The Brussels Post, 1889-3-29, Page 7d h it ,0 w 10 td .11 ed to at to so of. so 100 te- ,ry ire bib ted igo 'he of ith ing edtt elft b— or ono the LOCO are are ym• Vas by A.n- ably only but ived have wen t he ate ughb have very # hie such rultz, loth - half iday, :oath, Agedod o g e top eking fro1D. MARCH 29, 1889. xStigooMte kw,'zwwey.e➢tna'Mer HOUSEHOLD. How to Make Bread, Four loathe of breed of dainty mould Loathe worth their weight in yellow gold, Eaoh ono for mortals iib 00 eat,— I give in rhyme my own rhoofpt ; Six pounds of flour of tighten grade, Clean, pure and M1100,4031 oarofulweighed, Have for the taste, as fur a feoot, Make uofb and warm, aoage of yeast Alias%ed d1BOLved iu sweetest milk,— Nob water, no, nob even silk Neer valued is like nulk that's pure, Oold fact Ode fa, of time he sere, O'er night do mixed 10 warmoat home, Morning, when horn• , 'Iia light as team. Pr000t:d 00 owe to gteley knead, Respeob for whioh must be your oreed. Eaton loaf in pan meet rioe ouae more,— Some any for minuses twenty-four, Soon ae they're round, the oven right, EDAM one mush bake till full of light. Draw out and lay with tender are Your hell upon, and do not dare E'er loaf to break till they are oold. And then, if they aro not worth gold, Some fault is yours, not the receipt, Tho whioh no mortal 000k oan beat. THE BRUSSELS POST. Bta1rV61rRa""2.rm5'9gt9r,�dtsrr. _. _......�,�....::.. FLASHES FROM THETBLBGRAPH, or else gob some paste, pasto•board and pub them together yourself, We have one whioh brother bound when ho woe ouly ten years old, and it hao aced the teat of ton years' abuse and it Is 0ti11 held together, which la more than 1 eau say of three bough books, It was not done neatly or straightly bub very Oubstautially. 11 there le to purtioulur piece you wish to preserve 10 oan be out out and pasted in a oerap book, which should bo indexed and have departments 0o anythieg could bo found in a moment without having to look ever the entire lgntente, But whatever you do pub them bo some purpooe; do not des- troy them or lot them got time stained and Worm-eaten end snowed " to moulder away in door." ---JULIA BIGELOW. Ohoioo Reoipes, MINCED SALT lfisn,—Peek oub all the bones end bits of akin the day that the fish is boiled, ao it is moat °asfly done while it i0 Warm. Next day ohop it flue, and alao 011 the potatoes lett of the previous dinner, whioh are better for blobs purpose than those that are juot boiled. Lay three or four Mica of salt pork into a opider, and fry till they aro orieped ; take them oub, and put the chopped fish and potato into the middle, and preen it out equally, so that the fat will be atthosides. Cover it close ; after about five minutes put into the oentro a gill of milk, and Dover it again. In a few minutes more stir ib, but eo carefully as not to die- turb the oidoe rind the bottom, aloe a brown must will not form. Add more milk if ib is too dry, When thoroughly heated through, stir in a email piece of butter, loosen the urueb from the aides with a knife, and turn it out upon a hot dish, If it ie done tight, it Neill come out whole, and nicely brown- ed. ROYAL COCOANUT TANTS.—Half a pound of granulated cocoanut and a pound of powdered sugar. Mix photo with the yolks of ten eggs and a little milk, then odd four stele epouge cakes rubbed fine and sifted; mix well together ; flavor with eesenoe of lemon. Line some patty pane with puff paste rolled thin, and pub some of the mix• tore in the centre, then sift over the mix- ture some deeioaated cocoanut. Bo1LED RICE.