The Brussels Post, 1889-3-29, Page 1• sinneaCraatemil..,, Volurne 10. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1889. Number 86. .:,...—.4.,ererrro•rvgatomy........osTaam.roowne,neptnrmArearsynaus4r0W.,mr.3/0114.0. ...1,1sriL.404,1eCesOinziralitneentrlosmanvOztr;r4reforamateopreneraerMeasouseiVOntarsuiromGmor Bratieelitee Re-UniOn in Toronto. .--. --- Dom alit, tionte—This week had tended to give pot some notes on t hilarious scene that took pito Fad last whon our M. I?. F.'s wound up t lad W88101181 bl ist, sheathed the soot hag knife, and hand to band they cuff mid [dashed, a spectate+ of wilbet jot tleation, But as I Iota the pleasure meet a number of old Ornosols ft:tittle thought Homo observations on what to place would rnore interat your nut readors, to show bow 13rogrolites kept remembrance the dear Old Lang. Syne. Pate Revell's oleo! Alt Revoll's—wo th night, 1 Monday, 18th Inst., ;818 Ontario Bt., Torouto • 'Tbere was a sound of Revel—ry" th tight. Byron's opening twee seems optl apeopos. That nett of saYetY hv lioielategoil from tho 13.1giao capital to th Queen City, capital of Ontario. The k in tho palatial home of tho Revell farnil ; kinciroct spirits mot and spent an (wont of nnbouuded enjoyment. Such meeting aro popular here, ill fact is the ally channel through which ol villagert from given points can bring t t4 mind the happy days of Auld Lang SYne f, otherwin they, as to body, would bo los f Ir ' each other --swallowed up among th multitudos that swell our metropolis. , • roseola clan are full of good will en r sociality; and eagerly grasped this op II; portnnity to spend an evening in hone a , of /MUM esteemed visitors orogen= Mrs. Grant, good wife of your lite Ion respectodpostaiaster. All Brussels peopt were (hero whose location was known Antrim that number invited wero Mr. an ?dm Leeltio, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Grant Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fear, Mr. and Mrs J. W. Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hargreaves I Mr. and Mrs. T. McGillicuddy, Mr, en 41 Alm, A. M. Taylor, John (Lion) Alex I antlor, Peter Thompsoo, A. J. Shia, J IV. Stow, Jno. Haroroavos, Lorne Han tOr, Porgy Jaokson,llobt.Rneolitol, Mt Adams, Odin Dickson, Min Rogers, tfr :old Mrs. Chieworthy, J. Meant, Mr. and Wm, Armson, Moms. 33rotnl..y, Mimeo llaelina, Miss Starette, Miss Cardoo Mrs, Gray, Mr Butterworth, togother with family relatives. Ilds, ;.,18.111.10 from the beaming, merry (1, Is of Mrs. Revell banished every !nought of our being any other placo then tonne, Around the richly throttled rotre eVerythieg, even the pilot; of fi untie itt r king the inatsiVo instal:moos, ; alt veict,d forth tho charming taste of elm, It yell. ' -Plotionrog Yore like poppies spread," 1 itua north flew round, shadows flitting § , bititor tool thither on walls aglow with merry light. Benning itt the west mid like ttio httli Setting in embers of rota L,, it. splendor shoo° tho allawitehing tingitoe, Over it hung an excellent taunting of ex-Mityor dlowlencl. 'the titan= touch was tho ladies. The etertute sox put alt their blandest smiles anti mix= up with the fair ones reclining 1 = 8 MIA rout lounges, But tho spark that Lire( ell henrts, °totted that 11mo,, woe arra, Revell. Every look and :totem spoku Dam greeting 1 Bruseele meeting, happy scenes of yoro to toll, Happy tIr. Grant, wilt, treating, Happy with your frien. le Revell. As it sougett ate Mrs, Revell, has mita ity and charm of voice to enthuso any eked teadionee. Singly and jointly with x I nillur litild81, ill guarsottes with J. Liar - e outwit and Mr. Mortal thco Wove again one ageor greeted with do:Honing [m- ei ohmic. Mrs. I bevel ( al= „ewe a inirth i provoetog reacting. T. Ma tillioutitly doe) Maiyaling wo11., l. Illaate: reader, in lutatioe end tion et. te,dion to the ponoilo, oonananded for Min well merited .it =Woe and 'loamy I/ appletto os sts»sm oitor statet no sum. mail up tho career of the "Cobbler of Ittryltoi." T1101nasi is also an adept in ventriloquism and tit eo who hoard him 1111, hold a emtversation with Staub°, as ho .'ll asamled the ohimnoy to the third storey, went lost in wonderment. Nut a gesture useapcd Thomas. Ira olio.