STORE
eboaprustnotc,All pew et0ak tLUd net'CY $e ; bra [her halveon On a lgoneOoilaa trip to Manitoba. 1Metho.1 father and dist chh to occupy
rch ui the fltile opoy villagot of the 3rBs, 1.1t,\Y, Uri, Lou wn Ehtuy. Apjdy !n , (Successor to J 'Harg'rawes & (.io.)
G. A DEADMAX, Drus k[st. .av lI Nuys and Frank Kelly sr., have, Mail. DovAcn SCOTT halt 1- ftl "hie I . ' 11.1M ti.,%igA+,:J,. 4.
� ;Iona to Toronto where they l Lvc an week, ace are carry to hear, from un r(•(7 •►+ n It.tu 6 F71'.
1 Bookseller rad k'ancy Goods Dealer. I gngagemeut at their IrAdo as stone attack of orysipalas, 1'Vo hope she will T hnvo for sale nt my lituruhoay°, orusso ]p, no r rssrdsmgrs tnxm� xc.a • «, „ « m se. 'Trio c
t I masons• be spoedily restored to her wonted health, n gaautity of tbia Grain mixed. saloon, it - -- -
_.. __ . ___._ __ __ . g cheep. Gond food tilt wattle. fry AIihI FO..0 S.1L1,1, BJ11J"1'(} LOT lrl>fllii �I'? -
I Taa "picter" gallery of long ag,,, la• Pur plant of the Bud et was sold on ep•. ilolvl. Cairo irfAM, 133, tou.5. (fro)', ooutnu,lug 1047 Herne.
I GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, i sated On the grounds of III. Grabanl, friday of.lfist week by Bailiff Scott. J,
._-___-._...._ !'u Gores tiro nlcuYa(i, under grasp, find vhO- -.-
1 -- 1V[Ilium street, was taken down hist H. Grant was the purehn-Er, Tho only l NV10TED -rUR UT7Ii 13 [I.LjS. bateau° bituburod. About iu may' s el illy g t;r' 1'O8 -i i (C 11cl`;I(iti 1111'
IL ..u' 1xnN, Bxrr',sio,, "v, n, fi n, it, ; week, other bill wits b Mr. flows, of Palmer W ]mild and alta balance oodur aua Weak nen
TAxmY spas7lll,,, ,agood,amortboy,nbm7t switn,p. 'thorn is it log bouao on tho
i'thaalollo B.t:fleel: StWtioIl, wort find I good your horses to I. C. Richards for sttlu. 15yn til at mgn, whu tvnutp Ua thorun9hly
spa6U asfollows:-- 1 xi good fitting collar. Ha buys nil factory WiiI DpttxIxi, is hennas troll, Ingersoll l0arri l'bn drY,nods h11$nln$B. Apply to to mnlieaB. Will io sold all very quire Ills 11.\Ali]')lttir . B1tIJSP.3L•'LS,
s SO.11t1'G &1rt�,itGUFON, strnttorfl. tattoo ap prh r partor floc° not r, I-) U the ...x13 ::a.ct a Go�,ara,]. =a_a1_!.%%C
collars but Salado them all himself and Ile will sail this season pu the note 0. P. ant, f fir further pnrttauhtrn a `)pty 7•) 1i011'P.
!, corn South. n, (:plug Surth, i warrants them, It. Stemmer now being completed at Qwon I - MOL:lUi7Ifh1N, L`tnnbl»Oka'. t). or T�ualaaeaq.
lint! ^.n'a.m.I aiisq(i .....,,....U;so a.m r pn, StxcL+nt, thv groat Scottish Special. 5onnd. Tile bent tcfllbo read' in duns iTZl S`abl lliII30' l- ALLx, tturt'sf][t, Brussels,
Expraaa ..,ii: ,! n,m. aftiil B¢np.nn list of Toronto, will be fit u,e u ) Tho nuderatgne0 dos[roa to tntlputto - 1 NOTES DISCOUNTED
Mired ..65up,nt, I Exproso ......Ot45p.m Queen's so nctin"a.
to rho lu.dium lit' firus$ols and Ral-loau(liug 1*140 1 FOR ALP, O1, 1 C) .Itti�T (anusdhtn mild U1dtu., Stute,i :.,_,ft.,bOuht
I hotel, Brussels, oil Tburs Lty of next Tile millinnry opening, of spring mil• country that site is preparod to attend to bgln9lnt It, eon, p, Otey, can6niph,g
till ardor. Intrusted t° hvr. snldofaatla, „ad [sAd.
__. _._.... _ -. -_... _._.- week, April 1fEh, I Unary at; A. P, SmilU'p si)ow r00n1 will t)U nm•es, There is n frame house, bunk lat,:res6 showed nn Uopusjts.
li ^ A( Mas. AixIL xnatl wishes to inform telco lace on Thursday, Friday and Sat. yuaxuvtocd, cl a i-Up-stalra, one dear north bm,a crobard, &o.ou tho prewlse$. Qualms
a,C` l �j .t tv ftlilCa, P ) y of lVnlWr J:whson'shardware Blurs, pt6no laud in cleared it uudo.t wilttvn!•lon, ColfrCliults ntadr Oa,lilraruhlc lcru�a.
i t ,customers, that she is working at milli• urday OE next 'Toch. Keep this date i.1 1 i e- 1tTS9 FA hlNx,n,
_ _ 1 nory at her residence, above lir. Leak[o's mind, ladies. I '}� p� and 10 aures of the balance is well Ut,,berod, 04111111111 AWont;- %Jl1aoltAsr'a akar. of,
, '1
_... I store, Main street. Trr 1 arrn is touvoni°utiy, located, loin • GANAnA.
