HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-3-15, Page 8S THE BRUSSELS POST . MEASVE ^;, EAND114-. . - t xra r.; -. > EGETtucura - (a0 I a ix.. ]!illi at Skene's, fico Soinyv in'1lurh. 100 16() 1 1.,:314 1.;=li nl ;1lct eeeltt•1i e. ! 1•(�:.,r (Amor ,and Timothy divA 1„1, r,t� x314 Nilo at 'l l e.lne 011 rig () ?Alf, ,fd.e.:a{ `{' fi' N•�•4- AI.l+ltkl Disuse, of :etagere, is visiting P his mother this week, Fl 0 "„Rs A Za A M. Ktx, of Stratford, was it) town 1 rile a, Saturday and Sillily. Or will Exclililln( for Village or 1 Tics week W. M. buulair was at the Village Queeli e city attending to business. f lrirs-441... I.'n Oi 1'reporty Lll in nets,! It is sittltatnd in the ltaiiwas Belt Of the -C. E. 1C. and i9 a 1'e14 miles south of 1Vliitlo!!•uotl. g All the settlement (ltttiee are done anti the deed ie now iu my posseeSicn. NO e11onnlbranc- el. Appy at ':!nes to G. A. Deadman, IJr'nnvi::t tf Booliwr'ller. Brussels. NO EMM. EDY given 0114E universal satisfaction as the COUGH 1REMEDY nianufactnrerl jn Seaforth, (alle4 1 - LU.fiSQGN & WILSON'S- .-e AgOa o. J NIO /,.ate l - nP 44,44. J�l��, iJ �,RagJ�al eGlyserate� balsam of Flrh e' u N,Me N;u :e,n,°(„n,fi%w:u;uwNNN.ofu N.m ,o fes wonderfnl virtues have created a demand for the Preparation from all parts of the Province. Druggiets sell it. Piece 50 cte. 17-Gme. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 501.:THL••RN nemeses, W. G. ate 0, 0. Trninsleave Bruseels Station, nort and south as follows:- Ge1ngSOntb, Coin.; North. Mail............ 7:02 a.m. 1 Mixed 0:30 0,01 Express 11:45 a.m. I Mail . ....3,00 p.m Mixed 8158 p.m. 1 Express 0.45p.m A. chiefs amang ye talon' notes An' faith he'll prent it. CASH for Eggs. Avast Goon. S1teNE selle-tbe cheapest goods in town. HOUSE and lot for sale. Apply to Jas. Dille. CLOVER and Timothy seed at Ite- Cileken's. Miss Ar.nrn Eames is visiting in Hallett. ei'No. Ernes spent Sunday in Luck - n ow with his brother Richard. DimTRICT I.O.G.T. lodge was held in W essels on Wednesday of this week. Evcim grown person who attends Veal's auction sale will receive a nice present Korth 25c. 8,000 white brick for sale at a bargain. May be seen at the Central Botel, Brus- sefe• T.O'Nicr.. 31. I snow to.day One Thousand Dollars worth of Spring Boots, Shoes and Slip. pore. ADAM Goon. ALL orders for teaming left at J. G. Skene's or A. RC, McKay & Co's store still be promptly attended to. 30. HENDERSON Boos. Se. JomN's Matadi social at the resi- dence of W. E. Mose on Thursday even- ing of this week. Ton roof of the Maitland skating and meeting rink is in bad condition, a cave ih being threatened owing to the weight oLenow 041 it. THE item referringto Richard Williams lacjl.week, was inoorre:t in reference to liirt,yvithdrawal from the carriage making. The firm will still remain Hugh Williams &,Son and they will handle the Fleury Machinery as well. Snow To Srnas.-Last December a cam. m6ipieation froth a certain lady was placed before the Presbytery of Maitland afficting the charaoter of Rev. 0. B. •kwie, L. A. It was then suepeeted that the complaint partook of the nature ora -breach of promise, The Presbytery forthwith appointed a committee cam. prised of three ministers and two elders to .investigate the subject and report. •11ie committee bestowed the utmost care Mgt took toe greatest possible pains in pg forming their duty and last Tuesday uSinimously came to the conclusion ( 1-�t;t) That there was no ground for the otfa,rge of breach of promise ; (2nd) That sup acharge was never made,; (3rd)That the complaint contained in the December coHmunication had been cemplately withdrawn and the complainant express. ell regret at having troubled the Presby- tery at all. Coosequently Rev. A, Suaherlend, convener of committee, re- ported that the Presbytery's committee unanimously find that there is nothing to come before tho Presbytery, and on motion, duly emended and passed, the stihjeot dropped with Dlr. Bowie's con- sent, We should gladly have kept silent en this aubjeot were it not our object to shbw that sometimes it is Letter to be slow to speak.