—Wash a cupful of rice by putting le fn sold water and rubbing ie hard between the haude. Do this three times. Drain off all the water and put the rice in a large stowpan with three quarts of boiling water, Plage it where it will boil all the time with the stew -pan unoovored. When it has been cooking toe fifteen minutes add one tablespoonful of salt ; but do not stir lt, for rioe le spoiled if stirred during the hook- ing. When it has boilel for twentyfive minutes turn it into a oolander and drain off all the water. Place the colander on a plate mad est it on the hearth or the book part of the range. Guyer the rioe with a coarse towel. In this way it oan be kept hot and dry for a long time. ' Bed Covering, Bed blankets exhibit very strikingly the deueption8 of trade -Markt. A blanket measuring thirteen quarters, the largest size made, if of pure California wool, will nob usually measure more than eighty-four inches in width by ninety in lengoh. A blankeb of cotton end wool will measure more in the same'size. The cause of this, Manufacturers may, is that blankets are measured, not by their size when ready for sale, but the size of the frames on wbiah they are atrotohed to dry after manufauture. !Chis may be so, but it seems difflcuib to believe that any blanket measuring three yards and a quarter on the frames should shrink to lea than two yards and a half oft' from them. Conaoientious merchants fre- quently publish the exact size of blankets opposite the trade -mark, but this is not the rule, It is nob advisable to by any sheeting for a double bed exoeph toe ten -quarter width. This sheeting in standard grades measures exaotly what it should. Twelve - quarter sheeting is no longer manufactured. The blaukets pleasuring eighty inohes in width are the suitable size for a double bed; anythingnarrower ieuncomfortable. Down and wool oomforcablos sold in the shops are seldom over two yards in width. This is too narrow for n double bed, and the only alternative is to retake oomfortmbles at home. Cot on woofer cables have long ago been condemned by physicians, and if one cannot afford the luxury of down or wool it is better to depend entirely on blankets, The cheap, so called "down" oomtorbableo in shops aro uauelty filled with fine geese. feathers. Arena down fa nothing more than the down of the German g, Dae. This weighs more and is not au desirable as eider down. Moreover it is very difficult to work in, as minute particloa of the feathers fill bhe at- mosphere whenever It as stirred, hovering everything 'end mousing breathing uncom• fortable, tutor down, on the contrary, stays in photo like. o00tnn and can bo as 00s- ilv handled. A good eider down can be bought easily at eight dollars a pound from wholesale rleulers in feathers. it may ba eometim'S obtained at a cheaper price, eo the Annie down 10 now so freely used that the genuine article often sella low. Tho down of an eider duuk isgray of drab,never white, and La the only down that stays where it in put and does not fly 01(0uc on the atmos- phere, A good eider down quilt ten -quar- term aquae will coat from $25 to $30 made ab home and covered with 101Jia silk or wool ohallfo ; the choice of covering grading the cab. Next to a down comfortable is one filled with camel'e•hair wool, which is now sold at about seventy five aents a pound. This wool makes an exceptionally luxuri- ous comfortable and according to the mink. mats of the Jaeger system should be hover• ed with some woolen fabrio like fine oaoh mere wool ohallie. Ordinary sheep's wool makes an excellent bed•oovoring though considerably heavier and conacqueotly not equal to camel's-hair wool. Old Papers. Where there are wavered dailies, weeklies and monthlies taken one soon has a large ac- cumulation of papers ; and with the oxoep- tion of those relating to your work or pro- fession they are seldom read twloe. And what to do with them ie the question. First, lasb, and always, keep them clean and neatly folded. When our papers and magazines come, which is on Saturday night, they aro laid on the eitting•room table and except when name one is reading them, are kept there until the next Saturday morning, when they ere put in a closet and any one needing a paper oan take one from there without running the risk and annoyance of carrying off those that have net been read. Twice a