A spiel`s amen W. Niauxixomr•, iC Co, tire rear 1
g yo taken' notes g g ,?R4e4t'ai q'J ''+tri. al J C1 ¢}malas iron) ilrnesale, 1] miles from Ornt4 Now York :agents-tui,°nxaits ANO ,XI, Ao.
A BRUSSELa OUlig Ind has cont leted re arations for their die la • of mlllia• It Ott wanbtl good altuation writ° to 1Lty brook ands miles from Plthol. Ft• further n17n NATIuN,ai BANtc,
An'Faithhe'llprentfit. Y y n P P • display I y e I
a rag carpet rind is now ready t0 discuss my and tasty spring and summer goods. B1toTnsna, Nifro°rymen,ltoob°stor,N. T., as uarttc°lnrp oppl v, nn ihn jtrotniana,So
+--------- - -- -- I the gne9tleri of housekeeping with some The (late, of millinery Opecing will be Choy are in trout Of h(1a0$t and nprigl]t $13196• '"e•4 HUB'T. FIALL, Ct•anbr0o It 1'. U' '""C,t"f----'- /( sd s9- Myp 6i -
Ciontf a men, to Boll their choice slid !lardy variance _ L_G_u'AL AND 00AVEYANCING
`APRIs.eligible bachelor or widower. announced next week. of nurser _ _ _
QA6E for Eggs at Sale at l.e cC i y stock, either on salary trla tea to �/�' U!1'l'llAi.l L >.1 L!s ! ___._ _ �T Di, SIIVOLAIi% l
AZQt1tn Pres for sate at McOracken's I "tl n+n man's Sweetheart" by Ed. SVnxs• Birthday
n celebration of the elan. atony «atv and valuable varuls; to M �, % `
j man Sheppard, of Toronto, has been Queen's Birthday in Brus els ? Batwee', liar, tvrito them at out° for t°ru,s an.
( Dorsa goods and trimmings fit Straah- received at this office. If you like light the Fire Co., volunteers, base hall, lays are dnngarau6 a7.8 » • Solkltar, Couvoyaneer, \a6ary Pub -
➢,ill fa, Out. 1^ grey Ta)vR$61p, a &o. Of ica-Graham's Block, i door north
an , 7LI literature this book should suit you. cricket, &,a. a good time could be arras (about 100 -eros, by Pablie Anttiou, on ulPtppor'a Urag ,Store. Prlvat. lrauda to
T. FLaxCuvR and wife, spent Sunday in Tar Salvation Arm baryon has ed. Talk it n t g ��I ORRII AND SEAFOLtT1I STAGE J;aft
Lnchnow. Y 1, gentleman. vJtf Ronxa, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17TU, 1889, - ... --- • _- -- _
been undergoing a thorough cleaning up Boons, -Last week thorn came to Stag° leaves Gorrio about 5:8o o, m„ reaeb- 1 r
Taos. W,tTso%, of Harriston, was in and is much improved, Messrs. Beam, hand "Dr. Ramona;' by George Chant, g AT s a'onoarc P. AT., at coatral CV•oto1. •1''• 11 ADE,
is Bxuesols about 9:9U a, m., and will arrive attest dealrablo, farm, Lump- llarriater, solicit•
I' tIlwO this week, �ay.o�et,la,
I Whitling and Fitzpatrick superintended and "Guilderoy," by Official both from at Santat6b about 11:80 n. fit, !tot lraing will dlato! ad oinin Ornnhrouk. About 4m t orae 'tionq Notary Pab-
FLYrBT Glover and Timothy Sued for ]taco seafortb about D:BUp m., remoh iu Y 1 lit, Oonvoynnctug. Collections l ]',caning.
I ) I the job. the POblfsUing IIonse of iVm. Bryce, Brussels about 61s,in time to connoet wit olunzod. rich o By loam, trema bouao Hud aft. Wage w111 nttuu(1 Lt Garrison' every iVeU•
, axle at Thomsons• Tar Synod of Hamilton and London Toronto. They ret all at So cents at tiro trains 901139 north ,+nd south. a barn. I7nsy Terms. noaduy fit two vc7oek,
A Nr7r far and grave! roof has been put I AIeO make P in iu Brantford on Monday next. Bookstores. c02m8ob mS with O. P. a. at Nroxoter find ror furbhor particulars npP1y to ALra, ^--- ---
P� _. .__ __.,
On the postoffiee block. , Gcni S.
1vALSH, PIl lutor, HuN"run' Brussels 6ha Anobinueer,or to �IUKSO", Lt JJ I'S
Mmrmtmay opening at r_ C, Rogers' on 1;ev, John Poss, B.A., and Eider .Dim. _ Tun Ontario Government has made I1.CND{]RSON & S VALL, ,
+ ) can McLauehlin will attend from Mel• the following appointment : Snthorland ----- 211 AnrtLAtnr: FT. ICAex, Tnnnxxa, ((Lute with Darrow & Plropdt0nt, Gude-
tho 18tb, 19th and Loth. :i7-. t'andor'a 6oiteitors, tach,) lenrri,lara, suqulturn, Cuuvu finest$,
'' HAnn•Y JAmms has taken a position as vinoB,Dichurch. Malaom,on, of God rich, to be Deputy REAL ESTATE, &e. Oniae-Grant's Block, lirgaanls, y :.tvuoy I
bartender at lUo Amar}ono Hotel. W. B, Dtca•ox dill not fallen it necessary Ltogistrar of the Ohanoory Divisin0 of - -.- -- w hone,
to return to Helena, Mon., as announced tl,e Iii U Court of Justice, vice Henry y� B�me7Y 27[. °' �� R. $,utyd' t: n,ntc>r:ox.