- Com. SoCLti.,- Knox church a0ngregation gave a social for the S:Ibbath School last Taesday evening at the residence of (leo. Crooke, rah cm). T,. nay there was a crowd at it docs not give any idea to a person not present 01 the size of the. company. In addition to the friends from the country there were eight loaded conveyances ;cant front lii'Uasels contain - tug from ten to twenty.11ve persons Gael,. The foll,.v.ine interesting 1nu410111 and literary temente) w,ts Nit in the stands nt W. 1I. iters : fia11, Mise Kate Wilaon : Cane l,nlo Jua :Jones : reading, 14 1', !Capier; qu -tette, 11119000 Hargreaves add Herr and A. Hnrlulhltn and If. L. 7001te011 ; SOW and 11 urns, A. Strachan and colupenv halo, Mile ,Jessie Strachnie treat, Mies Hargreaves and A. Strachan ; menet solo, Ja•.,600(•;: solo, 1\Iize Lido Crooke: quartette, Misses Hargreaves and Herr in:,l A. Str1ohau and I1..14. ',reason; 001,1, Mi;. Jeesin Strachan ; "Ault' .Lang Syne,' 0y the company, lU1 amplo supply of prn0181000 and coffee wan served during the evening and a very Jolly time wee put in, especially by the c00lpany in the parlor. G. A. Dead. man, euporintedait of Knox S.S., return- ed thanks to the portions ns asststinl, 114 the pxograln, the c 'airman and Mr, and Mos tle0oko 610 the use of their nom fort - MAO home. The vory re4peeteble %mount: of 1)24 V(av the 'financial result of tlio social. 1'cra:•n Fends to lour on Farm ` n •ity. Pose Publishing louse. ttil•s 1,11,1.A Wt)DNNOI: W,14 110010 for a weep 014 1t visit from Guelph. 1 Eo. C1pmu111x Was home from Galt over Sunday. lie went bads ,Monday merlli int M1,4 KATE L4rvor,ov has taken a titu:,tl.nl 1113 milliner at Aylmer for this 0005011. LI:ATin:En1LR is going to sell auything in the furniture line et wholesale pride en Saturday, the 16bli inst. Iv you want bargains in furniture go fn Leatherdale's on Saturday 16th, He will sell you goods cit that date at coat. Imeen1uEAns, noteheede, billbends, Envolopee, eSe., in stock at '1'01; Post Publishing House, Printing done neatly, rhenfly and expeditiously. BT actual count there are 75 pitch hales from the Town Hall, Brussels, to the concession 11 miles north of the town, 11 you don't believe it take a drive out there. Tits partuerehip existing between Messrs. Roberts t Jt 0t rson, blackelnithe, has been dissolved by mutual ooesent. The former gentleman to ii1 oeolia41 the business. Timm was no service in St. John's church last Sabbath owing to the indis position of the incumbent, Rev. W. T. Cleft, who was suffering from a severe cold. The Walton service was also with- drawn. HARRY DENNIS, the well known harness maker of Brussels, has sent no less than 13 Bets of harness to Manitoba and the Northwest this winter, with intending settlers, He has also done a big trade in trunks and valises. Mawnoni.-For the benefit of passen- gers to Manitoba a through coach will be attached to train leaving Bruesels at 11:48 a. m. on the following dates :-'larch 12th and 26th, and April 0th and 23rd, to make close connections with through colonist trains at Toronto. For all in- ormation and through tickets apply to Taos. FLwrolaoR, G. T. R. Ticket Agent' Brussels. 33- JosErn WEUSTER and G. Gobel intend taking out soon to Northern Dakota two or three thorough -bred Clydesdale stal- lions, and also a number of brood mares. The people of that section will find it to their interest to patronize these gentle. men, as they are men of sterling char- acter and ability. Few gentlemen have had more experience in handling horses than these ]nen. In trottiug stock Mr. Gabel has had in his possession some of the beat and fastest horses in this section. Tun Pose wishes them success. tl� MA1:300A .AND BOM•H•n•EST.-NotioeOS" A coach for those passengers will be on the 11:45 plain every Tuesday morning. No change in cars to Toronto. Long cars for settlers' effects can be pro- cured on a few days notice. Rates down this Spring to Manitoba, 310 per car. A free pass given through to a man in charge of each car. Gars billed through, passengers ticketed through, baggage checked through. 