= conversation Teal is a -so full of , aro repartee, evor bortaing, at tho proper moment, frith ottOles front fulness of heart, genial out- ' tourioge. That joy lie feelho ems =Mottos till ell &MIAMI feel that height A poeteure thrilling through, flowing to golden boars on Angel wings." Viands molter oho, worse after eourso, aillowed, tempting beyond control, until the capacity to storo theta away gave tut. But the quantity of zieb, rare and Me edibles that disappottrod from tho ' groaning tables seemed mysterious. Doubly oliturged Tom was up and at it e again, calling on Metro. Taylor and , Phompson to respond to the mono and / fair faino of Brossels. When the cheering oubeided .A.rehie arose, It seams only a few months since mo saw him leave home with his books. 'I/o flaw him climb the first lung of the ladder, than wo we o proud of our poet i boy, our Arable an author, Step by stop he has toatibecl tbo top rung, and 1.t 1108' a leader among Toronto's barristers. Any attempt to quota Mr. Tayl or' c clioicie, pointod, poetical otterings would ho only a feitit broken echo, Ile must bo heard. 'Mon his Matchlock; gift, =Homo fired off with that pootia flash "A spark o' natures 4. ore,. You should heat him. Arehio iead us back with him to the meandering ;Seer Maitland, whoro Ito pictured his :.•-, , chikthood'e happy (lays. Tltoro ho hart vfirst looked into malty of those eyes ho sttlV b0f01.0 him'110W they had bocomo fixed strum and lio hoped they would ovnv in. Ito Itt ay ed11. bit nit ny itt ttt at Ls 0 0, Yr g 0 d(.1 cl • • 4 twain and shiou brightly iti his firma tout of friends, This world has beet contoured to a dosort 110 aro passing , through. Tbeso reunions served OA re. frothing einem to cheer us onward, '.flieb cultivation ought to be ono aim, es they wore a joyful boon, lifting us ftp, strongihoniug our talegorl onorgios, bit apirm,g to that exalted happiness at:rived at only by this cultivation of Chriatian friendship, Tito company was hold in lipt admiration to tho close of Mr. Tay. or's peroration, then thoy roso and again glicok the giftotl barrister's liand. °Peel PeenI Ttatel I Itiee, Peter, Get up, war horse." tltnutod tho andienct, Puter's oluolow tower has leseoued, 11 drowe up nuth tumor than most (topic Ile begged tho andioneo to moons. bin; i he should got off anything bettor that Mr, Taylor. It had come thoro, an whole, possessed ot tho moat ample itt. Motions, now he teas all broke up, rent 1181linler, 80 many attraution4 and so ovouly uowitohing. Ile beet atrodo from Vundayal Bay to the mown of the Rookies &mambo( Banff Springs, and over the wave rolling sena; had (shooed the inns. Leto to his 'air in the swamps of tho Mississippi, but this night capped al1. lIs wouol dam a stake hero and rally around it at all limes when near by. Ohio world a desert theory he had always held, with his Mood itfr, Teylor, correct, bat to -night ho that boort wee o mistake, feeing inuehly loaded up the other way. Mule, the original name of Brussels, comae from tho use of to cowbell calling meetings, eepeoially for councils of war. Wo Jingled throe times three "Brussols," to thee name we hope fit urs generations over cling. 'Wo had a hard tight to carry it, finding ourselves in a surmount/slat minority wo worked all night, gave hundreds of non-votors the franchise on pilon of cordwood in Bill Armstrong's hush, and so we carried the good old mune, Brussela, whero Wolling- bon prepared tho bullets that won Water. loo, and ••to that has boon ofton repeated. Brussels oan't be beat at hard figtiting. Peter gradually lowered himself amidst vociferous sheering and shouts of "Lion, Lion, St. Loon, &o,, tte." The 'Lion' holds his own wolf and is bigger than ever. He rooted, then song °ItritatiVe aye been viutorims," and suited the words, knocking down imaginary foes. It took immengely. Obey kept up cheer- ing him, so he fired off a South medly. The 'Lion' is brimful of -tooth. Another liamy couple added much to that pleasant gathorite„. they aro Friend. ship and Love. He takes ovary pains to further the interests of Brussels people, driving visitors arunod, seeing their ob- jects gained, eto. She, mese her soul and shadow, her father over again, feels bad If visitors do not =II and spend a day with them. Such a pair is Abe and Mrs. Yeo. About the wee smut hour all joined bands around the Revell family and Mrs. Grant and, after tatting th m"wi' a' tho honors thew," thou followed "Auld Lang Sync" and "God isay..1 tho Queon." Transmogrified with enthusiasm the Iwo Jacks, MoOeito and thaw, ,struck no a duett they g t ue f tr the occasion. M. led