PBIvATr Funds to loan on Farm I last'Teale and two art ]leased to state M.Dmmott, deceaeod. Y j•{ A1ZDI1j P013 sALP.,.-1HE UN, I _ _
i f3eturity. Pose Publishing House. planned
in Brns- nnnsmxrl> bas sev0ral good farms for - OP A _ ;} 1 }I 'j';\YL(]� ; "-
that he has decided t�+ CnmrrT.-We aro requested la an snip and to rent, °Gey torus, rm Ta'a ra .C.A. linrljster, :�o110ttUr„hc„ opt pj,;, IIrn
BRUT, Tttatn six has goad to Gerrie f sets in partnership with P. S. Bays, noaaaq th"t rho annual mooting o£ rho of 5inrti8 and stay'• $. s. FOUTT, Brussels. ggg g�Py J1t� ,s1g -E 100 Jl g� �g� of Dioksau, laylnt•&S1cCu11a,g4,t7atrtstarsi
�ee 17e will be employed For sane Coylrr,&rNT lies been matte about por- Brussels Cricket Club will be held at 8"tt' 1 :, s56.AYtSLS&, g(o66'sAre FARM Sol Lets, &u.,al..uldugAr°«do, Rin:; Krpot
+ 8;000 white brick for sale at a bargain. sons allowing en1tB and horses to run at the Central Hotel, on Monday evening, rAR Nf TO BENT.-TI3% IIN —r1I Tnr- 11't'nt, 7'urouw. Aluuuy t0 t.uat,,
s y g Large, causing runaway$, and doing I April 8th fust., at S o'glook Phnrp. A i dnr$,g^tel dnatros to root her corm, Lot LL'l. 13IiA'L 1i;Ii,
,?Ta be assn at the Central Hotel, Brae- To TT'AISHIP OF G IST I`. T ' _,
i. ae1c., rl, G,H� Cil damace to sidewalk-, &c. The Pound full attendance is requested. r,, con. pt, Gray. (vin tither lease for n terns Clmi' of tun AuurEtt Uirt,lu-a ('„u
A. MCTAoOAaT, M. D„ of Landon, Pt ' whoa likely Dace occnp:u)ts If !t ip not Tar Da” acre farm Aud splendid lime r,t Santa or rant the fields for this vcar. --•--• - Ou. livrol), (!ouruyul:v r, Auatr 1, rt,
sCoppad' stone quarry belonging to Michael Shins FGocl can befltrnfahtcl Jf doail• (l. rulmodlate i Purnnnut to n.
,iudpn,onk and snot! ardor I'a,,,t, i,uuu unit Iusut:,nio Ag,Ln(. nbld,
Cesare. McIntosh cok.Tfiggart, Ban.:m•:. r posnoaslon given. liar further partlCUl dl•B I Of snle made in a tat.,- of nalr r )ureawd find to brn 6, -al. Funds
V,7. . C. Sxrr1'r =s, of I; uraaater. Ohio, tvaa sold by public anetiun, on ! hermy apply., un til. inrul, to I 14 f aLORTGAG1f U91ae ' n• GGll,vt .!is mn,le•
was in town this Nrek' ; w«; hero thin week. IIs had not been ;n I of last week, at thefii5. 1VSL 61iL1 h;, n (=r%baut's tllnck, Bru:aula.
THE POST for the balance of ISIS9 for Central Hotel, BeBras- Jr -l' Ln.%N eoatrAxy cs. M(•(1„r, xroN tbero will _
Bill for ll years ;u:.[ to eery decided eels. A. It. Smith, merchant, was the 1 ; ,--t- be tom oP !rill a A iso)`"
q'ith file anllrU-
x)1,00 In advance. 'L'etke advantage (:f _ OL8E AND LOT P()I, h 1 me Nz,,t•s, I4sf uh'e, AUC
ryr [y
this offer now and tell your neighbor, i Improvement in our c%tt,rpriaing little i purchaser W, 4;3,000. A. I•. knows a bar 1 � On rho COrt1P1'of al •• A.L 1” blaster a t Ftrtdfor+l, i,y '%cams t:, ttiayn, AUC 9 - ky 7: r,r
town tens noticed. 1€c i Cu],t. Stretton's gain Nhml i!0 aces it, utJ rte (t dl echanfa dal a) nlutod Auutimtopr,«t t!tn prmxisea t' 6 _
Y. H. SrnaLnr . has secured a situation y 1 p
! atreefa, in the vilingO of Orussols. 'Phis pr(I. ou --
as batter mater fit the Naustadt creast. Somlgest bro-her• ONE hundred and eighty barrels of 7,arty is very-oil..'autly BItu,tte(1 find ie a I.O1,(i.L IiIRIi 1:] ,
Rrt•. C.1.1. ST,rrOpn, Of Mitchell, for. ' apples were shipped, one day last tvenk, liargnru to wy parann h%vin Fm1I)AY tile 3 (
cry +his year. lie will leave, in the course g a tmmily at c lr" I" lU able nF ,! pril> 1 tiS.), �` LA•cusc to tor
,m,''r• > I), c• t farm
o marlyofBrusarls, pastor cf the Maiu toKillriruoy, Manitoba, by Thos. Fat- )'ouagcbtldrpuaslt is so near the sah0ah encu ra„x.,))ubj° terms. L•'aa•nts,
of A few weeks. load.'able (and wall oa ihn pronnsan, n7Bn eT i o'cL01•r r, ti„ ihn fnlinwing valunbl:, GtOc•Jc a :Innen„14c'. Ural • u'd lmrnt
Tnr] big bargain this week, ion lactic. ' stre:t 9Tetltodi$t church, teas presented row. Thin gentlemen bought a large Berne young fruit trees nnci a u«n tit p rar,n : Oontonae,l of Lok rnumbor 10, rat tho Pub cr•t )<'t Lit 1 ,;,, po$y
with a well filled itt'sn on li edtie=da ttalltit Of a les duan, the past your ptunll fruit. Apply tG the owugr on ytho 2nd antice$$ion of ihn Tcwnnlilp of Gro y, p, i,1iitil;n^llousil.t:ru°•,rlp,"I",.. f t , tt;tltmt
french kid button boot, to sell fit v>;.0. p Y q Y PP P will ree,ha rr0lnpt uttC,l ti -Ill,
( I as t mg a•• n token (if hie va,ued aercicos but ] st heavil oil some of them. We fn the eennt
))tree hundred fair tea slippers fur � p- y prenttana. v of rLu•nu, cnr]t.Lhlfn; lea
as IU n oast 17o Iq Ile will have better lack this time. 15•tf MBs. Tt;RNJIULL, 171'irssol8. octan ninro or ipso. Thoro fs aboaLso ,Lernn
S7ao. ALdra GOal•, l oloarodin IIratclapscultdvatiul', wall tau°• r.1 » 11 A11I AN N,
J. D, liexwn and 1'o]'c neat SVrtt are rlrnu. 22nd fe the day appointed by ..--- r 1 od,hnrdwond bush, spring erook, 15 moron AnrtjOueet, 1s ill,;.