year this closet is assorted and they aro pub to their various purposes and those not wanted immediately taken to the garret. She daily papero, there is nothing 00 cheap, nothing more universally longed and watched for, and even the breakfast is nob so indispensable. Krupp'soRun might be more fatal, but a discharge from ib would sanely be more painful, than the intelligence conveyed to you by than sheet, 0s you read of the death of a friend or bhe marriage of an old lover. But what is held in more perfect contempt and to moat people 0o valuele00 as an old A Coloheoler deepatoh bays navigation is 0pe11 on LIke Erle, The lath John Cerruthere, of Kingston, left an ootatd worth $076,000. An outbreak of geld fever is reported from the Sweet Crass Hllbo in 84ontewo. Croat bode are reported ie Southern Cali fornix, The new U. 8 gunboat Yorktown is com- pleted. Frank dons, of Portsmouth, N, EL, eoye he hao sold his brewery for $0,300,000. Cbendier, who shat Mr, J, A. Sheffield in Montreal, has been sentonued fur life, A movement, i0 on foot in Hamilton of establish a Young Woman's Ohriotiao Aosta oiation. A vordiob of manslaughter has been re. turned in the Hafftoid wife murder maw in Winnipeg. The Conservative preuo of Mexico attacks Harrioon and Blaine as being ambitious to poetess Mtxiao, Sir Thomas Gladstone, Bart.. only surviv• ing brother of Right Hon, \V, E. Gladstone, is dead, He with born in 1,04 While Lieut. A. B. Tyler and family were at dinner on Monday night a sneak thief harried off $2,000 worth of jewellery. Messrs. O'Brien and Harrington refine to aooepb their release front prioort on the con- dition of refraining from agitation. BAKED PORK AND BEANS.—For a family of nix or seven, take a quart of white beans, wash them in several waters, and pub them into two or three quarts over night. In the morning (when it will be easier to null oub the bad ones than before they were soaked), piok them over, end boil them until they begin uo crack open ; then pub them into a brown pan such as is made for the purpose. Pour upon them enough of the water they were boiled in almost to cover them, Cub the rind of about a pound of Belt pork into narrow strips, lay it on top of the beans, and press it down eo that it will lie more than half iia bhiokneas in the water. Bioko oeveral hoar, ; four or five will not be too long. More water will be neoeseary before they are done; the lamb hour let them dry and brown the top. Many persons think 16 a deoided improvement to put in a epoonfu or two of monomer'. To heat over baked beans, pub them in a trying -pan with a little water ; heat them slowly at first, and oovar close. If they are too moist, remove the oovtr and stir them often. Quoon's PUDDING.—One-half of a pound of sugar, five and one-half tablespoonfuls of butter, one-half of a pound of flour, four egge, one teaspoonful of baking powder, one - halt of a pound of rattans, one-half of a cup- ful of chopped citron, one-half of a wine - glassful each, of sherry, brandy and milk, one-half of a teaspoonful eaoh, of vanilla and mane. Bake in a slow oven. Prince -es Irene, wife of Prince Henry of ramie, brother of the Emperor, has been delivered of a son. The members of the Atobinoff expedition, who were brought to Sebastopol, have boon allowed to return to their homes. Atobinoff is detained. Mr, Andrew Uarmegie bas been visiting the iron worko of the South. and noucludee that Pennsylvania's moats formidable rival ie to bo found there, The bill incorporating the Supreme Court of the Order ot Foresters, after some amend- ments, has passed the Banking and Commerce Committee at Ottawa. W. J. Oliver, manager of the Anaconda Hardware Company at Mi000lum, Montana gambled, loab money, became despondent and suicidal on Monday. King Alexander has requested his mother, ex -Queen Natalie, to remain absent from Servia, as her.presonee would render his position a difficult one. Mr. Povaeur, a grocer and distiller