and Jam put itt filo low bass, and kept time swingin, a doll baby ho, lty more Readmit, font* in his cornucopia. "John, John," timid a voice, "the (lolly looks like yo t, got ro I «hooks," John only smiled and r • Olatoil a tittle more. Tboy kept up that duet till someone =died °Doctor, carriages rea.ty;' ao the dootor and estate agent "Ea= paired olI his separate way, Iu bopes to moot some other day." Tho tot tot vary appateut in that gathering was that Drusselitea are well able to hold their own and wo havo pleas- ure io stating that tho contingent in Toronto is it oept am; 11 115 twat satiate tory manta.. Send us Homo more like Jack Hargreaves of we aro it little shore for or,,,Io qUartettcs. Wishing all tat old friontle at Damao Godspeed. 1 subseribu mysolf, Owl: or urn Ilium: Xratillat. o these in attendance by the fro too draughts of add air pouring iti from 1 low. this should bo remedied by t loaning of e large scroon immediate boforti the tloor•woy, which would terially reduce taus inconvonionno. Our Hallo of Sonia), itt point light, ventilation, warmth and gen rel comfort, should be all that mode scionoo can suggest to make thorn, ovary respect, worthy of the imports purposes for they aro intended. Permit lie, ou thio, Ott first °magi of your judicial visit to our county, conuratulato your lordship on tho rated position you have been celled up to (ill, feeling confidant that your lo and eminent serviette at tho boa, coupl with it, blameleso private life, will amp qualify you for Mao= higher and mo responsible duties of the Booth. • We desire to =press hero, oar obi g tarot to Wm. rmit, Esq., Crow Causal, for the courtesy and assietan rendered to us in the dietharge of ot duties, and also the County Attorney, 1r Lewis, Esq., for his assistemce. In conclusion we beg to add our rote of praise and thankfuluess, that througl out the vast empire of whioh we for so largo a pert, we can truly say "w loran peaoe in our day.° All of which ie reopootfully submittor Grand Jury Room. J. J. Wznenr. Goderloh, Mar. 21, '89. Foreman. Mis L (=ship ropliod, endor•ing thei oontitoents in regard to tho better kee of unfortunate indigents. Ho 0,18 thanked the grand jury for their kindly reference to himself. The following gentlemen W0,0 favor in 118 tho Grand Jury ; John Avery, Pete Cooling, John Douglas, Rola. o Stanley ; Robe Devereaux, Tuokersrnith Wm Plder, Henson ; John Fermate Ex star ; John Fowler, Lanett ; Jas. Grieve Morris : Robe Gardinor, 'Osborne ; D N. Gordon, Wingharn Win. Irvine, Toe letyhood, Joie Montgomery, lIowiak W. 11. Mornay, Henry Murphy, Claude Middleton, Goderich ; Robb. McMillan IbIoMiliop; Time. Pontlaud, Ashtleld Bach. Ryan, J. J. Wright, Colborne ; Willis, IV. IL. Watson, Soatorth ; Mr Wright, foreman. Washington Letter. (Prom our ttogidar Uorrospondent.) WA.81.tmo•rox, March, 10,1000. t4.•Cretary ti'mey is evidently endeavor. ing to put as much atm as possible on moot affaim, haring :.doptod certain stringent rules by which the flow of visitora into his oanctuin is to bo regulat• ea. Ho is not itt natant as easy to reach as Mr, Whitney wee and ha: taken steps to keep tho reorearantativee of the press away from hint as tar and as much as poesible. One of his first twee was to create a news binteon itt the desk of the chief clerk, whom he. lots matt his =Idiom of communication with tho outer world. Thoth was a staking incitiont at the door of the Secretary's alto yesterday. Mb time was wed =copied In receiving and tomeolting witlt the heath of 1110 varimIS bUreallg. By It custom long since adopted these parsonages are known to that part of the naval world located in the dopartment art °tax commodoies." They were given free entry, while others, regardless ol conditials, were excluded. A nowspeper man tried to von the gaunb. let, but was stopped by tho Cotherus itt 'he deur, who informed him that nOlso but commodores) could pass tho portals. As ho did not fill tho bill ho desistod. Shortly arta: two gentlemen approaoh- d. Ono teas tall, broad -shouldered, wavily built, with a smooth face, and to tried to porstoolu tit° watchman to ob him pose. Tho latter finally rospond. ed that bit tionIct not poo hien unless ltct 'vas commodoro. The smooth too= non responded, amt he was lot a contmodoece but that he thought Ur. Tracy would son him. The watch - nen finally took his card Waldo, tater onsidemblo hesit taut', mod a moment iter