THFILE is some talk of a new plate glass .I away tit Trenton, Ont., thi' week tostin , ilio Council for nomination of a school FA1 '1I �0 13.LNf s of rent Uti • pa -taro i&n+t, gne,t nrcbard, trams ltonso tend nuloa of far(np farm '' 'f' ` . ' to m,
front being put into the store ownedby i ( darsl9ned is dotiroaq of ronttng rho final frame Rtobdpg. abenrrol3 oto„1r, ,ie. '(firms
1 a new fire engine 1'c0.7H.t Ilelit'exPd. �I'1'nStgO 4[l faltq (170 Scat vacated by ,T'n0, 1¢0-morefarm, beinalot.0• call. S, Urgy, fOr lrr3t9.-Ten Upr cent. at nn1 G n:n bq y gi")t' ��tu°i't''f,]I I . "• „''J"
Jan. Leckie, next door south of G. A. I o. ailicicot Y erringGd tat tux usx i':t;lt hn)
D'eadman'a. Tt wecld be a Uig improve, phere is ntllmtr can 10'.lcll the, Iinuald , Hatgreaves. In case of an cleric» the rL torrlr Of yumra. Tho farm is to gg0(t con• to make up one•tbird in 00 dmys, Bnl°neo Ilouaa, 1h,useols. 1f
' meat. steamers for cffectIVc 111-0 lighting. It veto will be taken on the 29th in -t,, dition, good house, burn, &t. Ali eiu6 blr0 o y'o«rs at ¢ por cont. por unnam. Thoothor
stands at the lit, all of oto. I1 i Ronald 11e:1anghton find W m, Aldridge, thriving village of lifinel. whOro tuoro mro conditions tiro tiro order of the Court. - - - --
1'V. J. iJunx^xox, who was a student a ehurobos, school, stores, railwlir, Pont°Iona Apply for further u'trilluulnre to U�lsp lr a t
Tns Uandsomq Yast ltna!er's modal Deputy' Petut•uing Officer• and till convenience.. 8oas0asiun ml April 14TRI:RS0 1; & I1,1VIDsn:v, _ _ c�G'al: s -,., ,3,
I! with F. W. O'Brien, V. S., Brussels, hal” and jewel preet,ted to J 11. Young by ^ SriuctiAx, Buns„ m, rehants, have on- ist, For torus and pnrtioulan7 appl„ to D. II, LIT, 1118, Vendors 9olk it', a �- ppaa _
Y_ . i
summer, passel his *usl examinatio7r at the members of L. U. I.. .Ko. 771, Brua- gage i Adam Reicl as homil olork in their 1t M. 8l) NCL, b,that, P. O. D. If I pastor ut Ftrnthn'ct, 8a:s Stzatio i, q,P�7 IL. 11oC1I .. Aj
the Veterinary College. DIr. U'Brieu is I ,els, hast ilTonday evening. may be seen store, Mr. Paid is an experienced hand r 41 t! - issnror of91'at•t3nge h1 •. ,-,oil, ()III,-,,
$(successful Wt., and he has no Intention P IAANERY FOR SALE,-- THE I ° 3131 _ n" uic clrnn(,. dlf,,
of leaving town, in'the window of TIG: I'a,t Plthlishin<' at EOE bu-faces lull is wall u t in mll the p�p(,�;p pq sy9 �g alt , fg °� ® y, rnrnbcrr'.stro lira t;et..
B rl,S¢OIS Ttauaery iR offetad for sato %t i t'ltvltt! 20 dr W fret) g e ga't ltd (l, e y __
Tar Lseaauda Calumet says of a forst• too It tvaa tL very upproprinty gift clepnrtments, Ho is well ]tnotvn to alto a bnrgaLt. In it is & 1.) h, P. aagtuo and i�!f l.,iS Q'C;(jNNOPu,
er Arneselite:-Geo, Wbybrew is build_ (to a daserci Ivg recipient. majority of the people in this section, in ooh, p, boiler. L5vats, 2 ourrytnblen, 2 stones,
» 5lrssnn. Sytlt•ll ,t MsJ.c or,a have t)tken foot 1:4 abottld fuel quite at home fn Brats. Food bnrk mill and a full $e6 of tools with ---OFA L�& 4bmollcr of Paella n11r1 0rmn• 'rums
Ilro fent stores And two a0ttages in Gnarl- I e' ti the ohl fraut in tho st re lemSnd by Bela, as lie doubt he does, Food
pipos to leaches,. &a. There are ee Ta 1r y 1111 Allen.
iVALTON [-.,tS:t 111.1,:j every
stone fox Mr, r fret:, curl a double store about! acres of lama Ili connection with the ' 1s�r�J la. ��lU �, 8 P� .r uud RridnY fit afr:r. 1'. ("" =I,hclj'd,
fn told cat fir rho same Mousrs, Scarff ,C Fcrgu t . dry goods Till: announcement of Dleasrs. J r ��e�:L 111Allen.
