The Brussels Post, 1889-4-5, Page 1amee.4111.1.1.CARMOJI
Volume 16,
itrid C3
The Laundry and Dobathog Society a; 11. E. Barkbololor and family love re. 1 aptittcnowt 4 ilin rieFamarrartos.
Turtihull'o school lontso el000d for the moved to the form lotoly levied from ! Tim work in this diroctimi io groatir
eca•ton With an entertainment loot Fri• Wm. '(l (5 James. ea Iolanda county Hosier; the grt-;',',,Ixit'st;,15 ii,}?.11,0,17g.blii:1,8,ii,7,r,„; ir,:llorser
day avening. a tyno a grand illiettotte in John N. Kiteolo .4, of Bruvolo, hekl it rsertodent,
, cd, covering from a dote n to occoolity.flye
evory porthole,, prayer mooting in Button'. actions( home
014 Winter is mill 1515005(315 00 i' the on 'Thu rerloy eveuing. There Waft a largo
lap of Spring, but will get tea 'grand gathering 71,11(1 he gave them an excellent
b ounce,We hope, soma of thane fano 'las. address, A mooting wan hold after for
Tha beautiful toathery thalecs do not seem the osrpoto . 5 solooting , superintendent
to possess tho same charm on the vivacious far tho Smarty School an Peter Watson
child -mind that they had four months of the 11)th 0 .n, of Ores in leaving for
ago. other par ts. William jaded:so Wan
'(Von. 13rOWar has disposell of his 100 ohosoo ond earned tho lothoet number of
more farm on Out 801 coon. to hie brother
fli'arrorad. fol.140 th,ttrioin 1,,,ifor3103,fropannallitlrio trons,11,:det tv:071.telyzon'Idio),,ersdonivotp( yeaol!tolg,voullor.f.217ktglionf
-.loofa-rev o').
Spring Show on Werinulay, 57(5) lost,
Meese boyar Aitehesou is llama froin
the Old Conntry.
Chas. Dittman luta withdrawn front
the cigar factory and goes to Owen Sound,
Garroch Bros. will run the faotory.
St11.11 (et
Mies Alpena 'Milne 10 visiting in Sea.
Miss Wetharoll, of Gotland', is visit.
ing at Daniel I/Mkt-Maeda
Geo. Cushman was fined for having
liquors at hin hotol, not bowing license.
A musical entortainmant of an inter.
sting character i ou the tapis. Particle.
Jars later.
Auction cola of household goals at
the motion hotel on Someday afternoon
of • his wink, A, liasmann the auction.
Mr. Burton was brought to task for /.8O0, 1 tho -toted hours. After soma
further dismesion this was agreed to and
constable D ins We, appointed to ring
1 • d
The town bond has been tomindollool.
1( 1(1 t on known in intend as tho ilro,
mons' bond under the learienthip of 4.
John Motto°, Illyth's oldest eitizoo,
died itt the ripe age of Oil lost Saturday,
Tho deeasod mot with 1111 accident it
abort (Inc ngo, from whioh Inc never re-
covered. rho amend service t5i00 00n.
domed by Rev H. A. Thomas aft:,
whin') the remains more token to tho
Clinton connotory for lotertuent.
The village 00110011 met on Monday
(300114. A number of accounts went
passed. A. petition signed by 150 of the
ratepayers was presented to the honor-
able body to have town hell rung (inc
times ry, at the hos,e of 0 and 7 ta
• It 12 noon, mud at 1. and 0 p. m.,
%WIWI mused Quito disuussion, prin
• ainOreatt Roine of the ratepayers
;meson,. Councillor symoncle mooed
that $25 bo grouted for the ringing of
tho boll retort now to the lst of February,
lowing gambling on his premises and
heel to pay for his 'voted to comply
with the requirements of tbo lava Bow
is it with your Brussels hotels ?
Nothing was done at the meeting call.
ed to talk over the ea -arrangement of
Ethel, lIenfryn and Attwood Methodist
church work. The matter was referred
to tho Hentrytt quarterly Board and will
likely be comictered at tho May District
Tit o n fry n
A, '7. Selwood, our Iota store keeper
goes to the Northwest.
Warrom.-Tho farmers arowaiting for
a cbanco to plow. -The pedestriane for
the roads to dry up. -The ohildreto for
daisies and }minutiae -The boys for
citory note and tho old "Antics" for
Imam ron Hocormos,-A long felt
n(in thio place is now supplied in the
n of a new store, whioh promises to
our expectations without having to
four or five miles for our tea,
e, sugar and oboe -e. Good under.
.oling, finely finished, and top storey
of Om latest fashion, all these at rate. S. H. Thomosen 10
enterprising man. If you want a
• fitting boot, try Thompson. For
co and prints giva him a call. 'With
3.c.1.88 artielos at p11000 09 low as in
wood, Ethel, Drussolo or Lietowel,
,ore 1(1 1(111 micoaken if the Hentryn-
do toot oppreciate and patronizo 0.
d store at their O3011 doors. Ten per
a discount for cash.