the doors flew open end the stnooth- need num follow= by his companion, +toyed in:triumph. It was Stephen B. Fit Senate is lievitig a good deal of no with tlao visiting public itt the pub- a's expense. Naturally some Seaton) eel annoyed boaause cluringopon sessions axions office seekers Bond in surds and (quests for personal intorviews and not nnaturally some ot the otlioeseekers 00 their equanimity and think profile langits whou the Senate shuts itself p for no °ant reason thou to bo rid of he importemitiee of tho hnngty tido. !Cho oublio, or tat portion of it, loth crowds the eorridores of the erode wing, Would instantly abolish iteautive sessions if it could, and its retests against bring shoe out' wore specially loud yestorday. With or with - it reason no oflicaseeker imogines ho Ib calved ninety Hondo, inton, ly, Cur bo. Hod Room, of tit Whim !bowie. HMI he mouthy rosy mit for a drivo, itenompanied ly by members of her family, while thy Prosidoot indulam himself' in a regular constitutional upon soma of tit publio of avenues, geoontlly in close converoation a with sone, friend. Ills figure fo team- rtt iug to be almost ea familiar 011 the streets, in as tho stately form of President Buchan- nt Lim, of loaner years, who, regularly =oh morning, rain or rhino, during hiv torn) on of office, walked brie ly rourtec‘o Lb to street, as far it i street, which in those x. dap; Walt finite beyond the line of build. on inge, mid beck before a lato breekftteb. ng ed Shocking Triple Isd[UrCler ly at Guelph. ro Guelph is in a ferment of excitement 'n and everywhere there is but one topic of ee, attersatino, the terrible tragedy lcy winch a /Ilo and hr two daughtor• Were n' murder= by a fond, loving husband tool °' father. at= whole affair it one of the cri =Eldest that hits over =au red in Canada. , A =native Mall is accused of embezzling co few hundred dollen. *Unable to endure ra that his family should know the dis• e honor and poverty attendant on which he 4. protested was a tniottto, but for whioh be must suffer, deliberately gathered his family together on Tuesday morning and r &lot them ono after the other. This is elle only reason bit, friends and acquaint- !' anus can assign for the amnion Wm. " H. Harver, the man whose bloody work has desolated his Lonny, was a book. „ keeper for J. W. Lyon and The. World - Publishing Componv. He came to Guelph 'Enron .A.SSIZeft. (Continued front latib Week.) Mason v. Johnston—An action to ra• cover damages Waco= of a beeteolt of o warranty ghoul upon the s do or a stile I lion. It resultoe in a verdict for the 1 plaintiff for atit10. Thu partiell totem snit I reside near WroxQIer, noel are iroportero of high Wagged Mato, Genoa., Q,C., for plaintla 1 Wtote for defoutimit. john Wilkm, a young fa(a)et', former. ly a reeidont noar Mitchell, was trial on the charge itt forgery and uttering two notes at, Smith's banking home, 55a- o forth, ou Dee. 27.11. The defunct) sot up I and proved was tot alibi. Some half -a deo= patrons tuotified that the prisoner 0 was away from Seaforth at the time I when Smith said tho notes wow dia. counted. The prisoner was acquitted and discharged. Mn. Lount, Q. Co for at li Crown ; Mr. Matto for prisonor. S. 11. Lloyd, ohargocl with porjnry upon a an indictment fo Ind se the last assizes, r was formally emulated, the Crown off or- 5 ing 00 evidenoo. lo VIELIMSNIWENT. 11 The Jurors for Our Lady the Queen ti bog Wave to present With feelings of t peat and satisfaction we draw your Lord- t ship's etteution to tint very light Grin -Mud w calendar, whioh, from a population of seventy thousand inhabitauts, will, we e feel certain, =moat° most favorably with p any portion of Hor Majesty's Dominions. 0 Our excellent system of education and tat with his family idiot orghteen months ago from Toronto, He $00I1 became a respected citizen and, connecting him - geld with St. Goorge's &lurch, won gen. ' oral esteem and contidenoo. What, there- fore, wog the surp iso when it was learp. ' ed on Monday night Mr. Lyon had hod el two charges of embezzlement, against air, Harvey. The first one 18 for embezzlitig the sum of 6200 in A.pril, 1888, nd the other charge Is for embezzling throe dif. ferent amounts, ranging from 040 to over $100 each, from Octobor last. Warrants • worn iso tort at Monday night upou then chargee end Harvey was emerged. After- wards he proonrecl Dr. tett to go his bail for 2,1)00 to