„serf! building, ng. No tnuuery nanrar tbtnu 11 tngbam F
p gentleman. merchants, Ut Stratford,Vol-h1lt3ce block, and TCr,uson, uP Strafford, will he inter- or Ltatowel. Terme nosy. I or fnz6her pax-
! Gpo. is a g. oto one. preparatory fn •ata pinto Ei)(sa front „ofng estilt ; roading fox, the ]tidies of Brussels ticalars, IL$ to ,]TItO, tornta, & ., til+htV tat TSt> i [Al.,GIII, 1 ! i
Ione s err• .or teaming heft o'lit J C., I : :h- Pun Pea2'1>ubh emR iron:,°, ltras;njn, lift'let' and by clxhta ur ihn power fit sale I L�'� I)m.,irra t•, rue � `
it). The •hap till bo L "ell i(till, gced by and e•nrrounding cotnrtry. Tho[ra ening crn,tniurr7 in a enrtnhl luurtsu9m (whieb wilt ru,•-
n ata G pv,,ilti
Skene s o A. M. McKay Col 1e tt a alter•&tiot , It is O..c ( f ,ilio bot will bo titre of ilia events of tho reason, i I bo „),orlueed,it tiro thnu of 'too) there will tlpra nil till' Pt,eno and U)„a,,, „ tz,ar..
wiilbopromptlyatterdedtO. .111 edetll o'.itiol'sillt"wi„ T} AIIMFOI a,aLE.---TIV2 SUL• 1 ba0narodforsatohN,110,1leAuction at aha Ptl,ar)en-c. itt.•i,Luaow:t:, ]l,- ,:,,:'re .
fax axden lawir. !Eft with the above 1' • I TheLntincss will mulOr into manage. cb,otarte, ar fit.
g P �ve i Tilos. Br.Anwt: r. nu.l , •- erm)rar'n cn'crs ills vahtndle Ito acro , Atrtaricall Motet, i:) thi,'V!Migm e! r..r us. p a Ilrny Stnr,•,
, aro re mcnl of.Tnd. Fereui+on and Ug
nam(dgai`lcmenttillrecgirnprtlmgt-t' Inovin* thin ltc::k t h, ,o, Halliday, tarm,beluglobs,°nn, rJ,GruY'Tmv,::bip,lscls,at
teuti0n. 30 HrNatasox BI ,r', I 1' --':,r Liver t,^o j,�,pldar young gentleman ]lore, HUlo« Co„ !fir ntnlq. 'i=hero ,at•r ,,,•,+,rt r,'t I \T. );d�41�,E T'i'
Galliard, .•n. Btadtrell a a.0 hill, et, 1'713 rinxtlr;. - J. D. Warwick, VOtCri, acre 01CmYad (md ill ,0111 Ua1't. l t:,+)” is n t mitt):] I”, :1111 rI; 12th, '89, . :N"'sorbtl ;lrtta ' 1
Iris reported that Rev. V,. T. C2ui,`' 09 house, good hank barn, bo'Ll;ng er, herd, enntlt cP A. dJ. aWl ' ' - z' a a:,or ,
hnrdtcpxkink ❑run and Aiwa, hi own nary surg,w+, has oponed an office in I, and ail the nate'•fnary ounvenicne.3 oil t AT a WCLOrr Is Tar. ArTl,n:toaN, all and I fav e,•., jt ;y, ,
Iias been of orad a Charg„ ill nue Of the tile B-11 Lilac tae many Unit of Lot numbor I An t ea' andohild,all't halt aattir, .
business, We don't like to sea him C. It ichmvd'o harness shop, Brussels, ant promisns. Vor f,n•ther purticnha:a, no to lutitoon in the i � .i uhulva stook ,,,Lliy
cities of Michigan at a good salary. Tl:'s E , . i . 1 ifth conce iBlon oP h 6 ck Of ci aa'a , 1
m,7otc a;cap. lTo Una not vo, i hie brick to, as may be seen by his card in another pricer, be""'-', oto„ ar,l)iv to tha Prooriator, tit. g kat•
rev, gentleman fa popular here, not Only ! _ L'H(1 i. FI Cti LOP, clluro P, O., N,iV, T„ Or to c o,tmin ip of fifty
es the a or les of Iiurtw, � "
with his own congregation but with oft le ideuaq Let has refire l it t" \1r. Watt, I aglnrnn, ready to look after find era• contutniu9 fifty aaroa more or noes. 1] CNAI - '
urenlau Ill the 110m1d fout:dc Two i acrfba for ilia ailments of horses, cattle, "-ti .UUUO•tl'1' FTtt,t(71tAN, itrusuata 'rho %have property la ,n u p1'0ap°rpuB .+_�A.a Issttr°r 114 ainr)• �.