Co )y1 -I
los Gregory, of Ilarriston, ie visiting
Armstt-ong, V. S.
- 'he Misses Vanotone 110.00 opened a
s.macing broinest, 10 T. Atetalteli-
i residence.
'he 'Manitoba fever is' getting to al,
A white heat judging from thecae
Is of peomlo and .freight that are be.
checked for that part. Atnong the
.ty that left hero Tuesday war, Soho
• ,Loo. Whitt, and Jno. Cooniugham,
%forret, and White of this place.
1.1 :mime, (melee the atteroloo of the
Modiat enurch, took plume tont week
riling to announounant, end Wati
Ind ealaciess. lOotwithstonding the
ry bad condition of the roads the
opic 01.1110 from distant pans to enjoy
"s hoot. On Sabbath evening tho
omit watt 13rowd,11 to hoar Dr. Car-
on, who 41110 a very eloquent an en.
Moo:Mg :written, On ;Monday owning
h000to (1 'Ormile and got ries," Wa'
1114 1111,5 1:1-100eti00, rho
11.,-...11e.1 hie noOjoet in 1 vest. master.
11130:•1'e and on ± 10,1 51 ba 1.11 to the
solutes] tho.• lie knew ,.,11000 .1 he
sico. Tile; kativocappeorel t high:
appro....1d1 by tho largo ancliumm for
listenea with 301(03( 0.', coition dming
two boors that tho Dr, ocoopiel.
to 0110101 on Tuesday twoning was e.
no 0( toasting and social enjo)ment.
o proeseils amouotel to .ror ;580.
0 li nem rsa.
Omni 1st is post with its nenat uumbee
mann and jokes by funny poople, This
world seems to bavo some foolish
-mle in it yet.
v. 1(15. Irvine, Nilo, preaohed in Ou.
church on Sunday, Itev. Mr. Edge
egan Winghans. Mr. Treleaven took
meg appointment.
51(1. Cook, L. D. 50., 000 estemed
.I18111011 18 nub of town this wbek, visit.
, 'Ittiends 110 Toronto. Itis place id 00.'teed by ?dr. Anderron, liettssok,
- he Y. P. 0. E. A. of Ontario Meth°.
't chords paid a friendly visit to the
ittenhory church on Monday evening
cti. The mooting woo addreteed by Me,
dolling and Rev. latr, Edge. Those
13(3u40 certainly toad to more pleosant
liegs wild cements the good opinione
tshe post.
rho enteriainmont under the anspioco
"Inc C. O. 1, an Friday ovening 031111
best of its kind aver eivoti in °llama
' chortisee, undor the mastorly leader-
" of Mr. Perry, were, if not mato, cul-
t pnefect. Tho tableaux Wove con-
tort by Mr. Hill. The first ori "Tent.
xi night" was do oasasto no wonder
sop; wore ored. Ono vory p1 310.
'Oattito 05 (110 evoning was the club
tgiug. Miso Stork duervas great
it for tho able and ofiloient manner
lath tho doss performed. Mr. Jack.
:mug and woe motored. Tho mime
by 15.1 1 Wether and Meagre. Kay,
land and Fodor otto beautiful. Jim.
;omen um:coded in 0011301001114 0000)'
.or (5 1(0 was not an Irishman loo
ild havo lmen. Tho dobatO, however,
the ovent of tho mooting, ''Resolvorl
, parity gOV01111110111 is not a hindrance
to holt iutorotts of tho Motto," Tho
totivo woe supported by S. A. Coopot
• I7. 31. Trelaavan, Clinton ; the neg10.
sy le, IL Harvey and :11, Al. MtalSon-
oclorioh. Messrs. Manning and Lilo
me, Clinton, and McGillicuddy,
end', noted 100 judges, 45301(15, 15)0 1,0.
3111 : 0518(031ahead-in cond-
ition ; Godoriels 111 argument ; d011V-
a Bo; 01111100 15 points ohead on the
1 leTtIrnlsollo D. A., fillod tha
to ' (tenet free, OW,' gettoefta
,ftiog O0ery00511(t 0(390,
A man named Habkirk, of this place,
has boon sent front Winnipeg to the Sol.
kirk asylum.
Quite a, thunder storm, the first of
the soaeon, pas -ed over this section of the
County on Wednesday evening.
Conductor Snider was in town on
Tuesday afternoon and attended the 8
o'olook Bibla Reading. Ito in impacted
to assivt at ono 50011110 110151 week.
The Gospel metitinge conducted by Mr.
Shiverea, of Brooklyn, N.Y., are well
attended, Mealy are thudding for God,
while others aro beteg mode to think
seriously, A strong tooling pervades the
town, The mootiogn aro characterized
by absence of all noise and excitement,
while the quiet, gentle influence of God'e
spirit is easily felt and recognized. The
prospects are oertoinly most promising.
hi. sad aocidont occurred to Chas.