appear on Tueelity. When, however, tho ease was called at thoPolice Court Tuesday Mr. Harvey did not ap• pear and a constable tuna despatched to his tato to bring him. After half an hour the( =tie:able reported that them was nO one et Harvey's hoot. Tele grams Were immediately sent out by the votive to all the important points in Ce, ado, and the border towns in too United Statos noel about half -toast dent Chief Randall and Constable proceeded to Haevey's house on Woolwieh street, opposite the Davao church. It is along, narrow cottage, ro ighcast lookiog build- ing, with two storeys in front and a ono storey addition at the rear, a vorttodah running on two of ifs sides. On entering the foot door tho stairway ascends on one side the narrow hall an4 tho parlor is on i iar atm side. Tn. hall rims into a well -lighted and spaeioue Rittingroom with a bedroom off it behind tho parlor. Behind the sittingroom is a kitchen and a olothesroom in the roar corner. Up- stairs thorn is a front bedroom with clovets and a =nolo of othur bathrooms, The oltief foond the house looked ab both doors, but by raising tho window at the back made his way inside. All Wm silent as tit gram. Hu passel through the kitehoo, dining and sitting room looked into tho parlor, and tlum wont; up. &aim, where the first object on which his oyes rusted in; he tuna= to the feat %yea gr. Ilarvey'a foir-lotirod girl of tweivo cot thirteeet ye ors lying nu the floor of ho front bodiVoIn with low heed e pool of No el by tho 0104.11 door. Tho bloody holo in her hem I at onto told the means by which she had met her death. Tho ohiof raised the tittle one's head from its cramped position and laid it on. a pillow. Turning from this awful Bight he wont through the upper halt and in the back bedroom found the oldest &molter lying beside the bed elm atone dead. Horrified, the &lief went down- stairs and in tho clothes room off the kitchen found Mrs. Harvey stretched at full length with a similar bullet wound. consequent spread of intelligence is, no as a greater or less claim upon the enatorg, who represent the stain he doubt, tho chief factor in bringing about S this gratifying result. We heat elated the pal and Nava h much pleastiro itt beariug witness to tit it officiunt Manner in which tho establish. as moot is oonduotml, its clean and orderly bi condition, eouplod with tho Balaton en. 11 /Orem-tient of all sanitary rulos, refloating is most favorably on the ability of its de trooper. Thoro am ab present tenporgone within its walla, one sudor Bootlace, wlio will shortly bu removed; throo of eta 1/ sound mind, and tho balm= aro indigent di people simply committed its vagrants. in This defootivo (system of providing for wl this unforennitte doss is, as far as wo can r learn, ,he moult of mistaken =Mimeo?, ; id wo timet a bettor foaling will ultimately "1 prevail with regard to their Maintenance, rpi believing family that to take cam of tutu Ito poor is oho of the first duties of all Vitae- w titin oommunieto. sit With en excellont system of oleotrio ort plait now Ina& tit town limits, auto po cot bo no reasonable oxouse for tho (-Bogy tit apposranco of tho court room by night, ar lhoreforo WO Would sag ost that no time An be lost in introducing the benefits of this 110 Medan Alla necessary improvement. do congtatit opening and Mooing of tho principal door at aul main /Intranet; I tit is ft ammo of atmoyanee e'biob is very w( apt to ditto:act tho attention of tho Court, I do 05 ‚0(41 1111 lasing daridedly injurious to tdo appons to hail from, when he =mos are and finds that tho sought for in. nen= is, for several home each flay, carefully shut up, as if it was in a irglar proof bank vault, he bottom ineryod, is peovish, tbOt.bliI, and if relief withhold, lie SWOItrA and does other aporato things. Bx.Atiornoy elenerna. Wityno eagh, of Philadolphio, te in tho o took a Writ manna tho hotels yostor. ty, to visit 0, tow, Moods, After shales g hail& Nyitlt several hundred people to had known him when he watt in rosiclont Carilohl's Cabinet, he rettutrk. to ,t WM10111E111 1711011,000111panind 11111.1 100101 to inn 11110 a rovival of the past. Into aro tho sumo old facet that 1 saw re itt 18st, when Frosidont OarlIcht ,to Mammy/tied, They look Mgt tho inn, and a good many of thutn ottrty Hama and endorsements in their okets that they hoot) had in stook for o last night years, Many of these mon a applionnta