who knots III -.,orad iva doubt it be avian + ! section and is mostly till oloarOd, tare clam• n t x,ipttriont of L]out,_f;in�a L,ce - +s, by
of ills DTi.st lltuclwcll will remain in (l'c. In the recent examination, at the "' lAI'13I I OP i iu9 bolug mostly reoa from aturn til, soil la aioin0r, &t, t rt. c°uv°Qvtrl'Gt, ".'Iumia-
te0,: I town, i'ti'eterfnnr �{ iL.T'',••'-TILL UN- � i Sallee: u,(t a ou:
0, Saturday, aha 2Dth fust„ Lhe y College i"Tt•. Warwick was nrrstcxrn offers far eels alio porta of the boat quit by. On the phwods a frame ]fire insurance Ua. O c at f ilo ( r,tabr0 •
1 B. OF II. -TI10 Band 0I IIOpC 111pCtltig ntvnrdcd a $30 prize. [? o is now ready oast, gvu•tor of lot 2s, °onotzFlou 5, ajar,,$ horn and small trams house, also a small year Ultloo. break
License meet
at the Central
at all, B Huron 1 was lhld On Monday Cvenfug with all for business. County of Huron,ecintmirling DO mares. T116 orchard. The property ii about live action
will meat at the Central Hotel, Brussels, I from Hrusaols mild turoo mild one4inlf mil
to IV . Q'731%I>; - -
to arri ti a for the
attendance CE eighty-six. hiss Jennie Tur Board of Health allot allot Men- laced is of first I4utility and lu a high state of from Mithal village, 1 N _. _4 _ .-
g granting OE hotel MoLanchlin presiding at the Orr' otlltive,tion, welt touted and nudat•-drained, T0rm8 anti Conditions undo I'noWn au II ' v, 0''
Iicemes tar the coming year. Thorn are I p g au, day aveuing, J. G. Hlcone was elected e5 fiexos oleavod. N°wirame boose' a roomg, oMr Graduate of aha Onb)rio pot -
2 AfG.re the opening exercises, recitations chairman of the Board for this year. It milk house with concrete walls, s wells, dOiY °f Bala, orinarY eo110gG, fa prepared to trot at
7 applicants, but two are for the one were given by Mamie Shaw, Lizzie Mc• was decided, as suggested in Tnr Posx 9 Lar further pmr6touimrs lip lyto dfeon6asofdomesttonto aporaala on I
ood barna nnci shod, orchard, etc, r19Ut - p and a satou6iiic
Itptel where there iv Nicely to be a ohnngo Lenunn, L rmukia Smith, Itubt. Grozier, last'Teel! to oscura to wrbaga round for moves of fall wheat. This dosirablo preport AL1na, HUNTER PPrnvedprtnaiples, 'mft,g on sol ;loots 1
of proprietors. IVO shop liaenees aro adjoins the corporation of Brussol°. salty 80.8 BrnsarLa, north of aridga, Tun:bul ry 0111ce.
Pearl Noouo Dora Nott, I)die Mo• hauling refuse to. The 15th clay of May able tortns will be lean. Titleperfeot, Brasauls,tumv.'l5. Agent farhlortgmgoo. -•- -- _
asked tor. Y' _
T'ASTronA,-Far the benefit of passel,. Lauoblin, Plllm Love, and readings by is sat clown as the last lay of grace in JAarnl GRIr'VBd (wnor, -- - �NO, D. IVA,13 WIy 0x, V. S„a
(,»era• to Manitoba a through conch will be V: -S,, --
Thurso, Gerry and I%olio LeBmn, inter- connection tv£tlr the cloaniug up of yards on. 6ontaI in P. 0, y � / + �7 t Til � 7 A � Gradnnto It the oubarin Vaterinat
o£taehed to train leaving Brussels at 11:4:1 spersed with Band of Hopa songs. mild promises. J. B. T, McComb has "-' -” "-", ---- - ,,,"--,--- A V t,i 1 1 V 1 V ,, A LF_ collage' has apouod an onion in Br•gpy'or and,
Tar program at the parlor scala! hold b¢on re-fi oitEd Smnitar Inspector. 6� ( AO1tE AIi 1121 013 1 AL is now mapar°d t0 trent all di asols of
a;,nr. on rho' following dace: -Marelli at W. L', VanstonE's oil Thursday even. Get readyEo clean u as soon as os ` �!0It Y - L g - domesticated anituala0ut Calls li solont[dc.
12th and 20th and April 9th and 23rd, 113917110 as follows: Dust cornet and P possible. Totvnphlp of niurYte in 61ie poLinb solo in rho —0i!- �ari a novet nrintL A 01 OW7ta abtoudod to
to,make close connections with through VOTlt oP TilAx1Cs,-At the close of the y f Ii iron s r night, omoo in I. 0, Ilttha'o ,fear.
organ, d. Jones and 'Miss Elargreaves ; Uefn!, south half of north halt lots 26 &'le, 1 4 y nose Shop, a I "Ito tj_^+_ eqq� ,B luall, d's flat. colonist traffic at Toronto, For all ln• quartette, busses Tien and 51Easre, social in the Orange Hall, hold last Man• meet south hall of 20 im ebb con., oontabling � ��� � ��� db ������� --
f hes. L and through tf. Ticket
to Strachan and daoltson ; solo, B'Ir. Masa • day evgn}ng, the following resolution was 200 acres more or loss, 1x5 states t osbiy gt;T CUNNIN y ^�"'
1Lifae.. FusTcnrn, G. T. R. Ticket A eat, submitted to the members present and clear of stumps an to a (cad state of nu16i- -_n 'rnr-- C R A4,� s
BBrussels g duet( cornet and organ, d. Jones 13114 vation, Thorois it young bonrhtg orchard, I,sunA.ycla, ,"
873-Hargreavesafter a ]!talo discussion was carried : c
Mfss Doal s; harmonica selection, gnsr, stain stable and iweRth. of sae, lent with 'I'ownshi C'1
He ! FOa Tna tiVr•,sx.--On Tuteda Mavtd bye. Garry, snoondo,l `+y I3. afonvoy atone stable undaruoath, Tho form je situ• Grey,-
Y D. e, Hisses ;solo, Miss Gerry j attar- and resolved "that we, tilt, members of ated within a mile of the Village of Bru$sols FIRL AND MARINE,
aooir six or eight passengers left for the tette, Misses herr and Messrs. Strachan Brussels L O.L„N0..,4, vlow with lieasure and is a good farm for grain or stock rill$- (!t)itSTY OB
West on the Weekly excursion, Three 1 n(¢lFemS.
cars of Settlers' effects were also taken, and socials Proaeeat ere. The tap 010” I of Dm, MAIroh ill tile
She l , )n sent. fug asIbiswatered With -lu bh - tarot' Unitlandsand �— QUELPk•
nest somal is to be bald at the residence Hain for );net Baron h Sha ttomiuser Par• and nevi roiling T than.