Carter on Tuesday morning nt Fulton's
Hotel, near Winthrop. His rig was a
livery from Clinton and whilo watering
the horse More repeceing the bridle the
animal started ,,IT, Mr. Carter clung t
Ilia horn's neck and was 00011 tramped
under foot. When picked up ho was
found to havo reecived ..01n(1 severe scalp
wounds as well no internal braises. Tho
horse was afterwards found floundering
in a dangorotts (11111 (35 tho river.
Wingham nuods cc Tomo Hall.
Mrs, Geo. McKay broke 10 small bona
its her wrist on Friday Out, whilo attend-
ing to her household duties.
JO Paterson, who former'y leased Om
Winglum Ilea:hone° hotel and run it ill
first.olass order, is now in po.session of
the British.
There is a good deal of talk batweoo
the Out ployueti of the fueniture factories
as to who has tho boob baseball team. al
match is b, ing arrangeO for the 24th of
:May 503 10 'U1'00 05 *50.
The Ball Electric Light Co. have offer-
ed to simply the town with o 50.11oht
double ortnaturu dynamo avol. 50 arc
hoops for se2210 or 21 lamps for $10211,
whioh tvith 1 milo of eironit would cost
Thu bodiless mon of Winghorn have
mutually agree.1 to close their &mos of
b .0111000 at 7 o'clock, after April 1st,
with the exteption of grocery stored,
which is ill elooc al 31 o'clock, estamt Sat.
• The n/t1 Wileginton lotorgise Club being
clefuom liO.Aetta d.8,erv111ned ()I. -gooiest
uncial: the Iiirp.1 01 1110 Misitland Lasoosso
Ciub. 'rho following °thous were elected ;
3. A. i1torton, Provident Dr. A. I',
Vico-Preeittout ; W. 10. Groves,
bee.-Truaintroc 1 J. Vanallan, Captain,
and ot, nothogena.nt cominittoo of J. E.
1301v1o, 11. IVS Audereon tied G. S. An.
A. Dolgatty loft this weak for the North.
;vast. 110 took a carload otsettlers' effects
with Ilion.
Donald IlIaLsatehtin 114 obits to get about
again although net, by any moons,
strengthened up yet.
A phrenologist hos boon feeling the
"Lumps" 05 (5)0 boys and girls in some
seatious of this townehip.
1, J. Boll spent last Sunday in Son.
forth. Miss Hannah Ball rothrnecl homo
with him on Tuesday,
Mee, Jos, hiclittoeh is gating batter,
but is still Mak. Her infant child is
siok with what appears to be mumps, as
its tupelo much swollen.
Samos Ousiok has rented tho Holmes
farm, imar (bo Star Mill, and 110 and
family have lately removed to it from
thoir Tato home on the 17th oon.
Sighed Vox has knead his farm on tho
10th eon. for a term of years to Goo. II.
Dark, well...known in this township. Mr.
VOX. 11100 an auction nolo on Min 1101 inst.
Jas. Onthill, con., Mande to meet
a new residenoo Olio summer, and Peter
McIntosh intends putting op a new barn
with stone stable unclormath. Them
buildings will improve) tho nopetteatma 05
We part of the township. The 1015) 10
found aclvanoing with the 11(1300, Dming
tho lost year cot two Mr. WOode has nut
up a neat now framo residermo and Mrs.
A. Worth*, got her Musa noWly stood
and painto11 in spite of the hard Snag.
Tho dobato in the 0011°0111one° of S.
No. 3 mono off aceording to monotone am
noonaemont and poovad rt. very intorest.
ing one. Sohn Avory notod Its cluticonttn,
and A. McIutosh vieemloonnan. Tho
subject was "Resolved that iron has boon
and is moro useful than wood." Tho
spookers on tho affirmative gide woro Neil -
McNair, sw, (Macho:), Wm. Woods, Samoa
McNeil , Soo, Woods, 0. MaNnith (01251
Noil McNair, jr. On the negativo sido
wero Soo, Cahill (loader), B.. Avery, (5.
33owernirm, Marlin Maar, Slim Bidets,
Jas. Stewart and FSWOodo. In sufronieg
Op the Obah•men found tho ologative side
had scorOd tho MOO pointo. An entroo
tertalmnont Woe than (000011(10(00 (00 (nice
plaeo on. Taasdey evoning, April thuliand
0, ettlicetion is to bo taken. no to &t1113.'
there. Mr, Bro • no also farm Jail. Mr,.