living in North'Corrlina, discovered hie wife and one of his clerks in a compromising position on Saturday night and shot and killed both of them. The anthracite noel companies of Pennsyl- vania have arranged a plan for regulating the trade. The scheme to an allotment of percentages based on the production during August, September and October last. There is no money penalty for exceeding the per- aentale. What Becomes of Them, " What b000meo of 01011 who deaisivo their fellow men ?" asked Sunday•ooho"l teacher of her elate, "They lose the oorfidenee of good people," wa0 the prompt reply, "Well answered, Now what becomes of women who do the some thing?" The (Dation stumped thn mass for m minute, 01113 then a little girl piped nuc, "'Choy usually eatehea the mon for a husband," Lonsl'ellow'e Malden, who le --"Standing, with roluctaut feet, Where the bro,0 and liver moot, Womanhood and childoo'd fleet"! is a hype of toouoande of young girls who aro emerging from the ahryselio stage of their existence, as they enter open their "teens." Nervous, excitable, irritable, stir - ed by otrougo, unknowable forges within them reach a mystery unto herself, our girls need the tenderest care, the moat loving, pstiont oversight, and the aid of Dr. Pieras's Favorite Presorlpnan, to safely carry them through this orttioal period, during whioh, in too many lives, alms, are sown the soedn of diatre0sing forms of di010eee peculiar to' the female aex, Bat thin boo • to W0man- ?rind will prevent all moil diseases, or ours them if they have aile.,dy l:eizud u victim, Woman owes ft to horself, co her family, and to her snail (station, to be well and strong. Let her then not ueglcot the sure means of are. °Favorite Prescription" id a legitenate mediator', onrefully oompouoded by an experienced and skillful physician, and adopted to woman's delicate organiz afloat It 10 pertly vogetehlo in its compost. tion and perfectly harmless in its effects in any condition of the system. , " Say, ma," remarked the omall boy, "isn't it funny that everybody calla my little ,brother a bouncing baby?" " Why do you think it is funny, Willie 1" returned hie mother, "Beoanse, when I dropped him on the floor this morning, be didn't bounoe a i bit." Brown Engines 'IRON AND slat BOILERS ANY SIZE, 2Of4,'7TO ENGINE WORKS, PIUNCESS A 1) PRUNT STel J, Perkins & Do, - Toronto DR, DOR Id I\1WEND'S 1t\jl Flair Magic lkst,wo rlrn (1.10, Stops _. __.. 0.ming out 1 the 11 i'. 110 Ureses .;o. /Mahn. Luweet Bangs 1loine ea 1) ul0rug; In Hind- e11p 110 Ng {. y go delay, Correspondence sahoitod. stets while the rents artn"l• flapUi9 Y�1 it, W. O. 80/' Mott, i%nanolel Agt. gene, Magic wi I monm•e a s0,ra6ft Iterl,L1r80- 70 Klnv0b. E„ 1010000. Ona gree lb. It in unfolbng Pr it. All dn'gglet, every• wheel'. rrr'''�e// Alar oumonntofTRU$" o g. y E"8 4,614 to 10nn at m 111, 4. $)t)ItGNRd'E011,M L,1 low rate of Interest onIImigo Selo Monufarnuror, rtz class security. Apply to TtarsTm QM, CANADA. , BEATTYCHADWICK, BLACKSTOCK & GALT, Allan Line Royal Nail Steamshil 9 I80 ,10 . io u, 0, (001 tee k Walliobton Sa, tor. Ohuroh, over Bank o! Toronto) Sailing during winter from Portland every Timorey TORONTO, O1d'P. and Halifax overy8atnrday to Llverpo'd, and In rum - mar from Quebec) every Saturday to Liverpool,eall:nv ab Londonderry to land malls and paesengero tor CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF Scotland and Ireland ; also Irmo Baltimore, vis hall fax and St. John's, N, F., t0 Liverpool fortnigr"iy i during mummer menthe. The steamers of the OlaeMAN ITO - gow lino Boil during winter to and from Bafi'ax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia and daring •' to. • Mer between Ola,gew and Montreal weekly ; it as Parties wine, g to purchase improved Monitor yew and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philar el. ' Forms, tram H, acne mix an 0, with immediat phia fortnightly. posetwe10n, call or write to 0. I IIJA11LSOA, Mo. For freight, peonage Or other intormatloe 5111111 to Arthur's Block, Main ft., V.iuuipeg. information A. Schumacher r t Co.On.,'BCBaltimore itimoi e; S.dCanon) TI'. 