800 pounds personal baggage allowed to each ticket and 150 pounds for half tickets. J. A. CREIGHTON, Agent Grand Trunk Railway, Brussels, "THE I3ixosTA. DnEAxEn,"-At least 400 people assembled in Melville church last Monday evening to hear a leoture on "John Bunyan, the Immortal Dreamer," by the pastor, Rev. Jno. Rose, B.A., under the auspices of the Y. P. J. A. of that church. The Preeident (A. M. Mc- Kay) occupied the _chair and after de. notional exercises, a few preliminary re- marks from the ohairman and a selection from the choir of the Society, the leotar- er was called upon. For about an hour and a quarter the closest attention was givers to the reverend lecturer as he rapidly, though pleasantly and profitably, sketched the life of one of the most wonderful men who ever lived. The synopsis given in last week's issue of Tim POST MMS eloaely followed and 11 1 great many good lessons were drawn and tbbolesolne advice given in the course of the lecture. The audience wont ex- peoting to Hear something good and they. certainly were not disappointed as this I lectu•e was thoroughly prepared and given in an entertaining manner. A vote of thanks was passed to Rev. Mr. Rose on motion of A. Good and A. Stewart, whielr was appropriately acknowledged. A quartette was given by Misses Taylor and Stewart and A. Stewart mud S. Y. Taylor, after whioh the audience joined in singing "Rock of Ages," and Rev. S. Jones prauonnoed the Benediction. Tho proceeds of the lecture amounted to over 328 and will be applied 011 Allo organ fund. "A TALE 101(1 by (Ln idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." Shakespeare's words are applicable to some adverti9- er911nd their advertising, their words being full of sound and fury mean nothing, and their talk is so rambling and contra- dictory that it is in verity nal idiot's tale -all sound nod Ile :,(11913, all promise and no per• romance, all cry and no Wool. 111 0011/06301 W1111 thele We phaco before you Our owl.' advertising. We prove and demonstrate our facts. We buy cheap bceaaae 3744 bay in gllanbitie*, because we n;ttcli the Mal'ket. It follows that We can 9e11 cheap, if we will, and we will soli cheap. That is our promise, will the perfor- mance equal it ? Will deeds keep pace with our words ? We Have been in business ten years. Ask our easterners l Pack a jury of them rind I(will notchallenge a lean but abide by their de- cision- We appeal to 00181111010 Sense in proof of our unco.1n111on. bargains. A. 11. ,zi)1(1'11. 37r11,n 1'1:1; f„ -tle it. 1113(1 B.lu'u NIA!. Rneday will ie.'.t Patrick's s flay. Mss Lary t h\n'u,' r. le V kiting rulativt. 13171 601114 1s ut \V111g1L•alr Phi 44(111.. 111718. A BAl000.A1',m, Of Seltfer'lh, is 31811111(, ole' friends in town tide week. 1 eseitalln0i.1: sells 140 shoddy goods. All geode are of the boot qualify 14414 will Le sold at cost on Saturday, the 16th, No hangers on to bay goods if they are going tno cheap at Leather,lalo's. 1 osi- (ivriy goods will be sell atowl oft 18111. Tile Vose for the balance of 18130 for 1,011 in adman. Tales advantage of this offer now 31111 toll your neighbor. Geo. (Immo sr. and wife are quite poorly Dile winter. They aro both over NO years of age and were marled over 5U yea a two. Fon SAMs.- A desirable House and Lot, 1 Cow, mud nem Household Furniture, Cheap bargains for cash. Apply 10 30.4 J. If. Youxe. Lear between Brussels and Walton last Sunday a fur driving glovo. Tho finder will greatly oblige by leaving it et Tire Peer Publishing Mouse. Miss Bnowxtow, A. It. Smith'., lnilliu- er, arrived here on 1Veduosday from 1'er- auto to prepare for the Spring millinery opening at the Gulden Beaver. Tuns is the glorLeus season of the year when you weal' agreat coat one day, it 011111 coat the second, a p roue -plaster the third, and it doctor's bill the fourth. Tim ;met'iean hotel had their lire es• cape' put up last week. It is an iron ladder on the north aiuo of the building; We hope it will never have to be put in use. Joos noun and his good lady moved to their new