Drool', rthor einn '+-•------- -
Une..par belonging to J. N.lineaUtel and of J. L. Sturd Hainaut, in opposing tho-9rant to thoSoautts will be given at nuYY limn.. ror further par. Under and by virtue of rho power of sola ""-,- -••
T. Tait, another to A. bglgntty au(1 Ii. y` Giffin t'aovitp s of Quebec, meld bbmt we uro tiellnrs apt)1 Ou the P" Illboo o Otte A -h- contained ill a certain Mort are whieli � I��C�1+ Cd'iPlp�tt
Armatrong and the third to G. Cltnbel S. S. CUxararVcr.•-Tho la9t of the ttultedly pleased with tfiostn.u0. lie has talc• BUB]1+14T,SON Brussels, I (S &6P g ( - - . - o
On and aalrnowled a that hie motto Is '•Be, - .. ._,.... _.... will be prodnaod tit time of sale) thero , "._`, °`� --_ t
and•ir, McIntosh. Mr. O rbtl took ihn I'uinn Sabbath School conforonecs for iJ ""' "' will bn offerocl for eale by Public Till. b GALI+, Iyl, D,, 0, ill,
Inst and inn!' not. " Momhor of rho Uotlo90 cf1'hyafoinnx
this season was bald ill St, John'S clmrch VALUABLE •L+'i1RM 10OIt , AL + And on at• 'talo
'11 ontiroG'lydesdniel)orsd"President'' nuc! 1'h+, resolfttiou Speaks for !rayl! and 'V S
, abrood mare, last We(Inosd«y evening, Thero was n P being the Bout), half of lot number n.ad sui'oeata of Ohtalle by arnLmticatlel,
nr•Cd; nO r.omment Prom us. It was a �1y q� ti,g rr p, �ry'�gr�a Oliien and lteaMonte-Mala Btroot haat,
very trait nttondancE. after devotional It ti the 4111 ole the 1 1n alto l of
O! ddisdEd{Bfs�iVl tYtU l a�G "' t Uhvl,Outarin,
1. 0dol, I"NOuoa, -Tho Toronto dailfas nE very proper thing fat tUo Urn"ni;omnn to aforrls Itaowu aB too homastancl of hrohf" 9 URUS-SELS, _ _
I Wednesday Fay Of It. X. Giant, a form. flo t, is Rev. J ch )leas, B. A., Presi• do tillcl t I y have sbowvt by it that Prof.bald 'ti"aylor, ecutaiufu', nlncty-vino acres•
fi, _.___.px___
da+l, took the chair and Rov, 1N.'f'. PII),aEyaaresarneloatetl, thobatanoo wood- f.•T�10N(IiJ(}jjTOCi, it, D.
er rnsidont of of t •'R. Y. ''rmat Onaafi wit$ called ail to introduce the tO lie nStanLi:.In C07ne filet, od with vml.uablo titnhnr, 77sCnl1011t UUlld.
alid.T.,A.Tdhnson,ofilia iirni of GrAntt "HOWtOr1tain adults in t.'m Sabb.Lh -"" ""."r""`"�"" -,- """'""""•"`" tngs,larao tahard of e3wfoG frame, soil in Fra -days April 5th, 'S r-Untc'ati ",R.0 -P-, I'dinbrrglt, AllC,7?. ".
1. good eou(I1Lian and !e situated one mill It d- (J m. m. uud from 1;8U tp 4
,Y Co., wort, oil Mondayeveningploecnt• i,01001." .• -. --. r 1ljtrain bio stun trust n er
After e.. ]oinin, vol cure-
etabyihwr cral)loyeea with gold-}tOadecl P Y xx�- gnartarmitoe�ort�oi the Vi11apG of Bras. axSact.acl.lx'rut Al+rr•,uwen, bomalnn v. Ili, At orae'
fully the intimato relation ilio home °nisi on the retain grn.vol rend Tai$ is one J' bo found 11 tal usol, -uea, forlu• 'c,'
(' =dance, to igualiin the completion of tllp K.tu L .-til Morris, on the 77rd inat., all and singular Lot numbor 32, in alae pray oacnptud by Dr. B utattinannI Mill at,
Arm's altar year inUasinesa,'. I`. ('lana hears to tart. school and stating that ono• Thos. I)arnoy, of Brodlcwny Centro, 04 ]Luzon senbctawi]! ua of t ttneaaitbm"anlirout 11111 Concession of the Township of Grey, '--^^•x---.'--.
Clancy cans with adults Id go inanely an the 111017., n ,
made rho presantatwn ora behalf of ilia it
taken with them oUfldr¢q bed he, years anti 1 month. m, tirms to $nit pnrahasor. ibv fnrtfimi adntain]ug 100 aeras mor.¢ ox leas. y' ; t.
_ tr tulals m )t lv to ilio Proprietor i A. M. lUo above ptq)telty 18 situate About 3 DENTAL. u ALn ,.
Esnployens. All wa have to ally abeaE he said tganttor Should ha�¢rofnloncs 1 e scx=oxw p c c . _ )TAYx,ctt, Rt anal,, fit (nae, Tnrgntn, or Ln
the matter is if firr. Johnston is as popu• hTo e the general dislike l 1 I AttUx1173ALll lAkk of",an,r en rain ,ran: rIll left from the Village 13.E Ilanfr;Vn, G miles � ^ ;:,T W = c ce v v
young folks have tale if.
l I froln ,Flthal and 10 miles from 13russals, 1 .