'n p. Iurelshed free of chnlee, and centers unlisted in making eeleetion. eon & Co.,t. John, N. B.; Allen ' Co., r'1t1,ar.; Lova a Atden. Naw York; B. Bendier, Ten 0to; ]ld: OTT MG -'2" T O LOA. N' AT G0000sr, BATan Or IN0010000 pbta H. A. 1 Resolutions. Whereas, We are a free and,enlightened people, and In dutyhonnd to take thegreatoet caro of the health of the community in gen- oral and of ourtolveo iu particular. There- fore, be it Resolved, That in all oaoh where we are afffioted with constipation, inactive or dia• eased liver, biliouaneea, derangement of the otomaoh, jaundice and kidney troubles—we will prooure Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets and use the some immediately. " Sohlaf Wohl"—It races (after first week of new Gorman nurse)—" Mamma, what does Minnie moan oy saying 'slop bowl' to to ole every night ?" $500, or 0110 Your Catarrh. For a long aria of years the manuf0otur- ere of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, who are thoroughly responsible, financially, as any one can easily ssoertain by proper enquiry, have offered, through nearly every news- paper in the land, a atandin,; reward of $500 for a case of nasal loatarrh, no matter how bad, or of how longstanding, whioh they cannot owe. The emedy is sold by all druggists at only 60 cents. It is mild, sooth- ing, cleansing, deodorizing, antiseptio and healing. Every woman should keep a visiting book, A FOOLISH ROBBER. Ifo Secured $278 and Started for, Cututda, but Was Caught. WATERTOWN, N. Y., March 14, -On See turday Mr. F. L. Smith, cashier of the Nor- wood Bank, was alone in the building about noon, when Charles Phelps, the post -office clerk, entered and asked for some stamps. Mr. Smith stepped into the vault to get them, when Phelps quickly olosed the door and turned the combination, looking the cashier in. The robber then turned to the money drawer and took all the paper money that it contained, 9278, leaving several hundred dollars in silver. Phelps had a horse ready and with it he started for the Cana- dian border. Meanwhile a ouotomer entered the bank, heard the oaehier calling to him from the vault, and being instructed as to the combination, inhuman him. Phelps was (captured on the midnight train and deliver• ed to the officers. Phelps hao fallen into bad habits of late, and is said to have become an opium -eater. F1G. CAKE,—One and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one-half of a cupful of butter, the whites of four eggs, one and one-half tea- spoonfuls of baking powder, one cupful of milk, two and eue-half oupfule of flour. For filling, out one dozen figs into small pieces, barely oovar with water and let them come to a boil, then remove from the stove immediately. Have ready the whites of four well -beaten eggs; add to these the figs and one oupful of sugar ; mix well and spread bobweon the layers. SCOLLOPED OYOTE1ts.-003 quart of large, selected oysters, one dozen of crackers, one egg, and nearly a cupful of butter ; season- ing. Witb a fork dip oaoh oyster in the alightly -beaten egg and then in the °ranker crumbs whioh hove previauolly been rolled fine, and planed in a buttered dish. Add pepper, salt and butter to math layer, if any egg is left, add it the lush thing and hover with Otumbs. Bake from one.half to three-quarters of an hour in a hot oven. Many 000ks prefer a tin instead of au earth. en diem as the oysters 000k quicker. newspaper. But it has splendid possibilities to house- keepers. They an be owed to improve the appear- 0no0 of kitoben shelves. Any ohild could be taught to ornament them with scallops and points, and stars and bare and be very much amused with the process. And the rat could be put under the carpet as they are excellent non-oonduoters. The