"looping DO aoroo, so that he h A 7111 and nth 110(14. 11000(115)30(1 at Peter
Watondoe, 50,15) onto 14 (101130, and pr3.
hands full, Mit as he's n. hustler 110 will
get along ,t11 right. Rented him with on eogy choir 03 (0 token
A. 111°10110p correspondent earl: --Wm. titnn /in has bson atiptorintendant 01 (1103
of appreciation of lig He viao during tho
Horgan, of tho 10th conce‘181011. lowing
eold his place, and being about to remove isS'entlet bYlit Hfocelrionol'red.A111;%ex‘pVii"ennug 139.00(1
to Grey.(A. Dolgattv's farm), his friendsUro,
and 2101411.1m determined to 011 ov, in Uro, motorise tool thothicrulness for the
801110 tangible way, tho usteeni and re. Woo of appreniation of his 003105)00 ft.,1-
spoot in Maids ho and his worthy lady ,ehrtTrtiynignalltitih,atfoln‘mr o,di.ltroodaes. i roAdt tatro adov,hrlys
1008 1)014 ny thorn. Amon:tingly on Thurs-
day evening of lest svook II, In, ge number ample repast, Revved by the Indio., 500(0!
or them assembled 0( 1110 residence. Attar anettsemento, singing and ohit.clutt the
the first greetings were over Wm, Dynode company eeparated each fooling better be.
hairman, called on Geo. cause of tho happy aseoeintion.
being cleated c
Smith, who rood an address highly com- 83100100nzayn.-Tetst Wodnonday fore -
and Mrs. Haman, while noon Thome Kerney, of Brockway
plimentary to Mr,
310. Hilton, on behalf of the friends, made Centre, Minh, died very suddenly while
the presentation of a handsomo hanging walking no Alia,,SpetrOd lane with hie
lamp, silve, cruet stand end tea set. Mr. 01701.8heoDl
r.. ele:et disease was tho sappesorl
Haman thanked the friends vary kindly 'lay -ed arrived here on Ton -
for their handsome preseuts, and said he and etepped al/ night at Wm, Little's.
would always value thorn very highly. In tho morning los started for Allan
liter tett you starved an interesting pm Speitoo and when ot few rods from the
house he
gram, compriaing readings, recitations, groldenly dropout to the ground
end his spirit too
speeches and vocal and instrumental took (5) ht. He wag a
music, 3006 carried out. During an in. married man 40 yeers of ago and was
termission oysters wore serval to the an. over on a visit. His remains were coffin.
ed and
gambled gueote. At an early holtr the aont to his former bomo 011 the
r departure, each early train, frotn Brussols, on Thursday
friends began to take thoi
and all wishing Mr. and Mrs. Horgan morning. Tt Wati a very sudden and un.
joy and prosperity in their new homo, , expected call, and should be a vary fore.
EINTairrArtimeXT. - The Literary ana (1j,ible reminder of the mutability of man-
Dobating Scntiety at Shine's eohooi house
held the closing meeting of the- season
last Monday evening. It was a real ol 1
timo entertainmoot There 13W1 a. largo
turn.ont, flit) school room being packed
to the doors, and the program was ends
as would satisfy the most fastidious.
Following is the program :-Song, Peter
Ritchio; recitatiom Alex. Perna; 1,1-10(1.ode Mind Annio McLauchlan ; recitation,
Miss Mary Oakley ; song, Geo. Forreet ;
soodiott. \V. R. Bishop ; remit:glom J. M.
Rohm:ism; reading, Won. Porno ; quar-
t 0310, AOtiOrs. •nd Vide Hill ; reading, .1110.
Perrie ; recitation, Visa 130.15(110 Cardiff ;
I'llead, White and blue," Misses Mitchell.
Calder and Bitable ; recitation, Mise
.lfary Holmes ; acing, Jos, Turnbull; reci•
tatiom Miss Ballo Botz ; dialegae, J.
Harris, J. Aslcin and D. Sellars; recita-
tion, Jno. Bain ; song, .1011. Mitchell.
The program was interspersed by Scot-
tish songs from P. Ritchie, Geo. Forrest
and Jas. illitaholl, which wore brought
forth in respome to land enoneo by the
audience. These gentlornon are hard to
beat in the renaming of mold Sootoh
songs. Sas. Iter.oluohlan performod tho
duties of ohairmon in his usual happy
style. The meeting was brought to a
010:4, by singing "Atari Lang Syne."
Alfred Hasslum loft for Doltotot tbis
13elgrave Spring Show will bo hold
April 1'7.
Tho 111113) 00 of the Township Cattneil
tutiy bo rood in this issuo.
Mrs. Reid; oe Wbigham, id visitng
at 1100 hither's, 8, Ealcat, at presort
Henry itimarter, of 11,1triet011, Wag
ting friinit18 an 1 relativce 0.1 tho 701
con. last week.
'Phu Union Sunday School at Ander.
son'a seho booth will ho ro.oponool mot
Sabbath ittternoon.
William W. Elliott, 7th eon., hos gone
to work for David Walker 015 1110 Oth cola
for the vtunmer 0,,10son.
Afian Spears, of the 4111, 104 a valuablo
mare from imtlamtnation. Ho was re-
cently offered $280 for tho 101101011.
, Miss Sarah Johnston, who has been
le.1,1 up with rheumatic favor nearly all
'winter, is ablo to be oround again.
A union Sabbath school will likely be
organized on the 4th lino, to moot at
Joseph Soott's on Sabbath afternoon.
There 3000 no school in School Section
No. 10 last benday on account of Mr.