brick residence last week and aro getting quite cosily settled. We wish them many years of happiness in their comfortable home. THE Amberstburg Echo says :-This part of South Essex has not had one day's good sleighing during the winter, while Northern and Eastern Ontario have been and are still blocked with the "beast. tiful." WE have pleasure in stating that Jno. II. Swann, youngest eon of Rev. M. Swann, of Bruseels, had passed his final examination at the Dentel College, stand. ing well in a long list of students. He talks of locating in British Columbia. TUE manufacture of the flax crop of 1888, in connection with the B.ussels flex mill, will be about completed this week. The market is dull. Our flax mill is a tip-top industry affording em- ployment to a large number of /laude. JAMES B. BALLAR'rrNE, who has been away in Winnipeg, for about three years, came home on Friday evening of last week on It brief visit. He left for the. west on Tuesday noon, intending to try hie fortune on the Pacific coast. We wish him success. AT a meeting of the Directors of the Mechanics' Institute, last Friday after- noou, it was decided to purchase 11200 worth of new books for the library. This should prove at. additional inducement for people to invest a dollar and secure a year's reading. Koox Onunon.--The sacrament of the Lord's supper D. V. is to be observed in Knox church on April 7th and on the let Sabbath in Mayo the pulpit is to be oc- cupied by Alfred Day, Provincial Secre- tary of the Sabbath School Association. Possibly Mr. Day,may consent to address other meetings in the neighborhood about that time, should friends correspond with slim early. Tnis is the time when the shoddy pod. dlars get good money for poor cloth. We understand the farmers are being visited in this county, and some of them are paying the usual pride for shoddy and 11vi11 want to kick themselves after a few weeks. Is it fair to buy from men for cash when the merchants have given you six month's or a year's oredit and are still unpaid? 03 Friday evening of next week the debate, mentioned a few weeks ago in THE Poem, will take place in the Wrox- eter Town Hall, on Imperial Federation, between four members of the Wroxeter debating club and a like number from this locality. Our "boys" will likely be Councillor Hislop, Jno. Bain, W. Brydon and Jas. Bowman. They take the nega. tive Side of the question. Mr. Keine, of Gerrie, will be the chairman. 61 I "ALL ABOARD von W1NNirze."-Brus- sels to Winnipeg, 1,407 miles. A through G.P.R. sleeping oar will be on the 11:45 a.m. train next Tuesday, 10th inst., through to Winnipeg (and probably furth- er) without change, Passengers will pieties apply early and I will secure berths for them. J. A. CREIGHTON, Agent G.T.R. Brussels THE gentleman mentioned in the following, item was at one time a rosi. (lent of Brussels being one of the pro. prietors of THE POST for nearly two years :-The 'net issue of the Canadian Poultry Review and Kennel Gazette con. tains a picture of tho rough•aonted St, Bernard dog, owned by W. H. Auld, of Forest. The animal is described ne "ono of the best suns of the late champion Merchant Prince who won twenty first and specials in England and many in America, and at the time of Itis death 1887 was champion still of rough coats. We believe he is the only representative of his illustrious sire in Canada, hence his name, "Canada's Merchant Prince." EBEsi:N'r.3Tr000.-Last Sunday afternoon before the Methodist Sabbath Sulfool closed Albert Gerry, the Soeiotary for several years, was presented with a plush dressing case, containing mirror, brush and comb, and a silver meter spools anis silver baster knife for Mee, t�orry by the 'Vicars nod teachers of the school, rho following address was ret,' by Mise l.rambly : Dfr. Albert Gr0vyh D1101t 1'011.714,--K.nowiug that ,you aro 01)001ly to remove from .Br174se1s w1', 1110 oflieors and teitohcrs of the 1410111odidl Sabbath Scbool, desire to express our kindly intermit and feeling toward' you 140 a 511p11 and oflioo bearer in our school and ask you to nocopt those gifts in the 4.0010 epdrit 111410)0'1 11 wh)0'1 ahoy arm given, '(VG siueor0ly 11050 that yrself, your 056i111ah10 wife and little clout'ghter may [141(1 inmly kind Monde fn your now ]ionto and Lho1 yotu's I.le(y bo zt happy, useful and eucceoeful life, Wo will often think of you and will indulge in the hope of at some time in the future onto more seeing you back as a resident of Brussels, W. It'. Mooney made 6140 presentation. ]lar, leery eepllod briefly, finding tt a dfAicrdt matter to eontr0l his feelings, A few appr0pl1ieto Words wore oddcd by 4. Veer, 11, (3(1in'y and the 4uperintende0 .. M.