weekly dory papero are oiroulated among our friends, and sometimes they are exchanged to our mutual pleasure. TE you have any regard for your peace of mind andbrio•a•brao, provide some means of entertaining visitor's children. And I know of nothing better than a large pioture•book, for whioh purpose the illustr ab- ed papers are very valuable. Ono large one is better than several small ones, beosuae the children oke better satie- fied if they can all gather round and ail look at once than if each had a separate book. This book is also serviceable to lend to a siok friend who is too weak or too weary to read. Another purpose 1 eaw the illus• trated papers put to, was to paper bhe nook's room and she appreoiatod it more than if it had been done in the finest of Llnorusta Walton. Aside magazines, they oan be sent to the libraries, asylums, and reformatory indite, who acquaintance b to some or given would g n 'cha60. but is unable 110 C o road b P l ikeb Professional books and papers that you wish to keep for reference had bettor be bound, Whey will be more clumsy, bub they will be preserved fn a bettor condition, You can have them bound, buy covers, BA Alleva, ?tae A Co., Quthec; Wm. Brorkte, Phil. del - Resolutions. oOIand P.ritr n Otratrr:•, A Woman's Invention. A French sohoolmisbres0, Mlle. Mulob, liv- ing iting at Angers, has invented an ingenious method by which the blind can easily corres- pond with those who see. The invention is, therefore, a marked improvement on the Braille system of raised lettere, by whioh persons afflicted with loss of eight correspond with each other only. Mlle, Mulct's appar- atus is really a little printing prase m a portfolio about the size of a sheet ot note- paper. The blind person spreads it out and impresses the letters required on white paper, under which there is a colored pad which gives them a blue appearanoe and they are thus nob only brought out in relief for the tough of those deprived of eight, but are also visible to the eyes of bhot a wee see. One of Mlle. Mulob's blind pupile hao been able, by means of this sate x, to take part in a com- petitive examination for the diploma of else menbary teacher, and to 13 distance" some of the candidata who were in possession of their visual 1aoulbieo, Railway Stations of Russia, The railway stations, and especially the station for Mooaow, are acmes of intense human intereob. You usually go to atoll a train in Russia half an hour too soon, If you are going any distance all your family and friends some to see you off. Every one is admitted to the platform, whioh, as a eon- oequenoe, presents a orowded and intorooting speetecle, the like of whioh 1: have seen in no other country. The restaurants at the eta - done are admirable. Tho restaur0nte in St. Petersbrug are numerous, the hotels com- fortable, and, thanks to the depreciation of bhe ruble, not too dear. In moot of the Russian restaurants digestion is auppoeed to be facilitated by the strata of a gigantio musical box orr meohanioal organ, whioh die. Carries loud -voiced muoio all the time dinner s going on. Ill Temper Is more rapidly improved, by relief from physical suffering than in any other way. Step on your friend's corn, and the impulse to otrike is etronrost. Pubnam'e Painless Corn L''xtractor, by quickly and !painlessly removing them insures good nature. Fifty imitations prove ate value, Beware of substitutew, "Putnam'e," sure, safe, pain. lees. Going to Try An'ain, The Rev. Micheal Baxter, of London, who has managed to secure some cheap notoriety for himself by periodic vatioinabions respeob- ing the end of the world, whioh, it is need- less to hay, have so far failed to Dome true, is at his old business again, A few days ago he advertised that a Second Advent Conference would be hold in London on Tuesday and Wednesday last as an r' anti- cipative anniversary" ot Christ's e000nd coming "in the air on March 5t11, 1896, to raise the deceased saints and translate 144,- 000, watchful living Christians to heaven wichoub dying." The manner in whioh the above date was ascertained by Mr. Baxter was explained in the advertisement, but no information was given as to the method by which he arrived at the round number of Christians who are to be tranelated ab the end of the next seven years, We are afraid Mr. Baxter prophesies to live rather than lives to prophesy. a•I trueb, Robert when you grow up you Will show yourself on the aide of temperance and morality by voting too prohibition t oke.