for tltree and four thous. ti dollar pogitiono, 1v11011 thoy anuld anti hew% not oarnod a thousand lima a year in any private entorprise," Mrs. ifartison Mtn boon compollod, 0 rush or callers daring tho presont sok, to Abandon hot, determination le vote herself, exoluelvely, to hot' domes. fakirs, and has (omit attornoon ro. Detootive Black, of Toronto, gave tho following story of tit arrest of Mr. Hntvsy was working on rho ease all day. We knew that Harvey had a son, J, W. Harvey, working for C. A. Sandbarn, ongraver, at tho earner of Scott and Colborn) streets. We coped. ed that he would make his way to tho son's boarding house ab 25 Grosvonor stroet, and early in the evening I wept round there. The son had received word of the nonedor and left for Guelph on the 11 o'clock train, bat from the Jandhaly 1 tattoo/1 this message, whioh reval= the house shortly after young Harvey lefle Tho mossa,go, which 18 written in a elope, bold hand, in Whiell no truce of excitement is disoethible, is on a tolegrato form of tho G.N.W. Co. and. roads ; Dom Dove • 1 am in town for the night. Will you coma Clown and sety all night with tuo ? Wolk down the watt skirt at Young Forma and north tido of King and Palmer house, I may coot Yon: .1.0.111ina, up to moot yon. vaos.sranteuesmatemaAmma;Aream.ftrW04.7.1 smith sido of King. Thst is all I hi aboot tho oneto, emorloded Ill tool trunked off without Ow It appoarance of a man who had do= of tho elittroat pietwg of work in police history. In Colivortiation, Bimetal, St irk exprettoed the opinion t Harvey intondod to 1180 the two lar chambers hot revolver at himself sou Wednendav night, and the expres Melt thee his 00» world /day with It se ona lo conartn L110 theory. Howey ifarvoy did no make any attempt violence during the time be was be talcen to tho atation. At the Pah house, to which be referred in his lett Harvey is well knowr, and him tiorl s for soma tint a boarder there, but no ine was seen of him To, slay, alhon it is probable that 115 cams to Toro', before the tneseago catling for hie acre 1 siesis.rie "ray Mr. Gladstone has gene to Seothaa, Serino/1 t10018 promil in Praia( Silesia. are swarming at Wm i ngton. President Hexagon receiver; NO or 7 lettere a clay. eflxicago hoe oigh too bicycle aloha a sixteen club houses. A son of Charlet; Dickens is a nisi statesmen ip Australia. Navigation is open between New Yo and Troy, on the Ffudeon, slovonty new ships of war aro to be a dad to Great Britain's navy. Russia is considering measure loo lag to the strengthening of her navy. Nebraska has passed a bow to bit sleeping and dining cars in that State. This year's sugar crop in the Menthe, Islands will be 125,000 tons -the large un record. A trust to control the orange crop Florida is assuming definite shapo i Ness' Yorlc. The town of Pinsk, bit bee destroyed by fire. Six persons war burned to death. It is said the efforts of the Selma° Army in bit German capital bay oompletely failed. Cholera hoer broken out at Zemboonga, in the Phillipino Islands. Thera hay been 500 deaths so far. Benjamin Moore, a young oolorod man was killed by hailstones in a storm it Hanover county, N.C., on Tuesday. Etteland hos demanded of Moro= 250,000 indemnity for the tilfsSetterti Ana pillage at the Mackenzie factory, at Cap Juby, in 1888. The toed coal production in the thir anthracite district of Pennsylvania fo 1888 eu 8,0:14,493 tons ; total ellipments 8,432,81;7 tont. The Gorman Govornmett has ordered a ma rofectory for steel rifts to bo orect ed at bipandu at it cost of a million and a hall o'nnt3pitks5v.as mach the other day to poison dm family of State Senator Cook, of Wassachusetto. Peas green was pot tho well. Ton Arab immigrant% who arrived in Now York during lase week. tend were detained by the emigration commission. or, wont' shipped book to Europa on Smot'nne.f1DaYe. Tem, in England, i' advocat- ing the sting or Item es a remedy for theismitisill. He declaros that ha hos total with success 173 oaRes and has given in all 30.000 stings. Mrs, Pica., OF New York, who attn. poted in the Nice bo tuLy show, was awarcted tau 'trot prizo. whioh she re, torn= with tho request tilt 11 1,' devot. ed ellaritablo ourposog, 13 10 understo,r1 that tho order given to the Loowo rifle factor, bv the florman 00Vorimion,,anionists; •21.0')9.,Ofid markg, for which sum the foe' ew it o 811pply 4.10,000 repeating rifle, ot tho moven potent. Two