]ax as Mr. Grant was ]lore they are o. far anything Pitrastmv, Afars, II. -Parra stock and rr. L. tion, I,t x13, 8„ x] mot' Grads :til find
1.stroll team. Y g g,00my and their curiosity
for „_ -_, • -____ _,_- --, About 40 acres Eire said to be Cleared tt.1t,(„ 1), s,'lorelto. VitluiaofI c.9
g > plemsaltt nd their
(21 9.'hc curiosity of unplements on lot 14, con. 10, gray. Sn1O p Aud'Vol' anitivatod and Ilan afralaoh0uaa eliflca-ah;r7dnBlsLeoa,,SrAron'`t Air given )
Caooa a �acm U7l Thursday aftarnegrl ghildron and theft desire for knowladgo, potnlnalces at I o'clock. 1l11o17atl Cos, '1 OOD I`Alb,il 1 OR SALE IN tvitlr OULbaildin fin , t 1. i
J gs d burns. 1ha'o i6 "- -
af last iveolt before A, 1Tnntor enc[ it. I (8) Tho strop desire for mm�ortali` prop (I, Ilitichp, oust, Mm'ri$ nn ranaavabto tnrma• Trr artier b a+ 2 x N m t ,b
°y` ••- to divas theAffairsof apo aBtatu ni too Tato said to bo & small orchard Of about One 1V, J. L'oiu• "t
(Irabani, J, P's, f,c . Cushman, of tike' tiVOriC wms dcalgnatetl an tbn U,;st ]janaaem r_,� ;n =k,-�l. „-,;hyo•' xrm. W, G. Llin'ston tele osacutor u o n0ro and good , l (if s. I
s r ihn }Ot g dwell upon the property. 4DrV'J' sahoal Of Sl, Ora,jnnte (It
station UOt,d, I'the[, was fined $2p and ror lid ivann¢ss and irregular attendanoo, lowing va Liable lnu:ir fru ro, ', North Tho soil is raid to be of a cls lomm, ( ora ip s y All
costa far having Brun' nn Itis premises Tllo iutal'¢stiug addraas was followed by Listowel, Wednesday, April 1 half et Lot Oo, annoaap3m) J,, Towaalaip, of Y p t n raiarryntnotl, t_*14,14pinl 1 a.
Without having liednise, Tho lager Anil remarks ti'orn Adam Good, G. A. l7encl• y' 7 Uorrfs ooutalnitrg De, Aoro$, Un this Sot is
(lie property will leo sold anhjoCt £o ri 6nollr, lixst f]uality, sag n r,.)ntaataod
Nast 1Tnron, Brussels, Friday, April areetotl a good frame Lore. with R(ono !nun- 1esOrvC brit ,Lotus and coed -H., htado I 86,foi812,00 pt' Hot. 07„co--C•.,n,v'n r'
wlltal[Oy (VAS COnfisCatCd. At the same reail, 11ov, 3, Jangp, ItaV. lane,. L(osaY };, 72. (nation,goottoi,eliard, w011 &U(lpnntp. Near. known all (ray of aali). 1+'er fart))er )Ri.'- BLOCK, S3rdt nttl F',
l _ ..._......,_. . ... t
. 11” piddle r ittl bohore the araC ma rttr&las A., and W. 1L 1l¢t'r. 'i.Uis meeting ter. iiontl7 7lunon Agr}aullurrvl aocioty) at ?Taltnloarorj, mud in m) 6110 grave rarvd titillate api)ly 1;0 r , ,
Mr, Bal fall, hotel keeper at I Is. was minatea a very intevesl,in amRes of can. Brncdtield, "Wtlnesda, April l). osol adJt,Intn the vOflla9c of Manacle, 1 SD Y1. IN -1, I Pon ll, 1
Y, P 1'lriaiarnt fe avn�uab o tq, i$ well 4eanml E. N1•, i3WAtiINIC K,f- a . sx c�rx=iv , y,, c . i,
ausEascd Rio earl costa fO> p tug vtattons and "v¢ think, twtU tiro k%rntL• btopUen anti ITsborne, at Ex(etai, on and In a good sbat0.of oultivatinn, .Por
Astribling ill bio boi'se. Ins 1cel. (xt .. dant, thAt they h&ve boon oufftcigntly in• Wednesday April J 0, 5trbals mud terms) apply to Tfl0El, .. Vlaxuons' 6ol,rnrranr Itoudr r raduato of ilia a Inn ' 1
rY Wednesday, n Pp .v h!'tLLS.`, ] 131 (aBago or
lent intbritration, E, E,''SVad0 toreatin and )1'diitribl(: t f• r lIN086la P- 0„'iil•7nm' JY„�'NINSa 7 Itrmf(J'r ('intttwbelt, 111jurlcslAcl( .L /;ilii 7)oubatFnr9opvsr Turnute. NtEto U.
1 f$ , t. o rust tildr I oat 4mtvnnoeh, at T -el aver 1Vddngs• ” aEy,fn adlniniantrod far "n • P $ atllo flea
continuation npxt.Fall mild Winter, ' aqu&ro P. tl„fit J.t1u„<rsLnt+rt„6fnj,la indj,o f6N„Ilingt su at, Ylnst,!Torat(c% tett a LlIblgss l stsrtatwlr ot.
tI1dCllliOa fd+r•lllhh ] r p +''' 1. tlu :U'irl!lieanx t"ountw, I 1t, hOtaa-:
r : !lav, A p!,'it I (,
t t ,�,y ,. :Datod a6,'r4opta'Sth of alitro.)l,'Po. BBs !>.k'Orol, Doul 14olow ol')3,$Rr,. 7atoaatrxs,
r }
w, -
. .
- - . -