„”Oh, rata! 'Why, aunt, water'skill. thought of doing," n ever ed more folke'n liquorg g " I am ashamed of you, Robert I Can you thick of ono instano0 in whioh water, judia- iouely applied, has caused death 1" Well what's the matter with the flood '1" A. P. 442. itit` Leatherel G•m g kaiss( s,j17„ ; I BEST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. e '`t our ➢?IIKCRII'T1VP.F.E,OIXON &CO3 MAKERS, 70 KING ST. E, TORONTO anuunl ul SIIntlrnteA ; a aero. 49unlogur• oe I Seod for Price L1nts and L ear 1 1 t Ir�Ef.IdlEii-E SEEDS a, free an. will sent popular sortsep re= tblti,irrHsi os alithe Miniveleading I Scetbr, popes al Ill, arYrahle novelties ofrlsm'last Miniver and n ever thing e1,1(0 urlin,00aeveltiesott. ism' iasB'l,,Or, narneI,Gardener,Fl or let. r 1,,ile Opnre.,0P lrMAAItetnrd shoal see co,yof our elantente I DMA AntlttOitr should sea a 11copy03'000 Catalogue Lafora Iarbng mill pay you J. A. SIM MERS 147KINGStreet 1 TOROAda doors O, ONTARIO .ane �Whaley floyoa&Co'' ' Dealers In ell n of 1 14011041.111011/ ENi1. i Agents th, BESSON I t:r and HIGH Ill Bind In- struntenrs• RUT SHEET MUSIC and MUSIC ICD BOOKS. Manutaoturers cd of the "I31'E31AL" i+✓ BAND INSTRUMENTS q Bob in the world, Et. ht 0 Year ' Guarantee. Send ID for Illustrated Catalogue , aed = 0Testimonials. LY O `r90E±1 "='TORO6VT0 288 Venire St., - We are children who cheerfully fain in the chores When Breadmaker's Yeast is the subject before ire- dfan"na tried all the rest, So ehe knows We the best, [lr'ktesA 'Cause ker bread rs the wktlest, her bans an PR! And we eat all the pancakes she dare set beforeua, BUY THE BBEADMAKER'S YEAST. PRICE 6 GEMS, BEWAR sE OF IMITATIONS. ROYAL Dandelion COF None genuine but the Royal Prepared by Ellis & Keighley, - Toronto. After spending Ton Winters South, was Cured by Scott's Emulsion. 1.18 Centre St., New York,1 June 20th, 1888. The Winter after the great fire in Chicago 1 contracted Bronchial affections; and since then have been obliged to spend nearlyevery Winter South. Last November wee advised to try Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver 011 with Hypophosphftes and to my su rprisewas relieved at onoe, and by oontinuing its Use three months was entirely cured, gained flesh and strength and was able to stand even the Bliz- zard and attend to business every day. C. T. CHURCHILL. Sold by all Druggists, .00c. and $LOO. CANOES.;W8(, ENGLOSIt, Oet'erboro, Ont. KPBITTIMCraoreo+.a:n 0ui.MACHINES CANCER and Tumors CURED; no knife, beak free. Dile, MCMICHAEL, No.63 Niagtoaet., Buffalo. N,Y. RUDGE AND COLUMBIA BICYC:ES. RGPA1R1310 A SPECIALTY. $MMOND HAND wDxa10, AI Work Guaranteed. Send for Catalogue. H. P. DAVIES & CO., 22 Church Street, • Toronto, Ont C 0 N 118 OY'S CARRIAGE TOPS. 01IOYT0 CUTTING 501000L. — SAMUEL CORRTOAN Prop., 4 Adelaide street, Nest °Monne and reliable Systems taught, where,. per• fofttig,Sylgarment.; armen.;areproduced• Write or ntStylish t 010 O stolen fr m the Bank atl Hull II Protect your Stores, Hoses, Stables, as well as Goods hung on the eutslde by using the Champion Burglar Alarm -I Io'o one can get into a momor building without alarming the whole neighborhood. Can he pub up in a minute. Commercial Men on attach ono to any door b; simply doing It. 03003 not mar the door In the least. This Is no toy, hat n tvoli.mode 0Ri0Q,1,0. Made, patented and sold by a well-known Beate. Ask your