Wood, teaoher, being owner at an ex.
atnination near Genic.
William J. Enke°, of Tfowick, has
given up forming on account of bad
health. Ho has moved down to his
father's, Simeon Eaket's, 011 the let line,
It ie said that ot, mai:nage will shortly
take place in which a well known widow.
or, well up in years, and a widow, living
near Londesboroa will ho the contracting
The ',gentry and Debating Society of
Sobool Section No. II) aro going to have
an ontertothonent on Friday mooning
which will bring the meetings to a Glom
this Spring,
A duck belonging to Ilugh 41. Elliott
mule quite n, rerord for horsolf lost rue
by laying 52 ego. If oggs continuo to
deciline the chanees aro tho will not at.
tam13.. to brook hor mord during 18510.
Gidema G. Hood Imo removed to 1/nron
ltLehigan. Ito is it steady going
young noun and will de well. lle 0311151,,
41:010ay 11118:104 at tho Mothoilist chords,
tionshino. Silo Hood was soperintom
(1011( 05 tho Southey 30%001.5m :tom Mono,
filling the position most acoeptahly. )Lo
also took 10 gong intorost in thu =stoat
Tho 150 noro goon bulouging 10 tho es.
tato 01 (110 late Win. Stoonoy was sold to
W. C. Strotton, of )'oneastae, Ohio,
(brother of (Sept. Stratton nod Mrs. Jrno.
(booney,) for tho sura of §5,500. Tho
fano is well located, 10)14 10 eontdalorod n,
leagoitin tho peico quoted on 100)00113, 135
its acmgenionco to Brussels, cee. ?Jr.
Strotion intrude renting tho plaeo for a
goy yonam whon too hope to gen him motto
hero and softie on la Tho farm could
not hava boen notched. It feW toners logo at
the figural% sold at but owing to 1110,
general detoMssion 1(0 1(014 (net now the
ereetgare thonght best to eorielotto the
fientt Aut. Bomar.
Tho crActittuanoies that. voted for
repeal of 11,0 Scott act on Thursday
are :-
St. Thotnas Guelph,
Brant, aricaoria,
Nook Petorboro',
Wellington, Carleton,
Got trio, Colchester, 11.14
Tho vote on thc Aoto in these counties
and ("Won ot time of its adoption was
Fee Against Mnj. for.
St. Thomas.- a 7734 743 11
Guelph ..... „ 094 1255 leet
Brant 1,6510 5,085; 1102
Victoria. )1,402 1,477 1,014
Kant 4,3113 1,075 2,3011
Teterboro' 3,015 1,507 411.
.. 4,5 10 3,086 1,430
Carleton 2,410 3,747 003
Ontotrio 3,412 2,001 1,851
Colchester oats 581 1,231
kintIO.OoloS 001111Cil.
The reguler monthly mooting 131 11'
village Council Wa8 held on Monday
evening. All the members preoent,
Reevo Graham. in the cite ir. Minuteo
last meeting read and pasitod.
Tho following tosen11110 wore pro.
mond :-
Quarterly pant to Band 525 00
1)r. ItIoNanolgoo. medical oaten.
dame on Arniscreag Afro •
Wfilionot and A. Ilaggit 2.1 00
Mrs. Burt, chart- `, 21
Mrs. J. Blashill, 'cliaritor 15 NI
Mrs. Wa.laoc, and
Ifogoie 15 77
Mrs, Ithrt, ciOttriO• 3 00
Ilettto io (1,011, . 2 On
Mo0otl. by .1, sioololo.1 los
1). Fitrachan 1 ha 5 ftte chow :woos nis 10,
poid, exoopt Ir. OtoOltnieloloo's noel
Ileattio Bros. Tho 'humor being laiti
over end Bent tio's hoeing boon /oda be.
tore. carried.
A oomninoication (V.18 read from NV.
51. Moss, Secretary of 1110 Solionl Board,
asking that the nooeseary stove bo token
to fill the 000.1111y 011 1110 Board canoed
by tho removol .1, Itargreatms.
Moved by 1V. 1', Stewart, snooncled hy
Ainlay that the Clerk prepare a 'By -
low in reference to above metier, that
SIonday, April 221111 be nomination day
and Monday, Apvil 20111 bo elootion daO,
(if °Notion loo Itheesetry) and that Geo.
Love's °Moo be Polling Division No. 1,
with Ronald McNaughton as Doputv
turning officer.; and the Council °lum-
ber bo Polling Diyieion No. 2, with 'Wm..
Aldridge as Deputy. CArried.
Bylaw No. 11 for 1880 was read Hiroo
times end paesed moth:ming appointment
of J. 13. T. McComb ag Sanitary Inspoc.
tor, at a salary of .$15.00.
Moved by J. Or. McIntosh, meconclad
1,', Stowart that tenders be itslced
for gravel 11,101 lumbar. Carried,
Bylaw No. 10 for 18S11 Wae rood three
tinms and passod appointing Sno, 00110.