>1�s•xr� . I11n1-wnuu( SrENEC._ .Ai tle' r,;:.1onea of tho brltlo'0 ftibher, Ethel, on the 1: th inet., by lieu. 1l. 1). McRae, M1 borph A. 11c,msw"rah to Miss Luba 11„ eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Slalom, bout of Ethel, .1O13' ,^..0 = o, TUESDAY, 11.[313 a 1,1.-. _Farm stook and implentenle on lot 5, eon, 17, Croy, Sale r.01nn1enee8 at 1 ('010010, Jae, Toil, prop., G. Kirkby, mac. Moiety, M.11IolI 2501).--leernl stock, implement, furniture, &11., 011 lot 9, con. 12, Grey. Salo at 1 o'clock sharp. Alex. Dolgatly, prop., Geo. Kirkby, aaot. SATIIRn'T, 11133011 30th. --Valuable term in the township of Morris, south half lot 30, con, 1. Sete et the (,neon's hotel, Brussels, at 2 410100k p. in. A, Taylor, prop., A. Bunter, aunt. TUESDAY, 141.011(1 20, -Farm stook and implements, on south half lot 95, con. 6, Morrie, Sale commence:4 at .L o'clock, Wm. Barrie, prop., Geo. Kirkby, aunt. WEDNEdDoN, 111Anon 27... Farm stook and implements on lot 22, con. 8, Grey, Sale conune ccs at I o'clock. Mrs. l'eek- mior, proprietorese, Capt. Stretton, nuc, Metes O1aocu 15.s -imported and Can- adian bred stools, on lot 30, con, 6, Mor- ris. Sale commences at 1 o'olook, sharp. 0. Kirkby mud J. Currie, aunts„ Spew Bros., props. lnrns1AY, MARCH 214TH,--farmstook, Lot 25, eon. 11, Morris. Salo at 1 o'clock p. m. The 150 acre farm belonging to the estate of the live Wm. Mooney will also be offered for sale on above data at same place. II. 1410000y, Prop, George Kirkby, A110. 814 CTSO2ZIMM MA 0 R.TS, CORRECTED cln0eo0L0 EVERY WERE. Fall Wisoob 1 00 1 03 Spring Wheat1 00 Burley 40 Oats 20 Peas ... 55 Butter, tubs and rolls.... 10 Eggs per dozen 13 Flour per barrel 6 00 Potatoes .. 25 Hay per ton. 12 00 Fides per lb 8 Salt per bbl„ retail..... , Sheep ekius, each Wool, per 1b. Pork ,1 03 50 80 56 17 00 00 00 13 00 8e. 1 25 014 60 1 00 18 22 5 50 6 00 40.&30'T40 M_ R: 3EITS CORRECTED C.l 114000 Y 008E0 %EEN. Fall Wheat 1 00 1 08 Spring Wheat 1 00 1 08 Oats 20 30 Peas 55 56 Harley 40 50 Potatoes 25 30 Butter, per lb .16 17 Eggs, per dozen 18 00 Apples, per bushel 80 35 Hogs, dressed 5 60 6 00 Beef 4 50 5 50 Hay 12 00 13 00 Wood, per cord 2 50 4 50 Sheepskins, eaoh 40 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TE,TANTED. A GOOD, GEN. MBS.E. L eral,WAemvoGE.nt, 210 washing. Apply to TTIENDERS WANTED. -SEAL. al tenders ole be received by the un. dm:signed for the erection of a brink rost- deieeanLot 11,800.12, Grey. Tenders to be received up to March 21st. Plans and speoi1cation limey be seen at the factory of MOSers, Smith & Malcolm, Brussels, Separ- ate tenders for the brick and carpenter work required. JNO. McLAUGHLAN, 32.8 Cranbrook, P.O. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, On the corner of Maly and Mechanic streets, in the village of Brussels. This pro- perty is very 800Ven0ently svituatned and. is a byugoaginchdr0a4113 8i0t 091 ht nnegar thmscyool. (food arable and well on the preruieea, also roma young fruit trees and a quantity of small fruit. Apply to the owner ou the premises. 15-tf MBS. TURNBULL, 11Rleeele. Gr1 ORPIE AND SEAFORTI1 STAGE Vf Roves. Stage loaves Corrie about 0:80 0. in., reach- ing Brussels about 8:80 a.m., ann w111 arrive at Seaforth about 11:80 a. m. Returning will leave Seaforth about 3:80 p, m., reaching Brussels about 0:40, in time to connect with trains going north end 0011th, Also make connections with C. P. 1t, at Wroxeter and Gerrie. S. WALSH, Proprietor, FARM TO RENP.