girls of Los Angol,s, CM., fought with short swo ds the mise (Welling to iiettle ortarrol. Both to reo RUN] and wero soon drippiit with blood. A. policeman [braved in limo to prevent( fetal results. It is creditably reported that in the sparsoly sottluct oountry around Aitken, Minn., two children woro attacked by wolvoo and devoured, only a few bones and &taloa/ clothing remaining as testi. mony their bete. A.dviecto front Sydney onnonnoe that the At -tandem wheat crap Its fallen short of tho estimated product for the season and that stooks aro being firm. ly held owing to tho probability of the imposition of a proteotivo tariff by the Colonial Government at Mole bonrno. • Tho Legislature of Conneattoub has passed a bill prohibiting tho use of to - 'sumo public places by ooreons under sixteen years. An odd result 01 the low will be that the lines will bo paid by tilos° most interestod in tho gumtree. ston of juvenile emolring, timely, the PITInCwhintt enopentors work elovon hours in summer and 0100 in winter, and masons WOrk half an hour longer. Them is tut Sunday. there, and your Chinaman works work in awl wook one t tho lost of the year gets about ten day4 off, and altogothor ho has lees then ro of holideys. Thu 1.101VdtIr8•I'ltrIler 10011 is again using bloodaboa in Knox and Murky Ky., and Clarborne county, To, o tboosand mon aro under alma and 10110 tamable is fettrod, A dispute tto last week ovor tt, pig, light countorl, lot 71! r'n's)(;ligs Enattalel::', win/airy°. suo' vnetlfirlateolv(g by in the Week bit' mountaineore 111 vicinity of Stinking Crook, levolve les twilit Baelionrvillo, wen) armed to which it is said wtoro than 800 shots 0.3,1%.111:111;e1,11iioni,11)1:,:t:tti,iti9Novriis8011.19ot,ivstaltete, indod. .1 sherilin 110000 Wit5 ROW to Oat tile Coterie tot it wao driven ureic herboutville. It wee then that dtolgo 1 henelott 0 Nose and »1100 for tho Mit ruins. Auother pitched battle ro• ted, tint 1110.Intigo's party got tho boot, 1. he Shalt( 18 81111 in the wapitis after tin outlaws, and before month otitis a ,1o'% novo Bros will attoriileod. Word was roneived Smulay low • night by tho Courior that in it, fight =ay ek, Salt Itaeo Trace Satorday 'TO fIlf.fl were killed Kea tioZou cr,atotted one .1.1;litional holo has gone ont. A fort 15 0111. being erected on 5 fold= Creok by the la Turners. The it/tains of tau threo hati enmities are arra»ging to make a vigor. and sed iin or, itht )tor Quobee Legislature was p. orogu- or, ed F`riday. vas Prof. Goldwin Smith teas =cord= an th• interview with Presidunt Harrison on gh Saturday. to "Clutch" Donohue isilying of =lump- st. tion and hoc been malted front Kingston Penitentiary, A stone weighing 1,000 prom& fell from a now building at Mooted on ..aturday, warmly 11118,411M three piles. eraby. A, young Englishman named Evans was accidentally shot by a ectutpanto Winnipeg Saturday night and will pro- bably dia. A -Montreal petition 3,000 along has been prosented to the Governor-General tit fevor of the disallowance of tho Jesuit Estates A.ot. A young man named Fraser had a narrow weave from drowning while crossing front Sydenham to Serawak, near Presqu Isle, ou Saturday on the to, which gave way. lis was reamed by two Sarawak fanners who hoard his cries. At the convention of the "Third Party" it was determined to establish a weekly Organ to advocate tho principles embodied on the platform whenever 325,- 000 worth of stook is oubscribed. General Council of 100 and an Exeoutive Committee of 25 were chosen, with Rev. Dr. Sutherland as =airman. A. young woman of Dresden, named Emily Steel, aged 17 years, died a short time ago from a pearlier diatom On the Sunday previous to her death she commenced, sneezing, and although noth- ing was thought of it at first, it continued and on Monday a physician was canal in. Nothing could bo done, however. to oho= it, until the following Saturday, when sleep overeamo the malady, in which state she soon became unconscious and died Sunday morning. According to reports received thertgis serious trouble at Fort Niagara arising from dissatisfacittob amoug the troops with the way the officers treat them It is said that there Iowa been frequent desertions, and that on Thnisday leet batch of eight men left in a body for Canada. Thero has boon a riot, it is said, in which three men received beep - not wounds tool one seriously hurt. The soldiers who fled from the