151 Pound -twelve in the steed of Those.
Bradwell, removed.
Alex. Stewart neldrosood the °council
relative to a side walk trona Toonberry
street to atolville chtiroli. 'Warred to
'Street Committeo.
W. Ie. Vanstono tockoct pormiionkut to
removo chvollint; from lot bothetin oltat.
Mg rink mid Arno' Itarractlet to 00 Fire
1111111 district. No notion tatk0,11 It& thp.
plicatieo WWI not in tho form proosortlool
by 1110
.Aftor clieensoing tho mototioo ;Iere
11030, 1110 (100 tool it velar:aim
on tho tenceol'a Stirtheloy tho Counoil aci•
Three llitilared Cages of menolod aro ro.
portod Ridgetown.
Tho Martitoln membnre ortaanduator.
im to Mato cot the Coovertnnent in tee.
10111(10 inunigratiou, whicill promises to
becomo quite ail holo it% poptileting tho
Trairio Provinve,
((5111 ben, outdo limy 1,110 41. Glair 151,». aloes, By a Rimple calonlation it will bo
tadtneed; roocoved by the morhie oration tho nervote t,000 poettnastette ot tlds
Tho too in dho 8(13(110 Ohootiocto. io tuastor Colima eon keep op tho pace.
ie oleote (11 int and opon tor navigation, , eoon Hutt it tho Ilest Assimtant Poet-
bettoOing no and novittathin On the Immo Glove Will be 501, 10 re•nrttallitIttl;i011
.111,30 „„(1,,,,j0.1 1,1, „poll 11.1 tho • of the Conctloelass piretmaxters ineiclo of
fa:1,01100g 015 0095-011 told wood- sole wall the purehtteM, dnel of 00 month, tho ottOr hit< months,
Ludt Monday Om mombaro of L.O.L..
No. 771, many o,f them aceompanied by
thoir WiVeti and members of theft. farnil.
leo, moembled at the Orange HMI, Bens.
f the purpose of enjoying tit 000161
evening and at tho nanto time to do hon.
or to one of their lirothren, CM rebutter
'("room, who io shortly to 0801000 to the
Northwest. Aftor a Manly proparerl pup.
p r hnit boon clespoctelool 11. (lorry woo
called to the ollair and aftor ., tow pro.
liminory remarks hos asked Dr. 'I'. 0.
Holmes t reod the following address
To .isivon', 41. noturr•Jfaa-
counly of North 110(03,
Peat Master ()131r1,51 of Grey fool 1..
az,., No. 771, Weraiiipful Sir
,,,u5 Brother :
Wo, the tnembers and frlodolo of L.Co L.
No, 774, Bruseols, take nikantitgo of the
prospeetive d porton, of 0.0111•0015 and
fami y for tho Prairic Protium, to ex.
prase our claim ornisfaction with the
4tritightforwtard COO puridued by you
in your titiewerving and untiring advo-
cacy the Ma:rests of tho Loyal °Tango
Association. Wo fully rectoguize and ap
preciath atom ability and zeal la behalf
of too Order in the poet And rejoice to
tied there is no diminution in thio' re.
spout at the presont time and no doobt
with God's bletoing yon will become elen
Moro suceosetal in the future in that
"Land of so much promise." Your con-
nection with thie Lodge during the past
twenty -ons years in which time you beam
filled consecutively almost every Mike
from Committee to Waster's %vitt% mark.
od ability and eredit alike to yourself and
our association, makes it a very diftioults
task to now sem good-bye. We now pre-
sent you this Pctst Master's jewel hopeful
that you may be Song spared to wear it
and may the Grant Jehovah continue to
be your guidoand bless you and every
member of your fomity 50 000 united earn.
eet prayer
Sigma on behalf of the Mende and
members of L.0..Lo_. No, 774, by
MATTHEW Wresox, Master.
Scoot Mooxso, Sooretary.
T. G. IIMares, ht. D.
Bruseels, April 1, '81),
Mr. Young replied in a most appro.
plate manner thanking the brethren for
their gond wishes and their handsome
gift which he would prizo vory highly.
The prosent fa 111 tho form of a gold
medal (lulu- which is tho jewel. At the
top of tho 10.1100 10 the "All seeing eye"
and under it two grov..lo, crooeed. Then
comes the star surmounted by the rose,
shamrock, altistlo and maple loaf mid
containing tho emblematic letters
A.B.A., and in tho centre King William.
On the medal lathe following Meoription :
"Presented to Tiro J. 15. Young, Co.
Master North Huron, by L.O.L. No. 774,
Bruesels, April, 115e4)."
The gift was not only a. handsome one
but possibly the most appropriate of any
thing to Mr. Young who 58 and has boen
a most enthusiastic member Ordor,
4. nonsiool mot literary prooram was
Boon takon up and spool:lies given by Past
Co. Master Seirlett, of South Ifu on ;
If, Hamilton, manor of Walton ; Jelin
Wynn, Goo. Doroker, 41. Forgo:ton, D'
13.55. ; W. F. Vatistone, II. ?looney, 14.