hordware dealer for one, and he euro ray name i, on it, or send 81 end twelve ono free, Good Agents wanted in every plane. d. B 101011040L, P,O. Box 016, Solesr0001 077 Craig Sb.,0I)aratat Coif No More. Watson's 'cough drops are bhe beet in the world for the throat and ohesb, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. & T. W. are stamped on oaoh drop. Two dollars will now buy a quart of straw, berries and ono fine Consumptionarge eof .o Surely Cured. To the Editor :— Please inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely nee thousands of ho elect mases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad ad t o send two bottles of my remedy rho to any e eon• dere who have of Y Your ren eumpbion if they will send We their 11x ress and P. 0. address. Roep'y, S, A. Slocum, M. C., 164 ! Weal) Adelaide St., 'Toronto. Have all the latent improvements and are unegnnlled for durability, ,tyle and convenience. The loading Carriage Belfries sell them. ASIC MOB TEEM and BUY NO 0111ER SEED�gSt�°p'VE N AWAV.P'k' IIs kinds, and IIOWm'8nede 000 binds, Gumn, and Ica. riConnote for Seeds, veer choice, all for Catarina (d• euta) fOu5OUWSAx,PNN4kull6PJ. 1 Ino Tromilt, Thie eget will appear but twig 1tM1CAL INSTRUMENTS.—Sand for out LIMO llluatrateu Catalogue of Band lustru- monts. Violins, Guitars Flute,, eta., and all kinds of Trimmings, Aeoot for Trenoh0'0 and DoWlttn Ptaye. BUILAND'S 11(11810 STORE, 87 King St. West, Toronto, Ont. BI�+ Y60 Mtcmur 1100. OYcLI� Amo000010AQNE, 1 FITS! When I say Gunn 1 do not mean merely0o s op them for a time, and then have them 00- t arn the Cts . of RADICAL OURS, FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS A life long study. I WARRANT my remedy t! failed ishne roast oases. for not nowreeeivilinogrnoure Send yyat once for a treatise and a FREE BOTTLE and P ROBIcee.. L It eo is you nothing for a trial. and it will cure you. Address .I IL G. ROOT, M.0,,164 West Adelaide St, TORONTO, ONT. MINIS a Va luable Food for Dyspeptics Because it can be so eaS)ly digest cdthat the weak- est stomach ran retain end thoroughly assimilate it. It 0 NS ORS L i BEEF ,j litopab is stimulus to the sy scdiOi, treng a strong, d enriehes the blood, Invigorates and nonrisbes Mlle body P robust constitution. THE GREAT STRENGTH -GIVER. .AA 411NTS-000015purchased, at a low figure, the . 0otiro stook of8 the large edition, two volumes in ens, of 315Ory 01. Stanley's, Through the Dark Continent ; or, tail Sourmee of the N110," we have made a big reduotlon In the retail prim, This work contains Maps, Iliuebratlone, and over 1,000 moo, and bound to oloth, It le nearly 0 limbos long, 00 Inches wide, and over 2} Moho thick. An inuaene0 nook. Terme Liberal. WAC. BRIGGS, ktuhllshor, Toronto, AUTOMATIC `SAFETY ELEVATORS Pat. hydraulic, hand:and stoma elevators, TURNBULLI Canadian Elevator Works, Peter and queen Erects,, LBITCH HAt1111T&010, ONTI OF ALL KENDS. on Dealers hlltod out n tavotabl ntonns 0 N.H.HURD &SON Nureerymeo,Bur' lingtnn „Ont, £,oxen /lift 11,oaas Vary vino Natrv'c bfLona. E WREN LOGS ARE HELD UP FOR WANT OF SNOW Take your Saw Mill to the Logs, by purchasing one of our Portable Saw Mills Most Practical, Efficient and Economical Mills Built, of 02 to 40 Rome -Power. fuTE,I fekO f.t A11t lel ill!L.?; Saud for Circulars. WATEROUS Engine Works COMPANY. BB,ANTFORD AND WINNIPEG. Equity, Economy, q y, Stabilit Y Mutual Life, The O�n,talri©M ESTABLISHED 1870 Assurances in force, Jan, 10,1889 $12,041,914 00• New ASS1lraDCOS written in 1888 2,518,650 00 Cas11 Income for 1888 393,074 00 Assets, Dee. 31st, 1888, 1,313,853 00 Inabilities, as per Government Valuation 1,223,516 00 SURPLUS, $90,337 00. The New Bnsinesstfor January and February of this year is NUR MITER ATER than was ever before written by the Company during the same months, while, with over $12,000,000 on our books, the death tosseshave been only $ B 50 0 Win. . HENDRY Imager VII. RIDDEL , Secretary �