-THE UN • devilgoe,l Is desirous of renting the 100-acrefarm, being lot 20, eon, 7, Grey, for a term of. years, The farm is In aood eon- ditioo, good bowie, barn, .be. Adjoins the thriving village of Ethel, where tiler° aro ohurchoe, school, stores, railway, postoffice and 811 eonventenoos, Possession ou April 1st. Por terms and particulars apple to WM. 80ENOE, Ethel, P. 0. 112.11 REAL ESTATE. L1ARMFOR SALE.—TETE SUB. san1Dnn offers his valuable 100 acro farm,beinglot 8, eon. 13, Grey Totvnahip 'Huron Co„ for sale. 'There aro about Od aures cleared and in goon Heart. There ie 0 log house, good hank harm, healing orchard, and all the necessary moven tonnes on the premises. For further particulars, as to rrioo,terres, oto„ apply to the Proprietor, PHOS. HISLOP,Clarel. 0., N. W. T,, or to 3-tf DOGGALD 9TJGt CHAN, Bruseels tAlR1gFOR SALE OrovOIRbR1 eccontaining ng 00 acres, 'Thera 1s 11 fr1111,1, 110000, 110111, hare, 01'011112,1, 410.011 the premises. 40 acres of the land is cleared aid ender Onitivatlen, and 10 fierce of the balance is well timbered, Pim term is conveniently located, being :11 nines from Brussels, I} miles from Cron - brook and 33 miles from Ethel. `e'er further particulars apply, on the promises, to 004 Li WIT. HALL. Cranbr0ok Y.0 MAllcll 15111, 1889. q7$,n T e DRUG AND BOO ._ TO. (Successor to 3 liargraaves & Co.) DIBL] AND 8 ll [ 1 ME D[J(IK 1 TATIO J v' '• &c. PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, &c. CONDITION POWDERS COIiituCTLY COMPO UNDEl) AT PT1:71P E E2.1 - -- /11101OL FARMS FOE, SALE. - N_./ A few splendid, improved forme for sale in the townabip of Grey, Morrie and Malitrlop. Apply t0 A. DI4LGATTY, Co, Attotio neer, mussels P. O. V �' ACRE FARM Fort SALE. it -5 first-elase farm for sato in the Township of Merril iu the County of H nrou being south half of north half lots ea 400 nod south 'half of 20 in 5th con., eeutaiuing 200 acme 1m01•0 or leas, 121 acres mostly Maar of stn nips and iu a good state Of culti- vation. There is young bearing orchard ,a good house laud hank barn 05 x 58 feet with stone stable underneath, 'she farm Is sftu- atod within n mile of the Village of Brussels coed is a good farm for grain or stook rais- ing as itis watered with the river Maitland and never failing spring creel. Possession will be gloom at any time. For further par - Honiara apply ou the premises ur to A.11, ROBERTSON Brussels, P. 0 0.6f ' TALIJABLE FAB,M FOR SALE being the south half of lot number 80 1n the 4111 oouoeesion of the toweehlp of Morris, known as the homestead of Archi- bald Taylor, containing ninety-nine amen. Ninety aorea are cleared, the balance wood- ed with timber. Excellent build. Rigs, large orchard of oboiee trees, soil in good condition and is situated one and a quarter miles north of the Village of Brue. sole, on the main gravel road This ie one of the finest homestead farms in the County of Huron and will be ;old at a bargain and on terms to suit purchaser, For further particulars apply to rho Proprietor. A. M. TAYLOR, Manning Arcade, Toronto, or to ARCHIBALD TAYLOR, Sit., on the prem- ises. tf- COQD FAEM FOR SALE IN Yil Morris, on reasonable tonne. In order to olosetbo affairs of the estate of the late W. G. Hfngatou, the executors offer the fol- lowing valuable lands for sale North half of Lot 00, Concession !Township et Morrie,00ntaining 00 acres. On this lot is created a good frame bare with atone foun- dation, good orchard, well and pnmp . Near- ly all cleared, and Is on the grave road nlosoly adjoining the village of Brussels. Thio farm 1s a valuable one, is well fenced and in a good state of oultivatton. For prier's and terms apply to THOS. KELLY, Brussels P. 0., HENRY ,(ENNINGS, Victoria Square P. 0„ or JAUE0 5NITn, ,Dlaplo Lodge 1'. 