Wilson Master ; josopli Dowinau, D.
Mooter ; Soo. Mooney, D.Ot, Grey 1
IV. It. Cloakey mai 1)311 .5', Selections
of music, appropriate to tint 0110110100,
100(0 given ot, Miss ltionio Gor.y, W. R.
Mooney and tlo. Gorey family. The
National Anthem 1,1.01141U 11114 Ytt...y en;
loyablo gath Ting it, it Mo. Youto;
hos purelnioal 1,11, :woo of. am
o1liooq, And, 108 1 7- parte-lent hint
uniformly been marled by tho com.
menclations of inembora in 511o,o, oiponint.
ruents, the der tel4 of 1110 foga assintant
Postmagtoe General in roolthig the
ehonges is coma of minietorial than or
0, dim:Nth/woo ellaractor.
SCAM' 05 the recent tel trtto for
poet-MO:le hove pentiliar idtctl of the
beat Meant; of obtaining there freshet.
oPPlicatiou of an A101)1, ng, Man,
who itt tater an taco which yintolo
yoaely reverno, of $1011, to ooldoesa.d.
the Pr.•51,dept, o.tiltain8 titi- touch
ing statement : low my pocety very
doarly." ten the back of tine appli.
0615011 is written : Mow is Mins or''
Anothow Alothatrot applionot who warms
$2.0.10 poetoffitio, stock along with his.
appliettion a cabinet photograpieo of hint-
ctelf. ea that tho Preccid, ottri .doe what
roamer of man lin is.
The First Aeoistant eionnostor Gun.
111)11 31030 makes all tho appointments in
the Hallway Bail Sorvioe. These nip.
pointmente Hoon heretofore b on made.
by tho Postreaeter General. The Rail-
way 'Moil Service ho now beteg roue,
organized not maga as qtriokly as the'
fourth class posttnosters, but 1110 de-
partment is not going to Oriel.) on thie
subject. A number of Congressmen,
Yesterday collect upon the Suporintencient
of the Railway Mail Service and present-
ed list of the retirements that they
dare in that service. The records of
the office will bo examined to And the
character of 35)0 01300 who were dismiseed
under a Dernaerro is:Administration, and
if their records prove good they will be -
reinstated' without arty further delay..
The order by which tho Railway
Service glee under the Civil' Servioe
rules takes effect July 1, which :eaves
abundant tline for all applications for
reinstatement to be canoniued and noted
From discussion of the advisability of
increasing the salaries of Senators and
Reprmontatives 15)0 1,1031 most bo derived,
that Washington, as compared with the
other cities of tho United Staten, is an
extremely expensive plane in which to
Rya. Exactly the opposite is true. To
those who ere accoeromeil or are willing
to spend largo amoczots on luxurious
living and entertaining, the oppon. nity
to continue sea l'':11,014;3111'0 1 probab-
ly 1101 denied Dot 1.1 no 01 large
Americo:1 city I 3'L.'(','(( 31), or a
heavy annual' ',inlay for 10 :043(0 ox•
Noses, so unesSenticil conlfort' and
-octal position.
Cetedradlitt NeW,i.
It in rumored that the Ontario, ear
Foundry Ccompooy halm. roceivea au
order to•tarn 0(11 ,1410 cam ao soon too pos.
SiZTI°11.0•011tarin Government haw, Asa a
detectivo to Georgetown to arrest soveral
youno men there wloorwe defying the
loud anthorilue.
The at. C'. R. hay:, recteivol 28,0011.
fence paw :rent Michigan to be mod in
emetrunting futons on the line of tho
Laegtronni±,t±gtso:±.1c),.±±{:±ii:.±1ilizEtfitilnraix,, the Loam -
The Orangomcn of East Tornato
day eveningreet and condemned hy re.
solotion the action of John Sna,11, 1kr. P.,
in tooth'. agoinst tho now:1,1room 01'51.31.
("110,01 to the Jeoutto' EtVatot ket.
Royal salutee aro ocroborbo.1 to bo need'
en the annivorsary tea
Lw and Dotoire.,0 Dow na tho 70,11 ,wing
stoti. Victoria, Wino Inca 1. oolon,
Toronto, Ei ono •1.1 to Y:1,111
Ir0111 14,0801010, OP., woe:, oo. (111111.1".so hoet-,el'sb°, t‘ • 1•;•• '‘,o1 10t1o.'•
to reside. • -Oa • t' "''
tbo ot thia 1110,..01. Amoogst 125 etolooto o -oh-,,,s
loonto tot•rc ,.trA111," 1 oo F.•t.58,1.
Veterl'011'y •-1.110111:LS
Ilderton ; L. A. Brown. 1,111110:01,3 531
Alexandloe So-loth:too ; it, 1534 otoonan,
T. Boohoo -1, Watorloo; lleat..ic, Sea -
F1'13 fOrth •, W. ..11. 1. 11300 153(11 Ito .', M.