fort are at St, Catharines. They say they will send a statement of their griovauees to Gatti Wleigs, Inspector of United Statos Forts, Marshall Barr, a young man omployed as bartender at the Castlernore Hotel, in tho village of Castlehuare, ha. been lodged in geol at Brampton, charged with shooting Oto daughter of Thomas lame, a former, who resides about two miles from Castlemore, in the Gore of Toronto. The shooting occurred on the evening of the 14th inst. Young Barr, with ' some other young peopleitt visiting. ab the Byrnosa Williom Harrison,Ha neighbor, coaled at the house and left his rifle out- side the door. While Boor and Mr. oyrne's son John wore on the Verandah Amnio Byrno wont out to get some woad. Darr, with the purpos • of alarming the young woman, as he allegea, Seized the Ville. It appears that he melcod John if it was loaded, and John replica that ho thonolt it was riot. Proceeding with oie intention to frighten the girl, Barr point - t he weep= at ;tiles Flynt oral cleated that ho would sho it her. She cried ',Don't shoot," and ran around the =mar of the house, Barr following. Witte Byrno bogged 13 ^II tormentor not to point tho gun at her, but ho 0118.80d her Horns distanoo witlt the rifle aimed straight at her and then pulket the trigger. The ball entered the unforenn. ate girl's loft breast, pees= through her long and came out close to tho spinal =loom. Dr, Hamilton was at once sun -Moiled and through his exertions there are hopes of Raving Miss 13yrne's life, but alt is not yet out of da Igor. Barr WAX arrested on Tuesday and taken Moro the Reeve, Walter Watson, and Meson. Ellie and Hart, justices of the peace, and on the evident° of tho injured woman and others he was committed for trine, bail being admiral- The prisoner made s statement, admitting the shoot- ing, but denying any felonious intent as he suppogod the rifle was not loaded. As It was on friendly terms with all the family tho general opinion Inc that, Harr had no idea, of doing any harm, oat t•ampaign aganixt the outlaws when) they will cover be taken. Tho Governor ot Tonnessee will bo asked for a Ngimoll1 of militia. n 00 nd no rk tl- k. x tt 51 of 0 0 d r Roo Continuing his story, Detoutivo 131nolc att said :-.-After I got that message I tole. eat phonotl down to headquarteve, and put. Oa ting myself in the son's platto, stetter( to ser wallc down taxi moot my man. I reach- aro 11 ed tho 00r110r of Xing and Yongo strait, an end thero on tit South= corner, &tend. ea Ng beach tho door or jewohory ear atoro, was I tivevoy smoking a cigar in tho tho roast uneoncernod foaltiou, The mat tni watt apparontly insano, 1111 bookoniAg tho Constable Leonard, Wiln 01101 Ilakusingt to in some with me, we oral:toll, and, passing wet behind him, slipped our arms into his 1101 and bade ltbm como abOlig, ITo shown(' aro tot tho least surpriRe ar rogistance, but to itettly toteompanial 118 fairs. Wittig its Cul lot, to Moil him Along, 1«on filo 1110 cigar in his month att you haw loot all sol ea in:ought hint in. Thom wore but foe c11 1 o»lookers who» we made tho arrost and mo I thought it batter to walk hint %loam tho and 858, the 11140. We 1818" 1410115 iho Ito .Local News Items. Tnu partnorship harobotoro existing between -Messrs. Komig & timbal, pro. prietors of tho Amoncan ()roe. sots, has boon dissolved and tho !mate wilt now be managed by Mn. Kmoig. Mr. Gabel goes; on a loisinoos trip next too= to Dakota. Y. It, 0, A.—ttet Monday ("roiling tho meeting ,it the Y. P. 1.'. A, in connaction with :Reheat church was a dovotiontel ecrvice, the stibloct for consideration being "Repontance." Tho mtoroises wore conduotod by R. Malootn, dit Tlints111, ovening of toot weole thio Assoelition will ;flea ft Wider Social at tim vesidonov of Mrs, Cormack, Elizabeth gamete Pro. ceedo will be appliod citt tho organ fond. Ton Walton ,Wasp,' of Mardi' MA, says of a former Drussolito, Salem Arm., 51 tome :—"Stooking Drog. have &tut down aloha mill for two or Vireo woolcg to en. 1011: 1110 workroon to pot in 8010e 01 the latest improvements known to the walling art. Two new gots of rollers aro being put in and tho whsle bolting system changed to the vary latest, improvements. Tho tircat Western lInnufactoring Co., or Leavenworth, Kansas, have the Job and tho work it boing ouperinteotiod by S. Armstrong, of that eity. When tom. pleted Stooking Bros. will hero ono of the boat mills in the State,"