0„ Mtddleeox County, FARM FOR SALE, The 1xooutors of the estate of the late WILLIAIIMOONEY,k:egnrne, d0ceaend, now offer the following valuable lands for sale, via.: -Tho north half of lot 27, and the west half of the north half of lot 28, both in the Ot, concession of the Township of Morrie. County of Huron, containing 100 acres. About 110 soros are eleered and in good condition, the greater part being in grass. The balance is well timbered, chiefly with beech and maple. This farm is favorably situated within one mild of the village of Brussels, which affords au excellent market. Thera is upon the premleao a good frame barn and house an orchard of choice fruit treed, a never failing spring, also a good well and pump. and good lenses. This property will be sold in ons or two parcels, to shit intending purchasers Purchaser will be allowed to enter mid have mea of house on premises ut any time after harvest and to do fall plowing. Full posses- eton will be given at 151 November next, For terms and further particulars apply to the uodorsigoed Executors, or to JOHN 1000NEr, EOQ., Brussels, Ont. George Cardiff. l Exeuumons Dickson at Nuys. Dated at Bruseels, June 18th, 1898. 50 !I ti ORTGAGE SALE --OP VAL0A13LE— FARM PROPERTY —IN 1 tiE— _TOWNSHIP OF GREY,, County of Huron. Under and by virtue of power's of sale 0011- taiuod m a certain mortgage made by John Harbottle, 3hio111 will be produced at the sale, there will be offered. for sale oy Public Auction, at the A101t1OAN Ho2111„ in the town of Brussols, on 17101DAF, the Mind Day of M,UWQ, 188(0, at one o'eloo11 p, m., the following valuable Property : Lots Nos. 32 and 118 in the 10th conceseidn, and lot 82 in the 1.1111 0000ession in the township of (fray, County of Herron, eentaiuing 300 acre more or less, of which about 100 cores are ole' rod, the greater part of the aleared'land bong free from stumps. There aro on the property a frame house 0 10811ouse,agood franle barn 45x80, stables unclerneath,and other out -buildings all in fair rep air. 111ero is also a good orchard of about 100knee. The farm ie distant about 10 miles from Brussels and live from lithe', both good 111arkels. Isnot sold on bion, the property will be offer°din separate paroola TERNS Ole RALE - 00e -tents, of the pmella00 money on day flume, and balaned within 30 days (81,500 may mangle on 'mortgage at 03 per eon t.t For further partluuhare apply to A. HUNT1blt, P. 8.SC011', 81-BRUAei:r,4, .tl,l•'tlex/:11n, liiti'000L4.. '0l, , DENTAL OAAIf(INfG. 17��pp,I�''cINTOSFt ,C tllo'CAGGART, .3. BANKERS •,- BI1CSS,.LS Transact t4 General I ankI11,[/ Business, 701'119 DISCOUNTED. comedian find United :3 totes 1raf64 bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. Qolleetions made ou favorable lerO!R. Oanadtan Agents-,12ERolANT'8 BANE or, CANADA. Now York Agents-Immure/is AND TmD- ERC NA'rtoNAL (CANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. W• AI SINCLAIR, SOLICIT- • or, Conveyancer, Notary Public, 1o, Of loo : Graham's B1ock,1 door north of Hargroavoa Drug 8 tore. Private Puede to Loam E E WADE. BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Notary Public. Con- veyancing. 00110,1)0ns and Loaning. Mr, Wade rill attend to Gerrie every Wednes- day at two o'Olnch, DICKSON & HAYS, (Late with Carrow Jc Prondfeot, Godo - rich) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, he. Oflloe, Grant's Block, "trussing. Money to loan. B. 8, RAYS. W, B. DICKSON. M. TAYLOR, B. O. L., BAR- • Dickson Sr 111o0ullongb, tBa risters, Soltoators, d:a„ Manning Arcade, Piing Street Woes, Toronto. Money to loan. ALEX. HUNTER, CLERK OF the Fourth Division 050!1, Co. Huron Conveyancer, Notary publio, Laud, Loan andInsurance Agent, Pundit invested and to loan. Oo.leotiona made. Oliioe 144 Gra- ham's Block 'Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. GFORGE KIRKBY, LICEN• sun Auctioneer. Sales conducted 044 reae0nable terms, farms and farm stook a specialty. Orders left at THE PORT Publish- ing House, Braseels, or sent to Walton post office will receive, prompt attention: .ARAYIIANN, AUCTIONEER, .s is always ready to attend salon of farms, farm stock, dm. Terms cheerfully given. Oraobrook P,O. Wee may be ar- ranged at TaE PosT Publish tug Eoueo Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. H. OORAOKEN, ISSUER 77 M • of marriage Licenses. 