Campbell, oft -Milroy ; P. Donn, Port
When Mr. Palmer deelhood a re -
Dover (T. Dunoomho Watortord; 0,
oloolion to tho Senate from Minhigan
(and he cottld have been chmen within:3 To. rad. Jorvis • G. rt. Fishor Goorich;
Gricyo, rO'eaforth ; Vs% Hamilton,
may opposition) it tvas knoyea with moth „a r
regeot here that ho woold uot (15 11 1,-,111.1)mat K1111'
I'Vorhington his perinoment plates of reel-
itelleti carte t 8,0Sepil ...12LrA111111,
000;111000d, ,t1110,011410 1 ti 10103911110k [Alegi 1115,, 111111.0t lava() t 1.1 14o ,itet,o,rnaeinoton;);(11,Woull.onillli.ripiceDile, el,: Jar Ping, iIi0.1,7%s‘,1;00,:tr al; ,,,i,0111Siknr:
syteltri,d tylietes• itrooniu ti so, lionn ooner ..Aori.,1831.,iteinnottehr 1.`• '111:
Ta4ey, Clliesloy; end' V. E..
as Ministev to Spain by President 'o,,...r :Mount Pelmet ; P. ta Wilson,.
Harrison, and his acceptance of that
Touor, will remove Om genial mod popo.
loot essSenator from Washington for Local lstTews
some years at toast to Immo. Ito the six
yomte Mr. Palmer has rosidad more or MGR Lm' GO11110X, - of atenoknow, (01
luso in. Washington be has loughs for visiting her siker,. Mrs, Fletcher.
himself very many attached frietide. He Poem line of Cooper Noa solithha.
Is ono of those mon who to know is to Boots and Shoos at Street= Bros.
love. 1-10 is utterly without pretense. Remital, meeting of Brussels School'
Whilo digniAod at the proper Mow, 110 Bertram' Friday evening of this melt.
Can in tho society of 0 few genial. eons- Soo. COtt81.11V appointo 1 Nunci-
o:Mons bo as boyish and es hal of kooipor in the plane of These. BradwcIll
inut100 1110 pOesiblo cOnce1V0 Of. rWM07ell.
.ttti..11a.1411(t1ico,f a0tx:ii(101'.118eivli0a8 (i11111t3tr.4. 1cTO otiaeknin0g.'' books hove boon added. to Tormeols Me.
Two hundecol dollars worth of oplandial
onsotions and olioiting replies that is chanics' Institute librnry, The bloke
0..ry taking indeed. 11 Mind 110,', plettean wore 8,31801.,,A by tho ojAc,.1.4 a, (1,01i.
ithliclool± lir, Pitlincr'S return tido so that wo know what wo ores
his early manhoul, And ho will ha Milo Koott elowola will ho open (or lothlio
10 i' 111. 1 10 8110111 110111f,` timo them in gosling,
10 11003 that 11,05(0,1 ii.1V010pOd Wortiliip al; .2 p. ±ti. Prlitily 111111 31,1,10.
g11,1,1;1,1rTntIty, 0101 tr.11b3 \IIIT:11,0111111,1: raw lir
OIJO53' l'Ilo 10.1 1511111(3)' 1.3 510031(10, 0101,0,4113015),
great advautsOo tho Amorican nth). Tho sossion moot.; at lain oil
boor Ile to able to 'Tool( 1110 Spanish Rev. Mr. Mello, will tionclitet wooship -
Imignago themtly, rod al acell road in nwo, Sunday IOnylo leeveo
lta.7.1g1tItt:thic,"tr.111.°1110(400111171•17::7- ''':',11.1i011 1,0 iS 0. nutrition- 05-oor resotento. 1 41111030 5 5)'
/fa wilt far Brantford in1 Monday.
find that his rity With the i,11„11.41
necroclitod will open (ivory day to hirn, would, probably, clod with tho closiude
hi: will be obit, to coolly tool agree- in of 00308 Miring the tons avoid.
ithly prosciutto thoso hiolorioal audios Mg the thunotgo often dome to potions,
which even during bits busy political Igo trout, dm. by Glove noaturnal visitootte.
110 j.111.7 svilinct,t1togt..heitt;tittl;ideleti,toottinuotn. Tha question toil/ eomo op for dig.
General daring, too prosent week /rod 1, 0, t
egegion at tho next Ommeil mooting,
1.:04VElitiAltli.--ThQ annual
Averaged 150 oppoliontenta a day of emotion to the Members ot IVestern Star
feud/1.014os postmasters. 'Thee° are la Loage, No 1.1(), LO,O.F., Will be preach.
04 011 Sundays 215th itis(., in St. John's
ghtireh, tommoneing at 3 1. a. no, by tho
inentribant, Nov. IV. T. ChM, Tho•
Brethren aro reroletted to moot at Tito •
Lotigo room at 10;30 m M. '
J. G. flooetiolatto ...IV, A. Csamitio.N,G,
37,-4 , •.•