0111oo at hie Grooery,Turnbe•ry Street. VrISS O'CONNOR, TEACHER of Piano and Organ. Terms on anvil - nation. N.B.—Walton class meets overy Tlmrnda and Friday at Mrs. D, Campbell's, Walton. A ISS HARGREAVES DESIRES to r000ive pupils for instruc- tion on the PIANO and ORGAN, 8 years Expertonee, Residence -with Mrs. Har- greaves, over HA1RGIRE,167tS 8)1IIItf STORE. Oos-lyr N. BARRETT, TONSORIAL • Artist, 0110nP, next door 0011th of A. M. McKay A Cos, hardware store. Ladies' and children's hair cutting a 0pootnity, A eholee stock of clgare Rept, A- MONAIR, ISSUER OF MAR• rhino Licenses, by appointment of Lieut,.e,+overnor, Commissioner, Cenvoyaaoer and Agent Vire ineutauoe Co. Offi00 at the Cranbroekpont ()Moo, .j W. O'131IJEN, V. S., HONOR g. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, i0 prepared to treat e11 rllspo.ses of domostieatett animate on scientl01 and tin - proved principles. Oeste --Two doors north of bridge, Turnberr'y street. j M. RODPIOK, HOUSE, SIGN and Ornamental fainter, Graining, Gilding, Sign fold Decorative Painting in all its branches. Shop 101inr15 dole up in style. Paper Flanging a epoeialty. Shop ole door Routh of J.Iluyere' Carriage Works. - . T RESSIIAICING._.__.- s..r The undersigned deg(rent> r ilunding ate to the ladies o0 is prepared mud surrounding ell orders i t u is propnro , to 1isf et to ell 'adorn intrusted .0 her, Sdoor n rtli of Walan ter 137, Bh,,o'o1 •.'war one door north of Walter Ja04Rou's hnrdwnre 0414!13,M8 SAMPLE. 2sRT CUNNINQA .� AR1. RIBD, SALE, BEING LOTGt ° 114, Se, 0011,0, Ole', oonttihlieg 100 nerds. • tiorrail`airr$,wle.11ie,'gi'. Igen0A.1'DE. 15 scree are Gr alenla under arise, and the i halftime timbered. Abtmt 714 owes of dry (1, 7.. 111111,T,111111,T,1), S., RotorRotora911ato and FIRS AND MARINE.land and 0110 balance 001 0l' and Marls 11011 ( 21,.11, (1. 1), 8.'Poroi,Gl. Vitalized Air given many. There is a 13,14 11on0o 011 the 10,if, Movies, D. D. S„ Aeslutmnt (lperatnr GUELPH• to emtsoa. Will be sold on very rettgo11nb1,1 I Orille1:-hie0ori Bloei,, 983101111, tsrine as proprietor d0e0 not Yoquh•,, the , Int. For Hither nartic de s aptly t 1 i ar o 00110, 3r r APC1IAIN Ura"brook 11'.Or 21.1 ALTIF, lil'N'r1,22, Bressela, -14IAn1161 1NOnto$AL , Tlen lE: U 6h east quarter of let 2s, C011l0101011 0, 5101'1.)0, 00nnty of llmron,containtng 50 acres. The laud la Of first quality and in n high state of onitiyntiap. tams tmno0d aid hadm••rlrnined, :5 nerds cleared, New frame holso, (41'nMine, 141111( house With (ecerote WOO, 2 wells, gond barns and Oiled orehatd, etc. 35)gbt acme 01 tall wheat, 1)11s desirable property adioinethe ,Orporati0n of 10,050010, 9811 - able toms will be riven Citeporfeet, ,i A \U$8 010 EVE, Owner, 80- 101[14111 1', 0.'.1.30e47.1. • MEDICAL CARDS. tC 3.7001,1,. D S. (tro,lunt(' of'2'0• ven2e9011001Of Dentistry, A11 over. i atioa0 0113131, tend, OMe0-Oltey'0 Moult, 80110611. Alt00),,) teeth, 0retg1111103', Rue goals: tithed et,for 312.00porset, I31t'iP rl('IM`V. 3:), Doe m(}radunt.o of the Beyei 0011.Fe,of Deeta1 Snrgoone, 1'uronto, Serene (Sxtnit OA( adm111104are.l for tbo pahlh(en oxtrao- tlon of teeth. 01141)1( h,•.: One Deer Neelh 4,4 fru: 11:!119. CALL, 1I. D., 0.M. MombcrOfthe College of PhysIelar,s and Bm'goo1O of4ntnaf0hy 0xumient100. I lMioo andBes1t10n0--M:ain 81. Rest, Ltlle Outatio. • _ A. Il NAUG21TON, 2 . r.I L. b „ I1,B, 011V Td 11,144 lt, M. (l, P. i 1? 0141.. At Iia1111000a' Drng Bp, n fro n O to 11:30 a,m. and from 1;140 0 to. 4 lf, 141, 1 otilor hem ntnyl>e fob.Url nt 111. roaidounu 11foryyneriitn'Olyot 'uarsugtmd nUg by Dr. IYllinsnn [11] { d it 33 It 01 1'1 t1, tin et• ae pc to in th ref m, 1I4 vet wit dr, eie 118 cht ih t•s(r our fin :t! t .1'1.. lh" 101.1 to i ',nl Rl„ out tlfv Mrs: to l: bo: h•i1, pko twit Dia 311!( It t said dui 1107 ba';. 11::14 t tr1 hue 20 ll' u,•.;t oar, 16(111 tG a( 'Chit real, D080 51 atio lone• In mon ary stein II wool 1331 40sj. by britt to 11 Bob wed, ham life of Pi' E. 6o b trite bad r01) pall and Cho Iiar. men Don Shit soh litre 6110 and eel) 31,es 11114, Mei recd litre dont read nuns (0w: fault i♦lisn Jas. over )1'og, dial ono r 1501